"The Aggie" by Chris Messineo 293 Charnwood Road New Providence, NJ 07974 CMessineo@OffStageFilms.com (908) 508-1942 FIRST DRAFT “THE AGGIE” FADE IN: INT. ATTIC - DAY The attic is dusty and barren. A shaft of sunlight from a lone window illuminates a corner. Sitting in the light is nine year old TOMMY TAYLOR. He sits Indian style and stares at the floor. A marble, a metallic blue aggie, lies in front of him. A door in the floor opens and TOMMY’S MOM pokes her head through. TOMMY’S MOM Tommy, are you up here? Tommy doesn’t move. TOMMY’S MOM (cont’d) Tommy, stop that. Can you hear me? I said stop that already. I’ve had enough of this. Tommy! Tommy turns. TOMMY What? TOMMY’S MOM It’s a beautiful day, go play outside. TOMMY I don’t want to. TOMMY’S MOM Tough. CUT TO: EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - DAY It is a beautiful spring day. Kids can be heard playing in the distance and a family strolls by walking their dog. Tommy sits on his front step, his back against the screen door. In his motionless hand, he holds the aggie. He seems transfixed by it. 2. Tommy’s Mom comes to the door. TOMMY’S MOM What are you doing? Tommy doesn’t move. TOMMY Playing outside. TOMMY’S MOM You’re not going to meet anybody sitting on our door step. TOMMY I don’t want to meet anybody. TOMMY’S MOM Get up. Tommy doesn’t. back. His mom opens the door pushing him in the TOMMY’S MOM (cont’d) Get up. Tommy rises begrudgingly. TOMMY’S MOM (cont’d) Now go. I don’t want to see you in the house, on the stoop, or in our yard all afternoon. Tommy, head hung low, slowly walks away. CUT TO: EXT. LIVING ROOM WINDOW - DAY Tommy’s Mom looks disapprovingly out through the window. Tommy is at the edge of the yard, lying down on the sidewalk, and staring at his marble. CUT TO: EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY Tommy is still on the sidewalk. Six inches in front of his face is the marble. It sparkles in the sunlight. Two bare feet step onto the sidewalk. 3. SARAH (9) hovers over Tommy. SARAH What are you doing? Tommy is oblivious. SARAH (cont’d) Are you playing marbles? TOMMY (without moving) No. Sarah kneels down, trying to see what Tommy sees. SARAH Is that your marble? TOMMY It’s an aggie. SARAH What are you doing with it? TOMMY Trying to move it. SARAH With what? TOMMY My mind. Sarah thinks about this. SARAH Can I try, too? TOMMY It’s a free country. Sarah lies down across from Tommy and mirrors his stare. CUT TO: 4. EXT. LIVING ROOM WINDOW - DAY Tommy’s Mom looks out through the window. She sees her son and a girl lying on the sidewalk together on a perfect spring day. She smiles. CUT TO: EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY The kids have not moved and neither has the Aggie which is positively brilliant in the sunlight. They both stare at the marble intensely. SARAH I think it moved. TOMMY Nope. SARAH How do you know? TOMMY Because it never moves. SARAH’S MOM (O.S.) Sarah! Sarah perks up. SARAH That’s my Mom. I have to go have dinner. Sarah stands up. SARAH (cont’d) Will I see you tomorrow? TOMMY It’s a free country. CUT TO: INT. DINING ROOM - DAY Tommy and his PARENTS are eating dinner. Tommy just pokes at his food, swirling peas into mashed potatoes. 5. TOMMY’S MOM Tommy made a friend today. TOMMY’S DAD Really? TOMMY She’s not a friend. stupid girl. She’s just a Tommy’s parents exchange smiles. Tommy reaches into his pocket and pulls out the marble. carefully places it on the dining room table. He TOMMY’S DAD What are you doing? TOMMY’S MOM Tommy, what have we said about toys at the dinner table? TOMMY’S DAD Put that away. Tommy ignores him. TOMMY’S DAD (cont’d) If you don’t put it away, I’m going to take it away. Tommy’s Dad reaches for the marble, but Tommy is faster and slaps his hand down on the marble before his dad can get it. TOMMY’S DAD (cont’d) Give me the marble. Tommy’s Dad grabs his son’s hand and attempts to pry it open. TOMMY’S DAD (cont’d) Give it to me! The struggle intensifies and Tommy’s Mom looks worried. TOMMY’S MOM Tommy, stop this! It is a mortal battle now and as they struggle their hands slam into Tommy’s drink spilling milk across the table. Tommy’s Mom rises and dabs at the milk with her napkin. Finally Tommy’s hand is ripped open. 6. Tommy’s Dad grabs the marble and slams it down at the far end of the table. TOMMY’S DAD You are in big trouble, Mister. Tommy’s eyes lock on to the marble. TOMMY’S DAD (cont’d) You are going to clean this mess up, finish your dinner, and then go straight to bed. No dessert. Tommy’s mom sits back down. TOMMY’S MOM I don’t know what to do with him. He’s obsessed. TOMMY’S DAD He’ll be fine. You’re just too soft with him. TOMMY’S MOM What? Almost imperceptibly, the marble begins to move. TOMMY’S DAD He just needs more discipline. Slowly it picks up speed, rolling across the table and through the milk spill. Tommy’s parents don’t notice a thing. TOMMY’S MOM Why is that always the answer with you? TOMMY’S DAD Why is that never the answer with you? The Aggie rolls off the table, plummets downward, and SMACKS the floor. Tommy’s parents hear it, stop arguing, and turn to look at the marble. It is frozen and all is silent. They turn and look at Tommy. 7. His concentration breaks and he smiles for the first time all day. FADE OUT.