How Sercomm saved my Easter! Another backdoor in my router: when Christmas is NOT enough! Released 18/04/2014 By Eloi Vanderbeken - Synacktiv I don't know about you, but I love Easter!  And with Sercomm, it's Easter every day! 2 / 18 Remember the TCP/32764 router backdoor?  Introduced by Sercomm  Gives root shell, no authentication  Dump entire configuration  4 affected manufacturers (Cisco, Linksys, NetGear, Diamond)  24 router models confirmed vulnerable  6000 vulnerable routers on the Internet  (more info: ) 3 / 18 It was patched! 4 / 18 No, it can't be a *feature*! It was a simple mistake... wasn't it? 5 / 18 Let's have a look!  'binwalk -e' to extract the file system  scfgmgr (the backdoor binary) is still present...  But it's now started with a new -l option 6 / 18 What's this -l option?  scfgmgr now listens on a Unix domain socket :'( 7 / 18 Wait... what?  There is an alternate option: -f that makes scfgmgr listen on TCP 8 / 18 Let's see if it's used... 9 / 18 What's this 'ft_tool'?  Opens a raw socket  Waits for packets  – with ethertype = 0x8888 – coming from the Ethernet card or broadcasted (check of the destination MAC address) Packet format 10 / 18 If payload == md5(''DGN1000'')... 11 / 18 And if packet type == 0x201... system(''scfgmgr -f &'')!!! 12 / 18 So you can reactivate the backdoor again...  If you're on the LAN  Or if you're an Internet provider (if you're one-hop away, you can craft Ethernet headers)  It's DELIBERATE  You can also use the 0x200 packet type to ping the router (it will respond with its MAC address) and 0x202 to change its LAN IP address 13 / 18 I don't always patch backdoors... 14 / 18 Because a root shell is not enough...  You can now (among other things) make the router LEDs flash with the 33, 34 and 35th message :) 15 / 18 But where does it come from?  The 0x8888 ethertype and packet structure is used in an old Sercomm update tool: lazy guys, they didn't even code their new backdoor from scratch ;)  It may be present in other hardware but hard to tell: – – No easy way to scan – MD5 signature will certainly be different as it's based on the router commercial name 16 / 18 How to detect it?  For DGN1000, simply use the PoC from your LAN  For other routers, the simplest way is to: – Use 'binwalk -e' to extract the file system – Search for 'ft_tool' or grep -r 'scfgmgr -f' – Use IDA to confirm 17 / 18 We hope you enjoyed this presentation :)  PoC is available here: