THIS E T.B..¬. BOGKZLET UNTIL mu ARE 30 : IB«FRFmM»-BIUB awwwza Serial n. Test Bmrieziet Seris TEST BOOKLET CIVIL F? I} ENGENEIZRINLG PA?ER--II A»A Han:-SLH INSTRUCTIQNS ¥fMMETB£ATELs AVFTERTHEE; C{}M.MENCEMENTEXP THE E){AMIE%iATE¬JN$ YCR} SLi»i%C)UL;I) (ILHECK {i~l.4xI THIS TEST BCJOKLET NQT HAVE ANY UNLPRI?~é'EE,LB QR. TURN (JR MEESFHG PAGES{JR FEMS, ETC:E SIT}, QE"?1? REPLACEDEVA CGNIPLETE"I*El5i'T BDQEZLET. PLEALSE WZJTE TH'.A'I IT IS THE CANDlDAT¥;.*S RESFDNEIBELFEY T0 ERCQVBE ANB FELL IN THE ROLL NEMEER AND TEST BBOKLET SERIES GQDE A, R, C GR CAREFUL LY AMI?)WWTHVGUT QMISSIQN DR I1£S»CiPAN(if!:ATTHE APP'E(¥1RIAFE PLACZES THE (LIME ANSWER SHEET. ANY QMISSIBN f DIECREPAN £31WILL RENDER THE ANSWER SHEET Li.AB.LE FTJR ICJN. ._ . . H HV4 _ fms haw: Ea enter gm}: Ra lumbetr an the Test ~ Ewéuzlarzt in 31:ora:pmvided ainaigiii. Bvfwrite anything Him as: the "Tea V B-zmklet. ThisTm? Bmisziist wniaing itemquesstinnav). Eacah Ewm r.:c:rmprism fourrespnnscs {an31~'cr:§ Yamwi seléctthe raspanswxichyamwant In mark on the Answer Shear.In case,yau fee§that themis m.c+r::~ thancanemrrarztriiipiln,markthe respnnscwlch gmuzintmsider the best, In any ztase,ch-tscase EINLY ii raspunsafar each item. You have:to markyour respnnses ONLY an the saparatfe AnswerShae!praV'Edc4i SeecfLErr.%::tV§v:ms in the VAn§wVerSizeet." ME Steinszany equairnarksg Befomgym:proceedin math:in the srzswerSheet{ha respanseta Lvarizzug Hamsin ihe TestBuokiet, yuu haveto ll in samepaz'£icuiaLrs in the:AnswerSheetas per instructionsseatin manwith gmur 19. Aémiasiun Ciziificate, After }eauL fmve czcrmpietefilling in 35! gm respcrnscsm1t.l':-2 AnswrerShae:and the ms:amin.aIi0:n hasccmciudad,yau shauidhand9%: 129 the Envigiiatnraniy the Answer are: permittedIn take away with you the Test Sunkist. Shéi £m*nimgh wars: are appenéed 5:2the Test Bmklet at the and. Fenaity Etna wmng answers ; THERE WILL TEEPENALZEYFQR WRGNG ANSEE-E«RS FNIARPCED BY A £:A§~EDm$TI;; {i} There am fmgtraiwmaiives fur the answa;in every qi.t?i*1'Eif}I"§, Fur each questiazxn for which a wrung answr has bmn given by the candidaie,oneethird of the niarf-isasgncd if! that qimstian WEE! be tiednctedas pegaaliga L {ii} £1? a candidateggivess mam anmwer,it wiii be:traatedaswmng aimwer Wm if cm»:of the givenarzswesrg happensin becurrentam therewéii be samegenai1;}r asaiaazwé tn thm questing. (iii) If a quegtivanis. iaft Wank? 5% no anawar is giwsn E3:the aandiéategiwra wi ha rm péuaity far that questinn. The~!ahsnlut«e presattreat" Xmcompmnaartt f wlnsdtitty in 3. twa- In ha-':1t:?:W tih Clear water surface: is mea3'u1=ed by 13; +$ 255* 4?éxy; If 1155*? Y3-Cnmpntmt Elf as 123».'it}3 k:tN;;mt3. If the attnttesphseric pressureis talmn dtimcnsianai ifncrampressibie aw is given w:lactityV is taro at y WG,the ssxgaression 10L3?.5 kN4"m*, the fer "E"-cnmpot-mt erfE-¬:il,Z}Ciijf is gtitmnby : gaugepmssumin kfml at this patintwmtl {at} v m 33 + rm he : (13)V E 3}»?~+~ ffgsz) {£1} 113.514 (*3) V E -*3? *4fit) (1:3) Q24.3?E (d)- t (c) 41%} {xi} S;6.?5? flurtsider th flinwing Flow tneastirementswith atPrancitl-Ptitazzt (at) Unitfmrnt irmttatismal (33) Utfnrm rutatitrnal can he derivad. fmm Naviertnices cquanst. only atzross th: flewwh:iIe111% side-«npening aw. The type at aw is : refers to: energy balance. ,§-3 3. tievetlaps111:0Bt*£1t}iuHi"'s equ/;sn under appmpriateccmditions, 4. i3 appitiaabie tn mtaticmaiaswell as irrotatianai ('11:) NGI§~i.IIlif£31i iirrattatiahai {ad} Nm;t~u,nif::m*n tmatimzal sitatemsnts tBufersmquationof rzmttinn L tube shmwadthat the tip reaéringsvatizad readingsvaried manlyin the diretstianBf M333+ fix} aws. Whicthtof them statemtnis art: ccsrrectZ? (fa) .1,2, 3 an 4 An aspen cylindtricaitan!-z E5cm:diameter {5} I and2 mil}: and 1.5 m high ¬;3f)II.'i&.iS water uptt (2) 1 and 3 ant}; 1.2m depth.If thect3ati.nét~*:r is mtatcdahnut {id} 3 and 4 ezmly its vcrticai axis, what is the maximum anguiar vciucity (in radiansper sccnnd} thatt can be attaizted without 3*p:illin,gany waiter ? {at} 155 (b) 3133 (C) R15 (ad) 10.62 In 1 in mnéel af atspikiwiay,dischtargeh is 3 mtsect Find the mrrasspunding dischargein the pmwtypein mjfsea. {a} 1.961 (13) tsw fa} 531333 (at) 375cm N+~.:.~ (Ccmtd.) ?+ For accurate tihw mwaurement in n»penL 31.. A Wall shear stress of 4:3 Pa exists in a, laminar ew in 3; 12 cm diamtcr pip. sihanneis,an *an*angaemem far aczratinn under the naprpeis n$(:essarj..»* wlwn the weir use At a siistauce {)5 2 cm fram. Elmwan, what wiii as : the shear mess Z (551)22.2 Pa {a) CB;nt:rL.ied rectangular ijh) Suppresseci? res::tnaragu¥ar {C} Submerged coniractd 1E£:i3I1?g{l.1§E1,l (Ea) 24$} Pa (C) 263? Pa {d} 28.9 Pa (<1) Tr_§.ar1guLlLar 12. A1 a distanca uf 28 +2-:mV fmm .13 1309it expariencas a resistancetrgf" the axis af 0,19 N Wh.¬:l1 mulating 3 speedof 5 nttfs 3 whirlpmzrlin an ideal Iiquid, theVve10(3;ity of Elmpmtmype. Wateristheuéd inbgth is 15 Lmfs.At a radius 9f 5%{;:m,-whatwilil be the deprszssiancrf the free urface mat the [liquid belctswthat at 3 very large c:§istan:.::s°: E{Take Hg 5 fllifil lm) tha cases.Neglecting frictiazmalffima, corfespc3Ln,dirsg rssistance in the proimqypcz is : (13) 0.612 tn; mi 19km? (<2) 0.3%} tn () ({1} 2.224 in 13. Thar:averagadrag,coeicéient far a iaminar 1 RN The performancesf E1 hydmuiic structure during 3 fined has beeninvestigatedin a law f similarity.A omi vvaveTpassing Ihraugh ~£}btai;'i*$d as (MILE; if alt crsthérfactnrs me: mama} in 2 hrs. ccarrespvands; it} a prmntype periad nf : (aft 5%hr (bin ms hr (c) 10 hr remainunchanged,and £113 piate is increased by 4 times its original vaiuez, this averagedrag coefficient wcmld?change HI! '; (2.) f}.¬P{}3=6 (d) 0.4 hr {ii} (}..5«fi (E). G.{}3 14; A 1 : 25 model 0f a naval Ship is {awed M a Veincvityuf E.2 mfg ta etmfmim:éah {d} 0.039 urfih twat compnnts {if the: natal drag that IH33? be e:-zpricmzed by Ilia pmtmype. A jet ef mi! of relative «ensity {IE and of ma 0.62 ml iamzsat 10 ms. If it sirikes The wave~makin.gdrag cf the made! is <;iu.I.§; estimatnzd 10hr:0.733"-' kgf; V¬9v"hat wuuid be the wavetnakingdragan the pmiutype: normally an a tatianary plate, the farm: " (3) 1936 N shigii? {:1} 1259 a:.g1** {5} 15666 1*»? {be} 1375kgf (Ac) 150$}N M} ' H15 mc)d£\:1based on Fraud: bnundary layer avert a £13.:plate wars exerted cm the plata is : L (21) Ei} RM (13) l V!-1NN {a} 0.438 m 11}. A made! ngf a boat i3 built in 3, scaia eirf {is} 37.350 kg? (xi) 4625 kgf i953! TVS 3...; n (Contd E5. A vary small Spherical parsislt{If Siid 13. seities in a cniumn of vismus liquid. If the Rcyneldsnumbermrrespa-ridingto its tarminai velocity is 13.25,,the drag Tim Bem:3u.lli"sIaquatianis appiiaable ti) : (a) BcathLsteadyand unsteady aws {E3} Read"kli me'1::iem: cf the sand Vpartmleis : ((1) All uVid5andaws. alcmga :St$¬$:liiI} {3} 256 tube: {B} 123 {:1} Steady aw of ieai uids aisng a ({3} 96 s3;r42a1nV tuba {~21}64 1 9, 16. AV¬u1*bine d-:vel0ps 7060kw pawerunder a hcadof 25 111 3:5: 145 rpm. I:-3j«EiuIt:the: to be stuied by ex1 : 105 scale mudel in specificspeenfturbine andstats:the type: Ehci: nwdel is :L Gf Vtuthimtr. (a) £15121315 Ca) 435:. Palmn {ta} IE} In-ls (b) :17, Francis tic) 1 mfs (:2) 217, Pelton {ii} (d) 485, Francis .11. A rivar wimse:dimthargeis 135cmnecsi5 a Iahuratcry. The éischarge requirad in 2f) . 5 Irfs A r::s::tangu.lar channel carriesa uniform When small sphere faiis freely in Stakes aw with a Fraud: range thraugh a water cmumn, which nf ratio nf critical depthin nnnm} degpth cf the folluowing statements are correct ? this ow 1. {ii} 3.63 gavitaiunai forces act on the sphere. {E} 2.33 There is no turbulence pnssibie in {G} the wake nf this faliing sphere. (ii) 4..?§ 2; Visczaaily, surface tensictstfzand? 3; Dragcoeicient, Cd3 R324,whcrc EL R is Reyrmid number. 4. number Qf 2.33; The is : At {hesame meanveimzity of aw; the Iatiijs f heads1335par unit itziigth far a Prm-LimityMthe bounr§a1'y*mVod5era1es ewar pipe running full to: that for the the drag and Iift c:::x:icLieuts sama pipe aming haf-fuii is : {3} I and 2 (3) 211 {E} E and 3 (13) L5? (£12)3 and 4 (E) 1.0 (d) 2 and 4 id) £16? Na» (CmIi;} 2?...Whichfth:folawingeq11atim:1sare1Ise:;i 225.The $055{If headin a pipe:czatrng at the dcrivatim1 of the differ-sntiai turbulent ow varies : equatium farwatersurl%i::Le prnfibe in an (a) I1_11geff$e]}ra:=',:t}1 square r:;f'1;he ver1:.:mity sapen arihzznnei Qfaw 1» Cmitinuity aquatien (12)Invrscly as; thesquare Qfihe diaaneter 3. Energyequating of pipe 3.; Mxzrmossntum equatiun (c) DVi1-mzzily asthesquare Qfthvelncity (3) LE,2 and 3 of flaw {13} Ema 3 3313; L {C} 2 and 3 uni}; i {d} Directlyas the velocziq-* uf aw 26;, Consider the folluwing statzémenxs (d)1and 2Ghf regarding iaminar uwthrmigh acircular 23?.When :E;Enw is criticai thmugh open WW2 channc}s,Lwhich fth folinwing stmrzments 1* Thefricmlnfag?£5mgat am ggrgem; *3 2* Th: ;fri.ctim'1 factiurdcpmnds upmnthe 1. Thespas:-..ific: energyis minimumfar pi§erm1gh¢551 atgivendischarge. 3. The fr+i-zunf'a£:tDr variesi.nverseEy The» daisézhaxga is maximum faragivaxi specicenergyi 3. with theRynidg3-mi-33T9f 5W+ £21». ThevelucitydistribuVtim1isLparabaiic.. Tim specific farce is mi:nimumfer a }Whiahcsfthese:stamméznis are current *1? given =:ii5eharge.. 4. If-kcrude: Lnumheri oftheawisequai It}unity. (3) L2and 3CEHI3 {E} ; arm3 (bl,3 3M4 ta) 2and3 E(1)2mg4 (E?) i, 2 and 4 43:11:! (C) 1?333,and42 (d) 2 3 311% 4 .0313, 2?, It is grmpczasaed to incrtzasrs the discharge by 2% in szircularpipe carryingnil in lamina: regime, if all other .f3Ci«f\TIl'S remain 24).Amor1gVweirsVus¢d inspan w nlsitrkig mmhagdy WWImngmnptgm K,maimai Cmial515P1 9ftheawi5ht:reIe'atLthemsindfiaé ewrvilaltive :0theariginai criteriun irr: awwwldinm.e.aSe by3 {a} Bruad~£=rBsi.Ed weir (3) m% (b)Cippnlsmti? Wiéit (:3)Pazrabuhc wen ({1}Sharp-crrazswii weir {V/b) BE% (gr)44% Cd}§Z% EILI1: (Ca:mtd.;) 23. in :1pipa nstxmrk.; 3}. Ccansidertha fol1axm*ing siaEe:men:3 : Tc:maxi111i:a&:thr: Ne; Pusitiw:SucticnHead {a} The aigbraict sum {if dischargas Available: far .2;recipr:::+catin.g pump, mm must: amun.dEa eiemsntary cimuii must he iem I. 2. (1:3)The headat eachnodemustbanthe 3. Redumthe suctionpipe:frimiun loss. Increagethe ambientprezssuxe at t.h;r.: auppiy resemrr. Increasethe pump speed. 4. Im:rw.aase the smtis gzumrican head. same {2} Thu:algebraic:sum sf the dmp in piemmetriashead amagmd each Which. ofthesesiatea.nents arecorrectT? ::V!.c.mei1ta:j»'V circuit Wis zariir {a} i and 2 (d) Thar: Vpicznmciric. {wadlessin each {is} 2 .and 3 {Ac} 3 and 4; (d'} I and 4 ling mi eachcircuit is the gamma V E9, 11:3 pipelinf:192$m long?theVvelqmity {inf prcrpagaticnn sf pmssure Wm":is 960mfg. Rapidck:1s;uVre cefaeicrwnstteam waive: will mtail,themaLximum.1i.naeLf-rim? theclqsure I j A I1ydraui'm ramutilimzzs a supplyum.-zwr 32. 4.0 m head.anti deiiwarsta an effeciive headc;1f2{) m ahcwctheunit.Theratixmf waterwa$t:ed14a 1.1%: waterdelivcreciis 15. Theem:icncycf theg:rm;np, %v.*i£hLneg!m': is : frictiena.l isse in the pipes, is : Ca) 3 3 {a} 17.5% (13) :I'..% (hi) 6 s (C) 23.<3~% {d} 33.3% (E) 4 3 {cf} 2 a . which af the: fbI.Iuwin.g statements are 39. A czenmfugal puzrup deliversa mamtemetric. head(if 12 H1whenpumpinga liquid f reiativade;~:t1si"Ey.3. if all ratherfactszars remain EEK: samabut111% .iiqui&has Cffitf E 1.. Frimim:and.pressuredrag depend Uif the:shapeand gnsitimiof immersaed bady. Ex.) If 51thin plate;is keptparalleétn the reiative density ef 1.2,thenewmagaczmaetric dimi:ti£.mof aw, than the pressure drag is germ. head ; If 3.thin pfatei3 he-piperpendicular (3) 8 m (*9) H] m {c} 12 m. (rd) E3 111 In themining fh.a.ic!., thanfsrictian drag is zen}. (3) [1and 2 {mly £12») 1 and 3 tllj (£3) 2 and 3 Qniy M) L 2. and 3 luntd.) 34. 38? In all nsactigzn.turbines, far maxinmum fiency, tint:veltvcity af: =:1.~:+ubIa mags cuwétL:E:h11i4f.}uE is.used: fa) Ta find tin: awaragerainfall mm a number {if yaar (3): Swiri at auntie: must be ir 35+ {b} H-aw at cntrasice must be EEIQ {C} wirl at :ai1tr£1nV::e mxlst be Zen: {(1) Flaw at mztlet mum start: (cf: Toirhtsck agcunsimency of raingzmge A Lturhine dewiups2.516k3-ES at 240rpm. (jd) Tn find the mini,mu1nnumber of rain gauges required in a basin {ts} Ti} sitsiimam the miasingrainfall data recarcis The{argues in iIl£i:shaftis apprc-xinmaiely : {3} 413%kN.m (b) 3336 kN.m (C) I kN.rz1 (dj 3% 39. an ned muting Eeehniques is be-aged an . the principie that Iainfa impuise(mat Sifl rain) is mudiad by thfe:lff : 1. The timss¬1fV:ravel nfthe ow vehzmé I536 !.«'.N.n1 Kapian turbine has manner of diameter M} :mi The £}6i%3F 0f the hub is 1.6 m. in Eillii 2; Efth"v"E§I0{;i1Ijy' (Zkf aw andtheswirixwmtity and 0w:::'I=andJ 43wV Stcrrag: at the inf:-E sie of the biade at the hub 3. Bath translatima. andStorage are 6.0 H153 and 19.9 rnisurespectively, (21) 1 and 2 mxly {la} 1, 2 and 3 the fh:-Wand swirl veimies at me inlat gie at"the tip are,r+aspea:tiveIjy* : {C} 1 and 3 0:11;; {:1} 2 and 3 szmly {ha} Eifit mfg and IELEIrm$ (b) 6.0 ms and 25.1!)11133 (C) Ed} Iriis Aan43!} miss (cf) L25 mfg d WI? mfg 37, Thethemyélilfsynthiatic hyd.rUgraph baed 4%. a village read. The mtum period for le: armua! maximum ' mi 3 given magnitudewas fauné tn he 5 yaars;The Which (if the fnilowirxg stammenware cc-new L E prcpbability thatthisuzmdmagnitude wili be exczeedcd 31 least.Grim during ma:-ct A fine gprinkle Bf pr&vcipi\1ati¬rn of sma antirmharLmijmi w'a.h:r szimp 2 years is : (a) 0.8 (b) (3.5 with all cimpdi&I}"1Et£3f£§ belaw £1.13 is called as dfizzltt. The prec§pi.tatinn fliquid wataar with 3. I1is proposed as&¬:$i.,gn a causeway ainng. awry rcanp ziianwter less{ham(35 mm (5) £3 km:;wnVas rain. lid) ELBIES Precipitaicm in the fhma at balk; as irraguhxr lump inf ice aach (war 4}. 5 mm in »dia;::;1$!:er is mailed 11333. 4. {law is farmed «directly by cund.en3atimn an tbs gmundrrminly 045 Wading tetzhnjqueia used.: (3) To £iet4:nninr;* veicuzitycf sea waws; during Tsulmmi (bf; J13: deiemnine thiclmezss c;fc:az1aI lining dm*i ng_ night when {ha surface: hag in auvial beenccmiedby mrstgiringradiaticm. Eil . the valumeof dméging (6) Ta:measure {:1} 1 and 2 maierial {£3} 2 3.ii(i3 {5} 3 and 4 {{1} I and =3 in hazurrurs (d) To: de:rtermi:nc wal-r:n; of flow in haliw "N1 Stfm (C:::nts:i,} 42. A man a.Imua.[runff 2 111315 fmm £1 46, is l} catchment af area 16 km? reprersemsan effective rainfall ef ncarly : (Th) 59!} cm {6} 63% an; the distributmy is EQDEI hesztareafculne (Ad) 658 ¬111) fur m;§ 3-easun arui 9&8 hecLta§e5fcumVec» Steeprise in zheow~m&:;3 rzzurva éuriing fii Kharif SEESGII. The discharge rca:quireu:1 a cczriainpm-indindaicaws: atthehandafgae distxihitnry fmzira average {a} "wry high waporatiamiussesduring demand wr:sidera,t%ig»n.s is : Ehatperrimfi (W Elm: nucis during thaxtprerimi {a} 1.39 cnmecs démand {G} Suddenapart in Virgaticrn during that period (13) 1.33 cumces (nu) 2&3} czixmecs Cd} Sudden rise in demand for water in (£1) 3.33 cumam meetfhydmpowergentalisn 44, ht;:t;aIS,.833%szrrf which. is; cu}Eu5:*abI.e irrigaibienThe imensity nf i.rrigai£r;n fur Rabiis S(}%;andfar is:39%»The a'w::ragVe duty at the hem crf {3} SEE cm 43% Timgrassccammand areafar a distributnry A rim: ampis ta ha:irrigatedin Va. x-rid mverixzg an areauflé ha,the:dutyand baseperindaf rice are givenas 36!)mi 47. Due ta azantinutma VpumLpi:1g far 7 hm.frmn a calchmmt nf 2'5 Ea,having pearnsityturf nearly : 30% anti spacic re::entic:>t1 of W%, gmunéwate:Vlevel cimppedby I In. The cc:»:*.responLding changein stnrageis : (21) Si?!)ham-m ($3 7'..5 ha+m sumacand 120 days respecii-miyr.The *éiCi1i1ri1& Bf water required in thateid is (b) 1409 ham»-m {2} 299%ham (d} 2330hawm {Vb} 9.735ha»-m (:2) 1.37 hamm {d} 0.13? Lhawm 45. in an ir;rigati::mprceject,in a c:sc:riai;n jfear, 713% and46%cf thecuiturahlecammand area in Kharif and Rabi, rcspectivaeiy, re:maVina:d xaxithmstwater and rm: 5: the areaVgmVirLga1iun water:Theintensiwat ifrrigationin that year fearthe pirojct. W33 I (3) 116% {b} 84%» (:2) 412% (ii 43. As rmmmendedby Sichardt,the radius 01influence is : (Ia) Iverselgrprapurimmiin drawciown {bi} L§Ii&a1}.}' prpginal ta drawdown {rs} Innciéependant: af dmwdmmz (d) Ftcpurtiunal in square ret of drawdsjwn 53% ((3%:-Hid.) 43$}. Ccmsidc: the fouwéreg staVtemems: 52. 1. K. A regime channel will have Sid Slps {if value (L5 H 2. eanccntratitm mare man the bank inta the river at the bank in be prctecmdfmm aw, is-J ppm, 3. Far a Lacey regime channel {ha Manning roughness cncf-cient is etstimatedby Strici-:iez**s f::m*r1Vuia.V 4. Themeanvelacitymalacey charsmlis Eu3: when R = hydraulic Vtzpveliiaxg grarynepmjects duzmmmezam into the Vveruaw fmm the point af Emurigisrxfmm the bank. 3,, At1ra:::tj:1g gmyraep'rc:wjems tapstraam inm th river from the paint cf its origin fmm the ban}; 4» Pmpenc§i:::.uiar groynerprnjezztsnormal teathe riv:r-flu3w fmm the paint :22? its nrigin from the bank. which radius, 01:these statements Cimynes am mnstmcted prajaciiéng from : I V. Lacefa regime fm;+muia£3appii$ab]e.* ti} I&g;im.echanais with sediment which Cansider lm ziiiviawmgstatamentps : mf thse statezmems are can-rrect ? {a3 1 and 4 (E3) 1 and 2 are cm-rest ? (ye) and3 (a) I and 2 (d) 3 and 4 {hi} I an&;4 S35 (cf; 2 and 3 59*. The issnlved uzszygn in a water sampla is genmraiiy astimateéVby m¬1di.fiE Winkle? ({5} 3 and 4 methad. The vi-it?!ample is takan in a 330 in}. EUR! home and ihe disssolwd The minimum size M gravel that will nut mm: in the bed 0f :1 wide recmigular charml uf depth.[L3 m and i0ngituLdina1 ainp M3041 is ; mstygen is ied, by adding: (3.) 1 ml uf mac. H2804faiinwadby acidiiian sf 1 mi nf I~uinVSD¢ reagent and Acozvntems miémd 1:hcm::ughl5r, thereacr waiting far 34 0 Inimlttss, and than 1 mi of aifkaii-indfdwazidt (3) 11 mm raageratg added (ii) 1-ml »¢;1f alkaliuiodiwazide reagumt vfulluwedby aaiditian Carf 1 ml of cans. Ch} 33 mm (6) 36 mm HESQan thanthe m1,::t3ent$ mi:-ted {ti} 5? mm iheraughly, Ehereaftr waiting far 51%. 5-10minute,1 ml 01; M118342-eagént The ip bilcsiim 1e;.nei:gy dissipater fm 3 Spillway is auitable wi1-are: L 'Flm Kai! water djpth is law, 2 "fha is adeci {cf} 1mi ::afVMnLSO§ falicuwed by adéitiszsn M 1 mi Gfalkali-indicicwazi-x: rwzsagents and 1:11! the dawnstrearnis agilr: 5»-I minuts The rack: on {hairdownstream is gum-d cutltents mixed and then 1 ml {Jf vzzimc. H_2S{:)£ is axided {d} I tmicf cone.GTIlg faliwed by anti nan-azrmiibiey ad-clrition of 1 mi f alkalisiodide-amide (3) L 2 and 3 reagentand men the r;:m1tent;s mVixE«d (ha) 1 and 2 my thnrouglraly, tiimreafter waiting fur (C) 2 and 3 uni}; {Ii} the thoruughiy, thereafter waiting for and is emdiblt, 3. than 5-19minu£e5 axis? then Eml {if Mngg. 1 and 3 Lmly rfszagerzt is aded w..;;: (antxthl ;i~=i. Ciiif the fallczswingSiimzi : 5?. dzpxzndscon: 1. Typhid famsr is cwauseby viral infectienf 2. [I'[lffE}(1'EilZ5l$.1$ hpatitis. is caustd by material iVnfer::LtimL 3. Choéerais causer.iby baw:3.:eria. 4. Amaaebicaaiysenteryis caused by 2, Shapeat the sewer 3 Ratin of dapth nrf gfhzsw seswageta ratio (ti-} I and E uni}? (3,) i, 2,, 3 anér4 (G) 2 and 3 only (in) E,2 and 3 -may 55, BGD {scaiubiej (33 lg 2 and 3 :31theesez statements are c<):re::.t E (:2) 3 and 4 imniy (C1) 2 and 3 only 1. sewer diainemr pmtcmaal inLf§6<:VtVicun. which The st:Efcl&ansing veitmity in a saws: (xi) 1 and 3 only S3. 01:13sewer has 3 dia. mi 3600mm and another me: has a déia,af 5% mm? Wham Wi1ich£)fVih¬ f(:a.ilWig Statementsarethe i_mprEantchairactexisticsaf 3 sinw sand both run halilfuii, what wiii he the ratia Llier E of *w:!cscit,ic5 in the twcrryipes if the shape 1. Cileanqing Qf ]iE&ris dameby scraping cf bath pipes is the same:I? and sand rrezmmah 2. 3. {#1) 1 Lack sf pretre:.aVt:rnent,V Grveaaer eicienazymibacterialremuval , {E} E as camgaredto mpié sand fi.E:i:er. 4. Eicient 1 in r.:::31a:.-mg. taste: and adnur M{2} 1% resmaaval. (af) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 4*-1 Duly {E} 2, 3 and4 cmiy (Ii) 1.,2 and 3 manly 56* which of the reasmxss giwsn.befw favuf the us»:uf cast irtrn {pipefar iifty ware-r E 59., Supgly ? 1. Stmng in Ee:nsicr;nV; and pipe: rzzsf large diameter(up tn 5 m} can Emifrlade 3. Easy to malvze jmints I}u}rab¥%eV 4. Curmsian-rcsistant ad) If the shy: uf sewerA 1.116!) andthat (3) i, 2, 3 and 4 Bf sewer B is U400, the velavcityof ow (b) 2, 3 and 4 may in the me saawergwill (S) 13.V2and 4 {lly Ed} 1, 3 and 4 nfy have a raiin of (3%:of boththesewers being A 1 Ca) :3; ms»: (33) 1 .12: : 6%. What is the czorrrzrci sequencecatthe fcylicxwing treaimentunits em.p1u:per:i in a ceanvevntinnai sewagetreatmentplant F Serf:-err:cfhamb-r 1. . Ce3115!id:;-1r the .f0i{owi.ngstatements: Primary saettEir2.g tank 3. I. 'I?ricE:iing fiitcr Iless uf prmary settling tanks. 4..ecndary Settlingtank Grit chamber {3} 5, 4, 5. (b) Grease a measure of"effectjv»:- 2.§;nn.atjc:n «::c:nc;eming anaerbic degrada:t.iuLn nf 3 and I arganic matter. I... 4, 2, 3 and 5 3. Tara! ancf vumile {:3} 5, 2, 3. 4 and 1 indisp-ansatsie in the a:.iti:$i,gn an (:1) 1, 4, 3, 2 and 5 uperatinf siudgedi.ge3ii¬2n, vacuum ,Ea;¢rand incineratim:: units. 61. 4. Ammmmia ansirganic nitrogendata are heipful in mniml1i.ngaembic Ereatznmt mats which 6-!the Ehowingpsarameters are employedin the desgrxof triczkiiug ittzr 62. safids data are ? 1:0 a which sf these's£atem¬nt5 are cementL? (a) 71., 2, 3 and 4 '1. EiydraulicIeaadingrate (hr) 1, 2 2. Organic:leadingrate (B) 1, 2 and £1azariiy 3. Datemiml timiz (id) 2, 3 and 4 cm1}' 4. Wait Iaa:d.ingrate . Ccmsider thefasilfuwing statzmcnts in regard {'a_)¢ L 2,.3 and 4 (hr) 1 and 2 aniy ii? an t:1e:tms%tatic precipitatm?I 1. (C) 2 511161 3 cimiy 2. vcrlumc}sf Semndarysludgehas tn be 3. ratur:ned in keep the mquired MLSS sludgewater £3!TIU.:n'I is md.u.CE tr: 93%, what mluma nf the sludgewiii beneeded 9=¬i+ pertzeniefc;ic:nr.:.yis abtainabic. Lverysmail parti£:l.::scan be cniiected, wet: :31"dry. This sludge has a.wVaVier cantent {if 99%. If the Immunia £43variabic: ;p:3e1ticuI3.te lasadingsmid ow rateg. in ac:1ivat;ed sdudgep1'DC~E*SS, Li 11116 (by £0 be recycic E Puwsrrequi:em.e.nt is 5.m.a1i cmmpamd In athar tievicas. {d} 3 and 4 Duly £!IE}i.C:EI]ira_1§vD in th: a.erat.im1 3 unfly 4. Can handleb:)th gasesand .m;§sts 3% high mlume Bf ew. which af these stataments are corms: E {3} 3.25 mid (at) 1, 2,, 3 311114 (E) ,.5 méd (13) 1, 3 and 4 £3111}? (c) 9.75 mid (43) I, 2 and 3 wily am} 1.00 min! (ii) 2.,.3 and 4 ~Qn.If} 55. C?nn5iderthe ftrsilawing tataments. : E. Naisepulifl $7. C{)TiSidEl' the fxrlawirag stat&Vme:n£s. : 1. Aeiiviiy is 3 pmperrty qspicalnf clay my be. reduvaed using sails. dnukle-glass winduw pmes. 2. The.air trapgmdin the:da:s~ubI.e«g!ass Au:activit;.:va.I.u£: «B? T in :1eziagy soil ix in.dic.a.tivenf fh prezsencenf system acts as an iinsuiatmfanci mnntmm?iLiianVitemineral. Giass ahsmrbs the nuisa. 3. 3. An a::.Ii*¢'i¥3; vaiucinf 7 in a (ay mil mduces 111::naise. 4. Tim naise t:31a.Iiy~ raeats hack due is indicativeuf the presence:.'} in aimIwa layers mfglass. minaral. Which of these svtatementsare current *7? Whizzh Elf these. stalements are mrmct '2 {3} (as) I, .2 and 3 L, 2, 3 and 47 {II} E, 2 anti 3 Only (1:3)I and 2 ¬mEy (:2) I and 3 uniy {cf} 1 and 3 mm id") 2 anii 4 anfy (:1) 2 an 3 cmly 66.Cnnsidef statements : 1. Smmd is a farm nfmechanical energy .63. In a wet sari}massair, ccupies -:3ne~fm.1rt;h fa-um 3. vibrating $Vub::tanc.a._. tra.nsmi£t.e& by a cyclic §c.rie:ssf cf its vaiumi: and watr acttzupies(mehalf {if its wmlume.The wrtid gratinat" this cmmprcssinns andrarefaeticms cf {ha sail is : miztieezuics0f the material thmugh which it passes. (Va) 1 (b) 2 2.. in a pure tune,the wavepatternof (cf) 3 the aitrzrnatingpusitiw: and negative {dz} 4 salamipressureis sfidealsinusniiial farm with xed wave jiengtih... frequency and ampIi111de:. 3. The.spaedcrftransmissian i3f5£f:.12} is 3 fm:u:.tiaVn Bf Zha t:r;3msmiuinag madium and its temperature. 4. Theaudible range «.nf"2(3 m2.59»u£:« 1-12: 69: which one :31 the falh:ewjngstatementsis ccarrerct '? {3} Grain.size is thc pri_mar§ critericvn fcrr ciassicatin nf marge. as well as fiizw»gr*ained; sxaii is c¢::nsi<$.erEd no.m1a1 irt jmung adulm. (b) Grainsize is the primarycritsrinn Which. mithese statements are far cia55ica:tinn oif caarsewgrained rv&:sp:::i:.t of smmdt.ra:1sm.issiun Z? sails {3} 1, 2, 3 and #3 {b} 1, 2 and 4 Huh; {E} Piasticity crurvec.lassifics::aarsa~ grained. sssiix (6) 1, 31and 3 s:m!Vy (E1)Fiastisziryc§1arac.teri.stics mlata in ($3 2, 3 and 4 a;::«ni;; classication crfzrarszemgrained sails {Cam .) Y. Cnnsider the fc::iI:cm'ing statements : 1. ?2+ Cnsiw Iv. Qu.antit,ycafseepagein each aw A cgungpicuuus break in the c~:mLtiz1uit}* {sf a grim: aizt: istributiml curve c:Vh.:1nnel af 3 thaw-net is independewnt cf theaim:inf1i&;l&. indic3Et;?:'$ a mixture: {Jrf sail fmm tw 2. different layers. {xi dt::pcnVdmt an upstreamhead. 3 «grainizn wih irav;:re~as¢ in the Eengthof a ciw path,the cmraapundingexit graéicni A at grain izl distrihuon cum: wi inLdicat£:sa:¢=.e:'tain rangesnf missing which grain sixes. Which [limp in head Eauzriween adjacent quipcrtantiai fines 0? 21f1%wV~n»31 is A SW31) grain Sim digiribminn cuw Vindiaates prrextaimcust tfirtesarigy uniform 3. ma zrlkawing 3taiemVents: decrease. of these szatments are correct 2* {3} '1, 2 and 3 nf thase s1;a1;eVm&~;m$ are CGi"i'?E?E'£ .3 {B} I and 2 oniy {3} Lland 3 {:2} I and 3 mini}! {b} 2 and 3 cxnly {:11} 2 and. 3 may {*3} I and 3 mil}; T3, (d) I and 2 miiy Cansider the faliowing statements : I. the fnilowing statemsnt 2 71. iiivzzvnsidar I. aéct the m,a;@1:itude of friction arzgk. Swelling is gmatr and shrinkage:is 2+ Moistum intraduces capim-y afftci lx:':13s far clay mmpacmti an the rs- in a saintly sail Leading to apparent Sit: Elf ngtimum. increase inangle af inwmal frictiun. 3, Clays ca*mpacI.ed ¬311 ¬113. dry-Sideof Mleistur-2intmdmes capillary effect optimum are ch.arac1er§%:;ed by Larger in a sandysail iemiingjin deveiapmenfz strength.. nf apparem; qnhésian. 4. snilzsmuses an inwcrease in optimum The capiary fiim is 1)r{J%;enLb}rVdIyi11g GIsubm,erg;s':nce wadingIn Fussin 15%: maisture apparent smhesion. An increasein urgaic cmntsntBf ciay cotretst value. Which :11these taiements are i:arm£:t E Whii-zh1:3? these staiememtsam corzzmtE (.3) 1?2, 3 and 4 (E) I,2and3 (hf ;Prr:sen»::a ¬Jf1n:iS»E¥JI%E in sand does n-at {h} 2 and V3manly I and 1?.mniy (Ant)2 and 4 @1113 (*3) I and 3 my {d} 3 and 4»01113; (ii?) 2 and 3 nniy 13 {Cm1td.j3 M. Ccrnsiderthe foliawing statements: 76. Consider the fbI1aWinggtatemats :. 1. 1. Cnhesi<:m~Iessseiis exp?ariena.:1:§:;»' Conaiderthe faawing statements 2. The maziimuqm psibi (wE:r- A cmlcezxtrated Quad Bf SE}RN acts an the (3) L5 i-:I\§!m3 (E1) 15 kim c:Lor:su::iidafzicun ratio czf nornfsaily {:1} £59 kI~$.=m3 cansttidawdstzriiis unity. id) The mmpressibiiity nfa eld dapwmsii 713sIig,hti;v graater than that Shawn 3. and 3 only surfacesf gmund. The imzreasx: in vertieai stmss dimctly b»eI%.c:wV the htuaazi at a depth Df =1:11wiil ha {vazue Gf%nf1£1{21'1CeL fiictér is 0A3) : (Li) 1 and 3 Gniy I. are Ctnrrect E (3) 1, 2 and 3 range. E5. can he 3,15 kfmz '33. Clcunsiderthe L Vfalmwing statements : TM bulb Bf pmssure untier strip- by 3 iaboraiary sampla. fmzrdsingforms in 111::Esng:thV~xvVi:-13 in Texzaghfs thecxty czf one-» directian. dimensiczmalélisatidaiion, crniy hydrodynamic v:;3.I7" E113535tai:eLmanVt3are correct Th: bulb Gf pressure undr a strip- Lfxmiingfarms in that wid'£h-wise hag is considiered wherea plastic iag is ignmed. which 2. diraetimm 3. *2 {:1} 1, 2 and 3 Cm1ia.r::;1 pressure at the edges of a rigid fa:)¢;:rt:%LifeLg cm saturated Inlay is thaoratically itznimé Whhiih f these siatemems (E) E and 2 only 3 {a} I, Z and 3 (us) 1 and 3 uni}: ('5) 2 and 3 Dnjiy id) (:3) I and 2 eniy .2 and 3 cmly are crrect (fl) I and 3 (':-nly {Ccmtd?.) 739. Cmmiderthe fi:rl.h:}wi1*.:g siatemewts: 1. 82. Whiah om ef tha:fallnwing gtatem-antsis Urzdisturbftdé samplesmay be Qbtained carreet F with the help cf azugers. (a) in :1 retmgérade vernfmr, (rt - 1} 2.. Aug-2: drilling is mast eective in cayey Saiis. 3, Huliaw staamaug:-H5axe:sumctimes ua I10tiriil fhalevain silty andw which divisinns an that:primary scab: are div§d.edE1110 :3 divisiszans 9:1 thxtzveemier scalm (b) A dnuble Vernier cmsists {If twat mi ihege statemenxs are c:urrect E simpie we-rniers ;3}ac~e~d ensi-ta-end {3} 1, 2 and 3 farming: mm":sasalewith the xercsix; {b} 1 and 2 etniy thug cesitre. (+3) 2. and. 34crnty 13:) in an axtendmzdLvewrnir,{En + 1} (d) 1 and 3 uni}: $3. primary dii%iS§£3I!$ are divided into :1 divisi-ans A single pita, 30 em in diainaier and him (&) in a di,re(:t Vernier, {rag+ E) primary divisions are éividtwci imcs :1 equal long, is driven in clay having an averaga uncuniined mmpressiw 3Ir«eng1hof H33 kfmi. The ultimatt 103:! carrying ctapacity4:11 th pile, r1*.f:gl'c:c:ti4x::kg and bearing if any, and assuming shear mnbiiizaticm £31}.rim '<.*EmiE£'. divisigns 333. an ue vemie%r scale. The Qengthscarf a ns: sneasmredwith 3 cf G35 around the pile, is nearly : 39 in «chain wag fuund in be: 34.6 (3) 84%RN was afterwards (b) 9638kt-I {W5 m mu long. The true Eengthof the Ca} 940 RN lie id} (:1) 3EI.S2m H3133 k]N mimi rn. ii ihai the cfhain was was : {5} 539.82 in 31,, Cicrnsiderthe fuuwing sitatements: 1, if the sail is mat mack in cnlour, it is unliiwly tn be 3 swelling sail. 2. The swaing prassurw of a negrained sail depends canEm initial water mment and dnsity, 3. The swciling pressure cf a ne» grained Sui! depends cm the: nature 0? the pare fluid. Which of these statements are cerrect ? {:2} $5.31 an M) 73¬3_92 ff} E4. Fcxcuwing cnffsetswere taken from 3.surwiy line Vlics a hedge : Distance (inmeter-s:)£} 5 I0¥52{¥3340 .5 H5} 3% 5 6 area tween 4 45 iineandthehedge i5 {by ttapezidal methad) : {3} I, 2 and 3 {:1} 135.5 mi {Mb} LIV ané 2 n:zVr1Ll,y' (r) 13"Ii'.5 ml {:5} I and 3 Gui}? (:1) 139.5 mg {ti} 2 and 3 nrniiy T-fjp289.5 1:113 (C{:rn1d.} 35. THEbtzaring of bline AB is 153andthe angle ABC is 124, Bearing nf tine EC is : 83". which if the ihlluwing tarmsVrelaied1:0 levv:1iingam u::nL':.*r1*&¢;;I;:Vl3.rA ened i? k L Line cf (3) 94 mllimaiinn Line juinixgzgthe inimismticfi 9f the cmsshsrs (b) 93 tn the mpticai centm 01 {fez} 193 the abject glass anti its {i} t:antinVusa.aIt W 2. Back-sight First staff mi-iiiingialwien 36. The falls-wing ahs¢rvat;i0n3 Wm: taken during ies7£i,ng of a ciumpylevei : after the 161.7%} is set up 3?'Fcrte~s.ight Last stziffreadingpriman shiing {sf .Ie~».*eE., (3? t-vzrmzinatinn vaf the pmcesa cf Eeveliing 4., Iiiaight at The ccrl1i.matim2 errmf in the instmmengt was Height 0? centre cf tele- instrumesxt scape abovr: tha ggmund W§lE1E~ the lava} is set up {as} I, 2, 3 and 4 : (a) +C|.{}55m {b} 1, 2 and 4 (21:13; (*:.;=.; ~+0.G{}3 m {vs} I, 2 and 3 £31213? (3) {d} 2, 3 and 4 rsmiy {l.=05S in 59.. Tw stamzs F aru Q are an the:appasite my »«0.5 m banks mia river. Fczliowing abservatiania 3?. RL. nf a oor Ievai is 266.4790 1:11.Staff were taken in reiziprncaiEeveiiing reaing {m the rmr is 1.695 m. Rgading cm tiietahem upsidedawn agaizmi the bottum {sf th muf is 3.395 m. Height af mu the eeiling i5 2 " (a) 3,5 In (hr) 44%In (E) 5.9 In (d) 6.0 In KL. sf P is 290.98%In, arm than R.L, of Q is Vnzatfly2 ., (a) 1993 (7:25) Z2913? (raj 20%) (:1) 19E.2L (c:ntd.} 9%. $1, Whiv:::n cafrhe f:;il::+wing set Bf trf d 94. A 45 kg raii; an EC: tracks EIIL Intiian nut relate to: cvpcration0f 3 ther:>dr;:~iite *3 mnxiitiunsis xpeied tn (3) 7?ra;z1siting and inveliing axis leads «:3?: (53) FacanTle;and fauna: right (3) .21 1; 02:} Right swing and left sM'i?:ig (E3) 22.1; (Pi) Gauging. and sorunding {(1} 23 t {£1} 24-: Uner the Nagpur Raad ?}&l},:which {if the feiinwing are NQT reievantin plarming 9:3. the mad d%veix1pmentV pragrammin 8: Trah: capasity is iiw .: {3} Ahiiit}; of madway ta accmmmmdate 'bacicward distrirst. '3 L 2. irafizz Vnhime in ierrns of vchiclasu Exisiing agrimlliwxas drainagenetwark (1)) Nuinher of vehicias awupying a unit :31érain: canals. length czfmadwayat 3 given inaiant exprassedas vhicfesfkm fa} CapaciiyCrfEars:to ariatcamnmdate Ethe: E2-Listmg number af Fanchayatunisgms. E;§ng length of mud-track wads. 4. appm:x:;im,ate NLumbe»r af with papulatiun wf i vehicles widihwim: (acmss ihe rmad) ané abave. (4%)Maztimumattainalzalae sd of vahicies {as} 1, 2, 3 and 4 '96, For 1, 2 am} 3 uni}! having 2% czamhar and dcsign sped nf IDGVkmpsh, Radizlsbeyd which super» (:3) I, 2; and 4 aniy (d) 2, 3 and 4 rmly 92. a bitumi.nx:1usearziageway surface ¢§cvat'mn is not essentiai is rmarllfy: The earth pmssure behind a bridge (3) 1:00 m shu.tmen§ is : {hr} 15% m {ajn .A¢tive (in) 134313 m (h) iassive {:1} 22136t (C) At resi (d) Cnstant always and waverywhere 97. Fish piazza:-:5 are mil jibii to : 1. . The purgfmgaElf check rail is : {a} T9 aid the ange of the passing thmugh the fig azrlcar csf the 2.. Pmvie wheaei to steer now (h) To avoid demifmtznt per Se (d) T43minimiza the laying cast csrfRang Gf trades fur any ez-cpansinn an-r aontracstiun 3+ Tranfer 4. Maintain. autism aligrunent the lead ta the bailast {a} 1, 2, 3 acl 4 0:} TenHelp mantra] tlirwruraning speed distances Maintain the maminuity csfrails 1, 2 and 3 wrrniy (C) 2, 3 and 4 uni}; (dj 1, 2 and 4 aniy fantd.) 98. Far 3 raiiwaytrack in Lhiliyterrain,the l2..The cmrrectesdmodulus uf subgfade type emfgradient pwvided is : reaction fur standard diameter plate is {wag}Pulling gmiant 6.8 k.gicVm3. What wouié be the modulus {E1} Mcmemium gradient nf subwfgrade reaction Bf the sail when teste with a 30 cm diamtefjpiate.7 {:3} Heipar gradient fa) 15kg/cm; {Id} Minimum gradiem (b) 25 kglcnt 99. A mad passes through a. cut wiih (:3) 3E kg/cm? impervim1s stmta at a depth {hf 1.25 1:: {cl} 6%kglcmi {ram the s:u.b»g1.:-ads ievei. Ta intercept seepagauw a longimdinal pipe drain in trench iied with fiiii mairial and day seal is consiructed. What wili be the Directions Each cf the next .EIG~HTEEN' (I3) iEII1$ consists of twazza xtatemmlts. mm *me1ree11t{I) anti me ratheras Statemez1t{§I)E {a} 2.5 I11 Van are to ezwzamine {hem (bi carefully andseiectthe answersta thaseitems using the codesgiveii heiw : 1.5 m (E) 1.25 m C9333 ({1} 8.5 m E-G.W§1:atL is the value {if the resuitarlt friztitm ::c2~eLi"fwient at 0.4 is aiipwad Fm- strappingthe vahicl cm mad ? twat statements : {3} Bath Statement (E) and Statemmt {II} are indiVvidVua§£y true and Statement{'11) is the retardaaanin mfsl when a iangitudinai cum-feetexpia;1aiit:.maf Statememlz (I) Ch) Hath Statement(1) and Statement(II) are indiv}idually {run hm Statiimnvi (H) {a} $3.93 Eh} 1.95 is HGT the correct Staemant (I) (32) 2.93 JStats':mr:11t (1) i3 true hm Statemm(I1) is (:21)3393 false id) I81. as required. epth ef the tranch '3 explanatiun nf Statesman: {3}is fake hm;Statamcnt {{1}'15 Therawsfs:uper-e1evatieVnfaVr%a hmizontai true EHFVE sf :ra;ius SHE! m in a natimmi highway fur a ditig pe {if 100 mph 1433. Statement {1} : is :: {3} As temfmrramrc increases,viscosity sf air decriuzeases. 13.3% (11) 6.063 (<2) 0.97 ({1} 0.733 Statement(II) I As iemperafur iV~V creases,activity ::~;:ft§1a:%= air mrJ16£;t.1lcsL ({.nntd. } IEHLStatetnent CE} 2 Fiuid prwstira: is a E£13.Statcment, {IL} :; Gravity is 3: deter» nainam in astirnating scalar qura.ntity. pipe f1i:wVrnagnitudes+ Staiamnmt{£1} : Fiuid thrust always Statemcznt{El} ans dnwnwards. : The tcrrn g appears e;xpii{:itl3a' in DarcyWcishaah iasgatasemenz (1) 2 The §x:t:%:gr;ati::m {if differem;iaLi farm yieids pipe: flow t»::sEstanc»e. caf EuV]er3 eqVuatim1af matian 169. Statememt{E} : An : Euir:rs cquatiun is based an the charmer] seion gdvcsmax/immn disaharge far 3 given crass-seetinnalarea. in BerrImu}iIi"sequ3»£inn.. Statamcnt {II} fcArrr:uE:afar Statement (II) : escgunonlicai chanzael secztiarn has smomh &53u.m- surface ptimf: (If cmiservatimn with rduceé friVctjon.. nf mass. 1m. Stmemeziil:(I): ma. Statem.-ant {E} : A tannis bail with a channci flow, far 3. hLy&rauIAicai§3r Efiiit sxec-iéc:1nV, the Lhydraiic rceughSurfaatecan be made tcs;curve mime rad:iusVi5 equalIn 50% markedly than the tune {Dfdepth nf aw? in the with 3 smo-afh surfactxza Staiemnt (II) : Circulatiun ; In the $2336: 91an upen channel. is il1.E:FE.'3S§£§ S\taiem&nt(II) : Waited parimetcr is minimum in the case emfa rtzsugfh far a hyéraulicailyeffiaient secstimm {if an anagram thi. chanrml. 1:93.Statamtnt (1) : A reciazxgaxiarbriége pier axpalmts iateral farce during 11i. Statement {I} vapcrur inn) dmplt:-3 flx pfd ch: precipitatian prmzcss. fiaw. Statement (£1) : Te, "bridge pig: heris vaiicts : C-andensatinm artw*ate.r aitarnataiy Statement (If) : F0rm.atim1.£11 precipitatin dmrplevks is rum its eithar side into pmdicted on the pre« the wake: Ii<3w_ sence uf cundensiatiun rmciei. fmid.) Hf; Statemem (I) : I§.a'pid 5-*:a,n:i fiiies 1 157.Statemant {E} 19 mm mm. size are ample;-min sup;-:r-rate t;;rick}ing filters far Cnnaistingaf careft1ilLy sieved saw! an top «:3? 3 Elm of gravel will treatmznt.cnfwaste- uni}? fier water having a very high BUD. pariicles Lager that: its pure Statament (II) size. Siatment (El) 2 Piaatic media tifl high Spi surface area, high mid spam and imv weigTht. : In additiun tn stmining, adsurption, mmtfinueé .oca:uia.ti.U;I1 Hydraulitz}.na{ii:1g rats: and rganic wading and Se:dimentatim1 in the ratesare3{} 1:3 xtxmi p::me:V spams heip in particle : Plastic: \mee:Eiahave andE030 bf? 29%gidfmf remuval respectivély,which much higher than in V me=:;;ism. smne miidia trickii1kgV 113*Statemeni {1} fmtar. : Suspandedas?well as mzrllnidai particulates am mmizwed fmm 116. Staiemm. (I) grit? channel i5 deaiigned far a unifursn velorczityat ail aw waer by additiml of 25%: aium dcrsagm Siateement.{H} fates. : Tim aptimVuV:n dosagt": {If alarm is determined Statcmant (11) : A U»ty%peV of «2ms3« mectiun by perfprming the Jar a i1-.::-wrates. : in a rercziangular bafad 17:7. Statemarut (I) : Waicaaf with heavy algal gruwthstzrfienhas pH chanzml, it is may mu values as high as 9 aka: the Cir vaiuc. to SmeInen£ {H} maintains miiiftrrmvalcity at£3} test. 114. Statetrmnt {I} : The u:mss«-5:e£:ti£m Ufa : In a rectangularbafw Statament.-(II) W. : Nan-uiizatian of £17m channel,the bafes are bic3rbnna.%e icm as ii Iigif carhuzrn snzrunze by fgan: built and SC! resuft in Sllhiiiiil a:.an1:miundergu any change. a£:ct1muEatVionVV pf {JH ians; (Cnntd.} 113; Statiimnii (I3: Fm aamhiicwmmsiing csf refuse, it Siaementt{II} E23.Statement 6} : The actual L1:Va3%i:::aad, £3 particzularly paS::ier:ge:r aircraft, 5:5 5% and flh nmfmaiiy iaiihanffh CJNratiarrr is um:(1?111% Vmamum str:.;ctuVraVi impcrrtant i%:ar.:t;{:-rs in gaagsluad man when that compoating, ii is an impmiamj eC>nstitm:m as 1035cf nitmgET1eVis m be prevented and maximum prtzwgfmertiun ilfrf {ha nitrogen in mmpcast is an be prE:s»&n'ed. 1W, Staiamenfs {3} Emir-tmmerst ¬i t3iii}I'i¬~ and [him i»::L aSt:a;wment (II) in nmndatm-3; ta maintain {ha CIN ratiu b6Wr'%3i.k. paramters. ' LAhii:3ticL§a1am@ta*r5 iticludeaigae,basfteéaf animai; and biat;i«.:: parametzrs am air, VNEEM and ail aircrra; is cumple:eiy mi. Statement {I1} g, Than: arc limitaiimis in the use {Sf 33330;: when Lpassngersare carried in an airczraft. SPACE FUR RQIJGI?-I WEEK SPACE FOR. ROUGH WORK SFACE FOR RGIJGH. WGRK