J. LOGIC PROGRAMMING 1993:12:1{199 1 EFFICIENT TOP-DOWN COMPUTATION OF QUERIES UNDER THE WELL-FOUNDED SEMANTICS  , TERRANCE SWIFTy , AND DAVID WEIDONG CHEN S. WARRENz > The well-founded model provides a natural and robust semantics for logic programs with negative literals in rule bodies. Although various procedural semantics have been proposed for query evaluation under the well-founded semantics, the practical issues of implementation for e ective and ecient computation of queries have been rarely discussed. This paper investigates two major implementation issues of query evaluation under the well-founded semantics, namely (a) to ensure that negative literals be resolved only after their positive counterparts have been completely evaluated, and (b) to detect and handle potential negative loops. We present ecient incremental algorithms for maintaining positive and negative dependencies among subgoals in a top-down evaluation. Both completely evaluated subgoals and potential negative loops are detected by inspecting the dependency information of a single subgoal. Our implementation can be viewed as an e ective successor to SLDNF resolution, extending Prolog computation in a natural and smooth way. <  Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IRI-9212074. Address correspondence to Weidong Chen, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275-0122. y Department of Computer Science, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400. z Department of Computer Science, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400. Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CCR-9102159. THE JOURNAL OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING c Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1993 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 0743-1066/93/$3.50 2 1. INTRODUCTION The well-founded semantics [29] provides a natural and robust declarative meaning to all logic programs with negation in rule bodies. Practical use of the wellfounded semantics, however, depends upon the implementation of an e ective and ecient query evaluation procedure. Although various procedural semantics have been proposed, implementation techniques for the well-founded semantics have not yet received adequate attention. Earlier procedures for the well-founded semantics by Przymusinski [16] and Ross [20] are extensions of SLDNF resolution with in nite failure. They are not suitable for e ective computation of queries due to possible in nite loops even when programs are function-free. E ective top-down computation with tabling is explored in Well! [2] and XOLDTNF [5] for the well-founded semantics. Two aspects of these approaches should be noted. First, a ground negative subgoal is solved by computing its positive counterpart up to a xpoint as in Prolog. The xpoint computation is a simple mechanism to guarantee that the positive counterpart of a negative literal be completely evaluated. Second, to prevent negative loops, each subgoal has an associated set of ground negative literals, called a negative context. When a ground negative literal is selected, there is a negative loop if it is already in the negative context of the current subgoal. These two mechanisms, however, prohibit the full sharing of answers to subgoals across di erent negative contexts in the nested xpoint computation. Although simple to implement, they may cause exponential behavior in the worst case [7]. Bottom-up computation of the well-founded semantics has also been studied [10, 11, 13, 15]. These approaches are based upon either van Gelder's alternating xpoint characterization of the well-founded model [28] or the xpoint for the smallest three valued stable model [4, 17]. Due to the single xpoint computation, all answers of subgoals can be shared. Each iteration of the xpoint computation, however, may over-estimate the truth or unde nedness of negative subgoals. This over-estimate is necessary for non-strati ed programs in general, but should be properly controlled so as to avoid evaluating irrelevant subgoals. The rst work on controlling the search in bottom-up computation is reported in [18] for left-to-right modularly strati ed programs. The Ordered Search technique in [18] attempts to capture relevant subgoals in a top-down fashion by controlling the availability of magic tuples (that represent calls in a top-down computation). This is achieved by maintaining subgoal dependencies in a sequence of so called ContextNodes. The idea of subgoal dependencies can be traced back to [21], where they were used to determine if subgoals were completely evaluated. However, the issue of ecient dependency maintenance was not investigated in detail. Our work on e ective computation of the well-founded semantics started with XOLDTNF [5]. As we have mentioned, XOLDTNF uses a xpoint computation to guarantee that the positive counterpart of a negative literal be completely evaluated, and it uses negative contexts for handling negative loops. Both mechanisms may cause redundant computation. To resolve this problem, we investigated the idea of subgoal dependencies, which proved to provide a simple solution to both completion of subgoals and detection of negative loops. The conceptual framework of this new approach, called SLG resolution, was reported in [6]. It is goal-oriented and has a polynomial data complexity for function-free programs. Detailed proofs 3 can be found in [7] for the soundness and search space completeness of SLG resolution with respect to three valued stable models, including the well founded partial model as a special case. A similar framework is presented in [3]. A meta interpreter implementation integrating Prolog and SLG resolution, called The SLG System [8], is available by anonymous FTP from seas.smu.edu or cs.sunysb.edu. A WAM-based compiler implementation integrating Prolog and the restricted SLG resolution for left-to-right modularly strati ed programs, called The XSB Logic Programming System, [22], has been released and is available by anonymous FTP from cs.sunysb.edu. As a conceptual framework, SLG resolution consists of a number of transformations by which a query is reduced to a set of answer clauses, but it does not specify in what order these transformations should be applied. Two important transformations are completion and delaying. Completion detects subgoals that have been completely evaluated so that their negative counterparts can be resolved. Delaying delays ground negative literals so that computation can proceed even in case of negative loops. Delaying in SLG resolution corresponds to over-estimating the truth or unde nedness of negative subgoals in bottom-up computation. To avoid computation of irrelevant subgoals, delaying should be tightly controlled. This paper addresses the fundamental issues of implementation that are common in both top-down and bottom-up computation of the well-founded semantics. In particular, we present incremental algorithms for maintaining dependencies among subgoals. By inspecting the dependency information of a single subgoal, we can determine eciently if subgoals are completely evaluated or are possibly involved in negative loops. Practically, the XSB system implementing SLG resolution for left-to-right modularly strati ed programs is upwardly compatible with Prolog. With a few simple declarations for the XSB compiler, either given by the user or generated by the system, Prolog programs can be executed using SLG resolution, SLDNF resolution, or a mixture of the two. At an operational level, implementing SLG in a WAM-based framework not only allows for smooth integration of the deductive database and logic programming paradigms; it also allows the SLG engine to bene t from the highly optimized uni cation and control algorithms in the WAM. As a simple instance, a left linear ancestor predicate executed using SLG spends 70% of the time on WAM instructions, and about 30% of the time on instructions created for SLG. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the search forest and the corresponding subgoal graph that may be induced by transformations of SLG resolution in query evaluation. Section 3 introduces the main issues in incremental maintenance of subgoal dependencies during query evaluation. Section 4 presents detailed algorithms in our implementation of SLG resolution. Section 5 concludes with a summary and a comparison with related work. 2. SLG RESOLUTION FOR WELL-FOUNDED SEMANTICS This section reviews brie y the well-founded semantics of logic programs [29] and discusses the search forest and dependency graph for query evaluation. The basic framework of SLG resolution and its correctness theorem [6, 7] are described, which will be used to establish the correctness of our implementation. 4 2.1. Well-Founded Semantics We assume the basic terminology of logic programs [12]. A program is a nite set of clauses of the form: A :- L1 ; :::; Ln where A is an atom and L1 ; :::; Ln are literals. When n = 0, a clause, possibly containing variables, is called a fact. By a subgoal we mean an atom. Subgoals (and literals) that are variants of each other are considered syntactically identical. The Herbrand universe of a program P is the set of all ground terms that may be constructed from the constants and function symbols appearing in P. An arbitrary constant is added if no constant occurs in P. The Herbrand base of P, denoted by BP , is the set of all ground atoms with predicates occurring in P whose arguments are in the Herbrand universe of P. The Herbrand instantiation of P is the (possibly in nite) set of all ground clauses obtained by substituting terms in the Herbrand universe for variables in clauses in P. Let P be a logic program and BP be the Herbrand base of P. A set I of ground literals is consistent if for no ground atom A, both A and A are in I. An interpretation I is a consistent set of ground literals. The well-founded semantics depends upon the notion of unfounded sets to derive atoms that are false. De nition 2.1. [29] Let P be a logic program, I be an interpretation, and U be a subset of the Herbrand base BP . U is an unfounded set of P with respect to I if every atom A 2 U satis es the following condition: for every ground instance of a clause in P whose head is A, either  some literal L in the body is false in I; or  some positive literal L in the body is also in U. The union of all unfounded sets of P with respect to I coincides with the greatest unfounded set of P with respect to I, denoted by UP (I). Intuitively if a set of atoms depends upon each other through positive literals and there is no escape clause for any of the atoms, then the set is unfounded and all atoms in the set will be false in the well-founded semantics. De nition 2.2. [29] Let P be a logic program, and I be an interpretation. Trans- formations TP and WP are de ned as follows:  A 2 TP (I) if and only if there is a ground instance of some clause in P with head A such that all literals in the body are true in I;  WP (I) = TP (I) [ fAjA 2 UP (I)g. Transformations TP and WP are known to be monotonic [29]. The powers WP are de ned in the standard manner, where ranges over all countable ordinals. The well-founded partial model of a program P, denoted by WF(P), is the union of all WP . 2.2. Search Forest and Dependency Graph In SLG resolution [6], query evaluation is viewed as traversing a search tree or a search forest for a query. This subsection describes the search forest and the corresponding dependency graph of subgoals for a query. 5 2.2.1. SLD Resolution with Tabling For programs without negation, SLG resolution reduces to SLD resolution with tabling [9, 27, 30]. In all the examples, we use a left-most computation rule although an arbitrary but xed computation rule is allowed. Let P be a program without negation and A be a subgoal. We construct a search forest for A with respect to P. Each node in the forest is labeled by a clause. Initially, the search forest has one tree, namely the tree for A, whose root node is labeled by A :- A. The root node of the tree for a subgoal A, labeled by A :- A, has a child node for each resolvent of A :- A with a clause in P on the A in the body of A :- A. If a node is labeled by a fact B in the tree for a subgoal A, then B is an answer for A. Two answers are considered identical if they are renaming variants of each other. Let v be a non-root node in the tree for subgoal A, G be the clause labeling v, and B be the selected atom of G. If the current search forest does not contain the tree for subgoal B, the tree for B is added, whose root node is labeled by B :- B. For each (distinct) answer B 0 of B, v has a child that is labeled by the resolvent of G with B 0 on the selected atom B. This process continues until no new node or new tree can be created. Example 2.1. [5] Consider a small cyclic graph and the common de nition of transitive closure: e(a; b): e(b; c): e(b; a): tc(X; Y ) :- e(X; Y ): tc(X; Y ) :- e(X; Z); tc(Z; Y ): Figure 1 shows the search forest for subgoal tc(a; V ). (Trees for subgoals of predicate e=2 are not shown.) Corresponding to each search forest, there is a dependency graph of subgoals. Each node in the dependency graph is a subgoal. An edge from a subgoal A to a subgoal B corresponds to a non-root node v in the tree for A such that B is the subgoal of the selected literal from the label of v. For instance, the tree for tc(a; V ) contains a non-root node labeled by tc(a; V ) :- tc(b; V ). It determines an edge in the dependency graph from tc(a; V ) to tc(b; V ), the selected atom of the label of the non-root node. The dependency graph corresponding to the forest in Figure 1 is shown in Figure 2. The intuition behind the dependency graph is that it contains a path from subgoal A to subgoal B if the truth value of A may depend in some way on the truth value of B. 2.2.2. Strati ed Negation For strati ed programs [1], one issue is how to ensure that a ground subgoal be completely evaluated so that the success of its negative counterpart can be determined. A negative literal can succeed only if the corresponding positive subgoal has no answers after having been completely evaluated. The notion of a search forest can be extended to strati ed programs in a straightforward way. When a ground negative literal B is selected, we start the tree for B if the current search forest does not contain the tree for B. If B succeeds with an answer, then every node with B selected is marked as failed. If B is completely 6 tc(a,V) :- tc(a,V). tc(a,V) :- e(a,V). tc(a,V) :- e(a,W), tc(W,V). tc(a,b). tc(a,V) :- tc(b,V). tc(a,c). tc(a,a). tc(a,b). tc(b,V) :- tc(b,V). tc(b,V) :- e(b,V). tc(b,c). tc(b,a). tc(b,V) :- e(b,U), tc(U,V). tc(b,V) :- tc(c,V). tc(b,V) :- tc(a,V). tc(b,b). tc(b,c). tc(b,a). tc(c,V) :- tc(c,V). tc(c,V) :- e(c,V). tc(c,V) :- e(c,Z), tc(Z,V). Figure 1. Search forest for tc(a;V ) evaluated and has no answers, then B succeeds and every node with B selected has a single child node obtained by deleting B. Example 2.2. Consider the following program and subgoal m(c): m(X) :- p(X): p(a): p(X) :- q(X): q(b): q(X) :- p(X): Figure 3 shows a search forest and the corresponding dependency graph among subgoals before the success of p(c) is determined. Notice that m(c) depends upon p(c) negatively due to the node labeled with m(c) :- p(c). A negative edge is marked by a slash in the middle. 7 tc(a,V) tc(b,V) tc(c,V) e(a,V) e(b,V) e(c,V) Figure 2. Dependency graph for tc(a; V ) m(c) :- m(c). p(c) :- p(c). q(c) :- q(c). m(c) :- ~p(c). p(c) :- q(c). q(c) :- p(c). m(c) p(c) Figure 3. q(c) Search forest and dependency graph for m(c) As in Prolog, our approach performs a depth- rst search and maintains a stack of subgoals. The initial subgoal m(c) is pushed onto the stack rst. Traversing the tree for m(c) leads to a new subgoal p(c), which is pushed onto the stack. Traversing the tree for p(c) leads to another subgoal q(c), which is also pushed onto the stack of subgoals. The node p(c) :- q(c) in the tree for p(c) is suspended, waiting for an answer from q(c). Traversing the tree for q(c) leads to a node q(c) :- p(c). Since p(c) has been encountered before and is on the stack, the node q(c) :- p(c) is suspended, waiting for an answer from p(c). The current stack of subgoals is shown in Figure 4. q(c) p(c) m(c) Figure 4. Stack of subgoals in a depth- rst search for m(c) At this point, there are no new nodes in the tree for q(c) that have not been explored. However, we cannot determine that q(c) is completely evaluated since it 8 depends upon a previous subgoal, namely p(c), deeper in the stack. Computation returns to subgoal p(c). Similarly, there are no new nodes in the tree for p(c) that have not been explored. But p(c) does not depend upon any previous subgoal deeper in the stack. Furthermore, there are no negative edges among the set fp(c); q(c)g of subgoals. Therefore both p(c) and q(c) are completely evaluated, so they are popped o the stack and their suspended clauses are disposed. When p(c) and q(c) are marked as completed, the node waiting on p(c) in the tree for m(c) is processed, and the answer m(c) is derived. To detect subgoals that are completely evaluated, we maintain, for each subgoal A, the deepest subgoal B in the stack which A or any subgoal on top of A may depend upon. When there are no new nodes that have not been explored in the trees for A and subgoals on top of A, we check the subgoal associated with A. If the subgoal is deeper in the stack than A, A may depend upon subgoals below A and therefore cannot be completed. Otherwise, A and all subgoals on top of A are completely evaluated provided that there are no negative edges among these subgoals. 2.2.3. Negative Loops and Delaying According to the de nition of subgoals that are completely evaluated, every selected ground negative literal from any node in the trees of these subgoals must have been resolved. This may be impossible for programs that are not strati ed. Example 2.3. Consider the subgoal w(a) with respect to the following program: w(X) :- m(X; Y ); w(Y ); p(Y ): m(a; b): m(b; c): m(c; b): p(b): Figure 5 shows the search forest and the dependency graph when a negative loop is encountered. Our implementation follows the depth- rst and tuple-at-atime computation in Prolog, and maintains a stack of subgoals as in Prolog, the current state of which is shown in Figure 6. (A determinacy analysis or indexing scheme may detect that subgoals such as m(a; Y ), m(b; Y ), and m(c; Y ) can be executed without being pushed onto the stack.) Consider the most recent subgoal m(c; Y ). It is called in the node labeled by: w(c) :- m(c; Y ); w(Y ); p(Y ) in the tree for w(c) during the evaluation of w(c). Following the tuple-at-a-time strategy, the answer m(c; b) for m(c; Y ) is returned immediately to the node waiting on it, which leads to a new node in the tree for w(c): w(c) :- w(b); p(b) Since w(b) is on the stack and is not completely evaluated, the new node is suspended. At this point, there are no new nodes in the tree for m(c; Y ) that can be explored, nor are there any new nodes created by the answer of m(c; Y ) that have not been explored. We check to see if m(c; Y ) is completely evaluated. In this example, m(c; Y ) does not depend upon any other subgoal. Thus it is completely evaluated and so is popped o the stack and marked as completed. The edge directed towards 9 w(a) :- w(a). w(a) :- m(a,Y), ~w(Y), p(Y). w(a) :- ~w(b), p(b). w(b) :- w(b). w(c) :- w(c). w(b) :- m(b,Y), ~w(Y), p(Y). w(c) :- m(c,Y), ~w(Y), p(Y). w(b) :- ~w(c), p(c). w(c) :- ~w(b), p(b). w(a) w(b) w(c) m(a,Y) m(b,Y) m(c,Y) Figure 5. Search forest and dependency graph for w(a) m(c; Y ) in the dependency graph, namely w(c) :- m(c; Y ); w(Y ); p(Y ), is deleted since all answers of m(c; Y ) have been propagated. Similarly we check the next subgoal on the stack, namely w(c). It cannot be completely evaluated since it depends upon a subgoal, w(b), deeper in the stack. Therefore w(c) remains on the stack. Computation returns to the next subgoal m(b; Y ). The subgoal m(b; Y ) does not depend upon other subgoals and is in fact completely evaluated. However without a possibly costly re-organization of the stack, m(b; Y ) cannot be popped o due to the fact that w(c) on top of it depends upon a subgoal deeper in the stack than m(b; Y ). Computation then returns to subgoal w(b). No subgoal from the top of the stack up to and including w(b) depends upon any subgoal deeper than w(b). However, neither w(b) nor w(c) can be completed since each depends upon the other through negation. Our approach in SLG resolution is to delay negative literals in case of possible negative loops so that computation of queries can proceed. It may be the case that another subgoal in the body of the clause may fail, thus in e ect eliminating the negative loop. In Figure 5, we delay w(b) in the node: w(c) :- w(b); p(b) 10 m(c,Y) w(c) m(b,Y) w(b) m(a,Y) w(a) Figure 6. Stack of subgoals in a depth- rst search for w(a) and the node has a single child labeled by: w(c) :- w(b) j p(b) Similarly we delay w(c) in the node: w(b) :- w(c); p(c) and the node has a single child labeled by: w(b) :- w(c) j p(c) We use j to separate delayed literals (on the left of j ) from the other body literals (on the right of j ) that are yet to be solved. As far as dependencies among subgoals are concerned, delaying eliminates the previous negative edge and possibly introduces a new edge. For instance, delaying w(b) in w(c) :- w(b); p(b) eliminates the corresponding negative edge from w(c) to w(b), and introduces a new edge from w(c) to p(b) by creating a new node w(c) :- w(b) j p(b). Figure 7 shows the search forest and the subgoal dependency graph after delaying w(b) and w(c). Delayed literals are not included in the consideration of subgoal dependencies as far as completely evaluated subgoals are concerned. The intuition is that we are now trying to prove contingent answers, i.e., answers that are implications. So in some sense, the dependency has been moved from the proof into the answer. The delayed literals will, however, have to be simpli ed if and when their truth or falsity becomes known. The nodes newly created by delaying are then processed, leading to new subgoals p(b) and p(c) on the stack. Subgoal p(b) succeeds, leading to an answer node: w(c) :- w(b) j for w(c). Subgoal p(c) fails. Both p(b) and p(c) are completely evaluated and are popped o the stack. Since w(c) does not depend upon any subgoal that is not completed evaluated, w(c) is completely evaluated and popped o the stack, so are m(b; Y ) and w(b). However, w(b) is completed without any answers. The failure of w(b) is propagated to the delayed literal w(b) in the answer w(c) :- w(b) j , 11 w(a) :- w(a). w(a) :- m(a,Y), ~w(Y), p(Y). w(a) :- ~w(b), p(b). w(b) :- w(b). w(c) :- w(c). w(b) :- m(b,Y), ~w(Y), p(Y). w(b) :- ~w(c), p(c). w(b) :- ~w(c) | p(c) w(a) w(b) m(a,Y) m(b,Y) Figure 7. w(c) :- m(c,Y), ~w(Y), p(Y). w(c) :- ~w(b), p(b). w(c) :- ~w(b) | p(b). w(c) p(c) m(c,Y) p(b) Search forest and dependency graph for w(a) after delaying leading to a de nite answer w(c). The failure of w(b) is also propagated to w(b) in the node: w(a) :- w(b); p(b) which, after resolving away p(b), leads to an answer w(a). In general, the well-founded model is three valued. Answers for a subgoal may contain delayed literals that cannot be simpli ed away, and these answers are neither true nor false in the well-founded model. 2.3. Transformations in SLG Resolution This subsection reviews the basic de nitions and transformations in SLG resolution that are essentially operations over search forests of a query. The correctness theorem of SLG resolution [6, 7] is described and explained, which will be used to establish the correctness of our implementation of SLG resolution. De nition 2.3. An X-clause G is a clause of the form: A :- D j B 12 where A is an atom, D is a sequence of (delayed) ground negative literals and (possibly nonground) atoms, and B is a sequence of literals. Literals in D are called delayed literals. If B is empty, an X-clause is called an answer clause. A clause in a program is viewed as an X-clause in which D is empty. We usually omit j when D is empty. As far as the declarative semantics is concerned, each X-clause is viewed as an ordinary clause whose body is the conjunction of all literals in D and B. That is, the j is purely a control annotation. Given an X-clause A :- D j B where B is non-empty, a computation rule R selects from B exactly one literal, called the selected literal. De nition 2.4. [SLG Resolution] Let G be an X-clause A :- D j L1 ; :::; Ln, where n > 0 and Li be the selected atom. Let C be an X-clause with no delayed literals, and C 0, of the form A0 :- L01 ; :::; L0m, be a variant of C with variables renamed so that G and C 0 have no variables in common. G is SLG resolvable with C if Li and A0 are uni able. The clause (A :- D j L1 ; :::; Li 1; L01 ; :::; L0m; Li+1 ; :::; Ln) is the SLG resolvent of G with C, where  is a most general uni er of Li and A0. SLG resolution is used for resolution with a clause in a program or with an answer clause that has an empty sequence of delayed literals (on the left of j ). For an answer clause that has a non-empty sequence of delayed literals, relevant variable bindings in the head of the answer clause are propagated by SLG factoring, but the sequence of delayed literals in the body is not propagated. De nition 2.5. [SLG Factoring] Let G be an X-clause A :- D j L1 ; :::; Ln, where n > 0 and Li be the selected atom. Let C be an answer clause, and C 0, of the form A0 :- D0 j , be a variant of C with variables renamed so that G and C 0 have no variables in common. If D0 is not empty and Li and A0 are uni able with a most general uni er , then the SLG factor of G with C is (A :- D; Li j L1 ; :::; Li 1; Li+1 ; :::; Ln) The motivation of not propagating delayed literals in an answer clause is to guarantee the polynomial complexity for computation of queries on function-free programs[6]. If there are multiple answer clauses with the same atom (up to variable renaming) in the head, only one of them will be propagated by using either SLG resolution or SLG factoring. As far as answer propagation is concerned, two answer clauses are considered distinct if the head atoms are not renaming variants of each other. We associate with each non-root node in a tree a status value, which can be either new, answer, active, oundered, or disposed. The initial status of each newly created node is new. The processing of a new node may change the status to:  answer if the clause labeling the node is an answer clause;  oundered if the selected literal is a non-ground negative literal;  active if the selected literal is not oundered and is not completely evaluated; and 13  disposed if all possible child nodes of the node have been created (and so the node is no longer useful). Initially, if a query is an atom A, the search forest starts with a single tree for A, whose root node is labeled A :- A and has a child node for each SLG resolvent of A :- A with program clauses. Each transformation is an operation that changes the search forest. Transformations (i-iii) process the X-clause of a new node, whose status is changed (mutually exclusively) to answer, oundered, or active. Transformation (iii) also starts a new subgoal when it is rst encountered. Let G be the X-clause of a new (non-root) node v. (i) new answer. If G is an answer clause, then the status of v is changed to answer; If G is not an answer clause, let L be the selected literal of G. (ii) floundering. If L is a non-ground negative literal, the status of v is changed to oundered; (iii) new active. If L is an atom B or a ground negative literal B, the status of v is changed to active and its associated set of atoms is empty. Furthermore if there is no tree for B in the current search forest, it is created whose root node is labeled with B :- B and has a child node for each SLG resolvent of B :- B with program clauses; The set of atoms associated with an active node indicates what answers have been returned to the active node. Let G be the clause of an active node v and L be the selected literal of G. (iv) answer return. If L is an atom B and for some answer clause C in the tree for B, of the form H D j , H is not in the associated set of atoms of v, then H is added to the associated set of atoms of v, and v has a new child node labeled by the SLG resolvent of G with C on L if D is empty or by the SLG factor of G with C on L if D is not empty; Transformations (v) and (vi) solve a ground negative subgoal by negation-asfailure if the corresponding positive subgoal is either successful or failed. Otherwise, transformation (vii) delays the selected ground negative subgoal. If the selected literal L of the X-clause G of an active node v is a ground negative literal B, there are three cases: (v) negation failure-r. If B has an answer with no delayed literals, the status of v is changed to disposed; (vi) negation success-r. If B is completely evaluated without any answers, then v has a new child node labeled by G with L deleted, and the status of v is changed to disposed; (vii) delaying. Otherwise, v has a new child node labeled by a clause obtained from G by moving L into the sequence of delayed literals, and the status of v is changed to disposed. Subgoals that are completely evaluated can be determined by inspecting their trees in the current search forest according to the following de nition. 14 De nition 2.6. Let P be a program and Q be a query atom. Given the search forest at any point of the computation of Q with respect to P, and a set A of subgoals, A is completely evaluated in the search forest if for every subgoal A 2 A, the search forest contains the tree for A, whose root node is labeled by A :- A and which satis es the following conditions:  For each SLG resolvent G of A :- A with a program clause on the A in the body, the root node has a child node labeled by G;  For each non-root node v labeled by a clause G with a selected atom B, either B is already marked as completed or B 2 A, and for every distinct atom B 0 that occurs in the head of some answer clause of B, v has a child node labeled by the SLG resolvent or SLG factor of G with C on B, where C is an answer clause with B 0 in the head;  For each non-root node v labeled by a clause G with a selected negative literal B, B is ground. Furthermore, either B has an answer B and v is a failed leaf node; or B is already marked as completed and has no answers, in which case v has a single child labeled by G with B deleted; or B is delayed and v has a single child node labeled by G0 obtained from G by delaying B (i.e., moving B from the right to the left of the j ). The completion transformation is as follows: (viii) completion. Let A be a non-empty subset of subgoals that is completely evaluated. Then for each A 2 A, every active node in the tree for A is disposed and A is marked as completed. Given an arbitrary but xed computation rule, there are programs in which ground negative literals must be delayed before their truth or falsity is known. Additional transformations are needed for simplifying delayed literals when their truth value is determined, the details of which are omitted. These transformations have no e ect on the correctness of SLG resolution, but are necessary to derive the most simpli ed answer clauses. We also use the term SLG resolution to refer to the process of applying transformations starting with the initial forest of a query atom with respect to a program. Since the Herbrand universe is countable, there is a stage, which may be larger than !, when no transformation can be applied to the search forest of a query. It was shown [6] that when no transformation can be applied to a search forest, either some node in the forest is oundered or every subgoal in the forest is marked as completed. In the latter case, the only nodes that are not disposed in the tree of each subgoal are the root node and the answer nodes. If A is the initial query atom, let PA denote the set of all answer clauses in the search forest at the end. The well-founded partial model of a logic program coincides with the smallest three valued stable model [17]. The correctness of SLG resolution is proved in [6] using three valued stable models. Theorem 2.1. [6] Let P be a program, R be an arbitrary but xed computation rule, A be a query atom, and PA be the set of all answer clauses in the nal search forest derived from A that has no oundered nodes. Let HB be the set of all ground instances of all atoms in PA . Then for every three valued stable model M of P , the restriction of M to HB , denoted by M jHB , is a three valued stable model of PA ; and 15  for every three valued stable model MA of PA , which is an interpretation over HB , there exists a three valued stable model M of P such that M jHB = MA . In particular, W F(P)jHB = WF(PA). A key step in the proof of the theorem is to show that each transformation preserves all three valued stable models. Let P be a program. Given any search forest that has been constructed for a query atom A with respect to P, the clauses of all non-root nodes that are not disposed in the forest represent a partially evaluated program PA for all the subgoals in the search forest. The literals on the right of j in each X-clause remain to be evaluated with respect to P, while delayed literals on the left of j are partially evaluated. To relate partially evaluated subgoals to the original program, we replace each predicate p in PA that occurs in the head of an X-clause or in a delayed literal with a new distinct primed predicate p0 (of the same arity). Let the resulting program be denoted by PA0 . The invariant of the proof is that in every three valued stable model of P [ PA0 , the meaning of each primed atom coincides with that of the corresponding unprimed atom. This invariant holds for the initial forest, and is preserved by each transformation. When every subgoal in a search forest is completely evaluated, PA contains only answer clauses, and the program PA0 becomes independent of predicates in P, which leads to the theorem above. Readers are referred to [6] for further details of the proofs. 3. DATA REPRESENTATION AND DEPENDENCY MAINTENANCE There are two major issues in an ecient implementation of SLG resolution, namely completion and delaying. Completion, if implemented directly according to the definition, requires inspection of the trees of a set of subgoals in order to check whether they are completely evaluated. The cost of checking for completion can become a bottleneck. Delaying basically skips a negative literal so that the rest of the body of an X-clause can be solved. Delaying is needed to handle negative loops, but should be avoided as much as possible in order to reduce computation of subgoals that are irrelevant to a query. This section describes the data representation for a search forest and an incremental scheme for dependency maintenance. The latter is used for ecient completion and negative loop checking. 3.1. Table Entries The search forest is represented by a global table T of subgoals. Each table entry is identi ed by a subgoal, and is of the form (A; Anss; Poss; Negs; Comp), where  A is a subgoal;  Anss is the set of answers in the current tree for A;  Poss is a sequence of pairs (B; G), where B is a subgoal and G is an X-clause labeling an active node in the tree for B with the selected atom A;  Negs is a sequence of pairs (B; G), where B is a subgoal and G is an X-clause labeling an active node in the tree for B with the selected ground negative literal A;  Comp is a boolean variable indicating whether A is completely evaluated. 16 In a pair (B; G), B is the subgoal that is waiting on A through an edge represented by the clause G. Whenever an answer for A is found, it is returned to every pair (B; G) that is waiting in Poss or Negs. Thus there is no need to have an explicit representation of the set of all answers that have been returned to a waiting node. We use Anss(A), Poss(A), Negs(A), and Comp(A) to denote the corresponding elds of A in table T . In our implementation, each new node is processed immediately so that its status is changed to either answer, active, disposed, or oundered. Upon oundering, the computation halts with an error message. Therefore only clauses of answer nodes and active nodes have to be represented in a table. 3.2. Dependency Maintenance: A Simple Scheme A stack of subgoals is used to maintain dependencies. They are updated incrementally whenever an edge from one subgoal to another is processed, and are checked at certain points for completion and delaying. 3.2.1. Stack Entries For smooth integration with Prolog, the search forest of a query is traversed in a depth- rst manner using a left-most computation rule. A stack S of subgoals is maintained, which is similar to the local stack in Prolog. New subgoals that are encountered during a depth- rst search are pushed onto the stack. Each subgoal has an associated depth- rst number (DFN) so that the relative position of two subgoals in the stack is determined easily by comparing their DFNs. We say that a subgoal A is on top of another subgoal B (or B is below A) if both A and B are on the stack and A is pushed onto the stack after B. A global counter (COUNT) is used to compute the next depth- rst number. It is initialized to 1. The stack S plays an important role in detecting completely evaluated subgoals and potential negative loops. The basic idea is as follows. When a new subgoal A is encountered, it is pushed onto S . A depth- rst traversal of the tree for A is initiated, which may lead to other new subgoals that are pushed onto the stack after A. We associate with each subgoal A two additional numbers, called PosLink and NegLink, respectively. PosLink is initialized to the depth- rst number of A, and NegLink is initialized to maxint { a value that is larger than all possible depth- rst numbers in an implementation. For each subgoal A, we denote by PosLink(A) and NegLink(A) the corresponding PosLink and NegLink of A. The stack entry in S for subgoal A is of the form (A,DFN,PosLink,NegLink). The PosLink of a subgoal A captures the deepest subgoal on the stack which A may depend upon through positive edges, and the NegLink of A represents the deepest subgoal on the stack which A may depend upon through at least one negative edge. The PosLink and NegLink of A are updated when an edge originating from A is explored. 3.2.2. Incremental Updates of Dependencies Suppose that the tree for A has a non-root node v labeled by an X-clause G with a selected atom L. Assume that L is an atom B. If B is not a new subgoal and is not completed, B must be on the stack. The PosLink and NegLink of A are updated by the following assignments: 17 PosLink(A) := min(PosLink(A), PosLink(B)) NegLink(A) := min(NegLink(A), NegLink(B)) where 'min' is the function that returns the minimum value of all its arguments. If B is a new subgoal, a depth- rst traversal of the tree for B is initiated. When it nishes, if B is completely evaluated, all answers of B must have been returned to the X-clause G. This is due to the tuple-at-a-time strategy in which we return each answer immediately to every waiting node. In this case, the PosLink and NegLink of A are not updated. If B is not completely evaluated, then B must be on the stack, in which case PosLink and NegLink of A are updated as above. Another possibility is that the selected literal L is a ground negative literal B. Then there is a negative edge from A to B. If B is not a new subgoal and is not completed, B must be on the stack. If B has a de nitely true answer, v is marked as a failed leaf node. The PosLink and NegLink of A are not updated in this case as the success of B has been propagated. If B has not succeeded with a de nitely true answer, the PosLink of A is left unchanged, but the NegLink of A is updated as follows: NegLink(A) := min(NegLink(A), PosLink(B), NegLink(B)) If B is a new subgoal, a depth- rst traversal of the tree for B is started. When it returns, if B is completely evaluated, it must have been popped o the stack, and our strategy processes every node waiting on B or B when B is marked as completed. The PosLink and NegLink of A are not updated. If B is not completed, B must be still on the stack, and the same update is carried out for the NegLink of A. 3.2.3. Checking for Completion and Delaying When the depth- rst traversal of the tree for A nishes, we check the PosLink and NegLink of A.  If PosLink(A) = DFN(A) and NegLink(A) = maxint, then A and all subgoals on top of A are completely evaluated. They are marked as completed and are popped o the stack. All nodes waiting on any of these subgoals or its negation are processed.  If PosLink(A) = DFN(A) and DFN(A)  NegLink(A) < maxint, then there may be negative loops among A and subgoals on top of A, in which case delaying should be applied.  Otherwise, A or some subgoal on top of A depends upon some subgoal deeper in the stack than A. They remain on the stack and are not marked as completed. Computation returns to the subgoal immediately below A on the stack. 3.3. Problems with the Simple Scheme The checking for completion in the simple scheme assumes implicitly that every subgoal depends upon all subgoals on top of it. That is, when PosLink(A) = DFN(A) and NegLink(A) = maxint, both A and all subgoals on top of A are considered to be completely evaluated. However, the PosLink and NegLink of each subgoal captures only explicit dependencies from edges between subgoals. As a result, the simple scheme does not work in general. Some subgoal C may be 18 pushed onto the stack on top of B even though there is no path from B to C. Furthermore C may depend upon subgoals below B on the stack. Therefore when B becomes completely evaluated, the subgoal C on top of B is popped o the stack as well, which could be wrong. This can happen when an answer is returned to a node that has a selected atom or when the selected ground negative literal of a node is resolved. 3.3.1. Answer Return to a Positive Literal Suppose that there is a non-root node in the tree for A labeled by an X-clause G of the form: A0 :- D j B; C with the selected atom B, and B is a new subgoal. According to the tuple-at-a-time strategy, as soon as an answer for B is derived, it is returned to the waiting clause G, and the next subgoal C, which happens to be a new subgoal too, is processed. Therefore C is on top of B and B is on top of A on the stack, even though there is no dependency between B and C at all. The following example illustrates this situation. Example 3.1. Consider the following program and query p: p :- q; r: p: q: r :- p: The dependency graph forp is depicted in Figure 1 (a). The initial subgoal p is pushed onto the stack, whose entry is (p; 1; 1; maxint). The evaluation of p leads to a new subgoal q, whose stack entry is (q; 2; 2; maxint). By the tuple-at-a-time computation, the answer q is returned immediately to the node labeled by: p :- q; r A new node: p :- r is created and is expanded immediately. The rule matching r generates an edge from r to p, which is below q on the stack. Thus the PosLink of r is updated to 1. When there are no new nodes to be explored, computation returns to the most recent subgoal, which is r. The current stack of subgoals is shown in Figure 1 (b). Subgoal r is not completely evaluated since it depends upon p deeper in the stack, and so PosLink(r) < DFN(r). When the PosLink and NegLink of q are checked, we have that PosLink(q) = DFN(q) and NegLink(q) = maxint. According to the simple scheme, q and the subgoal on top of it, namely r, are completely evaluated. This is clearly wrong since r should have an answer from p when the second clause of p is explored. Completion is not required for query evaluation with respect to positive programs, but it can help reusing the stack space by popping o subgoals that are completely evaluated. Example 1 shows that the simple scheme does not work for positive programs. 19 p (r,3,1,maxint) (q,2,2,maxint) q r (p,1,1,maxint) (a) Figure 1. (b) Dependency graph and stack of subgoals in a depth- rst search for p 3.3.2. Success of a Negative Literal The success of a ground negative literal can also lead to subgoals on top of a subgoal A, even though there may be no dependencies between them. Example 3.2. Consider query p with respect to the following program: p :- q; c; r: p: q: r :- p: The program is a slight variant of that in Example 1. The dependency graph of subgoals is shown in Figure 2(i). p q c r (i) (c,3,3,maxint) (r,4,1,maxint) (q,2,2,maxint) (q,2,2,maxint) (p,1,1,maxint) (p,1,1,maxint) (ii) Figure 2. (iii) Dependency graph and stacks for p Figure 2(ii) shows the stack of subgoals when c is being processed. Since there is no clause for c, c is completely evaluated without any answers and is popped o the stack. Therefore the negative literal c succeeds, which leads to a new subgoal r. Figure 2(iii) shows a situation similar to that in Example 1. 3.4. Dependency Maintenance: A Correct Scheme The simple scheme assumes implicit dependencies of a subgoal upon all subgoals on top it on the stack when it checks for completion. We modify the simple scheme to capture the implicit dependencies and describe how dependencies are updated when negative loops are handled. 20 3.4.1. Capturing Implicit Dependencies We modify the procedure for the depthrst computation of a subgoal. The depth- rst computation for A returns two numbers, called PosMin and NegMin, respectively. While the PosLink and NegLink of A capture the direct dependencies through edges coming out of A in the dependency graph, the PosMin and NegMin returned from the evaluation of A also model the implicit dependencies by the linear nature of the stack of subgoals as illustrated in Example 1 and Example 2. In other words, the PosMin of A is the minimum depth- rst number of all subgoals which A and subgoals on top of A on the stack may depend upon through positive edges, and the NegMin of A is the minimum depth- rst number of all subgoals which A and subgoals on top of A may depend upon through some negative edges. When the depth- rst computation of A nishes, PosMin and NegMin are rst merged with PosLink and NegLink of A, i.e., PosLink(A) := min(PosLink(A), PosMin) NegLink(A) := min(NegLink(A), NegMin) The same method is then used to determine if A and subgoals on top of it are completely evaluated or may be involved in negative loops. The e ect is that the completion of A is postponed until all subgoals on top of A are also completely evaluated. 3.4.2. Dependency Update after Delaying Let SA be the set of subgoals from the top of the stack S down to and including A. Suppose that PosLink(A) = DFN(A) and DFN(A)  NegLink(A) < maxint, which indicates that there may be negative loops among subgoals in SA . The delaying transformation is applied to every node v in the current search forest such that v is labeled by an X-clause with a selected ground negative literal B, where B is in SA . As far as the dependency graph is concerned, all negative edges to subgoals in SA are eliminated. This is re ected by resetting NegLink of every subgoal in SA to maxint. Subgoals in SA remain on the stack and will be re-checked again after all the new nodes created by delaying are processed. Example 3.3. Consider the following program and a subgoal s. s :- p; q: p :- s; q. q :- s; p. Initially, the subgoal is s, and (s; 1; 1; maxint) is pushed onto the stack of subgoals. Traversing the tree for s leads to a new subgoal p, and so (p; 2; 2; maxint) is pushed onto the stack. The node, p :- s; q, represents a negative edge from p to s. Therefore the NegLink of p is updated to 1. The node, p :- s; q, is suspended, and computation returns to s. The NegLink of s is updated to the minimum of PosLink and NegLink of p, which is 1. Figure 3 shows the search forest, the dependency graph, and the stack of subgoals at this point. Since PosLink(s) = DFN(s) and DFN(s)  NegLink(s) < maxint, fp; sg may be (and, in this case, are) involved in negative loops. We apply the delaying transformation to all the negative edges with a selected ground negative literal p or s. This creates two new nodes, namely s :- p j q and p :- s j q. In 21 s :- s. p :- p. s (p, 2, 2, 1) s :- ~p, ~q. p :- ~s, q. p Figure 3. The rst negative loop for s (s, 1, 1, 1) e ect, the two negative edges in Figure 3 are eliminated. The NegLink of s and the NegLink of p are both reset to maxint. Computation continues by exploring the newly created nodes and then p and s will be re-checked for completion. Exploring the node, s :- p j q, leads to a new subgoal q, and so (q; 3; 3; maxint) is pushed onto the stack. Traversing the tree for q leads to a node q :- s; p. The NegLink of q is updated to 1. Since NegLink(q) < DFN(q), q is not completely evaluated and remains on the stack. After the traversal of the tree for q nishes, the NegLink of s is updated to 1 since there is a negative edge from s to q and the minimum of the PosLink and NegLink of q is 1. Computation continues to explore the node, p :- s j q. The NegLink of p is updated to 1 since NegLink of q is currently 1. As NegLink(p) < DFN(p), p remains on the stack. Figure 4 shows the search forest, the dependency graph, and the stack of subgoals at this point. s :- s. s :- ~p, ~q. p :- p. p :- ~s, q. q :- q. s (p, 2, 2, 1) q :- ~s, p. p s :- ~p | ~q. (q, 3, 3, 1) q (s, 1, 1, 1) p :- ~s | q. Figure 4. The second negative loop for s We check the dependencies of s. It holds that PosLink(s) = DFN(s) and DFN(s)  NegLink(s) < maxint. The dependency graph reveals that there are negative loops among fq; p; sg. Delaying transformation is applied and the NegLinks of q, p and s are reset to maxint. The new node, s :- p; q j , is an answer node since there are no literals on the right of j . Subgoal s no longer depends upon any other subgoal in the dependency graph, although delayed literals will have to be simpli ed if and when their truth or falsity becomes known. The new node, q :- s j p, is explored, and the PosLink of q is updated to the PosLink of p, which is 2. Figure 5 shows the search forest, the dependency graph, and the stack of subgoals at this point, where the isolated node s is not displayed in the dependency subgoal. Notice that PosLink(p) = DFN(p) and NegLink(p) = maxint. Both q and p are completely evaluated and are popped o the stack. The failure of q and p is used to simplify s :- p; q j , deriving a de nitely true answer for s. Similarly s is completely evaluated and popped o the stack, and thus computation of the initial subgoal s terminates. 22 s :- s. p :- p. q :- q. s :- ~p, ~q. p :- ~s, q. q :- ~s, p. p (q, 3, 2, maxint) (p, 2, 2, maxint) s :- ~p | ~q. p :- ~s | q. q :- ~s | p. q (s, 1, 1, maxint) s :- ~p, ~q |. Figure 5. After elimination of the second negative loop 4. ALGORITHM This section describes in detail the mutually recursive procedures for an implementation of SLG resolution. We separate them into two groups, one for basic transformations and the other for completion transformation. We establish the correctness of the implementation by relating it to the correctness of SLG resolution. 4.1. Basic Transformations Let P be an arbitrary logic program, and R be an arbitrary but xed computation rule. Without loss of generality, we assume that the initial query consists of only one atom. For each subgoal A, KA denotes the set of clauses in P with which A :- A is SLG resolvable. Three global variables are used, namely the table T of subgoals, the stack S of subgoals, and a counter (COUNT), which have been described in Section 3. Figure 1 shows the main program. It initializes COUNT to 1, inserts a table entry for the initial subgoal A into the table, and pushes an entry (A; 1; 1; maxint) of the initial subgoal A onto the stack. COUNT is incremented every time a new subgoal is pushed onto the stack. After initialization, the main program calls SLG SUBGOAL to carry out a depth- rst computation of subgoal A. Pushing an entry onto the stack and calling SLG SUBGOAL corresponds to the creation of a tree for a new subgoal in the search forest. In SLG SUBGOAL(A,PosMin,NegMin), A is a new subgoal that has just been inserted into the table T and pushed onto the stack S . PosMin and NegMin are input/output variables. As discusses in Section 3, PosMin and NegMin return the minimum depth rst number of all subgoals which A or subgoals on top of A may depend upon through positive edges only and through at least one negative edge respectively. They are passed through all recursive procedures that will be called during the execution of SLG SUBGOAL(A,PosMin,NegMin). Procedure SLG SUBGOAL creates a new node for each child of the root node of a subgoal. For each newly created non-root node, SLG NEWCLAUSE is called to process the new node, or more precisely the X-clause labeling the new node. The processing may lead to other new nodes or even new subgoals, which are handled recursively by calling other procedures. Therefore each procedure implements not just one transformation, but a sequence of transformations. When SLG NEWCLAUSE 23 Input: a program P and a query atom A. Output: a set of answer clauses. Algorithm: begin end Initialize Count to be 1; Initialize T to be the table with one entry, (A,fg,[],[],false); Initialize S to be the empty stack of subgoals; DFN := Count; PosLink := DFN; NegLink := maxint; push (A,DFN,PosLink,NegLink) onto stack S ; Count := Count+1; PosMin := DFN; NegMin := maxint; SLG SUBGOAL(A,PosMin,NegMin); output all answer clauses in T ; Figure 1. Algorithm for SLG resolution returns for all the child nodes of the root node of a subgoal, SLG COMPLETE is called to determine if A and its relevant subgoals are completely evaluated. Figure 2 shows the details of the procedure SLG SUBGOAL and the procedure SLG NEWCLAUSE. In procedure SLG NEWCLAUSE(A,G,PosMin,NegMin), G is an X-clause labeling a new non-root node v in the tree for subgoal A. SLG NEWCLAUSE calls procedures SLG ANSWER, SLG POSITIVE or SLG NEGATIVE, depending upon whether the newly created X-clause G has no selected literal, a positive selected literal, or a ground negative selected literal. The branching corresponds to transformations new answer, new active, and floundering, which changes the status of the new node v. Procedure SLG ANSWER (see Figure 3) checks to see if an answer for A is new. If the answer is not subsumed by any existing answer for A, SLG ANSWER proceeds to apply all transformations answer return and negation failure-r that are made possible by the new answer. In particular, if the answer has an empty body, all (active) nodes that are waiting on A are failed and disposed. The answer is returned to all nodes waiting on A by either SLG resolution or SLG factoring. All new nodes created by these transformations are handled by calling SLG NEWCLAUSE recursively. In procedure SLG POSITIVE(A, G, B, PosMin, NegMin) shown in Figure 4, G is an X-clause labeling an active non-root node in the tree for A and has a selected atom B. Therefore G is a positive edge from A to B. If B is not in the table T , then B must be a new subgoal and so G is a solution edge from A to B (as G leads to the creation of a new subgoal B). The new subgoal B is inserted into the table and pushed onto the stack. Notice that the pair (A; G) is inserted into the positive waiting list for answers of B. A depth- rst computation is initiated for B by calling SLG SUBGOAL, which returns BPosMin and BNegMin. BPosMin and BNegMin represent the minimum depth- rst number of all subgoals that B and subgoals on top of B may depend upon through positive edges only and through at least some 24 procedure SLG SUBGOAL(A,PosMin,NegMin): begin for each SLG resolvent G of A :- A with some clause C 2 KA do begin SLG NEWCLAUSE(A,G,PosMin,NegMin); end; SLG COMPLETE(A,PosMin,NegMin); end procedure SLG NEWCLAUSE(A,G,PosMin,NegMin); begin if G has no body literal on the right of j then SLG ANSWER(A,G,PosMin,NegMin) else if G has a selected atom B then SLG POSITIVE(A,G,B,PosMin,NegMin) else if G has a selected ground negative literal B then SLG NEGATIVE(A,G,B,PosMin,NegMin) else begin /* G has a selected non-ground negative literal */ halt with an error message end end Figure 2. Procedures to evaluate a subgoal negative edges respectively. The PosLink and NegLink of A and the corresponding PosMin and NegMin are then updated by calling procedure UPDATE SOLUTION. If B is in the current table T , then B is not a new subgoal and so G is a lookup edge from A to B. If B is not marked as completed, we insert (A; G) into the positive waiting list for potentially more answers of B so that this node will be noti ed if more answers are added for B. The PosLink and NegLink of A and the corresponding PosMin and NegMin are updated by calling UPDATE LOOKUP. This procedure e ectively applies answer return transformations to return any existing answers of B to the node labeled by G in the tree for subgoal A. The resolution of these answers creates new nodes in the tree for subgoal A each of which is processed in its turn by the procedure SLG NEWCLAUSE. The procedure SLG NEGATIVE(A, G, B, PosMin, NegMin), shown in Figure 5, handles an active node in the tree for A that is labeled by an X-clause G with a selected ground negative literal B. Its structure is similar to that of SLG POSITIVE. If B is not in the table T , then B must be a new subgoal and G is a solution edge from A to B. It is inserted into the table and pushed onto the stack. The pair (A; G) is inserted in the negative waiting list of B, waiting for the truth value of B to be determined. A depth- rst computation of B is initiated by calling SLG SUBGOAL. It returns BPosMin and BNegMin that represent the minimum depth- rst number of all subgoals that B and subgoals on top of B may depend up through positive edges only and through at least some negative edges respectively. When the depth- rst computation of B nishes, the PosLink and NegLink 25 procedure SLG ANSWER(A,G,PosMin,NegMin): begin if G is not subsumed by any answer in Anss(A) in T then begin insert G into Anss(A); if G has no delayed literals then begin reset Negs(A) to empty; let L be the list of all pairs (B; H 0), where (B; H) 2 Poss(A) and H 0 is the SLG resolvent of H with G; for each (B; H 0) in L do begin SLG NEWCLAUSE(B,H 0 ,PosMin,NegMin); end; end else begin /* G has a non-empty delay. */ if no other answer in Anss(A) has the same head as G does then begin end let L be the list of all pairs (B; H 0), where (B; H) 2 Poss(A) and H 0 is the SLG factor of H with G; for each (B; H 0) in L do begin SLG NEWCLAUSE(B,H 0 ,PosMin,NegMin); end; end; end; end; Figure 3. Procedure to handle an answer node of A and the corresponding PosMin and NegMin are updated by calling procedure UPDATE SOLUTION. If B is already in the table T , then B is not a new subgoal and G is a lookup edge from A to B. If B is not yet marked as completed, we check if B has a de nitely true answer. If so, the node labeled by G in the tree for subgoal A is a failed leaf node by transformation negation failure-r. Otherwise, (A; G) is inserted into the negative waiting list of B. The PosLink and NegLink of A and the corresponding PosMin and NegMin are updated by calling UPDATE LOOKUP. If B is already marked as completed, either negation success-r is applied if B has no answers, or delaying is applied if B has only answers with delayed literals. In either case, the new node is then processed by calling SLG NEWCLAUSE. It should be mentioned that all basic transformations are applied in an eager manner, which is ensured by the following properties of the implementation.  For any new subgoal A that is encountered, including the initial one, all the child nodes of the root node of the tree for A are created by SLG resolution with program clauses. Every newly created node is processed immediately by SLG NEWCLAUSE.  Each new answer of a subgoal A is returned immediately to every active node with a selected atom A as soon as the answer is found. In addition, if the answer does not have delayed literals, all active nodes waiting on A 26 procedure SLG POSITIVE(A,G,B,PosMin,NegMin): begin if B is not in table T then begin insert (B; fg; [(A; G)]; [];false) into T ; DFN := Count; PosLink := Count; NegLink := maxint; push (B,DFN,PosLink,NegLink) onto stack S ; Count := Count+1; BPosMin := DFN; BNegMin := maxint; SLG SUBGOAL(B,BPosMin,BNegMin); UPDATE SOLUTION(A,B,pos,PosMin,NegMin,BPosMin,BNegMin); end else begin if Comp(B) is not true then begin insert (A; G) into Poss(B); UPDATE LOOKUP(A,B,pos,PosMin,NegMin); end; let L be the empty list; for each 0atom B0 in the head of some answer in Anss(B) do begin if B :- j 0 2 Anss(B) then begin let G be the SLG resolvent of G with B 0 :- j ; insert (A; G0) into L; end else begin end let H 2 Anss(B) with head atom B 0 ; let G0 be the SLG factor of G with H; insert (A; G0) into L; end; end; for each (A; G0) in L do begin SLG NEWCLAUSE(A,G0,PosMin,NegMin); end; end; Figure 4. Procedure to handle a node with a selected atom 27 procedure SLG NEGATIVE(A,G,B,PosMin,NegMin): begin if B is not in table T then begin insert (B; fg; []; [(A; G)]; false) into T ; DFN := Count; PosLink := DFN; NegLink := maxint; push (B,DFN,PosLink,NegLink) onto stack S ; Count := Count+1; BPosMin := DFN; BNegMin := maxint; SLG SUBGOAL(B,BPosMin,BNegMin); UPDATE SOLUTION(A,B,neg,PosMin,NegMin,BPosMin,BNegMin); end else begin if Comp(B) is not true then begin if B :- j 62 Anss(B) then begin insert (A; G) into Negs(B); UPDATE LOOKUP(A,B,neg,PosMin,NegMin); end; end else begin if Anss(B)0 = fg then begin end let G be G with B deleted; SLG NEWCLAUSE(A,G0 ,PosMin,NegMin); end else 0if B :- j 62 Anss(B) then begin let G be G with B delayed; SLG NEWCLAUSE(A,G0 ,PosMin,NegMin); end; end; end; Figure 5. Procedure to handle a node with a selected ground negative literal 28 are marked as failed and disposed.  When an active node v with a selected atom A is encountered, all existing answers for A are returned to v. The node v becomes a waiting node for potentially more answers of A (if A is not yet completely evaluated).  When an active node v with a selected ground negative literal B is processed, v is failed if B has a de nitely true answer. If B is completely evaluated with no answers, negation success-r is applied. The operation of each basic transformation is straightforward and corresponds directly to the de nition in Section 2.3. 4.2. Completion and Delaying The application of completion and delaying is carefully controlled in order to ensure an ecient implementation. The delaying of a negative literal B is applied under two situations. One is when B is already completed and has only inde nite answers so that it is neither successful nor failed. The other is when there is a potential negative loop. All edges between subgoals are processed in either SLG POSITIVE or SLG NEGATIVE. Let G be an X-clause labeling a non-root node in the tree for subgoal A, representing an edge from A to a subgoal B. Let Sign be either positive or negative representing the polarity of the edge. If B is already in the table T and thus is not a new subgoal, G is a lookup edge from A to B. The PosLink and NegLink of A on the stack are updated using the PosLink and NegLink of B in UPDATE LOOKUP(A,B,Sign,PosMin,NegMin), and so are PosMin and NegMin. If B is not yet in the table and thus is a new subgoal, G is a solution edge from A to B. In this case, a depth- rst computation of B is initiated. When it returns, UPDATE SOLUTION is called to update the PosLink and NegLink of A and the corresponding PosMin and NegMin. The evaluation of B may have left additional subgoals on the stack, which are on top of A. They may depend upon subgoals deeper in the stack, which are captured by BPosMin and BNegMin in UPDATE SOLUTION(A, B, Sign, PosMin, NegMin, BPosMin, BNegMin) If B is completely evaluated, BPosMin and BNegMin are propagated. Otherwise, dependencies are updated as in UPDATE LOOKUP. In the latter case, BPosMin and BNegMin are merged into the PosLink and NegLink of B before the computation of B returns, and so they are implicitly propagated through the PosLink and NegLink of B. Recall that in SLG SUBGOAL(A, PosMin, NegMin), SLG NEWCLAUSE is called for each SLG resolvent G of A :- A with a program clause. Each call to SLG NEWCLAUSE processes the node labeled by G, as well as all new nodes and all new subgoals that are created from the processing of G by calling itself and other procedures recursively. When this is nished, SLG COMPLETE(A,PosMin,NegMin) (shown in Figure 7 is called within SLG SUBGOAL(A,PosMin,NegMin). First, PosMin and NegMin are merged with PosLink and NegLink of subgoal A respectively. This is necessary as shown by Example 1 and Example 2 in Section 3. If PosLink(A) = DFN(A) and NegLink(A) = maxint, then A and all subgoals on top of A are considered to be completely evaluated and are popped o the stack. All 29 procedure UPDATE LOOKUP(A,B,Sign,PosMin,NegMin): begin if Sign= pos then begin PosLink(A) := min(PosLink(A),PosLink(B)); NegLink(A) := min(NegLink(A),NegLink(B)); PosMin := min(PosMin, PosLink(B)); NegMin := min(NegMin, NegLink(B)); end else begin /* Sign = neg */ NegLink(A) := min(NegLink(A),PosLink(B),NegLink(B)); NegMin := min(NegMin, PosLink(B), NegLink(B)); end; end procedure UPDATE SOLUTION(A,B,Sign,PosMin,NegMin,BPosMin,BNegMin): begin if Comp(B) 6= true then begin UPDATE LOOKUP(A,B,Sign,PosMin,NegMin); else begin end PosLink(A) := min(PosLink(A), BPosMin); NegLink(A) := min(NegLink(A),BNegMin); PosMin := min(PosMin, BPosMin); NegMin := min(NegMin, BNegMin); end; Figure 6. Procedures to update dependencies 30 nodes waiting on them that have a selected atom are disposed. All nodes waiting on them that have a selected ground negative literal are processed. The latter may lead to new nodes, which are processed by calling SLG NEWCLAUSE. Notice that both PosMin and NegMin are re-initialized to maxint. The previous values of PosMin and NegMin are obtained from those subgoals that are just completed, and thus should be discarded. However, the completion of those subgoals may create new nodes that are processed by calling SLG NEWCLAUSE. The handling of the new nodes can introduce new subgoals that are pushed onto the stack. The PosMin and NegMin returned from the processing of those new nodes (and also from SLG SUBGOAL(A,PosMin,NegMin)) are used in UPDATE SOLUTION to update the dependencies of the subgoal that leads to the creation of subgoal A. If PosLink(A) = DFN(A) and DFN(A)  NegLink(A) < maxint, A and subgoals on top of A may be involved in negative loops. Delaying is applied to all nodes that have a selected ground negative literal whose subgoal is A or on top of A. The NegLink of A and subgoals on top of A are reset to maxint. Delaying creates some new nodes. The PosMin is reset to the DFN of the subgoal at the top of the stack and NegMin is reset to maxint before those newly created nodes are processed. When it nishes, A and subgoals on top of A are re-checked for completion. 4.3. Correctness of the Algorithm The correctness of SLG resolution, as proved in [6], is independent of the order in which transformations are applied. Our implementation uses a depth- rst and tuple-at-a-time strategy to decide the order of transformations to be applied to the search forest represented by the global table of subgoals. For the correctness of the algorithm, it is sucient to show that each transformation is implemented correctly and that when the evaluation of a query atom A nishes, either A is oundered, or A and all relevant subgoals are completed. Theorem 2.1 guarantees that the program consisting of the answer clauses of A and relevant subgoals preserve all three valued stable models of the original program, including the well-founded partial model. All transformations except completion are implemented directly according to the de nitions in Section 2.3. Although the decision of when to apply delaying is made based upon dependency information, the algorithm carries out delaying transformation following the de nition. The only exception is completion, which uses dependency information to derive subgoals that are completely evaluated. The following theorem shows that the implementation of completion is correct in the sense that all subgoals that are popped o are completely evaluated by De nition 6. Theorem 4.1. Let P be a program and Q be a query atom. Let T be the global table of subgoals and S be the global stack of subgoals. Then every subgoal A in table T that is not on stack S is completed. Proof. We prove by induction on the number of times subgoals are popped o the stack. The theorem holds initially since both T and S contains only the initial subgoal Q. Subgoals are popped o the stack in procedure SLG COMPLETE(A,PosMin,NegMin), where A is a subgoal, provided that PosLink(A) = DFN(A) and NegLink(A) = maxint. Let SA be the set of subgoals from the top of stack S up to and including A. We show that SA are completely evaluated according to De nition 6. 31 procedure SLG COMPLETE(A,PosMin,NegMin): begin end PosLink(A) := min(PosLink(A),PosMin); NegLink(A) := min(NegLink(A),NegMin); if PosLink(A)=DFN(A) and NegLink(A)=maxint then begin pop subgoals o stack S until A is popped; let SA be the list of all popped subgoals; let L be the empty list; for each subgoal B 2 SA do begin Negs := Negs(B); Comp(B) := true; Poss(B) := []; Negs(B) := []; for each (A0; G) 2 Negs do begin if Anss(B)= fg then begin let G0 be G with B deleted; insert (A0 ; G0) into L; else if B 0:- j 62 Anss(B) then begin let G be G with B delayed; insert (A0 ; G0) into L; end; end; PosMin := maxint; NegMin := maxint; for each (A0; G0) in L do 0 0 SLG NEWCLAUSE(A ,G ,PosMin,NegMin); end else if PosLink(A)=DFN(A) and NegLink(A)DFN(A) then begin let SA be the sequence of all subgoals from the top of S to A; let L be the empty list; for each subgoal0 B in SA do begin for each (A0 ; G) 2 Negs(B) do begin let G be G with the selected negative literal delayed; insert (A0 ; G0) into L; end; NegLink(B) := maxint; Negs(B) := []; end; PosMin := DFN(A0 ), where A0 is at the top of stack S ; NegMin := maxint; for each (A0; G0) in L do 0 0 SLG NEWCLAUSE(A ,G ,PosMin,NegMin); for each subgoal B in SA do SLG COMPLETE(B,PosMin,NegMin); end; Figure 7. Procedure to complete a subgoal 32 First, for every subgoal B 2 SA , there is currently no new node that needs to be processed for B and its relevant subgoals. The reason is that SLG COMPLETE is called in SLG SUBGOAL after all the child nodes of the root of the tree for A have been fully processed, including all other new nodes created during the processing. Since A is the rst subgoal created among all subgoals in SA , all new nodes that are created during the evaluation of A have been processed when SLG COMPLETE is called for A. Second, let G be any non-root node v in the tree for a subgoal B 2 SA and let L be the selected literal of G.  If L is a non-ground negative literal, then computation must have been aborted, a contradiction.  If L is a ground negative literal of the form B 0 , there are several cases: { If B0 is not in the table T , then B0 is a new subgoal. SLG SUBGOAL(B0 ,BPosMin,BNegMin) { { is called. If B 0 is not completed when SLG SUBGOAL returns, NegLink(B) is updated whose new value must be less than maxint, and so is the NegLink of A, a contradiction. If B 0 is completed when SLG SUBGOAL returns, G must have been disposed when B 0 is completed and L either fails, succeeds, or is delayed. If B 0 is in the table T and is completed, then G must have been disposed and L either fails, succeeds, or is delayed. If B 0 is in the table T and is not completed, NegLink(B) is updated whose new value must be less than maxint, and so is the NegLink of A, a contradiction.  If L is an atom, say B 0 , then there is a positive edge from B to B 0 . There are several cases: { If B0 is a subgoal in T , but not on stack, then B is completed by { { inductive hypothesis. Neither the PosLink nor the NegLink of A is updated in this case. All answers of B 0 are returned to G. If B 0 is on stack S , but not in SA , then DFN(B 0 ) < DFN(A). Since there is a positive edge from B to B 0 , the PosLink of B must be less than DFN(A) and so is the PosLink of A, a contradiction; Otherwise, B 0 must be on stack and in SA . Since every new answer is returned immediately to all waiting nodes, and all existing answers are returned to a newly created node with a selected atom, all answers of B 0 must have been returned to G. By De nition 6, SA are completely evaluated. By completion transformation, subgoals in SA are popped o the stack and are marked as completed. 2 In summary, every transformation in SLG resolution is implemented correctly by our algorithm. Let P be a program and A be the initial query atom. When SLG SUBGOAL(A,PosMin,NegMin) returns, the stack must be empty. This is because A has the least depth- rst number. By Theorem 4.1, A and all relevant subgoals are completely evaluated by De nition 6. Therefore a nal search forest has been constructed for A, all subgoals of which are completely evaluated. The correctness of the algorithm is then established by Theorem 2.1. 33 5. DISCUSSION This section compares with related work and presents some performance measurements of two implementations of SLG resolution. 5.1. Related Work The framework of tabulated resolution for well-founded semantics by Bol and Degerstedt [3] de nes a search space for query evaluation, which is similar to SLG resolution [6]. One interesting aspect of the approach in [3] is that non-ground negative literals are also returned as part of answers. This allows a more exible handling of some queries that would be oundered in SLG resolution. The bottom-up techniques presented in [10, 11, 13, 15] evaluate queries according to the alternating xpoint [28] or the smallest three valued stable model [4, 17] in a more direct manner. The magic sets technique in [10, 11] may make too many magic facts true, and thus evaluate subgoals that are irrelevant. The improvement proposed by Morishita [13] alleviates this problem, but still generates many irrelevant magic facts in the initial stages of computing the alternating xpoint. Example 5.1. The following program is from [19]. p(X) :- t(X; Y; Z); p(Y ); p(Z): p(X) :- p0(X): For query p(a), the corresponding magic program is: mp(a): mp(Y ) :- mp(X); t(X; Y; Z): mp(Z) :- mp(X); t(X; Y; Z); p(Y ): p(X) :- mp(X); t(X; Y; Z); p(Y ); p(Z): p(X) :- mp(X); p0(X): This program is in fact an example where the well-founded semantics of the magic program does not agree with that of the original program, assuming the following facts for base predicates: p0(c2): t(a; a; b1): t(b1; c1; b2): t(b2; c2; b3): t(bn; cn; cn + 1): Morishita's method [13] uses a slight variant of the alternating xpoint. The early stages of the computation still generates many magic facts that are not relevant. For example, both the rst positive overestimate and the second positive underestimate contain the following magic tuples: mp(a): mp(b1): ... mp(bn): mp(c1). ... mp(cn + 1): Our implementation of SLG resolution generates only subgoals (or magic tuples) that are relevant, namely p(a); p(b1); p(c1); p(b2); p(c2). Ross rst used subgoal dependencies in query evaluation with modularly stratied programs [21]. Facts representing transitive dependencies among subgoals are 34 computed explicitly. However, techniques for ecient maintenance and computation of subgoal dependencies were not explored. The work most closely related to ours is the Ordered Search technique for bottomup evaluation of left-to-right modularly strati ed programs by Ramakrishnan et al [18]. An extension of Ordered Search, called well-founded ordered search, was recently proposed by Stuckey and Sudarshan [23]. The idea of Ordered Search is to simulate the subgoal dependencies induced by top-down evaluation. There are three interesting di erences between (well-founded) ordered search and our implementation. First, Ordered Search generates all answers of the rst subgoal in the body of a clause before trying to solve the second subgoal in the body. We, however, follow closely the tuple-at-a-time computation of Prolog. As soon as an answer of the rst subgoal in the body of a clause is generated, our implementation continues with the next subgoal in the body of a clause. This allows fast generation of the rst answer for a query. In the case of a ground negative subgoal A, as soon as a de nitely true answer for A is derived, A can fail and subgoals that are created during the evaluation of A can be discarded under certain conditions (even if they are not fully evaluated). An additional bene t is the integration of Prolog with e ective query evaluation. This objective has been achieved in XSB, where Prolog execution and SLG resolution are tightly interconnected. From the users' point of view, ordinary Prolog programs can be executed using SLG resolution with just a few declarations. Second, Ordered Search maintains a topological order among all subgoals that have been expanded using a sequence of so-called ContextNodes. The topological order is based upon the dependency graph of subgoals. Each ContextNode may contain more than one subgoal when there are mutual dependencies among subgoals. A ContextNode is marked if some of its subgoals are marked, and subgoals are marked if their trees have been created and expanded. Each unmarked ContextNode contains a single subgoal whose tree has not yet been created. By re-arranging the sequence of ContextNodes at run time, strongly connected components in the dependency graphs can be identi ed. In contrast, the stack of subgoals in SLG resolution behaves like the local stack of subgoals in Prolog. New subgoals are simply pushed onto the stack as they are encountered. There is no re-ordering of subgoals on the stack at run time. This may, however, cause unnecessary delaying and evaluation of some irrelevant subgoals, even when programs are strati ed. Example 5.2. Suppose that a query m is evaluated with respect to the following program: m :- c; a; e: c :- b: c: b :- c; d: a :- b: Figure 1(i) shows the stack after the edge from b to c is traversed. The computation returns to subgoal c and derives an answer using the second clause of c. The answer is returned to every waiting node, including the node in the tree for subgoal m. This leads to a new subgoal a. Figure 1(ii) shows the stack after 35 the negative from a to b is processed. The NegLink of a is updated to 2, which is propagated to b and c through NegMin, creating a condition of a potential negative loop (even though the program is strati ed). The negative subgoals a and b are delayed, leading to a new subgoal e that is irrelevant to m since a is false in the well-founded semantics. (a,4,4,2) (b,3,2,maxint) (b,3,2,maxint) (c,2,2,maxint) (c,2,2,maxint) (m,1,1,maxint) (m,1,1,maxint) (i) (ii) Figure 1. Stacks of subgoals indicating unnecessary delaying The tradeo is between maintaining precise dependencies through run-time reordering of subgoals on the stack and risking the evaluation of irrelevant subgoals. Which approach is more ecient in practice remains to be determined. The third di erence lies in the handling of negative loops. Well-founded ordered search uses the alternating xpoint technique for subgoals involved in negative loops by calculating possibly true or false facts. Our implementation delays all selected ground negative literals possibly involved in negative loops. The negative edges are eliminated and the negative dependencies are reset. Delayed literals are simpli ed away later when their truth or falsity is known, but there is no redundant inference. Example 5.3. The following program is from Example 4.1 in [24]: r(X) :- s(X): s(X) :- q(X; Y ); r(Y ); t(Y ): q(X; a) :- r(X): To handle negative loops, well-founded ordered search introduces predicates for computing true or unde ned facts. The Undef Magic rewriting in [24, 23] produces the program below: r(X) :- query(r(X)); done(s(X);  un(s(X)): s(X) :- query(s(X)); q(X; Y ); done(r(Y )); un(r(Y )); t(Y ): q(X; a) :- query(q(X; a)); done(r(X)); un(r(X)): un(r(X)) :- query(r(X)); un(s(X)): un(s(X)) :- query(s(X)); un(q(X; Y )); un(r(Y )); un(t(Y )): un(q(X; a)) :- query(q(X; a)); un(r(X)): un(r(X)) :- r(X): un(s(X)) :- s(X): un(q(X; a)) :- q(X; a): un(r(X)) :- done(r(X)); r(X): 36 un(s(X)) :- done(s(X)); s(X): un(q(X; a)) :- done(q(X; a)); q(X; a): query (s(X)) :- query(r(X)): query(q(X; Y )) :- query(s(X)): query (r(Y )) :- query(s(X)); un(q(X; Y )): query(t(Y )) :- query(s(X)); un(q(X; Y )); un(r(Y )): query (r(X)) :- query(q(X; a)): The systematic duplication of true facts in un causes redundant computation and extra space requirements for storing intermediate relations. The duplication is avoided in our implementation due to a uniform representation of answer clauses, which include both de nitely true answers and possibly true answers that have delayed literals. In the evaluation of query r(a), there is a negative loop, involving r(a), s(a), and q(a; Y ). In well-founded ordered search, unde ned facts are introduced: un(s(a)) and un(r(a)). This allows the computation to proceed and evaluate t(a). The evaluation of t(a) is completed and produces no answers. Well-founded ordered search returns to the ContextNode to evaluate the negative loop of r(a), s(a), and q(a; Y ), and starts alternating xpoint computation for the negative loop, even though the negative loop has been broken since s(a) fails. According to [24], the following sequence of actions is invoked:  Add done(s(a)) (since a xpoint has been reached and un(s(a)) is not present);  Delete un-facts un(q(a; a)) and un(r(a)) (to begin the next stage of xpoint computation);  Fixpoint computation using the relevant rules in the magic program, which derives un(q(a; a)), r(a) and un(r(a));  Add done(r(a)) (since r(a) is now present);  Remove un(r(a)) (since r(a) is now present);  Delete un-facts un(q(a; a)) (to begin the next stage of xpoint computation);  Fixpoint computation again, producing no new facts. Thus the ContextNode for the negative loop is removed and done(q(a; Y )) is added. Notice that un(q(a; a)) and un(r(a)) are deleted and then re-derived. Our implementation delays s(a) and r(a), which is similar to adding undened facts of un(s(a)) and un(r(a)). However, subgoals r(a) and q(a; Y ) are both completely evaluated with conditional answers: r(a) :- s(a): q(a; a) :- r(a): The subgoal s(a) is completely evaluated with no answers since t(a) fails. The failure of s(a) is used to simplify the conditional answer for r(a), and in turn, the success of r(a) is used to delete the conditional answer for q(a; Y ). Two aspects should be noted. First, the derivation of conditional answers is not repeated. Second, the simpli cation of delayed literals is carried out only on conditional answers, which is much more ecient than a xpoint computation using the corresponding clauses in the original magic program. Repeated derivation due to over-estimating the truth or unde nedness of subgoals is avoided. 37 It should be mentioned that repeated computation can occur due to the fact that variant checking is used for identifying duplicate subgoals. It is possible that both p(X; Y ) and p(a; Y ) are evaluated. Clearly all answers of p(a; Y ) are answers of p(X; Y ) (unless Prolog builtin predicates like var=1 are used in the de nition of p=2). Subsumption checking of subgoals is needed to avoid such repetition. 5.2. Performance Measurements There are two freely available implementations that make use of the algorithms in this paper. The SLG system, which is a meta interpreter written in Quintus Prolog, implements the algorithms fully. Another, the SLG-WAM of XSB compiles a restriction of SLG for left-to-right modularly strati ed programs[25]. (The SLGWAM is currently being extended to evaluate the full SLG resolution). To get a rough idea how the meta interpreter and XSB perform, we took the benchmark programs reported in [13] together with their timing information, and then ran them using the meta interpreter and XSB. However, it should be pointed out that a systematic study of benchmark that include negation has to be conducted before a clear picture of the relative performance of the various systems can be obtained (for de nite programs, systematic experiments have been reported in [26]). The following experiments are taken from [13]. The intensional database contains only one rule: win(X) :- move(X; Y ); win(Y ): Three di erent relations for move are used, one containing an acyclic linear list: (1,2), ..., (N-1,N), another containing a complete binary tree of height H (with 2H +1 1 tuples), and the other containing a cyclic linear list: (1,2), ..., (N-1,N), (N,1). Execution times were provided in [13] for query win(1) in Glue-Nail's implementations of Ross's method for modularly strati ed programs [19] and Morishita's alternating xpoint tailored to magic programs [13]. We ran the meta interpreter implementation of SLG resolution on these programs using Quintus Prolog 3.1 on a Decstation 3100 (Ultrix V4.2A (Rev. 47)). The timing information in each experiment was obtained using the builtin predicate statistics/2 in one run. For the two modularly strati ed programs, we re-ran the SLG meta interpreter against XSB on a SPARCstation 2. The average of 100 iterations was taken in comparing the meta interpreter to the emulator. The following tables show the execution times (in seconds) of our meta interpreter in comparison with the timing information from [13]. The numbers for Morishita's implementation were taken from a DEC 5000 [14], a slightly faster machine than the DECstation 3100. In addition, meta interpreter times are also shown normalized to XSB's SLG evaluation. negation. The results seem to indicate that our meta interpreter is competitive with Morishita's implementation, and that the XSB system is an order of magnitude or more faster than the meta interpreter. Morishita's implementation performs better for cyclic linear lists than for acyclic linear lists. This is due to the fact that all win facts are unde ned in the cyclic case and the xpoint is immediately reached [13]. On the other hand, the execution times of the SLG meta interpreter are comparable in both cases of linear lists. The delaying in the cyclic case makes the meta interpreter slightly slower than in the acyclic case. 38 N 8 16 32 64 128 256 SLG 0.050 0.100 0.233 0.467 0.933 2.000 Morishita 0.199 0.715 2.621 10.18 40.79 161.9 Ross 0.145 0.309 0.738 2.05 6.56 23.7 Table 1. Timing for acyclic linear lists H 6 7 8 9 10 11 SLG 0.934 1.934 4.084 13.18 28.02 63.45 Morishita 1.11 2.64 5.24 12.5 25.0 59.6 Ross 1.62 4.12 10.86 33.6 111.0 398.4 Table 2. Timing for complete binary trees N 8 16 32 64 128 256 SLG 0.067 0.134 0.283 0.600 1.233 2.550 Morishita 0.055 0.094 0.180 0.348 0.691 1.391 Table 3. Timing for cyclic linear lists Length 8 16 32 64 128 256 SLG Interp. 30 30 33 32 29 29 XSB 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 4. SLG engine and interpreter for acyclic linear lists Height 6 7 8 9 10 11 SLG Interp. 28 27 30 32 53 60 XSB 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 5. SLG engine and interpreter for complete binary trees 39 Further benchmarks of XSB for these programs show linear performance as the database size is increased through 32k for linear lists, and through 64k for trees. In summary these preliminary benchmark results seem to indicate that XSB outperforms prototypes of deductive databases in most cases, and can be signi cantly faster. XSB also provides an alternate form of negation for SLG evaluation which can further optimize these programs. 5.3. Existential Negation in XSB SLG evaluation as de ned in this paper will not cause the exponential behavior that can be observed in some other top-down approaches [7], because it fully evaluates all subgoals even when they are created as a result of a call to a negative subgoal. This method of evaluation is inecient for the win/1 example over the binary tree. To see this, consider the calls made by SLDNF for the query win(1) over a binary tree with 31 nodes. The calls are represented as circled nodes in Figure 2. Because SLDNF checks only for the existence of a solution for a negative subgoal, only 13 out of 31 possible subgoals are evaluated by SLDNF, and p in general the execution of win(1) over a binary tree grows proportionally to 2n in SLDNF rather than to 2n . 1 1 2 3 4 8 16 5 9 17 18 10 19 20 Figure 2. 6 11 21 22 12 23 24 7 13 25 26 14 27 28 15 29 30 31 Calls to win/1 over a binary tree Version 1.4 of XSB allows three di erent ways of executing win/1. The rst uses pure SLG resolution in which all subgoals are fully evaluated. This method is used in the comparison with the SLG meta interpreter in Table 4 and Table 5. The second uses SLDNF resolution. Existential negation is the third alternative of XSB, which combines some of the search strategy of SLDNF resolution with SLG resolution. In existential negation, when a de nitely true answer is derived for A, the 1 The exact formula is G(n) = 2b n2 c+2 3 + 2( n 2 b n2 c). 40 corresponding ground negative subgoal A fails. Furthermore, subgoals that are created during the evaluation of A can be discarded without being fully evaluated under certain conditions without losing termination and correctness properties of SLG resolution. The tables below show normalizations of the execution times of the SLG meta interpreter and the rst two methods of XSB to that of XSB with existential negation for the two benchmark programs that are modularly strati ed. Length 8 16 32 SLG Interp. 30 30 33 XSB / No E-Neg .99 .99 1 XSB / SLDNF .67 .21 .22 XSB / E-Neg 1 1 1 Table 6. 64 128 256 32 29 29 .99 1 .97 .22 .24 .26 1 1 1 Comparisons of SLG implementations for acyclic linear lists Height 6 7 8 9 10 11 SLG Interp. 123 116 229 261 812 906 XSB / No E-Neg 4.5 4.25 7.6 8.2 15.4 15.7 XSB / SLDNF .3 .24 .22 .24 .24 .23 XSB / E-Neg 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 7. Comparisons of SLG implementations for complete binary trees 6. CONCLUSION We have presented ecient techniques for implementing SLG resolution [6], which is a transformational framework for computation of queries with respect to the well-founded semantics. We rmly believe that SLG resolution will have an important impact on the theory and practice of logic-based computational systems. Its termination properties on strati ed Datalog programs make it a good strategy for deductive database query processing; its ability to be integrated seamlessly with Prolog evaluation makes it a good logic programming strategy, and its polynomial data complexity for handling nonstrati ed Datalog programs makes it a good strategy for nonmonotonic knowledge representation problems. Implementation techniques developed in this paper not only bring the declarative semantics of logic programs to Prolog programmers and other users, but also are applicable to problems that involve various extensions of logic programs, including constructive negation and constraint logic programming. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank S. Sudarshan for discussions on the (well-founded) ordered search techniques and S. Dawson and K. Sagonas for their help on the time complexity of 41 SLDNF resolution for query win(1) in the case of a complete binary tree. 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