STAN .R B 161 W samwr A large number of provincia! . gaverncrra and feudatoa, mm in of Vijayana-gar Empire axasraya-E; iii:and Kf§$w?¥F}&iE§i33 were North and South India declared their E Independence with the : disintegratian af the Daaéfhiaxiianata j after the reign of Muhammad-Bin-V Tughluq. Bengal and Multan ; me rst to break away from Balhi. %Gujarat, Mama, Mewar, Marwar and Kashrnlralso becaameindepement. -V* crf naeva afae Tuiiwa was the mass!famum king Wjayanagar Empira. Furer to thi$, Vijayanagar and the Bahmani icingcfnms ruse in 1 prnminencre in the and South India. Hariham and Bukka same %under theHoysatiaking Vviraaliaia ll!.Aer I-luysAa!as were k by Muhammad~bina~Tugh;E:.m Harinara bammsathe wives: Theyfoundedma af an Suutham banks as? Tungabhadra in 1336 AB Acmding to Dorninga Pans, a ve heip of Saint and Partuguese Eavaller, Kshnadeva Raya was the most feared and HE5tzmdaer Sayana. weir mpimk Ringtherecouldpossibly was nH&mpi,§Vijayanagar «empire was rulad by fear impnrtant Hm géiangamaeg S3is*%E§ ¥§.siwm Haham V £336 AD. § Krishnadava Raya was a great : me in and warrior. He conquered n Sivasamudram in 151UA.D.,Raichur ; in 1512A.D.,0rissa and Waranga! in Hie was by 1523 AD. and a iarge part :11the in AJ3. His wtpire Daancan.His empire extended from axtendad ma seam of V than rimr Tungabhadra @2910 the river Krishna in the north to the 1 liver Gauvery in the south and the f arrnram.Thenin'gpmtant miars U bilarl Sea in the west BanfB«an all me east In the Hrashndavaraya was an able admlnislratur. :l-Iemnstmcted large tanks and Ganals far imgatinn purpazaszasl H9 irnprmredllm naval p-awar as he understand the lmpurlanca cri nvarseaa trade. Ha malnlalnadlfriarslyralatlnnsehip with The Vlialyagnagar lmlers had as well urganlwd administrative The liningwas the fuuntain hea nf all; was a Guncil at Mlnistaar-5tn assist tha M King Elf his 1government. lrishnadava Raya was a great suhnlafr.A grnup ml eight smmlars adnrned hla mun He was a spaatmn cf art anti amhitactural Ha built beautiful lsvmplasand 3; The sfljaya nagar Erngire reacxhavd its xenim uf glmy Hrlahnadma Raya parlm Ina wml: M adminlstrann, ma Paltugueseand Arab traara and inazmaseld the ravanua in the sitatie. There Empirewas dl-vidiaadi lmn six Fmvlnces. Each fPrmrtl¢nc~awas Llil a Gmrazmor calla Naik. The Pmvincaes were didad inm dlstnis which were dlviéad inm smaller units namely Villages. The Village Assesmhlymarried the adémllniistlration all the villaga lhmuglh its heraadllaryafwuaers accountants! the wLeLightsmenl.l wlalchman and r:-iaers lncharga all forced labmzr. adminlstralion Ths mantra! malntalrlad mntact with thatvilagaasthmugh an nicar called Mahanayakachawa, The anfay m.nsastaclinf the lnfanlry,cavalrysanad elepéha»nfts3r,l The cammandar-ln~«c:hlaf was in charga af the army. Tha sumaasmrs nf Krlshnadeva VRayswerewesali. During ElmmlieElf Ramalraya,lha camblnadfarms af Alhmmnagear, Bljapur, Gcslcnrlda and Biclar declared war an VVijaéyanagar. lrl me battleas? Talllcola in 156-5 Aih Ramamyaa was clefaatlasd.He and his gpesalie Land ravelnua was the smurcae ca? inmma. The land main was carefullysuwaysd and lama ware mllaclad hasadian tha fartllltynf this Great attenltlan was paid to agriwllum and me mnstruzstlcin f dams .and canals. ntemistessly killed. Vlglaylanagarr pIu:?Bl'Edf and la- ruins, The lazingwas lha supmma juga. The civilsagasware:déacldad on me Izzasis06! Hindu Samara punishmanlzs sum inimad an we guiity. Fina wara mum frcinm mamwdatedm and maul:an markin pzuiitiazai, til and literary Iifa f ma mnpim. They mm adumtad and taimd #1 Vmtiing, in H13 use of vmiaus af amem and dafmm; in lncfm, L as them af high nrdar. mini: %mihasthat me kings waman aatrniugara. ciarks, accznuntantap guards:$112! was95%a clam pictumuf tha life: uf Vijayamgar Eamm the minm ufiha fareiagn tm:va%EaA*s. sudatywaswellorgarIizar.i. cum T Dan,Godwin and f mtriasdanthawmlamsam Wmm GG3J|:d a hgh Sam armvaévais. § ware Hm importantparts} truugh which amass:brads:was ; Law. musi::~and ne iknpartad hams, names; ma], marm, na rulersof Viayamgarwane; graaat of art and Beaming.{ Tim Hamra and L s.£itia%éaLawa%mys §2&r?§mi?% are fine. eammpiaua m 111% perioadThe t - : [ af i-(ri3la1mava Rayazis a V scfmam warn [ patrmized by the Vijayanagarf Tarn. Mum: and ; Kannadalmaramrawamdmmlogpad. [ pmyvgamy V. Vmma L an 1 §{r§32tir:a,Le§va§§:§?a wrnia ; gmmiiamagma in teéugu. His j Eanslmi wanes was-a Maa L The empire a4 vary rim and p%&rnLm. agriculturai was Tha graduating was incmasad by their Enigatiursal guiaias.NI..i kilstas as my. mining.metaifuvrgy and yparfumary mrisid. Thaw ha-:1 mmmaruial raiaans islanda in ma mdian: tha ma Malay?VArd!1Ip:eIagu_ Burma. Ghana, Arabia, Persia. South A.fric:a, Abyssiniaar1adPortugaL Tim chiefarticm axpnrtadmam spines. silk, npmm. indign. saa aamm gingmg sugar; mmnuts, etc. 1119 artic Ewixmgeam and a§a&3=:r:7%;i«a#¥a_L i Time rulers Wiayanagar. asai intha cr tzha aravidu mléfl was. by 1614 AB. dynasty were weak and immfrpatant Taking advaniage :33 their weakness the prnvirmia gmramms became Endependantk The mists saf jaijapur and VijayaLnagar djrnsty wasdawned. Gm"mnVdaannamaé sama arms as mostpmmrfuiMustimicirngdnm that Eahmaniand wwmaf The Emmani ékingdam lnvmdmm» this i in parumei=nence in the 0-Mam in 134? AD- and iaam an 1:526 AD. fmndar af mis dynazssty was; 5:"-'i::a5a $23 Ba5?%mas£§§L He was a Turkish oiaar of Bevagtiri. He e5Vt.abEi$h:=ad the indemsandent Bahmani kingdczmr 134'? Am. He: aptured entire iarrifories Maimr in n£:rth~a:3$t in Talangana in the smith. Ha dafeafa ma Hindu pruvincwi at his kingdum ta Vu'ija~y3nagarJ ggiéma5}§'z~;§§§*i: {1:«4;E2«14:35 An} sumwdad Fem; Shah Bahrnarai, He was a anus? and marcwass rules: Ha mm-quarad the kingérzxm f Warangai and maregradhia capiltal mm Gulfhasfgata Eidar. Ha aim in 1-435A,.D. wmammm {143« 1482 AD.) was annthvarnutamva rular uf Warangal and arinamd Kaihapur, Qua. Mandi: and Mama, Thus his iucingd-m stretched fmm the Arabian sea in the Bay as!Hangat Eahmani and irmiue 3 Va gauiiidatnca the Hshmani icingdm bamme van; pawazrfui. the wme af Herman: uplzathe river i{n?5h:na wiin its mpiiak aiGuibaergaa.. §Aa;ha:mVmVas: $i:§m;%+§~v/i (1353-i 13?';LA.B;). the next ruleswas an able ge-énerai and adminishmzvar. He defeated Bukkadi tha rusiear of Wj,a3.ran.agjas1r and HapayriaNiayaks»nf VWamngai. Muhammad Gawan ibecame me *. * ,1. at the ir1:fan;tmien Under has Muhammad the death stratmad sriwerTungabhad%r*a. wmna in 9% Muhammad a great gianerai,He defeavted Raya the Vijayanagar Lruier; Ha reamimd eanumhaer of Hindsus in his EEWEEEES.Hie Transferred his Ezapitai fmm GuEburga:tuE§dar. Tnwa=r$ the and calfhis maiéa, ha . 5%? H13 nfthf d saumem tuna 3-aa Eshr to the antiwar and from the river Tiaptito me Shah-ll,. Fa§z*£ TEA$>§L*r:a??a*§aw§"*2% (I 3.9?~1i422AD.) humming the: mkarg He EEWEH defaafsd miars af Kankan, S:ang3masihwa:r, riasa and Vi;£ayaAnagar.. During this paricnd the Eahmani Bzingdtam V -tars AB. He peam iuving and hanca he devaipad frE4anl§; raiaans with hés neighbaurs. He buift many macaques,madaarasasva pime cafteaming) and hmspitaks. n beuszame the Sultan at 513ageLofni1neLin 14:63A.D>. %s%%uL%1Limr2:mLai (13?B» 139?.A.EL) ascaandad rL:Ee:r.% He uharnmad 144% His . Sham-III :' d L and ma Eahmaniiiingdem into five:kingdnm-.5 namely Bapun Ahrnadnagar.Bsarar,Gnlmnda and Bkdar. The Stmrw 5 Faudagii tameoi administratian,Tbs» was intn gpmvineaa aallmj Tarafm Each Tara? usndzar a Gmremszw«sailed Tamfdar t;rArnir:. Gmmurs ' L and Baghainéi $LulEt.a:n grew!as Tantn enmumgad Arabia:and: Paaralan Umuaim aurismd dmirm min parind. mvaquaa, madagraaas ant?librarlmware but. The m:ma: famnuamonjumants cf the Sulmnswara the masjidat Gu¥ha:ma,ma Gulwnda fart. lhu Gaigumhaa at Bijapur and ma Mwaarmmof £- mlpplia Hm king with am aquipmanmwring uf war. dmsmfall of ma Eahmanl wars b-almaan: the and Vijayanagar mam. imfitziaarast and sumassamof Mummmad Shaih: I v ; n. the and vairy 2; Baghrnamiruiers and rmblaamm a ma idjawnfall 1 . ma uyanagsm wasfnundedina a} 1331mm. h)I%33EAi.D. ymr uf V c:):1: 53112335 far that B ahmani 2,Tha hamthaarsHarilasara311:3} Hui-:5-ta sawed undar the Hwam E] vita Eailaia-Ii! I3}Marasimhan-I! E)Eiiliama-Vi 3. The mustfamaus icing:at me Vajaryanagairasmpafraa was a) Harihagra Bukka 4.3"me MusiimFcizngdnm mat tn was the % 77 G}Ksnaeva Rafaya pmmimnce inthe Bamzzan in I3-k kingdmx. aj Siam; bl Vayaanagar G}Eaéhmani 5. MwhammaaGawan wa$ ma.R&geniuf4_W.iVii as}Muhammad Shah-ILIi in) Haaan %:i;}:. W Klg V -74 cjmhmad Shah; as1aa§;s% L A gm-up cf Bight aahlars caiiad L, anlnrnad fw wurt nf ?Eiri5hnadevaRayai .2.Tinalvijayansagar Empirerezachetszenffh af grnrydturriing thisparinfnd? of 3..Ramaraya Vwasdafeatedan kiIi&di:1L*1aa Emile am 4. The Bahmmi: Kingdnrn was fnundeadby . .7 The BahmanéiSuitans anwurzagad«Maniaa:n«¢ EH5} ééaximh lm f§§3;%§.a Huiijayanagagr wEigiapur BattigeufTa5ilmm ~ Ushapganayami 3. shnadaeva Raya - GuIharga 4; Jurna Maesjitzl - Suuthsambani: uf VTunab?hara 5, Gaefgumbaz - V§mL{&msw&=r'$Emfa:§%mw§mVgggxawns L Whai wam 2. ware mu:sas.:far the d §f::fiEnf Vijayanaigar Empire. im:;parta;mV rulers tsha ViiiayanagarEmpire? 3. Wrim 3 shurt new an the same nfTaIikata%. 4. and bywhsnr:was ma Bahmani kirngdumfcaurrdeé? 5. Ha:-mene ve Musim ixingdusma that amsa Barmana:the and 3% éahmanimie... i;!:3»}g&;r*saxasr:u:r Lé§%:a;:§!§»%?. 1. Biscusa in d'*atai! ab-tautthe glori-sea af ma Vg§rayanag%aAr Emgira. Giveanamzzruntnfihe pminaihmtwyaf Makaa c;amparEsan: V ?V Gasrnparez masviEEageL3dLministra«an a¥ma yanagaer EmpirawEi%h ins preaartt day xzillageadmira:ii+£ra«aen syatem mTamilnVaduE L ik39aV._ taunsamisi ¥and$%; an earthquakean awarenesshas to be craatad in me public especially . . , pmplaMm m ma aarthquaka Due: to volcanic erruptsanslava primeareas-Pacsple should be °""s 3 I aim 33 dash? . emuuraged ta bumearthquake settlements anddestroy farestand resistant homes.Theyshuuicl be B9WitU|"'3d3-- %helped to check tam quality czfsoil L = before buildingtheir hnmas.Tha Mud and 35 ffm Vians peaplashould bemadeawareoftha When mixd Vii! Fall Wafer 0%" ; stepsthey shouldtake duringan meltedSHUW frm mudaws which . aarwqualte.Awarenasscampaigns : hava to be macia in scheme arecailled as Lahars. 33 that : right frotnanearly agetheylearn howtaprotectthemseives duttngan I earthquake. Theashctlaudand thesmut-ta avaived affaat visibilityJharaby affecng air traffic and may also : V What are tha stepsthat one man affect agricultural and other amnomlc activitim:-,_ ; takeduringanearthquake? T313H1031imlaf iig Tlmughvolcanoe eruptions 0'13 cause great havucmare are same mustoisto remaincalm.ltyauare iide 3 buildi stand at me . dourwaygrcmuch underadeskcra positivegggts aisarhe ash tang. muddeposited pmvida nutrients to th -1th ,1, - tame away from wmmvs grass£32 d"35' 3-, f my « %i;"$£T;;2t Saifeéii are usedfar industrial purposes. Rocks formed by lava are used for . If you are uutside, stay away I 7 it from gbjegts such asekecma pales!water building wads. The steam and hot released can be used to L{?.;i.-mf$i?;;?5ii ,§§';?§lna2§ eenerategevihemaiene automobilei,stop at an apart place away from y overs and under passes. Matte sure to switch aft gas stoves,put off candlestit lampsand aiectcal lights is pravantfirva. if you iive in multi-started - buildings d_o notuselifts,butinstead Vusethestalmaseta get cut. I80 gig»? mama Vmmg mgtggamimggmga Wm The eruptionof Nevada dei Ruiz of Columbiain November 13, 1905 killed-10.000people.itwipedoutthe entire city ofrrnero. Likewise.the most recent volcanic eniption In Iceland occurredon April 14. 2010. which eniptaedwith a large ash plume(due to magma spewedfrom below the Ice}. More than 20 counb'ies had to shLIt down their airportsbeoeuseoftheash plume. Tsunamiwaves traveleta speed of 320 kilometerper hourand speed increases when it appmaohes the continents. Volcanoes rarely kill people. still people should stay away from volcanoes. All transport facilities are to be avoided. especially air transport near volcanicregions. Volcanic eruptions may cause eerizhouakes. so peopleshouldtake preceuiionarymeasures. From the snowcovered mountains. the volcanic eruptions may cause melting and ooding and therefore embankmentsmust be built. People should be aware of t:l1e recruits crittit meterwhid1 measures the expansionof a volcano They arekiller waves orGiant waves generated by earthquakes. volcanic emptions or underwater landsl|des.itcanralseto15 metresor more in height.When earthquakes occur In the sea or ocean. me see waves rise to several meters and may reach the coast within a few minutes. The danger period of Tsunami can continue for many hours after a major earthquake. Tsunami; A killer Tsunami hit South East Asian Countries on the 20" Decembarof2004killingmorethan 1.50.000 lives. Land--elideemay be defined as f the moment of rock and debris downa slope.Debrismixedwith rain water is called as mudtiowor mud slide The emotional, economic and Landslides are causeddue to instabilityof the slope. heavy eoologlmltoll of the disastercannot be mlculated. Many villages have lost entire generation.This was the biggest Tsunami to hit the world in 40 years. No one oould have thought tht its effects wouldrippleworldwideovernight. rainfall. earthquake, volcanic eruption. deforestation and also indiscriminate oonetruwonacvity People should be aware of the informationgiven by the Tsunami Warning Centre located at Hyderabadin India. People should vacate the ALandeilea coastal area as soon as the tsunami warningis released. Landslides affect agriouiturei , production.destroy settlements.} Seriously injured persons should be given immediately First damage roads and reiiways and change the directionof eurfaoerun T Aid. off Fisherman should not go for shing. We should not assumeonlythe firstwave is dangerouswhereasthe euoeeeeive waves oould If houses are built on soft spit andslideprone areas,anaitemaeve path for sliding eoil should be : provided. be more dangerous. When there is a ohanoeof the roadsbeingaffectedby iandsiidesor mudslide alternateroutesshould; be plannedforqulckevaouation. Anavalanche oanbedetinwea a large mass of snow or ice. descendingdown the mountain slope. It occursin the high iatitudes . and at the high altitudes. 182 earthquakes.extreme precipitation. People who live on hill slopes should be encouraged to plant trees man-made around their houses. Avalanches are provoked by disturbances such as loud noise, heavy movementof the In areas of avalanches,travelling in any mode of transport should be skiers and use of explosives. The Avalanches more become accumulation severe when of snow takes avoided. placeat the time of avalanches. The effects of Avalanches South Indian coastal areas are are affected more by cyclonesman by any other disaster. Every year, the cyclonescause a few deaths along the coromandelcoast. especiailyin destruction and blockage of the roads, destroyinga smell hamlet. vegetationand wildlife. Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The Indian Coastal regionsare among the six major cycloneprone regionsof the world. The cyclones are the strongest winds generated by the meetingof the cold and warm fronts in the centre of low-pressure systems. when they are all formed over the sea and oceansthey becomeviolent Avalanches due to the fact that there are no barriers to check these winds. The cyclone is always associated with strong winds and torrential rains. Strong winds may uproot trees and electrical poles thereby blocking roadsdamaging buildingsand disruptingelectricity Avai-anches supply. Torrential rains wilt teed to ltlsdifoult tocheck orstop the water logging and oods affecting normallives of people. Heavy rates avalanches but the power of will avalanches destructionof standingcrops.The:'e also may be loss of lives due to falling of trees. collapsing of buildings and washing away of homes. Water loggingfor a longer minimize can be reduced to its effects. Hill resorts, mountain towns. roadsand railwaysare to be avoided in the areas of avalanches. result in Soil erosion and period will cause the spread of water People should be instructed notto use explosives. 183 borne diseases typhoid. like cholera and People shouid kaep {hair important dacunrants and juawalsin a safe and secure place. Fishaarrranare advisad by ma gavarnmantnot to venture into me am farshing. There isalways thedanger (sfZ Aung:grrnnn iigri M eiectrracutinn from damaged eleeicai wires and poles. Hanna _ petuniahaveta ha caraful. People are advised to drink imiiedwater to avoidspreadG?A 26$-»3m narmemrxm wastwmrsawrhaswm artrseaay or Bangalmrissameu-anrarrerrran nmramsar i farm. water: home cinaaasas. PaopiashouidIistanto radiour ¥ television watdi news to kmw A about meaycione warnings and fcrllaw the instuctians annrzruncacl by me gavamment, iearrinrahuge damciiuaW? tail wane Flaods are a tempnrary arimerclieasngiariiandinundatinn or uvarow of water. . Xbmkew arodrsasrate They are mused due tn very heavy 5Tidri nixed thausrandsiiadf } rainfail, cyrzionas,rneing of snow. uwgsratadmrrrrunsmfhamtaras ur tsunami air a darn burst. Firaoclsare mmmun iiaatures in Tamiinadu. Andhra Fradesh, and Grissa due ta vary haavy rainfali during the in water logged areas tampnrary channels shtruid be built Vtadrain the watnr. Temporarychannelsshould be built to drain water. Pecpie living in aid buildings _ may have to temporarilyshift tmir residema. Normeast Manama Murntrai during sea.-ssh and in . their Southwest Mcansuranawrson. Floodsdestroysewage system. pullutewater,cause30%! eruslctn,sift dapnsition, water logging.destmctian tn agricultural elds. iivastnck. damaga in ma shing ; aqulprnems,buiidlngstructuresand : to the I053 nf Iifa. Why do ends acrcurevery year = in the norm Indian rivers, when mmpared iothesouth Indianrivers? dryness of weather due to lack of rainfall. It is difcult to indicate the time of its onset and end. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, the country is declared as drought-affected when overall rainfalldeciency is morethan 10 % over a long period. The major reason for the drought is the scarcity of rainfall. Scarcity of rain can be listed due to Floods Floods and droughts are the two problemscauseddue to the vagariesof monsoon. failure of monsoons, vagaries of monsoons, deforestation, environmental degradation, high rate of evaporation, poor land management, overgrazing and soil People in low lying area should move out to safer places as advised by theirgovernments.To avoid overow of water, Channels have to erosion. The rainfed crops are mostly affected due to droughts. Other effects are: (i) scarce drinking water be dug to drain out water from agricultural elds and low lying areas. Sand bags are to be placedin supply,(ii) shortageof food. (iii) lack of waterto the livestock,(iv) nutrition front of the houses such that water does not enter the homes. erosion. Ponds and lakes should be desilted , river embankments have to be raised and the drainage system de-blocked before the onset of monsoon. For a Ion term solution to repeated oods afforestation is to be encouraged and rainwater harvesting methods to be implemented. Older studentsmay volunteerby collecting and distributing clothes and food packets to help people who have been affectedbyoods. Droughtrefersto the prolonged deciency diseases and (v) soil On Mara: 24, 1998: A tarnadca The following are the ways by l tomadoas Violent : killed 160 pecopla and injured2,000 when they streakedthrough 29 cnastalvillages on the eastern states of West _ Bengaland Otissa. Ten people in a which less and sufferingcan be ; minimised Plannad land development. ; altamata cropping foruptirnal useat boat were killed when they were thrawn up ta 28ft high. land, and drip irrigationmethnd will helpin increasingttrafarmoutput. Thirty-ve chiidranware crushnd Beast starage facility tn stare to death when a school building being used as a shelter grains . mner utisatinn of rain watar will help in mitigatingdraught collapsed at Gaborghatain the . Balasure . wnditiun. district in Clrissa. This tomadoesattened 15,0430homes 1 and left mare than 10,008 peanple Foddarand drinkingwater for the hnrnalasst cattle has ta be ensured during 3 drnughtperloczl. Fondgrainsand foddershouldbe 3transportedtn needyareas . Draught relief ptanningat village level has to be undermken to provide - quickrelieftheaffectedmaple. - coiumn the THEOISEWOBHYFD of air mat is in contact surface of earth and HQ with the : cumulonimbuscloudhunder cloud 3 base).Tnmadt:>es accur in many dierent shapes and sizes but the 5typicaltnrnadn is funnel shaped with the narrow and touching the : surface ofte aart. As$£.)Ctl'l astcrrnadaes wamlngsA They are caused due to extreme tuw pressure.Thay nriginatain land, ganarang a raptdwhirl wind. They are heard, pwmple new tn gal:inside l are farmed whan hot air and mild air downon ma graund. their are rnixad. They cause heavy destruction129 both life and property - like a cyctune. 13 homes or stclrrn caattars or lie if you are outside, stay in a safe place and return herna when it is I daclaredsafe bythe aulnrities. Aiwaysfuikzwtfia insmlctinnsam giuanby ma sums as. andihaeir psmaarty againstdisasiem. Awaraanaas Lpmgravmmas should he nrganisa in schema,mmas am; isaswr managwmnt awaranassf diarent type cf maa General :pu:bIiai zhnuid be aware thrnugth radius, newspapers and taimiisinn pmgrammaes.Gmmmmants shaulti dimabars, dii.-aasta:-r pz'a:pa::raadrm5.5, haw a plan surf wzatiain ta mubilisa prvavanticxn, and racnvary, Peapise shauidha fnrewamedam educated ta safaguard themsatves variuus dapaa maentsin prfovide iimefyandquickmiiefmra : =. mama; ilfsxsaaitziferwiwA1: . E.Themajnrraeasam faarihve is £115VVH (3) Scamitysf rainfa§3 {bL)+anvimnma2nta;1 d$§g§iadann {»r;}Affnms1tiJa::Vn {$3 £nu.atry 2; Tasmanas am :.:nm:mnVin« {aftitndia {Vb} Emangiadehq {G} my U.ST».A 3. ?f..arsds;!imnftm namjrin 4? {3} Dssark {I3} in} Tu ndra reginn Edi} Hiiiy l'E:;g5Dl"l< TsLmamiVVha5Lbeen derivad {awamiii (:9) Japanese (miFrmah {:3}Latin: 5, Urrthefaiiawing ml; 3 naturai:;lLisa$?tLer £3)Nudaar explasian {hi Dafumstann (re)Furcest re (d) Lighming ggxrmgntt@«¥émA%lnw§§z B, Tmnad?aas Haavyminmi Mnlta ma!-:3 . air Landsiidze Draught *u*t:rh:;£anEr;:erupfian V» Tsunami VE}a.:rthq;L:salme » Scamyufrainfai iiiiia,;rsavmr~ §3%!%§.n§s i 11 is sharfiasr disaamr? Rene Miganm 3. What is ?i.and$iE:de? M, Differentiaha ends and? imughfs, B<§aa'ent.Eaia"farnadaaas and£Ly*1:nJnass.L % 1..Whatn meantbydipsastar? Expbain and manmade disaster; 2. Write abawmTaunami and its affaaectts cananvirunrnent. 3. what aarafl? Listwt thanMitigan measurascxffiuml aactad araasl What;is caffied dmughf?Writaaébcmt zahats. Write abaeut ue seismicmamas aiaf lnia 5 in i hismka an f 3. itradia isdinriadSum A ¢A saismiczmas, 3, in IndiaVsunami warningmanitm haabaansatup at 4. 5D:shrisowV is kmwn33. 5.A.valand*?m nm:.1:r:a«nima high and high V31;ar1a;p Mam s~eEsmic zuneg an the aniline map of Endia. Aw . Writze ane5s;a3ruVn Elarfthquafxiesr umurred inindiaduring EEEH ~25G¥2. an album at: mbar, 2 amps mmbuwiitia areas, . iI'I« -1»Tsunami1uLshaw1aaeams§andLtha , FEMm.w«e:rsasans=fa:£1a:iandsiidas, which q;t:/as mieniéntha Hi LT;district; n assayIn theEasndaiidea withyaursxaggastimm andsuimhaie picturaa. . Have» a disazzuasaiun an a a*:reas and whenin ~davai::ap theamas. . Drawa posterand advarsa L Hawm ngéin aafagu E-aarkae saismic bamdsmshaw the» émpartanmofRainwaha:rV nusefves.aring dlmught. at Endia anthaauinamap; Tm ocean pkays3 cmcial mules in sumining fe an Earth and is a key element in limahe mange The ncmn raughty 9? % uf me Eaerfa watar; A large stretchwatxar mvarmg a vast: area is alied an cuaaan. The is %%a stare hnusa mf minarai Varimis pralzams are aireaady witnessedainngme masmi Earth niek named ¥":¢*i»aiE:::**;gr Paa The nmams of ms Earth are unique in Mr Suiaz areaaandsmallislams farat-iamipla System.Mnnmar pianetIn nur Sniar pcrllutiun, e:<.h;au5'Ead Lsh;i:ng; stamens, disappearingcaa5t:i¥:n5es-,., Fiing sea favafl,é mcmasing surface temparaiuires threatan lifa an the Earth. Betta knawtaadlgaan mean syatam wili us pradict same ufthe vaiirnanfg expweatad inthe future am hupefuily we[ memm*na~ aii the amva pmbaarns. The aystematisub5eWatinns:3?the swans ma: arsahist us in foruwast Syatam has iiquidiLwatar(althnugh rmant ndings cmMars incite Mars may haw had same liquid water in ma meant. past}. ii is heieveci that me we an we Earth rst miginatediintha Tha umaansmfEarm many funciiinnxs, espaeeeziaiiy aecting: the weathser and tamperatureu They mud[fyL Eartws taempuara.turr& by Emminant dimgastasrs fmm starms. ab-sm'b¥ng inmmingmiar radiaiiun. ends and droughtsand IQ rniigata The their affects, by warning the papuléannsat rim: cuérreni dishibute aba»m*tIa::§: heat amrggr armind the gtvabea. Tha Pacic, Atkantic, Indiam Arcn and Anmméa are the vae well km-wrn swans and thaw are mnnaclzad? to am ammar by mgaras osf sears, gulfs. baiya straeizmand eamiia. 1ce~an:.agraphy is a branch of saianca whmh daafts with the pihy'3iml«m1em%sai uharastesus mi mxema water tempamtura, and iftsi daptzms saiinity. currents, waves. mas, fauna mean ats and 31 the bntmm; at the means. Uaaans mm: abaut ?*% inf Vthe Earths surfaacse and they mnmm The Par~r:f&cL is Eargsast and the jdeapest swan, I: is Hiangvularin shapa am nmnars ¬63nf the tum! area % as the Earth's surfam. ts depm is 5,GlJDmetneza, I£is bounded by Asia and Austraiia cm the wast, Hmth Arnarim and Baum Amaricia ta: the East and Anta>mt=i(:a tn an * E The Ghaiienger Deep gMa=:iana'si Trench} in Pacic South is the deepest in wei wuriid with 11,33 msatraas.Timare are 2G_iZiE:I3 islands in Pacic Eicean. Maw Iaaian, indoesia Japanand Hawaii are the wailkmwniaiana. iThis the mu and miiam amund isajrg-amt. widest must mean fcmnd Em mntineni This qzurz-gear: is after: raferred ta Lagthe "Sm.ii;har:n Gisaiani. Aiazncandar is;ian=ds,i Eaiiany isiands and Rs ThaiAtiantiicOman siangmed VS inshapes andit axtsands aver 16.5% mi tha tniai araa Eif the EEFH1. The 33753mi this cnmasnis about 56% of me Pacic Ci'oaa::n.,, it is iaaumvead can{ha by Mann and Suih Ameiiuasi, easrt by %:Eurape and Afritsra. The impnriantisiandsfauna in the Mantis neian; am Gre3nla;:nd:: Eiritiah isles; MeM'fnundi.a:nd. West indies, apee Verde arid Bnrg The Aiiaritii: wnsiderad iraisie as ma route wuiiws is: hugiast h'adamui.a warm,an rim imrih.ii is bmnded by india,Pakistananezi Iran;on rimaaat Vby Austraiia, Surida Isiancis and Malaysia and: cm waswest by the Arabian Peninisuia and Africa? Dr: sauuihwest,it jaisns with me Aanu wean near sauthern tip ofAfric:a.Gr: me east and snutiiaasti V it maaeviaiiia Pacic man. The average iziagthaf mairais. uf ma iaiands fmiraiciin the mean. Th iavmam depth uinf this mean is amut 4.5% metres and its temperature varies from :-2tn ii'.Ii::i in winter, iz half nf itff is mvaarad wii me vcaan ma is .aim:.m%t cirwlaar in shape am ii: si..ii1' the Fania G-fiiie erarm Its Eats! is iabuut 14 miiiiun square kiimetre. It has an average depth mi 4,090 mamas. The main isiarids aria; Viciatria ialands, Elizabeth stands, iceiand, Spiisbargan and Ncrvaega Somiya, Wane mm ve iSiaf'idE Era izamara is -mili Aradamaini, Nicnbarg Maldives.Madagwcasig Sri Lanim, V Sumatra and Java are me wail Tham are many iniam immm as seas;5333 am alien amused by Iarici.Tha Ei Ghsilina Sea? this Cariizahaa ri Mediterranean Stag, and the: 335 ram sasrmiuf the maimrsaaa aitha Tha acaan fimr pmiiifabagins where {ha water :ma«e:tsthe iaanidiat the shnraiine,The Ehrii is wary uzsistabia. it changissdine in yauns and wind aciiirmsi isiands uritha lndsiiani caaaan, The inpugraephy of ma ucaaan This is the caniisy mean ii'i»aEfi'EBd after a finer icsainssiisis nf ii ilnnijnentai 5 mountryairing the sea raute iwas ii) ionn-entai siapa and iii) 1g familiar ft;ii' the time: The inrsxguiar 530351.55 and the mr iabysaalpiain). The mifiinamigi geiitaeiiis the deep mntinentai shaiiawarea fauna ainng the mast E553HEi1 fur with a depth of i metres. The mntinentai shelf is a suitabia plae fur shing since it has fish fwd imawn as planktn nftan Example: Grand banks ('Mawfmin:iand}, Beggar Bani: (Li.i*<:V}. This is an area knmwn;for many cuffEhf mi!eids. Example Mumh-aiHighg Qimiéantai .ss%i*~m@ai is .3 rapid sheep 5inv;::es which cunnacts the alapese are fmrnatican at namrai hiarimuns. Exarnpéia: :i~¬(mhiand Mumbai. Thai mniiinerataii siapa is rnarfkaa with undarwaiar cangmns, cgiis.and undannratuar mudslides. Trueamiss? gaifaém is fiai;in iiw railing hiiis mi ma ucaan f. The abyasai piain is cnvaredfwith mm which is miien mganic materialself dead marine nrganisms.The Mid» magma i*i§?>§éis the underwatyr Guniinenmi shaif and the unzzaaan: mountain range farmed by the plate iacimic farms. nal: The wniinentaéi sinpa and Swimming am undarwaier cm1tine~ni.aEisheif are tngether referred in 35 the isimiiimasai maz*g&Liian*, The average depth {if the czunizinentai siape is abaut 155 maetres. vuicanuas that gnaw with ream amaminné if a seamnum hmaks the surfaces,it 13mlletl an iimé. -Once theeisiand Ea armed and it giiizps Lizndvara-araieizi ii is naiie-dVa§ii..i§¬f.i4i. in yffapéias? ma Qman. iigivaxam iasir2§?I;ws:§ am dmpsast tha in we Oman, tmram are uraatad whasn hm mmm: militia am mm plate is gpuazha:un:is~er lightarplate Hydrnéagzal as thawamr water takaa (3135:w . . v is as mmnwiwm ahlnridéa, magnvaaium sulphate. caltiziurnsulfgphata, pwtasiuam auipmtrai and magma wa-mt Handin xky and ag:ai,m Thu Surfs ham pram-rides nargry ta mama wamr am! up sma amunmtsf m%sn$raEi: aais the andmés mime jmtimay d°.:fIa>tas amaium mihmrnma. waiar _§ infmthan nmans «am;Sans. A9 in the nmans only lamina by ; avaparatmg {and ma raezing cf polar lc:a}_L but saiét in the emu ¢-it mt iakasg Finnish RISE? lass wataf Emuugh an .354" 3.4:: the mmagizningg and it in calmi gets saliar and as time3: The water mndmaas duuda. vapor ave»ntu.a1Iy utimpluaizs and ma crlmzdfs mash sammikmpant. pmzripitaun(rain. sleet, GE is ib?ig : and water raltmm in tha land {or Some:of ma psraaaizpiitansn snaéks inta me groundand thiswar is ; n DI clay lagyasra; min is grmzsndwaiar, But mustnf ma is the sraitmw er the mntan»: in Mann is nap-nrmd gmund carundaargmtmd}. * aws dnwnmli as imrm avantuwy rmnning Ea*c1h:a~aws as slighyssaiiywakr. Tim am wam: The Q salnaass tha Salinityisganaraily at parts pm 5 F M), the i is - ammmnn; in $m:lii:.<:mL mtzrridaa. aaalédeaiz water £5 Sea, Rad Sea and in Band 7 Pamian I.32uIf a sa?t?ianitg.r abaut E gams par klitugiram (dim n ;, hiisghievapnratfsanrafhasagnd water enhy}, Dead 333 is mast saiina £'_1rfEE3E...T]"i~B beast salty aaaa are in the PaEarLRagsinn$, wham Imth: denit&Lc=rEcan¢but water kavetwith meiting pcxiarice»and a Emof ram dilu Evathe: L 5a «L not me waves. Cmeant;u:rren:tsare the ganarai ; mmement at a at surface watvarinsaféairiyr danad dimcnn. The Salinity in ma land lucked imgpiezzal was is higher. *.Nhy? in atfwwards, an ncneaen surrant may be dened as any persistent, uminany Temgerature 9%me: wean water splays me rnut Eignicat ruiae in its biuiagicaa vmntmmng marractagiscs. The mla 3:? ma aaa . warmtampazratureisvitaiin causing th uaaan mmmments wrrents «anti ether of water. Sirius: means water. meaan mrraantsg ka rivars, urw mm caain vaiacity alnng 3 cmtain Them are hm types azaf mean currarsm:wama and mid £:L2Lrm%n:is"Warm currania ariginata fmzm Ema:latitude drifts inwards puias: wiheraas miVd %'Iav=a graataer gapascity frar tha atnraga of ma suéar anargy, they play a major mtg isnmaintaining the equiiibriumin E13heat budget at _ Lamdsiurfats geis and wuierd qwidcly but water tends in £13mup ans! mu! {BER hurizanta nw m the siawiy. azsurmnts uriginaia from high isaitudasand move tnwards equatur; Theta are many factnrrs that inuanca the geenamun of ncaan m,Ir.r*enL5are: Vi£arer3;3E heating nf me: Eandand watar maa distnm was nf marine and mamnantai types af ::%ima.£as fauna an the 51.4 ofwe aartthe. surfaca tamperatura es!the ucaans is contréaaedby variaaus faetars such as the iaatitiutiaes, swan mrmnts. pravaeiiingwim:l5 and %ma?i D+iemnaes intampe.~:ratum Dansy uf4:scaanwmar(saEEn;i*ty); Winds an Ammsphaac pmmuruag; -Cnrinlisfmyez Gravitaana:H' weamm: wataar in the: mans is Valwaysmarving up andcimwn, This muvemenl Wind is the must impartarxtmuse sf wave ganemtian. Mast natural waves are iniated by winds», Tm and evapara' and cf wataar is wired waves.» waves Have! in sigma Maiting af saw and Ema, The risa and fall Hf sea water is E3 tidaa which acnur was a day due Kc:ma QfE"fiiEEEputt of ma mum and sun an tha earth at an intewai of 25huum when M sea V canaiansunder névirnwn days. hmiiitary he V : Duringthaw days. Sim. Mom and Earth are in a straightne. (in such Ldays, tha gravitaticxnalpull of the nparaeles. . l!'|t:tOl'1 and sun are mrnhined. A: mm. Sevemi valuabie minerals are V (means am beingiaokadmasa min: wnrm at yrateiznriah sh i thesistimes,highdas arevary.hig?h V andlnwtidesarevarylow, V 1 kmwn tia be abundant in ma j Encfudirag saver, j pamieum and Apart fmm ma V Neat: tiidess oucurdurlngfirstand V third quarter phases cf the mcmrng camar minerais found in f mmreesium, and h ; During the phases of the mean. V V sun, masonand earlx are at right ch!aride£ooi'rh1'm ; anglaa.As a result,tha gravimticrnal The mean mwyieids sand,gravel, ; and foyshtar shats fm coansiructim V : pullafiha mmn ansparpandicuiar ta one anomr. During this time, the j high ridersare very ¥-aw and few tides i 3 tr purpasas am smaii quanes diamanda are fauna af : in EDJBB submarinegravaibars. hi Otfshcare véiarsdgasweiismppily { about 1? per cent; at me wmhfs E pehnlaum pmducticmOceans aim f hold patantiaf as an hnporianht Swans am a most important %part :2! man's physiwl anvirunmant. V ihueme man in various altamate soumaofanergy; V anargy uf the amans Tiiig L absorpun of solar heat ansdfrom V ways, fmm the climate he ncaanaurmntsn f experiancas. intoaiech-icity--waphaiaamm as ; the uxygen V bmathaes andthefaod he be convertadE oceanthermalenergycomrezsim f he seatstotha acmmmicg sncial, polical and (OTEC). 19$ LA IaéFQ%s%etcihafwaw*mveringavaatamaistzaaiean** aj Gaean; Sea 3}Gui? d)Bay 2J'?haA1!antEc > isaiwtgatedé L_ L_ LA inshape: arignguiar Th-a arise and %b)S: :2)Eimular d) *6 af sass water due in graviteaiianis knnwn as 3} b) man currarm «c}TsuVnarni d}waves «LA gisa tabietp utndawratarmnuntaiwna aiuymit bi)Abyssal plain :3}Seammunt £43 I anridge 5.,"H13hyazmlugiwi£'£}I'!3§E: Es; alas knrzwaa . a) Hfydmgan c-we Uxygan cycle: z::}Wat&r c3.mi%aL -:1} czarbzcnn cyda ii} Fisié aim ma 1gT%1aEa,rtLhi.3ni::kr1amedas~> . W %A 23. is daapesttrench inthe Pwicx. 3»Tm iniataam KW-'n E3_.._..___J 4..Thaabysmi pramis mvarad amwhaiis arisaanngmphgr? 5.Navaresmur£;ras. 1. iscuss :- f Indian 2. Wm abaut mntinanmi shelf andmntinantai slope. Expsisain whatis watermaa? 4:-.Wm: am tie3'?V Explain 5. Writaamy pninw an haw da umans inuianms human 3. Writea Lbriaf paragraphan satiikniity :33me ncaeam, 1 9? 1. man:thenaans asn 5335 an Bihaae aéune map:nfwni'fi:L :2 Markthamm andmdi na:esan mjtreerme an theauimamapnf ma and saiaaan #13canrinemap;3; :e';=>aw:$uacfa; abate in inditaa aaadvmiagas andAdEs.advan1ag% af a warm: L cnn5nantal , A aVrmzsdaufTapQgLraphy:3fn-Izaanaar and . Miakeanharttashuwma spring iiaae am V-1:. wemanrmean wrrents maihemrinemapsf L e%;s:m V Tha Sacnsnd Wand War whim began in 1939 Eastzacl unl FEMS. THEEpmved tr; be mane destrucxve held at varirguspiac:a5,.thaUNI} was than First Warm War aa mom ureataed,The UN: Bfnnferenne began fty miin gauipia had 3051;their V lives. The League naf Nafmnsga Warm rganisatin. farmed aar V First Wand war, to mmntain peace sfter E aariaa eanfamnaas in San Framksm an 25*April 19% in draft the Charter charter cuntans csf LING}: the UN aims. and samriity faiied in EEFEVEIW the objectives, was and raguiaticns fur the wcarking nf tha It was Ssmnd Wmtd War. sigsnvawd an 26" June 1945 by me VTha the USSR and UK realized the immmjiate and urgaant new far 8 WDIFGfrum in :e$ia: and upii woman in madia. Human. Trackéng is made iilaga, Wasmanare assumd ma Righi againsiexpluitaticrnm Law aiiews daughter aicnsg with the suns in ciaim than mnpsartyaf izheir famias, Cihiiiid Marriage This pmgramrne was stazied in firm yaar 1395 In provide empinymant far wcrman in Hwiraint handhzaom, h!'3diC!'5. khadti and Amendment uf 1918 has insreased the age nf marriage af giris ~: 15 in 1ayears aradmrbnys ifmm I3!21 The 1 Pmhibitfin as? WET bans the wstum at giving and receiving dmwry. The uwry Same ctfthem are: The wag for the swim- auifnnnmis damlapmant and ampawarrn:ant Hf wuman th]-mugh Saif Hestép Gmups, eta, These hmm hiilnfaha Have giria an wnmazn facing snmai, emnamig and emntinnaipmhiaams. in the Vkctims facingswat; afgrntiaa and familyma:-adjustrmant. Girlsin age gmuaM 15 years and abxtsve when faii ta uumpéaaia their scnnniirtg:dug ta varaus raasnns are given aduazatérsrn and Rainingiirn ralavant. sk§Eis.V Thesa nnurses craata jab mpprtunias far mam andEfa-ciiiVt*atva5~. thuairempuwerrmnt. Ii mzmm Fttm Wtzmanfataamany pmbiaams as they are Vunaawam af thaairrightsand psriviEa«g,%.. This pmgmm creates awaraness among wumen an issues Hikeaws and tights and hlps themtcoamaze meirpmhems, The Legésiatéun passed by the Gmmm and tha awta taken by many weifare instuona has denimfy Lenhazmedthe status m children and wrcrrrmn in India. W3 can uidly say that me puaiinn f wmnanand céhildran has Empztravad a lat and rise higharin ma years in cam. amwrs _Aarathamira mifarsufmarnatian 1 ,Tha: h) Midla agad parsans c} Ch;ié!xdranL The in Gnnstimtiuruprmridas facilias for cifriiadran ta davalop a heakfhyrnannaar a}E1daeriypaarmn3 2. :.:}Ar?tiE:Ea 25 b}Ar¥:§t1:AEa45 a}ArcEa=: 393) The Guvemmentof indiaintmduGedwe Rightin Edumamnon 3}!mwugusi1&4? b)25 Janmaw 1&5-Q cwAprin2~m 4».Tbs:nd am ?3rdAmandmanmcmhave;arm.ri:dad 33 % msawaiitnnscf in me: Faced badiiaa s&a!sf4ar,__,...____., j (1 jwaman a}i&aac:!"1e£s cigraduatas .. drl Wit?! WE Si-Emmi asmpnwennentafwumerathmugh:sa!f£1@tpigmu;3s. 3) EtagrHume mswayamsidha B}Family Gaunsetlinga Centres Ld!-*EiI2iLi:~"tvEfii irld 5%gm éh%i%:"séi§m;.% 11Theéiuv-aniia 1:njustiaaA.ctAwas amendadinihe year The Child Lina arvices aims at hgipirvg * V4 duringtimes {If dirimslas and emeugemwz. 3* Tha Shad;MarriagaRsesiraini Am 13% 19?"Ehas iincraasessd ihe aga f marageof girmfmm15yr3tn yaara, Tasmilfvladu Legislmuragassed Pmhibinn 345* TEve~»Te:asing Law in The Faméigr Eaunsa%li1:i:ng; Ga-entrm wars tn givva _ ma victkmsfacingsocialpmbéemsw VE?i§}§§§Eaat3&h:&?5&fiLami!§E§%£§gg, .A:rtic%I& 45 u n raduceratsa nf mnrtaiiiyV .2.¥it3DSScheme « Q61 Ct2:i?:dre[ns: D mihashiligtann n?fgiri5 - StayHume Nmramber -=freeand ecfiuctaan ¥i:sl3§V;i#aI'§fs%?s2iti3:sr%:Ei'tga%'¥j;i:2Ir%:1s?e?§i:;%sLg ii What Iiiéraaarlzid 24 dai with? Naimea far*seLwe§«.:} Vnfcshibdren. Wh%mL"gmupL michiidreen are an ma Republi (my? Lndue Vreczvgnénn by mr fmemment 23 heipwmtan? Pmhibicm ihazn? V;L,&:%mm%rLEn,s&smil,* same 1313 smléwamea and pmgramme-5 {undertaken the uzplimke and he»matofn¥1iIran? E54 Gésrea éemtied amuumtjsf amnamic ampmmnnentéshemas far . Babate: Hawfarifs: 24 nfma::2amtih.2atinn aummrsfuéi «anking with$113 pru;Nbic=«n_4:f «;:h}~tad 2 M*r. GaVrt::.1:c§V Vadabata in ags. .. 3 Pcwéar: Prepnasza a M highiéighats impnnt prnvisians nf? we RightIn Edwzaan War arethemeasums byElmVGavammenIinV went=dmpnui3? Discusswiih the heapuf ynur ' V vs. V Find nut: mumalmutthe bythis rganiszatinns ta pmmmathe -VGavamm&n'E.E Hfthe wumenandmiiéranin war §m:alEty. ; ma Ac?mata skit cmme given tsnzpicz. "'rhE cbzilaraan aria pliars af «mtnaiiuw. £11 L n=nn rL Emnnmics is a saciai science whlah deals with human wants and their sasfaction. Economics deats wiawta sac:iatyspmblamssuch as . unemptoyrnant, poverty, medical Gare, prodtmvity and gavarnmant poticies. witeria which wattld achieve the: best possible alienation of IE$C.lrlall'%S. in the modern world, people i want to consume large number of : goands and Serviaw in theirday to g Adam fathsr 3 day life. Goodsand serviceshave to : Smith be producedand offeredto the g is called of Economics. Ha as the publlni denad Pmductlah means the Ewnamitss as follows: 'Emnnmim procassby which man cnnvartsthe . resaurnes of naturetosasfy human of wealth. The t Is the aaience wants. The level of productionof goods and services in a country . determines the quantum at its 1 publlwtinn at Adam Smith's bank - An enquiry into the natura and musas of wealth of nations iaid the 3 foundatian cf Economics as national a 1 systematicstudy. Lionel eacncmlcs Robbima as follnws: has income. Advanced muntrlnsproducelarga amuuntat goads and services thereby their nationalincumasare at higharteval. defined Emnumlcn ; isthescienca whichstudieshuman behavicor as a ratacmshtp between ends and scarce rnaans whiwh have alternative uses A saciaty allocates its stance rasaurnas among diarant uses, Land, Labour, Capital and Drgataatinn used by society to : : Emnarnics seeksto formulate tha prndme consumer sasfying goods: : 212 ' and szarvioasans called factors of . production.The productionof any good or service inevitablyrequires j all fourfactorinputs.Eachfactor plays a unique rule in the production prmass. Even if cine faster is not Land and i usad,pruductian is impossible. raferred to Therefore the producar combines V the factorsof production in the right proportionand pmduces Quads. The alrn of every producer is to get maximum prot at a minimum cost. L Thus,pmducticm includes notonly i material goods, but also various ; services such as me services of . doctnrs. teachers and others. 213 labour are often as originai factnrs cur primary factors. Capital and Organization are derived factors. Even a small piece of chalk.cannot be pruduced without active participationof factnrs of produaion. in the ordinary language land means earth, but in Ecunomics Land ; is defined as everything in the Universe aat is mt created by 2 humanbeings.mi the iraea mtwa am tarmn mi an land, Air, sunlight. earth, forest. rivals and I minerals are all classied as land. The reward to the land as a factar of : pmductlnn is mllecl rent. Land j possesses certain peculiarities which are not found in nthar factors . of production. A1. LLand tar: l Capital andilorganizaon radanvadfacrors. i Yau tan find below the free gifts - ofnatura. 1.,Landisa giiiiat naturia Land was not made by man. it % was already in existence. 2, Land isflxe innupiply The total area at land cannut be increased or denraased. Man can onlychangathausesofland. Landis penmanent it is permanent inthesense;it cannotbe dwtmyed by man. 4%lmanisl diara infawl:iiity' Some lands are highly fertile. Soma are less fertile. Nu Two lands are exactlythe same inquality. 5.3.396i3 a Qaasiva tasternf pvrasadumtinn §F7iESTi 214 Itcannot produce anything by retain its L mm 1: an byaecnkisMphimhansf.1"l'ma E 5%a wig 5? 3 far krmwwmwmzr. £wmmpwm~I%oi..irmat%sr 2 3% an i. [ As a VdmLa£bmmr it-:rgmiiiim inrtcsaverai wmmnené prmasas and asséigneiéng; aaczhmmpunant in Man moves {rum nnaazpaoatn anaiher tram law mid mcupaan me hands nf a ilabsnuzrar ta 3 highpaid:at mznupation. %..L§smds§vi>&sa§ %abr¢a:r kw in deveéwairagmuntras 3 uf iaboiuramwhu are specialismin lm partimiarpmcmag. desmibed the pin waking whim maid be iika divided into 1% istinrct eugpraraanse Endia, itabaw'ers~ am fnraadtn acmpt sum as xing the head, s¥1arpa~ninag paintam. with divisioner!lamuzr H3 man can pmduca delil p:i%nsV a aw rather than ta remain unaarnpiuyad,The amargenm af wade: unions has impmved day.Awmsri-zar canpmduwa 43% pins nin 3 day, in the Ebr of dziviimncvf iabuu Eii:aVn»c3r uf EabcrurA the prodéuclive aapaiiy at iatmur In da Tff or barrier; Mum a»ffr:=:2iéen:t Jab-Gust gar: inmeasa pmiurztiaanand mus pramata emrwmiic grmarthg Emiency cf iabaur daspanosutspan 1.lnureasta Inpmaductwity. 2.!mprm*eman: in Lskis anti aciancy afiabnur. 3 6.E rt 3 in as3 savaraltacturam large scale pmducztiun, ii. Themeis 3 lat m savingin time b. Raciaiand herec¥itar3rfactur5+ B4,Elaimac czanditiam and trmis. I2.Bvaiiar wtarzingr mndéiianin 5. sDivEai«r:m nrf labnmr hams tn mam cf wart. ampmr rightma:t1fnrd1e;rig.%%1tjnb. d, Euraiicnzn0fwm1c. e.wailab§!iiy afi maa! sar:ur§ty againat r9tsk,anciriant, Prmrdani; fundatc, Adam Smith, mzapetitimn at ma ssarraawnrk makes iamurer fwlé that merwmék is mnnntanam. as father Emnamics intmduead of Bivisian csf iah-aw n Eéiviaan cf uf laébtmr lciils the humanity; 3.Da-structs the gmwth Vcrf mrmapt his bow: handimaftss weaf bf N.atinns. His exampie thatmaitingat pins, ¢.Th3 wurkar uses the satifgacsanmf having made a mmmadityinfulli mgssm M lam? mm diviedirgthe prnsesg nf prm-dwzstinn arrcsw snaciaiizatinn raauees We pus;s3bisiELty crf labwrar ta nd aitamativaavenuasnfampaymant. E115 in ganeral mpital means money. { In Emnomim, capitai refers tn that part of man made weaith which is used for the further production of weaith. The term capital includas . buildings, equipments and other intermediate products. Building 5 used for industrybecomes capital i but if it is used for domestic. use, it mnnot be regarded as capital. All i weaith is net capital but ali capital is 3weaith.The reward paidtn capitalas a factor of praduction is called interest. amiL Piiyirsaiaapiia! lrwestrnent an all man made physical asaets like buildingsand machinas are called physicai i.$ap§Ttai is a ysassivefaamri af . capitai. Waautiuri 3 Mnrzay i3a§i1;ai Investment Like land. capitai bacumes rnada in tha form uf inactive without iabou r. money ur mcinetaryinsuumentsis 2 cailedmuneycapital. 2. Capitalis man maa Land and labour are: oriinal % Haumari Capiiai invamment in factnrs. Capital is pmduced out of education, savings. iraining, heaithcare etc. is called I humancapital. 21? Sapital isgmduniivée It is productivebecauseit yieids , t¬§TQE7§!i3E>Ef§3t!EE1» isa % Itimsm amm wha mrminea H: cf pmduaon. in mm kwztésaiieanbausaamskn Eatuéaaty Emmabéa. Lsbnur Gapai right the s,-~. ennui aim mars and am a ma dlferant mm j irwulved in ii. Am i antrapraneur is sailed as "the changingagant 1321' the scanty, ; patzaand mmspahnal To:find t§i: §rnf1tab;.la_ .4%r.bJn%aa., 2.Dm:ldI;ng than iunanaw af 3. » L . 42 ia a ::-a tabularand fawm mm wrmims mass. in ght ymmrtian, iha : and is 53 n inf mam has at prod riaiciraa -v ;.pkM fit. as mganimm, . fr -1 Vv 3? 2 man mm % thraa aactbra namly érnary L fuf, mzanarjy sactgr and as and TraMp«:::ri wan{Ram arse i = V * am amr:a=:mic are w§1iri£rgg Tha mmramaantsurfgmdis and aazwices thrmigh the primary, pmdunarg ani turns mam it usabisei nizsha prnducla, ssmndary and tertiary saaztnirsis rafarrad in as the chain f it is /aisncaiéizadi as manufacmng prnduniian. swtcrir. Raw mastariais are mnnvariad intc ifinished er semi finished pmdwts... 'i'h!is seams ia iarge up at sasaie manufiaciurinxg industiesi smaiii suaie induswies and mitage indwsviea. Aiiviers asaaniated with swmmrlasry sazczim indiijd wcxming and isirriaiiing, iraxla prmuconi ciiafiiéiérmi and enginaaring induatrisas, shipibuiiding*u'ieseiz:.. The primarg-..r satrtar at the emnamy in;vni~.ras changirg natural resaurnasirita primary prusduicm Samar is cmwamad with ins pmdlmiicmmifondand raw materials and is tiescribeci as primary Vpmduoni. Mustprczducis fmmighia seminar are mnsidared as raw materials far nmer indusrmamMajgr bxusinassas in thisnssctar incimile V agrimJimra,ahing mining, quaimving sing. in indiaa largapmtiran af the gpnpuiannmmainasemgagad in his seams".In mute devaiaapad suntiies additionai capitai is invested in primary means {if pmduuni, Agriwiiura is largeai asrirzi mast wgnimni sectur in the Tim iiaertiairysacim QT the emnszzmyis tha saawiuz.-Ja indusiry. This sactorgpmvidaa sawinas in iihaa gamma! pnpuiaviiain and la businiassea with ii Atiuria asswiaied Samar inclue and Bliikigi Enuranm Health care. Tmnspnrtatinn, Gcxriéimunicsatiinn, Ratail and w'Iml@aala§ Entaainmani arc. fhara is in impirassiiva axpasnsinsn afjob upportuniiiasin iha semiaesectnr inauxczauntry. Inmast cievelnpseci muntries, a gmwing gpmpnrunuf wcxricers are deviatedta ma ta-rlsiary In Uniiati Sil lndia mummy. mare than 3% cf the iabuuir is iariiary wuricsara. Taiiiary swim is bacxnmirug irmreasingiyimpcrtantin The setg;-andanr semior Lt me warm acanmy. the raw rnateriales of the primary £539 1 - Emmi E5VEV Ma} Saaial 2; Thara am La}Twu b}Pa:£i%mE ..- , . Vy c:-fpmdfmtismn. bi fwr 3ELa1'mur:annm M Lsapagrated W a1Liahuurar 4- 5% fal c}Mara3; bf) itaf cs}fwa M VV_ M N 1:.) Gapmi. ~ La]Euikdings bf)Machine4ry EM urgar-izer win ahvazrsmake G}Muney -*7 IV- a) inénmrgatiutns E3} Tmditians E2} Risks ffhe r&waid?aai=d tn nanital is a) Rent Th} waxgas ?. lnvemrmntin amzr:ation,iacalled 3) Physical B) _&cf)intarmi c:-ayzriiial. ct}Mummy E..The~ rewampaid 12:: laébcmras afaciar of umducnn $3 Va]Rent: hf)Wmas I3.)Pmfit Mk w Q. in unitedStates mum ,:a.f mboiuir E} 33% b34% L1G.Agr£c;uitma Escafaased urwdar a} E)83% sactsar; bgamndary iiééii in is teraaw* c)TarE%?aI'3,r ik 1: Pmducnn maanmwtivn uf V7 3. >7. ,_ an ahaI::aEliad:axrig.imaEfaLa:*.ta:::~s. 4», andQrganizaitan arecaiaa V W qfactnra 5- >' L affaa i 7¥1a>t*urE= E.Thecamaéptuf Diséan afiabwr wasinmdumaby. I % V. .. _lb ma ciwanaia amt fw Semndéary seataria aimEaziidfj $¢iti~ % % HVsaestxmn 9-LT3F¥i3¢W EVE-'»=-W h Emm3"; 33*m_,____..____,_..LV_ _ * iF!dU*3W» 10.:11 anqufry intu ma natura and rzzausaas Df?w*&aé%th sztf ruanns ua:asVwrit yr. 1 AH Land Baars risk Banking «L Rant: rganizar La!:::::u.r Btiiidings -=4 TBFESB,-5'3 5, ?PLhy'siealap1itaE ~ Pa-rishahaia §rT~:x:A«-is??? 1 ,}5t~ate$ LiVm1eE Ro::t:b:¥:.ns* Deninn uf 2. What are ma tt1r:n&:5e(zturst uf ma emmzamar? 3, What-ismE.%a;nLt byisarisiaen: at 4%, What am af Eapimf? 5. Li Vwikm. i 2: What are ma furmtinnsnfan antra near? Faasiawt 1.What ara thee: mama and damests nf fivisicm Inf 2. Write sham tarary ..<-.m.a% V Prepareanaibumzshnwng cia§.arva;nttVL _ cneaem meiierant type war inyum . Preparea madaei at anyhankyuu ifkke, 4 Listihad'rar&n£.L5ki!I$ L same piciuraasurf LPrepare Va , Pnapara a z'::f%aaV have man mraiaiem shawing menumhgernfbanits available in theactiviias arascnaiaim withtaarary . Limféme smmmm iakanbyana}mz=apreneu:r Inshariabusinasa . List mnwnckas :11diffamnt mumras. V.. Etcxrélactw rhea picmras4:1? physi' J531.12and nliy. I can, I did Student's Activity Record sumem: I Date V Topic ofthe Activities gas-ma %r . L esson ~ 223