DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOUARE ASKED TO DO SO TestBooklet Series T.B.C_._:..B-QEBB-M-HBS Seri A TESTBOOKLET GENERAL ABILITY TEST Time Allowed : Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Jlafaxilmum Marks : 6'00 INSTRUCTIONS _ _ IMMEDIATELYAFTERTHE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION,YOU SHOULDCHECKTHAT THISTEST BOOKl..ET DOES NOTHAVE ANYUNPRINTED ORTORN ORMISSING PAGES ORITEMSI ETC.IF so, GETIT REPLACEDBYA COMPLETETESTBOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidates responsibility to encode and fill in the R011Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMB Answer Sheet. Any omissionfdiscrepancy Sheet. liable for rejection. will render the Answer You haveto enteryour Roll Numberon the Test Bookletin 91] the Test Bg0k]e1_;_ the Box provided alongside.DO NOT write anything else This Test Booklet contains 150 items (questions)in two Parts : PART A and PART B. Each item in PARVVTB is parintedboth in Hindi opn.dEngIish.Eachitem comprisesfour responses (answers). You will selectthe response whichyouwant to markon the AnswerSheet.In case,youfeelthat there is morethan onecorrectresponse,mark the responsewhichyou considerthe best.In any case, chooseONLY ONE responselfor eachitem. You have to mark all your responsesONLY onethe separateAnswerSheetprovided.Seedirections in the Answer Sheet. All items carry equal marks. 2*?Beforeyou proceedto markin the AnswerSheetthe responseto variousitems in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in someparticularsin the AnswerSheet as per instructionssent to you with your Admission Certicate. After you have completed lling in all your responsesonthe Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded. Youshouldhandoverto the Invigilatoronly the Answer Sheet.You are permittedto 10. take away with you the Test Booklet. Sheets for rough work are appendedin the Test Booklet at the end. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY THE CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (1) Therearefouralternatives fortheanswertoeveryquestion. Foreachquestion forwhicha wronganswer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assignedto that question will be deducted as penalty. - (ii) Iif candidate givesmorethanoneanswer,it will hetreatedasa wronganswerevenif oneofthegiven answers happens tobecorrect andtherewill besamepenaltyasabove to thatquestion. (iii) Ifa question is left blank,i.e., noansweris givenby the candidate, therewill be no penalty for that question. ' DOTNOTOPENTHIS TEST BOOKLET} UNTILYOUARE ASKED TODOSOT $T?§:$Ii%7q'l6trl?IT?¢E3f§|3?I33fe|E9?l{%IIEq1% ' PART A Directions (For the 10 items which follow) : (i) In this section,a numberof sentences are given.Thessentences are underlinedin threeseparate partsandceach oneis labelled (a),(b),(o).[Read eachsentence to ndout whetherthereis anerrorin any underlinedpart. No sentencehas morethanone error.Whenyou find]'_an error in any one"ofthe underlined parts (a), (b) or (c), indicate your responseson the Answer Sheet at the appropriate space.You may feel that there is no error in a sentence.In that case, (d)*wi11signify a No error response. (ii) Errorsmaybein grammar, wordusageor idioms.Theremaybea wordmissingor theremaybea word which should be re moved. ' (iii) You are not required to correctthe error.You are required only to indicate your responseon the answer 1. sheet. Supposeif you were left alone to live on a desert island Twhat would you as? No error. (all ' (b) (0) (ti) '_ 2. He wonderedthat what would be the next moveof his opponents (8) (b) who had vowed to see him dislodged from power. No error. (0) 3. Id) Thenationl should be greatful to the armed forces for protecting them. No error. can 4. (b) cc) (d) I do not know what is he doing to solvethe problem. No error. (8) ('0) (6) (£1) 5. 5 Forsomanyyearsit is almosthis habit to goto thebedat 10p.111. daily. Noerror. (a) 6. an (en ' (an He took downafter his father. No error. (8) Ch) (6) (Cl) '7. His honestyhas neverbeen calledto question.No error. (3) 8. 03) (C) (d) I see her most weekends but not very often between. No error. (3) (b) (0) (<1) '9. The chancellor was present on both occasions.No error. (a) 10. (bl (c) (d) The deliberations by the committee are completelylcondential. (a) B-OEBB-M-HES; Cb) (0) 2 A) No error. (C1) Directions (FortheJitemawhich follow) V: 16. We ' saw a SCINTILLATING reworks display. Each of the folilowingeitemsconsistsofla sentence followed by four words or group of words. Select the (a) Fascinating synonym of the word (occuerring in the sentencein (1)) Unforgettable capital letters) as per thecontext. (C) ' Beautiful 11-.AwisemanputspastRANCOUR behind and (cl) Sparkling movesvahead. (a) Dislike 12. 17. Cb) Hatred (c) Division ((1) Criticism (b) Monarchy Many of the villagers were ISOLATED by (c) Lease heavy showeraof rains. (cl) Trend (a) Destroyed (1)) Separated from others (c) Battered 18. A series of COLUMNS supporting a large porch is typical of medieval architecture. (a) (cl) Murals (a) Skilful (b) Wealthy (d) (b)_ Arches Pillars of being a PRUDENT (c) Careful Statues (c) He had a reputation businessman. (<1).Devasted 13. ThePACThasbeeninefectfortwentyyears. (a) Treaty ' 19. Dishonest There was a signpost where the two paths CONVERGE. 14. Trees that traffic (a) BLOCK the view of oncoming should be cut down. (a) Separate s (b) Alter Intersect ~ (by Obstruct (c) Merge (c) Improve (cl) (ti) Spoil Diverge 15. The landscapechangedABRUPTLYafter the 20. The violenceverupted because of the ZEALOT. snowfall. (a) Suddenly (bl Sharply (c) Favourablyc ' Enthusiastic fb) Brave (c) Timide ((1) (d). Slightly B-0EBBM-HBS (a) (3-Al Fanatic IV Directions(Forthe10itemswhichfollow).Each of the following items consists of a sentence followed by four words or group of words. Select the antotnym of the word (occurring in the sentencein capital letters) as per the context. 21. His 26. regard to this. CANDID remarks impressed the (a) authorities. 27. (h)' Guarded 22. Sincere (id) Unconventional (c) Careless (d) Worried The railway lines are EXTENDED and we are quite happy about it. (3)~ Protracted Theiguilty appealed to the jury to CONDONE his punishment. (a) Cool (13) Composed (a)Blunt (c) WeareANXIOUS to avoidanyproblems with Accept (b) Widened (c) Curtailed (d) Elongated (Ii) Forgive (C) Condernn (cl) Criticize 23. His family SEVEREEDties with him fOI marryinginter-caste. (3) Joined lncluded There was a fire this morning. They were lucky to ESCAPE it. (a) Arrest (ii) Elude (c) Evade (cl) Conceive (c)_ Detached (d) Disrupted. 24. 29. It is easy to understand his FUZZY thoughts. Domesticviollenceisa very INHUMAN act. (a) Indifferent (b) Compassionate Terrible (a) Misty (b) Vague (c) (C) Clear ((1) Ferocious (cl) Useful 25. lie drovehis carthroughSLIMYroadto 30. HisELOQUENT speech helped himbagthe reach your office. award. (a) Ugly (a) Lucid (bl Clean (b) Vivid (C) Beautiful (c) Short (cl) Inarticulate I(d) Slippery B-OEBB-M-HBS (4 -A ) Directions (For the 10 items which follow) : Supply suitable prepositionfphrasalverb in the blank of each item. 3]. Universitiesin Germanyand Denmarkwill have aninput j 36. the project. L the for (a) cutout (b) into (b) cut of? (C) about (c) cut on (:1) cut in when I was completely new to the business. 37 I, (51) up (b) down (0) off (cl) for heavy rush of work. You should have nothing to do with those criminals;they all have violent attitudes and long records. They are men in (e) of (d) on cope.up (b) copewith (c) copeto (£1) copein 38. Twenty-ve candidates for the first pri2.e.e competefor (b)compete with 39. He didnt have the guts to stand j friend when he was in trouble. his (C) compete to (cl) - compete on (a) with (In) for (c) by (a) disparity between (d) _ beside fb) disparityfor He broke out of the prison We musteliminatethe ' 40. (c) dressingas (d) a woman. disparityfrom in (b) as As an innovator, he K (C) by and explored new religions. (d) with (st) deviatednfrom (b) deviated to <5- M rich and poor. disparity in (21) E!-OEBB-M-HBS eachother (*1) (:1) with (b) (a) the same kidney. 35. We needtwo morehandsto (a) 32. _He gave me a leg a 34. emergency electricity generators (61) at 33. failed, When the beaten track Directions (Forthenext 04 items that follow) : Read thepassageand answer the questionsthat follow It hasoftenbeensaidthatthe scaleof naturalphenomenain India andher total dependencecon the monsoon, have helped toform the character of her people. Even today, major disasters, such as flood, famine and plaque, are hard to check, and in older times, their control wasralmosttimpossible.Many othei ancient civilizations, such asthose oftheGreeks, Romans andChinese, hadtocontend withhardwinte which encouragedsturdiness and resourcefulness.India, on the other hand, was blessed by a bounteous nature, who demandedlittle of man in return for sustenance,but in her terrible anger could not be appeasedby any human effort. Hence it has been suggested,the Indian character has tended to quietism, acceptingfortune and misfortune alike without complaint. 41. The authors main argument is (a) 43. The expression India, on the other hand, was description of natural phenomenaof I blessed by a bounteous nature ................. India means (b) unpredictability of Indian monsoon {cl correlation between theclimate I and the (a)Indian soil isfertile character of the inhabitants of a region ((1) hardships causedby natural calamities (b) India is a land of ora and fauna (c) Indianpeoplehavebeenrewardedmor generously by nature in proportion tx 42. iwhich one of the following civilizations did their not have/to face hardships due to bad winter ? .44_ (a) Indian (b) Greek (c) Chinese (cl) efforts Indian soil is suited variety of crops; Roman B-OEBB-M-HBS 5 Which trait of Indian character has beer formed bythe monsoon '? (d) for growing (,s A) (a) Fatalisrn (b) Sturdiness (c) Asceticisin (d) Epicureanism Directions (For the 06itemsthat follow) : 43* Y°uH In the following sentences,someparts of the knowhowt0 doit haveto sentences have been jumbled up.Youarerequired P to rearrange these parts whichare labelled P, Q, R, S to produce the correct sentence.Choosethe proper sequence and mark accordingly. in your answer % sheet Thecorrect sequence should be (a) ' QSPR andne1ther haveI the assignment yet e P l becauseshedoes not help her R 3 _ 45. Q Q L (b) R hasntnished S SRPQ *3 QPR3 (d) QSRP The correct sequence5should be (a) QRSP 49. (b)I QPSR Wouldyou liketocome onSaturdag (c) PQSR P (61) PSRQ . at the Internatwnal . 46. himself a child canusuallyfeed P Q R - House V to arconcert R S ' Thecorrectsequence shouldhe by theageofsixmonths (3) PQRS 'S (b) Thecorrect sequence shouldbe PSQR (.3) RSPQ al W5 (b) Q (:1) Pose SRQP (c) PQRS M 47. tohe admitted not necessa that Every experience in life makes gP toanenlgineering collegeq Q R Ofthel brain311 imP1953i°D » R youquelifyllan entrance examination S so The correct sequence should be The correct sequence should be (a) SPRQV (a) SRQP (b) QRSP (b) QSPR (c) RSPQ (c) QRPS (d) PSQR (d) SRPQ B-OEBB-M-H es (7 A )" PART 51. Consider the following statements about the B 54. Which one among the following lms was National Cyber Security Policy. approved by the Union Cabinetin May 2013 : presented the Best Feature Film award in the 1. (a) Dekh Indian Circus (b) Vicky Donor (c) Peon Singh Tamar (d) Chittagong 2. The policy training. focuses on O 60thNationalFilmAwards? manpower It aims to create aisecuredcomputing environment across the country. Which of the statements given above isfare vcorrect ? (a) 55. 1 only Which one among the following is an indigenously built Weapon System Integrated helicopter handed over to the Indian Army in (To) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither February Ltd. 2013i by Hindustan Aeronautics ? 1 nor 2 Varun 52. Which of the following statements Dr. Aparajita Datta is.-'are correct? 1. She is a wildlife biologist. 2. She has been working for the conservation of hornbills in the dense tropical forests "ofArunachal Pradesh. 3. 53. about ' 56. (b) Indra (c) Rudra (cl) Shiva Whoarnongthe following is theChairman of theFourteenth FinanceCornniissiono ? She was honoured with the Whitley Award, also known as Green Oscar, in the year 2013 in London. (a) Abhijit Sen (1)) Y.V. Reddy Select the correct answer usingthe code given (c) Amartya Sen below : (a) Monte]; Singh Ahluwalia (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 3-only 57. Which of the following statements about Chit Fund in Indian isfare correct ? 1V 2. It is a kind ofsavings scheme. There I Who among the following won the Mens Singles title of the Madrid Tournament, 2013 '3 (a) are Open Tennis no Acts regulating the activities relating to Chit Funds in India. Novel:Diokovic Select the correct answer using the code given Cb) Rafael Nadal below : (c) Roger Federer (a) 1 only (d) Stanislas Wawrinka (b) 2 only (c) (d) Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2 Bi0EBI_E5-M-HBS (3-90 51. u§2o131?itfs21ri1%=i@.?1§1IraTg!1i:tI1;i!I 54.f'311=11%ri1.'=1Er1?¢ H13iII¥_+,I.a1Tifr1'?11EmIr:1?r1?1==r1'érfiaaaa2I=IittI I %IT|'4T?V 1. IIE#°ri?1a?sTi¥srf§IaamnI§:1ia%I (a) 2. uatgiwzjfaaaaawawwmmatwil 0) a:raa.=«=Ir@?%I . - . (c) *??'-?I?:'5'?=7T - 3q§i*5$%1=1ifi=13r=1.14Tr+aeI'eT%/%V? (cl) 7%'FF77*-V 03>W1 (b)%a2 55. ni%.rP@aaaaaq.mqa,:aasnr&sasra *sru11r«I°rqEr%f%rqz.B,rrrI.-f¬ (C) Iatgiflt Ea1I=+TH¬r1%«If:4'2*e. (d)=rat1:r'ér"2 "'"(a)EWTT 52.g=:'.a:qufsamaaw:1maa1eqn1%a1aaasma% 0W "13raf1=.r.v.=11x13I14%I§ :2 I 1. %Q$a:LmUGa'.a1-ft? J 2. %awmVm% %V 56. H ii if afm, Ea r amn% u?tsFi%*eiIa=1v1%5i%m$n§$rcrat%t awwa? 3. 2013 I3,EfE:=I ii, {am grteri, (a) Va:r'Fqrr?r.131=1' E1:I1?an*,fT7{31'T'{>'{3ffT=|w%E'11?fT%,¬1? (1,)3-.g_g>,.1g[ 1%-TIIT"|'-IITI (C)maa? =¥}1%{q11u,3§3¬+:T'5r!1111 (CD ;_Em2_3I3 57.1'5r:=rl%r§a if1%; =I.¥+1;@I 6521? mm .2 3 . c %aqT{1aI2 "1 m%HW;HE_§[%/g? gram 3 1.?]?3Q7=I3?R 2. mmaazeraxa?aamuawre:mai M _ air wawmafw 53. 1'*3r=rf?-11?11iL13rL1?4:a'3'r,,2o131a»i?\i%.vsa1w:I%1=r %1 §f'33:é:IEF7'%1%a1araa L qwwmmnmml (3)Em 0) L mm (cl 1°|T3|~e'-Ti V (:1) (a)%F=|F'f1 (b) émz (c) 1a=I2'cfI=?i . (d)=I?1"I171r§f2'_ 58. 21 5' Century ? (a) Shashi Tharoor W119 391953 theif°11°Wilg istheath°1' °f the Directions : Thefollowing 07(Seven) items consist fb) Salman Khurshid ' 13001 PM Indie -' Indiaandthe Woridaf the oftwostatements, statement fond statement H. You (c) S.M.Krishna (d) 59. are to examine these two statements carefully and selectthe answers to theseitemsusing the codegiven PranabMluliherjee below .' Which one among the following about Code : Prof. C.N.R. Rao is not correct ? (a) (a) He worked mainly in solid-state and structural chemistry Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I (b) Heis the headofthe ScienticAdvisory Council to the President (c) (b) of India Both the Statementsare individually true but Statement II is not the correct explanation-ofStatement I He was conferred with Chinas top science award for the year 2013 for his contributions in boosting Sino-Indian (c) scientic Cooperstion Statement1 is true but Statems-ntII is false (d)' He is a member of the US National (ti) Academyof Sciences Statement I is false but Statement II is true 60. Identify the person from the information givenbelow: 81. He was a popular Urdu poet and Hindi lyricist, who worked extensively in Hindi lms. Statement 1: The process of decay and disintegration of rocksin situ is calledweathering. He was a Padma Shri and won two Filtnfare awards. The President of Statement1'] : India recently released a commemorative postage stamp on his birth anniversary at Rashtrapati Weathering takes place both mechanically and chemically. Bhavan. Ca) Khayyam 62. Statement I .' Doldrurnsis a calm belt between 5° N and 5° S of the equator. I as.n-1%?qarm=r, éivr:'?*:=rr%7z§'?r amiiaiiia #3?gmaa a»'ara'1a:?rasar:71I=/a %? _ L '3 WW §?a»7Jr2:?=ra=T, $'=ri; ?75?a''<'§7z. ; Cb) {C} I9-W3-7:'3°T (cl)aumgva W ._ (a)3|-Fi:-.9.:7{aIa:1. 1ia:rm§H=:I1amv a=r.a{n%a¥a%ra?%:» (E) . _ , <1» ¬H?WW%:w%%%WwII ?~="9FrIWr14¬H=wE1 =Iz#"% am Haqm(c)a:21:r11r<:-1Ié¬f (b) ém1a%:ugq1%r~£r¬mTaaVHaI3 trFca§%awm% (c)3%a°H;mIaé:1Tf?1$z=:au1=1a-grs (:1) $2:=rIama:%¬r%=r$2:=IIIa*ea% 3T1?f?hTE|=|?'3|3f?'?=I 61.'>'9F?I ¢rszui1%=Isi1=r%§;t£i5I«1IEtaH1%6a1n2iI !aia:I"-.~Tor-1=911' &i?r3?tI=It:2=Ia (d) %Ustrg°t2:1%I$I1=Iara=r'2i-ff: (d) Ellfai-ftl mmmwmmm 3' 70.':'Ra%.»*a1gnvsa§ A 1%=r%rFaaw«a1%aaqm,a%P w:rII.- ahunuammazfmné? '6lFf%"_a'q?a1a1aI°rCo2%aaiarEfEs.} (a)&?h41:l@.c1 g@1a;£E%sniu1?13T21I%?s1%m%s Cb)H1-I'd'rtI-1-iaa w:uI%_I (_c=) EI1%IiE?I (d)a11=:=r.n': 66. ?>'9F!I.- ' 71. get .q§ T.3lZ$3?-11% E I 11% %:1%142mHi==R;[iaa3Tra1iIaqIVa§a?=m ???*'FT5'?T~ =TTF?°TF"'6""? m:m,__ , 1. @z,mmmz%ga '§T¥'5I$lI3F4'|?"1<;?=|'|'c"IT'<5|1TT._.%%l1I'17 V amaaaaama: E '§§TW"m% 3 'E1';,Pf'¬I aaknammuumaaéf 67.a=.-ar-7I.11% Emil VV-mm ' . FF|%?=T="r?:i111?ra7:I¬t;f%|q%qGrI?raIErfI 5* WWW asaaa:msmmaa%arua=rnu%sma1ma. (39W1 ;n..9m.H.,V (b) #82 Gil-c1T,?hBa1a=&=I1,a;1W?rH%:5r1%1a:1%$ ('3) a_aa13T2 aI&ri%m12aT%I B-OEBB-M-HBS id} Lzats . - ?(13A ) 72. Consider the atmosphere :. following 1. Troposphere 2. Stratosphere 3. Mesosphere 4. Thermosphere layers of the 74- Jawahar tunnel on Jaminu-Srinagar highwaypasses through! (at) Pir (3) u,3a1§'m3?=ra'r=n=rH (c)4 2 3 1 6)Ziiaaqifjqf ("3 . Q (d) aaaftaaf so. &%¬IH1a'aa1:s12ffrl%a% P ' 34. 1u=If%n%H 3:... m £|=r.:1°r 11$,:5?fr (b) $f1'%|1?=Ia<°1%W2IazE«r3I«=a=Ina1 31"l.¬T$f$qTI§71=1%Er>"tUT$rEl (c) $¥1[B§ITlTRH3FT¥?fI?{UI W33 ' (a) a11'a¥r=1=r . (b) (d)%eqs§Ina'r3;"n1%1=Tfna:?nfa1%a H 1. Q$tur»:'-mwi 2 _ :a=r.as1=r%t 3. m:=i?§11aa1mm%»1 _ 102. f?41=IF¬afzs1a$v4=1f%I2z1?=aII#r I (a) 1 2 1.iQ=%I3E4R??ITFE°1?a~i?F9%'°'??' (b)%u»oIa'25iHI3 %a"?'m*'" (c)%T'f13I3 2. 1=Ia=r1:IE=+111F1T=I15r1915fiEa:i13I*éI%I3 1.2aI3 . Wmmmml 1o5.mra1iaam:a=:mn.q§e imauaaw 3. n31?n1r'%5r%?«rt{as*='n=;,L1924*3i ammeimiarraaaaraaaaaaamumm D am (ii) :=rmrm (iii}f3?1'5TE r 3q§a:$91=uii1?4i1aVEIu=I.I11I1=r7;~15er§? (3) =1:'33{T1'E'£ ugh EF'rI'3I ?;:rEI~=hI TH aIr=11I1H2I - (3) 123m3 (b)¬r*erms1a'r:%:u1a1a Cb)3I=<=I?«I234"T§3 (:1) (c)%»cI?«I1aI3V E"!"['q3a _ _ (d) 376%mm 1? nag HE: 3T|¬lF' $1 (d) %rrem1 B-OEBBV-M-HBS T _ [ 23 A ) -- 106. u... it hasreduced usipoliticallytoserfdomIt 111. has sappedthe foundations of our culture has degraded us spiritually. This was MahatmaGandhicomplainingof the ill-effect on Indians of which actionfpolicy of the Who among thefollowing hasdescribed the colonial government ? (a) Salt tax uprising of 1857 as the First Indian War of i Indepiendence ? (b) Inadequate franchise (a) (o) Press Act (d) Rowlatt Act (b) R.C.Majumdar (c) no. Tilak 107. The Indian National Congresswas founded (cl) s.N. Sen lV.D. Savarkar during the Viceroyalty of (a) Lord Lytton 112. Cb) Lord Ripon (c) Lord Dufferin ((1) freedom movement in correct sequence beginning from the earliest s:s Lord Mayo 103. Kandh Revoltagainstthe British wasled by (a) Chakra Bishoyi (b) Danclasena (c) Tomma Dora (d) Birsa Manda Arrange the following events of Indian 1. Second Round Table Conference 2 Communal Award 3. Poona Pact 4 Simon Commission Select the correct answer using the codegiven below : (3) 1-2-3-4 of the pressure on the Government of India (b) 4-3-2-1 from (c) 4.1-2s an 3-2.t14t 109. The implementationof factory legislation in India in the nineteenthcentury was a result (3)the trade unionists inIndia 113. the socialists in India (c) the manufacturers from Lancashire and ' Consider the following statements :i 1. Cb) MorleyMinto 2. Manchester Despite the Government of India Act, local bodiesindirectly- 110.Whoamong thefollowing wasthePresident of Which of the statements given above is/are National Congress when India correct? ? (a) 1 only VallabhnbhaiPatel (b) 2 only (c) Maulana Azad (c) Bothgal and12 (d) Acharya Kripalani (d) Neither (a) J awaharlal Nehru (b) -B-OEBB-M-HBS I 1909 the non-officialswere elected to , (d) theIndianNationalCongress attainedindependence reforms ended the official majority in state legislative assemblies. Indian ' ( 24 A) 1 nor 2 06_ ==___ H75-_E_.e',(,:,,:;=l,¢,;~.,,q1}7,!;1a3.-;,~,ni 111.1?1':a%I§a}?i1?r an-a1=e.saaanra:=i:zgt%:a§raiaaaraqs.eaa:< *11I1=_IWma@?=E3I1?a"? I11%...31=I%'5*a4Tf%i1$E'=rV13=r$£=|T (:1) 1z1=r.t15{.1i=i %Iaaim22iiwIns3ra1e%,3=r%:'sa1a-ntés 0,) I¥PI'=B'l?5/=1'?rT31§=$r$11'eI,4B1?I1TV11f%§1TI f31$maa°r? (° (b) ' ('3 112.1=|11'cf12:%zr=1 amaii (d)aEQTE Hw3fH1T:J?l'Ff3I17' 107.1411?2:trgr::esi13H%a%a'Is¥:tr:mF1%¬rtI=r m cerrfEma.°rL=1-ézfr? 1. ta) 33%? 2. I4iua'rf3:$aTfi1'1vitI( 0) HEW (c) Erfér-.'==r (d) _ 3. u§mm?..a1 mm 4. mm _ 1oa.a1%m%1=aw=s a'r£ra'WB7=5I9IqFu'1 :%"R°";'5n%"3"e % 211? A (a) amwé (3) . ~ * L (:2) 4-3-24 0:) aa¬a=:1 (en 4-1-2-3 (c) ciI1=rn'e?rtr (:1) (d) 1o9.1~9a°i1z1?*rI_?q"I1ia41ta»7+z(1arLErF1\mn1 113.1'I=rF&T}fi@?r$%:=|int1°é mtdiIr1amIuI1%m#aa1aa:rtrfturm%211? 1_ ,g_g,§gme,,m,WFm3 (a) It?Ir=I?=I'd§I=iE?r srmwagnanmaatau (b) °fR?i|?IE4W1*=|T?$T 2, mtamazrtawzézrr, 19o9%3irIa@ (c) Ei$rsn21Ia2nFft:%1=aI%1%:rfia1ania:r t-a1$rfta'I%m1=fra$rai1~ (d) wmaarrewarinazr '5*E'>=EQ' 11Lo.=:«:au1IaH~?=r?iaa13r:n,aaam1cIIUa11I 31§?F$3T"3?3f|-1=|Tfi51=I¬1%I (a) al 9 (b)%a<=1a;2 03)E; (c)1afII2aF (c) 1=a1=na11§r1a L {(1)mavam» B-OEBB-M-HES _ _ (d)={E1=r'e°t2i ( 25 A) 114. NoIndianshallbyreasononlyof his religion, 118. Whichoneamongthe followingproperties ofa placeof birth,descent, colouror anyof them protonmaychange whileit moves freelyin a be disabled from holding any office or magneticeld .7 employment under thecompany. Thiswasat (3) Speed pledge first given by the T (b); (a) Charter Act of1813 Charge (c) Mass (b) CharterAct of 1333 , _ ' (c) Queen s Proclamation of 1858 ((1) Indian Civil Service Act of 1861 (:1) Velocity 119.Powerrequired by a boyof mass30kg to run up a staircase of 40. steps in 10 secondsis 115.Abeautiful rainbow onsthe skyisdue tothe (a) dispersion of sunlight froma water (Height ofeach Step is15cm) (Takeg =10mfsz) dropletonly. (b) {a} reflection of sunlight from a water dropletonly. 0°) lslwatt (c) reflectionand refractionof sunlight (C) 18000 Watt from awater dropletonly. (d) i 1800 Watt (d). 18Watt refraction, dispersionand reflection of sunlightfroma waterdroplet. M 120. 116.Theweightof an objectmaybeassigned by usingpNewtons ' (a) first law of motion. (b) second law of motion. (c) third law of motion. (cl) laws of gravitation. The gure given aboveshowsthe temperature (T) 117. Acurrentof0-5A is drawnbya lamentofan time (t) plot when weM start heating a pieceofnaphthalene. Thetemperature (T*)at electricbulb for 20 minutes.The amountof theplateauof thecurvesignies electric charge thatflows through thecircuit is (a) bailing point ofnaphthalene_ (a) 1C (b) 03) 10C (c) melting point ofnaphthalene. _ (:1) (C) 600 C (cl) 300C BOEBB-M-HBS freezing point of naphthalene. I the temperature when naphthalene undergoes a chemical change upon heating. (.25_ A ; T:.1TnI=1?;»'?=1?=I={1s17:sI*2:tI?a%a§IIrf?:I:T1IEr1 (aim? en? (13) 311%?! (a) 1313 (c) ERIIFH (b) 1833$T?=n¬I&E (D 3" (c) 1sL53$ra=E=Hs?ra1=r-I + (d) 1861aI?T¢R??T1@FF?=|?*I13|ET3I1"?If3I?1W 119.301;ga3a1IIiIa1¬t1%"t=itaE',%=H%W 4DqF?E1|3i?=|1?'1°fé'%¬l°f5|It§§G1 mrwamwa? 15.3n$r$rqI13_aI§'§u3[q1%»*HmIw13Ia=Ia1%? (wwlcmg) (a) 3-»<=IF1'G1E'Ti'g$@f¥l§§El$f§'T$I>'l (g=1om,»S2;m) (b) '3El?'T'~?TE'T'f§§El%'§§¥],'§[3 (Ta)lgoowatt (C)L3"'Ei'%' Cc) Cb) 180WattL 18000Wat1; (d) (d)lswatt m.amusa:runa;aa=m:ma::uaan 12° a:Im°Fg;a¥aI1%2Itra¬«fltI:@;La$T1a'uIE=15ItrI.3rrsrEI1E=r (d) Q%.&.m 3 35lpH (:3) 0°) 149.3=rtn§a=I1¬1§? V L * (c) 3%? (d):=rai1§tHtf%?Iua?v1IIIs§EI¬°r111a1qt (a3L?*:'q§3a=3F" tm W? cm *II§a=Ii?=IW¬ra1'sa 14L5.3'a¥a=¢, V:-sra1§a £1:nIl%Fm EHI3? UR, (9m§°' 3I3"§3*¬'=% 3=I1"aE1s§am?f1%.5% (9.) . L (d) Iwlw fb) c} 31421-rzrffanm33% 8) V 150.q$tR=rrEsf§4:r3r élrmlasza 14s.:3a?I?rg@aa:av41¬{a1%? :2:2: (3) (1,) t? SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK elwrirwmai-111E113 B-OEBB-MHBS (as _ A) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK aamrtr 96f¬=mI113 B-0EBBM-HBS { 37 _ A ) SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK 35%am % Rm vars B-0EBBM-HBS {38A} SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 3% earnrs =I'q=a1I3 B-OEBB-M-HBS ( 39 -AL) ; aaraa-Laa1¢ar}agm?3zw37Evaa7za}a#%arH V 2%. aft.:11. : B-OEBB-M-HBS uamrgrifm azaw uawgfnw a7n2r:a'}avé*a:?ra9w7h=rz ' Zl77f 343% 1. trfr8.II1Irr==r-giiwl,armgnv&armg1'i$!a:r£t1m,?I1?-Iarawaa% zga-gauges ama1sm=I1°m safaris-r l?lQW%,??l's'§F¬f8T0TEI§|$l?I§ I 2. V5-:I111:£z1=r'<'&V1%a OMB ammras, 3f%m¥e:1=rn1,1t1=r=rIa1 (!'=& g) A B,CmDaft, s2I1=n¢Lt11iff%;=:1L1'%+r£?=I§21r1%zi=11?r&:trt* a=twag%aat9t2r 1==?r«:1frm=n°Ia Vvsftiuamw/I1intfi2:rV3m-uareawlarimarqrnl 3. $Hq'ff&¥WE[f