Limit State of Collapse Flexure (Theories and Examples) Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Computation of Parameters of Governing Equations Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Instructional Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to: o identify the primary load carrying mechanisms of reinforced concrete beams and slabs, o name three different types of reinforced concrete beam with their specific applications, - identify the parameters influencing the effective widths of Tand Lbeams, o differentiate between oneway and twoway slabs, o state and explain the significance of six assumptions of the design, o draw the stress-strain diagrams across the depth of a cross-section of rectangular beam, o write the three equations of equilibrium, o write and derive the expressions of total compression and tension forces C and T, respectively. 3.4.1 Introduction Tra§f:ls»'a%arsas toads Slabpanaafs A, v. _,.e xx x -*.-f"" : L Kg»-*" 'x,aj ,f . *1 ISL.not .«,,--~- ,2 "a. X W-. « re xx. Emnairaraa baams CL. of beam after bendlnag I.-V 11%.ofibna§n ba§c:urs3« Fig. 3.4.2 : Beamst..i§?l£lE!" bending Any gpanel E3iEeF§Et»:;*1Jard shape at slaw 3.4.3: Stab l;E§ld%l"° bending {st.ippp:rtedat mrrters) Reinforced concrete beams and slabs carry loads primarily by bending (Figs. 3.4.1 to 3). They are, therefore, designed on the basis of limit state of collapse in flexure. The beams are also to be checked for other limit states of shear and torsion. Slabs under normal design loadings (except in bridge decks etc.) need not be provided with shear reinforcement. However, adequate torsional reinforcement must be provided wherever needed. Concretein compression Neutral axis {NA} 3»[E§W§bal'§ in tension gm Bmadt atf :*u:~3t;:3i.:% 1 Tension concrete :prdvidingcover Fig 3.4.4: Eiingy areinforrzsed rectangular beam under positive lbendnrgmoment {rtsealr midispalnpi Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur E11331 bars. in ca:mpresshon L::3-?7313 3.¢=¢mpfr%&$i¢_n J Mantras axis INA Fig 3.4.5: Doubly raénfaraadrectangular baam under posiiive bending moment (near midspanj S!J&~:==:13t1*ars is:Eenamn VV".'V¢[L.*¥33 3T*F§'5. {W} in EGMIEFEEE-iEIE'k {J LLL Cancmte Q Bmadth Fig; 3.4.5; Sirtgly rainfnrced rectaanguiiar beam u:ndarV negava banding mament (war me supmrt) HSm! W 3 . Bmalh f Fig. 3.4.53: Bounty rainfarcad rent/3nguEa4:r baam under nagative banding mument (over the suppc) Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur This lesson explains the basic governing equations and the computation of parameters required for the design of beams and oneway slabs employing limit state of collapse in flexure. There are three types of reinforced concrete beams: (i) (ii) (iii) Singly or doubly reinforced rectangular beams (Figs. 3.4.4 to 7) Singly or doubly reinforced Tbeams (Figs. 3.4.8 to 11) Singly or doubly reinforced Lbeams (Figs. 3.4.12 to 15) nncrete in compression 1,. Effactaive width er? » 3 Han arbasrs. -~:-st I 52 Depthofflange{slazbl Breadth of wels- Fig. 3.4.3: Singly r=eir:f:um'a::ed beam under Ipmsitivae bending moment (near midspan) flfanszareteccmzpression F Erfllsactiire width 3 %..- Siteaibafs iii .1 cozmpresslm o -mmvzawmwmamwwmmwcwmauw a.aarsaexvuma 43 31.4.9:only Breadth atweb reinforced fl fbaasmiunder positive bend:irtgmavmernt (near rrtidspean) Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Moefiaicttvvee width K Efraliiitfléft . ax tagguiw e L V, M , tlacmzretmn comsession, 1 Breadth Tabeam 3f.3§$ ll/35333? 3; arms tectaanguiar mam {nu as »:r::::.::»:'°eta aizaaaw55431113 in teraséenrrj Fig. 3.11%: Singly,reiniimed T-«beam under negative beradeingmsnrneent (raver the support} , £26! Eleptétl of web 1 Tamant BrIead1§1:nfwaéb. Reciangular mam {rte ange auzlrirzm as cnmrste above in tension? Fig. 3.-&...l1:Doubly reirafnrced T-«beam underginiesgativie bendingrstauntamt {ever the supepserti During construction of reinforced concrete structures, concrete slabs and beams are cast monolithic making the beams a part of the floor deck system. While bending under positive moments near midspan, bending compression stresses at the top are taken by the rectangular section of the beams above the neutral axis and the slabs, if present in T or L-beams (Figs. 3.4.4, 5, 8, 9, 12 and 13). However, under the negative moment over the support or elsewhere, the bending compression stresses are at the bottom and the rectangular sections of rectangular, Tand L-beams below the neutral axis only resist that compression (Figs. 3.4.6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15). Thus, in a slab-beam system the beam will be Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur considered as rectangular for the negative moment and T for the positive moment. While for the intermediate spans of slabs the beam under positive moment is considered as T, the end span edge beam is considered as Lbeam if the slab is not projected on both the sides of the beam. It is worth mentioning that the effective width of flange of these T or L-beams is to be determined which depends on: L . t Eamrete in mm rrasssiang TA xi ' J-'1',» g ,r 5:W§DEQIEI ange .." X, is Pateutrail axis {rm} epthofweb 3t5aEi.i.%h;a;r3_§ncii j§gw«z««sz'mmag ~;.Q"' Ax :*~x~m».sw:ms& t g -H - l<- Brieadith at web- Fig}, 3.-4.'E2: Singiy re§nlerced L-beam Under positive bending mmmt {near mtidw-sspan} Eonrgreae . £7 4. V.. ., mmgeessaa mnraavessiim M. $_,.i ntittttarga >,1* Mama-allaxis (ram). Vmwusuwmmyvxswy¥:s<=as»z;a«mw¢aM;a\:Lv<£9t#zm$»K=&w¢:a;s-mi agpth at web )71.;%te§~;il.e:aaési.iiira tenascim P. Breadth of sasiab Fig. 3..4.*E3:Doubly reianfameedi L--beamunder ipnsitive bending: morrtenit {sneermid-span} Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Mn effemive wii .E55: @*'f3:F'3"i% §'71 V iliespth ca anga Ag: m 4w :1: 4;», mu: m ,, m cum aw mv ,_,,,_ W M,M M. GT TFéaadmmwwnb Lsbasam Rentarsguiarbeam {rm ange as mm:Vre.=ta abma NA is in 2en:~7.§nnL} Fig. 3.Af».14:SingtfyAraifnmed L-beam Mundar nvaagatwa handing mnmant (war tha aupprt) Mt: e'ecti~m wimh. "533 wnme 3553f 9*3?'-W? 3T5¢L4T.F33§3E57 3£4"¥} Sieefibars in cnrnjpressim I - 1C5V!3E?f¢33.§F¥¢'¥?I3¥.. a-1 Eraam amen L-beam Rectangular beam. {mmange au::%ti:nn as cunmaieamwe is in tasrasizmj Fig. 3_d.15:nuhiy rainfarced L-beam undar n gatéva handing mcimanf (mar wa supmrt) Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur (a) (b) (c) (d) if it is an isolated or continuous beam the distance between points of zero moments in the beam the width of the web the thickness of the flange 'gjfissrz; E2} »z§$ac*% 1;: Fig. 3.4..*liE: ne way sE;aib{i§j|:K $2} , it-V3f.%*T%§3~»Ti'5@ .3f1$i2% it ries.223 1?} ii. 1?»; g, ** »xckyzii Shae Eas Fig. 3..a$.lif'i: "Fwdwag:3-lab:{lyflg<==E:j: Reinforced concrete slabs are classified as oneway or two-way 3.4.2 Assumptions mamas-'t W323 V séfmsr V U3, V U3 U3: «,.---...-y.,..,..,..... Q}. ,P,,--,-n-...-r,w-,.:,;9-,',"."'!',-'1 ., Y. V 3:-w.a?1.& S: ugmg'm; : 73.3¬?f. E55, * Q "Em}: Emgiotm af F55;.3.4.18 Sxzrwslagmm Sitmisalagfszsam Fig. 3.4.19;Restangusiar beamur:»da:r fiaxureswhenx..