C.WIL__DM_i}6201 4 1. A cnntewr beam41:;hug carries:a uniformlydistributetikindof 40 msumover tniire span.Bu; at 3111 from the xed and E: la». 1) ms:KINm 2) 320 !(Nm Vw 3)!20KNm zo KNm 2. A perfect frame should mistythemastica,r;-*m=V2j.3 2)m=2j-4 3)m=3_;-2 4)m=3j-3 4. Assertion(Ag): Strain is a fundamentalbehavismrof the material,whilestressis a derivedcnucept.Reason{R} : Strain duesnut havea unit whilestresshasunit. Cuda: 1) 343111 Aandk are true and Ris the/21Both Aand aretme butk is mat a correctexplanaonof A Lcorrec: explanaiiacm of A 3)A istruebutkisfaise 4)A isfalse butkistme 5. when shearforceat 3 point:3 mm, thanbendingammentat that paint will he- i)_Zer0 grmaximum 2) Minimum 4)» Innity :6. HubertHmke discuvered experimentallythat within elasticlimitI) Stressis equalto strain 2} Productof messandstrainis unity jitressispmporticnapi tostrain 7. 4)Stress isinversely pmpunional tastrain In NBC, re safety is given as, /r)Fire andlifesafety 3) BuildingFirecode 2) Firesafety code 4) Fire protection andsafety CW1L__DM_0620I4 -»3» tarqua 1)Bending L a uimuiarsali 2) Shear Torsion 4)Comprcssian IL The 31510dhgmm far a cantileverwith ad} fern distanceof a from free end is in the shape of- I) A parabela 2) A straightline /3)"Combination ofpafabola and straight4)Acircle 7 line I2. Pain! of crmtmexune means- !) Pointat whichSF is zero 2) Pointat whichBM is maximum Point atwhich BMchanges itssign 4)Point atwhich the shear fame is minimum CIVIL_DM__(}62{¥l4 ° *3 mple beningsquationis: -...__.. 113. A scixnpiy suppoa-(mi beamcarriestwoaqua] mzmentrat/M1 lnads Watdistance frum either suppcrat. The bandingmomvsnt M is»: 15. when a beamis loadedwith concentratedlands,the beamingmomentdiagramwill be :1- 1)Horizontal straight line /aerincnned straight line 15' Thesheararesat 2) Vertical straight line 4)Parabaiic curve enésefa simpiysupporte beam carrying a uniformly diatributed had arfw 0" W1at o and, war} at the atherv and g atone end, :£-atthe ether and H %2at bzxih ends 17. which of the followingis dimensioniess? V :) Y0ungs modulus 3) Stress gfstrain 4) Shearforce *cmL_DM_052o:4L 19. Deectiaasnaia S ofspan 1'' with an unifarmly bad of intensity win: is: 26. The radiusof gyrationaf a rectangularsectionis equalto?) Squarerootofthe momentof inertia 2) Squaremm of theinverseof thearea /3fSquare rootofthemoment of inertia 4)Square} ofthemoment ofInertia divided V divided byareaof secticm byareaartsection 2:. A cantileverof 4m spancarriesa pointlead of 10 KN at the freeend, The max deeciiunE,(E1= 3 x 1o3Nmm; 132.76mm /303.67 mm 2) 2.56mm 4)2.5!} mm 22. Thecritical load Pduainbuckling : Ions acstumns) is gi;wanLby Eulasrsfor2nu1a CIVIL_"DMi__06201 4 - 33-Theexpressiun El dyfdx atanysection fora beam 3 eqnai to3» /P)Load intensity atthe section 3) EM at thesection 2){SE atthe sectinn 4) Slopeatthessirtiun VF 3* Staticindisterminancyufthebeam shawninFig £82 K, I -ii---m I5. Stiffnessnf;anbeamis the pmpveriyby virtue of whichit mswts!) Tension 2)Bendingmoment 3)Shear Farce 26. In 3:mimply snpportaaé beam, thmug Rotationand deflection m IEDL CIVIL_DM.___I362i) 14 . 28. Main: theoremII hips to nd the- - I) Siopeof a xed beam 2) Moment atthesupports for3 continuous Vv Deectionofabeam beam 4)Shear force atthe supports ".1" 29.Forthree aqua} span continuous beam whose ends aresimply sugrparted andEl wines are ccnstant,the distribaiionfactarsofthe membersare- I) Equai unequai 3} 3!? 4) 4:? 34% Axedhaamafsizan }'is per unit run over the whoi man The tiaectéaninihiaaaseis ; vanas- 31. Considerthe faliowingassumptions in theanalysisof a planetruss.1. The individualmembersare straighi2. The individualmembersare ozonnected by frictionlesshinges3. The landsand reactiunsact onlyat the ioinw. Of these assumptions: I) 1 and2 are vad 3)2and 3are valid 32. 2) 1 and 3 are vaiid V /K1, 2and 3arevalid Anxlofunifurmcmas - sectiunAans:%1angthL is daeformed by 3, when smhjiected in a force . é* 3modu1us E ufthe maieriahia: 33. A cantileverof lengthL is subjectedta a bendingmomentM due in pointloadat freeandat its free end. If E! is the flexuralrigidity of the secticn,the deflectionof the free end, is: 1) 3)MLZJZEI 2) MLIZEI ML2/3E] cmiL_DM__ms2m4 - 34. The raiio us!the area 0: crossmxtion at a circular sectionto the area of i3 care, is: 1):; 2) 3 ma /me ' VTha vaiueRankineh constant farmild ems} is» 36. Cmxsixier the follawingstatements: Sinkingat an intermediatesupportof a continuous beamE.Reducesthe negativemomentat suppa 2. Incmam the negativemumentat support3. Reducesthe pnsive nmmentat the centreof span4. Incmzmes theparsitive momentat me centreat span.0! thesestatemenias and4 arecorrect 3) 2 and3 arecurrent '37. V» The:kern of a . eanmntrie 2} 1 and3 arecorrect 4) 2 ant?4 arecortreci secéionuf cliamater is a ef &iam«e:r~ 33. In SI units,onebar is aqua!tu- /(ll mum? L 3) L0mm? 2)1.0 N/mmz 4) 10.0mm? 33. If the stresson the cmss»-sectian of a circular short mhunn of diameter!) is ta be whollyazamprexaive, ue loadshouidbeappiie withina mncenfritcircieof dksmeten 1) m2 on: 2) ms 4) D16 #6. Rama cmupmed ofmorethanonematerial,rigiiitycannectesrl mgeter anasten behaveas onemace,are knawnas: 1) Compoumi teams 3)Detenninate beams 2) IVndetennim31e beams /Ar)/(Zomposite beams cmL_DM__ms2o14 . «:1. The bearing capacity of 2 soii cannot be increasedbyI) Chemicaltreatment 2) Grouting 3)Compacting /VfMoistening thesoil £2.Theblack cottonsoi!1) Hashigh bearingcapacity 2) Hasnegligible permeability ' mdergoes largevolumetricchangewith 4) Is consideredgoodsoil for foundation * moisture 4:5.Anystoremasonry workwhichis NO?!highlynisheiiis known as- /17Rubble masonry 3) Ashtarmasonry 2)Rough masonry 4) Easemasonry 44- Waterabsorptionfor 15*classbricksshould 0}? hemorethan- !)12% 3) 26% 4)25% 35. The defectin painting causal by excessmoisture vaporising ia back ofthe paint im is known as: 1) wrinkling 2) Altigatoring 1%Blistering 4)Seating 445.Which proportion of cement mortnr is usedfor pointing work! /W1 :2 2) 1:4 L3) 1:5 4) 1:6 «£7.Slumptestfor concreteiscarrioti out to detenuineu /nworkabimy M3) Watercontent 2)Durability 4) Strength 48. The sidesof an opening suchas oors, windows»are knownas- /fambs 2)Heads 3) Reveals 4) Verticais «£9.The most commonly mod deepfoundation in building E; 1)Wet! foundation 3) Ra foundation /2)Pi1e foundation 4) Gsiltagefoundation so. The minimum compressivestrength o1Fitst;classbricks should be- t) 75kgfemz /31100kg/cm2 st. The term fog means- I)Anapparatus toliftthestone 3) Verticaljoint in 'a brick work 2)90kgfcmz 4) :20kg/cmz M tf/A depression onaface ofbrick 4) Soakingbrick in water 52. Strength of cementconcrete primarily dependsuponI) Quality of water 2) Quantityof aggregate 3)Quantity ofcement 3'. . Seasoning of timhen E)Increases theweight oftimber 3) Doesnot give dimensionaistalbitity Water content ratio L mproves thestrength propertics 4) Improvesthe appearance CfIVIL__DM__*062GlL4 54. Thecmnmoniy usedlimein whitewasilingis: 1)Quicklime ,.2)1=at iime 3) Leanlime 4) Hydraulic lime _ 55.A mofsluping infourdirections iscalled- !)Sloping roof Hip moi 3) Cablereef 4) »Shed roof 55. Thetemperature rangein a cementkilnis: 1) 513010 lO0°C 2) 100010!20G°C Km400 ha 150=o°t:: 4)14500 to200o°a:: 57. in initialsettingtime testof cement,the need}:fallsto penetratethe textbhmkbyI) It) mm 2)L9mm 3)3mm L5 mm 53. Cementmortar 1:- requirea_____of cement, 1)240 kg /3360kg. 3) 480 kg 5% 4) 420 kg uia farminimum &ap::ha¢= ~zounatium. is: am. A partitiauwall is designedto carry1) Live leads 2) Wind loads 3)Rolling loads No extemakl loads &1. Whichat the fnllawingis cnhesivesci}? E) Ciay Black cation soil 2) Red earth at) Compacted ground £2. A slopeof 1 in an is designatedas- I) 0.5%grade 3)1.0% grade 2}(3.8% grade /52.5%grade 53. (lamentconcrete roadistheexampiefor - L I) Flcxibiepavements 3) Semi-exible pavements LMLRigid pavements 4} Camposite pavements 64. The layer thai is directlyin cuntsctwith the trnic mt pvearingcourse 3) Sub base 2)Base course 4) Sub grade CIVIL_'DM__0620l 4 Mnhdxigistlvritlxhidiilarzudselactthsecnux-reauzt Mauamluriuauacliandnsmatthamnaz M Dvumaafairlvalumwt . rvd. . ' " .. ' - :1mumofM, ! mu: vwunwcfszaiimun 68. Fur smalldrainagecrossings cuhrerware oftenfoundin practiceto be meat emnoznical. 1)Concrete /3fPipe 69. The plasticlimit exisu in1) Sandysoils 3)Siltiy soils 2)Masonry 4)Steel 2) Grave!soils /rfclays In. Camberan mad pavemtntis prmridedfor- V I) Tominimize speed 3) Toamidskidding Surface draixiage 4) Toascommodate change indirectian CIV1L1_DM_0620*ll4 , 71. In caseof hilly areas,a WallE pmvidedan theoutsideof the mat! to ensuresatiety at the irafc. The wall is known as- I) Retaining wall 2)Safetywall 3)Danger wall Parapetwall $2. The upstreamnew of a bridgepier E knownas» 1) Easewater 2) Stopwater /)Cu1water 4)Water repeller 73. Transitioncurveis pmvlcledin horiztmta!alignment'1} To increas:theradiusof curvature 2) To facilitatetheapplication of super elevation 3)Tocounteract the centrifugal force To prevent vehicles from skidding developed laterally 74. Ba 3 nationalhighway, the minimumwidth 91me pavementshouldher 1)4.7m 3) 6.7 m ,2)s.7m 4) 7.5 m 75. A gradientat whichanvehicleow not requireany lractiveeffort ta maintainthe specic speedis called- i)Minimum gradient 3) Rulinggadient loatinggradient 4)Pusl1i.ng gradient 76. Gradientsat hairpin beadsor wlhersharpcornerswith insidecurvesilf 10 to 15 an shcmld neverexceed- axaiazo 3)lin6O 2)lin~40 4)lin3D mwkmgmmm E78' M1% relaan hehwexen voidL atf £3),waterrmni:)an£ {W}anti aaawac gavitynf salids{G3is gzivenby - 79. In a cement concrete road,expansicm jointsare provided wtintervals of 1) 4 m 2) 10 In xmm Qm 80. On a hill mad, the radius 0! curve slwuid not be lessthan - I) 100m 2) 60 m 3)30m m 81. tnghezys fiarmuia thedischarge throughan apex:channel equal to»- 82. The hyrauiic mean depth ofn circular s/ec2t,i}wn is: 1) ad dirt 3) 4) df3 33. The pressure)measuring devicesare- A"riie:zometer 3) Ventutimeter 84. Pieznmetcr 2)Orice) meter 4) Mouthpiece is used to measure 1)Atmospheric pressure 3) Differentialpressure Very few pressure 4) Highpressure in pipes 85. Thevelocity of uid particles at thecentreof piipeusectienn is: 1)Minimum 3) Equal Maximum 4) Zero CIVlL_DM_O620I4 SE. A wsnturimetcr is used to measure - Mmtiw V"pipe ofIiquid owingthraugh 3 2)Viscnus forces acting onauidin motion 3} Frictional resistance toflowat a liquid 4) Specific gravityufa uid owing thmugha pipe 87 of th faliawingmlatisnsiscorrect. 88. The dischargethrougha V-notchvariesas» 1)H332 H3/2 JHSQ H574 E9. The pressureintensityat 49.95I 18*Him in metersafwaier is: 2) 2 3) 3 4) } 90, The rangetar cawefcientofdisvzharge {Cd} Earventurimeteris: I) 0.5 to 0.6 3)0.7to0.8 2) 0.6 to (3.7 /$0.95to0.99 91. Which of the.fa!luwinghasthe maximumwater applicationeiciency? 1) Surfacelrriguation 2) Lift irrigafian /}?)'LSpri;nkler Irrigation 4)SubSurface irrigation 92. The run off inc muses with - /alflncrcase inintensity atrain 2)Decrease ininlteration capacity 3) increasein permeability setsoil 4) Decrease in permeability of suit $3. According taManning's nmuia, thedischargs through anopenchannel is: 1]AMm[/2iU3 m2¥3 H2 3) A"?Mmmi 4)A35M3m i 94. Themostefficient section of a channelis: I) Triangular 3)Circular 2) Rectangular /1"rrapezoada1 95. The hydrnlegycycle3 exprw.-zed by theequation: (whenP = Precipitation,E = Evzqmraan and R = Run (:13) V l)P=E~R VP==E+R 3L)Pm"EXR 4)P2 . 91 The surface Run-off is the quantity of water - I} Absorbed by soil 2) intercepted by buiiciings antivegetative cover 3)Required toll surface depressions Ljhat reaches thesteam channeis 93» Inbisthe iepthofwatarinmebsrs, Bisthabnsa I parindindayaandisthe dutyinhaciare! cmnecs, the nelaonship which holds is: "ntchlist-Iwiti:I.iatIIana§sa:}sct't1%emx:'csut amuarinyxmingthsacadugivanbeinwthsntsz CWIL_DM__&620l4 1 ta Bernccufs equatgiarp mi. The axisaboutwhichthe telescopre and the verticalcircieof a theodnliterotatesin the verticalplant is tailed!) Verticalaxisof thetelescope 2) Bubbleaxis ,3f'rrunnmn axis 102.Irregular contimr represents- 1)Even ground 3) Slopedground 4)Axis afthe level tube * Uneven gmund 4) Steepgreund H33.The twluziqueof [shutting all the aaccessibie swmzs with 2;singleset:11)91mane table is calied- Radiation 2)xnmsectm 3) Resaction 4) Traversing ms.The spacingof crass-hairsin a stadiaiaphragm ufa taeheumeteris 1.26mm and the focallengthof the objectglassE 24 cm, thenthe multiplyingconstantat tacheumeter is : 1)so /zfmo 3) 1511 4} 230 166.If the meallengthor!theubjectglassis 25 cm and the distancefrom the abjectglass in the trunnion axis is 15 cm, the adifitive constant ii: 1)0.10 3) 0.50 /2)0.4o 4) L33 CIVlL__DM__O620l4 F107.Theprocess of turningthetelescape in verticaiplanethmugh180°abnutthe trunnion axis is called ~ ransiting 3) Plunging .2)Reversing 4) Swinging ms.A xeri paint at referencewhoseeizvntinnis knownas- !)Datum point 3) Referencepoint 109.Levelling deals with measurement in - 1)Horizontal plane 3) Bothhcxriznntai andvertical plane Benchmark 4) Meanlevel L. Vertical plane 7 4) Inclined plane 11!).Methodof contosuriug stzitahlefor a hilly terrain £5- 1)Diractmethod 3)Crass-section method 2) Square mjethod Tachometric msthod 111.The deflection angle may have any vain: betweem 1) 0° and45° 3)0°and 120°) 2) 0° and90° and 180° 112.In a whalecirckebearingsystemN 2S°l5w smrresptmds to- l)ll5°15 3)205°15' )2)Ll5-4°45 /a334°45' H3.If Whole circlehearing(cf3 lineis 125),itsreduced bearingis: 1)s2.e°E 3)Ni20°E ,z5s6o°5 4)N60E I14.Cogatours of dierent elevatiansmay crasseachothernly in the caseaf- ,d)':kn over hanging cliff 3) A saddle 2)A Lverticai c -4)An inclinedplane 115.Pcrpendimlarityof an ems: may bejudgedby eye,if the lengthat the nfet is: i)5m ,2y15m 2)I0m 4)20m CIVIL___DM_062E 4 , :17.Th: process uf turningthete1esct>peL almnttheverticalaxisin hnrizonialplans: is kmmn as- !) Reversing 3)Transisting 2) Plumbing Ljiéwinging 118.A branchof surveyingin whichthe horiwonmiand vertical)distances af painttsare obtainedby instrumeniaiobservations is knownaa- I) Chain surveying Tactvsometric surveying 2) Pianetable surveying 4)I-iydrngraphic surveying M9.The aggregates whichare passingtlmmgh IS 4.75 mm shave, are called- /Pine aggregates 3) Saturated 2)Coarse aggmgates 4) Unsaturated um.The combinedmrrettinn far curvatureof earth and refractionis girvanbyI) 0.06W 2) 0.0736D3 /?10.oa73 D 4)0.0055 D2 121.To ahtagin largequanties of water, the foilawingfarm of nmiergmunari snurm are sunk in series in the hanks at river - 1)Inltration gallery 3) Springs J)/Inltration well 4) Reservoir 122.Thetempararyharnessismaintydueto- Mk? 1)Chioridras and sulphates 3) andpotassium Calciumand Magnesium bimrbonates 4) Sadiumandpotassium carbenatcs 123.) Theammmtof pre~cip§i:atio:n k measured by- /1'), Rain gauge 3) Turbidimeter 2)Osmoscope 4) Hydrograph in. A septictank is: I)An aembic method ofon site st:wageL /{Ananasmbic method ofon site treatxnent treatment 3) A physizzai methodof watertreatment 4) Facultative method 125. Matchliis-riwi£hI.ist~IIan&se£ect:mcarxect ; answerby twingthe aoclaagivanbalowthelistst % I I26.A.gent!sum-1:2 ofwater requiringpmcticaliythe teas!treatmcntis: 1) A perennialriver )2)An irnpcsunded rvzsermix /3}'A deep welt 4)Anelevated tank CIVlL_DM__{l620l! 4 127!The chloridecontentin the water for publicwater supplyslmnldnot be man than - /3650ppm 2)150 ppm 3) 80 ppm 4) 513ppm 118.Forcontrolling thegrowthofalgaethechemical generally used3: I) Alain 3)Bleaching powder 2) Lime /4')5oppe: Sulphate 129.The ratio nfvolumeal voids(0 the totalvolumeafgivensolid massis- :3Vaids ratiu omsixy 3) Specificgravity 4)»Density 1313. Considerthe followingstatementngargiingsedimentation tank: 1} Raw water is screenedfar remavalof largeorganiclmplaritiesl 2) Raw water is pssad through coagulation sedimentatianplant 3) Raw Wateris passtzd llnmugllrapid:gravity llers 4) Cleanedwater is disinfaeledfar killing as!germsand colunrremmmlThe mmct sequence at the operationis: 304->3>l2>l /a*)1+2»3»4 2)!-+2-+4->3 4)3>1+2»4 13}.Considerthe fnllnwingstatementsregardinglhe foulgasesin thesewers.1. Hydrogen snlphlile (R23)iswaived2.Carbon diaxlclae (C02)isevolved 3. Methane is evolve 4. Oxygenis~e.-valved Of thesesmtaemenis: I) I and 2 ate correct 3)3and4areceme2ct 2) 2 and 3 are correct #8/l,2and3arecorre;ct [.12.Considerthe follmvlngstatementsreganlingvenlilatlngmlumn of sewers.1. A level is providedat the top of the shaftfur theescapeofgasesinto the atmasphere.2. A ventilatingcolumnis usednear the streetlamp posts.3. The diameterof the ventilatingcolumnis preferablykept equalto onethird of the dlameiaer of the sewer.4. The ventilatingcolumnsare generallykept lowerthan the heightat nearlsystruemres. Of these statements: I 1) 1 alone is correct and 4are canes! 2) l and 2 are correct 4}2and 3are correct 133.A reciprocating pump» 7 1) arotating impeller 3) Hastwoplugvalves apismnl that moves back and fcarlh 4} is usedto pumpgrit £34.The capacityof a water supplyreservairshouldbe1) Balancing storage- brealcdewn storage - 2) Balancing storage - breakdown storage+ re storage re storage 3)Balancing stmagc +breakdown storage 71-3l3alancin.g slamge +breal-zclolwn storage + re storage re storage 135.The bedslopein slawsandlters is usually I)linl0 /311 in100 33$.Water saftenlngplantsrenmve-L 1) Turbidity 3)Minexals 2)1Eu50 4)1in3GO 2) Bacteria Scaleforming compmmds CWIL_DM__fG62@l4 G13?. Thetype0! watersupplydktributiunsystem layout,in whichwatermxmhm each pointfromonesideonlyis: VV 1)Ring system /fbeadends system 3) Radiai3y-stem 4} Grid ironsys*te:m 138.The mixtureat a numberat sewagesamplm(represrenngthe impurtant uctnatian in sewagequality) is imam: as»- 1)Truesampie 2)Representation sample 3) Grabsample 7 Compositesampie 139. Thetrapprmvided, atthejunction :3? I) D~trap /réuuytrap stack with thebuihiing drain iscalled2) Anti-syphonage trap 4)smp No. Water iakzn out from shailow01 denywalk, initratinn galleria, artmian welb etc is known as- Ground water supply 3) Underground water 2)Surface: water 4) Overhead storage water 141.Quantitiesof want!wurk.are cumputedgenerallyin term atI) Numbers 3)Area insquare meters 2) Numbersand Sizes ))fVoiume incubic meters M2.The usefularea 9! Iiveablearea of isbaikiingis alsoknownas- Carpet area 3) Hatizontalcircuiatioz: area 2)Circulation area 4) Plintharea 143.The original:93! eta pmperty minustheVammmt at depreeiazinn ngpto prmrinus year is kmzmnas- 1)Market value 3) Sinkingvalue /Z)/Book value 4) Rentablevaiue 144. Thepementage oftotalcastprovided towards watercharge, in rateanalysis is: /(YT!/2% 3) 3/2 % 2)2*/2% 4) 5 % 145.. Varioustaxeson a hrniiiiingare generay xed an the basisati) Piinth area 3)Orientation M. Net rent + Outgusiny= I) Totairent /})Gross rent 2) Location Annualrental value 2) Depreciation value 4)Sinking fund instament 147.In caseat Gavemment atmmmodatiun tmrmallyafcers are requiredtn my the rent on the basis nf~ !) Grossrent 4.3)'Sala;y 2) Plinth area 4)Loscmion ofbuitding CIV1L_DM_062014 «I48.The valueof the property,witlmut beingdismantled,at the endat the usefullife F periodis knownas¢ ljféalvation value 2.) Book value ' 3) Writeoff value 4) Junkvalue 149: Thenumber attilesrequired forIf! ml,using 260x 200120mmsizeimosair tiles arel)220 Numbers 2)20%) Numbers 3)230Nur;r1be:s gso Numbers 1511. The cost01' cmistmirtionof a hostelbuildingaccommodating 2011 studentsE found to be Rs.6.2 Iakhs.Usingunit costmethod,the mostat mnstruction01' a new buildingto accommmiate 123 studentsis: 1) 3.50ilakhs 2) 3.25 lakhs 3)3.00 iakhs /493:r2 taking :51. Volumes at war-ksshall be calculated to the nestrest- !)0.1cum cum 3) 0.601cum 4) 0.02cum 151-Thevolume ufcamani; forG133 of brick wall in cm 1 : 6 is appmximnteiy to- i53.The annualperiodicpaymentm madefur the repaymentiii the capitalinvwtezlis known as- 1)V.Annuity _,3f§inking functi 154- » » Liaeblwitlzijszll a} Brick worthin " ix)Brinkwcxrk in partitionwail 2) Depreciatimi 4)smatium CIVIL_DM_G62}4 155.Chaim the carrsem statementfrom the foowing: (i) Piinth area memd E a magh . estimate{ii} Serviceunit methodis a roughestimate{iii} Cubiccontentmethodis 3 * detailed estimate Of these siatemenésa 1)(i),(ii)and (iii)are correct i) 3) (ii) and(iii) areCorie-at and (ii)are correct 4) (iii) argueiscorrect 156.Pick am theod man am from the following,partainingitn esmatm 1)Schedule ofrates 2)_Prepara.£ion sf data 3)Abstract estimate 157A /{Rough estimate vaI;uee£ a gmperty isworked «mt V ung the foawing equatimz. apitazed L195 value = Rat2euf,imbems£: Cagitalizadvalue =61. rant : yea1''s % Mcegimlsaeavasm -.= Tmlm ' 4::fb11i1:1ing+ af % E Cagasitaiized values =Grosé immme -autsvainsa 153Thevohzme atcoarse aggregate required tomake10¢! 13:3 M I 22 : 4 concrete is: m3 3)92m3 2) asm3 4)96m3 159.The rent 0! the Ii workedant with the followingclfaia.Costat lift = Rs. 68640!» Estimatedlife at lift = 25 yearsYJ?alluwingintereston capitalat 5.5% and redemption ofcapital at4.5%far25years="11.4%. Rentis: _ Rs.Sfmonth 3) Rs. 8'/'2.!moath 2) 600lmon.Ih 4) lfmonth .160.Choose the incorrect statement. I) Theexpenses thesearespenton the propertyby takingpsrindicalrepairsare eutgoings 2) Annualperiodicpayments for repayment ofthe capitaiamountimestedis salted annuity /{Thevame ofthe pmpeny recorded inthe 4)Plinth arca isthe usable area L registerof lacalauthmity£5calledbeak value 161.The maximum value of Poissons ratie fur a eiastic materia! is: 1})0.25 3) 0.75 0.S0 4) 1.00 162.A mcwingloadis 2» 1) Stazicioad 3} Staficor Dynamic 163. Grade r V V) Dynamicioad 4) Deadlead Fe 415 refers to- !) Mild steelGradeI 2} Medinmtensilesteel yield strength deformed bars 4)Heme cfthese CIV1L_DM_}36J2 14 164. The maximum area at tension reinforcement in beam shall N01 I}VG.02 bi} exceed- 2){M33 bl) /zmoab1) 4)0.05 an 165.The diameter:31Iungituinal barsof a columnshouldneverbe lessthan-» V1)6 mm 2) 8 mm 31:10mm /fl 2mm 9 :66.Themaximum ratiaat spanto depthof a slabsimplysupported andspanning in ma directions, is: 1) 25 2) 30 /3135 4)40 16?.The percentage of minimumreinforcementof the grassseconal area in slabs, when HYSD bars used is: 1)u.:o% /fo.12% 3) 0.15% 168. 4) (}.E3% IfTawdRarethe Jtreadanriseofnaiairwhiclx ca:-riesa load in per square metre on slope, tbs oorreapondingload per square metre of the 1&9.The maximum diameter ofthe reinforcement bars in R.»C.C siabs is: 1) 20 mm 3)30mm 2) HSmm /oThic1mess ofslahls 170.Far designpmpasa, 3 weightat .R.C.C3mtakenas» 1}waskg/m3 3)2500 kg/m3 2)239:: kg/m3 /(2400kg/m3 H1. Generalfyin freelysupporiedT~heam,over all depthofthe beamfur design purposewill betaken as- l)1{l2tol!15uftf1espan /Zflflsto1/Zofthespan 3) H220 to N24 «cfthespan 4) Haif of thespan 172; For canlever beams and slabs, the basic wine ofthe span toeecvsdepth ratia Is. 7 3) 15 2)I0 4) 25 173.The deformationin a beamat a pointcan he mmpletzely definedbyl) Deections 2) Dcections and rotations Deections, elongation and wrist 4)Elongation, twist and rotations CIVIL_DM_062014 H4 Thedesign Liveloadonthewrs ofresidential buihiingg isabout- Lx) L0KNfm2 _ 3)3.0Kbilmg :75. The direcon 4)4.0KNfm2 at the shear fore: in a beam is 'l) Alengtheaxis /})(}n apiane normal totheaxis 375vTbs KN/ml Mike beam. 2) Inciined totheaxis 4)Atcentre ofbeam diameercfthereinfmvczingbaxsin L 3:amamammkxmashb L2 H asemmulthscmasmfsiah % 1 6 38. ofthe totaltlzxicknasani slab 177.A reinfomerl conaree beam.m assumedto be made 0!- LI) Homogeneous material 3) isotropicmaterial /2)/lieterogeneous material 4) Elasticmateriai maximum banding mxament~1E8;'l' the caantmd mt; spanis takenms- CWIL__DM_0620l4 K ms.The minimumdiameterat main reinfn-reemenst barsusedin hams as per IS 456 2000 is: I) é mm 2} 8 mm /3510mm 4):2mm 181.The cuaceptof Iunmfional organiaatiunwasdevelopedby- !)Henri Fayol F.W. Taylm: 3) HL. Ganft 4) RF. Drucker 182.In FWD, circle in charge E designatedas- !) ChiefEngineer 3) ExecutiveEngineer L * Superintending Enginaer 4) Assistant ExecutiveEngineer 183.Wark study cx:omprises~ 1) Motion study 3)Probabiiistic analysis 2) Work measurement atbed ofstudy and work measurement I34.Which oneof the fallawingis an aetivity? I)VCon«crete cured 2) Concrete poured V ,a1"1f:xcm:;on forfoundation 4)wanplastered 185. V Brashmst-Nm-mv aicaoat T time - Crash time Nonnalmat- Cmshamt L time - Crash tima Cr} innest-Noa:m.aV LLicost. Crash time Crashmat Nmzmal 186.An activity in\ml¥es~ 1)Single event Doubleevents 3) Tripieevents 4) 4 events 187.The first stageof a large cansfrucfinnwork is: 1)Contract 2}4Design 33canception /Kmdyand evaluation 188. Substitute far manna! labmxr in cnnstructiun wnrk is: 1) Materials 2) Money 3)Management jfuachines and equipments 189.Earnestmoneydepositis to:aboutthe following/3;of tats] estimatsed costl);.5%to2.% 2)1.2%to1.5% "3ri.0%to 2.0% 19%.Matters for reference to arbitration 4)2.0%to 2.5% are- !) Insolvency proceedings 2) Lunacy procaedings of pnvate rights. procurement of labour Th_e matters pertaining intheproteetion 4)The matters pertaining tothe ClV1L_DM_062O I4 WI. The ramming pointis mlaizedta adminisira V e approval» I) It is givenon the basisof detailed It is to be obtainedfirst estimate 3) It is accordedQniyby roadsand building 4) It is to heubmned last ckapartment 192.The imprmt acwunt is: 1) Final settlement of money 2) Interim amount A standing advance ofaxed} sum of 4)Earnest money deposit money 193.Security deposit is: 1) 2.5 % ofes)timatedLcost of ccentract 2) _ % of estimated cost ofcontract 3)7.5%ofestimated cost ofcontract 0 %ofestin1ated cost at" camract 194.In )2line orgau,'matiu:sn* 1)Responsibility ufeach indéviduai isxed/21 Discipline issmmg 3) Quick decisiaons aretaken 4) Unity is stmng 195.)Thechartwhichgivesan estimateaboutthe amountartmaterials handling between varimgsstationsis knawnas1) Flow chart /affravelchart 196.Negativeslack occursI) Wheniatestallowabletime is greater thaneasfiestexpectedtime L 2) Processchart 4)Operation chart 2) Wheneventsstick ta their schcdufee Iafwhen deficiency ofresources exist 4)When deciency ofmoney does mat exist 19?.PERT is»: 1)Activity oriented 3) Time oriented L) /Zventoriented 4) Resuurcesoriented 198.Considerthe followingstatements:I. CPM II. PERT 1)Iand [Iuse tha concept. ofcritical path (W/uses the cuncepf ofcriticai path but I! slack " does not 3) 11usestheconceptof criticalpathbutI 4)Noneusestheconceptofcritical pathand does not slack together :99. The mat stage of a large construction work is: I) Ccntract 2) Design 3)Conception /{smdy ofevaluation 29!).Which one at the fnilowing maver headexpenditure? /1*)Workmens wmpensation andinsurance 2)Establishment M3) Stationary andpostage 4) Rentam}taxes