1. India ~ Location and Physiography The India is a large country located in South Asia with rich civilization. It has often amazed and intrigued the rest of the world by its nite variety of castes and creeds, a tradition of religious toleration, a capacity for survival and the maintenance of traditions. Its cultural crossed its immemorial timeless inuences border and reached It acts as a its from had and far off lands. bridge between between the East 'Bharat' refers to the ancient, mighty king Bharat and the name 'Hindustan' is given after the river Sindhu. The Europeans aftenivards started referring to this country as indie a derivative of the word '8indhu. Today, the officially recognized name of the country is India. time developedand developingcountriesof the world name and continent possesses distinct characteristics of diverse, 1) Physicalfeatures, the West. India's strength lies in its 2) Climaticconditions, geographyas muchas in itsculture. 3) Naturalvegetation, In known 4) Mineralresources, historical times, India was as Bharat and *Hindustar:. Human habitations, mt. Australia .3 ' \ 6) Cultural norms, 23/z°N runs across the countryand 7) Ancientethnicand linguisticgroups divides it into two equal halves. and It covers an area of 32,87,263 Sq.km, with 1210 millions population (2011 8) Hugearea. All these characteristics Hence, we distinctive are found consider Census). It stretches from Kashmir in continental in India India. as a subconnent the northto iianyakumsriin the south, for about3,214 Km and fromGujaratin the west to Arunachal Pradesh in the north east for about 2,933Km. It has coastline of about 5,51 6km inclusive of the main land, Lakshadweep, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. India's position is favourable for trade, commerce and economic India extends from 8°4' N to 37°6'N activities by connecting India with latitudes and 68°7'E to 97°25'E Europe throughSuez Canal and also Iongitudes. The Tropic of Cancer with China, Japan and Australia throughNlalaccan strait. Ocean in the south. Kanyakumari or Cape Comorin constitutes the southern tip ofthelndian peninsula. Pall-r:Strait separates India and Sri Lanka on the South. The Himalayas along with Hinduktrsh and Karakeram provide a natural boundary on the Longitudes help us to calculate the time of a place. The 82°30 E longitude is taken as Indian Standard Time Meridian (IST), as it passes through the middle of This is 5 hours India near 30 minutes Allahabad. ahead of the north. The Islands of Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadwsep are the parts of Indian Union situated in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, respectively. Greenwich Mean Time (0° longitude). After independence Indian Government in 1947, the established IST as the official time for the whole country, H1) Indiahasunique landfszwms ranging from the highest peaks to the lowest plains. In the north India, Mount Godwin Austin, othenivise known as Mount K2 is the highest peak of India and coastal plains are the lowest in the south India. 2) The climate varies from the tropical to the temperate zone. Cherrapunii in Msghalaya receives the highest amount of rainfall, whereas the Thar Qesert receives very low rainfall. We have wet dense tropical forest on the Western Ghats, mangrove Aseries of mountain ranges in the east separates India from Myanmar. India has the following neighbouring countries. They are: Pakistan in the west, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, tlihina in the north, and Bangladesh and Myanmar on the east. India is bounded by Arabian sea in the southwest, by the Bay of Bengal in the east and southeast and the Indian trees in the Sunderbans of West Bengal and the shrubs and sparse vegetation in the Thar Desert. 4) The diversity environment India an ideal ora of the physical and climate habitat has made for varieties of and fauna. 5) India is a secutar country with total freedom of worship. People follow Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism and Zorastrianism with cultural diversities. In spite of its physical, religious and racial varieties, the Indian culture unites all people. Hence India is known for her Unity mdNerS.w.s_ _ _ Itisourprimedutytoconserveand transmit our cultural values to the future generation of our country and it is our duty to prove ourselves as Indians. Indiahas beendividedinto28 States and 7 Union Territories on the People shedalltheirdifferences basiS of th e la n9Uage fo r andStandtogetherwhenthereis a administrative convenience.Delhi is eS'5The best examplesare Kargil invasions and natural the NationalCapitalaswellasthe Capita|ofUnionTe"-itor-y_ calamities like floods and Tsunami. India - Political ivision PAWSTAN I MADHYA FRADESH 03:» WV V/ [PUDUCHERRY] LAKSHADWEEP V THI RUVANANTHAPURA §i\§E3ls?»§ QIZ1Ee'%§\$ '9 UEUJ9 0§§ORT BLAIR f NFORMATION ABOUT STATES 2011 Population Population Density/Sq.Km. '7 JiBi3V®aL|VgreL {ThiVruLvanantL L 3'3? S " }Wesft,Ben9Lal? Lakshwadeep %P}ud%ui¢he,%W M4 Physiography means the descriptionof physicalrelieffeaturesof a country. India is a land of great physical contrasts. The peninsular plateaus constituteone of the most stable and ancient land block on the earth.The Himalayasand Great Plains representthe most unstablezones. It is importantto understandthe varied physicalfeaturesof India,whichcame into existence during different geological periods through and differentgeologicalprocesses. The land of India accounts differences in geologil Pradesh in the east. Many of the ranges rise more than upto 8,000 metres above the mean sea level. These mountainsextend throughthe states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh. Utlaranchal,West Bengal,Sikkimand Arunachal Pradesh. The Himalayas are not a continuousrange of mountainsbut a series of several, more or less parallel or converging ranges separated by valleys and plateaus. Let us see how theywere fonned? for stmcture. Millionsof years ago, there was only one large land mass on the Based on the structure, India is divided surface into ve physiographical divisions. Theyare: surroundedby oceanson all sides.The Iandmass was called 'Pangea', surroundedby a water body,knownas 'Pantha|asa'. This largeland masssplit up into two parts. The northern part was known as 'AngaraIand' and the southern part was known as 'G0ncIwana land. The sea separating these two was calledthe Tethys sea. I. Northern mountains ll. Northern GreatPlains III. PeninsuIarPlateaus IV. Coastal Plains V. Islands of the Earth and it was Gcndwens Incl The Northern Mountains are the greatest mountainranges. The upper slopes of many of the ranges are permanently covered with snow and hence they are known asthe'Abode of Snow or the Himalayas. This is the highest mountain range ofthe world. It extends, in the shape of an arc, for a distance of 2,500 km from west to east between the Indus gorge in Jammu and Kashmir in the west and Brahmaputra gorge in Arunachal Formationof Himalayas E Seam SE mvwwv AE ..mm:m :_n.::os_ uuwm ..__£_._:os_ smog 2:. E0532 83:39: wwwn_c_mE:os_ _=_mm_.§ .m .w mm:=_ s2852 E mama «:9 E. _m w:o 0£. C._ w:_ : I .o .=>_ 4. H :_mE:os_ xmmn_ E5 E 4. _>% 9.: oN_. N mmc .m $.53. 8E 58 E eE ...s_ Q W. .. _... . .. . . .. . _. . xx .1. m_o:_ ., A ....u «.3 .$w..,..m This sea stretched along an east-west direction. The river from Arigara and Gonclwanadeposited their silts along the Tethys Sea. After a long period, the deposits due to tectonic forces uplifted to form fold mountains called the east from the west. The steep slopes, the high pointed peaks and parallel ranges of the Central Himalayas indicate that Himalayas are young fold mountains. These ranges are interspersed by valleys and plateaus. Himalayan ranges. The Aravalli Range in India is one of the 'oldest' mountain ranges of There are three parallel ranges found in the central Himalayas from north to the i) Himadri world. The Himalayas is an example of young fold mountains. The Himalayas are south. They are: ii) Himachal further iii) Siwaliks subdivided into three parts from west to east. They are: I) Himadri I. Wesiem Himalayas .2. Gentrai Hirimayas 3. Eastern Himaiayas of Himalayas. The average height of Himadri is the northern most range this range is 6,000 metres. It extends from Indus Valley in the north west to The Western Himalayas are also Brahmaputra in the northeast. It consists of several peaks of the world. known the Trans-Himalayas. The lofty Mt. Everest is the highest peak of the Karakoram world with an altitude of 8,343 m. The Mountains extend India's frontier with Afganistan and other peaks of Himadri are liamhen uiunga (8.593 ml, Mange Parbat (81,126in), Qhautagiri {8,l6?' mi) and Hands Devi (?,8¥7 ml. Many glaciers China. which eastwards from Pamir Knot, which lies in the North West India. These ranges in the southwest Godwin of Austin Kashmir known form as K2 (8,611 metres), the world's second highest peak, belongs to this range. The Karakoram pass has acquired special importance now. Balterai and Siachenare the two big glaciers, found to the south of Karakoram. two parallel ranges, Ladakh and Zaskar. There are known as the The extension of Ladakh range is Ladakh plateau, and it is the highest plateau of India. It lies in the northwest of Kashmir. are source of rivers are found in Himadri. For example, Gt-3,l"¥Q§l"l and Yamumatriglaciers are the sources of Ganga and Yamuna rivers, respectively. Passes are the natural gaps across the mountains. They provide route to us with neighbours. Zojila pass in Kashmir Sltiplcila in Himachal Pradesh and Nathula and Jelepls in Sikkim are the most important passes across Himadri. ii}Hima1c:h!a! The from Himalayas, Pamir Knot in which the radiate southeast direction is called Central Himalayas. The width varies from 400 km in the west to 150 km in the east. The height of the mountains increasing towards Himachal lies between the Himadri in the north and iwaliiks in the south. It extends over a variable width of 80 km in average. The altitude varies from 3,700 m to 4,500 m. It is a highly rugged topography consisting of spurs the Eastern boundary of India is called and dissected uplands. Pia'pan§aE" in Purvahal. They are of medium Kashmir is the longest range of height. They comprise of Patkai hills Himachal region. Qhauladar ranges stretches from Jammu and Kashmir and the Mega Hills in the North and the valley, Khangra valley and Kulu valleys are in between these ranges. The MM Hills in the south. At the centre, they take a westward turn along the Bangladesh-India border in popular hill resorts, Srinagar, Pahelgam, Gulmarg, Mussourie, Jaintia, Khasi and (Earn hills from East Shimla to west. across Himachal and Pradesh. Nainital are Kashmir located here. Meghalaya. Here they consist of The places of pilgrim interests such as Amarnath, Kedarnath, Badrinath and Vaishnavidevi temples are the assets of the Himachal ranges. iii) Siwaliks Siwaliks is the southern most The Northern Great Plains are located at the south of Himalayas. These are formed by the deposits of Indus, the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers. It extends over a length of height is 1,000 m. It is a discontinuous 2,400km. It covers an area of over 7 lakh sq.km. Important characteristics range, made up of mud and soft rocks. include The narrow longitudinal valleys called Bhabar (unassorted sediments) Terai (marshy track) Bhangar (Older Alluvium) and Khadar (newer alluvium). The Bhabar lies along the foothills range of the Himalayas. Its average Duns are found in Siwaliks. The best example is Debra Dun. Along the foothills of Siwaliks, pebbles and gravels are being deposited by the rivers. Te.:aiplain is made up of deposits of fine silts in the south of Siwalik. It supports the growth of thick forests and marshy lands. Brahmaputra river marks the Eastern most geographical limit of the Himalayas. These mountains along the soil features such as at about 8 to 16km wide. The rivers, coming from the mountains, deposit their load along the foot hills in the form of alluvial fans. The porosity of the deposits is so high that streams sinks and disappears in the bhabartract and ow underground. The area is marked by dry river courses. India: fl-ia:rt.hernpiaires The Terai is a marshy tract, where most of the underground streams of there is a large area of inland drainage. It has several dry river beds. the bhabar belt reappear. The terai belt is located bhabar 30km towards tract wide. and the south is about It is a zone of the 15km to of excessive dampness. It helps to the growth of forests and variety of wildlife. Most of the Terai land has been developed into farmlands. The Bhangar represents the alluvial terrace. It is formed by thedeposition of older alluvium which lies above flood-limit of the plains. Bhangar is mainly composed of clay. The Kfzadar is the There are several newer alluvium brought by the rivers. It is deposited in the flood-plains along their banks. It is enriched by fresh deposits of silt every year during the oods. Northern Plains can be divided into the following regions. Rajasthan plain is found located in the west of Aravalli Range and it 640kms with an average width of about 300kms. It covers western Rajasthan where two thirds of this region is desert. It is about 300 metres above mean sea Great Indian extends for Desert. about level. These 640km to the south The Punjab 1. Rajasthan Piain about The fertile plains of Punjab and Haryana lies to the northeast of the west plains from the and about the Delhi ridge separates the Punjab Haryan a Plains from the Ganga plain. 4. Brahmaputra Plain for 2. Punjab-Haryana {Plains 300km from west to east. In the east, 3. Ganga Plain extends lakes In Rajasthan plain. The largest is the Sambhar Lake, which is located about 65km west of Jaipur. northeast 1. Rajasthan plain 2. Punjab Haryana plain saline In general, the eastern part of the desert is rocky, while western part has shifting sand dunes. This plain is drained by a number of seasonal streams, originating from the Aravalli ranges. Luni is an important river of this region. It flows into Rann of Kutch. In north of Luni, Haryana plains are formed by depositional activities of the sutluj, Beas, Ravi rivers. The southeastern part of the plains, bordering the Rajasthan plain, is sandy and has shifting sand dunes. The area between Ghaghra and the Yamuna rivers lies in Haryana and forms the Haryana plain. It acts as water- divide (doab) between the Yamuna and the Sa'tlej River. part of the delta called the Slirldarbaans 3. Ganga Plain The Ganga plain is the largest plain. It extends from the Yamuna river in the west upto Bangladesh in the east, covering a distance of about 1500 Km. with an average width of 300km. It covers the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and west Bengal.The Ganga along its large number of tributaries,suchas Ramganga,Gomti, Ghaghra, Gandak, Kosi,Yamuna etc, from the north and Son, Chambal, Betwa etc. from the south, have broughtlarge quantitiesof sand and silt from the mountainsand plateaus respectively, and deposited in this vast plain. The general slope of the entire Ganga plain is towards the east and the southeast.The average elevation of the plain is about 200m above the sea level is covered with thick tidal and mangrove forests. The sea facing regionof the delta has a large number of estuaries,mangroveswamps,sand banks and islands. A Brahmaputra Wait: The easternmost part of the northern plains is drained by the BrafimapwtrsRfwefand its numerous tributaries. The Brahmaputra River originatesin Tibet and is locallyknown as Tsargpo (the puriers). Before entering India, it cuts through the Dltaarm and enters the Assam valley.This plain is about 720km long and about 60-100km wide. The general slope is from the northeastto the southwest. The region is surroundedby high mountainsexcept onthewest. The Ganga and the Yamunarivers are sacred to the followers of the Hinduism.Thus many religiousplaces have developedalong the bank of the sacred rivers, such as, Haridwar, Mathura, Varanasi, Allahabad and so on. The developed educational religious places have into large cultural, and tourist centres REvsr~A,ssm A large number of tributaries coming from the Assam hills in the north join the main river and form alluvial fans. There are large marshy tracts in this area. The have led to the formation e ower pa e anga an the Brahamputra rivers divided into several channelsin this regionto form the largestdelta in the world.The lower alluvial fans of Terai. The peninsularplateau is located to the southof northerngreat plains. It is triangular in shape and covers an area of about 16 lakh sq.km. It is surrounded by hill ranges on all sides, such as the Aravalli,Vindhya,Satpura drained and Rajmahal ranges in the north, the Subarnarekha, Koel and Barakar Western river systems.The amntziar River ows from west to east throughthe middle of this region. This region Eastern Ghats in the west and the Ghats in the east. The average height of this plateau varies between 600-900 mts above the mean sea level. The general slope is from west to east, while in the Narmada Taptiregionit isfromeast to west.The Narmada River divides the peninsular plateau into two unequal parts. The northern part is called the by Damodar, has a series of plateaus and hills, such as the Hazaribaghplateau to the north of the lI}arnedar River, Ranchi giateau to the south and the Rajmtahal hills in the north eastam part. B} eccan plateau entral E-iighlands and the southern it covers an area of about 5 lakh partiscalledtheecazsanFlateau'. sq. km. It is bounded by the satpura and the Vindhya ranges in the A) CentralI-iiyghiand northwest, the Mahadev and Maikala T1)Malwa Plateau is bounded by the Aravali range, the Vindhya Range and Bundelkhand.It is made up of lava and is covered The Chemical tributaries have with black soil. iver and its created ravines in the northern part of the plateau. 2) The Bundalkhand towards the south in the west, and the Eastern Ghats in the east. The Deccan plateau slopes fromwestto east.That iswhythe rivers like Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri ow eastward and join the Bay of Bengal. The northern part, also is located of the Yamuna River and is composedof igneous and metamorphic rocks. In the northern part, the Ganga and Yamuna system have deposited alluvium. The hilly areas are made up of sandstoneand granite.Some rivers like Betwa rangesin the north,the Westernhats and Ken have carved out deep gorges. known as the Deccan trap is made up the lava rocks and has black regur soils. In the southern part, the iiamataka plateau merges with the NiigiziHills. The Telengana plateau is drained by the Godavari, Krishnaand Pennaru rivers I) Aravali Range IS one of the oldest fold mountain systems in the world. From northeast to southwest, its The Bfaghaikhand liesto the east of Mail-cala,Range. It is made up of extent sandstone metres, and limestone in the west and granite in the east. The central part of the plateaus acts as water divide between the son and towards Plateau the northeast. 800km. In the north,the averageheightisabout 400 about while 900 in the south it is metres. Gu~rushikh.ar (about 1722 metres) in the Abu hillsis the highest peak of the Aravalli eroded located about range. The Aravalli ranges are highly the Mahanadhi drainage basins. 4) The Ghatanagpur is is It is and dissected. ii) VinadhyaRange rises as an escarpment overlooking the Narmada Valley,and runs parallelto it in the east - west direction for about 1200km. It is composed of sand stone, lime stone and shale. It acts as a watershed between the Ganga river system and the river systems of south India. the coastal plains of Kerala with Tamil Nadu by roads and railways. The highest peak of South India is imai Mud? (2695m) which is the nodal iii) sawura rarlegai lies between the Narmada and the Tapti rivers. It is a series of seven hills and stretches for about 900km. A major Part of the Satpura Range has height of more than 900 meters. CT)Westem Ghats Western Ghats are continuous range of hills running in the NorthSouth direction and form the western edge of the Deccan plateau. Its extent is about 1600km from the Tapti valley in the north upto Kanyakumari in the south. The western Ghats rise abruptly from the western coastal plain. That is why on the western side, the rivers ow swiftly and make a number of waterfalls like the Jog falls(270mts) on the Sharavati River. The slope is gentle towards the Western Ghats eastern side and the main Westam ghalzs point from which hill ranges, like Anaimalai in the north, northeast and cardamom radiate. The western Palani in the in the south Ghats terminate about 20km north of cape comorin. Kodaikanal is a hill station which lies in the southern tip of the Palani hills. 5} Easssamcam They run almost parallel to the of the East coast. These are rivers like intersected hills, lying between the series Mahanadhi from the eastern slopes and ow east wards and fall into the Bay of Bengal Vaigai river in Tamil Nadu. These hills Thal Ghat, Bhor Ghat and Pa|Ghat are the three important passes in the disappear between Godavari and Krishna rivers. The Godavari valley Western Ghats, which provide passage for roads and railways, divides between the Konkan plains in the west and the Deccan Plateau in the east. not in Orissa continuous the Eastern and of the Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri rise are River a and the almost Ghats into the northern and southern parts. The northern part is about 200km wide, while the southern part is only 100km wide. Mahsrldra Girl (1501m) is the highest peak in the northern part. In the southern part, the iwaliarnalai range is the most prominent. It is composed of quartz and slate. The hills and plateaus in the southern part have low altitude The southern part of the Western Ghats is Paighst gap. It is connected further south the Eastern Ghats merge with the western Ghats at Nilgiris. The number peninsular of hill plateau stations has a such as Physiagraphy of peninsular india Gurushikhar V PENINSULAR PLA TEAU7} f Mountain Range A Mountain Peak ][ Mountain Pass Udagamandalam (Ooty). Kodaikanal, coastal plain. The two coastal plains Pachaimalai, Mahabaleshwar, Khandala, Matheron and so on. meet each other at Kaayaisiumarithe southernmost tip of the mainland of India. The Peninsular plateau of India is surrounded variable 'Rann of by coastal width. plains of It extends Kutch in the area and the western between the in the north to the South. Except in Gujarat, the western coastal plain is quite narrow and has between the western sea coastal the Ghats called the plain. The area Eastern Ghats from the Rann of Kutch to Arabian is It stretches from west Ganga-Brahmaputra delta in the east, covering a distance of about 6000Kms. The 3) Western coastal plains and the Bay of Bengal is called the Easiem Kanyakumari in the an average width of about 65km. The Gujarat main. lying towards the east of Kutch and Kathiawar, was formed by the Narmada Tapti,Mahiand Sabarmati river. It includes the southern part of Gujarat and the coastal areas of the Gulf of Khambhat. It has a chain of saline marshes near the coast, which are ooded during hightides. The Konkan Plain lying towards the south of Gujarat, extends upto Goa for a distance is about of about 50 to 80km. 500km. Its width It has features of marine erosion like cliffs, reefs and islands in south of Mumbai. The knnkan coast has series of bays and sand beaches. The northern part of Konkan is sandy while the southern part is rocky and rugged. The Karnataka plain extends from Goa to Mangalore, and has an average width of about 30 to 50km. At some along places, steep it descends slope and waterfalls. The Mmabar plain lies between Mangalore and Kanyakumari. Coastal plains of indie PAKISTAN , ahanadi _,THE PENINSULAR W.' E ,S Ishakhapatnam ARABIAN SEA BAY OF BENGAL Kanyakumi sharply makes The main characteristics of the Malabar coastal plain are the existence of lakes, lagoons, backwaters, locally called ikacyalsVembanad is the largest lagoon in Kerala. Most of the backwaters are llllsltsichspatzsrtarrai and 'Machl|ipatrts:tt are notable examples. Kollerulake is found in Andhraplain. The Taittiladu plain stretches from the pulicat lake to Kanyakumari parallel to the coast line. The lagoons and backwaters are linked by canals to provide easy navigation with the help of small country boats. for a distance ts} Eastaarrtaoastsi Flair: India. of about 992 km. Its average width is about 100 km. The fertile soil and well-developed irrigation facilities have made the Kaveri river delta the Era rtary ctssbtrth It stretches from the delta region of west Bengal to Kaniyakumarai. between the Eastern Ghats It lies and the Bay of Bengal. The Eastern coastal plain is more extensive and wider than the western coastal plain. A major part of this plain is formed by the alluvial deposits brought by the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri rivers. The average width is about 120km and it reaches upto 200kms in the deltaic regions. The region has a straight shoreline with well dened beaches Amiamsm of sand, such as the Martha beach in lstaruds There are two main groups of Chennai. The coastal plain between islands Mahanadi Andaman and groups in the Bay of Bengal and the La!-tshadwespin the Arabian sea. They are located far away from the coast of the Indian Main land. The Asa and Hlccbsr group and Krishna rivers is known as the iilottsm cirwrsi. The part lying between Krishna and Kaveri rivers is called the ilcerosttarlvdat coast; The Utkal plain is found along the coast of orissa and extends for about 400km and includes the deltaic region of Mahanadhi river. The coast line of Utkal plain is smooth and fringed with sand dunes. hsillca Lake the biggest lake in India is located south of the Mahanadi towards the river delta. The '.Aztd.It;a piairt lies between Berhampur and Pulicat Lake. It has been formed by the deltas of the Godavari and the Krishna rivers. The Andhra plain has straight coast and has few sites for good harbours. in the Indian ocean. The of Islands is situated between 6°N to 14°N latitudes and between 90°E to 94°E Iongitudes. It consists of about 572 big, small and tiny islands. out of which only 38 are inhabited. The total area is about 8249sq.km. The Andaman island groups are separated from the Nicobar island groups by the Ten wgrse channel. The extreme southern most point is the Indira Pointi. The Andaman is a closely knit group of islands in which only 25 islands are inhabited. In the Nicobar group only 13 islands are inhabited most of the islands are made up of sandstone, lime stone and shale. Most permanentlyfrozen and is a barrierto of them are of volcanic origin, and some are fringedwith coral reefs. The invasion. islands are mountains elevation of about the climate is with maximum 750 metres. is hot and humid covered with thick Since the area forests and cooonutgroves. 3) The northernplainsof India are of great economic and social significance due to their fertile alluvial soils, at level land, slow moving perennial rivers and a favourableclimate, agriculture and trade have beendeveloped. 4) Peninsular Plateau is rich in mineral resources and has huge reservesof Iron, Manganese, Copper, Bauxite mica. Chromium, Limestone etc. 5) Alarge numberof bigand small ports have been developed all along the coastalareas. These portsplay an important role in the growth of national and international trade. The Lakshadweep groups of islands are located in the Arabian Sea and have only 27 islandsout of which only 11 are inhabited.The Laccadives, Minicoyand Aminidivigroupof islands were renamed as Lakshadweep (literally means one lakh islands) in 1973. This islands group is widely scattered over an area of about 110sq.km. Lakshadweep is located about 200 to 50Dkm Kerala coast. These south west of the islands are of coralorigin. Rivers, with their tributary systems, are the main channels of drainage of the land surface. Rivers are benecial to us in many ways. Besides providingwater for cooking, washing and bathing, they provide waterfor irrigation,generationof hydel power,navigationand recreation.They also bring down alluvium from the highland areas and deposit it in the ood-plains and deltas.Alluvialsoilsin these areas are, therefore, extremely fertile.Duringeach ood, new alluvium is depositedin the landsand fertilityof the 1)The presenceof the Himalayas in north prevents southwest monsoon winds and cause rainfall part suboontinent of the Thus rivers are and snowfall. If this mountain is absent, a major soil is renewed. really boon to man kind. Indian would have been a h ot Usually, mountains receive heavy rainfalland hence a majorityof rivers originate in mountainousareas. The and drydesert. sheet of water flows down the slope in 2) Himalayas forms a natural boundaryfor the sub-continent.It is the formof rillswhich,after unitingwith others, form streams. A number of tributarystreams develop to join the Bistinctizm Between Himaiayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers Himalayan Rivers Peninsular Rivers 4-%The Himalayan rivers like Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra from the snow - covered originate &«The Peninsular rivers like Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada and Tapi originate from the mountains. peninsularplateaus. *$*These rivers have large basinsandca 4%-tl-hhese rtivers have sma" basins C men areas and catchmentareas. ,$,.|.heSe rivers flowthrough deep nearly I-Shaped valleys. %These rivers are perennial nature and receive monsoons water and the meltin both from the of snow. *$-Due to their perennial these in nature, rivers are very useful for irriation. $3-»These rivers are suitable for navigations as they flow over plain areas. «%These rivers form large deltas near their mouth like the GangaBrahmaputra delta. main stream at different points along its course. This main stream is known as a river and this stream together with its tributaries constitutes a river system. The drainage system is related to a number of factors for example slope of land, geological structure, amount of vol me ofwaterand eloc'ty ofwater +§These rivers flowthrough broad andSha"°w Va"eyS' %rThese rivers are seasonal as they receive water only from the monsoon ~Due rains. to the seasonal nature, these rivers are not very useful for irrigation. «»*«::b»'Fhese are not suitable for navigation as they flow over uneven land in the plateau region. +$rThewest flowing rivers mostly form deltas. estuaries and the form smaller irzdian Rivers . «En-7 Gnsaga Sambhar Salt Lake Rana Sagar Gandhi GovindBallabh Pant Sagar hilika Lake ~ . Iolle V Lingona kki f '0 Reservoir ):¢A\§ I Kn-3nar_aja' Sagar Pulicat Lake , LAKSHADWEEP (llyilg0 : our fake .. . /1» .. Xglrgbana QWd,a°G Q,q INDIAN OCEAN BAY OF BENGAL River system of india V V V Qrigina£asLLfrum 0LLP1ac:e$ ,f L V 5$5?$dVL L03100 321,290 SqL.Km. Innbet Kalish Range 5080 mts. Arabiansea L India and PakisLanL 00VVLL L VL V LV L33 G3n93(Bh39iT3ti) LV 2480 3.37.000 Sq-Km Gangothri 0V0 LV L 0 Kaveri .L 'LV 0 ~ LUttarLPradesh, 0 0BayofBenga|L Bihar,0WestBenga| Garhwa0||inYamun06triVV0L30 V BLay0fVBen9a| D°'»a'Ya"a_a"dL LYamuna(JamLuna) L137oa 3,59,ooo Sq.Km L VVL 0 L L 0 0 0LUP L V LVL V . 0 0 LV 0 L La. L L LBayofBengaIL North Easfernstate Brahmaputrah h725L 2,40,000VSq.Km Lake ManasaroVLarL LVVLV VL f LGan9a"Vor L LLL Gangesofthe~_ VL V south) V VL V L L L VL ' 0 ' I Karnataka and L L 87900 sqKm Hills ofcoorg, Karnataka LV0 Bay0fBen9a|L Tamnnadu LV L LL V V V L L VV V L Godavari EV V 3,12.812SLq.KmVLL LV 0 V w j L L V LV 0 South-easterlypart L ofAndhraPradesh= LL0L0L 0 ~L¥ NearMahaba|eshwarLin 7L0 LL Mharastraa. _ 2'59-0°0LSq'Km Maharashtra VL wLLL V0L VLLAndhrapradesh Amarkantak hill inNladhya, 0 -L 0Madhya pradesh LL Pradesh V Q L"LLArable Sea Vand LMaha0rastLraLL0 L 0 0L 0 0 LV LV 724 L65,145 Sq,KmL, L L L V Arabiah7Sea0 LMadhyaPrades0h L and Maharastra MahLanaLdi L_\ ~LLVL 1LLL4L1LL6oL0 ArLnaLr|L RainFa|| in Cms Above400 . 200 300 - 100 200 Below-50 West Coast Region comprising the Konkan and the Malabar Coast. Areas withi Oto 230 cm of rainfall 2. Regions nvfheavy rainfaii Areas with rainfall between 200 to am) cm are the Middle Ganga Valley, Western Ghats, Eastern Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. 3. Regions of moderate rainfall are the Upper Ganga valley, Eastern Rajasthan and Punjab, Southern Deccan comprising the plateau regions of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. 4. Regions of scanty rainfall Areas with less than 50 cm are the northern part of Kashmir, western Rajasthan. southern Punjab and regions of the Deccan in the rain shadow of the Western Ghats Water management implies makingthe best use of availablewater resources for human benet, while not only controlling its depletion and degradation, but also for our future needs. Water is an indispensable resource and has multiple uses. Therefore. it becomes extremely importantto manage our soil and water resources in an integrated manner. Water management must be under taken at all levels. ammonia: an-aumamu mmmamm aesaauuama-an seasonal rainfall. It is not uniform Hence Rain hawesting is an activityof directcollectionand storage and is highly erratic. Most of the time the rainfallis scanty,hence it is necessary to save available rain water. of water for our purpose or it can be recharged We must into the ground for allow this water to penetrate into deep water table and tap this water when it is needed. In order to prevent surface withdrawal later. Through rain harvesting we can understand the real value of rain and to make optimum use run -off we must harvest of it. for future domestic the rain water related and other activities. EXERCISE I) Gfmmsathe correct answer. 1) India experiences a) Temperateclimate b) TropicalMonsoonClimate c) TropicalClimate d) Cold Climate 2) The Coastal areas enjoy a) Continental b) Equable climate c)Humidd) Hot 3) The place that gets rain from Western disturbanceis b) Mumbai a) Punjab c) Allahabad d) Chennai 4) The mountainswhich lie parallelto the directionof the SouthwestMonsoon wind is a) Aravali b) Satpura d) Maikala Range c) Vindhya 5) The localstormsin the northeasternpart of India duringhot weather season are called a) Nonivesters b) Loo d) Monsoon c) Mango showers ii) amatchthe Following. 1) Burstof Monsoon Decemberto February 2) Norwesters October 3) Water conservationactivities Northern and northwestern part of India to November India 4) The North East MonsoonSeason Local storms 5) Highestrainfallplace June to September in northeast India Mawsynramin Cherrapunji Total involvementof local people iii) Distinguishighéa 1)Windward side and leeward side of the mountains 2) South west Monsoon and Northeast Monsoon 3) Western disturbances and Tropical cyclones 4) Weather and Climate 5) Loo and Nowvesters IV)AnswsrthefollowingQuestions. 1) Name the factors determining the climate of India 2) What do you mean by Monsoon? 3) What are the main features of tropical monsoon type of climate? 4) What are jet streams and how do they affect the climate of India? 5) Name the regions of heavy rainfall in India. 6) What do you mean by the burst of Monsoon? Wknswer the following ina paragraph each. 1)AnaIyse any two factors, determining the climate of India. 2) Explainany two characteristicfeaturesof monsoonwinds. 3) Describe any one of the branch of south west monsoon. 4) Describe rain water harvesting. 5) What is water management? Give the basic requirement of water conservation? Vt) r: the given map of India mark and name this fotfuwing 1) Direction of southwest monsoon and northeast monsoon winds 2) Show areas receiving more than 200 cm of rainfall and less than 50 cm of rainfall. 3. Resources NBEA form an ~ NATURAL essential requirement of our daily life. Any country can be developed shortly if it has rich and diverse resources. But a judicious use of resources only will help for a sustainable development of that country. ver exploitation of resources from environmental nature will lead issues and to an resource depletion. Let us learn some of the important resources of India and the need to conserve them. All materials obtained from the nature to satisfy the needs of our daily life is known as Natural resources. Land, Air, Water, Sunlight, Soil, Minerals coal, Petroleum, Plants, Animals are some of the examples for natural resources. Human beings use these resources either directly or Natural Resources can be broadly classified into two types: resources resources are resources that cannot be replaced again after utilisation". They are formed over a very long geological periods. Minerals and fossil fuels are included in this category. Since their rate of formation is extremely slow, they can not be renewed easily for example coal and petroleum . That is why we are often advised to use these non-renewable resourcesjudiciously. Soil is renewable the natural most important resource. It is the medium of plant growth and supports various types of living organisms on the earth. Soil is the loose material which forms the upper layer of the earth. It no definite and constant composition. It consists of 1. Decayed Plants substances 3. Minerals like Silica, Clay, Chalk and resources so on ti . Renewable resources Renewable "Non-Renewable 2. Animal resources 2. Non-renewable 2. Non ~~Renelwabie has indirectlyfor'theirsurviva|. 1 . Renewable RESQURCES 4. Organic matter called Humus. resources are the that can be reproduced again and again. For example sun Soil fertility refers to the amount of light, Air and Water are continuously available but their quantity is reduced nutrients in the soil, which is sufficient to support plant growth. by human consumption. The time Soil fertility is determined by the presence of micro nutrients and taken to renew the resources may be different from one resource to another. For example agricultural crops, takes a short time for renewal. Others water takes a comparatively time while still others even longertime. like forests like longer take macro nutrients Micro chlorine, in the soil. nutrients copper, like sulphur, manganese, molybdenum, boron, Iron ,coba|t, zinc. Macro nutrients like nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous should be contained in the soil. The fertility of the soil increases humus with the increase of alumina, calcium and magnesium carbonates, but lack in phosphorus, content. According to theirareal extentand their agricultural importance, soils of India are classied into ve major groups. They are as follows: 1.A||uvia| Soil, 2. Black Soil, 3.Red Soil, 4. Laterite Soil, 5. Mountain Soil, 6.Arid and Desert 1. Ailtiviai Alluvial Soil. soil of sediments is divided into 2.Bhangar. light coloured soil, whereas Bhangar is the older alluvium of more clayey soil. The alluvial soil differs greatly in It is suitable for the cultivation of rice, Wheat, sugarcane, cotton and oil-seeds. In the lower GangaBrahmaputra valley they are useful for jute cultivation. In this valley the alluvial soils are the brought by the Sutlej, Ganga, Yamuna, Gandak, Ghaghra and other rivers. The parts of Punjab, Haryana, UP, Bihar and West Eengail are located in this Valley have alluvial soils. In south India Kaveri river deposits alluvial soil along its course cultivation of Black soil is more cultivation of cotton, suitable for the rice, wheat, formed soil is also found in the Deccan trap, comprising the greater part of Maharashtra, Gujarat, part of Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and southern districts of Tamil Nadu. 3. Red Su Red soil is formed from the weathering of the ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks. The red colour is due to its very high iron content. The colour varies, from brown to yellow. This soil is ptomus and not retentive of moisture. It is generally poor in lime, nitrogen, phosphorus and humus but when suitable fertilizers are added, it becomes rich in fertility. Wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane pulses are grown in this soil. and Red soil covers in most parts of Tamil Nadu, southern Karnataka, Goa, North-eastern Andhra Pradesh, Madhyapradesh and Orissa. 4. §.a;ter§te.$r3tiI Laterite soil formation takes place under typical monsoon conditions. It is 2. «BlackScript is forthe Virginia tobacco, oilseeds like linseed, sunower, fruits and vegetables. two I-{hadaris the newer alluvium of sandy, soil it is suitable Black soil consists types they are 1. Khadar Black Hence Sail plains . It contributes the largest share to the agricultural production of India. texture. nitrogen and organic matter. It has a special property of holding meisture. jowar, millets, sugarcane, deposited by rivers along the river course, ood plains, delta and coastal Alluvial chestnut brown. It is fine-grained and generally rich in lime, iron, potash, from the weathering of igneous rocks, It is found in the valleys of the Godavari, Krishna, Narmada and Tapti. The soil is deposited at about six meters depth. They vary in colour from deep black to mostly found in peninsular plateau of India. Laterite is a porous soil from which the silica has been removed by chemical action (leaching). It is coarse in texture and red in colour owing to the presence of iron «oxides.The crops like coffee, SOIL TYPES OF INDIA BAY ARABIAN SEA OF BENGAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAJOR SOIL TYPES A D LAKSHADWEEP (INDIA) I Desert Souls Mountain Soils INDIAN OCEAN Rubber, Cashew cultivated in this Laterite Pradesh, the is Tamil summits Nadu, Parts of Orissa, This soil found of 5. Mountain tapioca are and soil. in Andhra Karnataka, Eastern on Ghats and Kerala andAssam. Suit is found in the mountainous regions such as Western and Eastern Ghats, the Himachal and Siwalik regions. This soil is very rich in humus and Organic matter. Plantation crops such as tea, coffee and rubber grow well.Asam and West Bengal in Eastern Himalayas are principal growers of tea. 5.. Desert solil is found in arid zone of the north-western part of India, Rajasthan, Gujarat (Kutch region) and south Punjab. It is sandy, alkaline and porous in nature. Though it is highly infertile, Crops are cultivated with the help of irrigation in some areas. Crops grown are wheat, rice, barley, grapes and means development should take place without damaging the environment, and development in the present time should not affect the needs of future generation. 31:33! Elunsawatiun Soil conservation is an effort made by man to prevent soil erosion in order to retain the fertility of soil. It may not be possible to stop soil erosion entirely. But steps can be taken to reduce the rate of erosion by taking preventive The fliowing are some of the preiserztilvsmeasures: 1) Construction dams of across 2) Step the dams river cultivation will or check course. prevent soil erosion. 3) Bunds should be according to contours. constructed 4) Excessive grazing should be avoided melons. Soil compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. It measures. Sail Desert Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without erosion means removal of fertile content from the soil by nature and man. The proper use of soil resources has now become a matter of importance to all of us, because it directly affsnts our food production. Running water, wind, and human beings are the principal contributing factor of soil erosion. In many parts of our country, for instance, in UttarPradesh, Rajasthan and the Deccan vast areas have been devastated by soil erosion. The nature of soil erosion depend much upon the texture and struclture of the soil. It also depends on the conditions of climate, slope, methods of cultivation and several otherfactors. 5) Trees reduce the force of strong winds and prevents glowing away of soil particles. 6) Roots of trees plants and grasses hold soil particles and strengthen the soil. Hence be avoided deforestation to increase should forestation. 7) Plants, grass and shrubs control the speed of flowing water. Therefore such plants should not be removed. Steps should be taken to plant the trees wherever it doesn't exist. 8) Avoiding application of chemical fertilizer and applying natural manure successively to the field is one of the best methods Natural vegetation vegetation or plant cover of soil IS the naturally grown on the earth's surface. It is a result of climate, inuences. The soil forest and is one biotic of the greatest natural resources available to human beings. Yet they have declined through centuries. Vast areas of forest have been cleared for cultivation of crops due to over population. This phenomena should be controlled for sustainable development of forest The geographical factors which control the growth of natural vegetation in India are temperature, rainfall, topography and soil. On the basis of the above factors, the natural vegetation of India can be divided into following six types. They are: 1) Tropical evergreen forests 2) Tropical Monsoon forests resources. 3) Shrub and Thorn forests 4) Desert vegetation 5) Mangrove forests and 6) Mountain forests. 1. ironies! EHEFQf&§I Forests The tropical evergreen forest are found in the regions where the annual rainfall is more than 200 cm. The trees in these forests are evergreen and do not India's forest resources are unique in nature because there are a large number of species of plants, ranging from drought-resisting thorny shrub to tropical evergreen forests. The total forest area is around 63.72 million shed their leaves. These forests are very dense and composed of tall trees reaching up to the height of above 60 metres. Due to dense growth of trees, the sunlight cannot reach the ground. Thus, the undergrowth mainly consists of, bamboos, ferns and climbers. total area of India is 19.39%, which is considered rather low when compared The important trees of these forests are Rose wood, Ebony, Mahogany, Rubber, Cinchona, to Bamboo sq.km. The percentage of forests in the forest areas in most of the countries of the world. However, even and Lianas. evenly The evergreen forests are mostly found along the western side of the distributed; some states have 60 per Western Ghats, Andaman and Nicobar cent Islands, lower slopes of Himalayas and some parts ofAssam and Orissa. this forest area area under is not forests while other states have only 3 per cent. The fast shrinkage in forest area is mainly due to the growth in population which leads to increasing demands for agricultural land, urbanization, industrialisation and new town ships. 2. lTmpil:at Manama Flemis These are the typical monsoon forests and are found mainly in those areas where the average annual rainfall ranges between 70 cm and 200 cm. The trees in the deciduous maa Natural Vegetation PAKISTAN BH UTAN BAY OF ARABIAN SEA - V? L. BENGAL Tropical Evergreen Forests Tropical Monsoon Forests LAKSHADWEEP (|ND|A% ° V Shrub and Desert vegetation 0 o Mangrove Forest Q ' Mountain forest INDIAN OCEAN forests shed their leaves due to drynessfor about 6 to 8 weeks during the spring and early summer. Hence these forests are called desidimus South Western Punjab and Western Haryana.These forestsare alsogrown on the leeward of the Western Ghats, covering large areas in Maharastra, fmrasbs. sides Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The tropicaldeciduousforestsare commerciallymost importantas they yield valuable timber and variety of other forest products.The main trees are Teak, Sal, Sisam, -E. Ewart Vagamtitun It is found in regions where the rainfall is less than 25 cm. Sandal Wood, Wattle and Neem. The tropicalmonsoonforestsare commercially most exploited. These forests have also suffered from severe biotic factors such as over - cutting, over grazing and res. The moist monsoonforests are found mainly in the North - eastern states, along the foot hillsof the Himalayan Mountains. Jharkhand,West Orissa, Chattisgarh and on the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats. The dry monsoon forests are found on the peninsular plateau, plains of Bihar and Uttar Vetgatatiort The vegetationmostlyconsistsof thorny bushes, acacias, wild berries and babul. These trees are and Pradesh. 6 to 10 meters high but they have long roots are armed with hard thorns to protectthemselvesfromanimals. Ehmb and Pomsts These forestsare found mainlyin thoseareas where the average annual rainfallis less than 75 cm with the long dry season. The trees are scatteredin these forests.They have long rootsto tap water in the underground.They have thick and small leaves which retardsevaporation.They have thorny thick bark. The main trees are Acacia, Palms and Cacti. Other important trees The babulyieldsgum and its bark providesmaterialfor tanninghidesand skins. These are found in Rajasthan, Kutch and Saurashtra in Gujarat, south-westernPunjaband partsof the Deccan. 5. il&angroveForests Mangrove forests are found in coastal areas ooded by the tides of the sea. Some of these forests are dense and impenetrable. The trunks of include Khair, Babul, Palas, Khagri, thesetrees are supportedby a number of rootswhichare underwater at high and Kajuri. tide. At low tide, their roots can be It is mainly found in the north western part of the country.including semi-aridareas of Gujarat,Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, seen. They are found in great abundancein the deltasof the Ganga, Mahanadhi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri and along the coasts of the Andaman Islands. vegetation. Silver r, Junipers,Pines, Birches are common varieties of trees. At higher altitudes, mosses and lichensformpartof vegetation Marmva Forest They are also found along the west coast in a few places. In West Bengal they are called 3ll.£f'£dEI7b3. These woods are hard, strong and In the durableand are usedfor boat building. These forests are a valuable source of 5. Mountain 1 . Western smsm The natural vegetation in the mountainsis greatly inuenced by the decreaseof temperaturewith increase in height above sea level. The mountain forest can be broadly classied intotwo majorcategories: 1. The forests in the Himalayan peninsular forests are India, found the in three forests in the 2. Vindhyas 3. Nilgiris In Nilgiris,the tropicalforestsare locallycalledS|"£>5¥E.$. Suchforestsare also found in the Satpuraand Mail-Kala ranges. The important trees in this regionare Magnolia,Laurel,Cinchona Peninsular Plateau and hill ranges. In the Himalayan mountains.the forestsare found betweenthe heights of 1,000 m and 2,000 m. The ever green broad leaf trees such as Oak, Chestnut predominate. Between the height of 1500 m and 3000 m, the coniferous trees such as Pine, Deodar. Silverr, Spruceand Cedar are found. coniferous Ghats and Wattle. ranges. The fcrmt areas. They are: fuel. 2. The mountain ilmrrtat forest cover the southern slopes of Himalayas and partsof NorthEast India.At an altitude of above 3,600 m, Coniferous forest and grass lands give way to Alpine Though the Indian grasslands are not comparable to the savanna or steppes grasslands, they do occur on wet soilgroundand in the salt belt and somehillyareas.They are sub divided intotwocategories. L Lawwhand Graww. These are found in regions receiving30 cm to 200 cm of average annual rainfallwhere the temperature is highduring summer.These grasses are found on different soils and are suitablefor cattle-breeding.They are found in the plains of northern India, and NorthwestAssam. 9) Forests providenatural habitatsto primitivetribes,animalsand birds. 2. piam 10) Forests are the madsrators of Punjab,UttarPradesh,Haryana,Bihar lraasas climate and affect temperature, They are foundat a heightof over 1,000 m in the Himalayas and in the cleared forest areas of the Western Ghats in Kamataka region. They are found among small tracts of shola forests in the southern part of India too. humidityand rainfall. 11) Forestsmeet nearly 40 % of the ertergyneeds ofthe country. In India, much of its forests and wild life resourcesare maintainedby the Forest Department. They are classied intotwo types as follows: REEEWE About half of the total forest land has been declared as reserved forests.It is also knownas permanent foresw. It is regarded as the most valuable forests as far as the conservation and tratesie 1) Forestsprovidevaluabletimber for and commercial raw materials for industries use and . 2) It supplies a number of mducis suchas Lac, Gum, Resins,Tanning materials, Medicines, absorb carbon-di-oxides resources are Farasm Almost one-third of the total forest area is protectedforest,as declaredby the Forest Department. Here, felling trees are not allowed. Herbs, Honeyand Spices. 3) Export of forest products earns valuableforaignsxchenge. 4) Grazing cattle in the forests helps in dairyfarming. 5) Many forest reserves have been developedintoteuristcentras. 6) Forests life concerned. Upland Grassm domestic wild of The increasing destruction and degradation of forests have led to extensive soil erosion, uncertainityin rainfall and recurring oods. The Forests conservation Act of 1980 formulated especially deforestation of forestlands was to check for non- atmospheric forestrypurposes.In 1988, the act was amended by prescribing severe and punishment help in controllingair pellutloa. to violators. The emaéan, land reclamation and ood government should involve village communitiesand voluntary agencies for the regenerationof degradedforest control. land. 7) Forests help in controlling sail 8) Forests helps in water percolation and thus maintain undergrmnd wetertable. India is one of the very few countriesin the world,where a policyto conserve forests was developed in 1894. It was modied and updated in 1952 and 1988. The male clecves of the pselicy 1. Bring 33 percent of the geographical area under forests (now it is 20 % only) Maintain environmental stability where ecological balance was Him a Faarees Minerals contents The minerals are do not called as of the . Check soil erosion, extension land and reduction non metallic iron rermsefierrmie minerals which do not contain are metals, of of oods Petroleum. iron Iron ore is the basic and drought. nation's development. Increase forest cover through social forestry and farm forestry. described Increase have such as Mica, Lime Stone, Gypsum, Potash, Coal, etc. Example: Coal and bio-diversity country. desert which minerals. For example Gold, Silver, Copper Bauxite disturbed. . Conserve minerals productivity of timber, fuel, and fodder from the forests. as the resetrree for a Iron back bone is of civilization. India possesses 20% of the iron deposits of the world's total reserves. Involve women to encourage planting trees and stop felling of trees. Thus, it is our prime duty to conserve our countrys natural vegetation. The minerals are broadly classied into two. They are : 1. Metallic 2. Non - metallic etallac Imp minerals minerals. minaerels. The metallic minerals contain metals such as Iron, Copper, Manganese, Bauxite and Gold. They are further minerals Ferrmis divided and non-ferrous into ferrous Nadu. minerals called lferrwus It is the second largest after the reserves of Russia. The quality of Indian ore is very high. Iron producing areas in India are Durg in Chattisgargh, singh bhum districts in Jharkhand, Mayurbhanj, keonjhar and Sundergarh district in Orissa and other areas are Goa, Karnataka and Tamil minerals. Minerals having more iron content are Bra rraerais. For example. Iron, Manganese, Nickel, Cobalt, and Tungsten. Manganese India occupies fth position in the production of manganese. It is estimated that about 20 % of the Z mmwcmmcmé m_u:_ 90 co: m_v:_ z<_oz_ z>o °C manganese depositsof the world are in India. extreme lightnessit has got enormous industrialimportance. The major bauxite producing centers of India are Bilaspur in Chattisgarh, Ranchi in Jharkhand, Ratnagiri, Raigarh in Maharastra, Sambalpur,Kalahandiin Orissa. Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka and TamilNadu (Salem, Madurai,Nilgiri). Mangwssa Manganeseplaysa very important rolein the ironand steel industryas it is necessaryto make steel hard and rust proof. Manganese dioxide is used for the manufactureof dry batteries. It is also used in manufacturingbleaching powder and paints. Manganese produced areas are Balaghat in Madhya Pradesh, Keonjhar, Boonaigarh in Orissa. Bellary, Chitradurga, Shimoga in Karnataka, TamilNadu. Maharashtra.Gujaratand Bihar. apper Copper is another metal found in natureas a goodconductorof heatand electricity.It has an importantrole in the Electricalgoods industry. Copper is mixed with metals to form alloys. Copper producing areas are Singhbhum in Jharkhand,Gunturand NelloreinAndhraPradesh,Balaghatin Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan and Karnataka. Mica is a bad conductor of electricity and so it is used in the manufactureof slarical gwds. India contributes Eauxéie other about 60% of the mica productionin the world. Major mica producingstates of India are Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar and Rajasthan. The total volume of usable mineral depositsis one percent of the earth's crust. We rapidly consumingmineral resources. Bauxite It is the ore But the geological processesof mineralformationare so slow and therefore they are non of aluminum. Aluminumisa lightmetalformedbythe decomposition of rocks rich in aluminum silicates. Due to good conducting, great malleability and rariewabte... A concerted effort has to be made in order to use our mineral resources in a planned and sustainable manner. New technologies need to be evolved to use low grade ores at low costs, recycled metals. using scrap metals 16% fromAssam.The remaining3% is rigged from Arunachal Pradesh, and other substitutes Andhra mineral resources to conserve forthe our Pradesh and Tamil Nadu future. Energy is an inevitable resource in our day-to-daylife. It is an essential component in economical and technological development. Coal, Petroleum, natural gas solar energy and wind energy are some of the sourcesof energy. EnergyResources can be classied into Non-Renewable and Renewable energy resources. Oil drilling in Mumbai High Natural Coal Coal is the majorenergy resource in India. The 67% of the energy requirementof the countryis met from coal. It is mainly used in Iron and steel industries. Coal is also known as Black Gold. Coal is classied into many varieties based on its quality and the amount of carboncontent in it. They are 1.Anthracite 2.Bituminous 3.Lignite 4.Charcoa|. Many coalelds are locatedin the northeastern India. About two thirds of the total productionof coal is made from Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarhand Orissa. One third of the total productionis obtained from Gas Depositsof naturalgas are seen in the earth crusteither independentlyor alongwith Petroleum. About23 billion cubic meters of naturalgas is used in India. India's natural gas reserve is only 700 billion cubic meters. Most of the depositsof naturalgas is found in Andhra Pradesh. Maharashtra. Gujarat,AssamandAndaman-Nicobar islands. Andaman alone has about 47.6 millioncubicmetersof naturalgas reserve.Recentlyit has beenfoundout that Krishna - Goclhavari delta has reserves of natural gas. The roleof electricityin the growth and developmentof a nation is very large. Electricityis mainly producedin Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West three ways. They are 1.Thennal Bengaland UttarPradesh electricity2. Hydroelectricity3.Nuc|ear Petrolfeurn, known asMineral Ctrlt; electricity. 1. Thermal Electricity is mined from the layers of sedimentaryrocks.Indiahas a reserve of 4000 milliontons, but only 25% of it is possibleto be excavated. About 33 milliontons of petroleumin mined in India annually. 63% of this is from Mumbai High. 18% from Gujarat and Thennal Electricity or thermal energy is produced using coal, petroleum,natural gas etc. The state of Assam. Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh. West Bengal and Tamil Nadu depend mainlyon thennal electricity.It is also E:w_o:mn mwesoww > D 5 e Ind7iaL~£24333jasaurms PAKISTAN ARABIAN SEA BAY OF ENGAL LAKSHADWEEP oO J 1. Singtauii 2. Warha vaey 3. Gaavari vaiiay 4. Tamser INDIAN OCEAN 5~K0333 6. Jharkhanr 2?,acskaro 8. Jharia 9. Rajemhai 16. Raniganj 1%.. Nayveii produced in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa and Delhi. 70% of the total production of electricityin India is from thermal powerstation. Easilyavailable 2.. Hydra Electricity In India the rst hydro electricity power station was started 1897 in Darjeeling. In 1902 another power Environmentfriend station was established Cauvery.At presenttwentyve percent of the electricityproducedin India is from hydropower.It highly inuences the economic development of India. Hydro electricityis mainlyproducedin Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, Tripura and Sikkim. Kerala depends mainlyon hydroelectricityprojectsfor the generationof electricity. Eiactricity Nuclear Electricity is produced from minerals such as uranium and thorium. They are mined mainlyfrom the state of Jharkhand Pollution and the Aravalli free Lowproductioncost at Sivasamudra.m watjarfalls, in river uclsar Renewable . Continuous availability star Ezaargy India, located in the tropical region,has immensepotentialof solar energy. Sunlight can be directly converted to electricity through the 'p.bata vcltaictmhrlplcgyi.It is possible to generate 20megawatt of electricity throughthismethodfrom 1sq.km.area. Solar energy is most commonlyused in CookingandLighting.The largest solarenergyconversioncentrein India is locatedat ¥u¬adl1appri',, near Bhuj in Gujarat. [Wind Energy ranges of Rajasthan. Uranium is separated from the monazite, coastal sands of Kerala. 50% of the world's thorium deposit is found in India, Tharapur (Maharashtra), Kalpakkam (TamiINadu), Rawath Bhatta (KotaRajasthan), Narora (Uttar Pradesh), Kakrapara (Gujarat) and Kaiga (Kamataka) are the nuclear power stations in India.India produces 272 megawattof nuclearenergyannually. Wind artery? As the demand for energy increases the importance for renewable resourcesof energy such as Sun, Wind, Tide, Biogas etc, are also increasing. The peculiaritiesof theseenergysourcesare; Wind energy producing centers are establishedin many parts of the country. The initial expenses for erectingthe windmillsare huge. Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Lakshadweephave windenergyproducingcentres. iogas Bushes,wastesfromcrops,human and animal wastes are used to produce biogas. These materials are India is presently one of the least energy efficient countries in the world. allowed to decay in order to produce the gas. This gas is used for domestic We have to adopt a cautious approach purposes in rural areas. Biogas can for the judicious use of our limited give higher temperature compared energy with kerosene We can csmsewe energy Izzy: and charcoal. resources. a) using public transport systems India is estimated to possess 8000 to 9000 megawatt of tidal Energy potential. The Gulf of Khambat is the best suited with 7000 MW potential. This is followed by Katch (1000MW) and Sundarban (100MW). Wave energy potential in India is estimated of about 40,000MW. A wave energy power plant of 150 KW has been installed at Vihinjam near instead of individual vehicles b) Switching off electricity when it is not in use, c) using power saving devices d) using non-conventional sources of energy. Because energy saved is energy produced. We know that nature provides us all wave energy plant is being setup in the resources to satisfy our basic needs but we tend to overexploit it. If we go on Andaman exploiting the nature, there will be no Thiruvanthapuram. Another and Nicobar 1MW Islands. more Energy is a basic requirement for economic development. Every sector of the national economy such as agriculture, industry, transport, commerce energy and inputs. domestic The needs developmental plans are being implemented since Independence in all sectors. As a result, consumption of energy in all forms has been steadily rising all over thecountry. In this background, there is an urgent need to develop a "sustainable path of energy development*. Promotion of energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy sources sustainable are the twin conservation. planks of resources available in future. There is an urgent need to conserve the nature. Some of the needs are 1. To maintain ecological balance for supporting life. 2. To preserve different species (biodiversity). 3. To make the resources kind of available for present and future generation. 4. To ensure human race. the survival of EXERQSE 1}Choose the correct answer. 1)The soil found in the Arid zone is known as a) Desert soil b) Laterite soil c) Black soil d)A||uvia| Soil 2) The Monsoon forests are othenrvisecalled as a) Tropical evergreen forest b) Deciduous forest c) Mangrove forest d) Mountain forest 3) Which one of the following mineral is contained in the monazite sand a)Oi| b)Uranium c)Thorium d)Coa| 1:)matchthefollowing. 1) Black soil Petroleum 2) Lignite Cotton cultivation 3) Mangrove forest Atype of coal 4) Renewable resources Sundarban 5) Non renewable resources Sun lit) Bistinguishxhetweesn. 1) Tropical evergreen forest and Tropical monsoon forest 2) Renewable resource and Non renewable resource 3) Wind energy and thermal energy. W) Short answers. 1) What do you understand by the term natural resource ? 2) What are the properties of fertile soil? 3) Name any four main characteristics of the tropical evergreen forest ? 4) Give the meaning of shrub and thorn forest? 5) Name the mica producing areas of India ? V).An$weztheiaiiawing in paragraph. 1) Write the importance of forest. 2) Describe the need forthe conservation of natural resources ? 4. INBIA soAGRECULTLIRE Agriculture plays a vital role in socio-economic development of India. It is a source of livelihood and food security for Indians. It constitutes large share of country's national income because more than half of India's workforce is employed in agriculture. The growth of industries and trade also depend on the growth of agriculture. contributes for the cultivation of crops in all seasons. The amount of rainfall determines the cropping pattern. For example wheat requires moderate temperature whereas rice patterns are practiced due to varied requires high temperature for its growth. That is why wheat is cultivated geographical factors. Now, we will deal about how geographical factors Tami|Nadu. determine 3.. oii types In India different agricultural the agricultural activities and patterns of agriculture and how agriculture contributes to national economy. Major determinant factors of agriculture: important geographical determining rich the alluvial factors cropping soil in pattern. favours the while black soil favours the growth of cotton. 4.. Water 3) Soiltypes 4) Water Another most important factor in determining agriculture is the '1. i..arn:i¥m'rn a land of diverse landscape comprising of mountains, plateaus and plains. Among them the plains are more suitable for agriculture due to ricittaltuvliai the to be one of the most growth of rice and sugarcane 2) Climate is in In spite of the growth in technology soil still continues Thus 1) Landform India in Punjab and rice is cultivated agricultural soil which enhance productivity. For example plains of Ganga and Cauvery. 2.Ciiimate availability of water. India is a monsoon country with uneven distribution of rainfall. Irrigation facilities cannot be given to all parts of the nation. So crops that require abundant water are grown in areas of high rainfall or in regions covered under irrigation. To meet the food requirement of the growing population in the areas of low rainfall (in; crops are grown. Four different types offarming are Most part ofIndia lies within the tropics and enjoys tropical mansmnt ctimatse.The abundant solar energy, favours the growth of crops throughout the year. The seasonal rainfalladded with the irrigational facilities also generally practiced in our country and they are: 1. Primitive agriculture 2. Subsistence agriculture 3. Commercial agriculture 4. Plantation agriculture. E. Primitive agrzuitura Primitiveagricultureis practisedin the forest areas where heavy rainfall occurs.A portionof forestis clearedfor cultivationand cropsare raisedfor two or three years. Then they abandonthe land and shift to another part. This is still practisedon a small scale in the North Eastern States, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa,Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. of agriculture is also known as "irlternsiva zagfliif and it is generallypractisedinalluvialplains. 3.. Eammsmiai agrisisitma Crops in great demand are grown in Commercialagriculture.In this type cropsare raised on a large smie with the view of exportingthem to other countries and for earning foreign exchange. This type of agricultureis otherwise called as Exiteztisive agi*i/cuimra.It is practisedin Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Maharastra and TamilNadu. Commercial agricultural products are used as raw materials in the agrcbased industries. Example cereals,cotton,sugarcane,jute etc. 2. ubsiatanee griieuiture The predominanttype of Indian agricultureis subsistencefarming. In thistype nearlyhalfof the productionis used for family consumptionand the rest is sold in the nearby markets.The farmers concentrate on staple food cropslikericeandwheat. Example: North Ganga plain and in the south Cauvery. Krishna, Godhavari and Mahanadhi plains. Large scale improvement has been made in Indian agricultureafter independence.The farmer tries to get the maximumpossibleoutputfrom the available land with high input of fertilizers, manures, hybrid variety of seeds,farm machineriesand irrigation facilitieswherever possible.This type 4. Piaatatiarg agrisuitum In this type of agriculture.single crop is raised on a large area. The plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry. The plantationsare mostly owned by the companies. Tea, Coffee and Rubber are plantationcrops.These crops are grown on the hilly areas of North EasternStatesof India,west Bengal, The Cardamom Nilgris, Anaimalai hills of South India. and Thefarmers decide thecropping pattern. Thefollowing table shows the traditional way of cropping pattern based on the climate. Cropping pattern Theagricultural activities begin withtheonset ofmonsoon inthemonth ofJune. India have three major cropping seasons in a year, as shown in the following table Diversity of food crops IS ascertained according to the factors of temperature, rainfall and soil type. The majorfood crops of India are: Paddy Paddy is the most important food crop of India. India stands in second place in the production of paddy. India and China together produce about 90% of the total world production of Agricultural seasons Paddy growing areas Bay of Bengai Arabian Sea indian Ocean Paddy. In areas of less rainfall particularlyin Punjab and Haryanait is grown with the help of irrigation. Cheap labour is requiredfor sowing. weeding, harvesting and other processes.Sugandh5. Sukaradhara-1 are the hybrid variety seeds recommended for the cultivation in the areas of Haryana, Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir and Pradesh uphills of Himachal and Uttaranchal. The otherriceproducingstatesare west Bengal, Punjab. Uttarpradesh. Bihar and Orissa in North India and Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh paddy crops grown in this region are classied as Samba, Kuruvai and "|'ha|adi' on the basis of the duration of paddy growth. Samba is a long term crop. It is grown for about ve to six months.Kuruvaiisa cropgrownwithin three or four months.The paddygrown in the eld ploughedwiththe stumpsof the previous harvest is known colloquiallyas theThaladi. Althoughthis way of cultivationof paddyis stillin practice.it is now been changed with the impact of modem cropping.This has also led to great changeeven in harvestseasons. in South India. Most of the productionis consumed locally due to dense Wheat is an importantfood Crop. It is the staple food for the northernand population. Rice is cultivated two to northwestem part of India. Wheat is three times in a year intensivelyin the cultivatedbothinwinterand spring. deltas of Mahanadhi, Godavari, Krishnaand Cauvery Wheat UttarPradeshand Haryanaare the major producers. Rajasthan, Madhyapradesh. Chattisgarh. Maharastra,Gujarat, and Andhrapradeshare the other wheat producing states. The productionof wheat has been increased in Punjab and Haryana due to the impact of Green Revolution.Our countryis now in a position to export wheat to other Paddy Field There is something special about paddycultivationin ThanjavurDistrict. the rice bowl of Tamil Nadu. The countries. Besides, paddy and wheat, dry crops also play vital role in the food Wham grawing areas Bay emf Bengal Arabian Saa EnVdia:nQcean RAINBGW QF REV£.T§¥il$ grainproduction.They growwell even in the infertitlesoil. They are drought resistant crops. Millets as cereal crops are intermediate between Many other crops are also cultivatedin our countryin additionto the above food crops. Sugarcane, (lotion, Joins.Taa. Emilee. {Iii Saws. and Rubberare some among then.They are mainlyproducedas raw materialsfor industries.Besides,they form export material that can earn foreign exchange. So they are known as cast: amps. They have great inuence on the Indianeconomyalso. uzgarmaa rice and wheat. It includesjowar,bajraand ragi. Millets are coarse grain, and dry crops.They are cultivatedin poor soils. They are rich in nutritionalcontent higher than wheat or rice.They also providefodder for cattle.Milletsare grownin almostall Sugar Cane isatropical crop. It grows well in the hot humid climate. Indiaisthe birthplaceof sugarcane. the states in India, but the important producers are Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa. Bihar, Maharastraand Gujarat. Fuiians Pulse crops include a large number of crops which are mostly leguminous and rich in proteins. Pulses serve as an excellent fodder Slmrmie It ranks second in production next though grams are the most important pulses. Other pulses are black gram, greengram, lentile, horse gram, peas to Brazil. The Major sugarcane producing states are Uttarpradesh. etc. Karnataka, Gujarat and Maharastra. Bihar,Punjaband Haryana. Pulses are grown in a wide range of climatic conditionsmostly in drier areas with or without irrigation facilities. Pulses require a mild cool weather and a low to moderate rainfall. The most importantproducersare Tamil Cotton is a major bre crop of India. It provides raw material for cotton textile industry.Cotton grows well in tropicaland subtropicalclimate. Black Punjab, cotton Andhrapradesh and Tamilnadu. Andhrapradesh. atten Madya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharastra,Gujarat, Nadu, soil is the most suitable cultivation. India has soil for fourth positionin the worldcottonproduction. The main cotton growing states are Gujarat,Maharastra,Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh,Punjaband Haryana. Sugar Cane Growing Areas Andhra V esh Bay nf Bengal 6:2 Arabian Sea Uewe 8 9q00.N £3 1511 a£3 Cotton and Juie Grawing Areas u - hya Pradesh Bay :12? Belngaii fiiifi-3 2:) 5*? at: £13 Arabian Sea £3: Jute spreadto differentpartsof the country. Jute isalso the most important India is the third largest producer bre cropnextto cotton.The bre isthe followed by China and U.S.A. The major tobacco producing stales are cheapest and has a commercial demand because of its softness, TamiINadu, strength, length and uniformity.It is Karnataka demanded it for the manufacture of gunny bags, hessain, carpets, ropes, strings, rugs and cloth, tarpaulins, uphoistryetc. Suds India Andhra is one of Pradesh the oil and seed producingcountriesof the world. India growsalltypesof oilseedsexceptolive and palmoil. Oil seeds are grown mainly in the tropical and substropical regions. Indian oil seeds are. groundnut, sesamum, rape seed, mustard, linseed, sunflower seed, castor seed, coconut, soyabean etc. Oil is an impartantitem of Indianfood. The oil seeds are used as raw materials for manufacturinga large number of products and form cattle Jam Plant? Its cultivationis restrictedmainly to the Ganga Brahamaputradelta in west Bengal,Bihar,Orissa,Assamand Meghalaya. Because this crop requires hot and damp climate. The soil should be well drained feed and manure.The majoroil seeds producing states are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu. Andhrapradesh, Madhyapradesh, Orissa and Karnataka fertile soil in the ood plains where soils are renewedeveryyear. Tobacco Tea Esme Team Tobacco is said to have been broughtto India by the portuguesein 1508. Sincethen cultivationgradually It is an importantbeverage crop. The tea plantgrowswell in tropicaland subtropical climates endowed with deep and fertile soil. Well drained hill slopesbetween3000- 4000 feet height are suitable for cultivation. Assam, West Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu are the majorproducers. Nadu and Kerala. Grape is cultivated mainly in Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Maharashtra, Nadu Andhra and Karnataka. and Kashmir, Pradesh, Tamil India contributes about 13% of the worlds production of vegetables. Animal Coffee Berries Coffee is the most important beverage crop. Indian coffee is known for its quality. Karnataka produces 60% of Indian coffee. Other coffee growing states are Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Rubber Rubber is obtained from latex of rubber tree. Though India occupies sixth position in the world in once of cultivation in production of natural rubber it stands fth in the areas is conned to the plays an women. Production of suitable cross breeds and their wider adoptions has contributed to increase in country's milk production. Poultry and eggs are increasing through genetic improvement and better management practices. The contribution of these sub sector is estimated to be about 25 percent of the total value of output world. Rubber plantations cover large areas in southern part of India. About 95% of the husbandry important role in over all economy and in supplementing family income. It generates employment in the rural sector particularly among the landless, small and marginal farmers and agricultural sector. lower elevations of western ghats in Kerala State and 5% is spread over Tamil Nadu, Karnataka Nicobar islands and Andaman Fruits wandWvegetablesmare important supplement to the human diet, as they provide essential minerals, vitamins and bres required for maintaining health. India has the second position in the production of fruits and vegetables. Apple is mostly produced Kashmirand of banana, in Himachal Uttaranchal. is Pradesh, Production concentrated in Tamilnadu and Maharashtra. Orange is cultivated in Maharashtra, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Dairy Fanning Though the overall contribution of sheries is small, maitiiayersh militate has resulted in a very high annual g wthdurin th td d Tea and Coffee gnawing areas Bay at Bengai indiagnDcean 3. Rapid construction increase work of in industries the and residential buildings reduce the extent Thebenetsadapting tlbiotechnologyof cultivable lands. in agriculture are, Adopting Biotechnology environmentally safe is and sustainable. - Cost of production of the farmers will be decreased. - Water requirement for the crop is minimised. - It makes crops more resistant to insects, pests and diseases. - The yield of the crops per hectare can be increased. - Farmers can get more income. 1. Indian agriculture is a gamble of monsoon. Monsoons are irregular unevenly distributed and uncertain. It exerts a very unfavourable inuence on agriculture. 4. Global climatic changes affect agriculture through their direct and indirect effects on the crops, soil, livestock and pests. 5. The previous strategies for more productivity cause serious problems of environmental and natural resource degradation. In future technologies must result not only in increased productivity level but also ensure the quality of natural resources. So it will lead to sustainable improvements agricultural production. in At present we can say that India is in a comfortable position in food production. Systems 2. The serious drainage problem caused by the increased construction of roads, railways and canals drainage normal disturbed the system flow of by rain natural checking water and bringing heavy oods. This results i n large scale damage to kharif crop and considerable late sowing of rabi crop. In future India's population might increase to 1300 million approximately by the year 2020. At that time with efficient management of natural resources will meet increasing demand by adopting modern technology in farming, by increasing farmer's access to markets, improving agricultural productivity and public education. EXERCISE 3}Choose the correct wmtsi. 1) Rice is grown well in the a) black soil b) Iaterite soil c) alluvial soil d) red soil 2) Tea and coffee crops are grown well on the a) mountain slopes b) Plain c) Coastal plain d) River Valleys 3) The crop that grows in drought is a) rice 4) Cotton is a b) wheat c) jute a) food crop b) cash crop 5) The staple food crops are d) millets c) plantation crop a) rice and wheat b) coffee and tea c) Cotton and jute d) fruits and vegetables ll) Match the following. 1) Wheat West Bengal 2) Sugarcane Kerala 3) Apple Uttarpradesh 4) Rubber 5) Jute Punjab Himachal Pradesh Tamil nadu Karnataka lit} Disstinguirshbetween. 1) Commercial and subsistance agriculture. 2) Kharif and rabi crops 3) Unicropping and dual cropping 'lV)l Give Slm: Answers? 1) What are the major determinant factors of agriculture? 2) What are the types of agriculture? 3) Name the agricultural seasons in India? 4) Why dry crops are grown? d) dry crop 5) Name the cotton growing areas of India? 6) What are Plantation Crops? V} Write a Paragmplh answers 1)What are the benefits of adopting bio-techonology in agriculture? 2) Discuss any three current challenges in Indian agriculture? Vi) Mark the fatimwing on the Buffing maps of lndia. 1) Cotton growing areas 2) Jute growing areas 3) Rice growing areas 4) Tea and Coffee growing areas 5) Wheat growing areas Vii} Activities? Visit a paddy eld or tea plantation and make a report on the activities involved in the cultivation process. WEEA M QNBUSTREES A country becomes rich by convertingthe natural resources into usable products. So the key to prosperity of any country lies in increasing manufacturing industries. India is rich in natural resources. These resources include forest products, agricultural products and Minerals. Some of the resources can be used directly but some of them need prpcesaiag.Forexample cottonhasto be processedbefore it is broughtinto use in the form of nished product.So cottonisthe raw materialof agricultural origin. Similarly products like petrol, diesel, kerosene and gasoline are derived at different degrees of refinement of petroleum. Thus Petroleumisof mineralorigin. Though agriculture is the major occupation of the people in India, there has beena tremendousgrowthin Industriesunder ve year plansand it has provided job opportunities for many people. This in turn Paws? Most of the industries tend to be locatednear the sourceof power.The power is needed to process raw materials.For example Iron and steel industriesare generally located near the coal elds because it requires about5 tonsof cokingcoalto melt 1 ton ofiron ore. par:-mar Vallay F-=-raga Transport has improvedtheirstatusat iiving. The location of an industry is determined by raw material, power, transport, man power, water, market and governmentpolicies. aw Material Industriesare locatedwith respect to the availabilityof raw materials.For example, Sugar industry is located near the raw material region (sugarcaneeld) because sugarcane is a weight losingmaterialand when it is processed, the weight of sugar becomes 10 per cent of the weight of sugarcane. Bochlnilramery Transportis an importantfactorfor carrying raw materials to manufacturing units and finished productsto the market. For example Iron and steel industries and oil reneries are located near railway stations or near the port as these industries involve a high cost of transportation. Man Power Availabilityof skilledand unskilled or technicallyqualied manpoweris an important factor for the location of industries. Adequate supply of unskilled labour in urban locations is due to rural-urban migration. For example Mumbaigets manpowerfrom all overthe country. Water Water is very essential for industries like iron and steel, textiles, rayon,paper etc. For example 1 ton of steel needs 300 tons of water for coolingand 1 ton of rayon needs 100 tonsof waterfor bleaching.Hence the above industries are located near the availability of capital and export potentialof products. On the basis of the source of raw materials, industries are classied into Agra based industries,Forest based industries and Mineral based industries. These rndustnesuse agricultural productsas their basic raw material. For example. Cotton textile industry, jute industry,sugarindustryetc. Cotton Textile industry Cottontextile industryis based on indigenous raw materials, cotton. It rivers, canals or lakes. contributes Market production,provides employment to 35 million persons and 4% towards High demand and purchasing powerdetemrinethe market. So most of the industries are located close 14% industrial GDP. Mumbai to the centersof consumptionbecauseit reducesthe cost of transportationand enablesthe consumersto get thingsat comparativelycheaperrates. about in Maharashtra is the leading cotton textile centre and it is called as the Manchester of lrrdia. The followingfactorsfavourthe cotton textile industries in Mumbai; Government Policy In almost every country, the governmentpoliciesplay an important role in detennining the lotion of industries.In order to avoid regional disparities,the State governmenthas marked out certain areas as industrial zones. These industrial zones and governmentconcessionshave helped in the growth of industries in the backwardareas. Nowadays due to scientic and technological development, geographicalfactors, man power and energy are considered as negligible factors. Therefore new factors have cometo play majorroleswhichinclude skilled managerial services, Cctlan Textileindustry Q Q Locationof part facilitiesfor the exportofnished goods. Well connectedthroughrailand road links with cotton growing areas. Humid coastal climate favours yarning. Availabilityof Capitalgoodsand nance. twines. Now jute is also being used in plastic furniture insulation, bleached bers to blend with wool. It is also mixed with cotton to make carpets and blankets. £3 Availabilityofrnampowaz: The MajorCottontextileproducing states of India are Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Nearly 90% jute industries are located in West Bangs! mainly along the Flooghlyver. Recentlythere has been dispersal of jute industries in and Tamil Nadu. Uttar Pradesh, In Tamil Nadu. Coimbatore, Chennai, Tirunelveli. Madurai, Andhra Tuticorin. Salem. Virudhunagar and Pollachi are the major cotton textile centers. Bihar, Orissa and Pradesh. Saga? industry it IndianSugar Industryis the second largest agro based industryin India. Sugar factories are located near the areas of cultivation followingfactors: irzdusy The Jute sector has been playing an importantrolein the economyof the country. It provides sizeable employment in the agricultural and industrial sectors. About 4 million farmersare engaged in the cultivation of jute. India tops in the productionof rawjute and jute goodsand second in the export of jute goods next to Bangladesh. rsugarcane due to the lrsiuslry is a weight losing material it It cannotbe storedfor longtime, as it loses sucrose content. ilk It cannot be transported for long distances. Sincethe sugarcaneharvestingis done in a particular season and the crushingcontinuedto a limitedperiod and the sugarfactoriesdo not function throughoutthe year. Uttar Jute Emiustry Jute productsincludegunnybags, canvas, pack sheets, jute webs, Hessians, carpets, cordage and Pradesh and Bihar alone account for 70% of the sugar produ ction. So this belt is known as sugar bowl of India. Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra. Pradesh Karnataka, Andhra and Tamil Nadu are the other sugarproducingstatesof India. Majar Cattcm Textile lm1ustries in India V Méanpur M5wai§or sujjain r Ahamaaziabad asAummaba anim a: tare Nellikupam,Pugalur, Coimbatore and Pandyarajapuramare the famous centres for sugar productionin Tamil Nadu. The Government of India has developed a dual price system for internalsugar trade. Every sugar mill has to sell 40% of its productionto the government at a xed price. The inuenced by butkyraw materialsand to a lesser extent by market- The Indian paper industry is ranked one among the fteen top global paper industriesin the worfd. The leadingstates in paper production in our country are West Bengal, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and And hra Pradesh. government sells this sugar through publicDistributionSystem. Rest of the 60% is sold in the open market at a higherprice Mineral metallic based industries and non-metallic use both minerals as raw materials. The Major mineral basedindustryof ourcountryisthe iron and steel industry. India's major iron and steel industries are located either near the elds or imrlms minesor midway India has arich diversity offorest anal between the coal and iron ore elds. resources which are capable of supportinga wide varietyof industries. The most important is the paper industry. Paper incluswy Most of our country's major iron and steel industries are located in the Erupts.Nagpur Plateau region due to the followingreasons: it High grade haematite and magnetite ironore are available from the mines of Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Chattisgarh. Pradesh and Papas industry Paper industry is a vital and core industry for any country. The Raw materials for paper industry include woodpulp, bamboo, salai and sabai grasses, waste paper and bagasse. Location of the industry is greatly Emalrtdustry iltJharia and Singbhum in Jharkhand, Raniganj in west Bengal have abundant coking coal suited for the manufacture of high grade steel. 41% West Bengal and Jharkhand states are rich in ux materials needed for purifying. The control and management of IISCO were taken over by SA|L(Stee| Authority of India) in 1972. The 4% Limestone from Ranchi, Silica from Jabalpur and Dhanbad, Dolamite from Madhya Pradesh, Quartz from Bihar are available in close company produces pig iron and crude steel. 3. Visveshwaraya. lean and Steel proximity. India has 11 Integrated steel plants and 150 mini steel plants and a large number of rolling and re rolling mills. I. Tate tree and Steel Ecmpany ll In 1907 Tata Iron and Steel Company was setup at ciamshedgwri now it is called Tata Steel limited. It is the oldest and the largest integrated ironand steel plantin India.It is the 10" largest producer of Iron and Steel in the World. The company produces pig iron and steel. Visveshwaraya Iron and Steel Limited were set up in 1923 at Bhadravati in Karnataka. Its major products are alloy and special steel. age. emeuaem steer Mmited {HeigBhilai The HSL- Bhilai is located in the Durg district of Chattisgarh. started its production in 1965 BhiIai's rail and e;tr%.lc2i...Ire.§ {Hill are one of the most modern and largest in the world. It has also started making plates for ship building industry. ab. Hindustan Street Limited (H$iL}»~ Rcurkele The Rourkela plant was started in 1959 in the Sundargarh district of Orissa. Its major products include hot and cold rolled sheets, galvanized sheets and electrical steel plates. Iran andteel industry 2.. indies: Iran and -steelBempeny iiiimtii 4.5. Hindustan Smelt i:cimited(H$LI}~ mtrgeputr The Durgapur steel plant is located at Bardhaman district of West Bengal. It was setup in 1965. This plant specializes in the manufacture fo alloy steel, construction material and railway items like wheel axles and sleepers. The steel plants atKulti, Burnpur ircmand: Steel mdustries mkarxzai I Emwur Jamshezmum imrgaméé éshaiahaggamfam Bay csfBfengai Ivrjayaszagar Afabian Sea I Ehaéravati laam. inrdian Gcaan sums Satara Etaei plant The Salem steel plant is located at Salem in Tamilnadu and started its production in 1982. This plant is the major producer of the world class stainless steel which is exported to The growth of automobile industry in India is only after the independence, The rst automobile industry was started at Kurla (Mumbai) in 1947 under the name of Prremiafaitltcmcbilc manyadvanced countriesintheworld. limited. In 1948 ms limited setup the automobile industry Ettjsyeanzlsgaar twct; Plant The Vijayanagar steel plant has been setup at Tomagal in Karnataka. This tshais:hspa.mam meet Plant The Vishakhapatnam steel plant came into operation in 1992. This is the rst plant in the shore region. This is the most sophisticated and modern integrated steel plant in the country. It Hindustan motors at Uttarpara, (Kolkota). In the last 30 years, India has made a tremendous progress in this industry by manufacturing commercial vehicles, passenger cars, jeeps, scooters, motorcycles, mopeds and three wheelers. is a major export oriented steel plant. Mini steel plants are decentralized secondary units with capacity ranging from 10,000 tonnes to 5 lakh tonnes per year. It operates through electric furnaces and generally use ferrous scrap, pig iron or sponge iron as raw materials. They help in recycling of iron and make the scrap useful and protable. They produce mild steel, alloy steel and stainless steel. There are more than 150 Mini A ilsinduatry The major centres are Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Pune, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Satara and Mysore. Steel plants with an installed capacity With Liberalization of the economy there are several foreign of about collaborations 120 lakhs tonnes of crude steel per annum. Most of the mini steel plants are located in areas far away from the major steel plants, so that they can meet the local demands. They suit the Indian economy because they require less investment. As these units are smaller in size they can be conveniently located in the industrial towns. and well in the automobile known world leaders sector have entered the market Suzuki, General motors, Ford, Mitsubishi, Honda, Mercedes, Nissan, Mahindra & Mahindra and Millennium Motors. The electronic Industry In India started with radio manufacturing in the 1850s. The setting up of lftdiara Telepticrts industry in 1950 at Bangalore gave a boost to this industry. The industry now meets the needsof posts and telegraph, defence, railways, electricity boards, meteorological department etc. Bangalore is the leading producer of electronic goods and it is referred as Electronic Baptist of India. The other important centres are Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, most popular products of the industry are Television, Transistor, Telephone, Cellular Phones, Computers, CD players, ipod, Pendrive etc. Kolkata, Kanpur, Pune, Lucknow, Jaipur and Coimbatore. -Sowamlndusby c The Revolution Eqtptant in electronic industry has changed the lifestyle of the people to a greater extent. The The Software Industry has emerged as a major industry in the Indian economy. The main reason for its rapid growth is due to the availability of cheap and skilled young software professionals in our country. E513? bi §rl£1§;m:t:b::s° 1an The Government has also played a The Department of Electronics has established vital E.ieatr¬.mic Parks in role in the development of different parts of our country. The software industry. main centers are Chennai, Coimbatore, Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore, Mysore, Hyderabad, Vishakapatnam, Mumbai, Pune, Bhubsneshwar, Indore, Industrialization, Urbanization and growing population along with increasing consumption of Resources have by far crossed the carrying capacity of the earth. Industrialization has undoubtedly made life more Gandhinagar, Jaipur, Kolkata, Noida, Mohali and Srinagar. comfortable At present there are more than has led for modern man, but it to extreme Streams and 500 Software firms in the country. It is expected that the Indian software degradation on the environment and industry will generate a total employment of around six million people which accounts for 9% of substances itsresources. environment. world India's total GDP in the year 2011. Today the software industry in India exports software and services indiscriminate has a detrimental These realize the have use of effect made on the importance preserving our environment by changing harmful technologies into more eco-friendly technology. to nearly 95 countries around the world. EXERCISE E] {moose the cmrerct answer. 1) Cotton textile industry is a) mineral based b) agrobased c) forest based industry, d) Software industry 2) Manchester of India is a) Delhi b) Chennai d) Kolkata c) Mumbai 3) Tata iron and steel industry is located at a) Durgapur b) Bhilai c) Jamshadpur d) Burnpur. 4) Chotta Nagpur Plateau is noted for a) Natural Vegetation b) Mineral FBSOU FCS c)A||uvia| Soil d) Cotton Cultivation 5) The city known as Electronic Captial is a)Kanpur b) Delhi of c) Bangalore d) Madurai 11)Match the Feitnwing. 1) Jute Industry Jamshedpur 2) Cotton Industry Karnataka 3) Software Industry Mumbai 4) Tata Iron and Steel Industry West Bengal 5) Sugar bowl of India Chotta Nagpur region Bangalore Uttar Pradesh and Bihar imlistirtgauish Between. 1) Mineral baesd and agrobased industires. 2) Iron and steel industry and software industry. W) Give short answers. 1) Dene manufacturing. 2) Name the factors that determine location of an Industry. 3) What are agrobased industries? Give examples. 4) Name any five software centres. 5) What are the byproducts of Jute Industry? V) Give Faragtagzhanswers. 1)Write an account of iron and steel industries of India. 2) Describe the factors encouraging cotton textile industry in mumbai. 3) Give an account of software industry in India. Vt) Mark the feimwing an the autlirm map nfinia. 1) Major iron and steel Plants. 2) Software technology parks 3) Cotton textile 4) Jute textile industries 5) Sugarmills of India W2Activities. Select any agrobased industry and list the materials and factors required for establishing that Industry. 6.. ENVERGNMENTM. The word aéiivirartrraarzt is most commonly used to describe Natural Envirmlmsriii which means the sum of all living and non-living things that surrounded us. l$$U E$ Pollution can take the form of chemical substance, or energy. such as noise, heat or light energy. This in turn affects the ecology of the environment. There are many types of pollution degrading the environment. They are given below. 1) AirPo||ution 2) WaterPol|ution 3) Land Pollution 4) Noise pollution 5) Pollution due to biomedical wastes. 6) Pollution due to e- wastes 7) Pollution due to minin Namrai Envlrmraamt It is everyone's. Nature has It is contamination of air by the enough to satisfy everyone's need but discharge of harmful substances. Air has not enough to satisfy every man's pollution has been a problem greed. Our expanding greed has put us throughout the history. This can have in a tough situation of various serious effect on the health of the environmental problems. The human beings. We breath about 2200 problems are due to rapidly growing times a day inhaling around 16 kg of population from 300 million in 1947 to air. Every time when we breathe in we 1210 million at present and inhale dangerous substances. These industrialisation. They have direct dangerous substances or pollutants can be either in the form of gases or impact on environmental degradation, particles. pollution and climatic changes. The whole world is now anxious to repair The swarm of pailwtaam is bath the damage. Let us discuss important natmai and manemada. environmental issues threatening which are Volcanic eruptions. wind erosion, environmental pollen disposal. evaporation of organic compounds and natural radio activity sustainability. Environmental contamination of pollution environment is the which causes discomfort, instability. disorder harmful impact on physical system and on living organism. are the natural causes of air pollution. Natural air pollution does not occur in abundance and also possesses little threat to the health of the people and ecosystems. "Gigantic Ezwlasiarl sf Mt. Helena released aatyl about what ans anal pclmr piaarttaraiits in a year The man-made reasons for air pollution are vehicular emission, thermal power plants, industries and reneries. Vehicular emissions are Air pollution can adversely affect human health not only by direct inhalation but indirectly by other routes through water, food and skin infections. Most common air pollution directly affects the cardio-vascular systems of humans and cause diseases like asthma, bronchitis, responsible for 70 % of the country'sallergies, lung and heart diseases . air pollution. Vehicles which are eco- friendly are certied Bi-IAFEATHii and lit. 1..Swans iayar daplacm The atmosphere contains a thin layer of ozone about 24 to 40 km above earth's surface which protects life from the harmful ulaavtoiat rays of the sun. The release Most sulphur dioxide comes from power plants that use coal as their fuel. Automobiles produce about half of the nitrogen oxide. Listed here are the major air pollutants: sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide, mrhorémmta amideand organic compounds that can evaporate and enter the atmosphere. India emits are m mast aarbaa at arty aaunay in as of chemicals such as CFC widely used in refrigerators damaged the ozone layers. has Ozone monitoring stations in Antarctica have already detected average losses of 30% to 40 % of total ozone over the region. Each one percent loss of ozone is to cause an increase of about 2 % in UV Radiation. This will reduce the immunity of the body and cause eye cataracts and skin cancen 2. lshal Warraineg {gases harass. atast): Global warming is caused by the increases of green house gases such as carbon-di-oxide, methane, water vapour, CFCs which are responsible for the heat retention ability of the atmosphere. The rapid increase in average temperature of the earth will cause major changes in weather patterns all over the world. Rise in global temperature, will also result in the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers. This in turn will raise thesea level. Land use changes will occur in coastal areas due to sea level rise. It will cause damage to coastal structures, post facilities and water managementsystems. Global temperature rises will also affectthe agricultural patterns. The acid rain affects the eco systems by the following ways: ll The most basic microscopic organisms such as plankton may not be able to survive. So the sea animals, depending on planktons will die and the food chain will be affected. If ocean temperature increases, growth of coral reefs will be affected. The corals control the proportion of carbon dioxide by turning Co, in the water to limestone shell. Moreover, coral reefs grows in temperature just above 10° Celsius. Other ecosystems such as forests Elcibsl lwsmaing and desert 3. Asiid Rain Acid rain was rst discovered in 1852. This is one of the most important environmental problems, caused by indivisible gases given out by automobiles or coal burning by power plants. will also be harmed. Loss of bio-diversity and extinction of rare species will occur. U They also change the acidity level of the soil by leaching crucial nutrients. Thus it affects forest vegetation The gases that cause the acid rain is ssulpl1i..ir~di--oxideand riitrogsn oxides. Fire and bacterial decomposition are the natural causes which increases a nitrogen oxide in the mg tab is iaéizsn in mm Acid air. min These pollutants combine with water vapour in the presence of sun light and oxygen and form dilute sulphuric and nitric acids. When these mixture precipitates from the atmosphere, it is called as said rain. Acid rain falls down to the earth Environmentalists advocate the installation of sulphur cleaning scrubbers in factories, nding new methods of burning coal and shifting to non - polluting renewable forms of energy production. in all forms of precipitation. Acidity in the rain can harm and even destroy both natural ecosystems and man-made The word smog is a combination of the words smoke and fog. Smog causes a smoky dark atmosphere, products. Acid rains, when falling on oceans, especially over cities. It decreases visibility, and creates gaze throughout reach the area. more the coral than reefs. 70% This of has corals killed in Lakshadweep and Andaman islands. pnilluii readermlrmca aid it L Encourageyour family to use neighbourhoodmarket, r LWhenever possible take your bicycle. L V l j i As far aspossibleuse publicforms oftransport.@ A _ TL _ , LDo[n't.let your father dropjyou itto schooI,taketheschoolLbus.[ S LL Encourageyour family to form lat cLarpoolto,ofLc_e and back. SL created when sunlight, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide are mixed together Smog creates harmful health hazards like lung failure and pneumonia. Smog is not only a city problem.As smog level increases, wind carry smog away from urban areas and harm other areas too. Agriculture is also affected by smog. Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the S Reducethe useof aerosolsingthe household. LLQ SS T TLook after; the ltreesfisnl your ineighboLurhood.* [ . L , LL T Switch-off allthe lightsland fans quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or when notrequired. Major water pollutants T r gL , , Flfpossible share your room with otherswhen the air conditioner,cooler Lorfanison. » 'S T I Do not burnleaves:in your garden, tputtheminiacompostpit. S r L 1 LA Lr TMake sure that the pollution check for your family ,carLis done atregular intervals * ~ [: Cars should,as far as possible,Ibe uses or lives in it. There are several causes of water pollution. The rst are disease-musing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage-systems and untreated waste. tted with catalytic converters. SI at K; Useonlyunleaded petrol. ,7 Wmta Smog Smog is caused by many factors, Major producers of smog include automobiles, res, waste treatment, oil Marial Second pollutant is oxygen demanding bacteria; that is, wastes that can be decomposed by oxygen requiring bacteria. Large proportion of such bacteria in water can deplete oxygen levels in it. This causes other organisms in the water such as sh to production, industrial solutions, paints die. and coatings. The articulates present in smog include carbon monoxide, dirt, The third class of water pollutants is water soluble Inorganic pullutan dust and ozone. The smog effect is such as acids, salts and toxic metals. eutrophic due to increase in nutrients. Water can also be polluted by a number ofurgaais mmpmnds such as oil, plastics and pesticides in the water Due to this, algae will grow extensively.As a result, water will allow less light and bacteria will become more active. This will deplete oxygen levels in the water. This will destroy aquatic life and also its reproductive ability. which are harmful to humans and animals. Water is able to transport pollution from one location to another easily. Every year 6,356,000 tonnes of sewage, sludge and garbage are dumped into the world oceans. 400 million people live along the Ganges river. Further, 2,000,000 persons ritually take bath daily in the river. It is lled with chemical wastes, sewage and even the remains of human and animals Land pollution is contaminating the land surface of the earth through dumping of urban waste matter and it arises from the breakage of underground storage tanks, application of pesticides and percolation of contaminated surface water, oil and fuel dumping, leaching of wastes from landfills or direct discharge of industrial wastes to the soil. Water pollution mainly affects the water based ecosystems. It also disrupts the natural food chain. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium are eaten by tiny animals. These animals are later consumed by sh and shellsh. So, the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating sea foods. Toxic substances entering into lakes, streams, oceans, dissolve in water and get deposited on the bed. This affects aquatic ecosystems. This can also seep down and affects the Eutrophication lakes. enrichment The Haw gran laud gmilutisn has pfrsvsmts Things used for domestic purpose ground water. nutrient Land pslluiiera means natural of enrichment streams is and often increased by human activities such as agriculture which will make lakes can be reused and recycled. Organic waste matter should be disposed off far away from the residential places. Inorganic wastes can be separated, reclaimed and recycled. Human or machine created sound that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life is known as noise pollution The unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution can cause hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss. sleep disturbancesand other hannful effects. Control measures of noise peliutiun Development of a green belt vegetationto reduce noise. Installation of decibel meters along highwaysand in placesof public gatherings. Development of plantations - A strip of wide plantation inside the tonnes of e-waste generated out of television sets, mobile phones, computers,refrigeratorsand printers. This is one of major threats of environmentaldegradationand worst radiation incident worldwide. Mining is one of the important factors for the pollution of the environment. The elds mines and of the NTPC Mahanadi draws coal about 250 millionlitresof water per day from river Brahmaniand, in return,they release thousandsof gallons of waste water which contains harmful substances like ash, oil, heavy metals, grease, uorides. phosphorous, ammonia, compound wall effectively protects urea and sulphuric acid into the river houses,schooland hospitals. Nadir. Pollution due to biomedical waste is likelyto spreaddiseasesdangerous to life. In early April 2010, a machine from Delhi University containing Due to large scale mining in the Aravalli hills in Rajasthan and Haryana, the forest cover has been depleted 90 per cent and drying up wellsand affectingagriculture. coba|t- 60aa radio active metal used for radiotherapy in hospitals, sent to a scrap yard in the city.The death from radiation of a scrap yard worker revealed biomedical the reasons. as the wastes Acquired land for mining affects biodiversity.Biodiversityis the degree of variationof life formswithina given ecosystem.On the entire planet, rapid sussnanie 7 it I ,DefVvElOpm. t: A, , Ewaste India produces about 380,000 I environmentalchanges due to mining and dam extinctions. constructions cause Many of India's environmental problems are a result of the high density of population. So, it is <%**Adoption of Indigenous agricultural practices, soil and water conservationpractices. everyone's responsibility to preserve our environment and also keep it healthy and sustainable. ecological sustenance is indispensible Wcommunity for conservation Wit is possible by using efficient and eco- friendly technology. EXERSISE f) mmsose the sunset answer. 1) Natural nutrient enrichment of streams and lakes is a) water pollution b) eutrophication c) air pollution 2) The main cause for natural air pollution a)vehicular emission b)Volcanic eruption c)thermal power plants 3) Contamination of air is called a) noise pollution b) air pollution c) land pollution 1Answer the faiiawing questions. 1) What is water pollution? 2) List out the major Air pollutants 3) What is Noise pollution? 4) What are the major causes of water pollution? 5) What is bio diversity? 6) How pollution is caused due to bio medical waste? 7) What is meant by pollution due to e-waste? ii¥)A:1s;wsr the following in paragraph. 1) What are the effects of acid rain? 2) What is smog ?What are the effects of smog? 3) Give a brief note on Acid rain. participation of environment. for 7. INDIA TRADE, TRANSPORT India is a vast land with beautiful landscape and rich abundant resources. But, the resources are not uniformly spread, and so, there are regions of surplus resources and regions of deficit. This leads to movement of goods from the surplus region to the decit region through trade. Hence, trade is an act or process of buying, sailing or exchanging goods and services. Growth of trade leads to economic prosperity of a nation. But, trade growth depends on well developed market, advanced transport and communication system. Thus trade, transport and communication stand complementary to each other and their overall development is essential for the country's economic growth. Trade in general is of two types. They are Internal trade and Internaticnalrtrade. Internal trade, also known as local trade, is carried within the domestic territory of a country. Land transport plays a major role in the movement of goods and this trade is mostly based on the nation's currency. It helps to promote a balanced regional growth in the country. For example tea from Assam, coffee from Karnataka, spices from Kerala, minerals from Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa belt are supplied to different parts of our country. International trade also known as external trade, is a trade carried on between two or more countries. Ocean transport plays a major role in the movement of goods and the trade is carried on foreign currency. It leads to rapid economic progress of a country. - AND CGMMUNICATRDN For example, India supplies iron ore to Japan. International trade is sub divided into two types Eiiateral trade 2.Iv§uitIIateraI trade. 1) Bilateral trade carried out such as between is a trade two countries based on the agreement deal of not using currency for payment. In this trade a country sells its surplus goods to a needy country and in return buys an equally valuable required goods from the same country. 2) Multilateral trade is a trade carried out between many countries. In this trade a country sells its surplus goods to the needy country by getting revenue and buys the required goods from another country by using the same revenue. This trade is very complicate to negotiate, but stands very powerful when all the countries sign the agreement. All member countries are treated equally in the multilateral trade. The Trade Blocs like APEIIC (Asian Pacific Economic Qomtmunity), ASEAN {Association of South Easmsian Mentions)and SAPTA (Smith Asian Preferential Trade Aggrement) are created to make the trade easier. I1Exp The Himalayanraglanhas rugged terrain and so it is very difcult to lay railway tracks along the steep stopes. Hence, this region has only three railwaylines. > Further, the condition in west agasttian, frequent flood in Brahmaputra valley thick forest and roughterrainin NortheastIndiahas led to a few railwaylinesintheseregion. > The rmrliflsmplainsof Indiaisa at land with richalluvialsoil. It has highly developed agricultural and industrial sectors with high population. Hence, it hasa dense networkof railways. > lfllflftllf lmiaia is a plateau regionwithan undulatedterrain,hence it hasa moderaterailwaynetwork. Ssh tlthan Raitway @Railwayshelp in buikMtlvermtit of goods (iron and steel, mineral oil, buildingstone coal, metal ores etc) at large. $Railways help in the ccmmstcimlizaiiartof the agriculture sector by facilitatingquick movement of perishable items like milk, vegetables, fruitsetc. G¥1ann=a.l, Kalkata and man: have separate tracks for the sub urban network, whereas Lucknow, Kanpur, iSRaiIways help in developing a tmiad nalana.lntarkai,equalisationof pricesand also in the growthof internal andforeigntrade. Hyderabad and Pune do not have separate suburban tracks but share s$Railways help in aqntmllirig farnirias by quick movement of the track of long distancetrains. The essential Cities in India such as Mimbai, sub urban mmutsra trains connect the of sub urban areas to the urbancentres.They are mostlyElectric Multiple Units (EMU). These trains usuallyhave ninecoachesbutto avoid overcrowd, during peak hours they attach extra coaches. M"T'S W tisnnai The Mass Rapid Transit:system {MRTS} is an elevated line of the suburban railway in Chennai. This railway line currently runs from commodities. %RaiIways play a greater role in administration and in national integration. Pipelines were used for transportingwater to cities in earlier days, but now they are also used for transportingcrude oil and naturalgas from oil and natural gas elds to oil reneries, fertilizer factories and big thermalpowerplants. > Pipeline canbelard through diimlttarrain as well as under water. > Initial cost of laying pipeline is high but subsequent cost for maintenance and operation is > It ensures stedy supply and minimizes trarrsshipmerlt losses and identied five National Waterways Theyare: National waterway I: AllahabadHaldia stretch of Ganga. delays. Naoaal watewsray2: Saidiya-Dhubri stretch ofthe the Brahmaputra. National waterway 3: KollamKottapuram stretch of the west coast canal, Champakara canal and Udyogmandal canal. > Pipeline operation involves very low consumption of energy. There are three important pipeline network in our country. 1. From oil elds in Assam to Kanpur in Uttarpradesh via Guwahati, Barauni and Allahabad. 2. From Salaya in Gujarat to Jalandhar in Punjab Via. Viramgam, Mathura, Delhi and Sonipat. 3. Gas pipeline from I-Iazlra IraG£.Ijarat connects Jagdishpur in Uttarpradesh \fIa. Vijaipur in Madhya Pradesh. Apartfrom the above, pipelines are also laid connecting, Mumbai high and Mumbai; Mumbai and Pune. Waterways are the cheapest means of transport. They are most suitable for carrying heavy and bulky goods at low cost. It is a fuel efcient and environment friendly mode of transport. Watenlvays are classied into Inland watenlvays and Ocean routes. Matiorrsgl waterway 3 Natiorialwstarwaydz BhadrachaIamRajahmundry and Wazirabad Vijayawada stretch of the Krishna Godavari river system along with Kakinad Puducherry canal network. Hamtal S: MangalgadiParadeep and TaIcher- Dhamara Stretch of the Mahanadi, caam orutss India has a img coast line of 7516km with 13 major and 187 medium and minor ports located along the coast. These in law Waterways Brahmani river along with the east coast canal. ports handle 95 inland watenlvays in the form of livers. percent of the country's foreign trade. The major ports are managed and controlled by Port T!'l..i5»t' under the canals Government India has an extensive and backwaters. naltwork of The total navigable length is 14,500km. Out of which 5,685 km of rivers and 400 km of canals are used by mechanized crafts. The 'WlatenairaysAa1ority of India has of India. The medium and minor ports are controlled by the State Governments. The major ports along the west cumst are Kandla, Mumbai, Jawaharlal Nehru, Marmagao, New Mangalore and Cochin.The major portsalong the was made in 1932 by JRD. Tata,when east coast are Tuticorin, Chennai, was renamed he started the fats Airtime. In 1946 it as Air iridia and in 1953 Ennore, Vishakapatnam, Paradip, air transportwas nationalized.Indian Haldia and Kolkata. Airiiiws was set up to cater the needs of domestic market while Air India was set up to take care of the international sector. Both enjoyed monopolyover Indian skies until 1986 later, due to libieraiisaioa policy, many privately owned airlinesjoined the air transport system. ihsarinai Peri India is the second largest ship owning country in Asia and ranks sixteenth in the world. India has four majorshipbuildingyards.They are: 1)l"*§lI"H3lli3t3§TI shipyard at Visha%:ap:atpa.m. 2} Garden:ream:workshopat Koiiiam. 3) MazagaiimEasiestMumlziai. $3I<:*:1ei*ii shipyardat Kmzihi. Government of India has issued guidelinesfor privateinvestmentin the portsectors. Indianj £906 and major part Twat Act 1953 have been made flexible to allow private In 2007, the Government of India mergedtheAir Indiaand IndianAirlines under MammalAviationQorpeiatienof iridia Limited (MACK). NAClL(A) provides international services, NAGILU} provides domestic services and servicesto neighbouringcountries in South EastAsia and Middle East. investment in ports. Aiwvaysis the quickest,costliest, most modern and comfortable means of transport.They carry passengers, freight and mail. They link local, regional, national and international cities. Air transport has made accessibility easier by connecting difcult terrains like high mountains and sandydeserts. The air transportin India made its beginningin 1911, butthe real initiation Qhannai Airport NACIL operates 159 Airbuses and Boeingaircrafts.It playsa majorrole in connectingIndiancitieswith the major cities of the world. Apart from NACIL there are privataapaifaaters namely,set Major Sea and Air Rwtes Air-ways,Kingsher Airttrzss.Spica jet. totes Glace Aviation tmi) to provide domestic services. other and it is termed AirportAuthorityof indie{AAI}was constituted in 1995 and it has instituted international standards of safety to Indian Airports. At present, AAI maintains and operates 129 airports out of which 17 are thoughtsand ideas. There are various ways of sharinginformationwith each lntemational Airports. Famed-Harts Hetiowtsr Ltd. is a as the MElt$ of Ecmrnunic.stiort'. l} Persona?Commuicatioa refers to exchanging of information between two persons. tndian Postal awica made its beginning in 1857 and it is the largest network in the world. It enables people public sector company. It is engaged in to send parcels and mails to foreign landsand to the remotestvillages.The providinghelicopterservicesto ONGC for its offshore operations. It also and seowd provides services to various state Governments,especiallyin the North East to linkthe inaccessible areas. mails are classied into rst crass mail olsasrsmail. First class mail includespostcards,inland lettersand envelopes. They are airlifted without any surchargebetween stations.The second class mail includes book packets, registered newspaper and periodicals. They are carried by land transport. They also provide Vatue Payable by Post service, Electronic Money Order service, Instant Money Order service, e-Post and e-Bill Post service, Express parcel post and Speed postservices. Communication system contributes to the development of economy and social relationships. It helpsin promotingwlturai l.tl7¥§t_lf. Communicationis a processthat involves exchange of information, lttsans of Gommtmimcn Tetegram IS a form of wrrtteri communicationby which messages can be sentquicklytodistantplaces. feteptiso-nois a form of oral communication.It is consideredvery essentialfor the growthof commerce. People at distant places within a countrycan communicateusing STD (Subscriber's Trunk Dialing), while international communication can be made through ISD (International Subscriber Dialing). A sophisticated telephone not only enables voice messagesbut also written messages, drawings, photographs and video images. Telephone is the most preferred form because it provides instantcommunication. Mobile Phones are very popular in today's world as it provides an access to the user and receiver at anytime, at anywhere. A mobile phone allows its user to make and receive telephone calls to and from the public telephone network across the world. A key feature of the cellular phones is that it enables seamless telephone calls even when Television osrctarshan Short Message Sr3rvices(S¥v%S) is mobile phone. SMS may be sent from one cell phone to another, or may be sent to all cell phones within a specific national and international importance through live telecast. It broadcasts a variety of programmes from entertainment, education, sports, and health hazards for people of different age groups and regions. but powerful means of communication which provides information about national device that printed like letters, diagrams, graphs and sketches by using telephone lines. Afax machine, sends the exact copy of to another fax machine at the receiving end. Internet fax is a form for sending documents using internet with the help of a fax machine. ll), Mass mzrmmunicationenables millions of people to get the information at the same time. awareness It helps in creating among the people regarding various national policies and events to the country like India, they serve as a very effeciiveltmrl for knowing public views and opinions. Internet enables instant transmission of any matter, which may be handwritten or the document and international people. In a democratic geographical region. electronic as Newspapers are a most common a method by which message can be sent to a mobile phone via another is an is known is one of the largest terrestrial networks in the world. It offers three-tier program services (national, regional, local) for various categories of people. It brings its viewers all the major programmes of the user is moving around wide area. Fax in India and it is a vast network of computers. It connects many of the world's business individuals. institutions Internet and means inter connected network of net works, which links thousands of smaller computer networks. It enables computer users throughout the world to send and receive messages and information in a variety of form. It was first started as a purely text based system to send and receive message (e-mail). But now, it is fully a mtuitimedia based system with capacity video to deliver and audio picture images, . The basic services of internet are e- mail, The World Wide Web (W) and Internet Phone. programme. Radio started broadsast in 1927. in In 1936 India was it was named as All IntzliaRadio (AIR) and from 1957, it came to be called serves as an educate environment as Akaahvam. effective people medium on protection, It to health, family planning, science and technology. onCommunication enhanced communication. the network has efficiency of Because it enables quick exchange of information with people anywhere in the world. oLeads to enormous growth of trade. In recent decades, the world has taken giant strides into the information QHelpsthegovernment totackle various socio-economic problems in thesectety age.Thediversity andthecapabilities °f Va°_S med'a'(_p"t and electronics) have Increased enormously and they play a significant It improves the quality of human role in the economic and social growth life. of our country. nOpens the door to the information age. It Promotes Edusat programs. EKER£:l$E t) Gheose the correct word. 1. Trade carried on within the domestic territory of a country is known as trade. a) External 2. Trade blocs b) Foreign are created a) Multi Lateral c) Internal to make d) International the b) Bilateral trade c) Unilateral easier. d) Local 3. Cost efficient and most popular mode of transport in our country is a) Ainrvays b) Roadways c) Watenrvays 4.The headquarters of Indian Railways is . a) MI.Imbai b) Delhi c) Nagpur d) Chennai 5.The costliest and most modem means of transport is a) Air Transport b) Road Transport c) Water Transport d) Rail Transport ti) Match the feijiowingi. 1. Village Roads 2. District Roads Delhi Mumbai 3. Central Railways Chennai 4. Soutern Railways (Village) Panchayat 5. Northern Railways Municipalities Corporations Hyderabad Ell)Bisiinguish between. 1. National highways and state highways. 2. Exports and imports. d) Railways 3. Internal trade and International trade. 4. Roadways and railways. 5. Ainlvays and watenlvays. lit} Short Answers. 1. What is trade? What are the types of trade? 2. State the highlights of India's foreign trade policy since 2004. . Trade, Transport and communication stand complementary to each other. How? . What is the significance of border roads? . Brief how physiography play a role in the distribution of Railway networks in India? . Write a note on sub urban railway. 6 . State the merits of pipeline transport. 7 8. Mention the important pipeline networks in our country 9 . What are the advantages of communication network W} Answer in Paragraph. 1. Explain India's trade with reference to her major exports and imports 2. Classify the Indian roads and Explain. 3. Explain the means of Personal Communication in India. V) Map work. Mark the following in the out time map of indm. . Northern Terminal of North south corridor. . Major Ports in Kerala and Orissa. . Mark the road route linking Mumbai and Delhi. . Mark the longest National Highways with two Inter mediates. . Mark the headquarters of konkan railways. . Mark the International Airports in the foLIr metropolitan cities. . Link Chennai and Delhi by rail route. 8. Link Mumbai and Kolkata by rail route. G3.REWIZITTE SENSMQ Geography is the study of the Eart fosustrtgor: its sulfates, the strrvosgzhers, swsearts,plants,ariima.is, and paopis. Most people think that geography is a study of maps. This thinking is only partially correct because Geography is also the study of man's natural inuence learn environment on cultural and and environment. know about sensing as a tool to monitor or measure phenomena on the Earth's litssphers, hydrosphere,stmosphere and biosphere.Remotesensingof the environmentby geographersis usually done with the help of mechanical devices known as sensors. These its To our environment, we use our senses of seeing, touching, smelling and hearing.These senseshelpus to learn about an objectfrom close proximity. But in geography the subject matter encompasses spatial distribution and so it takes many months, to study about resourcesof a regionby means of ground survey. Ground survey of resources is hindered by dense forests, ruggedterrain, sandy deserts and unpredictable weather. In spite of this,continuousmonitoringof the earth surface has become very essential due to recent increase in natural disasters, large scale climatic changes,desertication and reduction in biodiversity. Hence, the most effective technology to gather informationon any part of the earth within a short span of time without footing the region is the Remote SensingTechnology. What is RemoteSensing? sensors have a greatly improved ability to receive and record information about an Earth object without any physical contact. Often, these sensors are positioned in helicopters, planes. and satellites. The sensors record information about an object by measuring the slastrpmagnetie energy that is hack and radiated from the objecton the earthsurface. Sensing: getrig inforrnstim Remotesensingcan be dened as the solisoon sf data about an sweet ffi a distance. Humans and many Aerial photsgraphswere tfm first results inf remote sensing utilized by cartographers, or map-makers. in 1858, French map-makersused a hot Eifhallft and primitive cameras to take oblique (inclined) aerial photographsof the landscape. Later during World War I, air planes were used to take systematicaerial images other animals accomplish this task with of much of the terrain their eyes or by their sense of smellor hearing.Geographersuse the remote These photographs helped in gathering information about the Hemsts s faraway in the war zone. position and movement of enemy troops. After the war. systematic vertical images were taken for civilian use .By comparing photographs taken In the 1970s, the second at different angles; cartographers were revolution in remote sensing technology began with the launch of Earth Resource Technology Satellite (ERTS). This series was renamed able to create LANDSAT accurate and detailed maps of different territories. in 1975. The usefulness of satellites for remote sensing has resulted in several other organizations launching their own devices. In 1986. the SPOT (Satellite Pourrobsewation de la Teme) program of France began. They launched ve satellites and have produced more than 10 million images. Air Balloon The process of comparing different aerial photographs and computing accurate measurements is called photogrammetry. Maps created using aerial photographs are called orthophoto maps. TIROS-1 Satellite T.....ou.baslcoomponenls ora remote sensing system are target, TIROS-1 In the 1960s. satellite a revolution in remote sensing technology began with the deployment of space satellites. From their high vantage-point. satellites have a greatly extended view of the Earth's surface. The Path rst meteorological satellite. TIROS-1 (Television and Infrared Observation Satellite) was launched by the United States. Transmission energy source, transmission path, and a sensor. The target is an object or material that is being imaged. The components together in the system work to measure and record information about the target without daylight. Active sensors transmit their actually coming into physical contact own signal and measure the energy with it. The energy source provides that is reected (or scattered back) from the target for example Radar. electromagnetic energy to the target. Normally, the energy source can be classied in to two. 1. Passive System (that is sun, irradiance from earth's 1.St.mis a Energy Source (A) - the materials) 2. Active System (that is first requirement for remote sensing is irradiance from artificially generated energy source which illuminates or energy sources such as radar). provides electromagnetic energy to Remote sensing technology makes the target of things. use of a wide range electromagnetic 2..Sunrays and Atmosphere (3) ~» spectrum from a very short wave as the energy travels from its source to Gamma ray to a very long radio wave. The electromagnetic radiation interacts with the target, depending on the properties of the target and the radiation; transmit information from the target to sensor. Sensor is a device to detect the Electra Magnetic Radiation (EMR). Sensors can be classified on the basis of energy received into assive Passive sensors sensors and Active Sensors. detect natural the target, it will come into contact with, and also interact with, the atmosphere it passes through. This interaction may take place a second time as the energy travels from the target to the sensor. 3. Sunrays and Dbiects on E.arti1 ((2) ~once energy makes its way to the target through atmosphere, it interacts with the target, depending on the propoerties such as tone, texture, size, shape and patterns of both the target radiation that is emitted or reected by and the radiation. the object or surrounding area being observed. For example Cameras used 4.. Recording of Energy by the for taking favourite pictures during Sensor ([1) ~ after energy has been scattered or emitted from the target, Processes involved in Remote Sensing Energy Source (A) Energy Sunrays and Atrnosphere(B) Recording by .1 Sensor (D) Sunrays and arth Object ( Transmission Reception and Processing (E) Interpretation and the sensor(remote- not in contactwith the target) collects and records the electromagneticradiation. 5. Transmission, Reception and Processing (E) - the energy recorded by the sensor has to be transmitted, often in electronicform, to a receiving and processingstationwhere the data are processed into an image identify the areas affected by pests. croprelateddiseasesetc. 4. Helps the planners for formulatingpoliciesand programsto achieve the holisticfunctioningof the environment. (hardoopyandlordigital). For example. Spots theareas of 6.Interpretation and Analysis natural disasters such as tsunami, (F)-the processed image is interpreted, visually or digitally or electronically,to extract infonnation about the target which was illuminated. 7. Application {G} - the nal elementof the remotesensingprocess is achieved by applyingthe extracted informationfor better understanding and to reveal some new infonnation, or assistin solvinga particularproblem. 1. This system has the ability to providea synopticview of a wide area in a singleframe. 2. Remote sensing systems detect features of inaccessible areas drought prone, ood affected and cyclone hit areas and helps in providing relief and rehabilitation programin the affectedareas. 5. Enable the cartographersto preparethematicmaps like geological maps, soil maps, population maps etc. withgreatspeedand accuracy. GeographicalInformationSystem (GIS) is a systematic integration of Computer Hardware, Software and Spatial Data, for capturing, storing, displaying,updating,manipulatingand analysing all forms of geographically referenced / data. \ that cannot be reached by human vision:ForexampleEquatorialforestin the congobasin,Africa. 3. Cheaper and rapid method of acquiring up to-date and continuous infonnationover a geographicalarea For example . It helps agriculturiststo InformationSystem combinescomputerdrawn maps with diagramsuggeststhat GIS consistsof threesubsystems: (1) an inputsystemthat allowsfor the collecteddata to be usedand analyzed for some purpose; (2) computer hardware and software systems that store the data, allow for data managementand analysis.and can be used to display products of data three parts: the space segment, the control segment. and the user segment. The space segment is composed of 24 to 32 satellites in medium Esra: orbit and also includes the boostersrequiredto launch them into orbit. The control segment is composed of a master control station, an alternate master control station, manipulation on a computer monitor; and and (3) an output system that generateshardcopy of maps, images, and other types of output ground antennasand monitor stations. The user segment is composed of GIS is used by people of various fields. Gitxpieratlorg and mining companies use GIS to find prospective areas for exploration and mining. tlwlcwerd compartiss use GIS to monitor and analyse the electricity load on the grid network for a particular a host of dedicated hundreds of thousands and shared of U.S. and allied military usersof the secure GPS Precise PositioningService, and tens of millions of civil, commercial, scientific users of the and Standard PositioningService. area. GTran:sportcamElii use G IS to locate shortest routes for delivering goods and to save time. Gtaw arifarwasmntagencies use GIS to map, visualize, and analyse crime incident patterns. Cllcclagists use GIS to understand relationships between GPS Satallits system species distributionand habitats. A GPS is a space-based global navigatieri satellite system that provides reliable ldcatids and time information in all weather times. was GPS created and at all and realized by the U.S. Bemrtnwnft cf efanes (DOD) and was originally run with 24 satellites. It was established GPS receiver calculates its positionby precisely timing the signals sent by GPS satelliteshigh above the Earth. Each satellite continually transmits messages that include, the time transmitted the and message precise was orbital information in 1973 to overcome the limitations of previous navigation systems. GPS consists of Three satellites might seem enough to solve for position, since space has three dimensions and a position near the Earth's surface can be assumed. However, even a very small clock error multiplied by the very large s cflighmhe speed at which satellite signals propagate, results in a large positional error. Therefore, receivers solve use four or more their GPS location is satellites scientific asses, traslszisig and surveillance. GPS accurate timing facilitates everyday activities such as banking, mobile phone operations, and even the control of power grids. to andtime. considered a dual-use technology, meaning it has signicant military and civilian applications. l3lBurveying, Map-making, Navigation, Cellular Telephony, and Geofencing are the main civilian use of GPS. Farmers, surveyors, geologists and i'Z1Navigation, Target tracking, Missile and projectile guidance, countless others perfon'n their work Search more efciently. safely, economically, and accurately, because GPS helps and Rescue, and Reconnaissance are the main military use ofGPS. them with information. CJGPShas become a widely used and a useful tool for commerce. EXERKEESE ii}Ehecse tbs cmrect award. 1. Maps created by using aerial photographs are called jMaps b)Aerial Photo a) Ortho photo 2. The Object understudy is known as c) Physical a) target b) source c) sensor 3. The device to detect the Electro Magnetic Radiation is a) target b) Sensor c) Object cl)Political d) Image d) camera ll} Matchthe following. 1. Ground Survey USA 2. Remote Sensing Many Months 3. Hot air balloon systematic aerial images 4. Airplanes French map makers 5. TIROS short span of time Geographical Information System Global Positioning System ill} Sheri Answers. 1. What is meant by remote sensing? 2. What are the dis advantages of ground survey? 3. Mention the basic components of remote sensing? 4. Define GIS. 5. Mention any two applications of GIS. 6. Write any two applications of GPS? EV}An:swerin Paragraph. 1. Write about Remote sensing Techonology. 2. Explain the various components of remote sensing. 3. Explain the process involves in remote sensing Techonology. 4. What are the advantages of remote sensing? *3.. IMWAANB India was a dependent country till August 15,1947. So it could not play any important role in the world affairs. After its Independence, it has been WQRLD PEACE Faneha-sheet India is called by the name of A. Great. Peace Matter. It followed ve principles which are popularly known taking an active and independent part as Female. in laid stress on these ve principles. the world affairs. Within a short period, India had won a great name for sheel. Jawaharlal Nehru country with an unbounded faith in 1.Each country should respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of peace. It declared her determination to pursue the path of peace and take others. 2.No country should attack any other effective measures for the promotion of international peace, security and cooperation. country. itself in the Modern World. India, is a 3.No one should try to interfere in the internal affairs of others. 4.AII country shall strive for equality and mutual benet. 5.Every country should try to follow the policy of peaceful coexistence. These added to Pancha sheel the international ms»-Armament and greatly status of India. miaciear Weagtcas world Prcmctamfwnrld peace India played a great role in settling many world disputes and thereby maintained peace and security. In Korea and in Indo-China peace has been established by the great efforts of India. Similarly when Israel, England and France attacked Egypt, there was ."i§l.i§%El" TestEarl.freaky a danger of a World War. But due to timely intervention of India, the war Economic development of the nations can be achieved only through was averted. world peace. World peace is essential not only for the economic development of India but also for all the developing countries of the world. Some Countries of the world have invented such dangerous weapons like the Atom Bomb, HydrogenBomb etc. If no restrictionsare imposedon them, the Modern World would be wiped out. India is very much against the production of such Nuclear weapons and began to condemn it throughoutthe World. Indiais the rst nationto bring a resolutionin the UN General Assembly in favour of disarmament in1956. It took a great partin signingNuc|earTest BanTreaty in 1963. also vehemently condemned these pacts. India a deadenemyof oppression and.Injustic:a When into two hostile blocs - the Bloc and the Russian Bloc and both of them trying to increase their inuence at the cost of the other. But Indiahas notjoinedeitherof these two blocs. Whenever any difference as an SimilarlyIndia voted in favour of China becomingthe memberof UNO. So that India acted against the injustice. A Great Supporter oftha UNO India has rendered After second world war the world American acted aggressor against Algiers, England against Cyprus and Russia against Hungary,Indiacondemnedthem. Policy of Non-alignments was divided France whole-hearted supportto the United Nationsto bring World Peace and makingthe policies of the UNO a great success.It tried to solve many problems by giving full supporttoUNO. Ending ofApartl1eid arises between these blocs, India tries to remove that difference thereby contributingsubstantiallytowards the World Peace. Asreat Helper India is basically Colonization countries and wants of the world against The recognition of sovereign equalityof all people livingin various parts of the world is the fundamental factorin India's foreignpolicy. to see all the free from the foreign domination.It played a great role in freeing Indonesia from the domination of Holland. In the same way it has supported the Freedom movementsstarted by Egypt, Sudan, Indo-China, Ghana, Morocco and Bangladesh. Nelson Mandela. ATgainst.M.iIlitaryAIIiai1cas The modern countries In South Afri of the world are busy in making military alliances and counteralliances.At presentthere are many pacts like NATO, SEATO, Baghdad and Warsaw etc. But India keptaway fromsuchmilitarypactsand the whites. did not give equal rightsto the nativeAfricans. India had raised this issue for the rst time in the UN General Assembly in 1946. It was due to the constant moral support of India and the continuous struggle of Dr. Nelson Mandela, the policyofApartheidhas been abolished in 1990. the people of the two countriescloser. Negotiations for setting up Iran Pakistanlndia taking place. gas pipeline are Regional life-oparatiam India took the initiative to form SAARG to maintain peace in the regional level. {The South Asian As.saci.at%aa far Regiartal cs-« eparatian}.SAARC'S rst meetingwas heldat Dacca in Bangladeshon Dec 7, 1985. Ashan of Bangladeshwas the rst SecretaryGeneralof SAARC. The member countries are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Srilanka. On April 3, 2007 the SAARC has opened its Annual summit in New Delhi, where with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in attendance, Afghanistan becameits8"member. The SAARC countries identied mutual oo-operationin the following areas, transportation, postal service, tourism,shipping,meteorology,health, agriculture, rural reconstructionand telecommunication. eséiai Raiatiansip llisiglabaaringf:ai.a1tr§es lama with Delhi Lahore bus service l.adia,amdGitziaa When China became republic in 1949, India was the rst country to recognize it. Both the countrieshave successfullyattempted to restore the economic lines. China has formally declared that she will back India's claim for becoming a permanent member of United Nation's Security Council. larlfliaandrilani-ta Srilankais a Buddhistcountry.The Mauryan emperor Ashoka spread Buddhism there by sending his son and daughter. We have good trade relation with Srilanka. India always support Srilanka on just and reasonablegrounds.The relationship between India and Srilanka is very smooth. laa ltwill be continued for ever. amztBangiadesh It is due to the effortand supportof Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then ans Palsfstari In spiteof past conicts both India and Pakistanare tryingto come closer. The Wagba was launched on March16 1999to bring Prime Minister of India, Bangladesh got freedom from Pakistan in 1971. In 1972, a 25 years treaty of friendship, Co-operationand peace was signedin Dacca by Indiaand Bangladesh. The Farakka Barrage issue regarding the distributionof Ganga water was settled amicably.India is a very good friend of Bangladesh.Our friendshipwith Bangladeshwill go on forever. India got its independence through Non-violence and Ahimsa under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Even after independence India is workinghard to ensure peace and stabilityamongthe countriesof the world. wtacass I) Eilzoasas this answes. 1. Indiaisa countrywithan unboundedfaithin a) War b) Peace c) Love d) Enemity 2. Pt. JawaharlalNehru's ve principlesof peaceare namedas a) Swadeshi b) New Deal c) Panchasheel d)Apartheid 3. NuclearTestBanTreatywas signedin a) 1963 b)1993 c) 1936 d)1998 4. India brought a resolutionin the UN General Assembly in favour of disarmament a)1965 in b) 1956 c) 1995 d) 1976 5.Apartheid was abolished in a) 1990 b) 1991 c) 1890 d) 1989 6. The rst SecretaryGeneralof SAARC was a) Jinnah b)Ashan c) Ko Annan d) Gandhiji ii) Answer the fsoifewirzg in brief. 1. Mentionthe importantaspectsof India's policyfor promotingpeace. 2. Why isworldpeace an essentialone? 3. What are the five principles of the Pancha sheel? 4. Writea noteon the policyofApartheid. 5. Name the areas identied by the SAARC Countries for mutual Co-operation. 6. Indiahas renderedwholeheartedsupporttothe UNO Justify. iii) Answer the iatiawing in a paragraph. 1. Writea paragraphaboutPanchasheeland the policyof Non-Alignment. 2. Write a short note on SAARC. 2. Democracy Democracy is the most popular So Democracy means the power form of government in modern times. of the people. In short, democracy may But the transition from autocracy to democracy has not been simple. Many be described as a system of government under which people struggles have shaped this transition. exercise the governing power either directly or through representatives The phenomenal rise of democracy has not been overnight. Many great revolutions took place before the people got the rights to exercise their power. Meaning of nemacracy Democracy means many thing to many people. The term Democracy was rst used by Hermzlutus nearly 2500 years ago. Democracy is a term derived Demos from two the Greek words and Cratia. periodically elected by themselves. According to Abraham Lincoln, Democracy is a gcivemment of the people, by the people and for the peoplei. According to Prof. Seeley Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share. Kinds of Democracy Democracy can be classied into two 1)DErrect Dempcrascyand Ejlndirect Democracy. Demo- The People. Cratia - The power or rule. Types ofAiffemesragyt. V r'3i?9¥n¢¢::at:¥ 55.'?FI.i!:iéfe"=i*3$?- Merits Democracy is the most popular government in modern world. It has various merits. It provided efficient government, guaranteed the rights of the people, provided equality, educate the people, promote national character, bring peaceful change of government, believes not in battle axe, but in ballot box. In democracy there is no place for rebellion and revolutions. Demerits It resulted the mob government. Democracy gave important the right to oppose the government, unearth its lapses and criticize the policies of the ruling party. A political party is an organized association of people who come together on a common platform with the objective of winning political power. Fumztions These Educating the masses. To provided costly No importance for based on and criticize the Playing the role of an intermediary body between and the people. in: p-ertancleof emcmra cy taken conduct government. government and create class wars. People are guaranteed fundamental rights like the right to life and liberty by the Constitution. In a Democracy all value Contesting elections. individual or minorities. It leads party are are of immense Formulation of General policies. elected by the people were ignorant, incompetent and inexperience. decisions functions for stability as well as orderly functioning of the democratic system. not to People have the freedom to choose their representatives. It ensures treating people with dignity. Parties The Political parties perform varied functions in a democratic polity. quality. Most of the representatives Democracy government. oi the Patiticai. the government Integrative agency. Gtassicatibn of the Party ystem The classified Political parties in to three may be kinds tatssizaiiaaf was the majority. Democratic government should enhance public welfare. Principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are the foundation of Democracy. party as p.e-...qu.s:t.for democratic system of government. They provide smooth functioning of government because the majority party controls the government, while the opposition party would try to check the abuse of power by the ruling party. As the ruling party has a right to govern the state, the opposition party enjoy Singie Party Eystem In this system, only one party exists and it is ofcially recognized by the constitution maintains and and the people. It exercises political power without any opposition. It does not allow the existence of other parties within the state. E.g.: China and Cuba. Advantages of The Single Party Rate J During the periods of emergency or external danger the one party rule could function more efficiently, independently matters right. J and quickly to set Decisions could be taken quickly under the single Expenditure party could rule. also be controlled. J It promotes identity. greater national is easy for the peopleto chooseone of them. Disadvantages The party in opposition makes the J Deliberations could not take place at the national level in the single rulingpartyfunctioneffectively. partysystem. Disadvantages In a Bi- Party system if both of them proved to be inefficient or bad there is no hopeof electinga thirdparty to power. J Under the single party system sometimes political, fundamental rightsand even ordinaryfreedom a re denied to the people. J If the single party government happens growth to be inefficient, the of the country and If both the parties come to an understanding with each other then people could be fooled. The mistakes of the parties as well as the corruption in the party could be hidden. ¥ii!i:lt§?ar£y System In this pattern there exist more two political parties with developmental activities will suffer. than J It paves way for totalitarianismand contendingideologiesand objectives. dictatorship. Frame and indie come under this category. Advantages Since there are many parties each 3iParty System one In this system, there exist one ruling party and the other as the government. opposition. One party controls the government while the opposition effectivelychecks the governmentof its omissions and commissions. Example: will monitor the other and offer goodplansto the peopleto capturethe New leaders who may come to power could give us fresh ideas and lookat thingsin a differentperspective to solve the problems. isadvamarges 1. USA (The RepublicanPartyand the Democratic Party). 2. England(The LabourParty and the ConservativeParty). There isapossibility ofthe ruling Paliaal Fiartm in Emits a) National Parlzias A party recognized by the Election Commission, that secures at least six percent of the total votes in Lok Sabha election in four or more states, then it is called National Party. Eg: Cnzlngraaa. The success of democracy depends upon conducting periodical elections. It is only through election people judge the functioning of the ruling party and ignore corrupt politicians by not voting them. To ensure this, the democratic countries in the world Frachisa. follow Untvalsal Adult In India, all the citizens above the age of eighteen have been given the right to vote in elections. People above the age of 25 can contest in the elections. Ra Parti Ragianalmrties Aparty that secures atleast six percent of the total votes in an election to the Legislative Assembly of a state and wins at least two seats is recognized as State or Regional party. Eg: éllslii.Allamallri,Talugu asarn. Electronic Voting Macltins Types at Elecans in larldla In India, people elect their representatives through direct and indirectelections. %}§raLat Etlalztiam The citizens themselves representatives Members elect through of the Lok Sabha the votes. and State Legislative Assemblies are elected in this manner. ii) lriéiract Election The citizens do not directly take part in the election. The elected representatives are the voters here. The members of the Rajya Sabha, the President Regional Parties elected and Vice- President are in this manner. Hy-Etkactlarm By-elections held when an elected candidate from a constituency dies or resigns from the parliament or the state legislatures. circumstances Under elections these will be held only in those constituencies. Such electionsare calledby-elections. pails Some times it happens that the Parliament or the state legislatures do notfunctionforthe wholeperiodof ve years for various reasons.Then they are dissolved, elections are held. These mid- elections are called the The oppositionparties have the right to check the expenditureof the governmentalso. Duringthe question hour,the oppositionpartiescriticizethe government generally. The criticisms of these parties make the rulingparty correct its actions. Thus the opposition parties try to restrain the government fromabusingitspower. term polls. Ftcilsat cpprosiibfcri parties The Success of the democracy depends to a great extend on the constructive role of the opposition parties. In every democracy all the partiescannotget majorityseatsall the time in the parliament. The parties which do not get majority seats are called opposition parties. The party which gets majority seats in the Lok Sabha next to the rulingpartyis called the recognisedoppositionparty. The leader of the oppositionparty enjoys some privilegesequivalentto that of a cabinet minister. The workof the rulingpartyis very important.All the powersmentionedin the constitutionare exercised by the rulingparty.The oppositionparty also functions in an effective manner, and theirworkis no less importantthan that of the rulingparties. To check the government from Eiamiiunvsaig Constitution of India is based on the democratic principles. India has Parliamentary democracy. Constitutionof India has providedtwo typesof government.One at the Union (Central) level and other at the State level. The elected representativesof the parliament are known as MP5 {Member cf Plariiamaritjj and the body of the elected representatives at the state level are known as State Legislature {MLA - Member cf the Legislavatssesnbly }. Apartfromthis the LocalSelf Governmentalso enjoys powerinvillages and towns becoming authoritarian and to restrict its powers. the opposition parties keep The Indian constitution has a watch over them. The main duty of providedfor an electioncommissionto the opposition party is to criticize the conduct elections, to elect the peoples policies of the government. Outside representatives to the state legislatures and the parliament.The the legislature the opposition parties attract the attentionof the press and reporttheir criticismof the government policyinthe newspapers. election commission is an independent constitutional body. It is situated at New Delhi. It fséiwactiarisadarf. is also known as The election commission consist three member Election Commissioner of India with Chief and two other The election commissioners. They are all appointed by the President of India. The election commissioners hold ofce election commission has the followingimportantfunctions. 1. It gives recognitionto the political for a term of six years. The status of parties. election commissioner is equivalent to 2. It allots symbols for the parties as well as independent candidates who thatofthe SupremeCourtjudges. stand for the election. 3. It announces and the dates be counted nal the dates on which of election the votes and the declaration will of the results. Our country is the largest democratic country in the world with a large densityof population.In spite of several hardships India succeeded in preserving had the democraticfunctioningin all spheresof life and government.For the effective functioningof democracy,all political Every state has a chief electoral ofcer. They are appointed by the president in consultation with the state government.The chiefelectoralofcer is authorized to supervise the election work in the state. parties, citizens should play a major role. More over, the citizens of our country should judiciously use their politicalrightsi.e., the Rightto Vote to make democracy more effective. We should not forget that it is our fundamentalduty. E3{ERC¥EE i) Bhmse the sunset alnswier. 1.The mostpopularformof Governmentin moderndays a)Monarchy b)0|igarchy c)Democracy d)Hirarchy 2. Direct democracy existed in ancient a)Greece b) Italy c)Sardinia d) Cyprus 3. TeluguDesam isa a) RegionalParty b) NationalParty c) InternationalParty d)CulturalParty 4. If two parties existin a country, it is called a) Single party system b) Bi-party system c) Multi party system d) Regional party system 5. The opposition party leader will be given the status of a a) Cabinet Minister b) Deputy Minister c) Minister of State d) Council of Ministers 6. To contest an election a person should be above the age of a)20 b)18 c)25 d)35 7. The body of the elected representative at the Central level is known as a) Legislature b) Supreme Court c) House of Common d) Parliament 8. The status of election commissioner is equivalent to that of the a) High courtjudge b) Supreme courtjudge c) District courtjudge d) Magistrate 9. The election process in the state level is supervised by a) Chief Election Commissioner b) Chief Electoral officer c) Supreme courtjudge d) High courtjudge 10. Election Commission a) Madras is situated at b) Mumbai c) Moradabad d) New Delhi ti. Answerthie following in h%riaf.. 1. Give Abraham Lincoln's denition of Democracy. 2. Whatare National Parties? 3. What is a Political Party? 4. Mention the functions of the Political Parties. 5. Write the advantages of Single Party System. 6. Give a brief note on the functions of the Election Commission. Ellnswer the following in 3 paragraph. 1. Explain the types and importance of democracy. 2. Mention the types of election and explain them. 3. Explain the role of Opposition Party in a democracy. 3. Unity in Diversity India is a vast country with extreme diversity in geographical, religious linguistic, racial, cultural aspects. There are high mountains, low coastal plains, fertile plains, desert, evergreen forests, and dry scrub vegetation, variety of ora and fauna and cultures. In spite of diversities we maintain unity. The unity in diversity of India is because of our long history and rich heritage. Religion India has a population of more than hundred Croresmade up of diverse ethnic groups, divided in number of castes, professing different religions, speaking hundreds of languages and dialects. It isthis marvelous diversity of people in India which has made it both a museum and a laboratory for the study of man. Hence India is rightly called the Museum of human race. T Christianity was first brought to India by St. Thomas, an apostle of Christ in the rst centuryA.D. The Persians who were driven into India brought to us their religion Zoroastrianism. Muslim conquest of India brought Islam into the land. Buddhism, Jainism Sikhism had their origin in India. In spite of all the religious diversity we have developed a spirit of religious tolerance and never give room for religiousfanaticism. Language People of India speak different languages like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Gujarathi and Bengali, besides many foreign languages and dialects are spoken by its people. Almost, in India about 845 languages are spoken. Out of these 22 are recognized as the official languages by our government. Hindi in DexranagariScript has been chosen as the national language of India. English is concurrent being used as has become the language. Language is the means of communication, Christianity and an instrument now it of division rather than unity. If we realize all other languages are as good and special as our own language, they would become the instruments development of and growth, common brotherhood. Literature The growth of Indian languages ReligiousSymbols led India is the birth place of many religions and has become the home of many others. ancient Vedic religion religion is an of our country. to Indian literature to reach its zenith. Sanskrit and other languages have helped the growth of thoughts and philosophy. The Ramayana and Mahabharata are the two great epics of India. tolerance. Yet all the religious people Thirukkural attained by devotion and tolerance. by Thiruvalluvar is the believe that Godhood could be greatest literary work in Tamil. The Bhagavad-Gita is the holy book of Hindus Umaruppulavar's Seerappuram tells the life history of Prophet Mohammad. Thembavani written by Veereamamunivar is related to Christianity. Festivals The Hindu festivals of Deepavali, Navarathri, Vinayaka Chatthurthi, Pongal, Chittirai Thiruvizha, Aadi Velli, and Vaikunta Ekadesi, Sri Rama Navami and Kumbamela are important festivals celebrated by all. Pongsi (3l..Ea"'E5iIS,. Habits and Heritage The Indian heritage advocates hospitality, charity, friendship, love, unselfishness, dharma, proper conduct. humility, truth, peace, mercy, spiritual feelings, respect for parents and elders and tolerance. All these help the Indian people live in unity forgetting their difference in other respects. Art and Arch Etecmre sspavsli The Christians celebrate X-mas and New year day. The Muslims celebrate MeeladiNabi Ramzan. The Buddhist Buddha poornima and celebrate while the the the Jains celebrate Mahavir Jayanthi. The Sikhs celebrate Guru Nanak Jayanthi. In spite of all these different festivals celebrated by different people, and they advocate and practice religious Statue of Suddba Even from ancient days, India was famous for its architectural unique. Still they are growing to suit the modern tasks. The Ellora paintings at Ajantha and are world famous. The Manipur and Oddissiare some of the famous dances in India. In addition various folk to Gandhara Art and Sculpture speaks this the excellenceof India's greatness in whichare lovedand patronizedby the people. In many respectsthe richand varied IndianMusicand Dance playan important part in fostering unity and this eld. best Temple architecture is the among Indian building Indians go on a architecture. The North there are integration. Pilgrimage to the South Indian temples.Churchesand DharkasIn the National integration same way the South Indians go on features, its inuences pilgrimageto the North Indian places like Kasi, Mathura, Haridwar and Rishikesh.Thus the Holycentresbring the unityamongIndians. Music and Dance In spite of diversity in physical on person's living, their varied habits, religious faiths,language,foodand dresshabits make the people look different but the heritageof India bindsthem together; Humanism, The Carnaticstyleand Hindustani style of music is originated in India dances spiritual urge. brotherhood,friendship, love for all which is loved and learned by many. and religious tolerance make the Indians live in unity and harmony. Bharathanatiya, Kuchipudi, Kathak, The feelingand thoughtthat all are the sons of Bharath, all are Indians and brothers and sisters help towards the growth of National Integration along with national symbols. National ag. and National anthem. United we live. dividedwe fall is the spiritwith which the Indians live and safeguard National Integration.This unity of India which we have achieved is basically the result of cultural heritage which has developedthroughthe ages rightfrom the daysof the Indusculture. Blharathanatiyam EXERCISE I} Choose the correct answer. 1. The ancientreligionof our countryis a) Vedic religion b) Christianity c) Islam 2. Recognisedofcial languagesof India a) 25 b) 23 c) 22 d) 27 d) Zorastrianism . Languageis, the means of a) Transport . Thembavani b) Irrigation c) Communication d) Spirituality is related to a) Hinduism b) Sikhism c) Christianity d) Islam . BuddhaPoornimais celebratedby the a) Hindus b) Muslims c) Jains d) Buddhist . They play an importantpart in fosteringunityand integration a) Musicand Dance b) Art and Architecture c) Food and Customs d) Dress and Habits. it) Answer theyfniiowing in brief. 1. Why is India called the Museum of human race? 2. Name some of the religionsof India. 3. How do our customs,habitsand heritagehelp to maintainunity? 4. What do you know about art and architecture of India? 5. Give a brief note on Indian Music and Dance. Ell.Answer thefuitawling in3)paragraph. 1. Explain how do language and literature help to maintain unity in diversity. 2. Write a paragraph on National Integration. ii. Ccnaumar Rights Consumer is a person one who givesnal utilityto a commodity.When we pay a price for a commodity or service and use consumers. it, we The consumersare exploited by manufacturers and traders in different ways. become Sometimes the shopkeeper cheats us as he or she gives poor quality goods, or charges morefor a commodityor service. Farms of consumer Exploitation Due to the expansionof business activities in an economy.we have a variety of goods available in the market. We also have a number of services including insurance. transport, electricity, finance and banking. Our demand for goods and services is influenced by the advertisement. actzmic Shop The goods being sold in the market are sometimes not measured or weighed correctly.The goods sold are sometimesof sub-standardquality. Selling of medicines beyond their expirydates and supplyof decient or defective home appliances are generally the regular grievances of consumers. Very often the traders charge a price higher than the prescribedretail price. In the name of genuine parts, duplicate items are being sold to the consumers. Rights of ilcnisumera frmery aim The companies considerable amount advertisements consumers The following are the rights of spend alone and feed to a on attract information consumers as codied in the Indian laws, which the businesscommunity has to keep in mind: that they want us to know, but not the information that we as consumers need about the products. When the consumers, do not have sufficient information about the products, normally they get exploited and are sometimes even harassed by the businesscommunity. The consumershave the right to be protected against marketing of goods and services, which are hazardous to life and property.The quality, quantity, potency, purity, standardand priceof goods;shouldbe properly informed. assurance of access to variety of goods and services at competitive price. In case Consumer Protection of single supplier, the consumer has the right to be assured of satisfactory quality and service at a fair price. The consumer's interests due consideration should at receive trade practices or In order to protect the interests of the consumers, exploitation of consumers and right to fair settlement of the genuine grievances and the knowledge about goods and issues relating to consumer welfare. The Righttmrrfcsrmation Act was passedby (1) all citizens to use their fundamental rights to access information from public bodies. The main obiectives ofthe RE Act Act public authority and to setup a practical regime for giving citizens access to information that is under the control of public authorities. of measure- Consumer Production (2) Administrative Distributing essential measurecommodities through Public Distribution System (PDS) (3)Technica| measureStandardization of the product a) Lagisiaticlns Concerning Consumer: Rights A The Government specific law Protection enacted called the a consumer Act in 1986. The Act has led to setting up of separate Departments of To promote transparency and accountability in the working of every Legislative Enactment the Parliament on 12" Oct 2005 to enable the government adopted three strategies: appropriate forums relating to consumer welfare. They seek redressal against unfair Measures Consumer Affairs in Central and State governments, which focus exclusively on the rights of the consumers as enshrined Legal formalitgies complaint in the Act. for fiiinag a There are no legal formalities for The Right to Information Act (RTI) will cover all levels of government filing the complaint. Suppose, you find yourself cheated by a trader or a Centre, State, district and the local self manufacturer governing bodies like Panchayats and complaint to consumer court, you can write the details on a plain paper. Municipal bodies. ltwill also cover non- and wish to make a governmental organizationsi.e. NGOs, VOs, and other private bodiesthat are nanced substantially with public funds provided by the government. This means every citizen has the right to put in an application requesting information or copies of Attach the supporting documents, that records held by these bodies and such consumercourt. information should be given by the concerned body. The citizens right to information is not explicitly mentioned in the fundamental rights chapter of the Constitution. Parliament passes the Act to enable all the citizens fundamental right to access information from public bodies. is, guarantee or warranty card and cash memo with the complaint and submit it in the district consumer court. You do not have to go to any lawyer or professional for legal assistance. You yourself can plead the case in the Most important feature of the Act is the provision for setting up a three-tier system, popularly known as Consumer Courts at national, state and district levels. National Level~ National Consumer Commission (Delhi) Apex court under theAct. State Level-State Consu mer Commission created in 1963 by the Food and Agriculizure Ctrganisatien (FAQ) and Warm Health Organisation (WHQ), located in Rome, Italy. It develops food standards, guidelines and codes of practices for production and international trade in food products. District Level ~» District Forum I3}Pu hilt: istrihuition System India has been observing 24" Apart from ensuring food security December as the National Consumers to the poor as a part of certain administrative measures, Public Distribution system is also expected to be strengthened. Measures to prevent observed hoarding, black-marketing and over- day. charging importance as it was on this day in by traders need to be Day. It was on this day that the Indian Parliament enacted Protection Act in 1986. as This the the World day has Consumer March 15 is Consumers a historic enforced. 1962, when the Bill for Consumer cs}Standardization efiF'rodua£s Rights was moved in the US Congress. Another important measure taken by the government to protect the Ralph Nadar, a consumer activist consumers from lack of quality and varying standards of goods is creation of institutions for setting up the standards for making and producing various products and enforcing them. In India, this has been achieved through Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Agmark. While BIS caters to the industrial and consumer goods, the Agmark is meant forthe agricultural was considered Consumer as the Father of Movement. Birth of Capra The right to redress lead to the passing of the Consumer Protection Act {CCIPRA} in 1986 in India which has been dened as the Magna Carta ofconsumers. Measures taken by the fsavemment of Tamil Nadu to protest-the consumers products. Just as we have standardization of products in India, at the International level also, an institution called International Qirganizatimt for Establishment of Citizen Consumer clubs in every educational institution. Providing consumer education to rural masses through Geneva, serves to provide such a Women Self Help Groupsl Panchayat level federations and through common reference Residents Standardization (I351), located in non-governmental established in 1947. standard. It is a organization |SO's work results in international agreements, which are published as international standards. For setting international food standards, there is a similar body called Commission. Codex This Alimentations commission associations in urban areas. Generating awareness through sectoral workshopsl seminars. Publication and distribution of monthly magazine under the caption. Tamil Nadu Nugairsmr Kavaaam. Propagating consumer awareness messages through Radio/ Television was Welfare Media and short video films. With the motive of developingcitizen as a "iufaltiabla Consumer various consumer organisationsare serving together with Government of Tamil Nadu in providingconsumereducation to generalpublic. Amrantsges and kairtvanitsges 1.Create Awareness The responsibility to be alert and questioningthe priceand qualityof the goods and services we buy and use. 2. Social Concern We need to make sure that the product and servicesthatwe use or notproducedin a situation 3. should that harms others. Environmental understand concern We the environmental and other consequences of our consumption. In the United States a variety of laws are passed at both the federal or state levels to regulate consumer affairs. Among them are the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Truth in LendingActetc. At the state level, many states have a Department of Consumer Affairs devoted to regulating certain industriesand protectingConsumers. United Riwgdam The United Kingdom, as member state of the EuropeanUnion,is bound by the consumerprotectiondirectives of the EU. It also acts as the UK's official consumer and competition watchdog. Gsrrnsrsy Erlnrironmenta Awarnms aévanmges Aminister ofthe federal cabinet is responsiblefor consumer rights and protection. 1.Inmany cases consumers are exploitedby attractiveadvertisements throughmedia. in their favour whether it is scheme v Consumer Awareness Training to self helpgroupl Panchayatlevel of exchange, gifts, lotteries,etc., if there is any problemarise mostof the people cannot move to consumer 3. The Government -I Federation 6 Seminar or Orientation Welfare Associations in most of the countries has found that, though is Workshop 4. The People had no awareness to on Consumer on Unfair on Credit Cards" Trade Practices of the consumerrightsand products. Pianzng to Residents Rights consumer is the king, he is exploited. Cmrent members court. ~ create Seminar 1' Seminar on Mobile phones cansumerawareness By creating consumer awareness Planning for Elders staff and leaders participate in core activities, discussions, and popular education among the people the Government can upliftthe standardof livingof the activities. people. miter Plans 1- Trade - Fair Consumer Fest EX;ERC§¥$E 3) iilwase the correct answer. 1. A personone who gives nal utilityto a commodityis a) Producer b) Consumer c) Shop keeper d. farmer . The customerare exploitedby the a) Carpenters b) Farmers c) Tailors d) Traders . The Rightto InformationAct was passed by the parliamenton a) 12th Oct. 2005 b) 21st Oct. 2005 c) 12th Oct 2006 d) 21st Oct .2006 . World consumerday is celebratedon a) March 15 b) March 16 c) March 14 d) March 11 . The Magnacartaof consumers a) WHO b) COPRA c) EXNORA d) FAO . One of the planningschemesto create awarenessamongthe consumers a) Vana Mahotsava b) Operation 21 c) Trade fair d) Rajarajan 1000 ii) Answer the feiiuiwing in brief. 1. How are the customersexploited?Mentionany two forms. 2. Write a brief note on the birth of COPRA. 3. Write any two measurestaken by the Governmentof Tami|Naduto protects the consumersagainstexploitation. iii} knswerthefariiawirzg in a paragraph. 1. Write a paragraphon the rightsof consumers. 2. What are the measurestaken by the Governmentof Tami|Naduto protect the consumers? 1. NATIONAL INCOME Introduction We classifythe peopleof our society intothree such as rich, middleand poor on the basis of their individual income. 7 Likewise the countries are also classied intotwosuchas developedcountriesand l developing countries based on their national Income. Now we study what is 3 nationalIncome, its components,the measurement of National Income and the need for the study of National Income. L; Denltlon of NationalIncome National Income is a measure of the total value of goods and services producedby an economyovera periodof time. normally a year. Commonly National Income is called as Gross National Product or National Dividend. Basic concepts of National income Gross National Prod act (GNP) Gross National Product is the total value of output (goods and services) person is an indicatorto show the living standard of people in a country. It is obtained by dividing the national Income by the population ofa country. produced and income received in a year by domestic residents of a country. It includes profits earned from Domestic Gross National Income Ppulaion international Comparison of Percapita income capital invested abroad. Gross _ Percaplta |ncome : Product(GlJP) Domestic Product is the total value of output (goods and services) produced by the factors of production within the geographical b ' fth cg Net National product is arrived by ource: Wand Bank Report making some adjustment with regard to depreciation. That is we arrive the NNP by deducting depreciation from Products (GNP) the value of Gross National NNP -'== GNP()Beprec:iatic:m The National Income of a country can be calculated by the following three Methods. Net Domestic Prod uni (NDP) Domestic Domestic Product product. is obtained Net from the Gross Domestic Product by deducting the quantum of tear and wear expenses (depreciation). NDP 3 GDP()Depresiation Percapita income (Pct) Percapita Method 2.lncome Method 3.Expenditure Method Net Domestic Product is part of Gross 1.Product Income or output per 1.Product Method In this method goods the total value and services produced of all in a country is taken into account. 2. income Method In this method, the Income and Payments received by all the people in the country are calculated. 3. Expenditure Method 5.Heusaah.ol:i In this method we add up the expenditure of all people on consumer goods, investment and saving. National Income services: The analysis ignores domestic work, house keeping and social services. Most of such valuable work rendered by our women at home does not enter our national counting 6.Ss:acial Services: It ignores volunteer and unpaid social services. For example the wonderful services of Mother Teresa to destitute orphans and the i;.Eia:::kmoney: Black money is nothing but unaccounted money. That diseased National are not included in our Income. is money earned by illegal activities, illegal business and money through corruption. This unreported money affecting the economy as well as the society. This black money under estimates the national income 2. Nonmmosnetizatianz In most of the rural economy, considerable portion of transaction occurs informally and they are called non-monetized economy. This presence of such non-monetary economy keeps the National Income estimates at lower 3. Bcmbie level than the actual. counting: Double counting is a difficulty associated in the calculation of National Income. The error of double counting may occur in calculating raw materials first and then the nished products. Its value is accounted under output method. Butthe same tyre value is added again in a car manufacturing industry. ii. Unscientic and unreliable data: The data collected in the agriculture sector is unreliable are unscientictoo. and the estimates measure the size of the 2.To measure the production goods and services. of 3.To trace the trend or speed of the economic growth of our country in relation to previous years and that of othercountries. 4.To know the contribution of primary, secondary and tertiary sector in the National Income. 5.To help government, to formulate development plans and policies increase economic growth. Economic into three E.g. Tyre is the final output of Tyre manufacturers. 1.To economy and level of country's economic performance. activities sectors are namely to classied Primary Sector, Secondary Sector and Tertiary Sector. Trends in National income Growth of National income in Endia Year 2003 V V2004I 2005 V2006 If 2007 2008 If2009 Source : central statistical ogranisaticn Sectoral Growth rate of 1.p¢alsct:yamncim.s National If IV Income in India (2009). Economic development can be achieved only if there is peace in the state. So the primary function of the government is to maintain law and order besides protecting the people from external aggression and internal disorder. Scarce : centtat etatistécaicgranisaticn 2.The Administrative function The three important wings of the state are legislature, Executive and In modern days, the role of government has totally changed. In Judiciary olden days, the Laissez-faire doctrine was very much prevalent. The government was more or less a police state confining their activities to maintain law and order, rendering justice and protecting the country from external aggression Sociai Security funations The government undertakes social security measures by offering relief to the poor, sick and the unemployed. 4.Eccmomic In recent government Government times has functions state catering to the aspirations of the people. the role of expanded. as a welfare needs and Functions The government takes various measures to improve agriculture and develop trade and industry. Eg. Grant of subsidies loans at lower rate of interest, administered support prices etc., and Thus the Government performs a wide range of functions in order to accelerate economic development. EXERICISE 1}imcse the correct answer. 1. National Income is othenivise a) Real Income called b) Money Income b) Nominal Income d) Gross National Product 2. National Income of a country can be calculated by a) 2 methods 3. Net National b) 3 methods c) 4 methods d) 5 methods Product a) GNP (-) Depreciation b) Net domestic product (-) Depreciation c) Percapita Income (-) Depreciation d) Gross domestic product (-) Depreciation 4. India's percapita Income is a) 220 dollars b) 950 dollars c) 2930 dollars d) 600 dollars 5. Primary sector consists of a) Trade 6. National b) Construction Income is a measure c)AgricuIture d) telecommunication of a) Total value of money b) Total value of food grains c) Total value of Industrial products d) Total value of goods & services 7. Expenditure method estimates national income from the a) Output side b) Income side c) Expenditure side d) Savings side 8. Income method a) Expenditure sums all forms of b) Income c) Savings d) Investment 9. Percapita Income is an Indicator of a) Richness of People b) Poverty of people c) Living Standard of people d) Literacy of people 10. Primary sector Contribution to national Income in India is a)15.8 % b) 25.8% c) 58.4% d)12.8% El) Wrftei$hart Notes on thefelicwirtg. 1. Define National Income 2. How you arrive at NNP? 3. Write a note on Income method? 4. What is Percapita Income? 5. Write any two needs for the study of National Income. 6. What istertiary Sector? 7. What is Laissez-faire? 8. Write a note on the Productive 9. Define Gross Domestic 10. What is net Domestic functions of modern welfare Product? Product? Ell}Writeiin a Paragraph. 1. Explain two basic concepts of National Income. 2. Explain the need forthe study of National Income. 3. Explain the methods of calculating National income 4. Write about the Functions of Modern Welfare Activity 1.Find out the Percapita income of Tamilnadu State. State. 2. INDIAN ECONQMY AFTER INDEPENDENCE The important consequences of This lesson explains the basic features of the Indian economy, its status during the British rule and after Independence. Indian Now economy we study before the the British rule in India are as follows: 1.Decline of the rural economy 2.Decline of Indian handicrafts 3.|ntroduction of new land system. We conclude, though the British Independence. policy was aimed natural Indian economy in the early days was a village economy. Agriculture was the primary occupation and nearly 70 percentage of the population engaged in Agriculture. The community of the village produced the necessary resources at exploiting for the the benet of England, their administration ensured unified India, security and safety but not prosperity. After Independence the leaders and the planners aimed at improving the economy of the nation. The then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru requirements and rarely the products went beyond the local market. The wanted strengthening the rural base. relationship with neighbouring village is He gave high priority to agriculture, irrigation and power projects. To very much limited. More over established India industries had in the a nature well of handicrafts. The chief among them is textile industry. Trade and commerce flourished only in urban centres. achieve progress Nehru decided that India would be a mixed economy in which public and private sectors would co exists. Hence Nehru recommended five year plans to improve the National Economy. Bengal was famous for calicos, Benares for silk, Tamilnadu for Handlooms, Kashmir for shawls and Five Year plan borrowed When the British conquered India they disintegrate the village economy. execute Five Year plan, the planning commission was set up in India in the British rule coincided with the industrial revolution in England. This Industrial revolution exploited India to serve Britian. the economic India was interests considered of Great as Russia. In Russia it was a seven year plan. To year 1950. The Prime Minister of India is the chairman of planning commission of India. Its activities are coordinated by a full time Vice-Chairman. the repository of raw materials intended for supplying the industrial needs of England. All the expansions in the fields of transport, communication, irrigation, education etc were mainly aimed at accelerating the process of economic drain from India. Soviet was Ludhiana for woolen products. The from former concept The important objectives of five year plans in India are as follows: 1.|ncreasing the National Income. 2.Reducing the inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth. 3.E|imination of poverty. 4.Providing additional employment. 5. Removing the bottlenecks in agriculture production and in manufacturing sector. National Income of India is derived from agriculture. Green revolution was introduced in the year 1967. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) introduced this new strategy through land refonns. promoting the use of High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds and improved irrigation facilities, to increase the agricultural production. Ten ve year plans have already been completed. Now, Eleventh Five year plan is in progress. The eleventh five year plan commenced in April 2007. It covers a period ofve years i.e., 2007-2012. Objectivesof Eleventhve year plan 1.lncreasing the public investment in irrigation, rural electrication and Impact of Green Revolution ruralroads. 2.To reduce the subsidies in power, fertilizer. 3.Promoting agricultural research. 4.To ensure environmental protection. 5.Larger employment opponunmes. 6.To develop rural infrastructure. The government initiated speedy land reform measures like land ceiling legislation, abolition of intermediaries and tenancy legislation. In this regard the Bhoodhan movement started by Vinobhavbhave deserves a mention. 7.To abolish poverty. 8.To reduce the dropout rate in primaryschools. Now, let us discuss the agricultural and industrial development which are the key factors for our national Economy. In India, agriculture is the backbone of the economy. Nearly 40% of the Acharya Vinbalah Through the Bhoodhan movement millions of acres from the landlords of land were and distributed received to the landless poor Public sector units refer to industries run by government e.g. Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited, BSNL and Airlndia. Private The green revolution largely means increasing production of food grains by using High Welding Variety seeds especially of wheat and rice. The use of High Yielding Variety seeds requires regular supply of water, fertilizer, pesticides and nancial resources. As a result of green revolution large number of states benefited by producing more crops. This enabled India to achieve self-sufciency in food grain production. The credit of introducing the High Welding Variety seeds goes to Indian Council of Agriculture Research and many agricultural universities in India particularly Ludhiana, Pantnagar (UP) and Coimbatore. sector industries refer to industries run by private like Asokh Leyland, TVS group of companies, Godre] and TI cycles. High priority was given to heavy engineering and machine building industries, castings and forgings, fertilizer and petroleum products. The year 1991 has a special signicance in the Indian economy. Many economic measures were introduced to achieve the objectives of new economic policies of government. The rapid economic reforms aimed industrialization. For at this, abolition of industrial licensing, allowing foreign investment, encouragement to private sector and coexistence of public private sector were sector and taken by the government. Because of the economic reforms foreign investment in India is increased many fold. Multi national companies like Nokia, Ford, Hyundai and L&T have made investment in India. Fiiedustslnship yardavizakapsttinam A number of public sector industries were started. The important public sector industries are Hindustan machine tools, Hindustan Shipyard, Sindhri Fertilizer factory, Integral Coach Factory and newsprint mills. More over small scale Industries and cottage industries were allowed to expand by providing them concessions. Cottage industries are household industries depending on local market and production is of primitive methods. Example-handlooms, Coir industries. The Ultimate Liberalisation, Globalisation benefits of Privatisation and in India are the sizable increaseinforeignexchangereserves. The another important aspect in Indian Economy is the science and technology. India occupies a unique position in the fields of nuclear Cottage indtistsriss Small scale industries programmes, are more are lessminifactories.They dependon large scale industries: Example: Industrialunitsin and around BH ELofTrichyand Ranipet. The notable aspects of economic reforms are as follows 1.Liberalisation, 2 Privatisation 3 Globalisation Liberalisation towards means a free Liberailisation movement market othenivise system. known withdrawal of regulation restrictions for privatesectors. as and space research, astronomy and Astro physics, oceanography, bio-technology and organicchemistry. The importanceof nuclear energy to meet the longterm energy needs of the countrywas felt quiteearly in 1954. The primaryobjectiveof India's nuclear energy programmeis the development and use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes such as power generation, applicationin agriculture, medicineand industry.The rst atomic powerstationinTrombaywas started in the year 1956. At presentthere are 1? atomicpowerstationsin India. Private sectors are encouragedto enter into core industries which are reservedfor publicsector. Privatisation generally means transforming all economic activities from publicsector to private sector. It also refers to the setting up of private unitsin publicutilityservices. Atomis« Globalisation refers where a country draw raw materials from any source of the world and ssaonsitalpskitskm manufacture goodsand sevices.The nished goods also nd a place in the global market. Thus globalisation is the linkage of nation's marketswithglobalmarkets. India is one of the six nations in the world, capable of launchingsatellites. The Indian space research organization (ISRO) under the departmentof space is responsiblefor research and development in the area of satellite communications and remote sensing. In the year 1975 the rst satelliteAryabhattawas launched. So far inthe last40 years50 satelliteswere launched. An Indian mission to moon- Chandrayan1 was launchedin 2008. It discovered presence of water in the comprisesof 77.93 milliontelephone connections and over 1.79 million public call ofces. There are 65.2 crores cellular subscribers in the countryand the cellularbase is growing at the rateof one millionper month. moon. Rccitei launching Tale Ccmmunlcacn The department of ocean development has projects for explorationof marine living and nonlivingresourcesand conservationof its environment. Antenna Information technology refers to the use of computersand softwareto manage information. Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai are the main informationtechnologycentresin India. It earns millionsof croresof rupees as foreign exchange. Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, Wipro, HCL and Cognizanttechnologiesare the major players in the informationtechnology sector. IT sector provides massive employmentopportunitiesto the Indian youth. Through several research and development projects significant developmentsin the eld of agriculture, health care, animal sciences, environmentand industryhave been achieved.(e.g. oralvaccinefor cholera) In 2011 census the literacy rate increased to 74.04 percent. The male literacy rate increased to 82.14 percent. The female literacy rate was 65.46 percent. The number of literate persons increased to 778.45 millions in 2011. India has the tenth largesttelecom network in the world. The network Among the states Kerala has the highest literacy rate exceeding 93,9 percent while the lowest literacy rate has been Bihar with 63.8 percent. importance. Other institutions include Literacy rate of Tamilnadu is 80.3 1800 women colleges. The emphasis in the tertiary level education lies on percent. 16000 colleges including exclusive science The serious Indian efforts government for the takes enrolment of children up to the age of 14 years. It has also banned child labour. In India 80% of all recognized schools at the elementary stage are government run or supported. Education has been made free and compulsory upto the age of 14 under the Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act of 2009. Because of the quality enhancement programs through the agencies of District primary education programme and Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan enrolment has been enhanced. Now the right to education gives impetus to primary education. The Secondary education covers children of 14 18 years which covers 88.5 million children. A signicant feature of India's secondary school system is inclusion of vocational stream at the higher secondary level. Another new feature of secondary education is the implementation of Rashtriya Madhyamik ShikshaAbhiyan (RMSA). and institutions of India the third largest in the world after China and the United states. The main governing body at the tertiary level is the University Grants Commission. As on 2009, India has Universities, 215 state 100 Deemed institutes which 20 central Universities, Universities are and of national 13 such Some as the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) have been globally acclaimed for their standard of education. The Union governments and in India the state have been earmarking substantial financial outlays for the development of education. The spread of education across different sections of society should be ensured so as to attain economicgrowth. Tamilnadu stands third among the Indian states in the socio-economic achievement of development. tuna. Vgrzmary ion: The primary education in Tamil Nadu had a remarkable expansion during the period of Thiru. K.Kamaraj, the then Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. In the eld of primary education, access to primary schools is almost totally achieved. All the villages and habitations have been provided with a primary school. To ensure Universal enrolment, India's higher education system is technology. universal retention, universal achievement the government provides welfare schemes such as the noon meal and free bus pass. Under the noon meal scheme food is prepared in every school daily and five eggs per week over are served the state to the students. More collaborates with centrally sponsored scheme Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) to achieve the objectives of elementary education for all. Eecicrtdary Educatlcar: coffee, Tea, cardamom Secondary education serves a bridge between primary and higher education. With the aim of encouraging the students the government distributes free cycles to the XI Standard Students. Laptop computer were provided to X Std students who get ranks. The government is also providing computer education and Agricultural production in Tamilnadu vocational education to the students for has increased and rubber. due to land reforms and improved methods of agriculture. The Tamilnadu government encourages industrial development. The major industries in Tamilnadu are cement, Textiles, petro chemicals, sugar and information technology. gainful employments. The Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). scheme is implemented with the central government to promote talent among students to enable them to become socially and economically active citizens. Tiaaishar Emscatzian There are 30 District Institute of Education and Training to produce efcient teachers and to impart skills in modern teaching techniques. l*ilglwrE;ducal:§cn Tamilnadu is one of the most Nafyrveifasgniara cor . The important power stations in Tamilnadu are listed below: 1. fllmrrnal Wrwer advanced states in the country in the field of Higher Education. The government makes higher education more accessible to the economically Thermal power stations are in Ennore, Tuticorin, Mettur, Basin Bridge and Neyveli. weaker E.l~l3.r-at Fewer sections and rural students. The aim of the government is to increase the gross enrolment rate in higher education from the present level of 11.72%to 25% by2020. Agriculture has been the major source of livelihood for the people of Tamilnadu. The major food crops of Tamilnadu are paddy, cholam, cumbu and ragi. Sugarcane, cotton, sunower, coconut, cashew, chilli, gingelly and Hydel power stations are in Mettur, Kundah, Periyar Dam, Kothayar Dam, Pykara, Singara and Moyar. atamic Energy Atomic power stations are in Kalpakkam and Koodankulam. 4.w'§m:l Energy It is a non-conventional form of energy. The windmills are situated in groundnut are the commercial crops. Coimbatore, Kanyakumari, Tuticorin, The plantation crops of Tamilnadu are Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli. The efcient road system In Tamilnadu is the reason for rapid industrialization. The rail transport has connectivity throughout India. Surveys are conducted to lay new railway lines. Mass rapid transit systems and Chennai metro rail project provides a rail network to Chennai city. There are three major ports in TamilnaduChennai, Ennore and Tutioorin. The minor ports are Cuddalore and Nagapattinam. The airports in Wind mill Tamilnadu are Chennai, Coimbatore, 5.Blo.mass Energy This is another kind of Madurai. Trichy. Salem and Tutioorin. non- conventional energy. This kind of electricity is produced in Namakkal and Dharrnapuri Districts. _;~%$ J , , To cope with the increasing demands 8315 MW Production capacity thermal Stations are being started in Tamilnadu. In a joint venture the National Thermal have station established in Valloor a of Thimvallur These will denitely Port Power Corporation and Tamilnadu Electricity Board Chennai thennal District. augment the increasin Because of the efforts of the union and state governments agricultural development and industrialisation are taking place in India. In the near future India is to be a major economic power in the World. EXERCISE I) Choose the correct answer. 1. Five year plan in India was borrowed from a) Soviet Russia b) United States ofAmerica c) United Kingdom d) UnitedArab Emirates 2. Eleventh Five Year Plan Period a) 1956-1961 is b) 1997-2002 c) 2002-2007 C!)2007-2012 3. Chairman of Planning commission of India is a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India c) Finance Minister of India d)Vice President of India. 4. Planning Commission of India was setup in the year a) 1962 5. Nehru decided b) 1950 c) 1956 that India would a) Mixed economy d) 1949 be a b) Socialist Economy c) Capitalist Economy d) Money economy 6. Green revolution was introduced in the year a) 1967 b) 1977 c) 1987 d) 1957 7. Bhoodan Movementwas started by a) Jayaprakash Narayan b) Jawaharlal Nehru c)Acharya Vinobhabhave d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 8. Which year has a special Significance in Indian Economy. a)1981 b)1991 c)2001 d)2010 9. The Organization which is responsible for research and development in the area of Satellite and Communication is a)|CAR b)|CMR c)|SRO d)CS|R 10.As per 2001 census the literacy rate in India is a) 64.8% b) 65.8% c) 66.8% d) 67.8% H}Writs thmt notes on the Fcitawing. 1 . Write any three Objectives of Eleventh Five year plan. 2. What is Mixed Economy? . Write a note on Green revolution? . What is Multi National Corporation? 3 . Write 4 . What a note on Liberalization is Privatisation? . Whatdo you mean by Globalization? 5.Write anote on cottage Industries. 6 7 ill} Write in 3 Paragraph. 1. Write down the Objectives of Eleventh Five Year Plan. 2. Explain Green Revolution. 3. Explain Economic Reforms of 1991. 4. List down the various welfare measures implemented by the Tamil Nadu Government. 5. Explain the Various Power Programs in Tamil Nadu. Activity 1.Find out the major agricultural crops inyour area.