A TI GTPAI13 31332:: IIIIII . . . 20.14 _ " l. S a GENERAL TAMIL WITHGENERALSTUDIES Allowed :3' Hours} ' _ ' [Maximum Marks : 300" .' _Read thefollowing instructions carefully before youbegin toanswer tl1e'questi_ons. IMPORTANTINSTRUCTIONS 1. This Booklet has acover (this page) which should notbeopened theinvigilator gives signal toopen it at thecommencement ofthe examination. Assoonasthesignalis received youshouldtearthe_ right Ssideofthe_booklet cover carefully to-open thebooklet. Thenproceed toanswer thequestions. 2. ThisQuestion Booklet contains 200questions. In caseanyidefect in theQuestion Paper isnoticed it shallbe reportedto the Invigilatorwithin rst 10 minutes. 3. ' A - Answerall questions. All questions carryequalmarks. _4." You must write your Register Number in_ thespace» provided onthe topright side of page. Donot' _ write anythingelseon the QuestionBooklet. _ 5. _ ' - " E A An AnswerSheetwill be suppliedtoyou separatelyby;the Invigilatorto mark the answers.You must i 'writeyourName,Register No.,Question BookletSl. No.andotherparticulars withBlueor BlackBall point pen on side_2 of the Answer Sheet provided, evaluated. . Youwill alsoencode your _ which your Answer Sheet-will not be. ' ' _ ' Number,SubjectCode,Question BookletSl. No.etc.with Blueor Blackink Ball pointpen in the spaceprovidedon the side2 of the AnswerSheet.If you do not encode properlyor fail to encodethe aboveinformation,yourAnswerSheet-willnot"beevaluated. Each questioncomprises. four responses(A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to select'ONLY ONE correct _ response and mark in yourAnswerSheet.In case," youfeel that there are morethan"onecorrect . - response, markthe response whichyouconsider thebest.In anycase,choose ONLYONE response for _ . eachquestion.Your total marks will dependon the numberof correctresponses markedby you in the _' AnswerSheet. - ' -8. ' .In theAnswer Sheettherearefour circles ® , ®,©and® ' A against eachquestion. To-answer the. questions youaretomarkwithBallpointpenONLYONEcircleofyourchoice foreachquestion. Select one responsefor eachquestionin the QuestionBookletand mark in the AnswerSheet. If you mark .. ' ' . . _more thanoneanswer foronequestion, theanswer willbetreatedas-wrong. e.g.If foranyitem,® is ' the correct answer, you have to mark as follows : .50, You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take thisQuestion Booklet andtheAnswerSheetoutoftheExamination Hall duringtheexamination. ._i._ . H 10. ' ..r. d. ,.u J-_-, ' concluded "on usthnd e e 4uestinBooklet wi onon] s erSheet - eIn " ator. r theExamination ' we sheet before thelastpageoftheQuestion Booklet canbeusedforRough Work. 11.-A Failure tocomply withanyoftheabove instructions willrender youliable tosuch-action orpenalty asJ theCommission maydecide at theirdiscretion. ._ A 12. ForQuestion No.101 to200 inallmatters and incases ofdoubt, theEnglish Version isnal. _"Y ' '13." Donottick-mark ormark theanswers theQuest.ion'booklet._I - T 101.. Twopipes A andB canll atankin10hours and15hours respectively. Findthetimetaken to ll the tank when both the pipes are turned on simultaneously. (A/6hrs. (B)5_ hrs. "_ (C) 30hrs. (D) 12hrs. I ' Amgbgtb Bcreim) @@ (gggsrrulladv QpaJ;1)C'5u_| 10Loew Lo;1')Q;Lh 15toca C3)5orE.1esad) QQ5 lfr Q_§l'|& ' T ;£lr;uq.s£]si:g)a1 qadiaiéisgg (§;,t_>rrLL'.I.-.5g5Lb GEr'r§)g1 a1,§,G,-gr,r'r1'_::ra>_u grnhu 6r®§§)e's Qa;rreiT_@5Li) Ggwib c'reiJaiaTa4? I (A) . (C) 102. "H i 6Loaa_ (B) 30 ms ' (D) 12 unas 7' ' 5mm Two cubes each ofvolume 216) cm3 arejoined toform acuboid. The total surface area ofthe resultingcuboid is (in cm?) (A) 120 (C) 300 I 216-cm3 asan =">|TQ.| Qasrras'm'_'_ QQ5 $65! sg)I;I113uesdT @r;aiuram_u_)L'o senQ&é.Isua;L aqgmrrssuugpgu. 35,25 satGsdimsgsglskr Qmngg uisa sauna: muq(s=.Gs.LE.) (A) "120 T (B) 360 (C) 300 ' 103. ' (D) 244) Thesum "of twonumbers is 187andtheirHCFis;17. Whatisthenumber ofsuch pairs of M ' numbers satisfying the abovecondition? (A) IOne (B) (GKFive (D) Seven- Four .,Q6-craiiraaskr auI'_®§, Qignma 187. Gmglib .3|aJg');|SIs'm l5k.QlJ.Q-J. 17. g);;5lu[5§snara)u.I -Bfrg Qa=Li.|uJéa-.&u;.u.1 cgl'Ilq.&Gl§T craiurasusanas crggmm? T(A) 9263113: . (B) ggrreirg (C) my (D)as 27 _ T . a - GTPAI13 [Turn over 104. The 5" term in the series =E__§_;l§; 525125 is - 162 () 625 A __ 54 C Q ) __ 625 .2 _§_ _l§; 105- 525125 _§l_ G ' 162 () 625 A6 _ 3125 0/ 162 T 3125 54 -ocrjdngp gyggr-é:(5 aulcnaruléir 5-Lb9_guL'.IL; (C.) 625 __ Aa GD) Findthemiséing number; (A) 22» (C) 28 81 3125 162 3125 . -107. Match the following : I_(a) Tax.onincome (b) Salestax Nontaxrevenue ofStateGovernment (c) Interest receipts from railways ((1) Court fees (a) 01/ 2 an) 4 :.°°'.l°& Tax revenueof Central Government _ Non tax revenue of Central Government Tax revenue of State Government cc) 3 (d) ( 2 1 (B) .1 3 2 4 (C) 1 2 »4 _3 (D) 4 3 I 2 1.iIeisIeJ(5L1aneJgj)a>p) Qurrqggggss : (a) a.|q§Lorra'r ml (b) (c) Lorrgoa a|IIeén eirtflldioyn euq§su'Iru.1 4. .->s' amotuanjesinsursuqgamul anyrecisr 6uI'HuEéoam e.IQ§sun'u'.| @uu§ld)GsuuSlaS]q5;5§1 e6m_.§;@Lb an'_u+ euuaumdr- 6u)I_.ouJ a§)g"9u6n6uT e.Ir_ (d) Ga;nfr|'_@ a;|'_|_surrrEua;c.iT (a) (A) x an) Lorrla) a|IIJ=)6isI en euqIjaJtry'_| (e) - 4 (d) 2 4 3 1 (B) (1 3 2 4 (C) 1 2 4 '3. '(D) 4 _3 1 2_ 103, Which among thefollowing sectors hasthelargest contribution to theGross Domestic Savingsin India? ' (A)Public sectorC ' Wrivate sector ' (C) Unorganised sector Household sector 4-. 1516551 Qa;rr@esss1'JuL'._®drar gjcmxyaserda 6r_r_i3§, ggmm@;_'r;§u.|rra§]6isI Qmrrgg, pmL.®GarnléaL195 .a|_af,l.5 urEu5aIJq_Q&u'Je63rg)g? C(A) Qurrg,1_e_r, §]6lD_l'_i) ' (B) ,5a'u_nrrfr gums) (C) alanmtiqsrrurrggaag) . ' GTPAI13 ' "H (D) (.5@Li)uIé1a;erB6ing|a:g) 30 . '_ e I '_ I3 109_- Matchthe following:I 1.131 I T_(a) Darwin T ' ' T List11 _ 1. Mutation (b)'_Mendal _ T 2. ofinheritance ofacqeired _<:l1aracte (c)Lamarck. -3.I Law ofsegregation I (d) Hygo eDeV1-ies A (a) (b) (c) 4. Origi11 ofspecies 1. (d) (4/4 _3 2 1 .03)2 I _1 3' 4 (C) 3 I 4 _ 2 -_ 1 (D)1 ' .2 :§Qt.$¬1il'l'l_QJ_li)GIi} &|u_u1& Qunqgggs : - 1511151611.! I I'' QJl6l)& II (a).1_m'reEI6'uI I _1. gmmmpm G) QLoaim_ci) . 2. gqyelsg usn'un_;a;aiT ulesurntp cl (c) 3. a>rrLorrr'r.1's - gaagisg nhgcbalg (d)&.".(3.-511' M21141I._ H élyleur _G»§rnj)g)Lb (Ii) 02) (c)- (d) _' (A) 4 .3 (B) 2 1 (C) 3 4 I 2. . 1 (D) 1 - 3 [[5 2J __ 3 1 _4 - 4 I ' 2 ' 431 T GTPAI13 [Turn over 110.Which ofthefollowing Statements about Blue Gteeo Algae islaie tfue? D1 ' ThecellsofBlueGreen AlgaearePtokaryotic. II. TThestorage foodproduct ofBlueGreen Algae-Tie '1 III. -I Themembrane boundplastids_a.reabserit in thecellsofBlueGreen Algae.' o IV. Flagellaare ebsentin Blue GreenAlgae. (A) 11andIV (C) .IIandIII U " (13) andII I '. . I,IIIa;1dIV _ anlnu uéraur l_|IT§a5G.T ugj)_r§lu_| £g,>&;a;eu'a'n_ ealgbgyseda Jrmndtg crglcransu? I. cmlnue';cnen'_| urrélesasir Gleénsér L|(3rnrC2esIGu.I rr1'_u..§; sua)a;anu.Ia'r 5rrr'r;_i3§sneu. I _II. m uémaurrélagashr Gsllnq 9_aara4uJ Glurrqpeir _ III. -56:64@955a;6u5r§:a;ér_I$anL; uiraweLurasasin Qséoaadn Qcbaam. IV. m ua'ra'os a__nr§=la;aé) amsulaagpsdr Qainfanaa I (A)_'IIu);bgLbIV T __ . I ' ' (B) Iu5;'pgLbII (C) - IILngj)guL_b III H M. (D) I, III Ln_ri)g1|Lh IV 111. [Considerthe following dice . What is oppositeto 3?_' ' (A) 1 - _.(DK4 - (C)5 (Dye £g.>a;aiun_ u.a;a:L.a3uJ sqygs creilr 3-$5cr§r'r1LILu1)L'o 9_eirerrmug? (A) 1 I GTPAI13 ', (B) 4 - (C) 5 32 I j I -I (D) 2 112-Match theList IwiththeListII end select thelcorrect answer using thecodes given helow thelist. T_ I List II . _ ' ListII _ _ '(s.)C Calcutta Congress (1928)1. Resolution on Fhxndanlental Rights and Economi T _I I PolicyI _ I (b) Lahore Congress (1929) I I »2. Two Nation Theory I (c) Karachi Congress (1931) 3. Dominion status (d) Ran'1ga.rh Congress (1940) 4. Complete Independence (a) (b) (A) 2' - 13 (B)4 Lo) (cue 4 .1 3_ '2 1 (B%3'.4 1_ 2' ;a))'1 3 4 2 enan.-I I 2_Lsirr amana II3 Ourrqgga.na>aré:(§§s -§g_1.Gasrr®eisa;1L1u1'_(5\eiT¢aIT G§l'|'@|;|1_c|IGISI( eIa>1_a)u.1 Q§IHQ.| Geruln. . '. enemrl "a1.nm11_ 5 ' , __(a)7-'_5G'l)§5t§§l'|'o!.I§|'| (1928) I 1. _a»11q.1_Jua11_2_I'Ha) Lo;_i)gn1h C.JI_1I'rQ5 I 15,5na'q5rr1ona11h _ (b)aJnai1fr5IrIi1£IIau(1929) _...2.Qqgpnt Osrtairms - ' %' 1_ ' A(c) .-.I;IJ'rr£'H sménudu (1931) . 3. QI_u16lauJdr.3|_r_'r,§eiug| (d)rj1rLb1srrr'r1s111-E1.-1;rdu (1940)L4._ Q,p@ agmn (a)- (13) . (c) ' (d) (A) _'2 3 4 1 (B) _3 2 1 >4 1 2 _3 4 4 I (C) _3 ' (D) 1 p: ' 2 I _' - -_ L331 '_ ' I 1 -AGTPAI [Turn over 113. Which is wrongly matched? 1'. The SanthalsRebellion, 1355." II. Moplah Rebellion, 1921. ' 111.Venom; Mutiny, 1806." IV. Ban-ackpo1'e SepoysMutiny, 1804. (A) I M1,; 1 ' e. (B) . 11only (c) 111 only 1- g,a1;y1ra1 Qun §$ a;airr®I_1l1q..-.i;.$o4L'o. I. a=rrsis1§rra.)r11'ra;ei1 a;aJa;Lb, 1855. 11. LnmJGa'r mm, 1921. IVonly 111. Go.|gmr'ra;a).5Lb,18()6. I_V. uqélaruunuhsdr swath,1804. (A) ILm_®1i3 1 (B) 11m.'_@cn (c)' 111 LDf_®l.b 114. Arrange the following events in descending order. I. Home Rule League at Poona. II. Conclusion ofKakori Case III. - (1))_IVLm'_@1b ( IV. 1Murder of S.P. Saunder _ unjab Governments deportation order ofDr.dS_atyepa1 and Dr.Kitchlew . ' N/ID, IV, 11, 111 _ (13) III;11, IV, 1I (C) IV,III,1,11 . (1))1,111, 11, IV I ' érmqguaumamm au_Iq5 fmmulda ¬J')L.Irlf@ Gl&I£IuJo41bi' .1. Iagarrr g,6inarrrr|_1 a;g;.e5Lb g,r9._.(9§-,§.;.L..'_._ gag" I11- 5"C35"' 911936 CPI-+6>4.|iJ!D $9516 I III. S.PGsa16in_1'r 05116101 os..1u1.;.ur_._;.%aasr(9 * IV. 1_rr.-.i;1_fr .-.r§.u.Iu1rd:mggm |_rr.-.i;|._I'r .1'_£ra3e'u u@a1rnJa|IIa=rrsi) _I51r@ e51_§§1LIu|_|_.g,ai:r® (A)_1,IV,11, 111 ' (C) IV,III,I, II 1 I GTPAI13 1 (13)111, 11, IV,I - ' ' I 34 (D) I, III,11, Iv I I I 115.. Coneider thegiven gureoflocation ofmultipurpose projects in»Indja. Match I with . List II "andselectthe correctanswerusingthe codegivenbelowlist. ListI I - List1'1" Multipurpose ' I Dam name Project Number (21) I (b) II (c) III (d) ' IV '(a) (b) (<1) (A) (B) ( 12. 3. 4. Bakra Gandhi Saga: NagarjunaSaga1' Hirakud (<1) 2 1 4 1 3 1 4 2 2 3 4 3 (D) T3 2 1 4 _ I O$n@$¢DuL®érm @§,uJrreSlén ué)(3;r,rrés@5 §hL.L_r:'u}sa'rr geirar uL§;§sneun-.is esqggé) _Qa5rreiTa;. eulmsI ::_L_ein sulaner IlammluGurrqmga=IuJrrang:_15luS@ zdrar LJ§J<-:na)§, (3g;r'r;'i,0_a5®&sas. 6IJIII6lI)£FI- _ mlanrII uei)(B55rr$(a_r, §B|L.L_ craiar-e5_c'Ir ' 3-ummr QLIuJr°r (a) (b) (c) (:1) V (A) (B) (C) I II III IV \ '4 (H) (b) (C) (d) 1 3 1 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 ' 4 2 1 4 (D) I 3 [3 I - 1. 2. 34- 'A I 35 u&;I;rrr eammr I e5Ir;_'r; a=rr5I'r grgrr.-.srrr'rg9a1rr&m5r'r -.e_1\5IIrr@5I' GTPAI13 [Turn over I 116, Match List1withList11andselect thecoi-reaanswer using thecodes given below the-lists. ListI ' Mineral oreTT List'II._ _I TMineral extracted (a) Magnetite 1.- Mica (b) Cass4a1'ite 2._Coal (c) Anthracite 3. ((1) Muscovite _4. Tin (A) (a) L (b) (c) ' (<1) 4 3 1 2 (B)'23' 1 (C) 3 2 Iron .4- 4 1 (19)/3' 4 2. 1 e1Isna= I 2.1.631 mrms IIa)arL'1 Qurrqpgéi mnmsaggig £g;_Ge5rr(941;.5;|Ju1'_®si Qgngagg Ermrrar e&]m1_u§léns5r_ejr, Qgnm QeH1°_|a.. _ I ananerlé 4T aamggngj T T - a.na:o.1r II [ ._ lQI$a';|L|u®1.b gsamm (a) C3Lo.5anL'_a1>1_-I'_ 4 1.' an.o£5a;n (b) stzaamr. T J 2. 514141119 ' _(c) =%L'r'::'1-'r.r6I>_eF.L' T - T 3- Qabtiz-I-1 (d) Loaiu(3asrreu>6)1L'.4 - 1 ' 4. 45515 (4)1 (b) '(A) 4 1 (c) rd) 3A '2 (B) 2 3 1 4 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 3 4 2 1 GTPAI13~ L T 4 '3s - ' 1 ' wp ListI_ Livestock product (a); Beef (b) _Pork (5) Buttero («D wool 1. 2. K 3.- ca) 0») (c) ' 4. (d) T (A.)_ 3 3 T2 1 (]§/2 4 1 (C) 3 2 4 3 .4 (D) 1 . 43 3 , 1. 2 auujrran alannumarg,Qgsusq G5u'.|a;. List II ' Country T. 117.(a) Match List.I with ListII and select tliecorrect answer using thecodes given "below thelists. Denmark (b) uqméi (c) ' 5IrdJ;5enL_ Gun(r§t;5dr Argentina . ('d)" ' 'Lnrr|'_up-:r)g)e'r. uéng (A) V5l.blJG - Australia China 118.IntheProvincial Towns such asChennai, Mumbai, Calcutta andDelhi, which ofthe h following isxing theva1u_e of thecases in thecourts of smallcauses fromtimetotime.-' (A) _The Provincial TownAuthorities (B) TheDistrict Collector (C) The High Court a (K The State Government Lotramasur _r_r,5I;rrr'.ss=.aTrr6aT 0563165361. u-LbI_1rru'.I, .-5éJa;§,,5rr Log')g)u.i:> §dJe$lu§lsiJ _a1soLo_r_i5ga'rar y aiipésg, f,@LosBr_:_1):r'.1a;a'sb Q19-'.I~2Gl|T LoQ:Ln_Le_'r, Ogrraismui .-3|é.uaJ|JGurrg 'I£lI:|'GRTl1J.(ll|__'lLl' . (A) uirrssrrasur pan=Q_1,Gnansru.u§.1e5eiT (B) mm-.u.'_._ a-,i_;,.'_;a'uir'r (C) ' 2_u.|r'r samaigmb (D) wrqlwcg>u1errrréJe5Lb 119. SupremeCourtof India is considered aspossessing largerpowersthanthe SupremeCourt of USA. Why? ' ' (A). IndianSupreme Courtis notonly a FederalCourtandthe guardian of the constitutionand aswell as highestcourtof appeal (B) American Supreme Courtisnothaving power toentertain appeals fromtribunals_ (C) SupremeCourtof India has advisoryJurisdictionwhichthe .AmericanSupreme. Court is not having such power ' (Bf7Because ofallthe above 1 2&5 mdrmm, a1GLoIé;a; ass glmdimgmgstill.aqas aiesrrurbguagn esggaigrraseis ' 5@sfJ__LI®@msIcrehf? p. (A) ' a&egI§§Lo6BTg)Lb am_l_rr|'_él mérpmns §s;g;aJ(2g,rr@ un'_@Loéu1p5l, a9|II:u.I6ua)Lo|JL_ s;rrmsoamr.i.5a4Lb 2.5% (Ema) (g36n_n])u3|'_@ LD¬l|T[l_)|.DIf5&|Ll) asgppgu (B) &|QLoI'Hé;a5 iésmétpm§r'rIL1LIrru_Ir:'a1a;616irI Chad) Gpa)_r_r)u5IL_Go|_ Qunurrg: (C) Qgbui;.&sI_F.mc&r;oih..gg,C.2a)rrsa)su1 mgm¢g>|s'.rrr,rLb Qugbgsirsrgj. cganrda airnrésas a_&s;5§]LodIg)Lb aqsiimarrijibQu;i);;l®$$e§1é;mw ' - (D) GiLD_I'_l)dS6lIlbTI_ srniioirr 5rr|Jansrrr;i.ss(g1,'¢'s.«sna4Lb _ GTPAI13 2 I 33 . I I3 120-Theconjugate base ofNH:is (K)/NH}-'_ s 2) 2 'NH.0H( (C)2NH; L (D) Nani NH: sréménvQaaamssrrmb (A) NH3 I (C) NH; (' ' (B) NHOH (D) NKH4 121,-The (isomer ofBI-'IC which has insecticidal property is (A) a- isomer ( y isomer (B) ;i isomer (D). 6. isomer BHCT-sin) 6l']_i';§ Lorr;b;luJLb 3&5$G}srrd3aS] uaiuranI_1'GIugbgyd1a'rg| (A) legciaurr Lorrgbgysér ' _ (B) i3I'_I_rr Lorrgi)g|a;eir(C)2 E5lDIT Lorr;bg)|5dT . 122. (D)I OI_dn_rr mrrg_i)y5ei1 Galena is (A)An oxide ore (C) Aiialide are ' ' - sulphide are I (D)Acarbonate ore srsiiuég (A)_ 9®=$$wF® errgwwceihl .2. (B) _905 a=é_°mu® :5wwrr©tb_ (c) gqg czgmmg §5rrg,|a.Irr(§Lb T (D)'.;.§q5as«rrua>sr)u4 60_0 L5/OE arcing) mscmegdi ;_r,rrei;geElg)g; cgugcin _u §Jco&Cpsus;Lb 150 L510;$5 gmpmg srad) GLDI'|'§O)I'|'6i) G,r;iJuL_L_ .:g,g');nciJ QQQILH4 £g9.§;a;a6urL_aJ;iJgdT& erg}? B . -(A) (C) 124. (B) 8437J .3000 J 18400 J _ (D)- 5400J Inthefollowing cross between parents, achild with Bblood group isnotpossible why? A ( A bB Because oneparent isA homozygous dominant totheother isB heterozygous. V Childrenwith recessive b will become A because A is dominant; If the parentwith b1ood_group is heterozygous dominant, thenonlychildwithB blood group ispossible (B) Because parent withblood group B isheterozygous ' (C) Because parent withblood group AB ishomozygous (D) Because parent withblood group B ishomozygous uggeis.-srrgnb Gup')(1_gprr5@et5rra_i Qmamuinq .a4L'_|._a.Icoawu5ld> "BQugggmmemmé OaarraiIr@ci& gggibaagésg eutru'.nLn_[ @O3EDQ). qrsin era:a£i|arai;(§. A,A 1, Ab- A. (A) ggmldr A Qlxgs Guam; 98!;sums; gO7Tu$Gl)-GTB-Q£5|'|_'¬li gqgailair B Quggs spam; |.orrgu£_L_ geilesanatei; Qa;Ira'Ir@drsi'rg;. 9®ri.:.¢£IuJ b @035a.tma'.cnu.nJ Gluqgib gipjssng (B)- A g§a1rreb A aiaismui Gutgasitggg. A "@1155 aiausmulé; Ga;treu'm__ GLJ;hC'3_r_u a.orrguun'_L_'gd1g;a)aT&s"A Q$|'|'f3ll:i.Qlj"['5§l'|'G'.) a.oL'_@C3Lo_B suansés ggggissng G§ll6_,iyLi) Gi_1g')GgprrIHéI1"B@ny§§ma>a;mrrL1uLLL_§é15a:ar.§;Q5rraiui@dTmg| ' T(C) Qu_t_bG;yrrIén ABQuggs aimet 796:1 Lorrlunrat geirescnareis O5rraiur®draT§| (D) Gugbgpnldi B @135 mam; 96:;mrr:'u_uran gdrrsmaté Q$lTl'@G'IT6ITg|. GTPAI13 A A B_ 400 - p__ 125-T119 value of is 3+ 2_1 2+ _ . 2 ' 5 ' "H 4 (C) E 3+ 12 e31mL|L;crci1ran? T 2+; 5 (A)1-9, 4 (C) B 126.Iffheangles _ofa triangle areintheratio 1:3: 5.Then theangles are (A) 20°, 100°, 00° 03/ 20°, 30°,100° (C) 30°, 60°, 90° I (D) 60°,T30°, 90° _9q§ Gsrraméxassir 1:3:5 crai1g)':61Sl£§§;é> 2_siraTau 127. Ifx=y=3:4,.ud(4x+5y)=5x-2y (A) ¥ n J (C) (D) 575 :c=y=3:4'sraé)(4x+5y)=5x2ya)u_ui;5rraisras. I :.'_®Lb Qpgsugub am; GQJGBGIJGIDKIJ Q&u'.nu..J srggsmai ;5rn'_a;s'n gggib? (A) 48;5rr:;5d1 (B) (50;5rn'_.-5siT_ (c) 54}§rrf_$dT V . (D) sopage 129.Iftheside of5square isincreased by5cm, then thearea increases by165 s_q.cm. The side of the squareis ' (A) 13cm (B)%l4 cm (.0) (D) 33 cm 12cm @Q'_§ Jg|I;r,§5s'aI uaisagsin gargsngs 5 Q.-LLB. a|e5faj.@Lb»(31_|rrgI_Ir;nLu_) 155.-.r.Qer.u5. aaémg crad), 5g|I;r§6is1 _ _ (A) 13 Qa=.L5_. ' A 14 @515. (C) 33 QJEL5.' 12 QJ.u5. 130. What willbe60% ofanumber whose 300% is120?. ' (A) '_ 12 T (11)/24s (c) 36 (D) 43 9Q;craisrmciv 300% .94,a:g 120srasb, a|eiJQaJaisrme'u1 60% mm. _ (A) (12 ' (B) 24 _(C) _-as% (D) 43 (GTPAI-13 ' 42 i T p Indian Rupee symbol as f 131. was designed in 2010 by (Ar)/D.Udaya_Kumar (B)1). Arun Kumar (C). D.UdayaSankar (D) D.VijayaKumar QgmQgurruldn ..3¢am_u.:rraTLb T sran 2010s'u mtchmmmggmfr (A) _ uh.&§liJ_@LDfrff (C) 1:}.a§u_|.-rrI31s;r'r (B) Alf}--$IQlj$:f@lDrrl.T (D) Iq..ai)gu_|@Lorrfr Which South AsianGounfry hasadopted Gross National Happiness as"an" indexof. I32. well-being of its citizens? (A)Bangladesh (T(C) Sri Lanka _ '(B)<3hutan (D) ~Myanmar cr_r_'h§ Qgsin cgum prr® Gmrrg,-,5 C2g;:u.| mggéél @[b)U3l;GI)l_ mésadrr payment (gjgats uu.:6inu@,-' _ '(A) a.Iréu5nerr G5.-.rLb (B) 3|'_|_rrdrr . I (C) |é_13aJri.15fr(@aJrE1a)5) (D) L5lu_|rr6iIrLorrr'r 133. 0 Fill in the blanks : In2008, Indiahadtheworlds 0 largest shingindustry. (A) Tenth (B) Eighth h (C) Fifth Third c:m.,.'_._ @L_,5aa,5 )UDq$: _ 2003%L'D game @gi5§u.1rra§|6irr hash mmgegwgaeamaa @|_§a>§|'.| Qumg. (A) 0 u,5,5rre.|5|0 (B) crn'_L_rreu5| (C) gghgnmg fQ,o6ing.prra.I5| 134.l After-the decline of Satavahanas, whoemerged asimportantppliticallpower in SouthIndia (A) TheAbhiras T(B) TheTrikutakas (D)/I.hePallavas g(C) TheIkshavakus .Q§,dsrco';'r,§uJrraléJ eHr§s_urra;mr'r5adn agéégtil IlénLDl'|'QLl(l_'§Lb awélmda s=a'5§uJrrs; 2Q5GGu®§,5 ' aJLbaFrra.|a (A)aulryrrdv (C) _(B)§rauI_r'r5ciT _ Q.-isaspajrrg ud>a)Gur'rs;éT 43 01 0 GTPAI13 [Turn over 135.Consider thefollowing statements andselect youranswers : Assertion (A) : .i Jainism hadmore inuence thanBuddhism onithe lifeofthepeople in _ A Tamilnadu. Reason (R) _T i : _Jainism hadmuch morein common withHinduism thanBuddhism. (A)/ (A)and(R)aretruebut (R)is .notcorrectexplanation of (A) (B)! (A)istrue,but(R)is nottrue ' -(C) (A) is not true, but (R) is true _i t (D) (A) is true and (R) is correct explanation of (A) £g'g¢i;5aim_ emg')g)5.-.i;a;amrr $Q.lGI§§]$ 5lLlJll'l aEm(_mu_|,75 (3._g,I'r;5Q,5®é;5e4Li) : mpg(A)_ : ,e_r,uSlgg.-.5 méusasirt mrrggémnsulét LgGluargg mgsgwg eS1L_ smewrmgm sgqas . swwsws «-m»u®s:£tus- _ A '. ' _. I a5rrI1as1i.'o (R) : _eH.oaaIT Lo,5L'n Quargg Log3,5a)§aSl1._ Lo§§.g|L_sin umagna;a)ar__Glurrg1aJn B Quasuémw A A (A)" (A) m;_i)guLb (R)@I;aiaT@(ELs sl %6lill'r6lJ (R)srdnugg (A)Q5195 a1'Hu.ura1 61Slar.§;4_5Lnei)a) (B) 7(A)5:?! £,srnrd) (R)&l'llll..|ll'6Ef§6l.)0) (C) .(A)&t'u_|rr6Ir§6i>_aJ _%6UllTéJ (R)eH?lu_|rrarr§| ' A (D) I (A)sruirrargj g,a1Irc'n (R)(A) eS1_r_i)@ srmnmelarésmb 136. Consider thefollowing statements andselect youranswers :) "Assertion (A) : The ageofconsent billwas aremarkable) achievement ofBeliramji _ I M_alabari. ' " ' Reason (R) : TheBillcreatedan indissoluble bond between social reform andnational ' . movement. I (A) (A)and(R)aretrue,but(R)isnotoorrect explanaon of(A) (A) and (R) are (true and (R) is correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is not true (D) (A) is not true but (R) is true ' ' suzgbgxssslam ssaiaggqeis c'.Fll.I.ll'|'T eSl6m._a:u_I§ C3g,i11i,Q,5®a';5a4Lh : ahgijégg (A) : _qgmsaw ailqglilu w_C3&Ir_g.rr |S|1l.n1Lb§ wmrruluén -Qpésemmnsrr srrgmsnuilrglb. asurljasauh (R) ' : Q55inG&Ir§Ir 5g3§rru.1 Qgm_G§m Qayaarsaau 2_Q5eJrrei;(u.|g. c (A) _ (B) |SIIé;a5 (gpIq.u.|rrg, . (A) mmgm(R) @I;ain@(3m au.(R) (A) eE;jr)a5Ira1 Jruurrar aSlar&x5Lb _a|é>aJ (A) mg')g)|L'o (R) @I1a'3r®Gm sill, (R) (A) eS1g1')asIra1 &IllLlJrFT aS]aré;a;L'o (C) '(A)sr.(R):swsIA A -(D) A (A) saugi.(R) «Fi. GTPAI13 ( A A ' A _ 44. A _i '-I 5 137-IMatch.List I withListII andselect thecorrect anétver : Liatl (a) Warren Hastings. -_(b)SirJohn Shore' (c) I DostMuhammad (:1) Lord Macartnay Codes: (3)Cb) (0) M 2 3 4 (13)1 2 3T - (C) .3 4 1 ListII I ' -'41' 2 T Treaty bf Manéalore (a) . !"'.°°! Haz Cb) Reh.mat*Khan VPolicy ofNdn-intervention I (oi Loi-clAuckland (d) u.'_..,u..e'oi mrrusir cgmduugmdp r grrsir Casprrfr (d)_ Ggrrdvs @9599: QLDa'§£BW:;(36!T 15191.; 6®:' l\'3&# CD I"-i tent -u:'_:q_u.|e'u I LI_(-ill L.Il'_|q,u.IG-D IIgt:Qunqys J>1H|lJl'l'6lil 6IE)I_l.I9;O_)6|Il Qgsraq Gaul; 2I I-._.._..,..__ ._ > (m Tamt @) «B) L_u'_:q.u.Icb II LDl§l5@"l',ll'-;£__,|_6i' gyleivIyswg esrrérr 138.Auditing theGovernruental expenditure isvested withthe D n The Finance Nnister II. ' j ThePrime Minister. _ III. The Finance Secretary IV. Comptroller andAuditor General I (A) Ionly (C) (B) II and_ III only I only IVon1y _f ¢9||J'Erl'l§l5§§;6I5T Qsmsysmm gangiianm Qeru'Ju4'L'n .=91a;rr|;rL'o Qu['p;pcurr I || o ll c9|c;nLDe'F5r'r II. ISIII§,Ln lqll III- ' Gqu.Ie)r'r IV. gmmmm §coa_a;sn5 5I'_®|;n_|rr1'_@ aqarrru (A) ILm'_®Li:> (B) (C) _ II Lngj)guLb III LoI'_@Lb IIu:L@Lb (D) IVL:_n_(_i)Lb_ 139. Findoutthepairofwrongly Iuatched water dispute tribunals. I I. Krishnawater Mahai:ashtra,. Karuataka andAndhra Pradesh . II. III. Narmatha [water ' Rajasthan,Gujarat, Maharashtra and MadhyaPradesh - Kaverywater I Ka.rnata_ka, Kerala,GoaandTamilNadu IV. RaviandBeaswater - Punjab (3/1only ( "III only Haryana (B) II and IV (D) IVonly §a.I[prr£5 (§;F)l|LuSI|_I;IuI'_®eiTeIT nltjiracnasr 5r'r|;u_:rruJL'n Lnfpglb gbaadrr @a>anmwu.-ui; .5aisr(__i)|SIu+ I. ' qgdspmm lri II. Tpfrmgnfr III. - a:n(3e.u _.srr GTPAI I w§uorrIIrrdrt+WI.'-'>"|45li>aaunlucaétb - ' _ .l]IIadl)§II6iIT, (glggrrrg. Log)rrurra'qu,.IIrr, LD§U.Il£I]II(3§5=l.I) a5r°r_|5rrr_5Lh. (3¢5I1é'.I'rrr. Cesrrarrr. §LI5lk'p;§rr® IV. Ijrralmgjygylb I$uJrrdu Irfr (A) I u:n'_®Lb (B) II mfpgutb IV (C) III LoI'_®Lb (D) IV mugguo 13 u(§§a=rr|J, gD|uJrramr 46 140. The ethics committee was constituted inLokSabha intheyear (A)71998 (C) (E16000 2002 '_ (D) 2004 ' ' f_r;c'a1Q6utgl &=l[fI"I'5:l_I'; @Q.p Gcurré en_|rreSlai1' gleJDuI'_1_ q,a!'ar@ (A) 1998 I I (G) 2002 1 _ - V (B) 2000 (D_)2004 141. Which ofthefollowing statements about National_Developmentislare wrong? I. I NationalDevelopmentCouncilwasset up in 1952 National Development Council isconcerned with social and economic policy I"III. It isakey institution inCentre-State relations TIV. It consists of.principal secretaries ofalltheministries (A) I . (C) II and 111 (B) _ I and II (D)/IV G§,eu.I GLoLburn'_@ @@G)Q.l ugbyl sugbgsacéii-gmmrrmmm crgnlcrenai? I. G§§luJ (3I.oL'ourrI'_@&s(§(I:p 1952 Q51: «a1GDLo&;5IL1uI'_|_g| II. G,5.u.I GLoLburrL__@ei;(5Q; Logbgtb Qnnqgdnrgnu Qanérmsuineir H=@uIr® da;rrciar|__g .III. Lo§u_ILen;m sngoaiasasi) Q593(_1,p.~i;eE!u.s .n1:=r_xsusurLorr@u.b I I IV.I aenargg auautoén-J=5ré1&a6i1 (y),5dna:Lo Glasuiwtrarftsaiar Q3Gugbgjdrmgn 5 (A) I . (C) 11Logbgtb 111 I T . . ' (B)' I megs II (1)) IV '47 ' ' ' GTPAI13 ['Iurn over 142. Match theListI withListII andselect thecorrect answer. usingthecodes givenbelow the hat :, .(a)MGBIREGA I -H 1. Toupgrade_hot1sing forBPL, SCIST (b)_-_SGSY _ 3 2. Forbenet ofrural women I (c)IAYI A I - _ Guaranteed wage employments foratleast 100 days (d) - ' 4. -For improving-the fartzily income ofrurel poor LoGa3Irn'_:q,;b@£g; '.?'..'TTQJf' |_i1roSIsn1r'ré;@ 'eS(,| es:_'_3} G5rr®g'.g,cb (b)' cra'u.§,6rraiv.§pti:.' - 2. £rJI_rLoGIua&rra;a_ésruo)gé:5tr5 (9)3.q.9uu I 10o';5nd1cgJa§m.-»_J;,;,gm (.d) Ta.-24-crtb-eu'J % I I I 4.A#1Uww6I>L9tD555°¬1*T(5C9tb6 (a) (b) we my ' '-(A) 1 T2 I 3 _ 4 (B)3 '2 - .4. 1 (C) 3 4 (D) 3 1 GTPAI13 I 2 2 . ' 4 ._ 43 Te3'' - 3 T143.- 2 MW,in-_pile loopreactor installed fornuclear fuelstudies is I. Dhruvg _II. Apsara III. -Cirus . T T (A1/1 (C) III (B)I1 _ I (D) N @6095! qguq.91 q,gi)gJ)ciJ snr'r§;§ .g,u'.1a.|aii asrrcu ammm erg? I.I I II. gqgaurr =9uLIa=rrIJrr AIII. egg .g,,rj)_rpé_J anr'I';'5§ ¬I'lQLJl'IQljT %u'.:aSI,rb.srr.§;, 9_u(£u.:rr¢e's.-.m;n_:(9Li:. 2 MW(5915) ausna11urr' «mdu IV.- -$rr|.6ofI_ (A) I) (C) m ' . I V ha)II , (D) N 144. Thebillionaire) authorof theseriesofthefamous HarryPotteris (A)/.11; Rowling. (B) Enid Blyton (C) I NancyDrew (D) Jane Austen gprn urr:.'_s_r'r -sang; Q§lTl._G|'Jl) qasgp G|u;i);_I)aur ) (A) J.K.Quéwarén (B) sran; |Liaaan_n_a ' (C). ;_5rréreI°_Q§ (D) 49 145. Whatlis 'Kinect"? I. Depth camerasystems . II. Projector III. Remote control for T.-V. IV. Message boards ' M 015/ Ionly (C) (B)Iand 11 only III only (D) Nonly ' a1.5G;5$I_'.' crdngorréa srénarr? I-1 aei1errL.ré1£ul.I ;5159,r_i)u|_$ aqgsl dpmmsdr III. ge crgblalét sqyel aimmq I ' III. G,5rr6I>o.>§;esrr|'_e 0§tra>aJgnI: 5f_®urrf_® $®6l5l (A) I |.m'_@Lb IV. geseucio ua>a3ss.sd1 I (C) III m.-_@un (B) I Logbgub II |.m'_@Lb . _ (D) Ivm.'_@u:. I . 146. Cancerimmunologlst JamesAllisonis mainly associated with I. CTLA-4 II. CARE III. PD-1 IV. Erased tumours (A) I only in mice (B) C (C)IIonly II and IV only (D)/I and IVonly a_;;i)g(3p:ru'.I ,56m_.srr1Lu.| salgygrra Ggmdu a.|a5lJe'l1 §g95ng]Lb 6r6i)aJ.5C3aTn(9 Lm'_@L'o 9l.'Jl£llI_O I. CTLA-4 II. CARE III. PD-1 IV. -5ia'bTQI_a5|uSlg1|eiTa1 séggmwaam ;E&:£la1rrr'r.' (_A) I u:.r_@cn (c) GTPAI13 I (B) III Lo;i)r_;;Lb IV mr_@Lb II mc_@ua I (D) I mmgaro IV Lm®Lb . 50 1-17.193" member. ofUnited Nations Organisation was' (15% South Sudan C T (B)Zambia (C) -p _Tu1(-kmenistan (D) Somalia g3é;é;lu.| ;_r,rrL'_® aanuuldsr 193-3145: Lgulllatfr;_r;tr@ (A) Qggbg @,t_rr6is1 (C) I A(B) grrI.'mSIu.nr §yr'r§;Ladug5rr6'a1 (D) (3.-nn.otraSlu.m 148.aMs.Universe of2013belongs towhich country? (A/ Venezueula (C) Canada _ H (B) Colambia (D) Zambia 2013631 Ilqrug-E .393 cI;'5,5 ;5rn'_6m_ C3.er1rp'5,5aJr'r? (A) Qmaflamrr ' (C) ' a;arn_rr (B) Q85I'rc_oLbIQuJrr (D) an1.b|3u.1rr ' 149. Who won the World Chess Championship 2013 held at Chennai? (A) Kasparov A(C) Topalov (Bf Magnus Carlsen (D). GataKamsky losaimmuslaz ;=,._,r5,5 9.605; sgmiisuj c=._.m'_.., 2013uS|d.> emsQugbgpeifr u.1rrr'r? (A) sduucrél' -C . (C) GL_rrLIrr(3a.>rr6i.| C - _ (B) Gtbéardu srrfrdmsir (D).s;1_rr (§asLbeio_.eEl 150. Raman Magsaysay Award 2013 winner Habiba Sarabai belongs towhich country? ( Afghanistan (C) China - (B) = Japan (D) Pakistan 2013-gm g,asur®a;5rrar urrmét |.n:1rrei;arru'.Ja=rru.1 e6l@g|Qug')gn gmurr a=I'rInn_uru'.1 cqisg p5n1'_an_£r 7 (A) .5L|a;rraHdu,5trsis1; (C) §¬a1rr p (B) guisurreil . (D)' uuaasgsnar '' 51 '_ -GTPAI13 ['I'urn over I 151. - Find J74 +\44 +J22+J5 +J1_6 (A) 5 0 0 (C)6 I" T (B)7 '@/9 74+J44 +J22+J5+ ./1-6 -343'. srreinral (A)5 (B)? (0)6 _' _ %(D)9 152. A certain sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs. 690 in 3 years and Rs. 750 in 5 years. The sum lent is (A) Rs. 400 0 '- (C) Rs.500 0 ' (B) .450 .' _ Rs.600 srrgsrrqamr QJLIq_f5(§ .Qs;rr®e'm;|L).|_u;L.-egg Q§rra)5u.Irrang 6,0-sing %a'Irr®&as'\) @.690.=g,(-tenth aisg $a'ur®5asi) (5. 750 g,.5e4Lb Qpfré &|aI)|_.;pgcrdé)e_9i,r_i5§ Qgrranas (A) Q5. 400 (C) _ Q5. 500 '. (B) 65.450 T (D) Q5. 600 I ' 153.Foranytwonatural numbers pand qwedenefthe operators A, asfollows pAq=p+q2;pvq=pq 0 I then the valueof (5 v 2) A 25 is (A) -134 (Q/ 1066 " - _ ' _ - (B) -525 (D) 46 p,qarcing) QQ5 Qujé) crairragyisg A, Gretta) Q5u.)a9ss6i1 Ildrmqjmngu ma|)IJu.Iy(i'.asnL|u 'pAq=p+q;pvq=p-q 0 craflsi) (5V2)A25-61LDQILIL] (A)' 134 (C) 1066 'GTPAl13 l_ (B) -525' ' . (D) 46 62 - p A154.The nqxt'g_11re inthefollow-ringseries " (A) A «M ((5) (D) of . Q'5,n_,63,al®$ULFb _Tj* A I I . . , (.:.x) .A p " 'T»T_ A L '53 V T _ T. ' A TL'% GTPAI13 ' [Turn over 155. Findthemiéaing number. % (A) (C)2 e§I@L_u'_|_ srairrawami srrdms. (A)_4_% L(c> (B) 2 (D) -156.Findthemissing number inthefouowing diagram. E E 140 ' 128 .(A) 82. (C) » 72 E 2. 157. 4 ThevalueofgX18 is 316 2 ~ (A) E (c)-/ E 4 - (B) 5 ' 16 (D)55 (32 92 :1?-air: Loq srcincn? ' 2 (A) -. 4 (B)3 H 16 32 (C) -8-] 158.. (D)AE5 Consider thefollowing statements 2 Assertion (A) : Under British rule in Zamindari system, landlords charged heavy rents ' from tenants. I Reason (R) : UnderZamindarisystempopulation grew,villagesdecayed anddemandfor lands also grew. ' (A)/ Both (A)and(R) correct and(R)iscorrect explanation of(A), (B) - Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R-)is not correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false (D) (A) is false but (R) is true ..Sgg.-.5airr|_ eJrrei;£uJté15-aiarasalafua: ahgbg (A) _ : amass;.gI'_aF)u96iu g; gL6|siT§rr1H Qpmgoulé) gmamass:(gsgmsgnqmhisqgsg aua @5565).-.5 eJgaSl§§rrI'resa'T. I o I _ 5lrl]'Gll|'l.l3 (R) 2 GLo,r_i)u|q.'.g,I'_§IuSIsi: gusingrrr (ysaigrjuflcb LD$$l._Q§f|'@»5 Qu(ga'u;QpLb, rrrrioliisasir .5q5a.u.b qr;I'2Lu'_u_,5rreiJ, elmmglmrrhsash Ggsaeu Gluqgamg. (A) Jn;1')g] (A)-u.|Lb $lI'1]'GiIrLb (R)-Lb @I1aiIr®|.b anGioguh (R)srsitug (A)-slgbug, &lllJ|TGEl alaréa-Lib (B) suing; (A)-u.;L'o arrqcunb (R)@I;raa'ar® u:u_®|.b mq,6arrrd)(R) sreinug (A)aSI;i)(§ a=Iu.mrc5I aS}d1eiaet A $919) (C)_ ahgiagu (A)Lo|'_@Lb erz esrrqswnb (R)LDKI'_®I..'D gsmgu (D) &'n[_l)g] (A) Lo|°_®|.b gang.srr11asn.'o (R) I.o|'_@Lb all 55 . AA o 'GTPAI13 [Turn over 159. Dem graphic dividend refers to _ ' ( agreater proportion ofpopulation in theworking agegroup of15 64A (B) a higherpercentage shareofdependents toworkingagepopulation (C) getting more employment opportunities for the youth (D) a stable and balanced population ' maisiseir Ggrraia; Qwrru Freq crsiitgi asgag QsuaH|;|u@§ge.|g (A) . anas eleg ¢9|6lT6f1l6lJ (Emma urrrtésgrb6uu.I,oJrrare.|r'ra;eir - (15 64 ¬I.|G)|IlI§l6l)) LD.53e5dTQ§rra)$u§ld) a;rrannLIu@sug| nC' ' (B) &rrr'r5§)Q5|JC3urrrcii a=,5e§,5Li3 GQJGIDSI.) |_|rrr'r.s'5(§Li3_ muiairrat aSh_ .=9qa;|.orr.-5 5_rrewrnL|u® -(C) Qaaarui muiaxrraiaiqyég aus(Banana: aJrru'JILn_| aamuinugj (D) lmwuirrme=Loa'a¥IIIr6u1 Loéasaimeis O5rra'urLq.Q5|L_|ug 160. TheA,B,0 blood grouping as am discovered by i"(A,)/ Landsteiner andLevine (B) (C) ' Muller H.J. _ Morgan ' (D) Weiner A,B,O@135 6}J0J5£E-GDGT .5aiur(9|$1q.;'5§_6iJI'r (A) GaJ6'mLa1)an_a1r'r mgbgxib Gwaldnv (B) (y3si)aJI'r H.J. (C) Lofrfrassir D (D) Gsaiulsirarfr _161. Onethe sources ofvitamin Cis '(Citrus-fruits(lemon) - (C) . Banana M H (B) Eggs (D) Milk sixa.|n'_'n_uS)6's1 CSggiaahrnaimsaéa cré: auasib 5rreu1_rnL:u@£n)g? (A) crg|L6)a'ra>& (C) mnmgguggih GTPAIII3 (B) (y:n'_sm_ (D) urré.) } as ' ' H [5 162. Arrange thefollowing stages ofmeiosis-I inporrect sequence. II. Pachytene I( II. (III. Zygotene ,Leptotene' IV. Diplotene . III, II, I, IV (B) II, I, IV, III (C) I IV,'I, III, II (D) I, II, IV,III |£lI6IST61JQTjLI3 Lqirrdu Idrr;F,1a1a>a;azar arruinsar airamrsaé) srgggues. I. Gueuét II. 6aa=C3a;rrLo_6in' III. "(C1 163. Qcm;:C£1;rne.sis: IV. tq.1'JGenrno_6i1 I (A) III, II, I, IV (B) II, I, IV, III IV, I, III, II (D) I, II, IV, III Matchthe itemsin List I with ListII and selectthecorrectanswer: (a)' LCD) ListI (0)Adenine _. ' Thymine (d) 1 Uracil 2 Sugar I Ribdse 3 Pyrimidine RNA 4 Purine (a) (A) ' 3 . (b) 4 3 3 (D) (C) '(ti) 4 (2/2 _.3 ( ListII I4N)|I[o 4 NHJP-I-I eulcmrI-2.u_GB1 G}.ll(-3'15 II-awardQurr({5,$§ eura1&a;(g_§8:(§§; £5;Q&rr®$.5u'JuI'_@siTar Qg,5rr@i1u.§IaSlq5_r_& muirrsai 61SIcm_a)u.I§ GglaqQeulus : ' . (a) (b) .(c) eurmsl (d) &Ilq.)Té'l T 1. u4C'.§I;r.ei) a)§_r,L|$i6in am7C2urrcEu 2. 3; a=r're'sasanI 1S1IHu5lu.:sin g,r'r._6r6i1.c;;. _ 4. L'.I51_.;,16i:1 (A) (B) ' temcmr II 154, TheL.C.M,of.23.x3.x5.x11, '2"xr3ex05=x7_, 2-"x3x53x7"--s<11- (A) 25><3X53 0 . 0-=-(D)-/.25x3x53x72xl'l& (C) 2-"x3x5x7x11- . 0 I (D) 2x3x5xllx7." 23x32x5x1i, 2x3x52¥7, 25x3,3x53x72xll =g,£uJcraiIr5aeiI1L.C.M.%aI1§| (A) 2-"x3x53 _ (B) 25x3x53x72x11 23x32x5x7_xll 165. . 0 (D) .2x3x5x1lx7 The next number 3, 9, 27, (A) 45 - - (c)_72 '(B) 61 - 01/31 3,_9,27,6T6l'l'l) Q§m_'Id) ..-9|®§§ 9_g]LJL| . (A) 45 ' (B) 61 (C) 72' . (D) 81 166. If theC.I.on0 certain sumfor3 years at 10% perannum beRs.331.Whatwould bethe simpleinterest? . (A) Re. 3,000 _" (C). Rs. 30 (Ba/ Rs. 300_ ' _ (D) Rs. 30,000 9(5)GI§rra)03$g 3 %¢I@5GtG') 10%a.n'_1q. aggé) £an_.5s,(§Lb aau'_® a.n'_:q. Q3.3351sracbalcgs Qgnmaség ac; asrrcugbg .9105 a.IL'_u.. egsdi aan_a'sgL'0 ,5aan'_Iq. crahaxaran (A) Q5, 3.000 A (B) 03,. 300 (C) Q1). 30 %(D) 3.30.000 GTPAJ13 as ' ' 0 aaFind out the incorrect statements among the following with5rega'rdto Rajaji. ' 1 1. Established Gandhi Ashram in Pudupalayam. 2. Started.Salt Satyagraha in Tamil Nadu. 167. 3. Home Minister 4. Industrial Minister inthe Free India. in the Interim (A) . ' 1 and 4 (C) Government. ' (B) 2 and 4 2 and 3 3and4 urrgrrgg (gg,-_:,' £g;ei;.a;¢:1irr|_ e_sQ5§5g1esas'1> gmmnmaamasmar Qgglsq GI.-.ru'.|. 1. ryrrggrrg qgnurrmmmgé)astrgis Qgrytbalmtosgrrri. 2. 3. §,L6l195,$d> gin.)a§.u.urr£u5Lb Q,r;1bL11§',§rrr'r. @a>I_.§sa;Ira: .9m.§=lc'u aérggang) .9|sm.oe'rer'r. A 4. (A) (C) aiagggjilrj Qgbuirrcldz Qgsrrtdo gimp=9|cI>Lo;-In-.rrr. 1 Lo;i)g1u.b 4 (B) 2 Log')gL'o 3 2 mg)guLb 4 (D) 3 Lo_r_bg]Lb 4 I 168. MatchList I with ListII selectcorrectanswer. 1.1311 List11'(a) Lord Minto 1. Revolutionary (b) KR. Cama 2. Divide and Rule _ (c) AbdulKalamAzad (cl) 4 3. . HomeRuleLeague Common Wheel (a) 3 4. (b). (c) Khilafat Movement (d) ( 2 1 4 3 (B) 4 _3 1 2 (C) 3 4 2 1 - 2 1 4 1_u'_|q.u.|ci) I .o_1_dn u1'_u,.u.|c'o Hg Qurrqgga=Iu.|rras1 a9la>1_cpu.| G§fr;'5Q§®. I_n'_1q.u.Ic'o I j _ I_n'_1q.u.Icb II (a) L6l6iIGI_rr @914 1. ' alumrr (b) C3a;.%1'r.ssrr1orr 2. L9I§,5rr@1b Gasrrsirans (c) augeaa;a>rn.'o ,_g,a=rr,s_'r, 3. §dnann'_ asgstb (d) Qurrglpsmér , ' (a) ch) (c) (A) 2 1 (B) -(C) 4 3 _3 4 (D) 3 4. 2_ 4 cnrrurrg@u.ve's.-sib (d) 3 1 2 2 ' 1 1 4 59 GTPAII3 1 [Turn over 169. «Find <'Jut,thewrong-st'atement among thef91lowi_ng. - -7- - 1. Bharathi acc1aimed8(1l3gmdh.i_aa Mahatma even before Tlagore in1910. ' 2.' Heburnt_foreigp cloths atMadras Coas1: in 1906. 3. He was exiled toPondicherry Ham 1908 I30 1918. A 4. Sub-editor ofSwdesamitran 1111904. (A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 4 (¬.)/ 13.'on1y1 (D) 1 find4 igswsiuruw ;i)g1|dr gmprralaig asassr@.sIL.,a*sesa4.b. 1. gsrr.-J'a.Q§.§s.(§r, Qpé1(3u 5;rr;i,Gnu.| wstfwrr Gran l9l0.si) umj qsgpfggsrrfr. 2. 19069: QE6i|T6l)¬Il5I_§]')&-Gl}|J (3Loma:g5rr|'_®,§5 gaiageawar 1:rr§,5n. 3.- 1908-1918 Guam] urrsu'anq.$Ga=I&;@ _|5rr® 5l_§§l;n_-||'_L..lTl°l'. 4. ' ' 19040) &C3,5§L6l§,§|Jadu glanann géllm. (A) 1 I.o;I)g]Lb-2 (B) 2 |.n;bg)Lb 4 _ (C) 3 I.m'_®i.b (D) 1LD;_i)_rg|Lb4 1, GTPAII3 8 8. so 170.Consider thegiven Fig. oISeas ofNo.1-th7-West Europe. Match'?I~.iat I with LiataII-and select 'the correctanswez-_t usingthe codegivenbelowlist. Listl I - 2' List 11 Sea number (a) I (b) (c) (d) V Sea name 1. Baltic Sea II 2. Norwegian Seat III IV 3. 4. North Sea Irish Sea (a) (A) ' 3 (b) _ (0) (C1) 1 '4 2 (Ba/' 4 1 3 (C)' 2 4 3 1- (D) 3 2 4 1 2 Q5Ir@é;a;C1u:_®dTen aun_(8m;j)(§ 3(3I;InJu£u.| 5:_ciJ5sna1 uI_;'s-cogs tsqgab Ostreirs. sulaw I3 movs II gn_a'n Qurrqyg anHu.nrau ggu3® 9_6iTa1 uaacvg 5u|IiamrI aslsns II _- ' 5I_ci) mail! (a) I 5|_6i) O|.Iu_Ir'r 1 uIrc'mq.£'5 a-.._do' (b) II 2 .r_r,rrr'rGa.|g3u.1éI1'asn_é) (c) III 3 a-.n_asn_c'u - 4 grdsp a;:_dJ ((1) IV (A) (8) 3 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 1 [3 I I Cb) ' 1 1 ' 4 3 I (0) 4 (d) 2 2 3 3 1 2 _4_ A_'s1 I ~ I GTPAI13 ['Iurn over 171. Match List I with List II and selectthe correctanswerusingthe codesgivenbelowthe lists-.:_ ListI - List II City ' ' 1 ' - .' Climate *(a)I Manaus . _1. _ - Midlatitude aridandsemi axfid (b) Valpariso .2. Rainy 'Irc_opic (c) Chennai 3. l (d). Denever '4." _[Wetanddrytropic (a) (A) (b) (C)_ (d) 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 1 4 2 1 3 (D) 2 1 3 I4 (C) summer sub t1_-epic I QIIHGIE I 9.1.631 auawIIsnanL| Gungg a1sa)5\-sggyebg (g)Q5n®4's5DuC_@siTaT Q,-5Ir@ILuS]aS]Qr,f a=1'Hu.1rra1_eS|eI>1_u§1a)ar§ QgraqGenus. anawil gsasmb I I Te1Ia)a= II '_ snmmm (a) LnIra1rran 1 Lo,5,§u.| an;-.r urramn Lofoytb awn:Lurcncu ' (b) a1IrdJuawG&IT 2 Fl)a|u.Isa1 (c) Qsdnaaan 3 9.1.:aflIJ68T a.ug)aim_ (Smear. (d) Q1__aa1n 4 myLo_tbgLb_a1_tpaisr|_ aqua: (a)' (b) _(c) 4.(d) (A) 3 4 1 2 ' (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 4 '2 1 3 3 4 3 (D) GTPAI-13 2 1 - I 4- - 62 I3 172. 2Match'thé followixfg 3' I (8) Globigerina Ooze '1. _' (b) Neritic deposits' ' 32. s(c>3DiatsmOoze (d) (A) Deép Seadeposits _(a) (b) 1 2 (c) 3 '\*B{2 23_ 4 (C) 1 I 3 4 (D) 3 2 1 (d) 4 £g;5siu1't_eJ;i)6n;o Qlsngggmz (a) (g(3a'rTrL.i1QgIan1' Gag 30) 9.'b'|+~i'» HIM 1 (c) 6I)I_u.|rrL'..I_Li$ Gary\ (d) %@a;t_ci> |.Jlq.GI.| (a)3.(b)T(c) (A)' 1 2 3 (B) 2 3 4 (C) 1 3 4 (D) 4 2 I173.Which ofthefollowing istrue? ' I _ ' II. PresidentofIndia nominates12membersto the RajyaSabha. -II. IIn United Statesthereis no suchnominatedmembersto the Senate. .-' (A) I is true _ - _ -(C) I istrueI butIIiswrongI I I'(B) II, is true I and IIaretrue _£g;56rI_m_rbg)|d1.6rg.)IsI? I I. géarrrglu Lorra_)r:'.:a;ara)(;ué;@II1I2 ;F,_](IuLo('sn ag)uJaSl§u1rrsmm§luJLoarrILh Glaru'_|._rpr II. (:9|Qlor$$rr0l(I;i) Q51 IC3urr6%I1g) lulmssr ag)uLnI5]a)'rrIr.5;6i1 Gl5=G51'II_l:}I.6l) luJL)§Li;I.$IJu@6).I@61) (A). Isa R _ (B) user I I R(C) I sea, Q(,aIsrrrc.'D 11 ssug) T (DI)1Log')'guLb IIsm I74. Consider thefollowing statements. AssertionI(A): ' Reason (R)I : I The executive IIandthe legIislatu__re of -thellnion shallhave extraordinary powers during an Emergency. TheUnionIExecutive .has thepower togivedirectionsaState only to matters specied in Art 256-257. Io: -I ' I (A) Both (A)and(R)areindividually trueand(R)isthecorrect explanation of(A)- M (R/ Both (A)and (R) are individually true but(R) isnotacorrect explanation of(AI) ((3)I (A)istruebut(R)isfalse II I ' I - _I(D) (A)is falsebut(R)istrue 4 £g)et.srrgg)nb airretsrlmréissoar $6lJ6i!llI; &uj)g)| (A) R:I Glpqgeis.-mg, ;F;)a)a)'u9l(sinQl_Il.|(|£§| 6'6)II.Dl.lJ ;F,]r'reurrs;GpLb enI'_1_.Lo6ingn(5 _qI,6ne'r $-|.$I'Il,'I'l'§J£!S_d'IIT G5rrsn'1sr® .- - _ I s;rrr;rsusrL'o (R) : el 256257u.si$r uLq.§5r[sh1 aInLou_I_ [f)lfl'QJIT$Lb g mrr;F;]a.)§,.;iJg'J( a;|'_|_ar IE];r)1ILIISI$s;QpLq.u4Lb. I I I (A) -I(A) Log')r_rgLbI (R)@Ir)aisr(j)CSLo sm, C3Log2|L'o (R)(:r6I3Tug,1 (A)ei§l;I'J(§ smuJmIs.s1srssus I (B) (A)mgbgglb (R)@r,reisr@Lb sm, Qbsurrci) (R)srsirugj (A)elxg .sHI1I'|u_|rr(zT 6£I|l61r$$LochaJ (C) (A)_s(a sseama (R)sass ' R A I .I (D) (A)I§6usI secure) (R)amA "'GTPAl1I3 I - 64I _ A _ A_ 3 ' 175. Oicidation state ofNickel inNiekele'I'.etr.acarbonyl'(Ni(C is (A) +2 (C) (3/0 +4) (D) +1 ;F;Ja'saée'J Qt-_|'_r;rrr asrrfruazcxr (Ni(C0)_, )6151633 aairsrr q,$a19gG6a;bg) (Elmer (A) +2 (B) 0 .(C) +4 (D) +1 The star seenclosedto earthis 176. (A)- Sirius t (C) Cygin 5L5I¢(e_}5 L515 a(Q§5rr6nLnuSIa'J 5nawr1LItJ@Lb afaiaridsr (A) ' eIu.|ra'u ' ~ ' (B) q,ciJ.'.:_|rr GareirQI_aI1 (C) . mam ' (D) '65>¬l)Qt_63T ) Thecceleration duetogravity atthecentre oftheearth 177. W {_ Equaltozero (B)h_ Less than 9.8 mlsz (C) Equalto 9.8m/s2 (D) Greaterthan9.8miss GDILDLIJLLI uguléa 1465} FFfrlZu.; (y)@ai;5§6'I!_LnIL|1_; II (A) mg!LD,tLII4ei;@ 5LnLb (C) 178$ T (B)TA9M.8_ L5I61E2..'.i3g gangnag (D)' 9.aL5/e§12.;mu'es1;_=9.,g5 ; 9.8'L5Ia§1"é;@erLoLb Magnetic effect ofcurrentfwas discovered byv _ ' (B) Fleming (D) Ampere L1516B'rC3arrrI'_n_g'5ain a5tr'r_'r;§ gmelaxerafanar 6'5£liFl'®l§ll:}§§Q.|l"I (B)T.°.1§lmt5lrE1 _.(A) _.°.ILIurrI7(3I_ . (C) 9'I1a'm_I'_ (D) q,1h1Slu.:fr 65 (B) (A) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) GTBAI _13' 66 180. Thefollowing tableshows thecourier charges inrupees _foi' sending 1-kgparoel fromonecity' to another. _ A V ' Cities A B (3 ~13 ' E A ' 1o 57 15 1o .13 7 c ' 25 20 20 15. _ 1o D .. E _ ' _. _ M _ I _ Among the following the charges will least forsending parcel from : (i) A to E (ii) B to D (iii) E to D (iv) CtoB _- (A). (1) - (B) ") (C) ' 7»./(E) (in) .§gg$a;aian_ c_5)rL'_I_aJa)aaruSld) 99 _I_r,e5IJ§',§Ja$lQ5;i5g .u:;i)Q;_orrQ5 |§$lJ§['y@ 1a. crcm_u.;_aira1iQu angnju¢%@Lb Game) q_r,urru§Id) g,I;r('Ju|'_®siTaTg. _5e5I|7:u&6i'r A C A . B A C 10 _5 E 15 10 7 '25" 20 A _ D _- D _ + E . 20 15- e 10. ' _ 4_' £g;&35aiur|_6i@gxdr 6r;'r;g, @n1au'ar® _r55rJre'.ra;g5ai;g @6li)l_cU.| c91gn'Juu;:u@Lb Qurrggéjég LI5l.5eis (gmpgbg Qsmaq %(§Lb? (i) I ' ' '' AaS1Q§.r_'r5g,| Ee'I;(§ (ii) Beoirzgu Dés (iii) Eaoisl D-iss (iv) CaS](1§_Ega Big, . _ (A) (1) (B) (ii) (0) (D) (iv) (iii) 6'? " _. . I . %GTPAll3 [Turn over 181. Match the" ListI withListII using thecodes given. below :. 1 ' 3 - II (a) Agriculture, "Forestry and Fishery"I 1. I Unorganiséd sector (b) Mining, Manufacturing; Electricity 2. GasandWaterSupply Service SectorI I ' (c) Trade, Transport andCommunication 3. Secondarylsector (d) Unincorporated Enterprises and Household industries - I 4. Primary sector ' a (a) 'i(b) ._ (c) (d) (A) 2 M 3 4 ' 3 2 1 (c)'. 2 4 (D) 3 1' .3 '43 31 '2 I_|I-_lq_uJQ..) I-13 u|_'_Li|.uJdu I_I &I_6iT Gurrggi "Egg;-i;.!56u'3TI_ (.5;b'lu5®a;a)a11_: uu_I6iIu@§ 5652 I '.'. _ _ 4.11T (a) alaiarruulh, 5rr(9 euernnLu_}, LBGBI s:Ja'nTILIL} 17. aqmmlllq &=lllJ'I'|' gangs. (b)- &I1rf.1e5§.g1a>gn.L;iJu§',,, L|Sdoi&rrI;Lb.t11_eJrr34, I2. uqnasdt Q1999) 63$ _ _ _ ' (c) _euI'r¢§5L's. Gunégmugj. CI§rrsu:oJQ§m_frL1 3. Qmqmwg g|onj1) (d)T q9|)lD|;IL} errrmr lrf;I.r_i-;gaJsu1:I§1¢scir, @|q.6IDLD§ 4. Q§l'|'|_,_6i)5GIT ' ' (a) (b) kc) (d) (A) 1 2 33 _ (B) 4 3 2 '.(c)_.2 4 .1 (D) GTPAII3 3 4 - 1 I '4 1 I3 2 - es 3I Qp_e_r,£iTan.o§ gimp .132.Whjchofthefollowingisoofrectlymateed? I ' '' (A) Jatakas - MauryanGeneology '' I 2 (B) Puranas Ashokas effortsto spread Bud'dhi'sm to Srilank (C) I ipavamsa . - Socio-economic condition oftheMauryannperiod (E/]ghiga_ Nikaya -3Inuence ofBuddhist ideas on Mauryan-polity |5Iérra.IQ§L'o GaVl'llq.5IIG-J eH'u.1rrL5:L1 QurrQ1j,$§I'Jun_°_L_§: erg? (A) Qngsrrdu ' 1- QLoa11'uJfr5adrr LDlJ'L[ m (B) __ qr;rrsum.b _ - .=91(3&rra;fr g§a)ré1a;ne£ild) qgg; mggmg ur,r|J1.|m_e_r,_ri)(§ 6r(9_e_'r,§|.§;G Qpmgbélsdw _ _ (C)I £umLb&Lb QIDa11uJfr$@Lb agpaslh Qurrqgdmggrrq 'l6l)a)u.]Lb (D) Q.-.i;r5u.ur - Gmsm'u.:r'ra;a6ir =9|IItuJaSla;.5asin gsrrésaub ' 183.Match theListI withListII andselect youranswer using theoodes given below :I _ ListI List II (a) Yakshagana 1. Maharastra (b) Tamasha 2. Karnataka (c) Rasljla 3. "Bengal (d) - Yatra Codes: 4. _Manipur I Me) an) (e) (d) ( 2 1 A (B) (C) B (D) 2 3 1 1 . 2 2 4 3 3 4 -4 4 1 3 uLu+u.na'n gpdnaag) uI'_u;uJa'n @U6IIIT@l_éT_@a)éWT§§|, £69G)5rr@é;a;:Ju|;®dra1' (§gu3@aseIT a,5oSIu.u_ér I &r'u.:rrsut slam_snLu G§.rr_r_r;Q_e§.®é;5q4Lb: (j e uI'_up.1.|e'u I (a) u.|é;a9,asnarrrr .(b) I (c) (d) . 7 - I -" ' L.I|L_tq_uJé) II 1.' ms;rnyr_rsiq.|q.1JLb §Lnrraq.tr |1rreiua5aJr{ 2. a;r'rpm_a;Lb 3._ suriussrrerrtb uJIr,$J_rr 4. Lomgfr ea; ' (3) (b) 4 _ (C). (A) 2 (B) (C) 2 1 3 2 1 ' 2 B - ' 1 ' 4 _3 4_ 5 (d) 3 I 4 1 3 . A «$9._ __2 GTPAI [Turn over 184.Arrange theannex_atio1i.of stateaunder tI1e Doctrine ofLapse" in_ chronological order and select the codes given below : I. Jaipur II. Udaipur III. Jhansi ' I IV. é Satara (A)11,1,111,1v (B/111,11,1,1v (C)1,111,11,1v_(D) 11,111,1v,1 1SLr_r)5'pa.1 Q5rrsi1ana5uJr_rciJ mrr1f,lmr§1séT @a)6mé5|L|u1.'_|_a)§5 array a.11m&1L1u®§,£ .§g;et@r,f)I§;aL' @;u5®a5aa5l@f5g aluursur aSla>L_a>u.I,5 G,-,1'5r'r;'5Q§@': ' I. Qgu'.nL1H,r'r II- L§11'Jg._,1,r'r III. arr-a'I1aF1 IV. sgrrurr (A) 11,1,111,1v _(B)_111,11,1,Iv (c) 1,111,11,'1v (1))11,111,1v,1' I 185. Matchthe following: (a) Bhapesh Sanjrel _ 1. (b) Sita1-a Devi V I (c) 2. ~ Painter K.C. Arya (cl) Girish ChandraQrhosh T (8) '(b) (A) 3 (£ (C) (D) 4 3 Artist (C) 4 3. National Theatre 4. Dancer (d) 4 1 2 2 '3 1 2 1. 4 3. ldtmgmdrmgbmp Gu_rrq§§5g1a;: (a) urr(3ue'q. a=d11uJm:'u A 1 assoc) qmrn (b) egsrrryrr 2. 9aSlu.1r'r (c) c:.s.§1..g,rrum ' 3. . @111 page (d) '£a'u saq Ga;rra'q. 4 151.611 jEIL|6Ul'r'I', (a) . (b) (A) 1 -_3 (B) 2 4 (C) (D) 4 3 IGTIPAII3 (C) ' _(d) 4 2 ' 1 _2' I3 1 2 I 3 1 4 _ I 70 1 no 186. Which ofthefollowing statements about Fun=d'amen'taI Right is"Ii{11je?'j'_' I ' T:LI I. TheFundamental Rightsarecontained in PartIV oftheconstitution. II. TheFundamental Rightsarenon-justiciable. ' 'III. TheFundamental Rightspromote international peace. IV. TheFundamental Rights guarantee thepolitical freedom, tothecitizens. _ *(A) I andIII (B) I and11 (C) III only ~.- (D)/IV only =5|Iq.IJuaL 9_IFla)|.oasd'r uybgblm aid}.-.i'-a;6a'nrI_ aiaggsada sruirraicibai cranau? I. anaafluiaiaamiulcii ug IV@cu.auq.uJua>|_ maamsdi.._9u__réLu4ei1arg| , _ II. auq.LJuaL «.Lua:|_.oa;'eir métmggrréi 15$ aigpréigmggjyg auJurr;buI'_a_g4 I III. e|u;.|L|uam_ 9_ra)Loasei'r u6'a1arnn'_@ $|6'I')LDQGlDLlJV GLoLb|_J@§,g1e£l;ug1 IV. auq._uJusm_ Lnmmsdr@uq.u.oé3s@53'.@ aqélmén aijugmg QJ|,Q|'§l@G aggmrrgmaésélehmm . (A) 187. I Logbgub III (B) I mgj;gyLb II - Match List I with List II: . List I I (a) _ 19 22 Articles (c) 23 _2. 24 Articles a) ' 4 (B) 1 ' (C) 2 (D) 3 _ 1. _(d) 32 Article ( (D) IV u.m'_@Lb List II 14 18 Articles (b) (C) III Lo1_(,nb Ch) (0) (d) 3 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 4 RighttoConstitutional Remedies Right against exploitation 3. Right to Freedom 4. Right to Equality |.n_1q.u.1c'o I6l)6§T UC_lq,.uJ§J II 1.53; QurrQ§§§..g|.-5 : LlI;.l.q.tIJdJ I |_u'_tq.uJéJ II (a) al 14 18 (b) ' . (c) i 1. al 19 22 661$23- 24 (d)_ 661$ 32 anuéluidi ulssrru arcmo 2. 3. aH;raiur1_g1|$g ¬|'§l)'|'|'6lT mmm ai,51_i;I;r :}_Iam.o 4. swggioi:_Lqcm.o - eaz (a) (b) (0) (d) p (A) (B) 4 1 (C) (D) 2 3 3 ' 2 3 2 2 3 1 4 4 1 1 4 I 71 . , GTPAII3 ['Iurn over _"188.Match tliefollowing: I .ListI Amendment Act _(a) 44Constitutional (b) . -61 Constitutional Amendment Act (c) . 79 Constitutional Amendment Act (d) ( 87 Constitutional Amendment Act ca) (by (c) (d>g 3 4 1 4 3 1 2 (C) 3 _1 4 2 (D) 3 . 4 _2 1 érmqymmmgizmpGurrqggsgas : lJl'_l:i.uJd) I (a) 44ameu.:aJanLon_'n4 sn'_L_qr,g',§.Lb _ (b) 61 .9uJ&luJaJa>LnnLu_| s:'_L_Qr7,$§Lb (c) 79au:élu.mua>LorL:i4 &|'_i_q5,$§3Lii (d) 87aguélmwmmu 5'a'_|_(I3§§Lb (A) <3) 189..TheCentral Administrative Tribunals [were setupontherecommendations of - (A) The Ministry ofLav1r and Justice (B) TheIndian LawCommission e Sarkaria Commission . A _" - _ TheA(lministrative'Reforms Commission ' i_1_.o§§lu_1-r'r6n1r.ss §r'rL'i141ru_1Lb u_:rrQ5aoL_u_1 u11§g161nr,ru_1rrsiJ a|611iLoé;ss1L1u1_'_( (A)es1'_1_11~. mmo ggmmaénmsmm I (B) . %61nas11ru_11i'3 (C) a=r'r5rr1u_1rr QQ9 (D) 15l1'reu rras (.5@1.o1.'b 190."Consider thefollowing statement : T 1. Rafael Nadal won men singles Fre_nch open tennis tournament 2013. 2- ThisisNadal's maiden French opentitle. f the statement given above is/are correct?_ 7( . 1only I IT (B)_ 2 only (C) both 1 and 2 (D) neither 1 nor 2 1_1l6i116).1@Lb 61Jrr$e£lu_11131L9;:51r1¢aIT G»1_r;rr$@a;: 1.I .1IC3uc;'u r_r;L_rrdJ gsagufr 1'_1Qq6i11£r 91.1631 GL_ei1i6a'rl6i1> 120133 Qmcirmrrfr. T _ Q2. Qgjm ceqmfr Qpgém (1_.,oa);1)u_11rs3 an_.51'4u;i)gu1.b 1'JG1;rd11_¢'r 91.1631 GlL_6ir1a1a'u aE1l@§rr@1.b. Qcb-.7rr_'r,1_r, a1Jrr1.'1;e§]u_11.i:»)e1.1rr13'..1u_1rE.1as1' ar11l11J1r<;a16111ra1i? In(A)I gcfrrgy 1o1_'_®Lb (B) B _@1Ia511r1_1ra.1g| LoL'_@1.b (C) @6319: wvostbQUWG (D) @ua:'11r®1b @éJanoJ i 1 A ' ' % A 73 1 t % t. ' T G'_IPA [Turnover 191.Which one ofthefollowing term isnot related totheoption NOTAthevoting system? (A) Against all (B) (C) Negativevote IV Disappi-oval "ofall the candidates (BK Invalid vote Jérmqgmssrmgjagudw 61155 Gland: mrrig, qpmgouci) anrru'.1 IJI4 (3;5m'_I_n 6qI_-sir Gg5nt_r'rLE|lci)ai I (A) ¢9|a>iat16uQ§$(e_I,Lb sruns (B) crfrmaap eurret(§ (C) aqmarggg (3a.u'_urrsrrr'r5a:aru_[Lb (I5llIl'_|'$l'l-'l§§a') T_(D) QséJa)rr;5 enrr$(§ H T192. Name thesatellite envisaged tolaunch fourtonne class ofsatelliteinto geo synchronous . transfer orbit. ' ' I 1. TGSAT-2 I yy 11. GSLV-MK III III. EDUSAT IV. INSAT-4CR _ I _(A)Ionly (B)/Il'only (C)_ II andIII only (D) IV only 4 |_sin cram. ;a'rsrra:§ 14951 'as:rco$ a:|'_L_ais11IJu@§5 Canarulnsrraagulér 'LDH1l)) srfr(C.3r_r,rre§; e.g,|a:anr$(35rrd'r¢ra3aJ? I. GSAT-2i II. GSLV-MK -III. EDUSAT V IV. INSAT4CR (A) III 1m.'_@co' (B) -II.u.m'_@Li: (C) - II Logjagib III LoL_@|.b GTPA/13 (D) IV Lo|'_®Lb 74 193. ' Choose the correct answer : Indira Gandhi National Integration Award 2013 was conferred ' s(Ar)/M.S. Swarninathan (B)Sachin Tendulkar 7- 1 (C)' .'Kasturi Rangan (D)"' Lata_Mangeshkar erruirran ialsmnsnm (B§r'ra4 Gsulna; : @§,urra;rr;_'r;§ (Egg.-u.I §p@jmLoILII_Irr1L® efgggu 2013u_urQr,e%(§ a.||=.pr§J.5ILIuI'_L_g1? a'.ci.1.|rruSl'I_r;rr,.-._v',5i11 (A) 6rL'o.cra'u. (B) sérélsin GLa§o'r®su.5r'r T (C); aseiugmms..s;aa1 (D) sugrrLors1C3es6i5p$r'r 194. The CEO(ofPepsiCo,and is oneof the mostpowerfulwomanis T (A) SheelaDixit (B) SeerinaWilliams (C) Kiran Bedi_- (J3)/Indra Nooyi Quin.-§1(3a;rrs{:1érr gmmmm a5I_'.(5\nLn_:rri'_@ Ga=uJsb. anglasrrnunb Lo_rjr;r_;yLb e.|rru'.|.I_i,§ Quaimnauuirra; .5@§IJu@ua.|fr _195. (A) 61$6DlT ,5$e§1§ (B) Qerrsurrr 61S1_d)aS]uJLbsi1i (C) (D) @'rjr,g_£]urr guuf §I1a'n C'S|_n.q. Oneof thecoralreefareasidentiedfor intensiveconservation andmanagement is -(A)/Lakshadweep (B) Pulicat (C) 1 Pamban (D) Rameswaram ahél§e£I1 I_nrrg:a;rnLn_; Lo_xi)guLb Gmmrrdarmmésssnas 'a5airrI__r§Iu.1nL|u1'_1_ uauemlu urran_ro.ssiT aénengem (A) (B) ' (C) (D) @|1Ir(3Loa' em'_a=§ eqeasirI L1a.$rn_ :_1rrLb|_Is'uT 75 ' GTPAII3 - [Turn over 196. Name the Nobelprizewinner,whowasawardedthe prize,39 yearsafter he identied boson particle in his name? ' |I . Francois Englert e II. Peter W. Higgs III. MartintKarplus IV. Michael (A)I Levitt I - (c)111_ _'_(D)IV _5dng|am_u.| Quu.|r'Ha'D Currsrrdn a-|@§;aiig; .-sc¢iar@|§l1q_§,5 I§l6l!T 39QJQ§I_I'l?nl$@§$@ I§l[D@ (l{r_r;rru6 uxai Gugbg) e£l@@rr6orl I. H E ' ' ulgrrrsirsnuhdv crrE.:sur'rn'_ ll. I3|'_|_r'r W. eéssiv III. Lnrrr'r'|'_|q_dn a;rrr'rI5la'ra'u Iv. uSl§;C356§>.eS'aSI:'_ (A) I H. (C) 111 . T. (B) II (D) IV T 197. Themain website http:llwww.pib.gov.in istrilingiial in (A) English, Hindi, Bengali (B) Urdu, Hindi, Bengali (G/.English, Urdu, Hindi (D) English, Hindi, Tamil 1httptl/www.pib.gov.in Ga;rraim_ Qaaamm 56111:» Gr;i§,5 Qpéotgu G|.orr5§_I.-.ser'HdJ Ga.Ier'Hu§l®§gy§ (A) .=g,r:'uea>ib, gage, mrgsemwgg (B) aqggj, a.Ité1asGLnrru§ (C) .=g,rE.1aa>LiS, 9455, -H (D). %n-I6mbefblrb. 5&9 GTPAI13 - ' 76' ' 3. 198'. Which oneofthefollowing organization haswontheNobel Peace Prize fortheyear 2013? = (A) Organization ofArab Petroleum Exporting Countries I (B)I Organization ofEconomic Cooperation andDeve1opu_1ent' ( Organizationfor the Prohibitionof ChemicalWeaponsM (D) Organization ofPetroleum Exporting Countries Gldimgmaimfpgdr «jig,@Q5.¢9l6«DLDl;lI_[ 2013"%LD' Q,eiarIq,r_'r)i5tra1 eoianoleisairrai GprrudJ' uloi Qmeimgg? ' (A) _e9u7L| QI_u_C:)rroS1uJ <.1r_'r)r_;)iu), ;_r;rr(3iasaaii1 aau_i_em.oIJL_| ' (B) QLll'|'Q§Tl'l'§l'|iJ' gpggimtpq LD!j)yLb aJaTr'rt'H|='|eisa;rrai e9IanLnILiL| ~ (C) (3a}I,u§lmd> Q,u4,5riua5a)a'r §6'l)I._ Q5u'.u:iJ,s_r,;b5rra1 e9(t;m.oI;n_[ (D) Guu'_C2|yrraSIu.I qr,Ii)guto§J ;5rr@s;aén aiiI'_t_mLmLu_; - 199. whoisthenewly appointed Chief Justice oftheJharkhand High) Court? (3)/Justice Ram Jethmalani ' ' (B) -Justice Iqbal ( DJusticeR.'Bhanumath.i (D) JusticeR.amShankar grrr'r5a'uTL Lorrgaiséii :i_u.ir'r mérmgléi irhgrrts; j_-)]UJLt|;.6<5Sl;lL|Ll_V ganeaamn u.|rrr'r (A) gu mnb Ggsmearra (C) u um. urrgntoP (B) u QésurrdaI A (D) |]'|'|'LiJ .s=It'.1.5;r'r 200- Whois theauthorof theautobiography entitled"MyJourney? (A) Pranab Mukherjee (s)4P.J. Abdul Kalam (C) Manmohan Singh (D) Kabilsibai ' crastg: Lhuaunb creirg) gmwumu Q5rraim_ aiuJa=Ia:,5uSlé1_g,i-§liu.|r'r u.1m'r? (A)'Liliranrrri Qpsfr i (B) 6;r.i9.Qg. e9u.'.Ig|c'o asaamb . (C) ieeii<:ieie'.eai .-mi. % _ 5 1 ' (D)etiaei aisle; - ' ' 77' A I ) '' GTPAI13 " [Turn over