9.Solutions >n: Result l- of health drink Anu has got back home from playfield after winning a match. She is received SOLUTIONS 9.1 . SOLUTE AND SOLVENT In a solution, the component present in lesser amount by weight is called soiute and the component present in a larger amount by weight is called soivent. Generally a solvent is a dissolving medium. It surrounds the particles of solute to form solution. phases namely, dispersed phase and dispersion medium. The substance distributed as particles is called dispersed phase. The continuous phase in which the colloidal particles are dispersed is called dispersien medium. (Dispersed phase + Dispersion medium -» Colloidal solution) In short, a solution can be represented, as follows (Solute + Solvent > Solution) 9.2. TYPES OF SOLUTIONS 9.2.1. Based on the particle size Based on the particle substance, the solutions size of the are divided into three types. 1. True seiutiens: It is a homogeneous mixture that contains small Fat, vitamin, protein solute particles that are dissolved throughout the solvent eg. Sugar in water. zeiioidai selutiarast It is a heterogeneous mixture made up of two Q2: . 1;...9¢ "7. htéf in 36 &Ul~.uu§a.I& Sugar solution Sivmk Fig. 9.2 Mixture of sugar and water forming true solution Fig. 9.3 A mixture of milk powder and water forming colloid 0 . St§$§§3§§S§t{.1£§"%S: It is a heterogeneous mixture of small insoluble particles in a solvent. In a suspension, the particles Students maybe asked to observe t of solid stay in clusters that are large enough to be seen (e.g. Chalk powder the scattering of light (Tyndall effect) when sunlight passes through the in water). window ofthe class rooms.The dust particles scatter the light making the pathof the|ightvisib|e.u >I I-- SOLUTIONS Comparing the properties of true solution,colloidal solution and suspension Particle size In A0 (1A° =10*°m) L/V 1A0 to 1OA° k 1 0A5 t 200° More than 2000 A0 Visibility of Notvisible evenunder Visibleunderultra B Visible tothe B particles ultra microscope microscope naked eye Diffusionof particles diffusesrapidly diffusesslowly diffusiondoes not occur Scatteringeffect Does not scatter light It scatterslight it does not scatter light 9.2.2. Based on the type of solvent 1. Unsaturated Based on the type of solventsolutions are classifiedintotwo types 1. Aqueous SQ§t.§Q¥§:The solution 2. Saturated in which water acts as a solvent, is called equecus sciatica. For e.g., sugarsolution. in which any liquidother than water acts as a solvent is called rtcrz«aqL:eet,:s carbon Solution of disulphide is solution 3. Super saturated solution 3.. unsaturated sciatica: which the solute A solution in is in lesser amount in comparison with the solvent is called 2. Nan-«aqueausactution: The solution saiutém. solution sulphur in a suitable unsaturated solution. In this, addition of solute is possible till the solution reachesthe pointof saturation. e.g., 5g or 10g or 20g of NaC| in 100g water example for non-aqueous solution. (Benzene,ether,CS2,are someof the examplesfornonaqueoussolvents.) 9.2.3. Based on the amount on the amount of solute asmticn: which no more in a definite of solute in the given solution Based .Sati.:rated A solution in solute can be dissolved amount of solvent at a given temperature is called a saturated solutione.g., in the given amountof solvent,solutionsare classifiedintothe followingtypes. i) A saturatedsolutionof CO2in H20 o ii) 36g of NaCl in 100g of water at room temperature forms saturated solution MORE TO KNOW 3.utaar saturated seiutioe: AsolutionLL7NitrdgenLLinLLLéLa&# a:eXLaLLmp|é *Ifozrsatu=ratedfLL solsutiofn in?' nature; which has more of solute at a given temperature solution is (Earth soil,;caLn[not store:si5notregt;csN2 than that of saturated called super saturated tithgmg itcan;ho|diL).t i Mi seiutiora. > L: Testwhethera sLo|ution_Lisi saturated,i L L unsaturated or super-saturated with V respect to the addition of salt at a particulartemperaturetothe solution. V L Take atglass containing 100ml of l-- water, three packets of salts each 2 weighing 20g, 16g, and 1g and a table L spoon (see g9.7). t L i LUnsaturated L L Saturated L i LL~SuLper SOLUTIONS 9.3. SOLUBELITY MORE TO KNOW Solubility of a solute in a given solvent Obiiuteiiand concientratedisoiuiicinsi concentration [of fatsolutionfisi ihe ifaVmount7;ofOOy solutesdOissoiOved ;in?V given amount iofj.solvent. O A solution V at a particular temperature is defined as the number of grams of solute necessary to saturate 100g of the solvent at that temperature. For example SoiubiiiivOi CUS04in H20 is 20-79 at20°C containingi less amourit O of solute;is iknown asuiiuie soluution.:OwhTereasOf a Vsolutmiiconiaining largeOoiOamoOVuyr 1O {of-V isofluteis knVoWn 'ConceVntrated solutioin; It maybVejnotedV thatdilute andconcentrated are theOrelativei quantiytative V Determine thesolubility ofa solid(say T _terms V and V th:eyhVaOveonIy KCI)inwaterjatroomtemperature;- Preparesaturated solutionof KCl T-iTakeouttheyevap orating dish and in about 30 ml ofjwatert at room V againOweigVhit.eO OtemOperOature.e Add more of OKCI Theobservation andcalculation are ensuringthat solutionis saturatedVO Qivenasf0|Iows. i i T O O ~and someKCIisileftundissolved, 9 Filterthe solutionto remove solidjKCl.p Observation V V V- dishi * Findtemperature of thesolution by?Weightofthe VVVV i O=Wg dipping Oa%theVrm0meteOr init I ' i Weight ofdish+saturated V - Evaporate thesolution todryness by}solution ofKCl T S i i i i =W19, usingalowflametoavoidbumping.TV weightofdish+ dryKc] i TV: W29 Allow thedish and solid tocool toroom VCaOIcu|aOt;isoOny -T _ x V temperature. Placethedish andsolid V V_ e V SV _s it - OV Vinfadessicator containing anhydrousWei9h'i0f Saturated S0'U'ii0 =(W1;VVV)9 calciuOmOchlorideV (calcium chloride is Weigihtof KC] T =(W2V_VW)g Vdehydrating agent,itabsorbs moisture), i . i V V i Wéghtof I iw eatefpjresent V in saturatedsolution V SATURATED - =i =jxioo r y(1_W;)i T i 6 e.g., Common salt dissolves in water. A polar compound is less soluble (or) Tit Bit 100ml of water can insoluble in a non polar solvent. dissolve 36g of NaC| at 25°C to attain saturation. Solubility of some ionic compounds at 25°c 3. fteet of grsssure Effect of pressure is observed only in the case of gases. An increase in pressure increases the solubility of a gas in a liquid. For eg. CO2 gas is filled in soft drinks > using the effect of pressure. a: I-9.4. FACTORS AFFECTING SOLUTlONS Take 10g of common salt and dissolve it in 40g of water. Find the concentration of solution in terms of weight percent. 50g of saturated solution of NaC| at 30°C is evaporated to dryness when 13.2g of dry NaC| was obtained. Find the solubility of NaC| at 30°C in water. Mass of water in solution = 5013.2 = 36.8g Weight percent h fh I _WeIgtotesoute X100 Weight ofsolute +Weight ofsolvent Solubility of NaCl = M fN CI 13.2 -3153--3-x1o =---X100=36g Mass = 701%,, x100=20°/o of water 36.8 Solubility of NaCl = 36g (appx.) pity evaporatingdish weighs 2g of dissolved potassium in 12.5 ml sulphate of water. was On cooling, the first crystals appeared at 60°C. What is the solubility of potassium sulphate in water at 60°C? 20.0g On the addition of saturated solutionof NaNO3,the dish weighs66.0g. When evaporated to dryness, the dish with crystals weighs 41.5g. Find the solubility of NaNO3at 20°C. Weight of saturatedsolutionof NaNO3 12.5 ml of water weighs 12.5g. = (66.0 20.0) g = 46.0g In 12.5g of water, amount of potassium Weightof crystalsof NaNO3= (41.5-20.0)g sulphate dissolved, is 2g = 21 .5g In 1g of water, amount of potassium Weight of water in saturated sulphate dissolved, is 2/12.5 g = (46.021.5) g = 24.5g Hence in 100g of water, amount Solubilityof NaNO3= of potassium sulphate dissolved, is (2 x100)/12.5=16g. The solubility of potassium sulphate in water at 6090 is 16g. solution Weightof NaNO3Crystals Weight of water X100 = 31.? X100 =87.7g 24.5 Solubilityof NaNO3at 20°C is = 87.7g in 100g H20 0 EVALUATION PART - A 1. A true solution is a homogeneous mixture of solute and solvent. Chalk powder in water is a heterogenous mixture. 2. >- Solution is it a true solution? that contains water 9. In an endothermic process, solubility increases with in temperature. (increase, decrease) as the solvent is called aqueous solution. If carbon disulphide is a solvent in PART a given solution, then the solution is 10. From the table given below, furnish your points of inferences. called I (saturation, unsaturation) - B 3. Solubility of common salt in 100g water is 36g. If 20g of salt is dissolved in it how much more is required to attain saturation. I- 4. If two liquids are mutually soluble, they are called liquids. (miscible, immiscible) 11. Distinguish between the saturated and Rani shows a piece of chalk to Vani & asks her to break it into minute particles. The breaking spree, goes on and on endlessly and finally they come to conclude that the minute particle is a group of invisible atoms. They get set to probe further. EXPLORING The Greek THE ATOM word atom word Atomos indivisible. John is derived Dalton from which modelled the means atoms as hard indivisible spheres. His theory remained undisputed for about a century without any changes. However towards the end of 19th and in the beginning of 20th centuries, the introduction of matter wave concept by de Broglie, the principle of uncertainty by Heisenberg etc., paved the way for modern atomic theory or modified atomic theory. Fig.101Inner Weofanat b 10.1. MODERN ATOIVRC THEORY The findings of modern atomic theory are given as follows. > Atom is considered to be a divisible > > one element can be The mass of an atom can be converted into energy. This is in accordance with Einsteins equation > Atoms of different elements may be similar in some respects E=m& eg. lsobars(18Ar:0200a40) > Atom is the smallest particle which takes part in chemical reactions. of changed into atoms of other element by transmutation. particle. > Atoms of the same element may not be similar in all respects. eg: Isotopes(WC/35,17Cl37) Atoms 10.2. AVOGADRUS HYPOTHESIS Amedeo Avogadro put forward > The ratio of atoms in a molecule may be fixed and integral but may not be hypothesis and is based on the relation simple e.g., CHOHis not a simple ratio 12 22 (Sucrose) between number of molecules and volume of gases. 5§.'imgam$ iuawz Equal volumes of all gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. contain the equal number of molecules. 10.2.1. Atomicity The number of atoms present in one molecule of an element is called the atomicity of an element. Depending upon the number of atoms in one molecule of an element, molecules are classified into monoatomic, diatomic, triatomic, and poly atomic molecules. Whena nuclearreactionoccursthe massof theproductis foundto beless hanthemassof theyreactants. The dierencein mass isconvertedtinto energyinaccordance withtheequation For any homo atomic molecule atomicity can be deduced using the formula __ Molecular Mass Atomicity = El=.mc2, whereE = energyliberated. m T:disappeared massandc: speed of; light. This famousequationof Einstein.made revolution in nuclear science. A AA i A A A Atomic mass Avogadros Law enables us to change over directly from a statementabout volume ATOMS MORE TO KNOW MORE AND MOLECULES TO KNOW 11 No-of atomspger_ 1molecule lnenuam (He) Neon (Ne) Metals ~Hydrogen H2M Chlorine;Cli2_ 1 17Ozone (03) 1. Find the atomicity of chlorine if its atomic molecular -phosphorous P4 *Sulphu_r S31 1 ya" mass mass is 35.5 and its is 71 Find the atomicity of ozone if its atomic molecular mass mass is 16 and its is 48 e.g., N2+ 02 > 2NO Nitrogen Oxygen (1 Vol) (1 Vol) Nitric oxide (2 Vols) After applying Avogadros Law, the equation,becomes N2 1 Molecule + 02 > 1 Molecule 2 NO 2 Molecules It is found that two molecules of nitric oxide contains 2 atoms of nitrogen and 2 atoms of oxygen. These two atoms of nitrogenand the two atoms of oxygen should have come from 1 molecule of nitrogenand1 molecule of OX)/99, |'eSPeCtiVe'Y- Hence, nitrogen and oxygen are called diatomic molecules and are written as N2and 02. Multiplying both sides by 2, we get This proves that, atomicity of Nitrogen Mass of 1 molecule of gas or vapour is 2 and the atomicity of oxygen is 2 2 XV.D= Thus Avogadros hypothesis is used in the deduction of atomicity of elementary 2 x V.D = relative molecular mass of a gas Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen or vapour 2xVapour density =Relative molecular gases. mass %. Raietiva toiacdéar Mass: as the ratio of the mass It is defined of 1 molecule of the gas or vapour to the mass of 1 atom of hydrogen. Relative molecular mass of a gas = Mass of 1molecule of the gas or vapour Howto arriveat thevalueof GRAM MOLARVOLUME (GMV) V GMV= --DENSLITY OF GAS AT STP Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen ii. Vapour emity as the ratio {Ei}: of the It is defined mass of a certain volume of the gas or vapour to the mass of the same volume of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure. GHAM MOLAR MASS Tofindthey valueof I GMV _ to 1 GMMofO2 OF OXYGEN 1 V = ....___.._ DENSITYOF 02 1=g32/1.429 Mass of 1 volume of gas or vapour V.D _ =22.4 lit Mass of1volume ofhydrogen Therefore GMV =22.:4tlitre atSTP Applying Avogadros Law, Mass of 1 molecule of gas or vapour V'D _ Mass of1molecule ofhydrogen Since hydrogen is diatomic, Mass of 1 molecule of gas or vapour _ 2 XMassof 1 atomof hydrogen MORE TO KNOW ATOMS AND MOLECULES 2. It is helpful in determiningthe molecular formula of gaseous compound. 3. It establishes the relationship between the vapour density and molecular mass of a gas. 4. It gives the value of molar volume of gases at STP. Molar Volume of a gas at STP=22.4 lit (or) 22400 cm3. 5. It explains Gay Lussacs law effectively. Name the number AND atoms in find one their molecule atoms. It retains the characteristics of an element. A molecule can exist freely and it is a form of bonded units whereas an atom is a singular smallest form of non MGLECULES Atoms and molecules are the building blocks of and ) Nitrogen b) Water c) Ammonia d) Sulphuric acid. combined 16.3. ATOMS elements of the matter. bonded unit. 10.3.3. Differences and between atom motecule: 10.3.1. Atom: It is the ultimate particle of an element which may or may not have independent atoms of certain existence. elements The such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.do not have independent existence whereas atoms of helium,neon,argon,etc. do have independent All elements are existence. composed of atoms. 10.3.2. _;Th*e[smalIest, fThesmallestV : i trparticletlofanr ipartijclelliofan f;l ~ feleiment that ielementorfai1 : that. ~ I can; stakeDart? " compound i r r inaichlemiicalj canexist{free|y. lreaction. isfarl Anatomisa.A molecule Molecule: A molecule is the simplest structural unit of an element (or) a compound which contains one (or) more jnonbonded; ' btonded entitytt lentitv :_iAn atom may A;moleclulecan .or maynot _%eXistlfre:ely;p =existfreelyj}_ i ; Molecules are of two types, namely homo atomic molecules and hetero atomic molecules. These Fig 10.2 Molecule of water are the molecules which are made up of atoms of the same element. Most of the elementary gases consist of homo atomic molecules. For example Relative the ratio atomic of mass mass of an element of one atom is of element hydrogen gas consists of two atoms to the 1/12" part of mass of one atom of of hydrogen (H2).Similarly oxygen gas consists of two atoms of oxygen (02). In carbon. accordance and has no unit. with the number of atoms Relative atomic mass is a pure ratio If the atomic mass of an present in these molecules they are element is expressed in grams, it is known classified as gram atomic mass. as monoatomic, diatomic, triatomic or poly atomic molecules showing that they contain one, two, three, or more than three atoms respectively. The hetro atomic molecules e.g., Gram atomic mass ofhydrogen =1g are made up of atoms of different elements. They Gram atomic mass of carbon = 12g are also classified as diatomic, triatomic, or Gram atomic mass of nitrogen = 14g polyatomic molecules depending upon the Gram atomic mass of oxygen = 16g numberof atomspresent.H20, NH3,CH4, Gram atomic mass of sodium = 23g etc., are the examples for hetero atomic molecules. 10.4. Atomic mass is expressed REi..A"i"iVE Atomic MASS (RAM) RAM= mass unit (amu). One atomic mass unit is defined as 1/12" part of the mass of one Mass of 1 atom of an element Mass of1atom ofhydrogen in atomic atom 10.5. of carbon. REi..A'i"iVE MOLECULAR iviASS(RiViM) 10.4.1. Definition hydrogen (based on scale) Massof 1 moleculeof an element/ compound The relative is the element ratio to atomic of mass the mass of an element of one mass of atom one of the atom RMM = of Mass of1atom ofhydrogen hydrogen taken as standard. 18.4.2. Definition (based on carbon scale) RAM = 1a Mass of 1 atom of an element The relative molecular mass of an element or a compound is the ratio of RMM = mass of one molecule of the element or thpartofthemassofoneatomofcarbon a compound to the mass of one atom of hydrogen. Massof 1 moleculeof an element/ compound 11_2th part ofthemass ofone atom ofcarbon ATOMS The relative molecular mass of AND MOLECULES an element or a compound is the ratio of mass of one molecule of the element or a compound to the mass of 1/12 th part of mass of one atom of carbon. Relative Molecular mass is a pure ratio and has no unit. If the molecular mass of a given substance is expressed in gram, it is known as gram molecular mass of that substance. Molecular mass is the sum of the masses of all the atoms present in one molecule of the compound or an element. Gram molecular mass calcula- tions to test your numerical skill Shown here in Fig.10.3 are one mole quantities of each of the following materials: (clockwise from top left) 180g of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), 18.0g of water, 342g of sucrose (table sugar), 201g calculation 2(H) =2x1=2 1(O)=1x16=16 F ill/lole Invarious forms Gram molecular mass of H20: 18g of mercury, 55.9g of iron, 58.5g of sodium chloride (table salt), and 254g of iodine. 10.6.1. 1(C)=1x12=12 2(O)=2x16=32 44 Mole Definition is defined of mole as the amount of substance that contains as many specified elementary particles as the number of atoms in 12g of carbon-12 isotope. One mole is also defined as the amount of substance which contains Avogadro Therefore, one mole of any substance contains Avogadro number of particles.The particlesmay be atoms, molecules,ions etc., For eg. one mole of oxygen atoms FOLLGW UP: Find the number of moles for remaining problems given above. represents 6.023 x 1023atoms of oxygen and 5 moles of oxygen 5x 6.023x1023 atoms contain atoms To find the number b. of oxygen. of moles, the Calculate Solution: the mass mass mass x number = 55.9 x 0.5 = 27.95 g FOLLQW elllleass of moles = -~-~.:----atomic Number of moles= = atomic of iron of moles following formulae are useful Number of 0.5 mole mass Find the mass of 2.5 mole of oxygen atoms Mass motecular mass UP: = molecular mass x number of moles Number ofmoles = NQBf3mm: 6.023 6:»:la No. oflmulecu.le.s Number of particles = Number ofmoles = Avogadro number x given mass gram molecularmass 6.023 as: £1023 a. Calculate the number. 11gof CO2 wA'rcHou'r: 0 Solution: gram ltmaybenoted thatwhileusing the , termmoleit is essentialto specify; 1thekindof particliesinvolved. 10.6.2. Problems concep Number (based 6O23x1023x11 of molecules = 44 = 1.51 x 1023 molecules on mote FQLLOW UP: Calculate the number of molecules in 360g of glucose. of moles = given mass atomic a. Calculate in molecular mass of CO2=44g Number. of molecules the number of moles mass in i) 81g of aluminium ii) 4.6g sodium iii) 5.1g of Ammonia iv) 90g of water v) 2g of NaOH given mass 81 Number ofmoles = atomic mass= -57 = 3 moles of aluminium Mass of a substance gram molecularmass x numberof particles 6.023 a. Calculate the mass x 1023 of 18.069 x 1023 moleculesof S02 Sol: Gram molecularmass 802 = 64g ATOMS Massof S02 AND MOLECULES 3.0115x 1023 = T 64X18.069 X1023 = = 0.5 I 6023 X1023 mo es = 192 g 6.023 x 1023 b. Calculate number of moles in 12.046x 1022 atoms of copper b. Calculate the mass of glucose in 2 X 1024molecules Numberof molesof atoms Gram molecular mass of glucose = 180g Number of atoms Mass of glucose Avogadro Number 180 x 2 x 1024 12.046 = 597.7g = 5-023 X1023 12046 X 1023moleculesin CaO_ x 1022 I 6.023x 1023= 0.2 mo es molesin 24.092x 1022moleculesof water. MORE TO KNOW a. Calculate the number moles for a substance containing3.0115x 1023moleculesin it. Number of moles Number = T of molecules Avogadro Number Answers : 1. 162.4g of 596/3 2. 159.69of CEJSO4 3. 27g of/ll 4. 56g of Fe 5. 58.5 g of Nacl 6. 32g of S 7. 129' ofC 8. 200. 6g of Hg Fig. 10.4 More illustrationsfor mole in variousforms EVALUATIQN PART - A 1. From the given examples, form the pair of isotopes and the pair of isobars 1aAr4o17C|35*2oCa40~ 17C|37 2. Molecular mass of nitrogen is 28. Its atomic mass is 14. Find the atomicity of nitrogen. 3. Gram molecular mass of oxygen is 32g. Density of oxygen is 1.429g/cc. Find the gram molecular volume of oxygen. 4. Clrepresentschlorineatom, CIZrepresentschlorinemolecule. List out any two differences between atoms and molecules. 5. Calculate the gram molecular mass of water from the values of gram atomic mass of hydrogen and of oxygen. Gram atomic mass of hydrogen = 1g Gram atomic mass of oxygen = 16g 6. One mole of any substance contains 6.023 x 1023particles. If 3.0115x 1023particlesare presentin CO2.Find the numberof moles. PART - B 1. Modern atomic theory takes up the wave concept, principle of uncertainty and other latest discoveries to give a clear cut picture about an atom. State the findings of modern atomic theory. 2. You are given the values of mass of one volume of oxygen gas and the mass of one volume of hydrogen. By applying Avagadros law how will you establish the relation between vapour density and molecular mass of a gas? 3. Calculate the number of moles in a. 12.046 x 1023atoms of copper b. 27.95g of iron c. 1.51x 1023moleculesof CO2 FURTHER REFERENCE: VB;oioi- CHEMICAL REACTIONS You observe a deep yellow precipitate, Do yo u obs e rve an y b ris k dont you? effervescence? It is due to the evolution of carbon dioxide gas. Fig. 11.2 Yellow precipitate of lead iodide. _ _ _ Fig. 11.3 Reaction of calcium '1 I8 lead |0d|d9(l0b|2)- carbonate withdil.HCl These . ,1Take5gi.ioi1 calciumoxide(quick . are some of the common observations in a chemical reaction. From jglimfe)in1agbeaker;: V7V. C325V1e g it theactivities thatwehavediscussed, it l waterto itts|owg|yt:ggf:. fi1]g:i...isclearthatchemical reactions willbring Touch thebeiaker7i*j t}[}:{f abouta permanent change resulting in feel? V i M 1L theformation ofnewproduct(s). 111 1111 111 The substances taking part in the Do you feel hot? happens Calcium oxide Let us see what reaction those reaction is formed known as as a result reactants and of the reaction are called products. reacts with water to produceslakedlime(calciumhydroxide). This are exothermic and MQRE To KNQW will be accompanied by hissing sound and bubbles leading to the release of considerable amount of heat. Takea pinch ofcalcium cargonateii I powdertiniatestgitube. V . Adddilutehydroiohmric acid 1 1Notethechaniges iinjfthetest tube. carefully 11- E >- CHEMlCAL REACTIONS (NH4)2cr2o,é» C1203? .1.N21+ 411201 MORE TO KNOW Fig. 11.5 Heating the test tube containing copper carbonate Change of colour from green to black is observed. This isduetothe decomposition of copper carbonate to copper (ll) oxide. CuC03A+ CuO+ CD21 In the reaction between A and BC, A displaces B from BC to form AC. This Take lead nitrate In a test tube Heat it over 1 shows that A is more reactive than B. the flame Observe the changes Take20 ml of coppersulphate solution Liberationof a reddish brown gas (N02) is observed. This is because of the decomposition of lead nitrate into lead oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. 2%(§\:o3;2was ~§~ 4l\t02§ + pg? in a beaker Dropan ironnailintothebeaker Leave it for few days Observe thecolour ofthecopper sulphate solution and the iron nail From the above two activities (11.6 and 11.7), It can be noted that a single compound breaks down to produce two or more substances. Such type of reaction is called decomposition 1- reaction. 1- Someotherexamplesfordecomposition reaction: 11:: ga Cacoa_A,Cao + COZT Fig. 11.6Irondisplacescopperfromcopper sulphate solution E Blue colour of the copper sulphate solution changes into green colour and the iron nail acquires a brownish look. It is a noticeable change. is it not? This change confirms that iron is more reactive than solutionin a testtube 1 Inanother testtube, take5mlof barium chloride if copper. The following chemical reaction takes place in this activity. AMixboththesolutions Fe + CuS04->FeSO4+Cu What do you observe? >- In this reaction, iron displaces copper from CuSO4solution. I Take5.: of sod m sulphate. Repeat Activity rod instead 11.8 but use zinc of an iron nail. What colour changes do you observe on the rod and in the solution? Write the chemical equation. IOther example: * 1 1CHEMICAL REACTIONS Double decomposition reaction is Oxidation: A chemical reaction which involves any reaction in which exchange of ions between two reactants occur, leading to addition of oxygen or removal of the formation of two different products. hydrogen or loss of electron(s) is called Other example : as oxidation. 2Mg «-102 .+ ZMQO(addition ofoxygen) cuso, + H2S-»> Cusl + H2304 HZS+ Br2~>2HBr + S (removal ofhydrogen) Fe + Fe3*+ e (lossof electron) We are all aware of the fact that oxygen is the most essential element for sustaininglife. One can live without food or even water for a numberof days, but not without oxygen. In our daily life we come across phenomena like fading of the coloursof the clothes, burningof combustiblesubstanceslike cookinggas, wood and coal, and also rustingof iron articles. All such processes fall in the category of a specific type of chemical reaction called oxidation reduction reaction(redox reaction). A large number of industrialprocesseslike electroplating, extraction of metals like aluminium, are Reduction: A chemical reaction which involves addition of hydrogen or removal of oxygen or gain of electron(s) is called as reduction. 2Na 4-H2«-+2Nal-I(additionof hydrogen) l (removalof oxygen) Fe3*+ e -> Fe2*(gain of electron) Redo): A reaction: chemical reaction in which oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously is called redox reaction. Zn ~i~ 333%,,-s«Cu ~i~ Eng Attemptto write any other redox reaction based uponthe redox reaction. 1- aoper (lloxide Oxidation Fig. 11.8 Redox reaction 1- E >I I- During the conversion of copper(||) oxide to copper, the copper(||) oxide is losing oxygen and is being reduced. The hydrogen is gaining oxygen and is being dissolved in water to wash clothes, heat redox a. Emtftarmic is given out. When glucose is kept on our tongue, a chilling effect is felt. During these processes, heat is either given out oxidised. In other words, one reactant or absorbed from the surroundings. In gets oxidised while the other gets reduced the same way, in most of the chemical during the reaction. Such reactions are reactions, energy is either taken up or called oxidation reduction reactions or given out. reactions. Oxidation is Gain of oxygen Loss of hydrogen Loss of e|ectron(s) Reduction is Loss of oxygen Gain of hydrogen Gain of e|ectron(s) The raactitzms chemical reactions which proceed with the evolution of heat energy are called exothermic reactions. CHEMICAL + ve sign indicates increase in concentration 11.2.1 of B with zinc reacts with both 1M hydrochloric acid and 2M hydrochloric acid, the rate of evolution of hydrogen gas is more from the test tube B than time. FACTORS Granulated REACTIONS INFLUENCING THE RATE OF THE CHEMICAL from the test tube A. This is because, 2M REACTION hydrochloric acid is more concentrated than 1M hydrochloric acid. That is, greater the concentration of the reactant, greater will be the rate of the reaction. I ..Take mIagne:§.ium.grIibbon,I intwoytest I *tubesIAandBI I goAdd hydrochloric acid totest iube7A ; A* Takepowderedcalcium carbonate o/Add ,aceticacid totesttubeBI I ; I inbeakerA , f-I-Observe thechanges in twotest . tubes ' . 7 Takemarble [chips (calcium I carbonate)in beakerB II Add hydrochloric Vacidin both Magnesium ribbon reacts with both hydrochloric acid and acetic acid but reaction is faster in hydrochloric acid than in acetic acid. Do you know why? Hydrochloric acid is more reactive than of acetic acid. the reactant of the reaction. It shows that influences nature the beakersAandB - gr 7 g I I .ObserveIthjechangesI, I Pwdre ali crbat ract mre quickly with hydrochloric acid than marble chips. What is the reason?. rate Powdered calcium carbonate offers large surface area for the reaction to occur at a faster rate. This shows that greater the surface area, greater is the rate ' I Take 3gIofigranulted zic,in~the 7 V,.etesttubeAandB. V I _ L, I i I Add5 mloii Mhydrochloric acid E in testtubeA L L _ . VL 3 j71Add= 5ml.of2M hydrochloric acid ulrintesttubeBT , by I I I I 7Observe thechanges A of the reaction. (Take 3gofmarble chips inabeaker Add5ymlof,1gM hydrochloric acid_ Observe thechanyges II 1- HeatIthebeakerI V 1- , Cibservethe changes A L Calcium carbonate present in marble chips react slowly with hydrochloric acid at room temperature and evolves carbon dioxide at slower rate, whereas on heating, the evolution of carbon dioxide is made faster.This shows that increase in temperature increases the rate of the reaction. > L: Take potassiumchlorate in a test tube Heatthe testtube l-- L Observe whathappens Add manganese dioxideas a catalyst A MORE TO KNOW CHEMICAL uelitmuspaper REACTlONS Source Acid present Apple Malic acid Lemon Citric acid Grape Tartaric acid Tomato Oxalic Vinegar (food preservative) Acetic acid Curd Lactic acid acid Fig. 11.9 Acid solution turns blue litmus paper red colourless with phenolphthalein and pink with methyl orange. Many organic acids are naturally present in food items. 11.3.1 CLASSHFECATSON OF ACIDS are classified into two types namely organic acids and inorganic acids. Qrganic actds:- Acids present in plants and animals (living beings) are organic acids eg. HCOOH, CH3COOH (Weakacids). inorganic ac§ds:~ Acids from rocks and minerals are inorganic acids or mineral acids eg. HCI, HNO3,HZSO4 Whatis the acid present in it? two hydrogen ions per molecule of the acid in solutioneg. H2804,H2CO3_ . It is an acid which gives three hydrogen ions per molecule of the acid in solution.eg. H3PO4 MORE TO KNOW (Strong acids). 131 A It is an acid which gives one hydrogen ion per molecule of the acid in solutioneg. HCI, HNO3_ It is an acid which gives 1- E Acids are classified into two types Take 5 g of zinc granules in a based test on ionisation. Strong acidsre These are acids which ionise completely in water eg.HCl Weak acidshese are acids tube Add10mlof dilutehydrochloric acid through thistle funnel Duringthe course.of addition, what do you observe? which ionise partially in water eg. CH3COOH ,. Depending on the percentage or amount of acid dissolved in water into concentrated Conssntrated acids are classified acid and dilute acid. ac%d:~ It is an acid having a relatively high percentage of acid in its aqueous solution. Fig. 11.10 Reactionof Zn granules with dilute HCI Biitjts at:id:~ It is an acid having a relativelylOWpercentageOfacid in andhydrogengas_ aqueous solution. Zn,,_ ZHCI W,znciz+H2? MORE TO KNOW Whena burningcandleis broughtnear the bubble containing hydrogen gas, the flame goes off with a poping sound. This confirms that metal displaces hydrogen from the dilute acid. (Hydrogen gas burns with a poping s und) Metal + Acid + Salt + Hydrogen Another example Mg -2-H2SO4+NlgS04 + H2? MORE 11.3.2 CHEMICAL PROPERTEES OF AClDS > cc l-- Note that zinc reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride 6? TO KNOW CHEMICAL REACTIONS From the above activity the reaction can be summarized as Metal carbonate or + Acid salt -> Water Take twotesttubes, labelthemas Metalbi°arb°"ate Carbon IVand II dioxide 0 Take smallamountofwashing soda (Na2CO3) in testtube I andsmall ?xi§gCE$3=%~ 2 H93~~~~> SVEQCEQ 4»Hz + Cgég amountof baking soda (NaHCO3) Mg(HCO3)2+ 2 HCI-+ MgC|2+ 2H20+ 2CO2T in test tube ll 1 _ -1 Add dilute hydrochloricacid to both E? the test tubes MORE o Whatdoyouobserve?- - 1 TO KNOW hm: oi Passthe gasproducedin eachcase, throughlimewater[Ca(OH)2] solution and record your obsenlations .. o. .. Oxide in a watch glass and add dilute hydrochloric acid slowly Note the colour of the salt What hashappened tothecopper (ll) oxide? 1 C Fig.11.11 Testing Coficaribondioxide CC Test tube l Test tube ll 1When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns milky. Ca(0H)2+ cog-» CaC03+ H20 (milky) 1- Fig. 11.12 Reaction of copper(II) oxide with dilute hydrochloric acid E The colour changes from black to green. 11_4_ BASES This is due to the formationof copper Base is a substancewhich releases Ch|0ride inthereaCtiOn. SinCe metalhydroxide ionswhendissolved inWater- Oxidesare baSi°~theYreactwith acid t0 It is a substancewhich is bitter in taste form33 andWater- andsoapyto touch(e.g.Washingsoda, Cuo + 2HCl -m> CuCl2+ H20 caustic soda and caustic potash). They Fromthe above activitywe concludethat change red litmus to blue. They are pink with phenolphthalein Metallic oxide+Acid+Salt+Water methyl Orange > a: l-- Another example C33 ~i~ EHCE»~»~ Cam: ~§~ R20 Anacid produces hydrogen ions inwater. Hydrogen ions cannot exist alone, but they exist in the form of hydronium (H3O+)ions. When water is absent, the separation of hydrogen ions from an acid does not occur. and yellow with CHEMICAL one hydroxide ion per molecule eg.NaOH, KOH. miasédés base» It is a base 11.4.2. Chemical Bases REACTIONS Properties which ionises in water to give two hydroxide ions per molecule eg. Zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide Ca(OH)2= M9(OH)2- to formsodiumzincatewith the iriasidis liberation of hydrogengas. bases» It is a base which ionises in water to give three Zn + 2 NaOHM»Na2ZnO2+ H27 hydroxide Metal + Base > Salt + Hydrogen ions per molecule eg. Al(OH)3,Fe(OH)3. MORE Another example TO KNOW MORE Depending or amount water, on of bases the base are Of TO KNOW percentage dissolved in classified as concentrated alkali and dilute alkali. Consentrateoi ai§ Salt-+-Water Bases generate hydroxide (OH') ions when dissolved 1- in water. NaOH + Na + OH- 1- E >- : CHENHCAL Same activity can be repeated for dilute REACNONS eiuiim hydrochloric acid,dilutesulphuric acid, p sodium hydroxide solution and potassium hydroxide solutionwiththe helpof your teacher. s ~ :: T I :1 COLOUR? =(3) COLOUR '"°'°T°"* INACIDimse g Litmus: . - Tf j P = '09", (0-001) p ' log) 10 [log 10: 1] p=3 T is,pheintoiphtha1e;n. T 2. The hydrogenion concentrationof a . Methyltorangee. ;g_ solution is 1.0x 10'9 M.Whatisthep e Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te T . . , e of the solution? Predict whether the given its pHSCALE solution isacidic, basic orneutral. p stands forthepowerof hydrogen Sgmg ion concentration in a solution. pHvalues decide whether a solution is acidic or basic or neutral. pHscale was introduced P p=|og10(1.0x10 by S.P.L. Sorenson. It is mathematically pH=(|og101.O + iog,01o'9 ) [|og,01= 0] p=(09)=9 Forneutral solution [+]=1O"7M; p =7 pH=9 iep... >7 FOV acidic30'U0 [+l > 10"7M; P < 7 Thereforethe givensolutionis basic. For basic solution [+] < 10"7M; p > 7 3. The hydroxyl ion concentration of a solution is 0.001M. What is the p of the When 0 ions are taken into account the p expressionis replacedby p°*" , a e 312 11V1 0 9 14 S pol-I f solution? 1 Q6 5 4J 7 1 2 Settsttm 10 : pa pOH=_|Og10(10 3) pOH=3 pH=14_poH p=143=11 01 2 45 8 911112131 Thehydroxyl iOnCOnCentratiOn Ofa (--Acidic nature increasesi Basic nature increases> 30lUti0nis 1-0X 10-9M-Whatis the PHOf "em" 1. The hydrogen ion concentration of a solutionis 0.001M.Whatis the p of the solution? the solution? iv PO - "°91o[OH1 poi-I = 40910(1_oX10'9) 11- E pOH=9 pH=14_pOH p=149=5 11.6.1p >a: I-- paper A more common method of measuring p in a school laboratory is by using p paper. p paper contains a mixture of indicators, which gives different colours across the entire p range. p value of the various solutions are given in the table. CHEMICAL REACTIONS 11.6.2 importance of pt in p of rain water is approximately 7 showing high level of its purity and everyday life (i) neutrality.If rain water is polluted by S02 Using pl" factor the healthiness of and N02, acid rain occurs,bringingthe p our body is predicted. At pH level value less than 7. 6.9, the body becomes prone to viral infections like colds, cough 11.7 SALT and flu. Cancer cells thrive inside the body at a p of 5.5. (ii) When you say salt, you may think of white stuff put on chips. But that is just one salt called common salt. There are many The p of a normal, healthy human skin is 4.5 to 6. Proper skin p is other salts used in other fields. Salts are essential for a healthy complexion. the products of the reaction between acids and bases (see reaction of acids and (iii) p of stomach fluid is approximately bases), which produce positive ions and 2.0. This fluid is essential for the negative ions when dissolved in water. digestion of food. (iv) Human blood pH range is 7.35 to 7.45. Any increase or decrease in this value, leads to diseases. The ideal pH for blood is 7.4. (v) p of normal saliva ranges between 11.7.1 Ciassificaticn of salts A normal salt is obtained by complete neutralization of an acid by a base N30}-i + HCl -+ NaCl + H20 6.5 to 7.5. (vi) White enamel coating in our teeth Acid salts are derived by the partial is calcium phosphate, hardest replacement of hydrogen ions of an acid substance in our body. It does by a metal. When a calculated amount of not dissolve in water. If p of a base is added to a polybasic acid, acid mouth falls below 5.5, the enamel gets corroded. Toothpastes are generally basic, and is used for cleaning the teeth, can neutralize the excess acid and prevent tooth decay. salt is obtained, as follows. ages 4% ages, N§H$§4~i*was Basic salts are formed by the partial replacement of hydroxide ions of a diacidic or triacidic base by an acid radical. 1- important. Citrus fruits require slightly A basic salt may further reacts with an acid to give a normal salt. alkaline soil, while rice requires acidic soil eageezgg »~§~ tr-ESE:ebgetagct.4» ago and sugar cane requires neutral soil. (Diacidic base) I In agriculture, the p of soil is very Basic salt 1- used Double salts are formed by the to make cake and bread soft and spongy . 2. It is an ingredient in antacid. Being simple salts in equimolar ratio followed by alkaline, it neutralises excess of crystallization. acid in the stomach. e.g. potash alum combination of $137.2 USES >- saturated solution of two OF SALTS water It is used in our daily food and as preservative. E I- 1. It is usedfordisinfecting drinking 1. It is used in softening hard water. 2. It is used as a cleaning agent for domestic purposes. to make it free from microorganisms. 2. It is used for bleaching cotton and linen in the textile industry It is used for plastering fractured bones and in making casts for statues GRCDJUVPDACTIVITY Prepare the 2following salt in the ' CHEMICAL REACTIONS 6. When aqueous solution of silver nitrate and sodium chloride are mixed precipitate is immediately (white / yellow / red). formed 7. aluminium can displace Zinc metal from aqueous solution of Zinc sulphate (zinc is more reactive than aluminium / aluminium is more reactive than zinc). . To protect tooth decay, we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the tooth paste commonly used is in nature. 9. Vinegar is present in acetic acid. Curd contains acid (Lactic acid / Tartaric acid). 10.p = logm[Ht].The p of a solution containing hydrogen ion concentration of 0.001M solution is (3 / 11 / 14) PART - B Baking soda °Se°' ammonia analyse the data in the table and answer the following questions a. Which 12.The p values of certain familiar substances are given below is acidic b. Which substances in nature? are basic in nature? 13.Why does the colourof coppersulphate change when an iron nail is kept in it? Justify your answer. 14.The hydroxyl ion concentration of a solutionis 1.0x 10"3M.Whatis the p" of the solution? _ _ 15. Equal lengths of magnesium ribbons are 11.What type of chemical reaction takes place when i) limestone is heated ii) a magnesium ribbon is burnt in air substance taken in test tubes A and B. Hydrochloric acid is added to test tube A, while acetic acid is added to test tube B. Amount taken for both which test tube the and concentration acids reaction are same occurs in more vigourously and why? EFEURTHERREFERENCE yBooks:g L is. C E A 1. .ggpp.p . . . 1. V . 1.Text bookofinorganic ChemistryP.L. Soni~S.Chand 8:sonspublishers . A 2.Principlesof PhysicalChemistryiBt.R. Puri,CL.Ri.tSharmaVishalpublishe A . E 1 * .Websitie7:f . A A www.ask.ComE E www.chem4kids.com 11- E PEFHODIC CLASSlF!CATlON 12. Periodic classification Have you ever visited a library? There are thousands of books in a large library. If you ask for a book in general it is very difficult to trace. Whereas if you ask for a particular book, the library staff can locate it very easily. How is it possible? In library the books are classified into various categories and sub categories. They are arranged on shelves accordingly. Therefore locating books become very easy. As on date one hundred and eighteen elements are known. It is difficultto identify each and every element individually and to know its property and uses. Therefore they have been classified on the basis of their similarities in properties. One of OF ELEMENTS M BIEIIIBIIIS 12.1. MODERN PERIODIC LAW A large number of scientists made attempts to eliminate the drawbacks of Mende|eevs periodic table. In 1912, Moseley,an Englishphysicistmeasuredthe frequencies of X-rays emitted by a metal, when the metal was bombarded with high speed electrons. He plotted square roots of the frequencies against atomic numbers. The plot obtained was a straight line. He found that the square root of the frequency of the prominent X-rays emitted by a metal was proportionalto the atomic number and not to the atomic weight of the atom of that metal. MORE TO KNOW t Henry GwynJeffreys Moseley, an English physicist (1887-1915), used X-rays to determine the atomic numbers . of the elements. Moseley suggested that atomic number (2) should be the basis of the classification the important instincts of mankind is to be systematic. Scientists felt the necessity to group elements of similar characteristics together so that if the properties of one of them are known, those of the others could be guessed and related. of the element. Thus, he gave modern periodic law as follows: Modern periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic numbers. Thus, according to the modern When a large number of elements were periodic law, if elements are arranged discovered, several attempts were being in the increasing order of their atomic made to arrange them on the basis of their numbers, the elements with similar properties, nature, character, valency, properties are repeated after certain etc., (Real credit for preparing the periodic regular intervals. table goes to Mendeleev). 12.2. MODERN PEFHCDIC TABLE 12.2.3. Study of periods The horizontal rows are called Based on the modern periodic law, a number of forms of periodic table have MORE been proposed from time to time but general plan of the table remained the same as proposed by Mendeleev. The table which is most commonly used and which is based upon the electronic configuration of elements is called the periods. There are seven horizontal rows long form of the periodic table. This is in the periodic table. called the modern periodic table. a First period (Atomic number 1 and 2): This is the shortest period. It contains only two elements (Hydrogen and Helium). 12.2.1. Description of modern or long form of the periodic table Long form of the periodic table is a chart of elements in which the elements have been arranged in the increasing order of their atomic numbers. This table consists of horizontal rows called periods and vertical columns called groups. o Secend period (Atomicnumber3 to 10): This is a short period. It contains eight elements (Lithium to Neon). Third period (Atomic number 11to 18): This is also a short period. It contains eight elements (Sodium to Argon). 12.2.2. Different portions of long form of periodic table ;»L0ng fotmof « periodic table *:;-PERIODIC w ?¬}§.§ti§"% psrisd (Atomicnumber19to 36): This is a long period. It contains eighteen elements (Potassium to Krypton). This includes 8 normal elements and 10 transition elements. at Fifth parted (Atomic number 37 to 54): This is also a long period. It contains 18 elements (Rubidium to Xenon). This includes 10 transition 8 normal elements and CLASSIFICATION o Group 15 is Nitrogen family. o Group 16 elements are called chalcogen family (except polonium). o Group 17 elements are called halogen family. o Group 18 elements are called noble gases or inert gases. o The Lanthanides inner This includes 10 transition 8 normal elements and elements, 14 inner transition elements (Lanthanides). s $evsr*stt't psrtsd (Atomicnumber87to 118): As like the sixth period, this period also can accomodate 32 elements. Till now only 26 elements have been authenticated by IUPAC and actinides which form part of the group 3 are called elements. an Sixth perfect (Atomic number 55 to 86): This isthe longest period. ltcontains 32 elements (Ceasium to Radon). OF ELEMENTS transition elements. 12.3. CHARACTERBTSCS MODERN 12.3.1. GF PEREODKI TABLE Characteristics Of Periods o In a period, the electrons are filled in the same elements. valence shell of all c As the electronic configuration changes along the period, the chemical properties of the elements also change. 12.2.4. Study of groups o Vertical columns in the periodic table starting from top to bottom are called groups. There are 18 groups in the periodic table. - earth metals. elements . o Group 1, 2 and 13 -18 are called normal elements or main group elements or representative elements . o Group 13 is Boron family. o Group 14 is Carbon family. elements in a o In a period, the metallic character of the element nonmetallic decreases character while their increases. of Groups o The elements present in 2 and 18 groups differ in atomic number by o Groups three to twelve are called transition of the 12.3.2. Characteristics o Second group elements are called alkaline size period decrease from left to the right. o First group elements are called alkali metals. Atomic 8,8,18,18,32. - The elements present in 13 17 groups differ in atomic number by 8,18,18,32. o The elements present in 4 - 12 groups differ in atomic number by 18,32,32. S 2L m_._m_ A N_. 2 E me 3 Sm E. 8L§a , L ZN U_ :,..«n _mL._ m._3w QEOLM W..n.uo_ L L, L LL Qnmcwat L:§L ,Lmy nnw::s L%Lo M. on .LwO L, I LL LL,L, ,LL L,LL LL .:.< L,uumuu,m L $3.3. L33 L, ,, ,,,L L L._,n..vu LL .L LL A LL mar... we , %LL L ..a,_..L.1o ,,,B..,2. L!.w.~.=L §.=.Lo._¢ T MEL .L.§§..su U. .@g m. NH ,E:,_mun1 Lacuna ,,988L.vn, L, . mmaL..= gm w .=..a5.L.. , E..%.L.¢L _L,=&SN L,3§«L M; Q E.=.i.:=_a: _.L, @w wmLE.L;m.ia 5 «La.2,..L w ,aE.qm.L...= A ,L L L«Lu.3L 325.3 L>>qu. am... L L, is LL .L__ EL:_.,i£_n: , n L,L Eu. u, 53.; 35 u H$2..L.:...EnmL wa ,, M, _r__ ,.,mo_,.LL u LL ,~L m mmL «L L 33. N, , mu HF L, ,L ,L, E.._..2,.H e...i!.wL> ,,I ,E:_..n=,n avesaaru L LL _ L L ..=._Ls_.£ we. ,,.«§, LL,.._.._._a_z N H@@ «L! Lm§~_. $u.~«L ,9..3.%, msmw $3 E:_u_nu Ea=:,.£,.u L,H>% no L Q ,L «.23.... LNLLL .~L m L E:=..e.m L M. L ,933a N Nu. M] an I..._.._.E 2524 man: o_e2< 25:: om «ms .:.._u!.ans .r=._!nH :53._m am mm _2_=% . F aciz «Q: V 3:5 :umo.v>z I_, I:|_u.Ia:--C>n::cr> mm 62. PERIODIC o The elements present in a group have the same number of electrons in the valence shell of their atoms. - The elements present in a group have the same valency. o The elements present in a group have identical chemical properties. o The physical properties of the elements in group such as melting point, boiling point, density vary gradually. o Atomic radii of the elements present in a group increases downwards. 12.3.3. Advantages Periodic - The table of the Modern Table is fundamental based on property a more ie., atomic number. o it the correlates element the with position its of electronic configuration more clearly. a The completion of each period is more logical. In a period as the atomic number increases, the energy shells are gradually filled up until an inert gas configuration is reached. o it is easy reproduce. CLASSIFICATION The position of eighth group (in Mendeleevs table) is also justified in this table. All transition elements have been brought in the middle as the properties of transition to remember and has been discarded. are intermediate between left portion and right portion elements of the periodic table. The table metals completely from separates non-metals. The non- metals are present in upper right corners of the periodic table. The positions of certain elements which were earlier misfit (interchanged) in the Mendeleevs periodic table are now justified because number it is based on of the elements. Justification has been atomic offered for placing lanthanides and actinides at the bottom of the periodic table. 32.3.4. Defects in the Modern Periodic Table Position of hydrogen is not fixed Position of lanthanides and actinides has not been given inside the main body of periodic table. It does distribution One position for all isotopes of an element is justified, since the isotopes have the same atomic number. elements till now. o Each group is an independent group and the idea of subgroups - OF ELEMENTS of transition elements. not of reflect electrons and inner the of exact some transition MORE 12.4. TO KNOW IVIFTALLURGY I (Al ) am a light silvery white metal to build aircraft. So, I am great. I ( Fe ) am a lustrous steel metal to make machineries and bridges.So, I am great. I ( Cu ) am a reddish brown metal to make coins. So, I am great. Individuallyyou are great in your aspect.You will become the GREATEST IF YOU ARE ALLOYED TOGETHER. Unity is strength. PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS INTRODUCTION Metallurgy is as old as our civilization. Copper was the first metal to be used for making utensils, weapons and for other works. Metals play a significant role in our life. They constitute the mineral wealth of a country which is the measure of prosperity. Metals like titanium, chromium, manganese, zirconium etc. find their applications in the manufacture of defence equipments. These are called strategic metals. The metal uranium plays, a vital role in nuclear reactions releasing enormous energy called nuclear energy. Copper, silver and gold are called coinage metals as they are used in making coins, jewellery etc. MORE Viefnameses CraftWorkinsilver TO KNOW Aluminium foil Bangles MORE TO KN W 12.4.1. TERMINOLOGIES METALLURGY IN a large scale is said to be a ore. Minerals: A mineral may be a single For example, clay (A|2O3.2SiO2.2H2O) compound or complex mixture of various and bauxite (A|2O3.2H2O) are the two compounds of metals which are found in minerals earth. Ores: of aluminium. But aluminium can be profitably extracted only from bauxite. The mineral from which a metal can Hence bauxite is an ore of aluminium be readily and economically extracted on and clay is its mineral. Gold Aluminium PERIODIC 12.4.2. Differences ats and o o miner- ux: OF ELEMENTS It is the substance added to the ore to reduce the fusion temperature eres Minerals contain a low percentage Etegg: It is the fusible product formed of metal while ores contain a large when flux reacts with gangue during the extraction of metals. percentage of metal. Flux + Gangue+ Slag Metals cannot be extracted easily from mineral. On the other mettteg: Smelting is the process of hand,ores can be used for the reducing the roasted oxide to metals in extraction o between CLASSIFICATKDN All of metals. minerals cannot the molten be called as 125. ores,but all ores are minerals. condition. QCCURRENCE GF METALS Nearly 80 metallic elements are ttetttgz The process of extracting the obtained from mineral deposits on or ores from the earth crust is called mining. beneath the surface of the earth.Metals tttetatturgy: Various steps involved in the which have low chemical reactivity are extraction of metals found in free state, or in native state. from their ores as well as refining of crude metal are collectively Gold, silver and platinum are examples known as metallurgy. of metals that are partly found in a free gangue er Matrix: The rocky impurity, state. Most of the other metals are found state in the form of their associated with the ore is called gangue in a combined oxide ores, carbonate ores, halide ores, or matrix. sulphide ores, sulphate ores and so on. Bauxite HalideOres sulphide ores Cryolite(Na3AlF6) Galena(PbS) Marble(CaCO3) (Al 0 .2H 0) Cuprite (Cu O) Haematite (Fe O) Magnesite (MgCO ) Siderite (FeCO ) Fiow Chart (Extraction Fluorspar (CaF) Rock salt (Nacl) Iron pyrite (FeS) Zinc blende (ZnS) of Metal from its ore) @333 V Gravity separation, Froth floatation, Magnetic separation, Leaching lElectro|VytiVc reduction refining calcrnationi Roasting Reduction Refining V Roasting Reduction Refining V 12.6. METALLURGY OF ALUMINIUM, COPPER AND IRON The conversion of Bauxite into Alumina 12.6.1. Metallurgy of aluminium involves the following steps: i.Bauxite ore is finely grounded and heated under pressure with concentrated caustic soda solution at 150°C to obtain sodium meta aluminate. 150°C Al2O3.2H2O + 2NaOH » 2NaA|O2+ 3H2O Bauxite Sodium Meta aluminate ii.On diluting sodium meta aluminate with symboi ; A] water,aluminiumhydroxideprecipitateis Colour: Silverywhite °btai9d- Atomic number=13 NaAlO2 +2H2O » NaOH +A|(OH)3 Electronic configuration:2, iii.The precipitate is filtered, washed, dried and ignited at 1000°C to get alumina. 8, 3 Va'e"°V =3 Atomic mass 2Al(OH)3 °°°°AIZO3 +3H2O : 27 Aluminium is produced by the electro- _ Aluminium isthem95t a_b_dat m"_ta' lyticreduction offused alumina (AIZO3) in in theearths crust.Sinceit is a reactivetheelectrolytic ee"_ metalit occurs in thecombined state.eaihede : Imntanklined withgraphite Theimportant oresof aluminium areas emea : A bunch of graphite rods suspended in molten electrolyte Eteettetyte : Pure alumina + molten follows: Name Ofetheyorei A cryolite +fluorspar (fluorspar lowers the A|2O3_2H2O fusion temperature ofelectrolyte) Cryote Na3A":6 Temperature : 900-950°C WW W: 5' The overall equation for aluminium extraction is 2Al2O3» 4A| + 302 Extraction of aluminium involvestwo stages: from bauxite Aluminium deposits at cathode and oxygen gas is liberated at anode PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS Graphitelined iron l tank 7;;graphite rods __., graphite rod_s_ Refined aluminium / Fig 12.1 Electrolytic rening of aluminium Properties of Aluminium i. It is a silvery white metal. ii. It has low density and it is light iii.|t is malleable and ductile. iv. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity. very brightly forming its oxide and nitride. 4Al + 302 > 2A|2O3(AluminiumOxide) 2Ai + N2» 2A|N (AluminiumNitride) 2. Reeeiien with weier: Water has no reaction on aluminium due to the layer of oxide on it.When steam is passed over red hot aluminium, hydrogen is produced. 2A| + 3H2O> AIQO3+ 3H2T SteamAluminium Oxide 3 eaciieri with aiiiaiisz It reacts with strong caustic alkalis forming aluminates. 2Al + 2NaOH+ 2H2O> 2NaAlO2 + 3H2T Sodium meta aluminate Fig. 12.2 Electric conductivity of metal it Reactieii with acids: With v. Melting point: 660°C vi. It can be well polished to produce con. HCI it liberatesH2gas. attractive shiny appearance. 2Al + 6HCl > 2AlCl3 + 3H2T dilute and Aluminium i. iieectieri wiiii air: It is not affected by dry air.On heating at 800°C,a|uminium burns Chloride Aluminium liberates hydrogen on reaction with dilute sulphuric acid.Sulphur dioxide is liberated sulphuric acid. with hot concentrated 2Al+3H,so,»Al2(SO4)3 +3H2T Dilute INDUSTRIAL VISIT Make anindustrial visit to 2Al+ 6H2SO4 » A|2(SO4)3 + 6H2O+330; hot& conc. Aluminium Sulphuric acid Sulphate MORE theptace where Thermite Welding is aCtUaY done and record your observations on joining the gap between the TO KNOW broken pieces of rails. Fig 12.3 12.6.2 Metallurgy 5. Reducing actimt of Copper : Aluminium is a powerful reducingagent. When a mixtureof aluminium powder and iron oxide is ignited, the latter is reducedto metal.This process is known as aluminothermicprocess. Fe2O3+ 2Al > 2Fe + AIZO3 1.Household utensils 2.Electrical cable industry , . Aluminium 3.Aeroplanes metal . A 9 and other Symbol : Cu Atomic Atomic mass : 63.55 number : 29 Electronic configuration :2, 8, 18, 1 Valency : 1 and 2 it is light, cheap, cor- industrial parts Aluminium wires rosion resistant, and good conductor of Qccurrence: It was named as cuprum ERIODIC CLASSlF|CATlON OF ELElVl"NTS t.$§'t,2$%tErsg and cetzcentratéoz The solution pure copper gets deposited at the ore is crushed and then concentrated by cathode, impurities settled at the bottom froth~floatationprocess. of the anode in the form of sludge called :.»::,east§ng: The concentrated ore is attests mud. roasted in excess of air. During roasting, i.moisture and volatile impurities are Physical properties: Copper is a reddish brown metal, with high lustre, high density ii.copper pyrite is partly converted into and high melting point (135600). sulphides of copper and iron. Chemical properties: removed. 2CuFeS2+ o, M»Cu2S+ 2FeS + so, f%,;%;me§t§:2g: The roasted ore is mixed with powdered coke and sand and is heated in a blast furnace to obtain matte and slag. §.§3t£%§®§§ at air and moisture: Copper gets covered with a green layer of basic copper carbonatein the presenceof CO2 and moisture. (Matte: Cu2S+FeS)The slag is removed 2Cu + o, + co, + H20 s CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 ti. tctéen at tteat: On heating at different temperatures in the presence of oxygen it as a waste. é~,Besaeme§§aat§m;: transferred The to Bessemer molten matte converter is forms two types of oxides CuO, Cu2O. in order below 1370K to obtain blister copper. Ferrous sulphide 2Cu+ C2~-> from matte is oxidised to ferrous oxide which is removed as slag using silica. 2Cu2S+ 302 > 2Cu2O + 2802 2Cu2O+ Cu2S> 6Cu + S02 FeO+SiO2> FeSiO3(Iron silicate,slag) 4Cu+ 02 at. atten 2CuO(copperll oxideblack) 2Cu2O (copper l oxidered) oi? aside: a) with dil.HCl and dil.H2SO4 Dilute acids such as HCl and H2804 atintrtg: Blister copper contains 98°/o have no action on these metals in the abpure copper and 2% impurities and are sence of air. Copper dissolves in these acids in the presence of air. purified by electrolytic refining. 2Cu + 4HCl + 02 (air) > 2CuCl2 + 2H2O 2Cu + 2H2so, + 02 (air)» 2CuSO4+ 2H2O This method is used to get metal of high degree of purity. For electrolytic refining of b) with dil.HNO3Copper reacts with dil. copper, we use Cathode: A thin plate of pure copper metal. HNO3with the liberation of Nitric Oxide gas. 3Cu + 8HNO3(dil)» 3Cu(NO3)2 + ZNOT+ 4H2O c) with con.HN03 and con.H2S04 Copper reacts with con. HNO3and con. Copper sulphate solution H2804 with the liberation of nitrogen siarmezA block of impure copper metal. Eiectreiyte: acidified with sulphuric acid. When electric dioxide and sulphur dioxide respectively. + 2NO2T+ 2H2O current is passed through the electrolytic Cu + 4HNO3a Cu(NO3)2 (conc.) Cu + 2H2SO4s CuSO4+ so; + 2H2O (conc.) iv. teticn Iron of {::§t§$§§?%§:Chlorine reacts with copper, resulting in the formation of copper (ll) chloride. metal is after the second aluminium. ii.Magnetite iii.|ron pyrites FeS It is extensively used for making electric cables appliances. It is used and for other making electric utensils, containers, calorimeters, coins. - in nature haematite :5..&ct§en of atkatiez Copper is not attacked by alkalis. - It occurs abundant as oxides, sulphides and carbonates. The ores of iron are given in the following table: Cu + C|2> CuCl2 - most t.£.3oncr3r:t:at%o:'2 by gravity sepe.ratic:2 The powdered ore is washed with It is used in electroplating. stream of water. As a result, the lighter It is alloyed with gold and silver for sand particles and other impurities are making coins and jewels. washed away and heavier ore particles A students settle down. Eeaszgténgand ca%c§nat:c>:t askedlto important applicationsofcopper everyday . {;,l:ife alongswithfther sampIes...,,rii.*i T furnace. As a result, moisture is driven 12.6.3 METALLURGY OFERON out and sulphur, arsenic, phosphorus impurities are oxidised off. The concentrated ore is strongly heated in a limited supply of air in a reverberatory r 17 : ,,.=,E5me%i:§n§g {in attestfurnace; The charge consisting of roasted ore, coke Symbol Colour Atomic Atomic : mass Fe Greyish white 55.9 number: 26 Valency 2&3 in the ratio 8 : 4 : 1 is smelted in a blast furnace by introducing it through the cup and cone arrangement at the top. There are three important regions in the furnance. i.The lower region(combustion zone)- temperature is at 150000. In this region, coke burns with oxygen to form CO2when the charge comes in Electronic configuration and limestone : 2, 8, 14, 2 contact with the hot blast of air. PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS The iron thus formed is called pig 1500°C C + 02 Z) CO2 + heat It is an exothermic reaction iron. since heat It is remelted moulds. is liberated. This and cast iron is called into different cast MORE TO KNOW MORE TO KNOW iron. ii.The middle region (fusion zone)The temperature prevails at 1000°C.ln this regionCO2is reducedto CO. 1000°C CO2+ C > 2CO Limestone decomposes to calcium oxide and CO2. CaCO3> These A two CaO + CD2 reactions are endothermic due to the absorption of heat. Calcium oxide combines with silica to form calcium silicate slag. CaO + SiO2 » CaSiO3 iii.The upper region (reduction zone)- temperature prevails at 400°C. In this region carbon monoxide reduces ferric oxide to form a fairly pure spongy iron. Fe2O3+ 3C0 > The molten 400°C 2Fe + 3CO2 iron is collected at the bot- tom of the furnaceafter removingthe slag. be/I& hopper 7* Physical properties Iron ore, T coke - Pipe for It is a heavy metal of specific gravity 7.9 g/cc It is a lustrous metal and greyish white in colour. Slag outlet . Fig. 12.4 Blast furnace Ironout/et - It has high tensility, malleability and ductility. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity. It can be magnetised. E..ReaotEort wgtiiasoroxygen: Onlyon heating in air, iron forms magnetic oxide 3Fe + 202 > Fe3O4(black) Eeacticn with moist air: When iron is exposed to moist air, it forms a layer of brown hydrated ferric oxide on its surface. This compound is known as rust and the phenomenon of forming this rust is known as rusting. buildings, machinery, transmission and T.V towers and in making alloys. iii.Wrought iron is used in making springs, anchors and electromagnets. 12.7 ALLOYS An allo is a homogeneous mixture of of a meta with other metals or with non- metals that are fused together. Attoys are solid soiutions. Alloys can be considered as solid solutions in which the metal with high concentration is solvent 4Fe + 302 + 3H2O> 2Fe2O3.3H2O(Rust)and (Moisture) Eeaetiort wtth steam; When steam is passed over red hot iron,magnetic oxide the metal with low concentration of iron is formed. 12.7.1 Methods of making alloys: 3Fe + 4H2O(steam)> Fe3O4+ 4H2T 1.By fusing the metals together. 2.By compressing finely divided metals faeacttort with with chlorine chtmine: to form Iron combines ferric one over the other. chloride. 2Fe + 3C|2> 2FeC|3(ferricchloride) Seaction with acids: With dilute HCI and dilute H2804it evolves H2gas Fe + H2804> FeSO4+ HZT With conc. H2804it forms ferric sulphate 2Fe + 6H,so, > Fe2(SO4)3 + 3so2 + 6H2O With dilute HNO3in cold conditionit gives nitrate 4Fe + 10HNO3+ 4Fe(NO3)2+ NH4NO3 + 3H2O when iron is dipped in come. §-tN{}3it becomes chemically inert or passive due to the formation of a layer of iron ox- ide (Fe3O4)on its surface. §.%Fsg wereis used in making pipes, stoves, radiators, railings, man hole covers and drain pipes. ii. teret is used in the construction .tmaEgam:An amalgam is an alloy of mercury with metals such as sodium, gold, silver, etc., MORE Fe + 2HC| > FeC|2 + HZT ferrous is solute. For example, brass is an alloy of zinc(solute) in copper(solvent). of TO KNOW I PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS 12.7.2 Copper Alleys Name of the alloy Reason for alloying i.Brass(Cu,Zn) Lusturous,easily Electrical fittings, medals, hard cast,malleable, ware, decorative items. ductile,harder than Cu. ii.Bronze(Cu,Sn,Zn) 12.7.3 Aluminium Hard,brittle,takesup polish. Statues, coins, belis, gongs. Alloys Name of the alloy Reason for alloying i.Duralumin(Al,Mg,Mn,Cu) Light,strong,resistant to corrosion stronger than aluminiu m. Light,hard,tough,corrosion resistant. ii.Mag nalium(Al,Mg) Aircraft,tools,pressure cookers Aircraft,scientific instrument 12.7.4 iron Alloys Name of the alloy Reason for alloying i.Stainlesssteel (Fe,C,Ni,Cr) Lusturous,corrosion resistant,high tensile strength. ii.Nickel steel (Fe,C,Ni) Hard, corrosion resistant,eiastic. 12.3CORROSION Corrosion is defined ME as the slow steady destruction of a metal environment. It results Utensils,cutlery,automobile parts. Cables,aircraft parts,propeiler. and by the in the deterioration of the metal to form metal compounds by means of chemical reactions with the environment. Water droplet IRON Busting of iron TO KNOW ACTIVITY 12.1 A Theconditionsfor rusting Take three test tubes provided with rubber corks and label them as A, B and C. Placefew ironnailsof samesizein thesetubes.Poursomewaterin testtubeA, a some boiled water along with turpentineoil in test tube B and anhydrousCaCl2 in test tube C.Keepthem underobservationfor few days. Noticethe changes. ThenailsinAarerusted whilethe nailsin BandCareunaffected. Therusting ofnails inAisduetoairandwater. InB,theoilylayer above water does not allow air to come in contactwith nails. In C, the substanceanhydrous CaCI2 hasabsorbed moisture completely. Thisactivityshowsthatrustingof iron requiresair and water. Methods of preventing corrosion: Corrosion of metals is prevented by not allowing them to come in contact with moisture,CO2and O2.Thisis achievedby the following methods: 9 S}; coating with paints: Paint coated metal surfaces keep out air and moisture. By coating with eii and grease: Application of oil and grease on the surface of iron tools prevents them from moisture and air. 83; aiieying with other meiais: Alloyed metal is more resistant to corrosion. Exampie: stainless steel. By the process of gaivanizatieni This is a process of coating zinc on iron sheets by using electric current. In this zinc forms a protective layer of zinc carbonate on the surface of iron. This prevents corrosion. Eiectmpéatirtgz It is a method of coating one metal with another by passing electric current. Example: silver plating, nickel plating. This method not only lends protection but also enhances the metallic appearance. Saprificiai protection: Magnesium is more reactive articles than iron. When it is coated on the made of steel it sacrifices itself to protect the steel. PERIODIC CLASSIFICATEON OF ELEMENTS EVALUATEGN PART - A 1. In the modern periodic table periods and groups are given. Periods and groups indicate a) Rows and Columns b) Columns and rows 2. Third period contains 8 elements, out of these elements how many elements are nonmetals?. 3. An element which is an essential constituent of all organic compounds belongs to group. (14* group/ 15 group) 4. Ore is used for the extraction (froth floation / gravity separation) 8. Coating the surface of iron with other metal prevents it from rusting. If it is coated with thin layer of zinc it is called T (galvanization / painting / cathodic protection) .Any metal mixed with mercury is called amalgam. The amalgam used for dental filling ls . (Ag Sn amalgam /Cu Sn amalgam) A . In thermite welding, aluminium powder and Fe2O3are used. Reason: Aluminium powder is a strong reducing agent. Does the reason satisfy the assertion? of metals profitably. Bauxite is used to extract aluminium, it can be termed as . (ore / mineral) 5. Gold does not occur PART in the combined form. It does not react with air (or) water. It is in . (native state / combined state) PART 11 . 12. - B It is due to the formation 13. of Give your correct option a) assertion and reason are correct and relevant to each 14. reacts with with coke? con. HCI and con. with proper reason. To design the body of the aircraft aluminium alloys are used. Give your other b) assertion is true but reason is not Iron oxide HZSO4.But it does not react with con. HNO3. Suggest your answer layer of basic copper carbonate relevant Can rusting of iron nail occur in distilled water. Justify your answer. Why cannot aluminium metal be obtained by the reduction of aluminium .. Greenish layer appears on copper vessels if left uncleaned. Reason: - C 15. to the assertion 7.A process employed for the concentration of sulphide ore is reason. X is a silvery white metal. X reacts with oxygen to form Y. The same compound is obtained from the metal on reaction with steam with the liberation of hydrogen gas. Identify X and Y. FURTHER F1IEFEl'-CIENCE: ' Books: .TextBook oflnorganicchemistry P.L_§3oni(S.CnandPublishers. ~ 1Website:www.tutorvista.com. www.sciencebyjones.com . CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS 13.Carbon and its compounds Symbol Atomic Number: Atomic Mass Valency The electronic configuration of carbon is K=2, L=4. It has four electrons in the valence shell and belongs to group IV A (group 14) of the periodic table. INTRODUCTION Without carbon, no living thing could survive. Human beings are made up of carbon compounds. Carbon is a non metal. In nature, it occurs in its pure form as diamond and graphite. When fuels burn, the carbon in them reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. Carbon compounds hold the key to plant and animal life on earth. Hence, carbon chemistry is called Living Chemistry. Carbon circulates through Fig. 13. 1 electronic conguration of carbon air, plants, animals and soil by means of complex reactions. This is called carbon cycle. 13.1. COMPOUNDS CARBON OF In the beginning of 19th centuryscientists classified the compoundsof carbon into two types, based on their source of occurence: i) Inorganic compounds (obtained from non living matter) ii) Organic compounds (obtained from living matter, such as plant and animal sources) however the basis Fig. 13.2 An arrangement depicting carbon and its compounds. of classification was subjected to alteration after wohler synthesis. LIVING CHEMISTRY All living organisms are made of carbon atoms. This means that, carbon atoms form the building blocks for living organisms. These carbon atoms, in combination with other atoms decide life on earth. Hence carbon chemistry is also called as living chemistry. ""5 . Fig. 13.3 L Fig. :H FRIEDRICH A creator of revolution WOHLER in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY MORETO ow brniusm bl to CARBON 13.2. MSDERN DEFINITION OF QRGANIC CHEMISTRY Organic chemistry is defined as the branch of chemistry that deals with organic compounds which are made up of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives. It gives a thorough insight into the nature of bonding, synthesis, characteristics and their usefulness in various MORE TO KNOW fields. AND lTS COMPOUNDS 13.3. BONDING lN CARBON AND HTS COMPOUNDS The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its ground state electronic configuration is 1s22s2 2p2. Since it has four electrons in its outermost shell, its valency is four. To achieve noble gas configuration, carbon atom has to lose or gain four electrons to form C and C4 ions. 1. It could gain four electrons forming C4 anion, but it would be difficult for the nucleus with six protons to hold on to ten electrons 2. It could i.e.four lose four extra electrons electrons. to form C cations, but it would require a large amount of energy to remove four electrons leaving behind the carbon cations with six protons in its nucleus holding on to just two electrons. Carbon overcomes this problem by sharing its valence electrons with other atoms of carbon elements. This or with atoms characteristic of other of carbon atom by virtue of which it forms four covalent bonds is generally referred as tetra valency of carbon. A moleculeof methane(CH4)is formed when four electrons of carbon are shared with four hydrogen atoms. Fig. 13.5 Structure of methane 0 0 Represents shared pair of electrons 13.4 ALLQTRGPY Allotropy is defined as the property by which an element can exist in more than Since this looks like the geodesic dome designed by the US architect Buck Buck Minster Minster Fuller, it is named as Fullerene. one form that are physically different but chemically similar. Carbon exists in three allotropic forms. They are crystalline form (diamond and graphite), (coke,charcoa|) ...... -- ...,_ ,1,u ....... _ _ andfullerene. §::1Z'.'. ...... .- Fig. 13.8 Fullerene ,. 13.5 Physicat nature of carbonand Indiamondeach its compounds carbonatomis bonded to four nu." other carbonA------ .; atoms forming .............. a rigid three dimensional of diamond structure, In graphite bonded for its hardness and has the covalent bonds ability with other to form atoms of catenation. Since the valency of carbon is four, it is capable of bonding each to three carbon other atom carbon is atoms in the same plane giving hexagonal layers held together by weak vander Waals forces accounting for softness. Graphite is a good conductor of electricity unlike other non-metals since Carbon : carbon giving rise to large number of molecules through self linking property This property is called Fig_13_6 Structure accounting rigidity. Fig. 13.9 Foot ball it has free electrons vander with four Waals foroe atoms. Carbon combines with oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine and many other elements to form various stable compounds. The stability of carbon compounds is due to the small enables in it. other size the nucleus of carbon to hold which on to the shared pair of electrons strongly. Carbon compounds show isomerism, the phenomenon whichtwoormorecompoundsto same molecular structural formula formula with by have but different difference in properties. i.e the formula C2H6O O 0 Fig. 13.7 Structure of graphite Fullerenes form another type of carbon allotropes. The first one was identified to contain 60 carbon in the shape of a football. atoms (C-60). represents two different compounds namely ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH)and dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3). Carbon compounds have low melting and boiling points because of their covalent nature. CARBON o AND ITS COMPOUNDS The reactions shown by carbon compounds involve breaking of old bonds in the reacting molecules and the formation of new bonds in the product molecules. o Carbon compounds combustible. 13.? HOMQLOGDUS 13.6 CHEMICAL. o PROPERTIES are burn easily Carbon and its compounds in oxygen to give carbon dioxide along with heat and light. e.g., A homologous series is a group or a class oforganic compounds having similar structure and similar chemical properties in which the successive compounds differ by a CH2group. 13.7.1 Characteristics C+02>CO2+ heat +light o compounds can member (amu = atomic mass unit). o All members contain undergo carbon addition compounds reactions o All members series and the same of homologous series have same general molecular formula. e.g Alkane = CnH2n22 e.g., Alkene = CnH2n Alkyne = CnH2n-2 Addition ofhydrogen CH2= CH 2 >CH2 - CH2 Ethene Ni-catalyst substitution reaction to form different types of products. Carbon compounds such as alcohols with sodium o to liberate The members in homologous series show a regular gradation in their physical properties with respect to Ethane Carbon compounds undergo substitution reactions in the presence of either sunlight or any other reagents. e.g., methane undergoes react of homologous elements functional groups. or nickel catalyst. o same with hydrogen in the presence of palladium o from to form carboxylic acids. Unsaturated differs and by a molecular mass of 14 amu oxidized using suitable oxidizing agent 0 of the series by a common difference of CH2 be easily Alkaline potassium permanganate Each series the preceeding or succeeding member C2H5OH + 202» 2Co2+3H2O+ heat+ light Carbon of homologous CH2 + 2o2 > CO2+ 2H2o + heat + light o SEREES increase o in molecular mass. The chemical properties of the members of the homologous series are similar. o All members of can be prepared homologous series by using same 13.8 IMPORTANCE GF HOMOLOGQUS SERIES Formula 1. It helps to predict the properties of the members of the series that are yet to be prepared. CH Common IUPAC name name Methane 2. Knowledge of homologous series gives a systematic study of the members. Ethane Methane 3. The nature of any member of the family can be ascertained if the properties of the first member simplest containing only CH3CH3 organic carbon compounds and hydrogen Ethane Butane 4 13.9 HYDROCARBONS The Propane are known. CH3CH2CH3 Propane CH3CH2CH2CH3 nButane are called Hydrocarbons. These are regarded as the parent organic compounds and all other compounds are 13.9.2 Unsaturated considered to be derived from them by the replacement of one or more hydrogen carbon tocarbon double bonds 3; {1}} atoms by other atoms or groups of atoms. or carbon to carbon triple bonds -CEC- hydrocarbons These are hydrocarbonswhich contain in their molecu|es.These are further Hydro carbons are classified into two classified into two types: atalkerresand types: saturated and unsaturated hydro- etkynes. carbons. i)AIkenes GeneralformuIa:Cn2n H Su'ix:ene 13.9.1 Saturated hydrocarbons The hydrocarbons containing atleast one - carbon Alkanes General formula = CnH2n+2Suffix : ane These are the organic compounds which contain carbon carbon single bond.These were paraffins(Latin due to their earlier named as : meaning little affinity) least chemical reactivity. According to IUPAC system, these are named as alkanes (ane is suffix with root word). to carbon double bond are called alkenes.They have the general formula CnH2n.These were previously called olens (Greek : olefiant oil forming) because the lower gaseous members of the family form oily products when treated with chlorine. In IUPAC system, the name of alkene is derived by replacing suffix ane of the correspding alkane by ene.For example, CH3 CH3 ethane HZC= CH2 ethene = CARBON AND lTS COMPOUNDS In higher alkenes, the position of the double bond, can be indicated by assigning numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, .... ..to the carbon atoms present in the molecule. CH2= CH2 Ethylene Ethene CHSCH= CH2 CH3CH2-CH=CH2 F|0l3Y'9|"|e Propene CH3CH =CHCH3 But-1ene But-2ene d-l3utylene BButy|ene ii) Alkynes: Generalformula:CnH2n_2Suffix:yne The hydrocarbonscontainingcarbon to carbon triple bond are called §.§{jV§§@$. Alkynesare named in the same way as alkenes i.e., by replacingsuffixane of alkane by yne. In higher members, the position of triple bond is indicated by giving numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ....to the carbon atom in the molecule. AI AAlkynef? s to Common name AIUPAC.name HCEACH AA A Acetylene Ethyne AA H3C C ECH Methylacetylene Propyne H3C C EC CH3 Dimethylacetylene But2yne H3C CH2C E CH Ethylacetylene But1yne 13.10. FUNCNQNAL GROUP Functional group may be defined as an atom or group of atoms or reactive part which is responsible for the characteristic properties of the compounds. The chemical properties of organic compounds are determined by the functional groups while their physical propertiesare determined by the remaining part of the molecule. Example: -OH => Alcohol CHO => Aldehyde )C=O => Ketone - COOH => Carboxylic acid CH3-CH2-OH T Ethyl alcohol Ethanol CH3CH2-CH2-OH t n-Propyl alcohol 1-Propanol CH3-CH-CH3lsopropyl alcohol T 2-Propanol -IOH orsecondary propyl alcohol CH3CH2-CH2-CH2-OH n-Butyl alcohol CH3-CH-CH2-OH a lsobutyl alcohol a T V 1-Butanol 2-Methyl-1-propanol l Aldehydes are carbon compounds containing -CHO group attached to alkyl group or hydrogen atom. The general formula of aldehydes is R CHO where R is an alkyl group or hydrogen atom and CHO is the functional group. The IUPAC name of aldehyde is derived by replacing e, in the word alkane, by the suffix al. Hence we get the name alkanal. HCHO T CH3CH0 CH3 CH2-CH0 V Formaldehyde T Methanal V V AcetaldehydeT Ethanal Propionaldehyde . Propanal l CH3-CH2-CH2-CH0 Butyraldehyde Butanal 3. Ketones Ketones are carbon compounds containing carbonyl CO group attached to two alkyl groups. The general formula of ketone is R-CO-R where R and R are alkyl groups and CO is the functional group. The IUPAC name of ketone is derived by replacing e, in the word alkane, by the suffix -one. Hence we get the name alkanone. CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS CH3COCH3 OL Dimethyl ketone (Acetone) Propanone CH3COCH2CH3 V Ethylmethylketohey2Butanone CH3CHéCOCH2CH3 Diethylketone OTO O3Pentanone 4. Carboxylic Acids Carboxylic acids are carbon compounds containing COOH group attached to a hydrogen atom or alkyl group. The general formula of acid is R-COOH where R is a hydrogen atom or alkyl group and COOH is the functional group. The IUPAC name of acid is derived by rep|acinge, in the word alkane, by the suffix oic acid. Hence we get the name aikanoic acid. HCOOH CH3-COOH .y r Formic acid Methanoic acid . Acetic acid OEthanoic acidO CH3CH2-COOHT Propionic acidV Propanoic acid CH3CH2-CH2-COOH . n-Butyric acidV Butanoic acid Almost all the compounds are useful to us in a number of ways. Most of the fuels, medicines, paints, explosives, synthetic polymers, perfumes and detergents are basically organic compounds. In fact, organic chemistry has made our life colourful and also comfortable. Two commercially important compounds, ethanol and ethanoic acid are briefly discussed here. 13.11ETHANOL(C2H50H) Ethanol or ethyl alcohol or simply alcohol is one of the most important members of the family of alcohols. Molasses is a dark coloured syrupy liquid left after the crystallization of sugar from the concentrated sugar cane juice. Molasses still contain about 30% of sucrose which cannot be separated by crystallization. It is converted into ethanol by the following steps: ii}iiiiiiaii Molasses isfirst diluted with water tobring down the concentration ofsugar to about 8 to 10 percent. {iii Amiiieit oi ammonium aaiis Molasses usually contains enough nitrogenous matter to act as food for yeast during fermentation. If the nitrogen content of the molasses is poor, it may be fortified by the addition of ammonium sulphate or ammonium phosphate. {iii} imdiiioii oi yeasi The solution from step (ii) is collected in large fermentation tanks and yeast is added to it. The mixture is kept at about 303K for a few days.During this period, the enzymes invertase and zymase present in yeast, bring about the conversion of sucrose into ethanol. CHO 122211 +H2oM*_2Se_»cHo+cHo 6126 6126 Giucose c 6126 H o E, Glucose Fructose 2C2H5OH +2co2¢ Ethanol The fermented liquid is technically called wash. {iii} isiiiiaiioii iii iiiasii The fermented liquid containing 15 to 18 percent alcohol and the rest of the water, is now subjected to fractional distillation. The main fraction drawn, is an aqueous solution of ethanol which contains 95.5% of ethanol and 4.5% of water. This is called rectified spirit. This mixture is then heated under reflux over quicklime for about 5 to 6 hours and then allowed to stand for 12 hours. On distillation of this mixture, pure alcohol (100%) is obtained. This is called absolute alcohol. 3 CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS (i) Ethanol is a clear liquid with burning taste. (ii) Its boiling point is 351.5 K which is higher than corresponding alkane. (iii) It is completely miscible with water in all proportions. (i) Behydratim (a) lntra moleculardehydration: Ethanol, whenheatedwithexcessconc.H2804at 443 K undergoes intra molecular dehydration (i.e. removal of water within a molecule of ethanol). Conc.H2SO4 CH3CH2OH } Ethanol CH2=CH2+H2O Ethene (b) Intermoleculardehydration :Whenexcessofa|coho|isheatedwithconc. H2804 at 413K two molecules condense by losing a molecule of water to form ether (i.e. removal of water from two molecules of ethanol). Conc.H2SO4 c 2H5-oa + =o- c2H5 413Kc2H5«o-C2: 5+HO2 e:%%e§ (it) Reaction with sodium : Ethanol reacts with sodium metal to form sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas. ECEHEGH + BN3 + ;?;C3H5ONa+ H23 sodium ethoxide (iii) xidation : Ethanol is oxidizedto ethanoicacid with alkalineKMnO4or acidified K9207 CHSCHZOH +°"'°'a° CHSCOOH +H2O Ethanoic acid Duringthis reaction,orangecolourof K2Cr2O7 changesto green.Therefore,this reaction can be used for the identification of alcohols. (iv) Esterificaiton : Ethanolreactswith ethanoicacid in the presenceof conc.H2SO4 (catalyst) to form ethyl ethanoate and water. The compound formed by the reaction of an alcohol with carboxylic acid is known as ester (fruity smelling compound) and the reaction is called esterification. conc.H2SO4 E} Ethanol E'l305C acid Ethylethanoate (v). Dehydrogenation : When the vapour of ethanol is passed over reduced copper catalyst at 573 K, it is dehydrogenated to acetaldehyde. Cu CH3CH2OH 7+ Ethanol Ethartl 2 CHSCI-O+H Acetadehyde is used 1. as an antifreeze in automobile radiators. 2. as a preservative for biological specimen. 3. as an antiseptic to sterilize wounds in hospitals. 4. as a solvent for drugs, oils, fats, perfumes, dyes, etc. 5. in the preparation of methylated spirit (mixture of 95% of ethanol and 5% of methanol), rectified spirit (mixture of 95.5% of ethanol and 4.5% of water), power alcohol (mixture of petrol and ethanol) and denatured spirit (ethanol mixed with pyridine). 6. in cough and digestive syrups. Evil effects at $@§E£%.§§§"%§§"§§§ aimtwi o If ethanol is consumed, it tends to slow down metabolism of our body and depresses the central nervous system. o It causes mental depression and emotional disorder. 0 It affects our health by causing ulcer, high blood pressure, cancer, o brain and liver damage. o Nearly 40% accidents are due to drunken drive. CARBON AND BTS COMPOUNDS 0 Unlike ethanol, intake of methanol in very smallquantities can cause death. o Methanol is oxidized to methanal (formaldehyde) in the liver and methanal reacts rapidly with the components of cells. o Methanal causes the protoplasm to get coagulated, in the same way an egg is coagulated by cooking. Methanol also affects the optic nerve, causing blindness. 13.12. ETHANOICACID (CH3COOH) Ethanoic acid is most commonly known as acetic acid and belongs to a group of acids called carboxylic acids. Acetic acid is present in many fruits and sour taste of fruits is because of this acid. Ethanol on oxidation in the presence of alkaline potassium permanganate or acidified potassium dichromate gives ethanoic acid. Oxidation CHECHZOHT» Ethanol (i) ¬H3CO®H+:-go Ethanoic acid Ethanoic acid is a colourless liquid and has a sour taste. (ii) It is miscible with water in all proportions. (iii) Boiling point (391 K) is higher than corresponding alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. (iv) On cooling, pure ethanoic acid is frozen to form ice like flakes. They look like glaciers, so it is called glacial acetic acid. (i) Ethanoic acid is a weak acid but it turns blue litmus to red. (ii) Reaction with metal Ethanoic acid reactswith metals like Na, K Zn, etc to form metal ethanoate and hydrogen gas. 2CH3COOH+ Zn TD (CH3COO)2 Zn + HQT ZCHSCOOH + 2Na > 2CH3COONa + HQT (iii) Reaction with carbonates and bicarbonates. Ethanoic acid reacts with carbonates and bicarbonates and produces brisk effervescence due to the evolution of carbon dioxide. 2CH3COOH+ Na2CO3??> 2CH3COONa+ COZT+ H20 CH3COOH+ NaHCO3a> CH3COONa+ COZT+ H20 (iv) Reaction with base Ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium ethanoate and water. (v) Decarboxylation(Removalof CO2) When sodium salt of ethanoic acid is heated with soda lime (Solid mixure of 3 parts of NaOH and 1 part of CaO) methane gas is formed. Cl-l3COOt\la A CH4}? + Nazcag 1. for making vinegar which is used as a preservative in food and fruitjuices. 2. as a laboratory reagent. 3. for coagulating rubber from latex. 4. in the preparation of dyes, perfumes and medicine. EVALUATICN PART - A 1. Assertion: Chemical bonds in organic compounds are covalent in nature. Reason: Covalent bond is formed bythe sharing ofelectrons in the bonding atoms. Does the reason satisfy the given assertion. 2. Assertion: Diamond is the hardest crystalline form of carbon Reason: Carbon atoms in diamond are tetrahedral in nature (Verify the suitability of reason to the given Assertion mentioned above) CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS 3. Assertion: Due to catenation a large number of carbon compounds are formed. Reason: Carbon compounds show the property of allotropy. (Is the reason holding good for the given Assertion) 4. Buckminster fullerene is the allotropic form of (Nitrogen / Carbon / Sulphur) 5. Eventhough it is a non metal, graphite conducts electricity. presence of It is due to the (free electrons / bonded electrons) 6. Formulaof methaneis CH4 and its succeedingmemberethane is expressed in CZH6.The commondifferenceof successionbetweenthem is (CH2/ C2H2) 7. IUPAC name of first member of alkyne is 8. Out of ketonic and aldehydic group which is the terminal functional group? 9. Acetic acid is heated with a solid X kept in a test tube. A colourless and odourless gas (Y) is evolved. The gas turns lime water milky when passed through it. Identify X and Y. 10. Assertion: Denaturation of ethyl alcohol makes it unfit for drinking purposes. (ethene / ethyne) Reason: Denaturation of ethyl alcohol is carried out by methyl alcohol. Check PART 11. whether the reason is correct for assertion. - B Write down the possible isomers and give their IUPAC names using the formula C4H,0. 12. Diamond is the hardest allotrope of Carbon. Give reason for its hardness. 13. An organic compound (A) is widely used as a preservatives in pickles and has a molecularformula C2H4O2.This compoundreactswith ethanolto form a sweet smelling compound (B). (i) Identify the compound A and B. (ii) Name the process and write corresponding chemical equation. 14. An organiccompound(A) of molecularformulaC2H6Oon oxidationwith alkaline KMnO4 solution gives an acid (B) with the same number of carbon atoms. Compound A is used as an antiseptic to sterilize wounds in hospitals. ldentifyA and B. Write the chemical equation involved in the formation of B from A. PART - C 15. Fill in the blanks using suitable formula in the given table C2H6 ethane Propane 16. Homologous series predict the properties of the members of hydrocarbon. Justify this statement through its characteristics. 17. Write the common name and IUPAC name of the following. a) CH3CH2CHO b) CH3COCH3 c)CH3ClHCH3 d) CH3COOH OH e) HCHO FURTHER REFERENCE Books:P 1.0raganicchiemistryl 8.3.7 Baht &Arun Baht S.ChanVd Publishers . PE t P2.0rganic chemistryf Bil".Morrision &RN.Boyd -Practice Hallat Publishers. P E g P P PEV Er E Website;lwww.tutorvista.com, www.topperlearning.comP