Compression Members Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Lesson ShortAxially Loa Compression Members Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur instructional Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to: o state additional assumptions regarding the strengths of concrete and steel for the design of short axially loaded columns, o specify the values of design strengths of concrete and steel, o derive the governing equation for the design of short and axially loaded tied columns, o derive the governing equation for the design of short and axially loaded spiral columns, o derive the equation to determine the pitch of helix in spiral columns, o apply the respective equations to design the two types of columns by direct computation, o use the charts of SP-16 to design these two types of columns subjected to axial loads as per IS code. 10.22.1 Introduction Tied and helically bound are the two types of columns mentioned in sec.10.21.3 of Lesson 21. These two types of columns are taken up in this lesson when they are short and subjected to axially loads. Out of several types of plan forms, only rectangular and square crosssections are covered in this lesson for the tied columns and circular cross-section for the helically bound columns. Axially loaded columns also need to be designed keeping the provision of resisting some moments which normally is the situation in most of the practical columns. This is ensured by checking the minimum eccentricity of loads applied on these columns as stipulated in IS 456. Moreover, the design strengths of concrete and steel are further reduced in the design of such columns. The governing equations of the two types of columns and the equation for determining the pitch of the helix in continuously tied column are derived and explained. The design can be done by employing the derived equation i.e., by direct computation or by using the charts of SP-16. Several numerical examples are solved to explain the design of the two types of columns by direct computation and using the charts of SP-16. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur 10.22.2 Further Assumptions Regarding the Strengths of Concrete and Steel All the assumptions required for the derivation of the governing equations are given in sec.10.21.11 of Lesson 21. The stress-strain diagrams of mild steel (Fe 250) and cold worked deformed bars (Fe 415 and Fe 500) are given in Figs.1.2.3 and 4, respectively of Lesson 2. The stress block of compressive part of concrete is given in Fig. of Lesson 4, which is used in the design of beam by limit state of collapse. The maximum design strength of concrete is shown as constant at 0.446 fck when the strain ranges from 0.002 to 0.0035. The maximum design stress of steel is 0.87 fy. Sections 10.21.4 and 12 of Lesson 21 explain that all columns including the short axially loaded columns shall be designed with a minimum eccentricity (cls. 25.4 and 39.2 of IS 456). Moreover, the design strengths of concrete and steel are further reduced to 0.4 fckand 0.67 fy, respectively, to take care of the minimum eccentricity of 0.05 times the lateral dimension, as stipulated in c|.39.3 of IS 456. It is noticed that there is not attempt at strain compatibility. Also the phenomenon of creep has not been directly considered. exmin 2 greater of (I/500 + D/30) or 20 mm (10.3) eymin 2greater of(I/500 +b/30) or20mm The maximum values of lax/D and lay/b should not exceed 12 in a short column as per c|.25.1.2 of IS 456. For a short column, when the unsupported length l= lax(for the purpose of illustration), we can assume l= 12 D (or 12b when b is considered). Thus, we can write the minimum eccentricity = 12D/500 + D/30 = 0.057D, which has been taken as 0.05D or 0.05b as the maximum amount of eccentricity of a short column. It is, therefore, necessary to keep provision so that the short columns can resist the accidental moments due to the allowable minimum eccentricity by lowering the design strength of concrete by ten per cent from the value of 0.446fck, used for the design of flexural members. Thus, we have the design strength of concrete in the design of short column as (0.9)(0.446fck)= 0.4014fck, say 0.40 fck.The reduction of the design strength of steel is explained below. For mild steel (Fe 250), the design strength at which the strain is 0.002 is fy/1.15 = 0.87f,,. However, the design strengths of cold worked deformed bars (Fe 415 and Fe 500) are obtained from Fig.1.2.4 of Lesson 2 or Fig.23A of IS 456. Table A of SP-16 presents the stresses and corresponding strains of Fe 415 and Fe 500. Use of Table A of SP-16 is desirable as it avoids error while reading from figures (Fig.1.2.4 or Fig.23A, as mentioned above). From Table A of SP-16, the corresponding design strengths are obtained by making linear interpolation. These values of design strengths for which the strain is 0.002 are as follows: (i) Fe 415: {o.9r,., + o.o5r,.,(o.oo2 0.789f,, 0.00192)/(o.oo241 o.oo192)} = o.9o8r,., = (ii) Fe 500: {o.85f,., + o.o5ry,,(o.oo2 0.00195)/(0.00226 0.746f,, o.oo195)} = 0.859f,, = A further reduction in each of three values is made to take care of the minimum eccentricity as explained for the design strength of concrete. Thus, the acceptable design strength of steel for the three grades after reducing 10 per cent from the above mentioned values are 0-783fy, 0.710f,, and 0.671f,, for Fe 250, Fe 415 and Fe 500, respectively. Accordingly, cl. 39.3 of IS 456 stipulates 0.67fy as the design strength for all grades of steel while designing the short columns. Therefore, the assumed design strengths of concrete and steel are 0.4fckand 0.67fy, respectively, for the design of short axially loaded columns. 10.22.3 Governing Equation for Short Axially Loaded Tied Columns Factored concentric load applied on short tied columns is resisted by concrete of area Ac and longitudinal steel of areas Asaeffectively held by lateral ties at intervals (Fig.10.21.2a of Lesson 21). Assuming the design strengths of concrete and steel are 0.4fck and 0.67f,,, respectively, as explained in sec. 10.22.2, we can write Pu = 0.4fckAc+ 0.67fyAsc (10.4) where Pu = factored axial load on the member, fck = characteristic compressive strength of the concrete, Ac = area of concrete, fy = characteristic strength of the compression reinforcement, and A50= area of longitudinal reinforcement for columns. The above equation, given in cl. 39.3 of IS 456, has two unknowns Ac and A50to be determined from one equation. The equation is recast in terms of Ag, the gross area of concrete and p, the percentage of compression reinforcement employing Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur A5,, = pAg/100 (10.5) (10.6) Accordingly, we can write Pu/Ag = o.4r,,k+ (p/100) (o.67r,o.4r,,k) (10.7) Equation 10.7 can be used for direct computation of Ag when Pg, fckand fy are known by assuming p ranging from 0.8 to 4 as the minimum and maximum percentages of longitudinal reinforcement. Equation 10.4 also can be employed to determine Ag and p in a similar manner by assuming p. This method has been illustrated with numerical examples and is designated as Direct Computation Method. On the other hand, SP-16 presents design charts based on Eq.10.7. Each chart of charts 24 to 26 of SP-16 has lower and upper sections. In the lower section, P,/Ag is plotted against the reinforcement percentage p(= 100As/Ag)for different grades of concrete and for a particular grade of steel. Thus, charts 24 to 26 cover the three grades of steel with a wide range of grades of concrete. When the areas of crosssection of the columns are known from the computed value of Pu/Ag,the percentage of reinforcement can be obtained directly from the lower section of the chart. The upper section of the chart is a plot of Pu/Ag versus Pu for different values of Ag. For a known value of Pu, a horizontal line can be drawn in the upper section to have several possible Ag values and the corresponding Pu/Agvalues. Proceeding vertically down for any of the selected Pu/Agvalue, the corresponding percentage of reinforcement can be obtained. Thus, the combined use of upper and lower sections of the chart would give several possible sizes of the member and the corresponding Asc without performing any calculation. It is worth mentioning that there may be some parallax error while using the charts. However, use of chart is very helpful while deciding the sizes of columns at the preliminary design stage with several possible alternatives. Another advantage of the chart is that, the amount of compression reinforcement obtained from the chart are always within the minimum and maximum percentages i.e., from 0.8 to 4 per cent. Hence, it is not needed to examine if the computed area of steel reinforcement is within the allowable range as is needed while using Direct Computation Method. This method is termed as SP-16 method while illustrating numerical examples. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur 10.22.4 Governing Equation of Short Axially Loaded Columns with Columns Helical with helical Ties reinforcement take more load than that of tied columns due to additional strength of spirals in contributing to the strength of columns. Accordingly, cl. 39.4 recommends a multiplying factor of 1.05 regarding the strength of such columns. The code further recommends that the ratio of volume of helical reinforcement to the volume of core shall not be less than 0.36 (Ag/Ac 1) (fck/fy),in order to apply the additional strength factor of 1.05 (cl. 39.4.1). Accordingly, the governing equation of the spiral columns may be written as P, = 1.05(0.4 r,,kAc+ 0.67 r,A,,,) (10.8) All the terms have been explained in sec.10.22.3. Earlier observations of several investigators reveal that the effect of containing holds good in the elastic stage only and it gets lost when spirals reach the yield point. Again, spirals become fully effective after spalling off the concrete cover over the spirals due to excessive deformation. Accordingly, the above two points should be considered in the design of such columns. The first point is regarding the enhanced load carrying capacity taken into account by the multiplying factor of 1.05. The second point is maintaining specified ratio of volume of helical reinforcement to the volume of core, as specified in c|.39.4.1 and mentioned earlier. The second point, in fact, determines the pitch p of the helical reinforcement, as explained below with reference to Fig.10.21.2b of Lesson 21. Volumeof helical reinforcementin one loop = 7r(Dc- ¢sp)asp (10.9) Volumeof core = (7:/4)Df p (10.10) where Dc = diameter of the core (Fig.10.21.2b) ¢,p diameterof the spiral reinforcement(Fig.10.21.2b) asp = area of crosssection of spiral reinforcement p = pitch of spiral reinforcement (Fig.10.21.2b) To satisfy the condition of c|.39.4.1 of IS 456, we have Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur {7r(Dc -¢xp)axp}/{(7r/4) Df p} 2 0.36(Ag /Ac-1)(fck/fy) which finally gives p s 111(1),-¢,p)a,p fy/(D2-D3)f,, (10.11) Thus, Eqs.10.8 and 11 are the governing equations to determine the diameter of column, pitch of spiral and area of longitudinal reinforcement. It is worth mentioning that the pitch p of the spiral reinforcement, if determined from Eq.10.11, automatically satisfies the stipulation of c|.39.4.1 of IS 456. However, the pitch and diameter of the spiral reinforcement should also satisfy cl. of IS 456:2000. 10.22.5 Illustrative Examples Problem 1: Design the reinforcement in a column of size 400 mm x 600 mm subjected to an axial load of 2000 kN under service dead load and live load. The column has an unsupported length of 4.0 m and effectively held in position and restrained against rotation in both ends. Use M 25 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Solution 1: Step 1: To check if the column is short or slender Given l= 4000 mm, b = 400 mm and D = 600 mm. Table 28 of IS 456 = lex= ley= 0.65(l) = 2600 mm. So, we have [ex/D = 2600/600 = 4.33 < 12 lay/b = 2600/400 = 6.5 < 12 Hence, it is a short column. Step 2: Minimum eccentricity ex min Greater of (lax/500+ D/30) and 20 mm = 25.2 mm eymin= Greater of (lay/500+ b/30) and 20 mm = 20 mm 0.05 D = 0.05(600) = so mm > 25.2 mm (= exmin) Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur 0.05 b = 0.05(400) = 20 mm = 20 mm (= eym,-,,) Hence, the equation given in cl.39.3 of IS 456 (Eq.10.4) is applicable for the design here. Step 3: Area of steel Fro Eq.10.4, we have Pu = 0.4 fckAc+ 0.67 f,,Asc (10.4) 3000(103)= 0.4(25){(400)(600) Asc} + 0.67(415)A5,, which gives, A5,,= 2238.39mm2 Provide6-20 mm diameterand 2-16 mm diameterrods giving 2287 mm2(> 2238.39mm2)and p = 0.953per cent,whichis morethan minimumpercentage of 0.8 and less than maximum percentage of 4.0. Hence, o.k. Step 4: Lateral ties The diameter of transverse reinforcement (lateral ties) is determined from cl. C-2 of IS 456 as not less than (i) ¢/4 and (ii) 6 mm. Here, ¢ = largest bar diameter used as longitudinal reinforcement = 20 mm. So, the diameter of bars used more than as lateral ties = 6 mm. The pitch of lateral ties, as per cl. C-1 of IS 456, should be not the least of (i) the least lateral dimension of the column 400 mm (ii) sixteen times the smallest diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bar to be tied = 16(16) = 256 mm (iii) 300 mm Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur __f.:?'3T er 21:31.21 writ g53r«..,.___, 7 % g4«»2t}"? ix. is Fig. "tt}.22.1:Prnsbflssm 1 Let us use p = pitch of lateral ties = 250 mm. The arrangement of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement of the column is shown in Fig. 10.22.1. Problem 2: Design the column of Problem 1 employing the chart of SP-16. Solution 2: Steps 1 and 2 are the same as those of Problem 1. Step 3: Area of steel Pu/Ag 3000(103)/(600)(400) = 12.5N/mm2 From the lower section of Chart 25 of SP-16, we get p = 0.95% when Pu/Ag= 12.5N/mm2andconcretegradeis M 25. This gives Asa= 0.95(400)(600)/100 = 2288 mm2.The resultsof boththe problemsare in goodagreement.Marginally higher value of A50while using the chart is due to parallax error while reading the value from the chart. Here also, 6-20 mm diameter bars + 2-16 mm diameter bars(Aseprovided= 2287mm2)is o.k.,thoughit is 1 mm2less. Step 4 is the same as that of Problem 1. Figure 10.22.1, thus, is also the figure showing the reinforcing bars (longitudinal and transverse reinforcement) of this problem (same column as that of Problem 1). Problem 3: Design a circular column of 400 mm diameter with helical reinforcement subjected to an axial load of 1500 kN under service load and live load. The column has an unsupported length of 3 m effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained against rotation. Use M 25 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Solution 3: Step 1: To check the slenderness ratio Given data are: unsupported length l= 3000 mm, D = 400 mm. Table 28 of Annex E of IS 456 gives effective length /8= I= 3000 mm. Therefore, I9/D= 7.5 < 12 confirms that it is a short column. Step 2: Minimum eccentricity em = Greater of (I/500 + D/30) or 20 mm = 20 mm 0.05 D= 0.05(400) = 20 mm As per cI.39.3 of IS 456, eminshould not exceed 0.05D to employ the equation given in that clause for the design. Here, both the eccentricities are the same. So, we can use the equation given in that clause of IS 456 i.e., Eq.10.8 for the design. Step 3:Area ofsteel From Eq.10.8, we have Pu = 1.05(0.4 fckAc+ 0.67 f,,Asc) Ac = Asc = (10.8) ' Asc Substituting the values of Pu, fck,Ag and fy in Eq.10.8, 1.5(1500)(103) = 1.05{0.4(25)(125714.29 Asa)+ 0.67(415)Asa} we get the valueof A5,;= 3304.29mm2.Provide11 nos.of 20 mmdiameterbars (= 3455mm') as longitudinalreinforcement giving p = 2.75%.Thisp is between 0.8 (minimum) and 4 (maximum) per cents. Hence o.k. Step 4: Lateral ties It has been mentioned in sec.10.22.4 that the pitch p of the helix determined from Eq.10.11 automatically takes care of the c|.39.4.1 of IS 456. Therefore, the pitch is calculated from Eq.10.11 selecting the diameter of helical reinforcement from c|. d-2 of IS 456. However, automatic satisfaction of c|.39.4.1 of IS 456 is also checked here for confirmation. Diameter of helical reinforcement (c|. d-2) shall be not less than greater of (i) onefourth of the diameter of largest longitudinal bar, and (ii) 6 mm. Therefore, with 20 mm diameter bars as longitudinal reinforcement, the diameter of helical reinforcement = 6 mm. From Eq.10.11, we have Pitchof helixp s 11.1(D,,¢,p)as,, fy/(D2' 03);, (10.11) whereDc = 400 4o 40 = 320mm,¢,p= 6 mm,asp= 28 mm2,fy= 415 N/mm2,D = 400 mm and rck= 25 N/mm2. So, p s 11.1(3206) (28)(415)/(4002-3202) (25) 3 28.125mm As per c|. d1, the maximum pitch is the lesser of 75 mm and 320/6 = 53.34 mm and the minimum pitch is lesser of 25 mm and 3(6) = 18 mm. We adopt pitch = 25 mm which is within the range of 18 mm and 53.34 mm. So, provide 6 mm bars @ 25 mm pitch forming the helix. Checking of cl. 39.4.1 of IS 456 The values of helical reinforcement and core in one loop are obtained from Eqs.10.8 and 9, respectively. Substituting the values of Dc, ¢ , aspand pitch p in theabove twoequations, wehave Sp Volumeof helicalreinforcement in oneloop = 27632mm3and Volumeof corein one loop = 2011428.571 mm3. Their ratio = 27632/2011428.571 = 0.0137375 0.36(Ag/Ac 1) (rck/ry) = 0.012198795 It is, thus, seen that the above ratio (0.0137375) is not less than 0.36(Ag/Ac 1) (fck/fy). Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur t}? rm: 16.22.22 Pretailern 3 Hence, the circular column of diameter 400 mm has eleven longitudinal bars of 20 mm diameter and 6 mm diameter helix with pitch p = 25 mm. The reinforcing bars are shown in Fig.10.22.2. 10.22.6 Practice Questions and Problems with Answers Q.1: State and explain the values of design strengthsof concrete and steel to be considered in the design of axially loaded short columns. A.1: Q.2: Seesec.10.22.2. Derive the governing equation for determining the dimensions of the column and areas of longitudinal bars of an axially loaded short tied column. A.2: See sec. 10.22.2. Q.3: Derive the governing equation for determining the diameter and areas of longitudinal bars of an axially loaded circular spiral short column. A.3: First and second paragraph of sec. 10.22.4. Q.4: Derive the expression of determining the pitch of helix in a short axially loaded spiral column which satisfies the requirement of IS 456. A.4: See third paragraph onwards up to the end of sec. 10.22.4. Q.5: Design a short rectangular tied column of b = 300 mm having the maximum amount of longitudinal reinforcement employing the equation given in Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur cl.39.3 of IS 456, to carry an axial load of 1200 kN under service dead load and live load using M 25 and Fe 415. The column is effectively held in position at both ends and restrained against rotation at one end. Determine the unsupported length of the column. A.5: Step 1:Dimension Dand area ofsteel A5,, Substituting the values of Pu = 1.5(1200) = 1800 kN and A50= 0.04(300)D in Eq.10.4, we have 1800(103)= 0.4(25)(300D)(10.04)+ 0.67(415)(0.04)(300D) we getD = 496.60 mm. Use 300 mm x 500 mm column. Asa= 0.04(300)(500)= 6000mm2,provide4-36mmdiameter+ 4-25mm diameterbarsto give4071+ 1963= 6034mm"' > 6000mm2. Step 2: Lateral ties t{.:Ti 31:10 .359 356*. tawrilfr Fig. E{f,.22.v3i:: Diameter of lateral ties shall not be less than the larger of (i) 36/4 = 9 mm and (ii) 6 mm. Use 10 mm diameter bars as lateral ties. Pitch of the lateral ties p shall not be more than the least of (i) 300 mm, (ii) 16(25) = 400 mm and (iii) 300 mm. So, provide 10 mm diameter bars @ 300 mm c/c. The reinforcement bars are shown in Fig.10.22.3. The centre to centre distance between two corner longitudinal bas along 500 mm direction is 500 2(4) + 10 + 18) = 364 mm which is less than 48 (diameter of lateral tie). Hence, the arrangement is satisfying Fig.9 of cl. b2 of IS 456. Step 3: Unsupported length As per the stipulation in cl. 25.1.2 of IS 456, the column shall be considered as short if lax= 12(D) = 6000 mm and I8, = 12(300) = 3600 mm. For the type of support conditions given in the problem, Table 28 of IS 456 gives unsupported length is the least of (i) l= lax/0.8 = 6000/0.8 = 7500 mm and (ii) ley/0.8= 3600/0.8 = 4500 mm. Hence, the unsupported length of the column is 4.5 m if the minimum eccentricity clause (cl. 39.3) is satisfied, which is checked in the next step. Step 4: Check for minimum eccentricity According to cl. 39.4 of IS 456, the minimum eccentricity of 0.05b or 0.05D shall not exceed as given in cl. 25.4 of IS 456. Thus, we have (i) 0.05(500) = I/500 + 500/30 giving I: 4165 mm (ii) 0.05(300) = I/500 + 300/10 giving I: 2500 mm Therefore, the column shall have the unsupported length of 2.5 m. Q.6: (a) Suggest five alternative dimensions of square short column with the minimum longitudinal reinforcement to carry a total factored axial load of 3000 kN using concrete of grades 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 and Fe 415. Determine the respective maximum unsupported length of the column if it is effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained against rotation. Compare the given factored load of the column with that obtained by direct computation for all five alternative columns. (b) For each of the five alternative sets of dimensions obtained in (a), determine the maximum factored axial load if the column is having maximum longitudinal reinforcement (i) employing SP-16 and (ii) by direct computation. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur A.6: riiiiifliii WW 3, :1ii; :2§~l.Fme:¥r§ Fiig. *fE.2£...:4: Eféharf af EPKEE israrji. themale} Solution of Part (a): Step 1: Determination of Ag and column dimensions b (= D) Chart 25 of SP-16 gives all the dimensionsof five cases. The two input data are Pu= 3000 kN and 100 145/149 = 0.8. In the lower sectionof Chart 25, one horizontalline AB is drawn startingfrom A where p = 0.8 (Fig.10.22.4) to meet the linesfor M 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 respectively.In Fig.10.22.4, B is the meeting point for M 20 concrete. Separate vertical lines are drawn from these points of intersectionto meet another horizontalline CD from the point C where Pu= 3000 kN in the upper section of the figure. The point D is the intersectingpoint. D happens tobeonlinewhenAg= 3000cm2.Otherwise, itmaybeinbetween two lienswithdifferent values ofAg.ForM 20,Ag= 3000cm2.However, incasethe point is in between two lines with differentvalues of Ag, the particularAg has to be computedby linear interpolation.Thus, all five values of Agare obtained. The dimension b = D = 4300000 = 550 mm. Other four values are obtained similarly.Table 10.1 presentsthe values of Ag and D along with other resultsas explainedbelow. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Step 2: Unsupported length of each column The unsupportedlengthlis determinedfrom two considerations: (i) Clause 25.1.2 of IS 456 mentionsthat the maximumeffectivelength lgx is 12 times b or D (as b = D here for a square column).The unsupportedlengthis related to the effective length dependingon the type of support. In this problem Table 28 of IS 456 stipulates l= lgx.Therefore, maximumvalue of l= 12 D. (ii) The minimumeccentricityof cl. 39.3 shouldbe more than the same as given in cl. 25.4. Assumingthem to be equal, we get I/500 + D/30 = D/20, which gives l= 8.33D. For the columnusing M 20 and Fe 415, the unsupportedlength = 8.33(550) = 4581 mm. All unsupportedlengths are presented in Table 10.1 usingthe equation I = 8.33 D (1) Step 3: Area of longitudinal steel Step 1 showsthat the area providedfor the firstcase is 550 mm x 550 mm = 302500mm2,slightlyhigherthanthe requiredarea of 300000mm2for the practical aspects of construction.However, the minimum percentage of the longitudinalsteel is to the calculated as 0.8 per cent of area required and not area provided (vide cl. b of IS 456). Hence, for this case Asc = 0.8(300000)/100 = 2400 mm2.Provide4-25 mm diameter+ 4-12 mm diameter bars(area= 1963+ 452 = 2415mm2).Table10.1presents thisandotherareas of longitudinalsteel obtainedin a similarmanner. Step 4: Factored load by direct computation Equation10.4 is employedto calculatethe factoredload by determiningAc from Ag and A5,. With a view to comparingthe factored loads, we will use the values of Ag as obtained from the chart and not the Ag actually provided. From Eq.10.4, we have Pufrom directcomputation= 0.4-(fck)(0.992 Ag)+ 0.67(fy)(0.008)Ag or (2) Pu = Ag(0.3968 fck+0.00536 fy) ForthefirstcasewhenAg= 300000mm2,fck= 20 N/mm2, and fy= 415N/mm2, Eq.(2) gives Pu = 3048.12 kN. This value and other values of factored loads obtainedfrom the directcomputationare presentedin Table 10.1. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Table 10.1 Results of Q.6a (Minimum Longitudinal Steel), given factored P = 3000 kN Gross area of Area of steel (Asg) Require Provide Bars d cmz d cmz M 20 3000 3025 55 24 24.15 4-25 M 25 2500 2500 50 20 20.60 4-20 M 30 2200 2209 47 17.60 17.85 2.25 M 35 1800 1806 42.5 14.40 14.57 2-28 M 40 1600 1600 40 12.80 13.06 2-20 Puby direct computation I (m) + 3048.12 4.58 + 3036.10 4.16 + 3108.25 3.91 + 2900.23 3.54 + 2895.42 3.33 4-12 1 4-16 5 4-16 5 2-12 0 6-12 Solution 2 of Part (b): Step 1: Determination of Pu Due to the known dimensions of the column section, the Ag is now known. With known Ag and reinforcement percentage 100/45/Agas 4 per cent, the factored Pu shall be determined. For the first case, when b = D = 550 mm, Ag = 302500mm2.InChart25,wedrawa horizontal lineEFfromE,where100/45/Ag = 4 in the lower section of the chart (see Fig.10.22.4) to meet the M 20 line at F. Proceeding vertically upward, the line FG intersects the line Ag = 302500 at G. A horizontal line towards left from G, say GH, meets the load axis at H where Pu = 5600 kN. Similarly, Pu for other sets are determined and these are presented in Table 10.2, except for the last case when M 40 is used, as this chart has ended at p = 3.8 per cent. Step 2: Area of longitudinal steel The maximum area of steel, 4 per cent of gross area of column = 0.04(550)(550)= 12100 mm2.Provide12-36 mm diameterbars to have the actualareaof steel= 12214mm2> 12100 mmz,as presentedin Table10.2. Step 3: Factored Pu from direct computation From Eq,10.4, as in Step 4 of the solution of Part (a) of this question, we have Pu = 0.4+ A50 (3) Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur Substitutingthe values of Ag and A50actually provided,we get the maximum P of the same column when the longitudinalsteel is the maximum. For the first casewhenAg= 302500mm2,Asa= 12214mm2,1:,= 20 N/mm2and fy= 415 N/mm2,we get Pu= 5718.4kN. Thisvaluealong withotherfourvaluesare presentedin Table 10.2. Remarks: Tables 10.1 and 10.2 reveal that two sets of results obtained from charts of SP-16 and by direct computationmethods are in good agreement. However, values obtained from the chart are marginallydifferent from those obtained by direct computationboth on the higher and lower sides. These differences are mainly due to personal error (parallax error) while reading the values with eye estimation from the chart. Table 10.2 Fesults of Q.6(b) (Maximum LongitudinalSteel) given the respective Area of steel Asa Provide P = Factored load Bars SP-chart (No. ) (kN) Direct Computatio ( 36 M 25 50 2500 8-36 + 4- 5200 5208.9 5000 5017.8 4500 4474.5 25 M 30 47 2209 88.36 88.97 M35 42.5 1806.25 72.25 73.69 M 40 40 64 64.46 8-32 + 428 23 8-28 Not + 4- availabl 32 4249.2 e Q.7: Designa short, helicallyreinforcedcircularcolumnwith minimumamountof longitudinalsteel to carry a total factored axial load of 3000 kN with the same supportconditionas that of Q.6, using M 25 and Fe 415. Determine its unsupportedlength. Compare the resultsof the dimensionand area of longitudinalsteel with those of Q.6(a) when M 25 and Fe 415 are used. A.7: Step 1: Diameter of helically reinforced circular column Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur As per cl. 39.4 of IS 456, applicable for short spiral column, we get from Eq.10.8 P,, = 1.05(0.4fc,,Ac+0.67 ryA,,,) (10.8) Givendataare: P, = 3000kN,Ac= 71/4(D2)(0.992), A5,,= 0.008(7r/4)D2,rck= 25 N/mm2 andfy= 415N/mm2. So,wehave 3000(103)= 1.05(12.1444)(7r/4)D2 givingD = 547.2mm and Ag= 235264.2252 mm2.Provide diameter of 550mm. Step 2: Area of longitudinal steel Providing 550 mm diameter, the required Ag has been exceeded. Clause stipulates that the minimum amount of longitudinal bar shall be determined on the basis of area required and not area provided for any column. Accordingly, the area of longitudinal steel = 0.008 Ag = 0.008 235264.2252) = 1882.12mm2.Provide6-20mmdiameterbars(area= 1885mm ) as longitudinal steel, satisfying the minimum number of six bar (cl. of IS 456). Step 3: Helical reinforcement Fig. 1032.0: f? Minimum diameter of helical reinforcement is greater of (i) 20/4 or (ii) 6 mm. So, provide 6 mm diameter bars for the helical reinforcement (cl. 2 of IS 456). The pitch of the helix p is determined from Eq.10.11 as follows: p s 11.1(D,,¢,,,)a,,,ry/(D2D3)r,,k (10.11) Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur UsingDc= 550 4o 40= 470mm, ¢Sp = 6 mm,asp= 28mm2, D= 550mm, rck= 25 N/mm2 andfy= 415N/mm2, weget p s 11.1(4706)(28)(415)/(55024702)(25) 3 29.34mm Provide 6 mm diameter bar @ 25 mm c/c as helix. The reinforcement bars are shown in Fig. 10.22.5. Though use of Eq.10.11 automatically checks the stipulation of cl. 39.4.1 of IS 456, the same is checked as a ready reference in Step 4 below. Step 4: Checking of cl. 39.4.1 of IS 456 Volumeof helix in one loop = 7r(Dc- ¢Sp)asp (10.9) Volumeof core = (Ir/4) Df (P) (10.10) Theratioof Eq.10.9andEq.10.10= 4(Dc ¢Sp) asp/Dfp = 4(4706)(28)/(470)(470)(25) = 0.009410230874 This ratio should not be less than 0.36(Ag/Ac 1)(fck/fy) = 0.36{(D2/Df)1)}(fck/fy) = 0.008011039177 Hence, the stipulation of cl. 39.4.1 is satisfied. Step 5: Unsupported length The unsupported length shall be the minimum of the two obtained from (i) short column requirement given in cl. 25.1.2 of IS 456 and (ii) minimum eccentricity requirement given in cls. 25.4 and 39.3 of IS 456. The two values are calculated separately: (i) I: la = 12D = 12(550) = 6600 mm (ii) I/500 + D/30 = 0.05 D gives I= 4583.3 mm So, the unsupported length of this column = 4.58 m. Step 6: Comparison of results Table 10.3 presents the results of required and actual gross areas of concrete and area of steel bars, dimensions of column and number and diameter of longitudinal reinforcement of the helically reinforced circular and the square Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur columns of Q.6(a) when M 20 and Fe 415 are used for the purpose of comparison. Table 10.3 Comparison of results of circular and square columns with minimum longitudinal steel (Pu = 3000 kN, M 25, Fe 415) Gross concrete area Area Required Provided Dimension (cm2) (cm2) D (cm) of steel Required Provided Bar dia. (cm2) (cm2) and No. 18.82 18.85 mm,No. 2352.64 2376.78 2500 2500 o.7 Square 50 20 Q.6a 20.6 4-16 10.22.7 References . ReinforcedConcreteLimit State Design,6" Edition,by Ashok K. Jain, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002. LimitStateDesignof ReinforcedConcrete,2 Edition,by P.C.Varghese, PrenticeHa|I of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001. ReinforcedConcreteDesign,2 Edition,by S.UnnikrishnaPillai and Devdas Menon, Tata McGrawHiII Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2003. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam, Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. ReinforcedConcreteDesign, 13 RevisedEdition,by S.N.Sinha,Tata McGrawHiII Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990. ReinforcedConcrete,6" Edition,by S.K.Ma|Iickand A.P.Gupta,Oxford & 8. 9. IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements, by |.C.Sya| and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Whee|er & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989. ReinforcedConcreteStructures,3 Edition,by |.C.Sya|and A.K.Goe|, A.H.Whee|er & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992. 10.Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1993. 11.Designof ConcreteStructures,13" Edition,by Arthur H. Nilson,David Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2004. 12.Concrete Techno|oQY. by A.M.NeviIIe and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with Longman, 1994. 13.Propertiesof Concrete,4 Edition, 13 Indian reprint, by A.M.NeviIIe, Longman, 2000. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur 14.Reinforced ConcreteDesignersHandbook,10"Edition,by C.E.Reyno|ds and J.C.Steedman, E & FN SPON, London, 1997. 15.lndianStandardPlain and ReinforcedConcrete Code of Practice(4" Revision), IS 456: 2000, BIS, New Delhi. 16. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 10.22.8 Test 22 with Maximum Marks = 50, 1978, BIS, New Delhi. Solutions Maximum Time = 30 minutes Answer all questions carrying equal marks. TQ.1: Derive the expression of determining the pitch of helix in a short axially loaded spiral column which satisfies the requirement of IS 456. (20 marks) A.TQ.1: See third paragraph onwards up to the end of sec. 10.22.4. TQ.2: Design a square, short tied column of b = D = 500 mm to carry a total factored load of 4000 kN using M 20 and Fe 415. Draw the reinforcement diagram. (30 marks) A.TQ.2: Step 1: Area of longitudinal steel Assuming p as the percentage of longitudinal steel, we have Ac = (500)(500)(10.01p),Asc= (500)(500)(0.01p), fck= 20 N/mm2and fy= 415 N/mm2.Usingthesevaluesin Eq.10.4 Pu = 0.4 fckAc+ 0.67 f,,As, or 4000000 = 0.4(20)(250000)(1 (10.4) 0.01p) + 0.67(415)(250000)(0.01p) we getp = 2.9624,whichgives A5,,= (2.9624)(500)(500)/100 = 7406mm'. Use 4-36+ 4-25+ 4-22mmdiameterbars(4071+ 1963+ 1520)= 7554mm2> 7406 mm2as longitudinalreinforcement. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur 75? _yv.*.~wM»-rs: f QT ,4 ESQ 5:5: ?..EE.5:§£7.f§.E Step 2: Lateral ties Diameter of tie is the greater of (i) 36/4 and (ii) 6 mm. Provide 10 mm diameter lateral ties. The pitch of the lateral ties is the least of (i) 500 mm, (ii) 16(22) = 352 mm, and (iii) 300 mm. Provide 10 mm diameter @ 300 mm c/c. The reinforcement bars are shown in Fig.10.22.6. It is evident that the centre to centre distance between two corner bars = 364 mm is less than 48 times the diameter of lateral ties = 480 mm (Fig.9 of cl. of IS 456). 1022.9 Summary of this Lesson This lesson illustrates the additional assumptions made regarding the strengths of concrete and steel for the design of short tied and helically reinforced columns subjected to axial loads as per IS 456. The governing equations for determining the areas of cross sections of concrete and longitudinal steel are derived and explained. The equation for determining the pitch of the helix for circular columns is derived. Several numerical examples are solved to illustrate the applications of the derived equations and use of charts of SP-16 for the design of both tied and helically reinforced columns. The results of the same problem by direct computation are compared with those obtained by employing the charts of SP-16 are compared. The differences of results, if any, are discussed. Understanding the illustrative examples and solving the practice and test problems will explain the applications of the equation and use of charts of SP-16 for designing these two types of columns. Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur