S1. No. : &|Gg)1LD,s§;]ej;e£LJuI;(1~,\.6iTG1TC;[3;5ULb2 3 Losaufl] 1d174né5 2014 Q L] rrgj -30); Q5] sq ‘ ‘ _ (Degree Standard) [Cflmrrgg Lo§,1L'.IQI_J@f15T«$G'rr I 300 afilarrrésagcgésgg u§1m_afi$@(_xp6&I —£;;ei;a;6o'vrn_ aqflmmuamm aseuo.rrLnrr.IsL: I_IIq.85«$Q.iLb !.\') (g.>$e§1u_| eyqgbleqesanyaseh @;_'r;§ a\‘flGa'irrg' Qgrrgfijq CELng;Jasnme:.s>uJ (@;jr;§ ué;a;g_§3em§,)eis G1~5flG!§M®EiTQT§J. Ggfrm Q§l'l‘|_E§J@Lb 'CZ‘n_'-,r;§@dJ afilmrrgflgrrgfiamug .§1més(9§,LbL.nq. 5ev’ura;rrsuuflL'mrrsrrfr emgub a_nam7u5is‘u Qwgajmmmwgg §.1§ns'3aaa's a:su_rr§1. ‘ a§16mn§,G1g,n@,LLuanu§ $1r_r).£':s.@§Liiu_11q.u.Jrr6o'r Cfleruharwas &.6t ¢ra;rreaKRxJune1Trfl|_t.6|([5§g1 Qummmpah Gmgznmmufikén G1J61J§jL|Q)§;6h')§;, axeummrras £91551; $I;r)$a3 CSrauec"o'r®Lb. .=9{§,6'o1rsS16i>‘r C3asm'1eS1a3(§r)ré;@ aE16znt_u_m‘flésa;§, G]§nu'£3J&eurrLb. Q55 Géamrrgs Q§y(T@LlL[ 200 m5?6urn.$a;<;m1T.é=. Gla5n55‘uT®a‘Tm'g,1. 6.1S1<;a>1_tu¢s1’rh€v;ai Q§rrL_ré1@(5oéi5'r §Ie3i_Ias{fle;4:1rrgT'_,G:‘i§,rv@L'.I 15166 6Tc'z)6urr 6fi1sa'rné;a:(g§Lb @t_tb Qupgyjmmmwn <:r6i1Tuao;_r;u4Lb @.6mLUfl®‘ 6,rg;JLb Qwfigjjggnmaam aefimwsun e;reinuax)§u4,Lb &Ifiurrr‘r§g,|$ G1a;m;i'rewa4Lb_ :;,r(2g,§gJLb (g,mgyun® Qgguvfzlatz Cwggmm I_| §';g;l =- 3f;1LrSh_r_=1La;@és@a'1 aqsszgzazafimanasvfluunmrfipm GIg5Ifia§|aiw;csqLb. . _ a)rr aflmnésasggésgtb 61§16mx_u_1arHei5A6GqLb. arréumrr 6a5]mrre3s5@_‘5L.b smmrrm m§lL'.zQLm5rrrm6i1 Q£}3f|'6b:fiT!_6?i')6\J. _:2_réJes@5mL.uJ ugleq crafcrranam @;'5_g,L'1 uéaesegfiein auevgg (Swab pyzemuufiieia évegmflasm .;‘-I43£:'i1)LD'ff)gdGi'FGF|' @L§§® ;En§J5s'rr GF@§ G61Jfi3:ET(9l.J-IJ.(B6‘:JQ_|'IE|'6fi7§;U_|Lb efilmng; GI§,rI@L‘_Iflei) e‘r@§,&3‘; ax‘n.L_nrg,|. _ 2rE'.1as@§ezrn_,u_: ufim crafirr‘, G53-';|"f'61.}§';'&_1‘7t'|'6iT Grain Lor_i7g1;Li) a§16mrr§G1§,rr(§,L:L; mrfiaafs Graiarr (Sl. No.) Gp_.5,e1STuJeugbm;gu4Lb aS]mL_§sg;rrerfiebr @|m§o'r|_rrLb ué;a:§,§c'o ,.94e2s>a.sas@5é;esrra: G=qanLo§gJGi're1-r @‘/réJa;61'fidJ f,suLb =vs,w:.i;<;n§; .s;@mm flgp 6i5)LDLL{6iDI_UJ ugijgggzmmu Qumnafilgarnds @_§oT®Lb. C3Lo;f)a5aiirn_ e1S1I_|ryrI31a;c;ms1'r aflcm:_§,§.rrerfic;u gfiuéaaeir (§;f)L.{r,g,jé; a;rrLL.,§, gamgfilssrrré) atéiaaefr aS1an|_§,§;rrei1' Q8’6:L)6UfT_&',§lT338§l_'JLJ®Lh. _ @6i.IC§61.11rrQ5 afileimsmb (A), (B), (C) Lnggnb (D) Gran ggrrstrg safilszmazmarreis Q$n6o‘17r®aimTgJ‘. .[En§1a;ei7 qvxqmauasafieia g,,aC3u gqy arrflufirem 1 6:S16m_mu_I§, G§|T61.| Gang] e19iam_.§,,5wafiéo gflggiéa 5rn'_1_ (36'}J6iUT®Lb. C.'§mg‘yuu'_u_ en’flu_|rren1 va§1m1_a;:.;ir gpqr, glQr;Lxu§,rrasa'¢; axljflwmw ffirmssh L15l5é mflaurrengj creirqy c,-rcgcngg aagggjilgfifrafiiam ¢94;_'r;g, afimpmm aSflm1_,«_i,§5nsrfieb 8Sl'|'L.L_. G6}J6l1'?$'f®Lt1n 6r1;IL_1L«pum1€fl@1Lb @QT; C‘Sa:c.i'reE:Ié;@ :;,aC3zI gag mfismpmmggndr (3§w'r_[‘r3G1§,®-$55 (§rauea‘wr®Lb. arflaggmpm Qmngg, m§.hJQum‘ma:d1‘ ;Er§Je;.G'tT s61szs>I_§3g5r1r<;rfIsi> ggfflgygués aam_'J®Lh s=rfiLu rrm e1§16mI_.mfi@Zn meuirwaflésaaaammu ‘.’:]LJI'fQ_|4é_i';;!-_}’;§_|. . ‘ eSl6m|_§,§,nafi® @e.‘uC§|aJrr® ($561951 crrcu'1rrcuuflfi)@Lb crélrfléu ® , , © LDgi) [Q]LhCID GTGM pjrrairg e\§1ezm_ 2..aiTerr6aT. gag Cfiaaeiraflleqg 6\‘3\6mI_u_Ivzrfié;a; ;E'rI§J56‘tT élfiflumsr aaqggnb ra51anr_6u3u_v ¢;,)C'Su gag; €f1]6'a‘:L aui'_u_§§lai1 Lm‘_®Lb ugjrggj (gamma Gumnafilmneh @fl§,gy.-is a;m'_n_ C3mJsn'vr®Lb. @G3.JQ6)JFf(f_T) C3a;e'rrfla's@5Lb 5905 a‘316aDL.emu.:§5 G§r’Qr_i3GIg,®§§p mS¥mL§,§,rrs1fiei) gfieiaas C'Seusu‘ar@Lb. @@ Ga36iT61S1é3@ @€i$rgué'L@ (;LDfi)Ll|.-_.L_. exS1c;u:‘n_u_:e1"r}§4g,rr:;b aqgryg, GEIGFJL gmmrrmgwa; 33([§§;L'Ul_l®Li). agnqwwmna §ré.Ja;'ciT aehumg a=I‘fluJ mam e1‘_1Tms>I_u_Irra;.4i; &;(1_“9§)6mr6i) amg Ifleirrajgmung) (§g§I§,§]é; s;rrl'_u_.'C§au6u'1$r® Lb. ' ® . © (133 ;BrEua;sh' 61S1€trrrr_e_'r, Qgngmflekx €r;_'5§3L‘J I_1eiaas§r,5zn§,u4Li3 4r_F5$..-sffieurr ammgj £hg§l$aaC3e.In am_rrg,1. Cfigfreu Ggugfléo gm aflmrrg, Gl§,rr@uJL‘7sme.h'I{2Lun‘ gggsbwgj 6}51G)')l_§7§)I|'GD)@TI‘$UJfi Cigafreqéa aaxpficang, a§iL'_® Qmafiufieb €I'(:}§.§J$ Qi4!F6i)€1)é§ia'a1.LfIg]. Ggfrau (1DLrLEQ3|fflG'11‘ fimaefr art.-iJa;(¢aTI»",emLu_I Gnfilmpfiggnmmé; 9;a5"uTx5;1rrt~2WflL'JurramfiL_Lb Qaarrmfifl 61511. C36u6n'1ir{v§Lb. » @6iJ6fi1ann.$ Q§,rr;‘53m§1anm§, (’3e_I,frsu (LpL¢E,§3GL||_6in' firéjssashr aréJa5c,s1T1I_6irr Grfigfi gm? Cfla=rJu61)wrrLb. (g;51:'_II_;a;d7 Gl'(l:Q§]l;I ufifiDU§,fi)(§ mflmrrg, G§rrQ§L'.IL§16&r 53651141‘-1 u$5§,§g',)(5-(5c1G‘aT1_:$;a;_e_'r,G6:§ 2_uC3uJrréL'j5§1$ G1&n6iTa1T6L)fiLb. C§Ln;f)em‘isr\_ a§lg_f,1a;,afid.> <:ra>g,u.:rreug._; Lfigfilmrrei) G§;fiGufi€6)€dNuJLb (5ou:,.Gien§5(e_a5LuI_rr§ gr} coqmLo|_'|I£1lein Ggfifr aggro gag); Lorrgfilefil Q),@|.'o. Gm-Gm Q_eiTG1T siIrr.§s<5§ltL_IréJaseTl'lai) erg) aisbsvgj arena) geigprremgj? (A) (2) L0(—®Lb ’ ' (B) (2) Lomlitb (3) @W'5¥C+)t33 (C) (3) LD|'—®U5 . - ‘ (D) (1) I-DMDJUD (2) @iI03vT®L'D 6. A rocket 100 m long at rest starts to move with uniform motion of 0.8 C. What is its length ' ' as seen by an observer at rest? (Al)/I ‘ 60 cm " (B) 80 cm (C) 100cm _ (D) 0 ;Bl6nw§§)®és@LbC3urrg,) 100 in {Barrie Gl83|'|'66)ST|_ grrr$Gls;|'_, 0.8 C Gmsggiustr QE&()QjLb(;Ufig;|. gfilmmuqnm urrr'r€n6uu_mc;m‘r .§{g3G)'l fimggfimm Grfig Lo§,lLn_:rrs3 a|aTsi§l('b)5nrrr'r? . (A) _ so am - ‘ (B) 80 cm (C) ' 100cm - _ (D) ' 0 iss(17' ' ' y 4’ - O ‘K1 _ asrrqmrnb (R) Which of the following has the highest ionizing power‘? (A) _ X—rays _ (3)) Alpha rays (C) Beta rays I l ‘ (D) Gamma rays £le'n1su'@eiJmen_rj)g))s'rr erg] u5)a;s)4Lb aiflastorrsui ¢',J{u_I6‘6lluJfF$ (§jLl) §m(;in C)asrrairri_gJ’? (A) X 53$! risssh (C) I3|'_|_rr $§)r'r.556iT ' (D) ' (B) %6l)L_1IT55§l:|'&36lT asrrtorr ssglfr.-m'1 Sound waves from a sounding car are _ (B), longitudinal waves (C) ultrasonic waves . (D) (A) transverse waves stationary waves §;oSl_a_'r,§Ja}3 Q$fFQl‘6TLq.(l_'96'S(§Ll) esrrfila3l([r;_r_'5g) mggnb @613) aqsneu _ (A) (g3g))ei5(5 .;9|6U)€I) (B) G§I'_x_sna) (C) G|so9lu.)amn;rrr 95:5) aiansuaaeir (D) jfylansu aims). ' Consider the following statements. > Assertion (A) : Receptors for steroid hormones are located inside the cells. Reason (R) Because steroid hormones are lipid soluble molecules that diffuse easily ' through the phospholipid interior of cell membrane. ‘{j()) Both (A) and (R) are trueand R is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is not a correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false (D) (A) is falsevbut (R) it true ‘ §IE‘p£5E&3FF@Jtl).E51Jrrél5£I§lU_IF!:'iJ&36'U)GI:|'é:‘£ swemgglsb Gauche. em;i)gu (A) siuLq.r)nu'l1()) gr)nr‘rCBmrr6h1 Gl&c'uaS)@)e'trq|';f)g)ut Qsndigd). siuL:p)rruLr® gDrrr'rC'o’Lon6in gags aSliLIfl® B56fi')|;|’UJél56%LLq_ll_l (y)Q)éS6%i_Qja3€I'F|'T&3§i C:la;rrr5o’75r|_g). sreflélsi) t_|FI'GiU(3LJrF€z1SlI;|ljl®<‘3S@Gl'|' om .9=si.Io5lGo6aTé5 a5I_é3asé5 amq_u_s§) * " (A) (A) Lm_f)gyLb (R) mil Lo¢)g)J~n.b (R)I;rrrm§J (A)$@ a=_rf)u.u rrsrr o§lerrei;asLorr@',u.‘o (B) (A) mggyfo (R) arflunrarrgi siiloiéssstocbai (R)I1rre‘rig,) (A)m§l;i)(§ efimnm (C) (A) Jr?) .%,cuTrrciJ (R) zrrfluiaiieu ' (D) (A) eHfiu_n;'uaJ %GUT|'FGl) (R) owl‘) 5 . " _' GS17 ’ [Turn over 10. Hormone Gastrin acts as (AK) Stimulates HCI production I ‘ (B) Causes-contraction of gall bladder (C). Water and Salt secretion (D) Stimulate urine elimination Gaasiuuirilein §i_rmTr'r(3Lorra1fl6\JU.J§TGUT§] (A) HC1a$U§§>)"”“J smvrowa (B) Lfilggumumuu 5i(l§$$dF Qsmaigj (C) ;Er'r Logbgnib afiiqaaenm sméaaas Glsulleiigfl (D) élgiffirl Gt6iJafiC3u_|g‘j_r1)§,§mso1 g.naiaT®Gu§) 11. The transfer RNA (tRNA) carries the activated amino acid at its (A) 5’ OH terminal‘ _ _ . (B57 3’CCA terminal I (C) T (/1 C loop - A ; (D) Anticodon end @|_mrrfi)v_mb .%!:l'. Gl'6l)T. cg" (tRNA) sigma Lélg a(uS)(£'>anrr &| Ll5l61)§)6lI)§ @§,6'm cniiugglufilsi) ¢;r®g_'5g,)a'r Glscbeflmg)? ~ A (A) 5' OH Qpsescs _ l (B) 3’CCA (g)Lq.m§li_Lb (C) T W C msosireu _ (D) :g$6ii'riq.C3aarr|_rr6ing)J6bfl . . ‘ I '12, .Neisser in 1879 discovered a sexually transmitted disease known as (A) Syphillis v (B) AIDS (2? Glonorrhoea ‘ ' (D) Hydrocele 1879a) firisiuaiurrfr argjgg, urreiaefilsoarr Cfigarrufilsosznés 8S6llUT®| _(1llq_§;§lTf|'? (A) ' amen Lqccisr " ' (B) c;ru'J|'_s'ru (C) _ Qa.H_'_ém._ Gprruli ' . (D) awn oSlI'5§,s;§,§ab (gs sass GS17 A ‘ 3 ' ’ o I3. 14. 15. i 16. How many printing characters are there in ASCII? (A) 90 ' (B) 65 (9)) '94 . (D) 62 ASCII sr6ing))Lb Ql&fig_ijC§ssrr5n61Ju§lG1) Grggcosisr aflgmnsm .=g;(e're;rr@,1b srQ9g_'r)g)|é3&36ir LGITGTIGUT? (A) 90 (B) 65 ‘ (C) 94 ‘ V (D) 62 GIS stands for_ ' _ 1 -(A)? Geographic Information System _ (B) Global Information System (C) ' Graphical Information System (D) Google Information System s GIS Grating’) (A) Z L|6)5l§ game) Q.,066))I)Gt'>LD . . (B) (D) eager gasoidi ggnangcom @C3carrrrI_is'1J gems) (I,o6n;:)aoLo (C) efillyrrlfilsséu game) (50€6)[D65)LD ‘ is the binary equivalent of (12)m . I (A) ' D001 D010 (3), 1100 (C) ‘ 1101 (D) 1010 (l2)m 6r6inu§,s§sr@r;6u'i'.rrL_1q.mrr6ni 1D,e_f»)1:iL4 _ .;g,(§Li). _' (A) 00010010 ' > (B) 1100 1010 (C) 1101- ' _ (D) The warm current that travels upto Cape Hatteras is known as (A) Benguella (B) Labrador (95) Gulf stream (D)' Falkland ' (East: g|)1.‘.I_17ci1> Guava uuusurub Q5é.)Q]-Ll) QGDLIIJ §zG1J|'FLl.|...§§))6lJ‘l QLHLII)’ (A) _ GL.lff:J@GGlJO.)II’ fi5GI;rrrL1_1b s1)n1Ln)I_rrr'r_15(31;rrrL'_1_Lb (C) &dJ1.'.r fi(3I;rri_L.1.b (D) ."..1_1rrai;s0rr_('5g(; ;§(3(m|'__1_Lb "7 . GS17 ‘ [Turn over 17. GSI7 IMatcli List I and List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below : (8) (b) ' (C) (d) (A) (B) = (C) Listl Pangaea Panthalassa Tethys Wegener ma) 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 5 .0») '(c) II 1 1 4 oz?) I_||I_Iq.LL1GIl) I—a_L_GtT L.n'_1q.u_|a') II-lq.€0')6l5T srfiiurrm ofilcouuflsoeti Ggsrflsu Glsuls: (a) (b) (C) (a) (A) (B) (C) (D) ' lJLI_.l.q.lL1QI)I I_| rrcls1%lu.II1' u6'tT§_r,aJn5rr Gasfisv Gleuglsuiri (3) (b) (C) 3 2 l 4 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 (C1) List 11 Continental drift Large land inass Huge ocean Small seas I_llI_1.q.llJ€l) II $6UIbTL)'_B5|'IT6l.| I aag§lsa(cneu;_f)lm1JuuDI_( I Glurflui ar(tp_&_'r;§I;rLb I élg‘)lu.1 a;1_ei)s:eiT C)urr'@§sS), 1_I1L.tq.LLiei1.s@§ei;@5a': £6; ajirm G)§,Irr@I;1£leiSl(J§;'5g| Match List I and List 11 and se1e<-:t the correct answer from the codes given below the list : , List I - ‘ List 11 ; ' (Major-Rivers) (Percentage of Basin Area) ' (a) Ganga 1. 9.8 ‘ (b) Godavari 2. 11.0 ‘ \ (C) Yamuna 3. 9.5 (d) Indus 4. 26.2.. (A)" 3 4 1 2 (B) 1‘ 3 2 4 (Bf? 4 3 2 1 (D) 2 1 4 3 \. eurflma I—2_1_sisI .6)Jf?|6Dd¥II-lq.61D6'0T Qurrggfl e§QC:)asrrC,)5'sa:I_'Juf_®6iT61T 5=rfiuJrr6b'r 6)S1em_uEfl6ane:rr G)§,rfi(;14 G15cu'Ja;_ a_rrfiazna=I mrflms H _ - (Gh_:rfluJ agaflagm) ‘ (aggfiggu LEh)C'S§a= |_Jr,rI_'JL4 .5=g,) (a) ésrémmas ‘ 1. 9.8 ‘ I; (b) <3amg,mJm' 3. 11.0 (c) mgomm 3. 9.5 _ . (d) @;;g)_é;.@em 4. 26.2 I . . (a) (b) (C) (d) (A) 3 4 1 2 (B) 1 . 3 2 4 (C) 4 3 2 1 (D) 2 I, 1 4 3 World’s leading produlter hf tea is (A) . Kenya I (B) ~ Brazil _ (C) China .. ()3? India s>_ma§lC§spGuJ cgqfila; amen G§U_(1]67J‘161)6‘o7U_i' agbugfl Q5u'_Iu.(Li:> {_r)rr® (A) c.1mnuJn_ ' . (B) .s1c::;4m ‘((1) .4m' '- ' .' ‘ ' (D) @[_'r,§u_|rr - . . ' 9 . GS17 ' ' [Turn over 21. GS17 Which of the following year is-considered as one of the worst drought year in the last one hundred years of India? ' ' (A) 2000 (gfl 2002 (B) (D) 2001 2006 @;5§mrraSlab as1_;_i5§, gmggj :-g,,eu'1sr(§)a;sn‘le'1J use G§Lorrsu:>rr6u1 eur_r)Lél .g;(,6n'2rr1_rraa as®_e51'_|u®6ug,1 6151?. (A) 2000 (B) 2001 (C) 200?. (D) 2006 Match the following mineral resources with their reserve places 1 List I ' List 11 (a) _ Bauxite 1. Singhbhum (b) Copper 2. Panna ((2) Diamond 3. Tiruchirappalli ‘ (d) Gypsum 4. Bilaspur ’ -(a) (b) (c) (d) ' (A) 4 2 3 1 (B) 3 4 2 1 (C) 3 1 4 2 .039 4 1 2 3 |_‘1l6im1(r§Lb grrgj eucrrréiaamm gggaigégbletr @®1;IL1 @L.réua;C'ésTrr® ®urrQ*9,$g,gaa: |_n'_Iq_u_Iei> I V l_lL-_lq_U_l6l.) II (a) L_1rTé;6ma=|; 1. §ln§114Lb (b) Gl.5=Lb1_( 2. ueiriemrr (C) G6)6U|]'Lb 3. _ §lQr)1'1=e¥lr)rr1;11_1m'1¢:rfi (d) gleam 4. ' |Sla1)rrez,T'uIE1,r'r (H) (b) (0) (C1) (A) 4 2 3 1 ' (B) 3 4 2 1 (C) 3 J 1 4 2 (D) 4 1 2 3 10 O [O _[C Whicli inscription referred to “Piyaclassi” as the second name for Asoka? (A) Girnar _ " ' (B) Bhabru (29 Maski (D) Rummindei “15lu_Jrr§,#l" (19lr‘flu_Ia_r,r'rélsrIl)arr@)Lb @1m1'zir|_rrLb Gl|_1u.:6:m;r .g;qC8«srT.55@eis(5 (§(fil1J1El®1b a;e'oGl (C) ' I m¢,g,1m1_I mr_@ro (D) 1 1 ' GS 17 ' ' [Turn over‘ GS17 I Match : (a) ' Shutuclri (b) Vipas (c)_ Parushni (d) Asikni (e) Vitasta Select from the codes given below : (3) (b) .‘m3 1 (B) 1 2 (C) '2 3 -(D) 4 GlLJFf([§§)§]&3 (a) 5512219‘ (b) ofilu rreiu (c) utroeeévfi ;(d) e3>|§lésabfi (e) - mfilgssiugarr (a) (A) (B) (C) (D) 1 . (c) _ 2 3 L0 2 3 1 (b) 3 1 . 2 2 3 4 .(d> 5 4 Cd) 0 4 4 Boas Ravi _$ut1ej ' Jhelum Chenab ' (e) Iflulrrciu Ijrrefil éfioag fieurb Qererrrrfin _ ®r_15l11§®e;c1fic&q§;'r;g(J :;r?lu_:rrea1 e1§lrarm_eu>u_: G§,fi;_t;Gl§,®.§;sa4Lb: (C) (e) 4 5 5 5 12 25. The important site of Harappa was excavated by (A) R.D. Banerjee ' - I (B) Sir John Marshall ccfl DayaraiI1Sahini . (D) Rs Sharma (5oai5sElu_r§3§Jo1L'o CalI_1;i')_rp @|..Lor1'6oT muflunmm e1s;Q6urrI',rrru‘_1é=£ ¥l Gleulgalfr (A) c°)__{,r'r.Lq_. urrsarfrgl _ ' l (B) s=r'r gush Lorrr'req.e‘1> (C) g3u_1rrI7rrLba2,rr§ySl6vil A (D) .._'z>¢r'r.:;1'a"o.:s=r'r1.1:>rr 26. The 23”‘ Tirthankar of Jainism was (A) Rishabha _ (9)7 Parsvanath ‘(C)’ Mahavira (D) Ajitanatha \ EL06U'6T smuiggléoi 23-mg; §1'r§g,rrLIa;ur'r (A) r‘rla..I5l. r)rrLn_r_r;rr§,si11 QsL1q_ulrrfr' ‘ . 0 13. ' . - GS17 [Turn over 28. Which one of the following pair is correctly matched’? Dynasty , Name (A) Khilji dynasty 4 Ibrahim Lodi ~.(B’)’7 Delhi sultanate — Qutb—udin Aibak (C) Mughal empire — Akbar (D) Tughluq dynasty — Firozshah Tughluq l_CIl(§M6)JQ'§61J6i!T6UfDQJ6l'f srflmrra: GI_1rr®§,§1;1u1'_1_ Ggmq. erg)? 6uLbsL'o GlL_|u_|r'r ‘ (A) e€lsi>«§_§ 6u1bs=L'o v _ — @L'Jr)4fil1'o Ga)rrIq_ (B) Q1_6'ua3l s:a>§,rr6v’rlLuLb — ®§L{§)6l!T gguais (C) _ C:lLorrs;a)rru_n_'s Efiugrusu — <9{é31_Ir'r (D) gems surbsrb I — :ElGr;rrra2:rr gjéssrra. 29. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List I List II ‘ (a) Kudi Arasu 1. 1971 (b) Revolt 2. 1934 (c) Pagutharivu _ 3. 1928 (d) Modern Rationalist 4. 1925. - (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 3 1 2 4 \(.B’)) 4 3 2 1 (C) 2 1 4 3 (D) 1 3 2 4 9.1136235 I 2t_6'o'r surilaaws II Gnu; Glurr@§,§,l 6).|lfiGb')5‘5S-@§35(§ fig; Cals;rr®ei;er,LLIuL'_(E,\eirc.xr G§rr@1'11§le1Sl(r5gj,g,) e1fiu_1rrasr oSlvso1_uSlGo6vr§, Qgfim Glsuusa. ' surflensc I surflans II (a) (1521 £41351 1. 1971 ‘ (b) filC3susT6'1>|'_ 2. 1934 (c) l_I(5§;§;r_15leu 3. 1928 (d) Lom_r'rs'm C31;rs61no'5l6iu1'_ 4. 11925 (b) 1 2 3 2 1 4 3 2 (c) (d) 4 1 3 4 14 ' O 30. 31. Arrange the following Mauryan revenue officials in the ascending order with the help of the codes given below : 1. Pradesika _ ‘ 2. Sdhanika ' . ' ' __ 3. Samharta 4. Rajuka (A) 4, 1, 3, 2 (B) 1, 3. 4, 2 (C) 3, 1, 2, 4 ' .. ((13)? 24,13 G)Losrrr?lu_vr'rss61‘rlsirr sugeunuhggjeogn aiflssrrfilsmm GLoaSl®‘[r';g-1 £932 @@u3®&a"rlsi1T ggocsurb G§;FIs)4'G5u'_1s;. 1. If1lrIC3§,él.=.arr 2. siugrreafissrr 3. sLbg1pr'r|_rr 4. crrrgé-)a;rr (A) 4. 1. 3. 2 (B) 1, 3, 4. 2 I (C) 3, 1, 2, 4 (D) 2., 4, 1, 3 o Which British commander captured the_ Poligar of Panchalan-kurichi, Virapandya Kattabomman and hanged him‘? ‘I (A) Lt. Maclean (C) Col. Agnew (D) \(,B)l Major Banermanni Col. Macaulay srjsg, Q(,réJetlC§eou_1 §§U|'|'@]G).|§3 smug), 1_1rr@erTa>r1i1@gSlé:I§l uhsiosrrmssasrrurt 61§rJ'|_Il'|'a§l‘.\'|'Lq_l.lJ s;I'_L_Gl1_Irr1bLnea>a:1' 6nesL'1u;i)_r§I 5n.iss‘.laSl1'_1_rrr'r? ‘ (A) Qa)£11q.6is'r6im'_ QLD§5G\Sl6I'fl , (B) Cfimgfr urrerrr'rC3Lo6irr (C) 5511607613 33135551115 (D) ssriensi) GlLoei;a;rr(§o> 15 ' ’ GS17 [Turn over Choose the correct answer : The Indian National Army crossed the IndIo Burma Frontier and planted the National Tricolour Flag on. («XII 19* March 1944 _ (B) 20”‘ April 1944 (0) 7th June 1945 - (D) 10"‘July 1945 s=r‘1lu.1rr<51r1 aSl<;n1_onu_1IC§g,ir1bG§®s5. (3§,éluJ Qyngpeuib ‘@‘[I5:‘£lU_l-LJ|:|'LI3l'f erebs1na)u§la1)s1s1§ §)lT61iBTln, ‘[5109] ggnalfrsni Glasrruiuflcnstrr a:r1_f)[_F)lu_1 ‘f_F)IT6TI (A) 19 u3r1r'r£1= 1944- I (B) '20 @'1L1r)*si) 1944 (C) 7 gas 1945 ’ ' (D) 10 g§)smsu 1945 33. Which of the following is correct? The unhappiness of the Indian Sepoys at Barrackpore, first surfaced in 1824 because. I I. The 47th regiment at Barrackpore I was ordered to go to Burma II. Caste distinctions and segregations within the regiment III. Recruitment of Brahmins were discouraged IV. Introduction of the Enfield Rifle (56) I _ (E) II (C) II and 111 (D) II and IV £1p@5g5l1;11El1'_1_s1s>e.uam‘rl:;'o sr?lu_1rrs111g,1 erg)? ‘ @1_'r;s§lu_1 :§l|LIJ|_lETUI_|d£6TIl6liT s_1jr,G§5r1s1s:L1Sl6i115mLo 182411) §c19a1‘1rr® uuésaayileb Qpgein (g3§,aSlsi> a(1§s1.1rIre1n§lg')@5 &SI'rI]'6o'|$TLl). ' I. I 1.111351551116111 4741191 151111514 r;rr@)_]Gu1i) 1_1r‘r1.orrIoSlg’)(§ Glenna: a§§,r)o‘JIl1_.L'J1_11'_.1_g.1 II. iJ'|'|'@)_|6lll;1 1E1l1fla4é;(.§e'1rC3s11 srrfi 1_1rr((51_1 rr® mgbgyrb g,6u‘flsnmu®§,s5.a> HI. aqnmmnsm semi omalsin asn§3a;LrSl6i116n)LoI IV. crs'61£«.:‘1)L‘_g11'.11_11r$;ésl c°;((5oe'1)1_1 Qssn ‘ (A) 1 - ' (B) 11 (C) II1o;i)Q)1bIIII (D) II1og');g)1bIV GS17 " I 15 - ' O Who among the following described the Indian princes as helpers and colleagues in the task of Imperial rule? - . . ' (A) Lord Mayo (13) Lord Ripon Lord Hardinge II : (D) Lord Wave] £1; Gls;n(19.9;aafi1u1'_1_eufrsssrfiei), @1'=)§u.1 LD6IOT6U1!'I|’8SGIfT qsnglugglui I:a_1,1;efl9;@ a_§,e.11_1o.1r'ra;«ai1 Loy_f)g)1LbIQg,rri§lsu9; C3§_rrL.pr’raseir arcing); s'c1;1‘)lu_1a11i u_1rrr'r? - ’ " 1- (A) (§1oC‘.§u.1rr 151m.) - (B) l‘IlLI.lLJ6I$'l 1911114 (C) @1)ai11r1_.rr1'o e_1prr:i1q,1r'.1 151171.; (D) Cfieusuaii 131111.; From the following graph which of the.-following years was the ratio of Income to expenditure the minimum. 70 so 50 4o 30 20 10 _ 0 . . . . .' . . 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 _ Percent profit (A) 1996 _ ' ' (B9 1995 _. ~(C) _199s , ‘ V . (D) 2000 £15'pa;61i1rr1_ 61J6U)_|]’l_l|_§$lQSl&§‘E)g], @mmfi5§5u1'_e o.1(r_r;surru’_1— GlseuoSlen sifilailggsbg a_co1_u_1 a.1@’1_L'o raga? D ‘~50! Q Qeurru 5=§,aS‘§Lb 1-‘ [0 D3 G G C 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 O (A) 1996 I _ », (B) 1995 ‘ (C) 1998 ’ (D) 2000 17 " - . _ GS17 I ' [Turnover 36. The mean of 5 observation is 25, if one of the observation is excluded the mean becomes 20. The excluded number is ‘(A61 45 (B) 40 - (C) 20 (D) 10 5 GTfliETéB6¥Il6IUT ss11'_®s1)1ra=1‘fl 25, eqe1Jg‘)g5la5l(5;'5g,1 gait G|'6UIZ! T6I5')611fiT fhisefilmrrsb c°>1sug')(fils'r1 ss11'_®é=s<1)11a=r1l 20 GT6UIl6I1), ;Bs5&5u1'_1_ 679211 (A) 45 (B) 40 (C) :20 (D)_ 10 37.‘ The mean of first five prime numbers is (A) 5.0 (B) 4.5 (of) 5.6 - (D) 6_.5 _ Qpggeii 5 119311 <3r61i1rr9sIa"rlsi1'r a:n1'_®.9s1)_r(s=r‘1l ‘ (A) 5.0 (B) 4.5 _ (C) 5.6 (D) 6.5 38. If ‘I’ is the standard deviation of the elements a,[2’,y. Then the standard deviation of the elements a + 3, ,6’ +I3,' y + 3 is ' ‘A ‘ (A) 1 +3 (13) 1 — 3 LEW l (D) 31 oz, /5‘,;/ -GBT§)l1'_1_6i9lsuei;aaLb ‘l’ AGIGUIIGI) or + 3, ,6 + 3, y + 3 -s'111§1'_1_<;1Sla)ei;s;Lb (A) 'l + 3 (B) l — 3 (C) l (D) 31 39. If the arithmetic mean of 7, 13, x and a be 10, then the value of x is (A) ' 10 «(B57 16 ‘ (C) ' 12 . (D) 15 I 7, 5, 13, x 1o@[_1))1_b a ¢_2)__$.élu_1sufi),r_F)lei11er1)rreFrfl 10 srasflei) x @ei111_os§l1;11_( esrrairns. (A) 10 (B) 16 . (C) 12 ' (D) 15_ ‘ GS17 18 41. 42. 43. - (A) 8750 27P — 34Q . Iigis the" 36P—_3Q 18 (A) W I (A) (C) % (B) :3-5 ‘D’ 235 % (B) ‘—;‘5 ‘T”’ (D) In 2013, the population of a town is 1,25,000. If it is increased by 7% in the next year. Find the population in 2014 ‘ (9)7 133,750 (C) 1, 16,250 (D) 1,25, 000 '2013-@911, ({,_>(1_r; 5509551681 LD9§8SflI'TQ§|'l:6D$ 1,25,OOO.I cvx(®§§ %ai11r1q.a’u, .5191 796 Q1_1(1_r)@Lo1r61511T6i), 2014 @613 1.o.s');(93s'rrQ_e_r,rre11)s;e;1r>u_1:i; 91119111195. _ (A) 8750 I (B) 1,33,750 .~ (C) 1,16,250 I _ (D) 1,25,000 L Salaries of Ravish and Sumita are in the ratio 2:3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4,000, the new ratio becomes 40:57. What is Sumita's present salary? ' (A) Rs. 32,000 (B) Rs. 34,000 ' (0)? Rs. 33,000 (D) Rs. 40,000 17511511). Lomgmb srfilgrrofilstr ae11§,lu_1 oSla£l_3s1.b 2: 3. 63ei.1G| o.1rr@e.1r'r &€II§lll_I§I§lgl)_|Ll) Q5. 4,000 s91§I'.ls5r?l§1;§rre'1), Lighu aarfim aSl.fl§.Lb 40:57 Grcofld), s'.L5l§,rre1‘1l6i1r §)_I1I)(:LllT€ii)§3uJ m1_r§,lu_1Lb u.1rrg,1? (A) Q1}. 32,0_00- _ (B) (5. 34,000 (C). 35. 39,000 (D) (5. 40,000 I Which is largest in 28%, 2.8%, g and 0.25? (A0 23% _ - (B) 2.8% (C) 3 ) (D) 0.25 9 . 28%, 2.8%, %, 0.25-@o.1(i);)5la'Jsr§1Gl1_11flu.1g1? (A) 29% . I (B) 2.3% " .(o) 3 (D) 0.23 19 ' GS17 [Turn over 44. A horse and two cows together cost Rs. 680. If a horse cost Rs. 80 more than a cow then the ratio of cost of horse and cow is (M) 7:5 (B) 5:7 (C) '89 _ __ .' (D) 9:8 gfimu L.o@guLb @r;§r§:rr® Lorr®a5«a1‘flsErr Gmngg afilamsu (5. 680. gag (<5,é_¥,16mtJuSieir_r efilamcumnamgj «gar; mrrL‘_Lspa'a1 aflmmemm 6611). Q}. 80 aglsm srezsflsb ggiimry u:-Qgunjo L13rr1‘_Lq,csisr e)91a:m>u91cs'rn QSfl£§LDW@T§J (A) 7:5 _r - (B) 5:’? - (C) 8:9 ' (D) 9:8 45- i of g of E of a number is 54. Then the number is . (A) 280 ' ' (B5? 300 '. (C) .320 - ‘ (D) 350 gaqg E uréiéslcl) -E uriuefilé.) % |_|r£'.Ja;rr6nTg1 54 Q5,@5Lb. e‘r€afidJ twig; Graisrcwrrrafigj (A) 280 - ' - (B) 300‘ (C) 320 _ (D) 350 43 IfA:B=l:£,B:C=§-1-?-,C:D=32—:-i_thenA:B:C:Dis - 3 9 6 12 7 14 _(A) 40:2s;35;3o ' _ (351 30:40:28:35 (C) 28:30:40:35 ' _ ‘ (D) 35:30:28:40 A:B=%:%, B:C=%:T7§, c':D=%:T5; Grsofleb A:B:C:D &=J,6I!Tg';J (A) 4b:28:35;3o . - . ' (B) 30:40:28:35 (C) 2s;3o;4o:35 (D) 35:30:28:40 ' 47. If (3x+2y):(3x—2y)=5:2. Then xzy is ‘ (A) -52 . _. . ggfl 14:9' (C) 9:14 _ - -(D) 2:5 '(3x+2y):(3x—2y)=5:2 Greufiéu xzy ..—;g,,mg.; - — (A) 5:2 _ (B) 14:9 (C) 9:14 ‘ (D) '2:5 GS17 _- A 20 _ . ' _ -= _O_ 48. 49. 50. '51. A rectangular carpet has an area of 60 sq.m. Its diagonal and longer side together equal 5 times the shorter side. The length of the carpet is (A) 5 111 (3)4 12 m (C) 13111 _ ' (D) 14.5111 @(r_§ Gamma gyaor; efilrfluafllckr 1_n;r|Ln_1crra4 60 L52. ;9(g,6lrr fierrmrrsui u(5§lu.;Li), q,o6oa)6&l1'_I_(5oLb @me:a1sr;'5g.;, ggjailtu uggfiufilsixr 5 Lo|_rEu@ .an|e1Te)Sl('o@ 5101.23 €r6o‘il6'1J,§,6:s1I;r aSlr¥lI_'iIf1l6i1I gfienih Lurrgu? ‘ ' -. (A) 515 . (B) 1218 T " (C) 13 L5 ' (D) 14.5 15 _ The number of small cubes with edge 10 cm that can be accommodated in a cubical box of edge 11:1 is (A) 10 ' (B) -100 Q‘)! 1000 - ‘ - , (D) 10000 ‘ 1_LB uésas =9(6TT61| 2_eirerr 856BT8§|l}‘ QL.1L‘_1q.uSlc’o erggsmar 10 Glaaifi uésa; aimaférrm (5sos1a=g,;1fré:a;aim Gmeuésaaeurrih? ' - (A) 10 , (B) 100 10000 (C) 1000 l (D) The diameter of a sphere is 6 cm. It is melted and drawn into a wire of diameter 2 mm. The length of the wire is _ (A) 12 m . (B) 18 111 (9)0 36 m ' - (D) 66_m qpg Gssrra1§=,@ai11‘aSl1'_1,1b 6.635.113. Aaqgmsrr a(r_r,é;ésl, 2 1151.15 a§l1'_1_Lb Glasrrofa-rt.’ &SLl3l§lLlJ|'l'<9:2 LD|'|'_l'_l)f,IfiflTfl’GlJ, aifigés $Lbfilu5le1"11 §,o1TLb u_1rrgJ? (A) 12 L5 ' (B) 1818. (C) 35 LB (D) 66 L5 A uniform circular path of (width 4 in is laid out around a circular park of radius 48 ID. Find the area of the circular path. « (A71 1256 m2 ' (B) (C) 400 m2 - (D) 1255 1112 1254 m3 . ~. '48 LE .:%|]'LDlTi‘Jié5 C;la;rra§oTI_ 611I'_|_ miiimfl g,IE.Ja5rr6)§l6'uI Géiafioqwgglm 4- L5 a4a;61J5!_'r;§GiJ éFLDr."¥§|]"fl'62‘i1suf_1_1Jurre1)§ aa6m1oei;a51'Ju®.=.fi_r1)g;. au.'Jurr51n§u5lc'm uqfincaiu 5|TGi§1! TB5. (A) 1256 15” - (B) 1255 LS2 . (c)' 400 15* V (D) 125415’ 21 A _( ' - GS17 ' [Turn over 52. If B = 2 , BALL = 27 then BOOK 2 ? ' (A) 40 (B) 41 (C) 42 _ ' _ (Br)? 43 B =2‘1omr5BALL= 27 gm BOOK: 2 _ (A) 40 ' . ' _ (B) 41 (C) 42 _ ' (D) 43.58. Find the missing number: I 3 9 7 11 27 5 .2 7 14 5 9 4 (A) 10 ; 3 . (B) 9 4:25? 8 ' , (D) 7 aS){,\L_n'_1. sraiurzmsaaréa arrairras : 2 7 14' 5 9 4 (A) 10 ' (B) 9 (C). s _ — ' - (1)) 7 GS17 _ 1 __ 22 54. 55. Three views of a ctibe are given below. What is the letter opposite to A? (C) (B) P B .(D) M (pg ism sgjugflém Qgyaiigu 6}Sl§LD|'I'65T Ggnfiamréiasdr HEQ ®5rr®éaa;LIu|'_®el'rc1T§| srssfioa, Aflfléhi <.rr§,lr'r|;1 uésggleb adieu erqgggj erg]? _ (A) (C) If (1) (2) (3) (4) (A) (9)1 _ Rathna ‘ (1) <2) <3) _ <4)‘ (A) ' (C) H B -(B)-P (D) M Rama scored more than Rani Rani scored less than Rathna Rathna scored more than Rama and _ F Ramya scored more than Rama but less thaii Rathna then who scored the highest? _ ' _ (B) A Rani (D) Ramya Rama (rum crshru-s1.|r'r rynswfimm 61911.. .;s1_ef;leis Lo§‘,h;|Gluea'ar Qugmnfr. njrreusfl srstrusuri 1;r,:_'r,anrrc;oeu 5191:. @sn>,r1)surrszs1 Lo§1LIGlua§aT G! u;f)gprrr'r. _ |]§6i$Ir|’ arreiziueufr qmnemou 613)). cgxfiaa m_q§l1JQu66rr Glu;j)r;)rrr'r. mbiurr sr6i11I_usufr -grmrrcoeu 61Sl1_ aa§_§la;1.orrasa.|Lb ugmrrmai oSl1_ gmgpeurraanb Lo§l1LIGlua:'17r Q1_n_i)prrr‘r Greaficb, @ni1@ agls Lo§I;1(3lu_aisr aurrréu$lLuo.|r‘r u.|rrr'r? ' (B) (D) urramfii I)'L'oLurr IILDIT I;r§6mrr GS17 [Turn over .23 56. If8—5x4=44and15—3><3=48theI116-4><5=? (A) 0 039» 69 (C) 20 (D) 25 8—5><4=44Lo(bg)3Lb15—3x3=48m6oild)16—4x5='? (A) 0 . (B) 69 (C) 20 (D) 25 57. Findthe next diagram : O0 00 on II _ {J (A) O D _ (B) 0 Z. (0) ° ' (D) O ‘ 0 e9|®§;_33 uL§§lc1s)6u1 $a§5r®nflLq. 2 ‘ (A) 0 V I (B) o (C) ° (D) ‘GS17 ‘ 24 -Which is the strongest acid? V (A0 HCOOH ‘ (B) CH3COOH (C) C3H7COOH . (D) C2H5CO0H a§h'g$a56aTLm1b@sb 6‘1‘lrllu_1L5l(§1_%;§; .g14Lél51)1.'0 erg]? ' _ (A) HCOOH ' , (B) CH3COOH ((3) c3H7cooH V - (D) 0211500011 __ For a cell reaction A(s) + 2B’ # A“ +213 the equilibrium constant is found to be 1012. Then the E291, Value is (A57 0.35.417 (B) 0.70sv (0) 0.0295v (D) -0..177v s§g'g1i;ascs15zrrL. L15l6lSI19361) aSla1>51i1u§l6'u_'r A(S) + 213* (:> A“ +213 _ 111551256» (M51551 10” "M115. &l§56l5T Egg“ 1521011 Graham? (A) .0354 V (B) 0.703 V - (C) 0.0295V ' _ (D) 0.177V The specific conductance of a 0.01 M solution of KCl is 1.4 x 10*’-3 ohm‘1 cm'1 at 298 K. Its equivalent conductance is (ohm'1 cm? equt-1). (A) 50.14 _ _ (B) 1.40(C)‘ 14.0 €95) 140 0.01 M KCl55e11)r,ram5l5i51 511015 s31__§',gJ§,§_1Defo‘r 298 K-11).-5 1.4 ‘x 103 gas“ 0515*‘ @1505, @éaa3m17e6§l6h‘r 5=Lorr6151 a;1__;$g;1§,§;1)6E1r Lo;§l1L11_1 (0hrn‘1 C1112 equt—1) , ' ~ ' (A) 0.14 (B) 1.40 ' (C)' 14.0 (D) 140 ‘ ' The comnound is used as rocket propellant (Am Hydrazine (B) Nitric acid (C) Ammonia (D) Nitrogen 1;rrr1§;Qla:1; er1fiGl1_1rr@s'11 I_I1l_I6lf|'Ll rr1'_1q_;f)(.5 2L1CSu_11re§lésa;1_'11_1®1b Gl1.1rr(1§5iT (A) . e11)e;1)1'_1;reT15l6'6r- . - . ' _ (B) ' .m;r,1‘_r$1a:==)1161eu15 (C) .:_s1C3i11i151s‘r)u_1rr - ' ' (D) smggdrygsbr I . ' 25 _ ' GS17 ' _ [Turn over 62. The main thrust of the Industrial Policy Statement 1977 was to (A) Promote large scale industries ‘ '(B)"‘ Develop basic industries ' (C9 Encourage small scale and cottage industries (D) Encourage agriculture-and allied activities ’ 1977-21515 151550 @5510 055505 Qasrrcaiiemasufilti) magma 011511) may I (A) C31.11)‘61'r6).1 Clgrrrélai) @g)16).1errr51asLl) 5250515) (Efren .51‘-115351210 .g,:11flu_1rTeis1-SSA) Greirrg) _ef;l1'_1_§611)g é){_l_l)lQp5SLb Gleulg; =29w'vr® (A) 2001-02 , (B) 2002-03 (0) 2003-04 (D) 2001-05 91. Fill in the blanks - _ India has been recognised as the country in the world to officially adoptFarnily Planning Programme in . (A) First; 1950 (B) Second, 1952 ' (9)) "First, 1952 _ (D) Second, 1951 a;115filuE1l1_11;1a36oe1T ;_Fglr;1;1 L155. awe; r_r,rr@1e;(;1flei) @);_'5g§lu_10 ————— Loésamir pa)_{r,§§lL1_§m§, -T c”;5611'11T® If»'5““—(aW>IDL'JU(b)§’$l”-'.*=’>*~ " ' -' . _ ‘ (A) (g3;23eUrr6u§5rra;, 1950 . (B) @1;rea'rr1_rr5)1grraa, 1952 (C) (g3_e_5e1)rre11;5rra, 1952 ' (D)- @lI5l'll5T|_F|’6'L|'£_T;lT8§, 1951 GS17. .~ 26 ' ' - O 65. G6. Consider the following statements. . I I - Assertion (A) Reason (R) Soil er0si0n_is essentially a man—made phenomenori. Soil erosion is caused due to deforestation, overgrazing, shifting cultivation and improperly constructed terrace outlets. (#9 Both (A) and (R) are individually true'and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false ' I (D) (A) is false but (R) is true §gpei;s11@)1:_b 6).JfFdl5él§_lU_||'éJ-33G6)GTF asoisuggfiléo Glaarreiraa. 13515091 (A) Loaivr g°:1ril1;11_1r7s1)'1g;1 LD6l$ll§76l.'rIf|'6l) .=2_@a_1rr1=.i35s1;11_1®Lb .§(6L|élU_|LDfT6bT (e_5fl1_'.1fl1_§;§_15$a5 . ‘r_g]é5QQ_l ‘ ' l . 950176651133 (R) ' . L0611'11T .==)(r?lL'_11_1rr5117g1 s3rr1_Ql_e_ir,§a), c°)1§ls; .91ea1'raE1l(;1)rra1s1 031150.560; C§1_o11'_1sec'u, " @1_1;1G1_1u_11‘r(5u Goiornszisremw LD§l)Q]Lb (5DGl$)_fDu_l|T85 a51'_1_1L11_11_rrg, es1.'_1i1_1_ .:5~16nL0L‘11_1s;e1fle'u asi7o1§}r'rGl(suafl_Guig3g)1.b, I (A) (A)1n1_i)g11.b(R)@1m'rr(51(215 1=111_c15@15 (R) Gr6'cr1L1§;(A) 6191;”-W, &1‘1luJrr615T 59571131115 (B) (A) 1.o11‘)g)1Lb (R) @17a1i11T®1_b sril. GLDQIED (R) Gr6i1'r1_1§1 (A) (5)€1l_(_f)@ 15=1fiu_1rr6n'1 ofllmesasioeha) (C) (A) .5111 spawns (R) gag; ‘L - ' (D) (A) s1.—.u@._%mm1) (R) 9111 The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act was passed in the year (A) 1995 K . (B) 1991 _' ' W 1999 (D) 2005 ssrr1;1fi® (5oo9g)1'_1u®§,g,1§;(§1) 1.0(1'3g)11.b aimfrsé) C°;bc;11)«a111rr11.1(IRDA)s1'_1_1.i:> @Ll_|‘(_l)[_l)l'JL.il'_'L_ é_;:,6o'11r(1) (A) 1986 _ ' (B). 1991 . r ' (C) 1999 . (D) 2005 RBI launched the Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS) in 2004 (A) for the sale and purchase of Indian Currency ' l ' (3)) as an additional channel to: mop up liquidity (C) to fix the rate of interest at the lower level _ (D) to control the general price level ‘ 2004—é1) oi-‘Ffi)66)§)65)U_l fil5oo)L1u®§,§1Lb _e§lL1_§,§l511)rm 1Ha=r'rc5‘1.1 (auré1.=.%l g,15ur51§lui§1 (A) ' gsglmlgnmosmg, 51101519351110, afilgbucnsai C5ls:u'io1;_r,g_f)(§1.‘0 (B) f5r‘re‘o1_o§, geummufllmem 5=ril($lsu'i5u§fi)srro11 gig ea1§as1;11_11q.11_11r1:11'1 1=Ar1_asLo1rss ' l “ ._ , (C) o.11'_1q. «E93125»; @55om;_‘5s;ElmmuSld> §;r‘rLorreafl1JL1§,(1‘)srrs (D) ®1_1rrg,1 5151511150 pélmeuufilmarr s;1'_®1;11_1®§.§1o.1§,fi)srrs ‘ ' I 27 i . GS17 [Turn over 68. 69. GS17 The Expert Group to review the methodology for the estimation of poverty in India in the year 2009 was headed by L.R. Jain SD. Tendulkar (A) V.M. Dandekar (C) Martin Ravillion (B) 2009-LhV¢j>__;,Gb:5TLq.60‘l @;i,§ui0oSlé0 61.1g)16o1.0c5ou_1 Lo§1L1L°l® (S(su'_1u_11b Gl;51_15lQ;35o1DG1s>u_1 e'g9u'J511 Gle1.1'_1u.11i) (ggp @5159) g3o')'a)(:0L0uElei1 C1;-1as)1.0‘r_'r;§g;.1 . l (A) 6)9.siL'o. L_fT6lFlGL33fl' (B) sr1si)..g;.__1,r'r. Qgufilsiir (C) LD|TIl'lq.GlT|' 1)'cs1.1rrsfilu_1ai17 (D) rarc;1'1).1;1. GL5u'1:r®d)as1"r Expenditure tax in India was introduced by (1436) TT. Krishnamachari (B) C. Rajagopalachari (C) Yashwant Sinha _ (D) R. Venkatraman Glseueu air?) @su1;rrrei) $1@(g)aaL'o Glsu'_1u_11_'11_11'_1_g;1 (A) (B) (C) (D) .g)1,r'r. (»3ls1_115‘1s51'_|jrrLo6irr |.I:}_.l£}_. afilqsolqieaumrrérswrfi u_15)s:s1.1 é=l5'm§1_11)rr él. @1;17gC.'éa;rr1_1rr61)1Tssrr1‘rl Consider the following statement : Assertion (A) According to the New Economic Policy Globalisation is considered as an instrument of growth. Reason (R) Globalisation increases the cost of transport and communication. Which is the correct answer? (A)? (A) is correct but (R) iswrong (B) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct (C) Both (A) and (R) are wrong . (D) (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) e°;1Epa'5asat‘r1_ eiirreizafiuiréiasrsoen ssoistil : mpg (A) qfiul G)1_1rr®enrr,5rr1Is5 (:ls:rr6i'r(;r>s;1'_11_11q. 261)8SLDU_ILD| T§;Gl) a.1e1'1“'rsélsaasrr511T gag‘; ss(11jo§1u_1rra;s5 _ e®9Uu®a‘=lma1ssrrrmsvrib (R): 2_6U53LDL(_lLDl'|'s‘$Gl.) C31_1rrs;(a56u1I§5§,1 1.0g)g11Lb Gls',rrGoa) Gl§;rr1_r'r14ssasrro1T Calsemooi ' ' ==',)1g§la;rfi.§3é£lm§1. @6ug')Q1é11 s1‘rl11.1rrsrr oSl(;o1_ 61'§1’? (A) (A) EfllU_J|T6UT§] a__55n1rr5i> g';®J_l])H6UI§;f|'(§Li) (B) (A) §e_11prrmg1 ¢:\b6BT|'|'Q) (R) ar1‘fl11_1rr61$I§,rr(e_r31.'0 (C) (A) lDE)Q;)1Lb (R) .@U6ii1iT®Lb §;GiJfl)l'|'€5f€lD6).| (D) (A) 1.0991111 (R) @1;ra1'11T®1.b s=1‘rlu_1rr1a17r61051.1 Lomgjib (R)— (A)éa5rr51s1 sriluirrerr 5191617050310 .:=')1ei)a) 28 71. The special Economic Zones Act was enacted in Feb. 2006. Identify which is not the objective of the SEZ? (A) Generation of additional economic activity ~06’ Promotion of import (C) Creation of employment opportunities (D) Development of infrastructure facilities 1§l:;ujeuJ"rl 2OO6.%,Li3 =_—e§,6o%I® a¥Tg)|Ln_;L'J Qurrgmrrgsrru Loa5'urL_«a1)ib ggfilgjigg e=L‘_|_Lb @LLJ©_rp1'_II_n'_i_§J. Qeumfléirr @g5Ié;Gsnc'rr Grgjeucsbeu Greirrumg, .:e;aum_u__u'rm:.b asrraizsr. (A) 5i'L@§;GUT|'€UT Qurrqgmrrgrrg _r5na.I qésmasasmm e_®ei rréagcugj (B) Qgaésgguaflamui msgafluug (C) Gsuemu oaurru'_n;mr>u agmrrsgmgj (D) as1'_®Lnrr6o1 euv5=§,le9«:;o61T &(@6'1Jl'|’53(&)'G!J§3 Consider the Statement and Reason, choose the correct answer from the codes given below. Assertion (A) : The Ratnakar Bank is referred to as NH4 Bank in the banking circles. Reason (R) : Majority of the business of the Bank comes from cities in and around NH4, which connects 10 popular cities. L96) Both (A) and (R) are correct. (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) i (A) is true (R) is false (C) (A) is true, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) Both (A) and (R) are false £61‘; Gla:n@$a;:;iun'_®e'rroT a5([r,§,§J@aSleiJ, aarrusismb. eS}GrT..=§sa;§5m§, =°g,u'_:a4Qeu'_Ig,1, 6lesrr®eia.ssL'iLJ|'_()e'rroT @;§luS®a.o‘floS1®fi,gg sIilu_nrr6o1 aSlmL_6ouJ Cggfreii ®a=u‘_I. a;(n)',a_'r,gu (A) : enrésél a1t'_1_rrI7g3§)ei) 'q;i',6ama;fr airéiélcoiui‘ ‘gyrrdrrasrrib GI_r5®@.srrr6m1) euréiail 6T66Té(6E)Q<§Sé53l6i'r_r1')G5ll'T'. &S|'l'|]6U1Tl'Lb (R): @6i.I6urE'.Ja€luSlai1T 6lI_IQr;Lb|_:rTsDrr6u1 e11r'r§g,a;Lb, @;'r;Glp®@5=rrcmuu£lvai) aerrerr, Lné;«s«aiT®§,rrGoa; Lélgggbg 10 gpasuréiaserfisb C3Lo,r_i)G)esrrdi"reTi;|L.|@e$:)g)gJ. (A) (A) LDfi)Q_[Lb (R) @I7ainT®Lb mil. (A) ofilairr a=rflu_Irrrszrr ofilmésastb (R) ._sgg(5Lb (B) (A) erfl (R) §,eugu (C) . (A) 6-rfl ¢%,6l!TI'rEi) (A)-6)§)_t'p(§ (R) erilmnm efilméiaib $463360 (D) (A) mmiurn (R) @o'aisT®C3L° we 29 ‘ GS 1-7 [Turn over VVhich of the following is not a method of soil conservation‘? (A) _ (C) slowing down of the water movement (D); applying fertilizers regularly afforestation (B) ( increasing the size of particles L5leineu@e)icn'ra.I_r_i)fle‘o Lccrirr (_1rr§Js;rr..=i3@L'd (5055);); .:9|€f061> erg? (A) srT®e36m6n aimr‘r§,§,s'o (B). Loaitr gjseiiercileiii £{61T6)gl6iD6Uf sa(§e3L'Jl_I®§,§)§,e'u (C) «=;e®Lh ides Qevesma eéwmssév (D) Qg,rrI_r're3=..-‘.5ln:_Irres anjréiascovan Qfbflgei) The enzyme discovered by CSIR to increase shelf life of fruits and vegetables is (A) ‘ (C) (D)n super oxide dismutase kinase super oxidase ethyl gluconase phenyl aldolasei '6-”:EUll&3GlT I.o;i)guL'o s;rru'_n aianazaaailebr n_)§)u_I§, ggeiirsmmsmui ;_F5Lq_é;s5 é).Greiu.g.<2:,r'r flgmmggncb a;mrr|_;f)lu_|Du|'_L GS17 ‘ Glpjrrfi (A) anssC'Serreiu @L'J|_Ir‘r w;Lo'§, a;rr6'u1 (B) Guryrr, c,r(é:5ee1)rr e)5ls'uTGE&6im'_ (C) |Q(3r;i'r,_.$l|; rgmrrfr a=r‘rLorr (D) Gurrciu flgnmmib Who received Dada Saheb Phalke Award 2013? ~(.K)l Sampooran Singh Kalra (B) (C) Pran Sikand (D) _ Vijay Seshadri Ramesh Agarwal _e_r,rr§rr arrrgfilu LJI’l'6l)G§S ofilgggj 2013 Glugbg) j_r;1_Ir'r u_1rrr'r? (A) e=LbaE;,Ij6iJ1 (firs) a;e'm;rrr (B) srfilgull Ga_c;..sFrrc)'1)§lr'El (C) Lurrein élasgb (D) r1C£'»uJo'3a éuasfrai mi) 31 _ _ GS17. [Turn over 81. - Match the following: i . - - . . - . Paintings _ States ,u_- (a) Kalam Kari 1. Andhra Pradesh (b) Madliu bani 2.. Bihar ‘ (c) Phad 3. Rajasthan (d) Warli I 4. Maharashtra l (A) 1 3 2 4 (Bil 1 2 3 4 (C) 1 2 4 3 (D) 2 1 4 3 Ql_|IT(§§;g]&3 : l 4 _ ' ~ .3 'a§,ar;ea;c;n , Lorr[_F,la)réua;aiT (a) a5a)rribe§rn'fl' 1. l§lr,rG'a§&Lb (b) - Log) Lirreufl 2. Lfiatrrri - I (c) LIL 3. Jrrggeiug_r,rr€35I (d) eurrr'roSl 4. Loaarrurreispmrljrr (3) (b) (C) ‘ (Cl) (A) 1 3 2 4 ' (B) 1 2 3 4 (C) 1 2 4 3 ' (D) 2 1 _ 4 3 82. Which is incorrect pair? (A) _ Saurav Ghosal — Squash _ - (Bil Malavath Purna —Archery (C) Heena Sidhu — Shooting . (D) Chhanda Gayen — Mountaineer ;_r,eur_r)rran @GmG{TUl'£:‘U)U_l§ G§,r'r;_'r,Q§,® 2 ‘ (A) .&F6)JlIGiJ Céasrreeb — 6l'l)@61Jfi’E1SP (B) Lorrcurreung Ia1,z‘re)'arrr<9|LlJC:lL.lU'_!§;Gl) (C) flown at-lg) — g,1£i1_Imi=;.-£1 ar®§,6‘u (D) e;_r‘5g5rr C€a;Qu_|6b1 ~ Lcc5na)C3u.:g;Jg«ab GS17 - 32 83. 84.‘ 85. 86. 87. . (C) Arrange the peaks of Trans-Himalayairegion in descending order : K-.2 — Hidden - Rakaposhi —' Haramosh (B) Hidden — Rakaposhi — Kz— Haramosh (C) K2 — Rakaposhi — Hidden — Haramosh (D) K,-3- Hidden — Haramosh — Rakaposhi Lq_r;rr6'na'n @|_orra)u_)§§6i) ashes é)a5Ijré.)saane1T @! D|'éJ(§E:1Jfl'l6U)EU§l6l) e)irflas)sL:u®§,§1a;: (A) K2 - 'g[]5l|_6lT[- 1;rrr5;C§I_|rra‘-l ‘— gmrrfTC§Lorr6i5p (B) _ ®v_6in — :irra;CE)_|m:fi — K2 — m)rrr'r(8Lorm)'q. (C) K2 — IIrTa;CSurré) — — §1_rr)rrfrC3Lom'q. (D) K2 — 9)_rf)l(_6is'r — ,6)_n)frC3Lorreiq) - I;rr.5sC§|_uT.-B Of the following who is not related to "Chipko Movement”? (A) Sunderlal Bahuguna ' (3')) M.S. Swaminathan (C) Chandi Prasad Bhatt (D) Gaura Devi tSleii16)J@ue)J(§aiT“écl|LvC3(asrr @u_v$a;Lb” @§g_u)J|__6h'r G)g,rr| _riI£léJwrr§',eJfr uirrri? (A) sjggfimnéo uggsavrrr (B) c:r:.b.Gr6iu. &e)J(TL:5(r_r;rrg,6irr (C) egg) Ifilriarrg um‘. (D) ($6L]IJ’I'T C3§,e)5l Sumitra Mahajlari is associated with the post of as on June 2014 _ (A) ' Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker (B) Rajya Sabha Speaker ‘ Lok Sabha Speaker (D) Minister of External affairs 91°61)‘: 2014 )§la)(;)im.'it_nq, a;L6l_ei,r7n Losngchr @;j5§,L'.1 I_i§,eSluSlsn6dr mafilésgg ai;jr,g,rrr‘i (A) Geurr-.-is eurr §J6E)6fl'D'T ELI rr;5rru_IaJ'r (B) ryrrgui eurr en_| ('r;5rru_|s;r'r (C) ‘ (Seam-is a=L.Irr JLirrg_5rru_Is;ri (D) C:)cuaflu_[ma.)g_i', ggcom gaimmésfr one of the following is NOT a National Symbol? (A) Mango Fruit (C)_ Lotus (B) Dolphin (1))? Coconut Tree £Q$$5dML6U[fiQJdT erg] G;_r,a¥lu_I éleisrennb ;@ei)€na1)’? (A) (B) 1_rrei)|_‘sl6in (D) Qsetrsnesr LDlJ'Ll) LDITCEJLJIEQLB §|TLDGi5)lI The Silent Valley National Park is located at which district of Kerala? (A) Idukki ®’l Palakkad (C) Kottayarn (D) Wayanad Gsrycnrrefildi Grgss mnmf_|_§§lab selsuimglij |_|6‘lT61T§§3|'I'(‘§5@ C3§é)u.uL) Lapiiuasn =s)6nLogi5g1ei'ra'rg17 (A) ®®<%él Lirr6ué;s;rr®(C) C3s.vTI'_|_uiLb _ (D) EfiJU_|§5rT® 33 GS17[Turln over 88. Arrange in clescencling order of 2011 Child Sex Ratio in India. ‘(J()l - Chattisgarh — Kerala ~ Asom — West Bengal (B) West Bengal ~ Asom — Kerala — Chattisgarh ' (C) Chattisgarh — Asom — Kerala — West Bengal (D) - West Bengal - Asom — Chattisgarh — Kerala l@§g‘,lu_)rre)SleEs-I 2011 samT(i3C:las(b)1;)I_‘:le'cr l_|1q_ gtpgsmsshfico lurrct)-cm e)Sl.5§l‘.s_r,§,:zr)r.5_v,l@g)rrL.i(§e)ir‘rle‘a)aruS1(;i> a4i'_I_e).I6m65rrLIu®§,g;Js;. I ' ' (A) (B) (C) (D) Jgiéleiuasfr — Gaaqmfr — §‘IG5lTl.l3 — C3|_o;'r)@ csnréisarrernb C3Lo;i)@ suréi.5rreTrLb — é{_G&=JTLl) — CE'»a;r,rerrrr — egrafilabaari egfiebsfi V é-1C36=l'|'Ll3 — C3S3i}GlT|'|' — C3LDfi)@ e)1rt.is:rrerrLb GLD[_l)@ (airE}ls;rre1TL'o — &{GJflLD ~ s§,§eioa;r'r— Cd££Ij'G‘|T|T 89. Match the following and choose the correct answer 3 Books ' ' _ Authors (a) (b) (c) (d) (8) Gold Finch ' ' 3 sections Anticipating Capital Wars (b) (0) (d) (A) 1 2 3 4 1." Daniel Pinto _ 2. Vijay Seshadri India 3. Shekar Gupta ' 4. Donna Tartt _ (B) 1 _ 3 4 2 (0)7 4 2 3 1 (D) 1 2 4 3 <§gQé3&3&i"6Tl_61J['D6‘6)[rT) GlI_)rr@_($§‘,], snflmrren aflemnufilememfi, G_a_I,r'rai Glsulaa: I_4§;§,5réJa56i'r H I - _ ‘fi1,’.,(§l|'IlLl_II'l'a§6‘lT_ (a) C§asrr5i)1'_ Eilcins 1. CZI_6tfiu_uo.) |5leirr('SL_rr (b) 3 Geéssisehcha ’ 2. Cfiassrrefuflrfi ' (C) §=56i)TL'_Lnréfi)guLb 4 (D) 2 L0[f)g]]Lb 4 Central)/ligilance Commission was set up on the recommendation of (A) Gorwala Report Gflq Santhanam Committee (C) Kripalani Committee - ' _ (D) Indian Administrative Reforms Commission ' Ls§,)_f,)u_) ssinsnsmflmqlefilgfiluuimnfiai %ccawru_ILb ergssiir urfi;5g;Jo)')xyuSl6hr Cfiurflsii vJ_r1")_Ll®§§|.‘Jl_II'_I_.§',]?’ (A) (3asrrr'reu rrsorr gvqfiléssnas (B) sieves es: . (C) etlgfinurrailasil (go; _ (D) pflfrcurras §fr§q§;i=.§, %,en')a)(sTu.:L'L) GS17 _ [Turn over 97. 98. GS17 Which one of the following statements about Comptroller and‘Auditor General of India is not correct? (A) He has no direct access to the parliament and no minister can represent him (3) (D) His salary and emoluments are chargeable on the consolidated fund of India He cannot disallow any expenditure which in his opinion violates the constitution He has been debarred from holding any office of profit under the union or state govt. after his retirement §Qei;a;6linT|_eu,r_bg))s'rr er_fi5g', mpg] @)'i5§u_Irr6)§l6i)I §65JG1)6E)i.D 53EDlST:‘5];(§ Log')g)JLb §60'€il'ld5GE)é£UJIT6'iTFl ufi)_r_1‘)luJ§) srfluosba) eréuiumgg sngyas. ¢',)|ai([r;é;@5 unI;rrr@§Loshg)§§JL_éH (ligglylsxr Glgnnfiq acalsnuuirrgi LL)r_i)g))Lb ergjrgg .g(s5)Loé|Lq.J;II_IG6)|_ arfiemmasemei LJrr§Ja;rré:@_b GlurrQ_r;I'_® &5Iq.§Lb eurriL§l6urras(36wT' ¢°>icbcug,1 gurrab gy)«:.DLDrrasC36iJrr _rE§|.o6inp§,§li_Lb (§a;|'_®.5i;‘C,ls;rreairr\_rrsi> aa';J'r§§LosisrmL'o 5-,>4g,eirr Gurflei) Gla=u_:o'Ju|_eurrLb ' i ' @gi gag; eqgm '|]')|'fl(i_'I;6U)§3 Gl§3rr|_r'rJ_:rr-an caugeisg ereiigizib .g944ainI__§ge'v;.9s«a1>rrLb snug V.R. a%l®a'9P6aisT a4u'_IuJr'r LDfi)Q}ll) T:N. |_Iss~a_1§,l c*’_;_4,é'slC3u_IrrI"r §|'|'6lI‘T @6b')§; Glaarr6a'1rr® 6‘i_l‘E§6)JI:|'5'>6l'|' catbmfi > > 'I -- \ I J ' ' (B) _2LDfDQJLb3 (D) l, 2, 3 LDfi)Q]Ll) 4 1 Lo;f)Q1Lb 2 39 ii - v [Turnover G-S17 101. I Consider the following statements. Assertion (A) ‘ Cuscuta is a parasitic animal. Cuscuta depends on the host plant for its organic food, water and Reason (R) mineral salts. (A) Both (A) and (R) are individually. true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not a Correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false (A) is false but (R) is true _ figoézaarrguiia einéifilmnéisanm ammgflm Glaarreirsa shjjggj (A) ss6iu(5|_rr Grsbiugj e;_ar'r @L®@IN@Ufi afileurslrfilsmib. aarrqamrib (R) - a;efu(§u_rr gsscrrgs asarra), §aiirras:s"r’r'r LD_rbg]]Lb gafim aijqassfisbr Cfigvzmoiasggeisg .5-g:{,g.rr:;r§ grreu Ijgélmms sITr'r;'5,g‘,l®$@Lb (A) (A) megs (R) @U€I5'b'r®Lb gm, (R) Grehugj (A) eifilfpgg srfiu_;riarr asimam‘ (B) (A) Lo;_i)g))Lb (R) @Imim®Lb mil, GlI)§Q_!L.lI) (R) Grsbiugj (A) afilrjjg 51)) LLIITEDFI iaSlmé;a;u3si)6u (C) (A) arfi ==3_J,err:Tei> (R) Qcaugxj ‘ ' (D) (A) gag) swans (R) mil Consider the following statements 2. I. Chlorofluro carbons have been Widely used as super cololantis in aerosols and insecticides. - II. Methoprene is harmful to plants and animals. III. Photobacterium phosphoreum is an example of bioluminescence. IV. Pedology is the study of soil in the natural atmosphere. Find the correct statements (A) I, II, III are correct (B) I, III and IV are correct I and III are correct (D) III and IV are Correct 49)’) . :§gpé;as6o'urn_ eirréiafiluirfaiaaaneiieis asaienfi I. uryrrsirsiazeir (aerosols) mmg)JLb gei.-f)é;' Glisrrebetlaseifieb, G)|_I(|§Lb| _IrreirranLou.:rrs; @C3e1TrrGn)'rr - _ J'aL4@Ci‘3I')'na;rrr'rLisirra3e'rr &LL||IlU_| (5er‘flq§1;Lcis;eTrrs3 uuJsbTu@e_§5§L‘iu(|)s§leixr;1ja:r. II. i5(§§,n£lfl6h grraJr;ri.Jessi'r‘aS1e:r».‘.J(e_35ss@3,ei;(§', C‘Bs.(+) eS)coerrs:Sl|;1Li§rr(§Lb. A _ III. .,°aGum‘_C3t_rr LlFTé5Lq,II)U_ILb |_vrrv3ii).°..urrrflu_n.b Grsinugi aufilfr é_pafifiaSliJun5inaq.§é;(5'2§;rruairrLorr@5Lb II7. L3LJTGDé) Grdrrugi @u_I_r_f)ma; @,|EQ6\S)Gl) Loszifir umflu a=:,u'_|va).| rr@5Lb ' .§(._'pé;aasu'crrI_ (e_r>g5lu3®ssanmL'i uuJsim_n®§,§ :5‘II'llJ._.l|'|'G?JT 6)§lGlS)|_GE)U_l crqgggss. _ (A) I, II m,rbg__r)iLb III Lm‘_®u.b srfliurrasiaoeu (B) I, III m;_?)g)1Lb IV mr'_@Lb .-.Hfiu_rn‘asrm5u‘ (C) I Logbggjih III LoI'_®Lb aifiuinsnmmsu , GSI7 (D) III u3('pg))L'o IV Lm'_®|_b 5°|'IluJ|T6UT6'b')61J 40 1(I3. 104. ‘ 105. The colour of tomato fruits is due to the presence of (3)7 Carotenoids (D)_ Tannins (A) Anthocyanins (C) Flavonoids §5a';srrsrfi ug)§,;f,lzisi aias'arr6orr§;I§lm(§’@glsi> a;rre5o‘nJt_I_(i)Lb C:IL||'|‘(@6IT 53|TI]'6o‘oTLDlT@Ll) (A) .—_g§(§.e_r;rr snsiusifleiisseii (B) $(3UITLI_q_6U[I:I'U._]6‘$6iT (C) |;:C3srr<;u66rrru'J ®a;eiT (D) (3L_6b‘I)6I'aT&€lT Which of the following is odd one out? (A) - Fillicophyta (C) Lycophyta (Bfl Hysterophyta (D) Psilophyta §IEi,)€l)6).):S6i’T e;j)n_I®I.b'f (A) (B) (C) (D) R, L (L6léiT§,6mt_, Lcfilsisrfilensutoib) R, C (LISl&;’l'.|'F§GU)|_, L5l6ifiG§,.§5a%)) C, L (L5la'srC§§,é§éEl, Lfilésiyfilmmmm) R, L Lo_r'DQ|Lii C (L6lcEsT;_r,an|_, Lfilcsisrrfilmmioib Log')Q)L'o Lt‘5l6in(§§,.§;9€l) Which of the following statements are correct? In an isothermal process, (a) (b) (C) (d) —-‘(A)’ wf’ the temperature of the gas remain constant the gas does not take any heat from the surroundings the internal energy of the gas remains constant the pressure and volume of the gas remain constant (B) (c) and (d) are correct (D) (a) and (d) are correct (b) and (c) are correct (a) and (c) are correct £8159 G)a;rr®é;asI_'JL1L®siTe11 aeigbgljésszaildi G|'6'6761J&‘|'IlUJfTG5T66)6lJ? V gag; a=LDC:I6)J!;iLJ)'_F)l6K)GD filasgposlcb, (a) eeutgg Gurru4Q_(1_I6I5T Gloiiluflsnco LDNfl)fi§'3§W@Lb an an em ~‘-?%!'D.L.DJi||-IlD§§l5‘5l®L">§:J Eras awuucoub aeuuamww (c) airruiefilsii ash %fi)[_|’)6lJ7LD|'|'!DI'I':£_!'g§5F|'@!_.D (d) @J|TLI_{6)Sl6I5'I é|(|‘.§§.§l.l3 Log')g))Lb uqgmeisr mnmnggngib - (A) 53I._I_I)Ql (b) LDfi)Q_|Ll.‘r (c) sfiluineuismeu (B) aafpg) (c) Log')g)1Lb (d) srflwnsaicaiai (C) fitmlll (3) L0@@1Lb(0) srflmrraimal GS17 (D) mpg) (a) iofixguib (d) srfimrreoranei 42 I08. Match the following blood pigment with their colour ' Pigment Colour (a) Haemoglobin 1. Green (b) ' Hemocyanin 2. Red (c) ' Chlorocronin 3. Brown ((1) Pinnoglobin 4. Blue . (a) . (12) (c) (d) ‘ * (A) 1 2 ' 3 4 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 4 3 2 1 Q79 2 4 1 3 (ggfl ;F,lg3L5la;am;1T gaggeisi flmggfilfng Gj'fl'J_fl')6)J1'|'g)] srilumsi GlLJrr@§g1a3.‘ flat!) élnvtb (a) ‘ §_)I_6lGLDT|'@GE1T|'|'|5l6l5T 1. ueerie (b) @lC§Lorr5n&u_Irrsofi6irr 2. - é=l6u:_'aL) (c) (5(Sc;rrrrG§r)'rr@(3|)rreufia3r 3. _ qtraietr (d) L§l6EnC3e:1rr@C'3errrri£Il6iiT 4. )StuLb _ (a) (b) (c) _ (d) (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 2- ~' _ 3 _ 4 ' 1 (C) 4 3 2 1 (D) 2 4 1 3 109. ‘Consider the following statements. Assertion (A) : A drinking expectantniother can harm the embryo. -Reason (R) : The alcohol can pass directly into the blood stream of the fetus. - ()0 Beth (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct eiiplanation of (A) ' I (B). Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A) ' (C) (A) is true but (R) is false ' _ _ » ' _ » (D) (A) is false but (R) is true ' ' §§)$53lT6éS)_|Ll) sur'ri5;.é;lu_IréJa;sma'rei; 8EG)_lG|fi‘é)~';.§)6l) Glssrrcsires. aa;i)g)) (A) : (5Lq_<§-3@LlJ s;r'ru;|L§la-mfl Glututr, geirr gmgrgmg Gua'rr'ré=élei;@ gjshugggzélairgrrfi. 83l'|'|'I6‘6I)'I'Ll'.) (R) : Lo§)I_JrrarrL'o @I7_e_'r,§,§,§6irr {y)n)u3rra; @go§_'r;sm_e_r_~,é;(5 Qeeiaailcinmgj. ‘ (A) - (A) LD_r_l)QJLl3 (R) @r)aii'r®Lb am. (R) srsbiugj (A)as))')@5 5=r‘rlu_| rr6cn 61§lGT£iSa3Lb ' ' s (B) (A) awn (R) gm.-m(.)uo an. (R), (A)a@ a=IIlu_Ir1'66T ofilaiiisaaineiieu - . _ : (C) (A) or?) ggmrrcb (R) gseugu “ _ . _ I _ ‘ (D) (A) gong) ggarrnei) (R) gr?) ' . | _O' ‘ ~43 - V" .- ‘ GS17 {Turn over I 110. Photochemical smog is fO1‘mEd by W 02, NO, H202 , organic peroxide etc (B) Consists of mercury and lead (C) Consists of N02 and CO (D) Hydrocarbons . get) Gsngludsb usallfiitgaoaa a6o‘oT|_rra;ei; é35IT|j'6b'6'|'Ll3 (A) §_§dSG11)lgg6lYI-, enggdqsfu ¢°5,ei;emau®, 6D')@_l'f)L;|)g6lfI .§€ {,vE'£6n‘)eTL)C;). gbfiaarreufliés (;)ufrc|_ g,3__s9s;6nau® Lnr_i)g)_|Lo astrriueisi (fimrremnssensrofi) (D) A 6zn,a_n)i;C'ér)rrs;rrr'n_ieis1 111. CD-ROM is a (A) Magnetic memory K‘ (Bfl Secondary memory (C) Semiconductor memory (D) Memory register §Lq_—Gz)rrLb G|'6l5TI_|§_| (A) s;rr;5.§, filcnmmam ‘ . (B) @i)6itrrI_rru'3 _rf)l4sma) _r_E|6o6msuaELb (C) g,qr$l;g§)masi_;$§ [_f)l6‘6)6'EIQJ83Ll) (D) filesimoisih u§l(§su() 112. Transfer of a file from a server to your computer is called (967 Downloading a file (B) Uploading a file (C) Transfer a file - (D) Change a file = (I>)5r'r6urflo$lQ§§g,) &6liT@|€b')L.LlJ asecafleaflésgaj gpqij musoa) @| _Lon[bg)L'o (olElI_|6lJGb')§) —-——~——-—— GHSOT g,>i_6o3)at5|;:u®é§lmg,J ‘ ' (A) comma) ufieifilgjssssib Glsuugtb (B) muses.) \_I§,lGeJr_i)g')Lb Gl&UJ§)6)J (C) _ muma) @i_iorrm,rnLb Glsuhgséu (D) 6b')I_l6iD6D iorrg_'r)g)|_e_r,ei> GS17 ‘’ . 44 - ' ‘ ,0 113. Match List I and List I1 and select the correct answer using the codes given below : i (a) (b) (c) (d) _ (A) (B) , (C) (129 List I . Troposphere Stratosphere Ozonosphere Ionosphere (a) (b) ‘(o 3 4 {O n5 [0 1(C1) " [(5 J3 0.’) ‘ List 11 ' i \ Ultra violet rays _ Radiowaves Movement for jet planes Weather changes 1_I|'_Lq_u_:ci) I—a|_6i1 i_n'_Lq.u_mii II-Lq..6iDG5T Gturr([5§,§§l, I_IL'.Lq.u_| 6iJs:q.§s:@eis 58;; 2GlTG1T Q§,rrQ5I;nSI<;6I(r§;'5g) sfilmrrsm mfilamusfilmarr Qggflsq Genus: L_n'_u;.u_Ici>I <23) ' (b) (c) (d) (A) (B) (C) (D) |'_C‘3Ijrr1LI(‘SLJIrG)'1.\|Slu_ur'r eaiuLq_(3|;rLC81_Imiu|Ru_I r'r . @C35ITC36u7rreio1Slu.n'T é)C3l.L.|[TG(R!TITGI\)L§ll1JI"T (a) (b) H ‘ (C) 09-0-J N) uh I-‘ [0 (d) L\'>r$>-CO . |_|Llq_LlJGl) II L.;[_I) aaigrr s3§lr'rss"r (3I7Lq.C3u_|rr élGD6).)6S6IT Glgd a.1rrag)rrr'r,*f,) i_r_r_r).§;(§Lb ugggl can rrenilsmn) LDWf_l)[_r)Lb -45’ -'. GS17 ' [Turnover 114. Match the items given in Column A with the items in Column B. Column A Column B (a) Coal _ 1. Sulphides (b) Aluminium 2. Bitumi.nous ((3) Copper ore 3. Magnetite (d) Iron ore ‘ 4. Bauxite \ (E1) ()3) (C) (d) (A) 1 (B) 3 -(2)7 (D) 2 2 4 2 3 3 1 4 4 4 2 i '1 3 ‘ 1 Glgrrgfil A-EE)6)_| (.3)g,rr@§,l B-6341.631: C:)|_lI'|'Q§§g]53. Glgngfl A Glgrrgfi B (a) ‘f)IG1)é§a§lll - 1. sei)osJL.II'_® (b) sugiineeiuim 2. IElI'_®L|5l6o1GiD (c) GléFIi)l_[ grrgg I 3. (SLoe'msiss)i_i‘_ (cl) @@LbI_) grrg) 4. LJIT:‘§5GU)&L'_ (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 3 4 71 2 (C) 2 4 1 3 (D) 2 3 " 4 1 GS17 46 115. 116. The Bokaro steel plant was set up in the year (A) 1970' (13) 1967 (29 1973 _ (D) I 1975 (3t1rr1i;a;rrC3r)'1T @®L'oL) Q,-;rrp§l;i)srr61no) fi)g11a.1L'11.1I'_1_ su(1_r;I_1.b (A) 1970 ‘ . (B) 1957 (C) 1973 , (D) 1975 Match List I and List II : List I _ List. II (Crop) (Producer) (a) Tea 1. Gujarat . (b) Rice 2. Kerala (c) Tobacco 3. Assam ' ((1) Rubber 4. West Bengal (4) (b) _(c) (d) (A) 2 1 4 3 .1 ' (B) 1 - 2 ' 3 4 (c) ‘4 3 H 2 1 ‘ (Q5? . 3 4 ' 1 2 eJa1)siILo,r_?)g))1b mans: II‘l.q,G5)€UT Qurrgggisl: ' emmssl sums; II _ (uuflfr) ' (ag')L.1§,§u.1rraTr'r) _(a) - G§)l.I§i66)O.) 1 Qggryrrg, (b) ggmilefl 2 G5lI6ITfI (c) L|€lDB5U5l66)Q.) 3. gvaadvaunib (d) r)'1'JL1r'r 4 C3Lo_r_i)@, 6)Jl§.|£Efl'6TTLl) \ (a) (b) (c) ' Cfiurrésgmlisagj ' Listl List 11 " (a) Vasanta 1. Summer (b) Grisma 2. Monsoon ((2) Varsa ‘ 3. Winter (d) Sisira 4. Spring (a) (b) (0) (<3) (A) 4 2 3 I ‘ (B) 2 1 3 4 (C) 3 2 1 4 (D)? 4 1 2 3 . QJEIIGIDE I—a1_s'ar QJFIIGDE II-1;,_(;cr)61IIL'1 Glungggfil 6)JlIl6l5‘)&85@é1§_@j fig Cils;rrQ,)ai5aii'.)1_11'_G)6iTcrr Cil,e5rrQ5|;I1Ela3l@, $§) alfimrrsai e)§Il(5n1_ufl65>em Cilgrfleu Glsiiiaa: (a) (b) (c) (cl) _ (A) (B) (C) (D) GS17 eurilana-‘I outflows II msgbgrr I 1. C3arrem_ asrreuib élrflsiiiiurr 2. Liggeuais a;rra)ib (aufrtnirr 3.‘ gcrfifr 53|'|'GULl3 élen3lr,rrr 4. @en‘CZe116ufl;i) 8-'1l'|'GL)Ll3 (3) (b) (C) (d) 4 2 3 1 ‘ 2 I 3 4 3 2 1 4 4 l 2 3 48 119. 121. The figure ofa dancing girl made of bronze is excavated in the place of '(A) Dilly (B) Lothal Qfl Mohenjodai'o '_ (D) Rupar ‘)_r,1r1‘_1:(u_1 iiirtianas’ creisrg) Glemisrasav 9_(J§QJ Cilurribvsoio crréig ss(;1§o‘r® cr®s’sas1;I1_I1'_1_g,)’? (A) use) ' - (B) Gmnggd) (C) . Qiliorri-1a@5§rr('i3r7rr (D) I qr)1_1rrr‘r Which of the following is/are wrongly matched? I. Bhavabhuti ' Malatimadhavam 11. _ Subandhu ' — Vasavadatta III. Kalidasa ’ Dasakumara Charita IV. - Dandia — ' Avanti Sundari (A) 1 and III I (B) I and "II | (c) I, 11 and IV (1457 III and IV siren).-,i1@..-.ij).;i1ie1;'9g)4ir ggeugprraa GlL1rT@§)§;IL1u|'_®siTaT§J erg)? I. I l_l61J5,§l — ).o1Ta)§lLo:ra3(auLb 11. aiujrgg) — aJrraa_I§,§r,§Lb III. snaflgrrsfr ' — §s(5Lorrr) erfigifiuib IV. g,es'nL:1u_11r ' - -ettimibfl ag[‘r;g_r,rfi (A) _I 1og‘)g)|1bIII - (B) I Lomgnib II _ (C) I, II m;_i)g)yLb IV (D) _ lII1Dfi)Q]LI)IV How many major Indian private banks have been nationalised in 1969 during Indira Gandhi’s regime? (A) 1.0 . _ (13) 11 . (2f7_14 . __ (D) 20 1969-11: .:°)_ba1§1'r® Qsgiun a;n_r_i=,§) Agcausss Ciiurrgj srggmm Qssiui _£_r)6b‘I‘lu.IrrI‘r a1'ri=.ia$)im‘i CS§él(L11.ou.1Lorr:lsa;1;1L11'_Lg1? ' - ' (A) 10 = '(B) 11 _ (C) 14 (D) 20 GS17 ' [Turn over 122. ' ‘ (a) Match : (a) Al Hilal 1. (b) Navajivan 2. (c) Bombay Chronicle 8. (d) Bande Mataram 4. (a) (b) (C) (d) (A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 3 4 1 2 1 4 3 (D)- 1 2 3 4 - ®LJrrQr;'.s_‘r,§Ja-1; : fliaunéo _ 1. (b) gen geueirr 2. (C) I_ILburru'_I .flmTezs'fla;s'u 3. (d) a.I§CB§, mrrg,m_b 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 2 1 4 3 (D) _1 2 3 . 4 123. Dinabandhu Mitrsfs first play planters.‘ (A) Kulin Kulasarvasva . (Qfl Nil Darpan (C) GS17 §6n'r|_I;'5g,: L:51§,Urra.‘fle:isT (g:§,éu g5rr1_a3LnnsuI Qaan®smLoa;5me1T®aJe1'fiL|u(r,\§§u.J§J. (A) @aS16'zs1 geuefreurrasurr fiéo gfrueirr Mahatma Gandhi Abul Kalam Azad Aurobindo Ghosh Pheroze Shah Mehté Loa;rr§,Lorr asrrggfl aqm aaeurnb Czggacrrg 3451511391 Gasmq. 1§l(‘2mrs:i§:mq.rr $LD§pF'|' expohed the atrocities of the British indigo Ratnavali Ras-lila (B) (D) I c°;_|,réJe§}C§¢;uu.J @eu'v:rrLnrC§esrr C§§5rr«'_|_é3asrrr;r'ra5afie%T (B) gggmnmfi (D) IIFTE sfimrr 50 . (a) Assertion J » (Q67 1311 - (D) K. Kamaraj, participated in Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha, he was imprisoned and sent to the prison at A-—. - '_ (A) A Coimbatore (B) Vellore (C) Andaman (EV Alipur (5. aifl'LDIIl'|'E|1' Gsi_I§,rrrJas'irrtlJLb aim; &§,§)uinélJss,$_s‘,]6b aseufggj G1a;rrairr|_§,fi)5rra5, meg: Gleullgj 4'-fl61r>_r_r)uE'1)c't) =91<;m_é;a;1Lsun'_|_ ‘®L..Li) . (A) C3$nu_ILbq{5§nr'r J (B) G-zsugznfr (C) £|'E§LDlT6'uT - gsqsfilfltéifr Choose the correct answer from the codes given below 2 The Asoka Chakra found in our National flag consists _of twenty _four spokes. They are in blue colours. (b) Reason . The twenty four spokes denotes the eight fold path of Lord Buddha. (gr)? Both (a)-and (b) are correct (B) (a) is correct, (1)) is wrong _ (C) (a) is partly correct, (b) is wrong (D) (a) is partly correct and (b) is also correct ‘K2? G)asrr{1,)eiIia;a;su|‘_(,\eiTe1T (5g51uS®e3e1il61T a;@§_1;§6'D Glsrraiar® £89 Qs;rr®e'5a;:L1uL®ei1aT C;l§;rr(51Ln_‘1ls'1) arémair o§lonL_6Inu_| Glgfilai Glaujs. mpg): (631) 1870 (,og_r,ci) 1900 men!) Gg,§lu_u @u_Iésa;§3§ls'o1 @3;15l$(3a5rroTrra; e)Sla'rr1é1e£lu_)g,) ==,>4r;a€)u.xa>rré;(§§,sb, cglflflmdj £ls;r.rLc.srrrr;rI.'o, ssbafii 1nfi)g)u.b (Ea;m'_urn'_mm_ s:~_(I5a.nrrse£l \_Il;rLIL|§)6i). ssrrljawub (em) 2 @6i.1oSla)é3e.'oa5 =9;6znL_u_I u§,,élrfié5cna;a;e5>en q,os;a‘51u_I engoaimrras uu16i'ru®§§,L'Ju|'_I_§). (A) (53).) Lnmgyib (asrr) :9J,e§lu.J @r)as'ur®1o&r‘!l (an), (as) 61§l6lTl sr‘rlu_Irrsuts)§loTei3a;Lb (B) [(511) LD@£3Jlb (EFF) @F/‘655FCE)L'D fiwgll ' (C) Lnfijgjjtb (asrr) @Ijas'o'r®Lb §)66Il§)§@‘IlGu_| erfi &__),61iTl'F6l) (asrr), (aa1) sfilcirr 5rilu_1rr6b'r afilmeisastb cvzqcbeu (D) (en) mi], (ear!) gang) Which of the following statements is TRUE? _ I. The Government of India Act, 1935, introduced dyarchy in the provinces. II. India council was formed in 1935. _ III. Montagu-Chelrnsford Reforms Act introduced dyarchy in the provinces. IV. Provincial Autonomy was introduced in 1935. (A) I and II (B) II only _ (C) III only 021)) III and IV GS17 é§Qé3é£6IiG'fL_61J[_I)Q_|6‘lT 5=l'l:lU_£|'I'6U|'§_| erg)/erms).I? I. @;_'r)§lu_| .:g>(I;rerré= ern‘_LLb,1935,Lcrr§leuréia5si'lsb @:)1'_am_ ¢_ %,)|;<‘§l6‘U)UJ &4§D1(gJa3L'Ju®§5§!Lu§). II. @;_'r)gf,lu_Irr s;eu6ina¥l€i) 1935-61) Q§,rr1_réJesI;11_n‘_|_§]. III. Lorr6oi7rCalI_@—C;l&LbshJC3urrfr® §r'@([r,§,§)a'r s=1'_1_.Lb Lorr.r_Elsors:a5Grflo.\ @m'_em_ ¢°5|'_§lesJu_I =9I@Q,oas);|u®§,§1ug,). IV. 1935-ti) Lorrgfileu etu_|rn'_él .'.7g‘)LJ®_$;;r,1LI1_IL'.I_§1. (A) I1nfi)g))Lb II (B) II Lm'_®Lb (C) III LoL‘_®1_b (D) III Lnp'3Q)Lb IV 54 130. I 134. (A) 10% A 1‘ ' If the sum of two numbers is 1020 and their difference is 140 then the nunibers are . (A) 5 680,440: _ v- - (B) 540,580 (Qflf'5so,44o . '. ' (0) 520,500. — --r - . - . 1., @(r5 srantrazcrfisn sa:'_®§ C;l_e_r,rrrscas 1020, LDfl)_g)JLb =°>(a.ur_f)(f)lein a§l_«.;i5§)u_IrrsLb 140 crasileb. sips craivraeir (A) 680, 440 ' (B) 540, 580 I’ ' 1 ' (C) 580, 440 ' (D) 520, 500 Monthly expenditure of a person whose monthly salary is 9000 is as shown in the‘ diagram. The percentage of money spent for medical expenses is Food expenses lvle dical PXPGI1 SCF expenses (A) 10% (Bf? 20% (C) 30% ' - (D) 40% r Q5. _9000 Long s=Lb1_is1Ig_'r,@6i). di!"9<936ii51'l_.61J|'|'_g}] uasrrgemg, Glseueu Qsulgna), ,:a|aJr'r LD(lj§)g]EL| Qaramfiipasrras uu.J6i7u(3(a_'r)§luJ umnggfilmagafigm __ ' ’Lezam4ei:&n6sr , _» (C) 30% I * ' (D) ‘ 40% 2 '55 . GS17 ' [Turn over (C) I 136. 138. esii The value of 2-———~—h48 X 2'48 C 1'52 X 1'52 is - 0.96 ‘ (A6) 4.0 (C) 1.4 2.48 x 2.48— 1.52 x 1.52 _ fl? m§)).Jx_)rr6aTg) (A) _ 4.0 1.4 If 2”" = 2"” = 16 then y is (A) 2 ' (C/I 0 2“? : 2"” f 16 ersuilci) y_.g_:))s5rg) (A) 2 (C) 0 If x+y=12 and xy=32 then l+~1- is I y 1 A _ ( ) 8| 1 C _ ( ) 4 ' ._ 1 1 x+y=12, xy=32 mafia) —+— eagbwgj . J? y 1 (A) 5 I (C) Z eé of6—3———=? 7 10 9 (A) ' 1 (C) 2 3 . 5 H. @613 ? LJfEJ@) —§=? (A) 1 (C) 2 (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) (B) (D) (D) (B) (D) 4.4 1.0 4.4 1.0 NIP--' C oo|o:i1o|)—- oolco t<.~|)— m|I—- O 139. 140. 141. 142. - (C) (5. "720 _(c) 36 By selling an artiole for Rs. 480, a person lost 20%. For what amount should he sell it to make a profit of 20%? - . 5‘ ' (A) Rs. 800 Rs. 720 - (B) Rs. 760 agpqyeufr gun)’ Calurrgerflensrr 400 @|_i'tru'_|é;(5 6)Sl@LJ6‘6)6DT Glsvu'J§,rrei), :°>|eu@)5i;(Ef, gm-u®Lb ‘r_r,5)q.(_Lb 20%_ eialqtésg 2O96.@e)rn_ILb etlenueisa; C8cueaii1())Lb <;r6'u'r;r)rrsi), capes Currgoflmm aioaart crggmm q5uvru'_u-tar, _ 619l_r_f)a; G3suaio'r(I)Lb? _ (A) i q§.k800 (B) (5. 760 (D) .(f).680 The highest common factor‘ and lowest common multiple of two numbers are 12 and 144 _ respectively. If one number is 36. Find the other number. (A) " 49 g (B) ' 50 (D)? 48 @(f9 ereizrraaefilshr L8LiGl|_v@ Qurrgj asrrgrmil (eugggfil) 12, Lfiéélgj Glufrggj lD|_l'|i:.l@ 144. @@ srairr 36 Gr6zs‘tl6iJ L0fi)Gl_rprr@_craimpeu1rré; sarreiurs. (A) 49 . (B) . 50 (C) 36 ' (D) 48 Three numbers are in the ratio 324:5 and their LCM is 240. Then the HCF of these number 1S _ _ «A63 4 - ., (B) 8 (C) 12 = (D) 20 314:5 Grsifigp mfilsfilggflcb gei1ca1T Qgnehggj Gr6a'zrrB;e1’r)eiiI L5.C.lL1rr.L0 (Lfiaélgj Glurrrgy LoI_rI§J(e5) 240 ersuflos L5.Glurr.a;. (1EL'1Gl1.)® C>lL.1rrg,| asrrxjmfi) craimsi? (A) 4 . (B) ‘s (C) 12 _ _ ‘ (D) 20 LCM of two numbers is 14 times their HCF. The sum of LCM and HCF is 600. If one number is 280 then the other number is a .1 (A). 40 ' (B) 60 » (Q30 80 _ ' (D) 100 sreiurasaiflcirr L3.Qurr.Lc %GiTfQi <_‘—i3f61JQflSl6-UI.L5.C;lUET.&5.6}glEB'I 14 Lm_ré1a;rr@Lb. |_S.Cu_m.L0 :.ofpg))Lb LE.GlI_Irr.s;. Gflleu qaifiseb 600. §,3_(§ Grain 280 crasilei) L0fi)G.lprr@ Graisrezsurrrerrgl (A) 40 ' . (B) 60 (C) 80 (D) 100 57 ' GS17 [Turn over (D) Rs;680_ _ __ ' V " 143. 144. 145. 146. GS17 ' (C) 5.5% . ' ' . (D) The compound interest on Rs. 30,000 at 7% per annum is Rs. 4,-3_47. The period in years is or) 2 . (B) 2% (C) 3_ . ’ (D) 4 §c56dfl®$@ 7% aau'_® e).1L'_Luru£slé0, flj 30,000 (5o§,a3'n‘_1q.@sarr6a1 a.u'_1q_ (5. 4.34.7 crenilci) asrra) amoral Grgageovcm Gv).,etur()aseiw creme; sssgse. . ' (A) _ 2 . (B) 21 (C) 3 ' , V (D) 4 C A sum of money doubles itself in 20 years in simple interest. Then tl1e'rate of interest per annum is (Am 5% _' (B) 4% (C) 5.5% (D) 4.5% gag); Glggrrcoas §6aile).lI'_iq.u9l6i) 20 aJ®1_I'1§.la;G1’H6i.) @@10lLr€.)a;rre§lm§) Gresileii G)_|Q'§|_§§§l[l)63IT6FI 6uI'_Lq_ 6E§L0rr6o1§| (A) 5% ' (B) 4% ' 4.5% The difference between compound interest and the simple interest on Rs. 1,250.f0r 2 years at 8% is - ' (A) Rs. 2 (C) Rs. 6 Rs.4 (D)? Rs. 8 8% 6).u'_L(}uE:lc'u 2 euq5|_ré.ia;@§ei;@ _@5:_:rru'J -1,25Oé3asrr(suT aa|‘_®e.u1;L:t LD[_I)g)]Ll) §v,6ails1J)‘_1;p-9:3(¢_r;L0rr6'or 6)Sl§§f)lu_Irr&Lorr6aTg| “. (A) @§urru'_I2 (B) (C) @Lirru'_I 6 ~ q§I_)rru'_: 4 (D) @urru'.) 8 A flower garden is in the shape of a rhombus. The length of its diagonals are 18 in and 25 111. Find the area of the flower garden. ' ‘ (A) ' 450 m2 ' 225 m2 (C) 324 m2 (D) 18 m2 _ gm; ;5Mi5G§nLL_Lb EFFU-._| eggrj 6)JL:(6)Sls'o aorefrgj. .§{§)6l5T (gmna) e)Sl1;1_réJa5eiT 18 L8, 25 L5. )aL§Gs3rrI'_I_§,§l6i)1 |_)m_'n.Ja1a) sarrsirraa. _ _ (A) 450 L5’ . (B) 225 L82 (C) 324 L52 (D) 18 L82 5s A o 148. 149. ' 150. '(A) 5 . If a square and a rhombus stand on the same base, then the ratio of the area of the square and the rhombus is ‘ ' ' (A) greater than 1 (Eff? equal to'1 (C) equal to —$— _ (D) equal to % &7§_[|jl'Ll3 L0;i)g))ii) entnsgwtb @Ii6u'rr®Lb 9(3)) e9{Lq.Lll_H§5<3S§6|)')§$ C:laarr6o'1)rLq_(_r§;'s§_r-,rrvai) sgjtrii) LDfi)g)JLb arrriiisgjrniilein uryfiiucrrofilsfii Gfilailgmrrsmgg ‘ (A) '13 oil). t9'§$LDrF@Lb (B) ‘ 1éi@sLOL0rr@5Lb I _ 1 . . 1 . . (C) E sag (95tDLDrT(§LD _ (D) 1 e3@ £FLDLDlT(§LD Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 10 hours and 15 hours respectively. Both the taps are opened for 4 hours and then B is turned off. The time taken by A to fill the remaining tank is _ . ' ‘ (A) hodrs (B) " (E? A, B Véreing) (gpprrujaaeir @@ Gl§,rri;Lq.uSla))6n (g)(;ng)C2u1 10 L0_r_i)g)1Lb 15 1oeazsfiC3r;;Ug",§d) fl|;n;n_1 @u_Ig,)_gLb. @r;r6o"o'r® @5IEprru'_Ies@5L‘0 4 |.0(;utilCE;5::Lb glmjsgj 6)Sl|_|‘J|_n‘_® iflmg @')Q1'|'U;I B <§£GU7|_(95<5E»LlL1(_l)):E§l[Dg].C:l;5WI._Lsi_UE1lG‘O'I sr@éluJ L.|(§§6D')U_l (_t,);rL]u gmrrun A cT®;_'r;g;)é; (:3la;rra'T@51b Cégarymnmgj . ' _ E hours 10 (C) 6 hours B hours 3 ‘ (A) % L0mfiC3;F)n;rLb ' - (B) 1% L0mfiCpULb (C) 6Lo<~roilC)]5r;rLb A ' '. (D) lgsmosgs ~ I A and B can do a work in 12 days 13 and C can do it in 15 days C and A can do it in 20 days. - , Then the number of days required tocomplete the work A, B, C together is (B) 10 (C) 15 2 _ _ (D) 20 ga@ Gsnmmcmm A mfpggjxh B 12 ;5rrL;ssa"rlg2)Lb B u3g')g;)Li3 C 15 )5rrLa5ail@Lb C L0;'r)guLb A 20 ;_r,rri‘_s;61'F@1.b (1,0Lq_Ln_:I‘r ercuilsi) A, B, C Cfistrgsgl .§»r)§§, Goientnsow Qpneias; C8§,nne)1n;)u®Lb ;5rrL.9sm‘lain (;r(;cirsrcrufié;as)sa (A) 5 - ' (B) 10 (C) 1.5 _ (D) 20 If 9 girls can prepare 135 garlands in 3 hours, number ‘of girls to prepare 270 garlands in lhour is ‘ (A) 20 ~03)‘ 54 (C) 43 L _ 1 (D) 19 3 l.D€§6UIl Gpugsdlda 9 GlLlfli11‘(c$6lT 135 Lnrrcnooassnai guinfilsélatrmsnfi srsnilei), gag LD6fibI'l C3;r):)g_i5§ei) 270 Lorrcnairsensrr §,u_1rnfls'aa3 C‘3§,6zn6u1'Ju®1b Gluairraasxilsisv Greémttafiatenes ' (A) 20 (B) . 54 (C) 43 _ ’ _ (D) 19 59 i _ ' ._ GS17 ' ' [Turn over 151.. The sum of numbers commbn to two diagrams is (A61 (13 _ (B) 110 (C). we " « (D) 130 _ G)asrr(51.$a5L|u|'_®eirm |_n_§§<;b qG§s;);Lb @(5 eu£mIjun_ré.L9s(G§e'¥.,@r,L'J Qurrgeurras aefiew Grcsziurassrfiabr 5?n.®§j6).) (A) 118 I. " _(B) (10 (C) 108 _ - (D) 130 152-. (2) ' I Who (A) A (C) C (1) D is taller than C but not as tall as B. C is taller than A. amgng A, B, C and is the tailest? ' ‘ B ' . ' (D) .D - (1). D msirrueuri C—g GEL auJ11Lnrr6m;ur'r .g,6Urrrei.7 B =9{errGq$@_5 2_uJ I;rL5leiJmeo. (2) C c;reim_veur'rA—g 61511. au.n;ru3rr6u1a.n'1 sr6o"rIci>A, B, C Lo;1')guLb D— uQsb au_u7Lorr6m6ur'I u_IrrI'T? (A) A (B) B (C) C ‘ ' V _ ' (D) D GS17 -_ — - 60 153.. 154. (C) ' ‘* (D) '1_r‘r .."c1_;si)cufieirr 6i'6l5'|’ aei)g;é;.s;1;|u()sug,J ‘T Qggm, (A) , ensurjtb ' . (B) éslr;rrr..°.6zm_n'_ (C) 0.0 ‘ ' - ' __ (D) am ‘ 158. Which of the following is halide o_re? . ' (A) Dolomite ~ (3)) Rock salt (C) Bauxite V ' ' (D) Galena ‘ £Ic_§g.s'sa;51i1rr|_e11g')g)Jeir erg) G@fi)G?D6D® gag]? (A) C§|_rro)6mo1'_ _l (B) |_ll'|'Gh')gD am.) (C) I.1rré;6n6mI'_ ' l '2 (D) a_;afiearrr 159. The major component of natural gas is '(A) Ethane (B37 Methane (C) Butane . ' (D) Propane @u_ug')G6>as -aurru.)aSle'u C»)1_1@Lb uréig Gluggjaigj _ ' (A)_ mesa . _ A (13) seem - (C) .flz5l"_C§|_vai1T ‘ , ' . (D) |_|C3r,r1'JC§Lie'n- - ' 160. What is the literacy rate of female population in India in the year 2011‘? ' (A7) 65.5 percent (B) 75.3 percent (C) 82.1 percent (D) ' 64.5 percent 2011-1}: @;_'r;_1§)uJrre)Sleb. 1o$a;ei'r G)§)r6U>a5u5)si) LD<‘}3G!fll)’ d£_r_l)fl)GIJIl’ e‘3§L‘o l (A) 65.5 5§,G‘S§,Lb ’ ~ _ 75.3 5‘§6fi§Lb _ (C) 82.1 s§6)§§Lb . (D) 64.5 <‘.fi!_}3(=fi§Ll) O " ' ‘-63 .‘ ‘H "Y .- -‘GS17 [Turn over ' 161. . Foreign aid can nerforrn the following gap filling functions in UDCS. 1 ' I. 11. III. IV. (A) (C) 1. 11. iii. iv. (A) ' (C) Natural Resource gap ‘ land 11 Savings gap 7 Foreign Exchange ga-'p Technological and Management gap I I, II andlll (D) 11 only . II and III eiietrfrsefl @36irr[f)lu_n ;§rr(1,)assr’rlei) G)auc1fl;r;rrn'_® fl§lu_|rr6m'§;1 a %Qé;.5;rr@)JLb @snL_Gle)Jerflaacocrr ;_f,lr,r1_'1LJér Gleulefilgagj C3.s=L6l|;n_¢ @6nLQeum’fl eigbfiui Glseooirrmfl @..;;q.....a. Gl§gW|Eél6b§|LU Log')g))Lb filrmirras @6o1_Qs)1ofi @u.Ig')snaa 6uen@6n1_Galeue1fi _ - - - - ' . _ ~ ‘ (B) 1, II LD_r_i)QjLl3 111 ' (D) II Lo|'_®Lb ll u3§E)g1|Lb Ill I1.o,r_‘r)g);LbIIThe growth of which one of the following remains an important objective and necessary condition for inclusive growth? (36) Agriculture and allied sectors _- _ . (C) 163.’ GS17 x'gl£‘Q&S61§6‘|'L,6L|l'Dg]]6‘lT a:r§,@J6n|_u_1 aimfrsél (5oeias§lLu (B) Industrial sector Services sectors (D) External sector . C§§rr$s;Lorra5e4Lb. &61T61T|_-<§1élU_l aimfrééleigg g"\|6)J§lU_| yfiluggenmmnsmrb fisrpélmgj? _ (A) Cfioimrroisr mfi)g1JLb~snr'r§5g, §_|6h‘)[_D&S6lT (B) (3lg,rr%§l,r'pg,psng) '(C) G8‘6'U)61J§ §j6U):f1‘)556‘lT _ (D) GlaJoi)u4[9e)#_i;§16mm ' Dunkel proposaldwasi related to . «(A67 ‘ GATT (B) UNO (C) IMF (D) IBRD |_réJe5vair §lLLI_L'o @§_r,g)|:_6BT C:l§,|'fI_.rl’Ll6b'}LuJ§";ET@Lb (A) earn’. @u;l:_(r_'r,§,Lb (B) gesafilus ;r,m'_® &|6h')€U (C) I (D) gene; was) |_rsisT6rnrI1‘_®_r_f,l@ I _ __ ‘ g 64' _. ’- . - I O 164. Consider the following statement : 1. India is a major energy producer II. India is a major energy consumer III. India faced power shortage since 1950-51 . Which is the correct answer? ‘ _ (A) ' I only ‘ - . ‘ (B) -11 only (C) . 1 and 11 only - - ' oz)? 1, 11 and 111 dgésassfiarn aim-i3él1i_|rB1a56‘o61T aseuasil : . I. .;¢,§,r_i);))eiJ eeis,g‘,lanu.1 2(_r5aJrré;(§L‘o Qpa‘ssElu.1 ;15rr®a;afiéu ggfifiglmnmtb gpeingu _. _ ll. u°;.y_1‘);n6iJ edglmm ¢°>{§,le£LDrrc$ §]aa@Lb ;5rr®a;61il6'1> @;r3§u.IrreuLb gpabrgn III. 195O—51e1Sl(5;'5g,1 @;i;|ef,luJrre)Slei)'=ggfir)_r1)s1J eésfl Q.5rrLFr_r_'r,g,) um'g)rréa(§6ng)u_Jrra5(36).I aeirerrgg. @6).1;i)g))e'rI erg] EI‘l'lU_l|T6OT e)§l6im_? (A) ILm'_®L'o ' . ‘ (B) IIm1'_@Lb‘ (C) I LDQQJLIJ II 1.o1'_‘®L'o_ I - (D) I, II Lo;'ng)1L'o III 165. Consider the following statement 2 ' ' I '. Statement I : Gross National Product will always be more than the GDP. Statement II : To-get GNP, net factor income from abroad is added to GDP. Find the correct answer 2 . _ » - ' (A) Both statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I _ - (B) Both the Statements are individually true, but Statement II is not correct explanation of Statement I _ ’ (C) Statement I is true, but Statement II is false_ - Statement I is false, but Statement 11 is true‘ <§Q_d58i6lIflT|_ mrreiutluirtiaamm aseuasflt ~ 'ah,rj)g)1I 2.. Gmngg, ;r;rr1’_® awugisél 6n;I(3urrQgg1Lb Gmngg aeiT;r;rrI'_® z>_g')u§s§anu_1 o§lL. w elfismnsflm @®éS(§Lb. _ . . 8‘n.[l'JQl II : G)Lorr§,g, ;5rr'L® ng'pu§,_$lanu_1 Gug)|eu§,fi)(5, GlLDIT§§ 2siT;_r,rr|'_® 2.§bLJg5§u.|I_61$I Gl6)JGn§)g;rr(§)s;61flzb a%l6n1_ei;(§Lb filszry a5rrqarafia;afi6h_euq§Lorr6nr§,m§u4Lb C§a=rTei5a; CS6)J6n'1s1®Lb_ @a_|_r'pg))eiTa;r§) en‘rlulrrme)Slem_? : " ' ,- V (A) @r)a:'rr® aag'j;)1as@§(3Lo §,a‘rIe_i',§6oflGu_1 acutrenw (‘BLog)JLb engbg II. aa~.pf)_r:ru I$@'; s=|fIu_1rrr5zrr ' afilern-§sasLorr(gLb. I ' - . _ _. . (B) @r;rairr® seg‘)g))a;@5CSLo §,zu"rlgg,szsilC§u_u srfiuurrmeam C2Log211'o &&1_[i)_[JJ] II,‘ sa;'r)g) Iéag 5rflu_.|rrga1 efilméaasmebw ‘ (C) aaifijgj l&fYlu_|rrc;1irg1,c°c>b<;urrrei) aa~.fi)_rg) ll §,eur_r)rr-5asrg,) (D) aa~1;i)Q; I §,»aup3rreu1g.1, cgysarrrai) as-1;1')g)) II srfluirrasrgj O -. _ ' ' ' as I GS17 [Turn over '1 166. Consider the following statement : Assertion (A) : Price policy aims at controlling fiscal deficit. Reason (R) : Fiscal deficit leads to inflationary pressure. Which is correct answer? L (A) (A) is correct but (R)_is wrong (B) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct (C) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (13)) (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) §:€';gei;a;csa'1rr|_ GUIi'dS&C:lU_!IBJEB€b')G‘|T a3eu6r:‘1l : ‘ €%L[l)_g)J(A) : eafillmeueia C>lcEF1!'I’GlT6l$)53 5)l1_l .9sL'_®L'1u@§§JLi3 Ciprrasestb |_l]-D_f_I)ITr.'l5@)'6h')_lD6? 9_€0')Ll.|_l§;|T(:5Ll). asnljrsmrrio (R) 2‘ uyjyrprrssgsjcngp I_|6rm'r6)§ei-3&3 ._—‘D{Q9§)§;§fl)§ &6?IN| _Wé3(§LB. @sufi)g)JeiT erflulnarr e)S)6em_ erg)? .(A) (A) E|‘l'lllJl'l'6Ff§J egemrréo (R) §)GLIfl)|'|'6'llT§')|T@')LlD (B) (A)_1_r,eug)rrar1§1 Qlfilffflfél) (R) srf)uirrsn§,rr@;Lb (C) (A) Logpgjrb (R) @n5Srr®1b §,su;pnsmensu gégm (D) (A) emu: (B) g)m-r(.)u-_» erflulrrsneneu 1og')g))Lb (A) sag (R) &Jflu_Irr6o'r eSlaTé;s3Lorr@lb » 167. VVho was the Chief Guest at the 45"‘ Independence Day celebration of Mauritius? (A) Mr. Najib Mikati ‘ . (J35) Mr. Pranab Mukherjee (C) Mr. Shinzo Abe 1 (D) Mr. Gabriel Costa Gliorrailélmsio §)rfl'_Lq_6liT 45-tug) evr§3§r)_&_f,lI;r glsnggehgg §l,r1)I;x1_) e§lQ§§=,§$lsuTurra; SSGUEQJ Gc‘l3l'|’6LItSTl_C:1Jl:£' U_!|Tll'? (A) . ‘r_r,§|;| use-,n1or . (B) Ifzlljsoirrlii (5oa3r'ra‘)l (C) g§l6isrGsrun.g)4@u ’ ' (D) aarn.9lI‘rlC‘3uJei) Gs.rrsiu1_rr 168. Who is the winner of 2013 Pritzl-Architecture Prize? (A6) Toyo Ito (B) Jessica Ennis (C) Seth Macfarlane - (D) Simon Hayes 2O13Lb g3vs(ioT(1)eisaarrerr‘1Elr‘f]z'_«aio.5ari 6Sh_11+l_S55S€fi')61) urilcne Glaiéamairi u_|rTr'r'? (A) C31_rrCSu_srr @C31.rr (B) Glgafilaarr crsimsufiuaiu (C) Gag QLDé3UIl‘€:lGX)G60'l (D) seamen Cfiyuliefl) GS17 as i _ o 169, 170. 171. The world oldest lady Koto Okubo, belongs to which country? Japan (B) China (C) England (D) Russia :=3_s1)é;l6irr e).Iu_Ig;5rr6n Crlusuimossafluurrstr C3a3rr(31_rr @@5C§1_|rr GFLF)‘§; )_r;rr|'_sn|_i; C§3I'l.ff).E_F)G1J|:I'? (A) gm 1.: rrcirr _ r (B) §<;n‘rIT (C) @r1'.1éflG1>rr;‘r;gJ (D) I;Im'9,u_|rr Match the following awards with the respective fields. (a) Borlaug Award 1. Science (b) Nehru literary Award _ 2. Adult education (c) Shanti Swaroop Bhatuagar Award 3. Agriculture (d) Hari Om Ashram Award 4. Various facilities/eminent teachers (a) (b) (C) (C1) (A6) 3 2 1 4 (B) 2 - 3 4 1 (C) 4 1 3 2 (D) 2 1 4 3 .-iyrssaaisru 6)5l([|jgJ5i@§|_6l5T eraneu Gl§,nL_r'n_)snuuJmeu;'pan;r) Qunqgggggs. I (a) Ciunfnaunriii 6)§l@§| ' 1. §|@6\§luJG'0 (b) (Egg; c91filGle),1rro‘fl s)ElQ§§1 2. suu_Ig,1 6u;_bC3g3nfi ascbafil (C) srrgfi eiuaigslj u|'_;r,rrs3r'T efilqggg 3. a.‘ilau&nu_IL'o (d) mart) @113 .%G‘I"D|]Lb ofllggg 4. ‘ 1_1s'vC3a.Ig;J gimp abélrfluifiasch (3) (b) (C) (d) (A) 3 2 1 4 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 4 1 3 2 (D) 2 1 4 3 Which of the following is not correct about IRNSS-1B satellite? (A) it is a navigation satellite (B) lifted off and placed in orbit by PSLV-C23 (C) has civil and defence applications (D) lifted off from Sriharikota IRNSS—1B QEU_.l[j)G«Dc5Sv.‘lS Cfiasrretr @5g5)gr,g)\£Qeta;su'rr1_o1_rj)‘r;)1c‘rr erg) erflulrrsoigj samba)? (A) @151 gqg c;ug§l.5srr|'_®Lb C=ls=u_I¢c;a7a3:§;C3asrrsiT (B) PSLV-C23 q%,GlJ a:r®§,g,)e'r C:l&éoo.)1LIu1'_® sgbgg eu|'_1_L'lurrsn;_r,u5lei) itlmm _$lg'§§§EJuf_:_g,J (C) @urr@|a.I Lo;f)g))Lb @r;rr@1|aJL'o swung, L.1u.rsinL1rr®snI_.uJg.J (D) gfi§1mfilGsnL1_noSloSl@r_%;g,1 C:lsg);§s§uu|'_|_g;) 67 GS17 [Turn over 172. 173.’ 175. -(A) on (B) Which of the following states do not have tiger reserves in India’? (A) Kerala (13) West Bengal (C) Uttarakhand (D3) J ammu and Kashmir §Qé:a;ez§rrr1_ mrr;_Bla>rE'~.:a;oflé1J L_|6)S)aE6iT ungjasrruuab @ei:enrr§ @;ijQu.: Lorr_Ifill1_rTerrr 178. .Which glacial inountain region was named ‘after Indian origin scientist Siuha of U.S.A'? (A67 South Eastern Antartic ' (B) North west Arctic (C) Himalayan Peak Region . (D) North East Alps '¢u,:4Glmrflii;5rrsurrQ @;i,§uJ afilggrrasfl élstragirrafileiri Gluiufr i;rL'.Iu@,é.1u§ic‘u a.eiTaT uaiflioaraiésgg, @,:‘_n_Ln.n'_®-a'rrm§1'? _ (A) Gl§éfI£§lL:p$(§ é{a5'bT|_rrr'rLq.e}'. ‘ _ - (B) QJ|_GLD[b@ .%,F-|’|.q_£lS ‘ _ '(C) @Lou_un6oa)uSl<;irr §IasIjnJi_:(a5fl' (D) aJL_<9e§:@ &={,6i)I;lG1:U ' 179. Which is incorrect pair in the following regarding Indian Tribes? ' (A) Bodo — Asom ' (B) Ghond — Qdisha (C) i Munda — Bihar ' (D37 Angami — Arunachal Pradesh E659 CJasrr®é;ssL'iuL;®eimrr uQrr‘u@Lci.u.‘1lao'r_rfi_ei> crlrjrgg @an65naseiT geuprrmgj (A) (3urrC3|_rr - C-9:6.-;rrLh (B) G5rraa'm_n -— gguwrr _. (C) (g3ai6rL_rr — Lfiasrrfr , ’ (D) a4r:21snL6l — a»|([r;66oTns=aJ|LI élr;rCE§a=u') C) . I _ 69 ' ‘(GS17 [Turn over 180. Which of the following is not true about Right Livelihood Award? 181. '(A) 1 3‘ GS17 (A) The award was established in 1980 (B) ' It is usually shared by four persons (C) It is known as Alternative Nobel Prize H3) Presented annually in Brazil am;n'_ cneusi.|e\SlafiI'_ afllggu ggfilgg £ggia56u'ar1_aJg')frgJaiT erg] v.‘.FllllL|lT€b'E§6lJ6D? (A) (B) (C) (D) Match the following : (a) Rhinoceros (b) Hangul (C) Gharial (cl) Great Indian Bustard ’(a) (b) (C) (B) 4 2 (C) 3 1 M2 4 §ipssim|_oJ;bmmI_': Qungggjsz (a) ' (b) (C) (d) 0:: to"a-—- as e5rras'asr|_rr I.I5)@a;Lb ar)rrréissei.> sgitsq {film (roams) e§lGr;L‘_ @rr'5;$lu_Iairr ua'm_r'r|‘_' ’ (3) (b) (C) (A) (B) (C) 03> L0 (L0 VP >—I .z=. .—a N 00' max’: p-4:: é4€l.|61‘3l®§| l980—ib ¢v,gb5einr® e;rfnu®§,§|'_IL_u'_Lg,1 . Qurrgjmrras éimaflgg ‘lfiflt-§lJ'l{§ Guorrd) |_I:§lf'T‘[l3§] Gla;rrei1oa1T|;| u®a€lg)g.; aqci.uaSlQjg,1 Lonmgj Cfiggrrusi) urfisrrass; a3@§I;:LJ®e£lg)§J %'6l§|$T®G§;fTQJLl;) E1lC§r;rélG\Slci) 6uIEprsJa3I'4u®é;lg)§; Desert Plains of Rajasthan Kaziranga National Park Gorumara National Park ' Dachigam National Park njrrgciogrraisr u rranaxsuasr 5=LoGI€u61‘l‘l airrélrirsiasrr Ggélm layélaifi aagtorrmr Cfigélui Iayéxasrr |_rr.§)a;rrLb Ggélm Iairéiasrr 70 183. 184. 185. _ (A) ssrrgbgj aréafil g§h'_|_Lb (B) p (C) Pink rot ' (D) ._ (C) (e_r)airrain‘r|_Lb a;a5Ufl6ui)seiT' IRV 2020 project is related to . (A) Wind energy project ' -' ’ _ (B) (Ofl Rhinoceros conservation project (D) r Solar energy project Ganga River purification project I IRV 2020 $l1‘_|_Lb GreirrLJg.i@§;@J:_e‘uT Qgnnfiqmnmgj ' I (§5riluJ asap?) §l1'_L_L_b careless; pg) g,nuJ6nLoL'Ju®,$g.1Lb §l|‘_|_Lb (C) eo|;rGe‘o'rrr§r;rrehJ :_Irr§§Js;rrLsq §I'_|_Lb ' (D) GM (Genetically modified) potatoes developed by British scientists is resistant to which disease? - - ' (A) Block dot tea’? Late blight Potato spindle tuber c°1cbfBJ:9El6D efléggneflsmfim GM (Lor;:_:@) LoL'-L_‘4_i;§ai) Lorr;i)filuJei$>Lne;asIQJLJ|'_L_) agmmaéltprsig 6r;E§“,, Cfigacufilsnem erg) r'ré3@Lb g_r,eb'rGnLou_;6nI_u_I§__§1? _ (A) sfllenrrés |_rn'_ ' (B) (Bail; ifilenarl; ‘ (C) Ifileinés |IlTL_ (D) &{|§GU)6lT§'3 §;)r‘fl|J|_; as|;tq_ (G)urrC3I_C3r_rr eioéleimcpsi) Luébufi) Wrhich are the countries participated in the Bilateral air exercise named “Garuda V” conducted in Jodhpur, India? _ - ' (At)? India and France (B) India and Russia (C) India and America 1 (D) India and Singapore ' '@(l.5'zE_l')lU_Jfl61§lfl'i'f Gggrrggfr gsaadleb ;r;I_§,§,LIu|'_I_ ‘a£@I_rr 615)’ ergnb @@g,r,rL'_1I_; eiirrein 6)J§_él|;II_luSlfi)éfiI1§llG'D a;aJ;'F;§1 Glaarraim_ g_5:T®eseiT ereoeu? (A) gssen 1.oj3g)1Lb uslmmm j _ (B) ggssuin ewe r1vsi31u.|rr (C) -@‘;F,_s§lu_arr LD[i)Q]Ll)é1C:lLD|"IléiS5Sff (D) @§§u_IrrLog')g;3Lb é? lI'§J:9§1;lLc_L|'l' Graphene is used for manufacturing bendable smart phones. What is the other field for which it can be used? ' ' (A) Medical Radiation therapy ‘ (B) (D)! Ultimate water purifier Super lenses (C) Quantum computers Loneisaséasmeui eiuLom'n'__ soaa1LIC.'§ueflssaii;rr §uJrrrfi1LJLJ§ei) a‘a)I7rr..°°L3a'n uuJ68ru®§,§,|;vu®sE.l;gg,J. Cfimguib gig] L_Iu.I6'u1r_1®§g|;v|_:®Lb gimp erg}? ; ~ I L8 afilducneuaeir (A) LDQ§§§]6L| saflfieniévar euefil fiIenrrr;6oUrLb (B) (D) _ .a4aJLq.C3Lc{_;Bfr agfisrfi L114 errssamia [Turn over 71 _ GS17 186. Which world heritage monuinent of India was affected in the storm of'l\/Iay 30, 2014? (A) Taj Mahal ' (Ml Humayun’s Tomb (C) Tomb of Safdarjung (D) Sultan Raziya’s Tomb GL0 30, 2014a) e,rLi)|_n'_i_ l_lLL|el) figbmgisgrreii §;rreiae3L:|_:L|_ '@rr'5§,lu_|ne)Sl6i:T acne}; ifilrjgrrem étoirrérsrrq élsitrairib erg)? (A) ;_r,rrg>§ Leanna) ' (B) gfimrrggein {fiib (C) eusrtgra (§L'o ‘ (D?) sebgnahr r,reilu_|rr (iii) 187. Which of the following disease is not caused by bacteria? (A) Malaria (B) Cholera (C) Tetanus (W Dengue ($gis56'oT1_euemmir_i)guarr, srfig, C3)_r;.rru'J Llff<§iLa_I‘(lu_|fTdl3&36‘| TIT6l) aQ§5urrei3a;L'iu1_rr§,g1? (A) LoCSeJrilu_:rr , _ (B) a5ITGDI)'|'|' (C) Glu_)'_|_6miu I (D_) Gl|_niJ@ 188. Which is/are correct concerning the Administrative Tribunals Act? 1. It was passed in the year 1985 ' 2. The Act includes both the Central Aclininistrative tribunals and the State Administrative tribunals (A) 1 only _ (B) 2 only Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2 flfreunss §.r'n;IurruJrfi:e3ciT s|'_i_Lb 6l§,rrI_r'rLJrrss G|'g,J/GTGDQJ scriluirreoisnsu? ' 1. g°»|§y19856i) @u.I;i)g)|;n_I1'_|_g,j 2. _ $451 mgglm ;_t;)r'raJrra; §frDurru_ILb Lcrnfilen {_6lr'raJ rrs: §,r'rLJu:Tu_:Lb C-j>;(,s‘.?|u.x @I;ra§vr6o|_Li.u.b asi"re1n_$é5lu_Ig1 (A) 1 mass (B) 2 tonne (C) lLn@g))L'o 2 écgaglui @|;r6(irr®Lh A (D) 1Lb e$‘«|ei)a) 2Lb eslcbeu 189. Who decides whether A Bill is a Money Bill or not’? _ '(A)’) Speaker _ ' (B) The Finance Minister (C) Finance Secretary (D) Leader of the Opposition _ I (gig LoGerrr§,rr6neu mam ioC35=1jrg_r,rr sreisrgy (5oLq_e4 Glsu'_Ié.Ig,J u.IITI‘r’P (A) eurrpjcuisafr ' (B) 6-,x(5nin.s'rsr'I (C) Qlaruieunarfr . ( (D) srflfrsuilg, §;6lf)G\)6‘LJfl' GS17 72 O _..__.:___?__j?__.___t,?— - _ 100. 191. ‘§t'paseisisn_ei_1_|:')(blei) EIIIUJWEUT 5)Slam_enu_a (E§)r'r§5(Zl;_r,®: Which of the following are/is stated in the Constitution of India? 1. ‘The President shall not be a member of either houses of Parliament 2. The Parliament shall consist of the President and two houses Choose the correct answer from the codes given below : Codes : i (A) Neither 1 nor 2 (B9 Both 1 and 2 I (C) 1 alone p (D) 2 alone ' rfigaseiiirnaigbggjeir .;9{r;élu_r«au<;nLoLL||_( a=I_'_i.§;$e'u @r;g5l|;:L_‘:l| _ILn_|:'_®eiTe1Tei)eu sremsu? 1. _(§l.q.LlJ|;TéFvI<$ §,as)enei.Ir'r L.|rrr;rrr@5I.oeis'rg) @(_I§ aqmmasaflgilm 2.r=r;jL'ufl5oTrIrTas §g)('§.5':s9 Lnm'_|_nr'r I 2. L.lITIIfi@jjLD6l5'I_J‘_lDLb e'rGirrLJg,1 @1q_u_ir)a;§, gemweofr LD_I'_l'JQ| LlJ @® csimmsanmuib Gl5sri6irr1_§,n((5Lb. §tpss6tiu1I_ siizilensufilai s=rilu_IrrsIn 61(1l6b')L6D')ll_l Cfiggrieu Glsuh: v ‘ endless : A i (A) @5rca'uT®LtSl6'ueoeu ' ' (B) @r;65'u'r@Lb ‘ (C) going) Lo|'_®L'o ' , (D) @r;r6zioT® u31'_®L'o Who among the following became the Prime Minister of India without being earlier the Chief Minister of a State‘? 1. Moraji Desai ' 2. Charan Singh . 3. V.P. Singh 4. Chandra Sekar _ Select the correct answer from the codes given below : Codes : (A) 1, 2 and 4 ' (B) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 4 only (C) . 2 only .§Irpsseiirr|_6missrilei) u_1rrr'r I_Cll|j§ILDUFI6).l;§[l)(§ (gphiiurres mnpflm (5og_r,ai)eufrasaTrrs; Li‘:-5&5) euéleisaarrgaifrssii? 1. Cnlmnryrtgl G’§5srru'.I I 2. sljezirr eilrsi 3. .G)Sl.L§l. élriu 4. ‘ s;_'r;'é,lu(3aa;r'r emilosnsc: _ (A) 1, 2 Lo;i)g)|Lb 4 - (B) 1, 2 Lcybgijib 3 (C) ' ?.LoI'_®Lb _ . ' (D) 4 Lm'_®:_b ‘ 73 ' ‘ . _. GS17 [Turn over 192. The‘ Chairman of the Official Language Commission in 1955 was(A) Gobind Biallah Pant cs’)? ‘ so Kher I -i i " ((3) Dr. BR. Ambeclkar ' ' (D) Szinthanani 1955 eggnb .§¢6oisTla6irr eggpi‘_élGlLorrQl .§;_;,6W)6UU|'UJ'£§l';§l6ll‘r gmmeuurram I_(6wflu.Irrg')r_ISlu_zn-.Ir'r . a i (A) C3srr15l_rj5 uirsvrr urr6im‘_ (B) B.G. Glasri (C) em-.i;{_r‘r B.R. c°qLbC3I_1§a3lrrr'r - (D) d=l|:F;é_?;|'|'6UTL‘D' I 193. ' (A) 2000 194. ' (A) _ ens 324 (B) GS17 The National Commission for reviewing the working of constitution was he_aded by M.N. Venkatachalaiah was setup by the Central Government in -(.z:()l 2on0 _ (B) (C). 2co2 (D) '2003 .~ 2001 eeieéluieuanmuflen C>ls=u_ueiJL_arri'_em_ Logibvguliei Gsuheugpsrrs M.N. Col6\J|'Ei.|El5I_|'|'QE6l):El1')61)U_||'|' §)G|5)GOG?DLDtI5l6l) CE§,é)u.J .5)-;en6znru_xLi:> =”‘q6U)LDé353I;I |_IV_L_ .5-g56c5'6r® - (B) 2001 (c) 2902 i - ‘(D)_ 2003 Which Article consist of the provision relating to composition and its power and functions of the Election Commission of India? _ A (96) -Article 324 (C) _ Article 370 (B) Article 356 (D) Article 243 ' crgbg) eiilfl Ggfrgcb .§cb66)661STUJ§)§l6iiT sh-:zsiLo1Ln_). gaiflszrrryib Lo;1')giLb uearflasemm ae'nerri_éaélu_(c'ITmg1? 619151 356 i (C) es)ga370 ‘ _ . ‘ (D) QQQ243 74 _- O ; 195. 196. I (M Which of the statements given below is/are correct? _ 1. The State Election Commission supervises and conducts the Election of Panchayats and Municipalities in the state _ A ' 2. I It also supervises and conducts the Election of the State assemblies and the Lok Sabha an 1on1y . (B) 2 only. (C) v_ I and 2 (D) ‘ None of the above £650 Gla3rr@)eisas|‘Ju|'_1_s)4r_i)g))eiT erg) sr‘rlu.:rreo1 ¢9§[filéiS6l§)5? 1. Lnrrgfalsu Cfigfrscb écb60’)6?JB'rLLlLl), mnflmgfilgggarm ugarruuggi Lnfpgnb ;_5sr7rrL'.élsafia)1 Ggfrgmw )_r,L_§g()eig)Lb, G?Log')urrr'rsa)e:Jfl®ei.|g,JLb 2. Lorr_r_F)l<;o sI'_|_senu LD[bg]Ll3 Loésasmoncm C3,5r‘r_e_r,si>s;cncrT pI_§,g1eJg,|Lb, C5.’Lofi)|_:rrr‘ras)s)Ju5i[)e)Jg1L'o (A) ' 1 Lm'_®ib (B) 2LDl.'_(lJ)Lb’ (o) 1 Lo_r_i)g)iLb 2 (D) ('SLD_r_i)£Ing5lu.l e‘rg,ieuLI5l6i)ar)vau Considerlthe following statements : ‘ _73“‘ Amendment of the Constitution has provided constitution sanction for 1 building a 3 tier structure of Panchayat Raj 2 reservation of seats for women _ . 3. withdrawal of the right of govts. to hold elections to the Panchayats _ 4 taking away the right of State Governments to give grants to the P-anchayats Which of these statements are correct?1 and 2 2, 3 and 4 (B) ' 1, 2and3' (C) (D) 1 and 4 filsisietlqyib anbgjsmm a:(§;_'r,§<.i) (elearreiraa. 7363151 amévluuei) §|Q§§,§, &I'_I_ ioGerrr;_I,rr a,'J]dlLIJQ)6lDLDl;ll_Cll6l) I5I6i1su®euenaJgi)g)1é;(95 mg) sums Qsu'Jgy5iTaTg,) 1. u(§'5arru.n§,g,) ${Ufld) 3 .;9(()s@5 Qpenmerim r.7g'pu®§,g.1aJg,) ‘I ' 2. Losselilqpeisasrrairr gent) @|_ §pg,(».=te§® I 3. ugsrruiggasrrm (§§r'r§,ena) ;_r,L_§;g,1Lb ._L,u§ls;rrr,rIi) c9{| IEf|'tEll$§§C;l|_LCl(f_}';‘f_I)§] flgubu C:lu,r_a)L.'.I1_i1'_L_§j 4. lnnfilai .;9u)'srrréJasré.Js;6iT u@s=rru_1§'5§;l'r_i)(5 arfisnm u[§lé;aaILlL_Ii_L1_.gJ 61Jl:.Ql‘li.|(§Ll3 @eu;i);f)l6i)erriluJrrerraar;i)g1 erg? _(A)- 1 LDQQJLI) 2 -7 V (B) 1, 2 LD!j]g)]Ll3 3 (C) 2, 3 Lofiygyib 4 (D) ' 1 LD[l')Q|Ll) 4 75 . GS17 [Turn over 198. I (C) 1985 l _(C) 3and4 . In which-yea1', the Lokpal Bill vlras not introduced in the parliament? (A). 1968_ ‘ . - (B) 1971 (D? 1978 £8161; '@g5lDIElL®dToi .;%e5'oT®a361’rle.i> Geonéaurreb LDGJ-lT§fT mfig G*_>__4,6o'UrLnrsi) C°11@(5oaalJu®§,g._r,I_'Ju t_@&l_sbmo)’? (A) 1968 - ~ (B) 1971 l I (C) 1985 ' (D) 1978 0 Which of the following institutions have been setup by Govt. of India to check misconduct, malpractices, corruption and misdemezlanouron the part of public servants? 1. Central IV/igilance Commission 2 Lokpal 3. Special Police Establishment 4 Central Bureau of Investigation ' Choose the correct answer by using the codes given below 2 (A) 2 and 3 _ _ ' ' (B) 1 and (I267 1,3and4_.A -' .g94Ij'&:;I uawfiaaefilgi) 1_Ism5fiL;r?lC36urIr‘fl6isr §@J[Dl'TGFl ;§I_§,<;m§, Lorr[prn'_|_Lb Gl5=u‘_1g3ei). arggeia. aSl,.f,l Lfigjeb Cglurreingj tum gmmrrém C>léFu_mi)a3@§é3a;rra; §1§5'sa36&u'r1__crrfi;§, sq6mD|L1I_;e365)e1T .9qI7&rrréJaaLb a9U®§$lUMTfiT§l7 _ 1. _Lo§,Qu_u u_;sn/a.°iLLlq.va'1) Cl6I.Ig]J|LlLJii'6u1 @=7Ic.Q6fi)61) qgbu®§_'r,g,g@.z§] (E-55661 Gle=u‘_ra.Ig,g ‘ c9{6iJLnrr6n1|_i(;\§,§161J§;/@@c.iJrra; (31.13.5115) 1 mega 11 mcgm “ (B) I, II own 111 Longs I, II LogbguLb IV LoL'_®Lb (D) II, III Lo;j)guLb IV Lm_'_C,\Lb 21 Feb. 1947 Committee to 15 Oct. 1949 - ' Drafting 26 Nov. 1950 ' ' appended 1. Submission of the report by the Drafting the Constituent Assembly ' 2. Acceptance of the proposal ‘ of l the Committee ' V - 3. Members of the Constituent Assembly their signature ' 24”‘ Jan. 1950 i . _ 4.. The Constitution was adopted Both (a) and (c) are wrong i ' (B) Both (a) and (d) are wrong Both (b) and (C) are wrong {Bil Both (c) and (d) are wrong =9HJ'§luJG\)GiDLDl;Jl_[ _r_F,lr'raszmuei; (§Q§a€il|_Lb*gimlei;soa5 21, L‘_II;ng6i.Ir‘?l 1947 1. . _ 4 .5=Lofr1S!e'5a;1L1LJf_I_§: 15, aé5(3|_In_Ir'r 1949 2. aigfiléaemea gmrrrflgg ggggafilsin &sQ5§g,1é;.-1;o'rr sjfiignés ' QaarreiTsrrIL1u1'_|_rrr'r " 26, LBGlJLbU|:|' 1950 3. giiqflmmmmuq filfimrms ggggefileirr aQu_'n§1szsrr'r_aaeir ' ¢°>1f)le‘3§6U)6:U£Il-Si) 6o5Quig5)§;f,l|'_L_rrr’r ‘ 24, gsursirfl 1950 - ‘ 4. .9iIIéIu.1eumLoLsL4 §Qpeu|;IuL'_I._§J (3) U3ID.'DJLb (C) 5&9! _ (B) (3) Wfifllllb (d) gneugal - (b)wmo1Lb(c)§»®JoI (D) (C) Loiboltb (<1) .5‘=‘J@J 77 . , ' G-S17 [Ttirn over