X-Diff: An Effective Change Detection Algorithm for XML Documents Yuan Wang David J. DeWitt Jin-Yi Cai University of Wisconsin – Madison, WI, U.S.A. {yuanwang, dewitt, cjy}@cs.wisc.edu ones are new. In the example below, although the order of the two books has changed, both of them are still available. Next, for each book that is still available, the change-detection tool will determine what information has been modified. Based on the data in Figure 1.1 and 1.2, it should notify the consumer that there are two fewer hours to submit a bid for both books. The current bid price of the Harry Porter book is $10 by Mark whose rating is 125, and the current bid price of the Tom Sawyer book is $4.50 and the bidder has not changed. Such a change-detection tool can also be very useful to a query system in at least two ways, • Incremental Query Evaluation. When a user has a standing query against a time-varying data source, a change-detection tool can provide the query engine the delta data on which the query will be re-evaluated. Thus, the user doesn’t receive old results and the query engine avoids repeated work. Since the delta data is usually much smaller than the original data, query evaluation will also be much faster. • Trigger Condition Evaluation. In a continuous query or trigger system [CDTW00], the condition of firing a trigger is often defined on a specific change to one or more data sources. The change detection tool can quickly report such changes, filtering out other changes. Abstract XML has become the de facto standard format for web publishing and data transportation. Since online information changes frequently, being able to quickly detect changes in XML documents is important to Internet query systems, search engines, and continuous query systems. Previous work in change detection on XML, or other hierarchically structured documents, used an ordered tree model, in which left-to-right order among siblings is important and it can affect the change result. This paper argues that an unordered model (only ancestor relationships are significant) is more suitable for most database applications. Using an unordered model, change detection is substantially harder than using the ordered model, but the change result that it generates is more accurate. This paper proposes X-Diff, an effective algorithm that integrates key XML structure characteristics with standard tree-to-tree correction techniques. The algorithm is analyzed and compared with XyDiff [CAM02], a published XML diff algorithm. An experimental evaluation on both algorithms is provided. 1. Introduction The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) [W3C] has been recognized as the de facto standard format for publishing and transporting documents on the web. Since online information changes frequently a tool is needed to detect such changes. In order to handle large volumes of changing documents this tool needs to work very efficiently. The following example illustrates the problem. Suppose a parent is interested in buying books for her children at an online auction site through a search engine that is equipped with such a tool. On the first visit she obtains a list of currently offered books and related information. Two hours later, the search engine retrieves updated data and uses the tool to figure out what has been changed during the past two hours. Part of the information received on the two visits is shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. As a first step, the change-detection tool will determine whether or not the two versions are identical. If not, it next tries to match each book segment in the old version with every one in the new version to determine which books are still available, which have been sold, and which This paper describes X-Diff, an algorithm for computing the differences between two versions of an XML document. The key features of this algorithm include: • XML Structure Information. An XML document is generally a hierarchically structured document, and can be represented in a tree structure. However, an XML document has other features that distinguish it from a general labeled tree. X-Diff introduces the notion of node signature and a new matching between the trees corresponding to the two versions of a document. Together, these two features are used to find the minimum-cost matching and generate a minimum-cost edit script that is capable of transforming the original version of the document to the new version. • Unordered Trees. Since XML documents can be represented as trees, the change detection problem is related to the problem of change detection on trees. Algorithms to compute the difference between trees 1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone The Adventures of Tom Sawyer J.K. Rowling Mark Twain Mike Sean 30 100 $5.00 $2.00 $8.50 $4.50 Tim Steve 5 25 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone The Adventures of Tom Sawyer J.K. Rowling Mark Twain Mike Sean 30 100 $5.00 $2.00 $10.00 $3.50 Mark Tim 5 125 Figure 1.1 A piece of auction data of old version Figure 1.2 A piece of auction data of new version formulates the problem and gives an overview of our approach. It defines the basic operations, edit scripts, cost model, node signature and matching. Section 4 presents the details of the X-Diff algorithm with complexity analysis. Section 5 gives some preliminary performance results. Section 6 summarizes our conclusions. can be divided into two categories depending on whether they deal with ordered or unordered trees. An ordered tree is one in which both the ancestor (parentchild) relationship and the left-to-right ordering among siblings are significant. An unordered tree is one in which only ancestor relationships are significant, while the left-to-right order among siblings is not significant. For database applications of XML the authors believe that the unordered tree model is more important. Thus, X-Diff is designed to handle unordered tree representations of XML documents. This is one major difference between our work and some earlier efforts in this area [CRGMW96, CE99, CAM02]. • High Performance. Change detection on unordered trees is substantially harder than that on ordered trees; Zhang et al. have shown it to be NP-Complete in general case [ZSS92]. By exploiting certain features of XML documents, a polynomial algorithm is presented to compute the “optimal” difference between two XML documents. An improvement is also proposed on the algorithm that achieves high efficiency while generating near-optimal result. 2. Related Work Most previous work in change detection has focused on computing differences between flat files. The GNU diff utility is probably the most famous one. This algorithm uses the LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) algorithm [Myers86] to compare two plain text files. CVS, another GNU utility, uses diff to detect differences between two versions of programs [CVS]. Chawathe et al. [CRGMW96] pointed out that the techniques employed by these two programs cannot be generalized to handle structured data because they do not understand the hierarchical structure information contained in such data sets. Typical hierarchically structured data, e.g. SGML and XML, place tags on each data segment to indicate context. Standard plain-text change-detection tools have problems matching data segments between two versions of data. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Related work is contained in Section 2. Section 3 2 The AT&T Internet Difference Engine [DB96, DBCK98] uses HtmlDiff [Berk] to determine the differences between two HTML pages. HtmlDiff treats two HTML pages as two sequences of tokens (a token is either a sentence-breaking markup or a sentence) and uses a weighted LCS algorithm [Hirs77] to find the best matching between the two sequences. This method cannot be applied to XML documents because markups in XML data provide context, and contents within different markups cannot be matched. Since XML documents can be represented as trees, it is a natural idea to utilize tree-to-tree correction techniques [Selk77, Tai79, HD82], to detect changes in XML documents. Zhang and Shasha proposed a fast algorithm to find the minimum cost editing distance between two ordered labeled trees [ZS89]. Given two ordered trees T1 and T2, in which each node has an associated label, their algorithm finds an optimal edit script in time O(|T1| × |T2| × min{depth(T1), leaves(T1)} × min{depth(T2), leaves(T2)}), which is the best known result for the general tree-to-tree correction problem. Chawathe et. al. [CRGMW96] formulated the change detection problem on hierarchically structured documents, and proposed an efficient algorithm based on the following key assumption: [MTU98] and reduces the size of the two trees by removing identical subtrees (i.e., ones with identical hash values). Second, it uses Zhang and Shasha's algorithm [ZS89] to generate the difference between the two simplified trees. While using DOMHash to filter out identical subtrees can reduce the size of the two trees, its use conflicts with the cost model employed by Zhang and Shasha’s algorithm. Thus, XMLTreeDiff may not generate an optimal result. Recently, Cobéna et al. [CAM02] proposed XyDiff, an algorithm for detecting changes in XML documents. The algorithm first computes a signature (i.e., hash value) and a weight (i.e., subtree size) for every node in both documents in a bottom-up fashion (the root nodes of the two documents end up with the largest weights). Next, starting with the root nodes of the two documents XyDiff compares the signatures of the two nodes. If they are equal, the two nodes are matched; otherwise, their child nodes will be inserted into a priority queue in which the subtrees with the largest weights are always compared first. Whenever XyDiff finds an exact match between two subtrees, it attempts to propagate the match to the respective parents of the two nodes with the weight of each subtree determining how many levels the matching is propagated. Whenever there is more than one potential candidate for matching, XyDiff uses a few simple heuristic rules to pick one in order to avoid having to perform a full evaluation of the alternatives. This algorithm achieves O(nlogn) complexity in execution time and generates fairly good results in many cases. However, XyDiff cannot guarantee any form of optimal or nearoptimal result because of the greedy rules used in the algorithm. In fact, Section 5 demonstrates that in many cases it will mismatch subtrees resulting in the generation of incorrect results. Both XMLTreeDiff and XyDiff focus on change detection for ordered trees. On the other hand, there are very few algorithms besides [CGM97] capable of handling unordered trees. Zhang et al. [ZSS92] proved that general unordered tree-to-tree correction problem is NP-complete. Zhang also proposed a polynomial-time algorithm based on a restriction that matching is only performed between nodes at the same level [Zha93]. As mentioned in the previous section, XML documents have more features than general labeled trees that can be exploited to pursue an efficient algorithm. Our X-Diff algorithm uses the notions of matching and editing distance, which are introduced in [ZS89]2, adding special criteria that apply to XML documents. Tararinov et. al. [TIHW01] proposed a set of primitive operations for modifying the structure and content of an XML document. The output of our algorithm can be easily adapted into such format. Given two labeled trees, T1 and T2, there is a “good” matching function compare, so that given any leaf s in T1, there is at most one leaf in T2 that is “close” enough to match s. This algorithm runs in time O(ne + e2), where n is the number of tree leaves and e is “weighted edit distance” (typically, e << n). This assumption holds well for many SGML documents that do not contain duplicate or similar objects, but it does not hold for many XML documents. For example, in the documents contained in Figure 1.1 and 1.2, there may be many users with the same rating, and many books that have the same bid price. In those cases, the algorithm is not guaranteed to generate the optimal result. Chawathe et. al. [CGM97] also presented a heuristic algorithm, MH-Diff, to detect change in unordered structured documents. MH-Diff is based on representing an edit script between two trees as an edge cover of a bipartite graph. They introduced new edit operators such as “subtree” copy and “subtree glue” in the algorithm. However, the worst case of algorithm is in O(n3), and the performance evaluation in the paper only tested very small documents (less than 250 nodes in a tree). XMLTreeDiff1 [CE99] computes the difference between two XML documents. First, it computes hash values for the nodes of both documents using DOMHash 1 2 Available at http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com. 3 The counterpart of “matching” in [ZS89, Zha93] is “mapping”. node of node y. • Delete(x) – delete a leaf node x. • Update(x, new_value) – change the value of a leaf node x to new_value. Note, x has to be either a text node or an attribute node. Update can only modify a node’s value, but not its name. Notice that all basic operations are defined on leaf nodes. For convenience, there are also two composite operations: • Insert(Tx, y) – insert a subtree Tx, which is rooted at node x, to node y. • Delete(Tx) – delete a subtree Tx, which is rooted at node x. Delete(x) can be used if there is no confusion. Both operations represent a list of basic operations respectively. The definition of these three operations is similar to that in [CRGMG96, CAM02] except: • For insertion, there is no need to specify which position among y’s child nodes to insert node x because X-Diff is dealing with unordered trees. • There are no “move” operations, which transfer a node or a subtree from one position to another. Many “move” operations are not necessary in the unordered tree model because the order among siblings is not important. Other “move” operations can be replaced by a combination of “delete” and “insert” operations. 3. Problem Overview and Preliminaries The change detection problem is formulated in this section. Section 3.1 describes the tree-structure representation of XML documents. It also explains why X-Diff focuses on change detection on unordered trees. The basic edit operations are defined in Section 3.2, and edit scripts are described in Section 3.3. These scripts consist of a list of basic editing operations, transforming one tree to another. Section 3.4 defines a cost model for edit scripts and the minimum-cost edit script. Section 3.5 introduces the notion of node signature that distinguishes nodes in an XML context. Node signature is used to define a new tree-to-tree matching. 3.1. Tree Representation of XML Documents In order to design an efficient algorithm to detect changes to XML documents, it is necessary to understand the hierarchical structure in XML. Based on the Document Object Model (DOM) specification [W+00], an XML document can be represented as a tree. This paper discusses three kinds of nodes in DOM tree3. • Element nodes – non-leaf nodes with one label, name. • Text nodes – leaf nodes with one label, value. • Attribute nodes – leaf nodes with two labels, name and value. According to the DOM specification, element nodes and text nodes are ordered, while attribute nodes are unordered. In many applications XML documents can be treated as unordered trees – only ancestor relationships are significant, while the left-to-right order among siblings is not significant. In the document showed by Figure 1.1 and 1.2, the order of two books is reversed, but this is not significant. In X-Diff, change detection is focused on unordered trees. Most ordered tree-to-tree correction approaches cannot be applied to unordered trees because their correctness generally depends on preserving the left-toright order when matching nodes. Two trees are termed isomorphic if they are identical except for the ordering of siblings. X-Diff considers two trees are equivalent if they are isomorphic. 3.3. Edit Scripts An edit script is a sequence of basic edit operations that convert one tree into another [CRGMG96]. Example 3.1 Consider the following trees T1 and T2 in Figure 3.1 (capital letters denote node name; Greek letters denote node value), the following edit script transforms T1 into T2: E(T1→T2) = Delete(5), Insert(5(B,λ), 3), Update(6,ω). 3.4. A General Cost Model for Edit Scripts Intuitively, given two trees, there can be many valid edit scripts capable of transforming one tree to the other. For instance, consider the following edit script E′ for the example in Figure 3.1: E′(T1→T2) = Update(5,λ), Delete(5), Insert(5(B,λ), 3), Update(6, ω). Apparently, E′ is not as good as E, so a standard cost model should be defined to evaluate alternative edit scripts to determine which one(s) is(are) best. The cost model will also affect the algorithm design. X-Diff uses a simple cost model. 3.2. Edit Operations This section defines three basic edit operations on DOM Trees. Definition 3.1 • Insert(x(name, value), y) – insert a node x, with node name “name” and node value “value”, as a leaf child 3 We ignore other types of nodes for simplicity purpose. 4 1 T1 1’ U 2 3 V 4 A (α) 2’ W B (β) 3’ W V 6 5 T2 U 4’ C (γ) 6’ 5’ A (α) B (λ) C (ω) Figure 3.1 An example for edit scripts node within a “Seller” node should not be matched to the “Name” node of a “Bidder” node. Here the node signature is defined as the first criterion for matching two nodes. Given a DOM tree T, let Root(T) denote the root of T. Given a node x in T, let Type(x) denote the node type of x, Name(x) denote the node name of x, and Value(x) denote the node value of x4. Definition 3.6 Suppose x is a node in a DOM tree T, Signature(x) = /Name(x1)/…/Name(xn)/Name(x)/Type(x), where x1 is the root of T, (x1, …, xn, x) is the path from root to x. If x is a text node, Signature(x) = /Name(x1)/… /Name(xn)/Type(x). The signature of a node is obtained by concatenating the names of all its ancestors with its own name and type5. X-Diff only matches nodes that have the same signature. Since all ancestor nodes are non-leaf nodes and non-leaf nodes must be element nodes, the types of ancestor nodes in the signature are not included. Next the notion of a matching is ready to be defined. Definition 3.7 A set of node pairs (x, y), M, is called a matching from T1 to T2, iff 1) (x, y) ∈ M, x ∈ T1, y ∈ T2, Signature(x) = Signature(y). 2) ∀ (x1, y1) ∈ M, and (x2, y2) ∈ M, x1 = x2 iff y1 = y2; (one-to-one) 3) M is prefix closed, i.e., given (x, y) ∈ M, suppose x’ is the parent of x, y’ is the parent of y, then (x’, y’) ∈ M. Clearly, M preserves ancestor relationships. Lemma 3.1 Suppose (x1, y1) ∈ M, (x2, y2) ∈ M, x1 is an ancestor of x2 iff y1 is an ancestor of y2. Criterion 3 prevents children being matched if their ancestors are not matched. This criterion reflects the integrity of XML segments. Lemma 3.2 M is a matching from T1 to T2, M = {} iff (Root(T1), Root(T2)) ∉ M. Criteria 1 and 3 represent the major differences between our definition of matching and that in [Zha93]. They Definition 3.2 Given an edit script E, Cost(E) = n, where E = O1 O2 … On and Oi is a basic edit operation defined in Definition 3.1. This definition can be easily extended by assigning different costs to different operations, which can also be applied to X-Diff. The authors believe the cost model above always accurately reflects real situations. Based on the definition of the cost of edit scripts, the minimum-cost edit script, or optimal edit script can be defined. Definition 3.3 E is an edit script that transforms tree T1 to T2. E is called a minimum-cost edit script, or an optimal edit script for (T1→T2) iff ∀ edit script E′ of (T1→T2), Cost(E′) ≥ Cost(E). Then the editing distance can also be defined. Let Dist(T1, T2) denote the editing distance from T1 to T2. Definition 3.4 Dist(T1, T2) = Cost(E), where E is a minimum-cost edit script for (T1→T2). Both minimum-cost edit script and editing distance can be defined on subtree pairs. Definition 3.5 E is an edit script that transforms subtree Tx to Ty. E is called a minimum-cost edit script for (Tx→Ty) iff ∀ edit script E′ for (Tx→Ty), Cost(E′) ≥ Cost(E); Dist(Tx, Ty) = Cost(E). 3.5.Node Signature and Minimum-Cost Matching In order to find the difference (generating an edit script) between two trees, a matching of corresponding nodes in the two trees should be found. Intuitively, it is not a good idea to try to match every node in the first tree to every node in the second tree because each node in XML has its own context. “Bad” matching will violate the context and cause unnecessary computation. For example, a “Title” node won’t match an “Author” node. Similarly, nodes with different node types are not matched – Text nodes should not be matched with Element nodes, or Attribute nodes. Notice it is not enough to compare node type and node name of two nodes to decide if they can be matched. For instance, the “Name” 4 A text node does not have a name. An element node does not have a value. 5 We use “/” as delimiter in the string of signature, similar as in Xpath [CD+99]. 5 reduce the matching space dramatically and make the algorithm efficient. Based on a matching M from T1 to T2, an edit script for (T1→T2) can be generated. Basically, X-Diff delete nodes in T1 that do not exist in M, insert nodes in T2 that do not exist in M, and update nodes that are in M but have different values. The complete algorithm is described in Section 4.5. The following theorem shows that a minimum-cost edit script can be generated from the best matching. Theorem 3.1 There is a matching M from T1 to T2, which generates a minimum-cost edit script for (T1→T2). M is called a minimum-cost matching from T1 to T2, denoted by Mmin(T1, T2). Before proving Theorem 3.1, two lemmas about editing distance should be given. Lemma 3.3 Suppose both x and y are leaf nodes, x ∈ T1, y ∈ T2; φ denotes null. 1) Dist(x, y) = 0 iff Signature(x) = Signature(y), Value(x) = Value(y) (identical); 2) Dist(x, y) = 1 iff Signature(x) = Signature(y), Value(x) ≠ Value(y) (update); 3) Dist(x, φ) = Dist(φ, y) = 1 (delete & insert). Lemma 3.4 Dist(Tx, φ) = Cost(Delete(Tx)); Dist(φ, Ty) = Cost(Insert(Ty)); Dist(Tx, Ty) = Dist(Tx, φ) + Dist(φ, Ty) iff Signature(x) ≠ Signature(y). A brief proof of Theorem 3.1 is given here. Proof: Mathematical induction is performed on the height of both trees. 1) height(T1) = height(T2) = 1, i.e., both T1 and T2 are a single node. Suppose T1 is node x, T2 is node y. According to Lemma 3.2, the minimum-cost matching is, Mmin(T1, T2) = {(x, y)} iff Signature(x) = Signature(y); otherwise Mmin(T1, T2) = {}. 2) Suppose the theorem is true when height(T1) = h1, height(T2) = h2, h1 ≥ 1, h2 ≥ 1. Consider height(T1) = h1+1, height(T2) = h2+1. ≠ Signature(Root(T2)). a) Signature(Root(T1)) According to Lemma 3.2, obviously Mmin(T1, T2) = {}; Dist(T1, T2) = Cost(Delete(T1), Insert(T2)). b) Signature(Root(T1)) = Signature(Root(T2)). Suppose x1, x2, …, xm are second-level nodes in T1, y1, y2, …, yn are second-level nodes in T2. ∀ xi and yj, there is a minimum-cost matching Mmin(Txi, Tyj) between Txi and Tyj, which editing distance is Dist(Txi, Tyj). Suppose W is a 1-1 (partial) bipartite mapping between (x1, x2, …, xm) and (y1, y2, …, yn), then Dist (T1 , T2 ) = min{ Dist (Txi , Ty j ) W + ∑ xi is unmapped M min (T1 , T2 ) = Dist (Txi , φ ) + ∑ M min (Txi , Ty j ) □ The Matching algorithm is described in Section 4.4. U {( Root (T1 ), Root (T2 ))} 4. Change Detection with X-Diff The X-Diff algorithm is introduced in this section. Section 4.1 describes the overall algorithm which consists of several phases, which are discussed in detail in the Sections 4.2 through 4.4. Section 4.5 analyzes the algorithm and estimates its time complexity. Section 4.6 presents a variant of the algorithm with improved performance but which does not guarantee an optimal result. 4.1. Outline of the X-Diff Algorithm Given two XML documents, DOC1 and DOC2, T1 and T2 are their Tree representations. X-Diff determines if DOC2 is different from DOC1 based on the unordered model. If so, X-Diff finds a minimum-cost matching from T1 to T2, and generates a minimum-cost edit script for (T1→T2). There are several steps in X-Diff as shown in Figure 4.1: 1. Parsing and Hashing X-Diff parses DOC1 and DOC2 into XTrees T1 and T2. During the parsing process, XDiff will compute an XHash value for every node, which is used to represent the entire subtree rooted at the node. 2. Matching First, X-Diff compares XHash values of Root(T1) and Root(T2). T1 and T2 are considered equivalent if two XHash values are equal; otherwise, X-Diff finds Mmin(T1,T2), a minimum-cost matching between two trees. 3. Generating Minimum-Cost Edit Script X-Diff generates a minimum-cost edit script E for (T1→T2), based on the Mmin(T1, T2) found in Step 2. Input: (DOC1, DOC2) /* Parsing and Hashing. */ Parse DOC1 to T1 and hash T1; Parse DOC2 to T2 and hash T2; /* Checking and Filtering. */ If ( XHash (Root(T1)) = XHash (Root(T2)) ) DOC1 and DOC2 are equivalent, stop. else Do Matchng – Find a minimum-cost matching Mmin(T1, T2) from T1 to T2. /* Generating minimum-cost edit script */ Do EditScript – Generate the minimum-cost edit script E from Mmin(T1, T2). ∑ ( xi , y j )∈W U ( xi , y j )∈Wmin Dist (φ , Ty j )} y j is unmapped i.e., if Wmin is a minimum-cost bipartite mapping between (x1, x2, …, xm) and (y1, y2, …, yn), Figure 4.1 Outline of X-Diff Algorithm 6 with extremely high probability6. Since many XML documents are only slightly modified between versions, this step will reduce the tree size effectively, avoiding unnecessary computations in subsequent phases of the algorithm. Second, the algorithm computes the editing distance for each of the remaining subtree pairs and obtains minimum-cost matchings between subtrees. Finally, it computes the editing distance between T1 and T2, and obtains the minimum-cost matching Mmin(T1, T2). On each level the XHash values of the child nodes are used to filter out equivalent subtrees in order to reduce the matching space. In the Matching algorithm, dynamic programming is used to compute Dist(T1, T2). It starts computing the editing distance from leaf node pairs and move upward. The editing distance between two leaf nodes or two subtrees, associated with their minimum-cost matching, is stored in a Distance Table, which is available after computing the editing distance between subtrees that are rooted at their parent nodes. When computing the editing distance between subtrees, the Matching algorithm uses the minimum-cost maximum flow algorithm [Tar83, Zha93] to find the minimum-cost bipartite mapping (recall the proof for Theorem 3.1). Notice that Theorem 3.1 shows that X-Diff only needs to compute the editing distance between nodes that have the same signature. This is critical to this algorithm because it reduces the mapping space significantly and helps our algorithm achieve polynomial time in complexity. Otherwise, X-Diff would have to compute editing distance between all possible node pairs, which has been proven to be NP-Complete [ZSS92]. 4.2. Parsing and Hashing This step is the preprocessing step in X-Diff. Two input XML documents, DOC1 and DOC2, are parsed into two Xtrees first. An Xtree provides a subset of the interface provided by a DOM tree, and they are more efficient than a DOM tree. During the parsing process, X-Diff uses a special hash function, XHash, to compute a hash value for every node on both trees. Similar to DOMHash [MTU98], the XHash value of a node represents the entire subtree rooted at this node. The difference is that DOMHash is used fro the ordered tree model, while XHash is for the unordered tree model so that two isomorphic trees should have the same XHash value. 4.3. Matching The algorithm Matching is used in this step, shown in Figure 4.2, to find a minimum-cost matching between T1 and T2. Section 3.5 has proved that the minimum-cost matching can be found by computing the editing distance between T1 and T2, which is the core of Matching. To find a minimum-cost matching between T1 and T2, first the algorithm filters out equivalent subtrees between two root nodes by comparing the XHash values of secondlevel child nodes. Subtrees with identical XHash values can be considered to be equivalent because this is true Input: Tree T1 and T2. Output: a minimum-cost matching Mmin(T1, T2). Initialize: set initial working sets N1 = {all leaf nodes in T1}, N2 = {all leaf nodes in T2}. Set the Distance Table DT = {}. /* Step 1: Reduce matching space */ Filter out next-level subtrees that have equal XHash values. /* Step 2: compute editing distance for (T1 → T2) */ DO { For every node x in N1 For every node y in N2 If Signature(x) = Signature(y) Compute Dist(x, y); Save matching (x, y) with Dist(x, y) in DT. Set N1 = {parent nodes of previous nodes in N1}; N2 = {parent nodes of previous nodes in N2}. } While (both N1 and N2 are not empty). /* Step 3: mark matchings on T1 and T2. */ Set Mmin(T1, T2) = {} If Signature(Root(T1)) ≠ Signature(Root(T2)) Return; /* Mmin(T1, T2) = {}*/ Else Add (Root(T1), Root(T2)) to Mmin(T1, T2). For every non-leaf node mapping (x, y) ∈ Mmin(T1, T2) Retrieve matchings between their child nodes that are stored in DT. Add child node matchings into Mmin(T1, T2). Figure 4.2 4.4. Generating Minimum Cost Edit Script In this phase, X-Diff generates a minimum-cost edit script based on the minimum-cost matching found in the previous phase. This generation procedure is performed recursively from roots to leaves, shown in Figure 4.3. 4.5. Algorithm Analysis This section briefly analyzes the complexity of our algorithm. First the complexity of each step in the algorithm is estimated. |T1| and |T2| denote the number of nodes in T1 and T2. 1. Parsing and Hashing The time to parse two documents and construct trees is O(| T1 | + | T2 |) . Hashing is performed during parsing. Since the child node XHash values must be sorted before computing parent node 6 A full tree-to-tree comparison may be performed here to double-check the equivalence between two subtrees. The cost of this test is linear to the number of nodes in the subtrees. Matching Algorithm 7 Suppose there are M common non-leaf signatures between T1 and T2, denoted by S1 to SM. N1k and N2k are the number of nodes in T1 and T2 whose signature is Sk. xki and ykj denote nodes whose signature is Sk. The cost of computing the editing distance for all non-leaf node pairs is bounded by Input: Tree T1 and T2, a minimum-cost matching Mmin(T1, T2), the distance table DT. Output: an edit script E. Initialize: set E = Null; x = Root(T1), y = Root(T2). If (x, y) ∉ Mmin(T1, T2) /* Subtree deletion and insertion */ Return “Delete(T1), Insert(T2)”. Else if Dist(T1, T2) = 0 Return “”; Else { For every node pair (xi , yj) ∈ Mmin(T1, T2), xi is a child node of x, yj is a child node of y. If xi and yj are leaf nodes If Dist(xi, yj) = 0 Return “”; Else /* Update leaf node */ Add Update(xi , Value(yj)) to E; Else /* Call subtree matching */ Add EditScript(Txi, Tyj) to E; Return E; For every node xi not in Mmin(T1, T2) Add “Delete(Txi)” to E; For every node yj not in Mmin(T1, T2) Add “Insert(Tyj )” to E; Return E. } M N1k N 2 k ∑∑∑{O(deg( x ki ) × deg( ykj ) × max{deg( xki ), deg( ykj )} k =1 i =1 j =1 (3) Let deg(T1) and deg(T2) denote the maximum outdegree in T1 and T2, then M (3) ≤ N1 k N 2 k ∑∑∑ {O(deg( x ki ) × deg( y kj ) × max{deg(T1 ), deg(T2 )} k =1 i =1 j =1 M Since × log 2 (max{deg(T1 ), deg(T2 )})) N1 k ∑∑ deg( x ki ) k =1 i =1 M < | T1 | and (4) N2k ∑∑ deg( y kj ) < | T2 | , k =1 j =1 (4) ≤ O(| T1 | × | T2 | × max{deg(T1 ), deg(T2 )} × log 2 (max{deg(T1 ), deg(T2 )})) (5) Combining (1) and (5), the complexity of this step is bounded by: O(| T1 | × | T2 | × max{deg(T1 ), deg(T2 )} × Figure 4.3 EditScript Algorithm XHash values, the upper bound for the complexity of this step is O(| T1 | × log(| T1 |) + | T2 | × log(| T2 |)) . 2. Mapping As described in Section 4.3, in this step, the editing distance between every node pair (x, y) (where x ∈ T1, y ∈ T2, Signature(x) = Signature(y)) is computed, from leaf nodes to roots. Here the complexity of this step in the worst case is analyzed, in which X-Diff cannot filter out any equivalent subtrees by comparing their XHash values although this is very unlikely to happen. The minimum-cost matching from T1 to T2 is obtained when the editing distance between the two root nodes is found. The complexity of this step can be estimated by dividing it into two parts, leaf nodes matching and non-leaf nodes matching. First consider leaf nodes matching. According to Lemma 4.3, the cost of computing the editing distance between two leaf nodes is O(1). So the cost of computing the editing distance for all leaf node pairs is bounded by O(| T1 | × | T2 |) (1) Second, consider non-leaf nodes matching. According to Lemma 4.2, the editing distance of each non-leaf node pair (x, y) (where x ∈ T1, y ∈ T2, Signature(x) = Signature(y)) is obtained by finding a minimum-cost matching between their child nodes. Let deg(x) denote the out-degree of node x, i.e., the number of its child nodes. The cost of computing editing distance between x and y is bounded by Ο( deg( x) × deg( y ) × max{deg( x), deg( y )} × log 2 (max{deg( x ), deg( y )})) × log 2 (max{deg( xki ), deg( ykj )}))} log 2 (max{deg(T1 ), deg(T2 )})) (6) 3. Generating Minimum-Cost Edit Scrip The minimumcost edit script is generated recursively by traversing all nodes once in T1 and T2. The time complexity is O(| T1 | + | T2 |) . The running time in step 3 is the most significant of all steps, so the complexity of our algorithm is the complexity of step3, shown by (6). 4.6. Performance Improvement The primary focus of the X-Diff algorithm is to compute and generate the best possible difference between two XML documents. The previous section has demonstrated that X-Diff has a polynomial running time. In some cases, however, this may not satisfy users’ needs. Assume, for example, that the document shown in Figure 1.1 contains 10,000 books and that each hour 1,000 elements are changed. In order to compute the optimal difference between the two versions of the document, X-Diff must compute the minimum editing distance between every updated element in the old and new versions, which means that it needs to compute the editing distance for 1 million pairs of nodes. While X-Diff guarantees to generate the best difference result, some users may be willing to sacrifice some degree of accuracy in exchange for improved response time. This section discusses an approach for improving X-Diff’s response time. [Zha93] (2) 8 X-Diff is implemented in C++8, using Xerces C++ XML parser v1.4.0, the same parser used by the XyDiff9 algorithms. Both programs read in two versions of an XML document and generate the difference. All following experiments were performed on a Pentium® III 550 MHz PC with 256 MB memory. The operating System is RedHat® Linux 6.2. The Actors data set10 is used, whose DTD is shown in Figure 5.1. The size of the documents used in our experiments ranges from 10 KB to 1MB. A program generates all three types of changes, “insert”, “delete”, and “update”, randomly at each level. The program takes a parameter, the percentage of nodes being changed. All changes are equally distributed in half of the elements. The motivation is to speed up X-Diff without reducing the result quality significantly. The authors believe that generally when people attempt to compute the difference between two versions of a document, the two documents will not be significantly different. In the example above, except for recently inserted or deleted books, most elements are likely to have been only slightly changed, such as the bidder’s name, or the bidding price. That suggests that for every updated element in one document, it is very likely to find one and only one “good” match for the element in the other document. Thus, the editing distance between this element (subtree) and its “good” match is very likely to be significantly less than the editing distance between it and all the other elements. As a result, when computing the editing distance for an element, as soon as one such match is found, both nodes can be immediately matched and there is no need to consider any other matchings for these two nodes. A natural idea is to use a threshold value to decide whether or not two nodes are a “good” match. Obviously, a good threshold should not be a static value across documents or even different levels within a document. If the threshold is too high, it tends to mismatch elements. On the other hand, if the threshold is too low, it cannot locate good matches and avoid a full evaluation. Our solution is to use sampling to calculate this threshold whenever there are more than a couple of updated nodes in the two documents. At each level when computing the editing distance for node pairs, first a small number7 of nodes are randomly selected from the first document. Second, for each node in this sample the algorithm computes the editing distance between this node and every candidate in the other document and finds the smallest value, which represents the best match for this node. Then the threshold value is calculated as the average of the editing distances obtained by sampling. Section 5 demonstrates that the improved X-Diff algorithm runs much faster than the optimal X-Diff algorithm while still generating the optimal results in most cases. Figure 5.1 DTD of Actors data set Notice that XyDiff uses the ordered tree model. In order to provide a fair comparison, our change generator does not permute the order of any nodes; otherwise, it would bias the results in favor of the X-Diff algorithm. 5.2. Execution Time First, we evaluate the execution time of the three algorithms, X-Diff, the improved X-Diff (represented by X-Diff+) and XyDiff on documents of different sizes. In Figure 5.1, 1% of the nodes are modified. In Figure 5.2, 5% of then nodes are changed. Both figures show that X-Diff performs well on smalland medium-size documents. However, due to the complexity of the algorithm, its execution time is fairly long when the two input files are large. On the other hand, XyDiff is very efficient in that its running time is almost linear in the size of the document. Notice, however, while the improved X-Diff algorithm is still slower than XyDiff, it is much faster than the original X-Diff algorithm as using a threshold value obtained by sampling avoids unnecessary comparisons. Notice also that the absolute execution time of the two X-Diff algorithms does not increase significantly when the percentage of changed 5. Performance Evaluation This section examines the performance of both the optimal X-Diff algorithm and the improved X-Diff algorithm. Both algorithms are compared to XyDiff by showing some preliminary results on their running time and result quality. 5.1. Experimental Settings and Testing Dataset 8 7 According to the large number / central limit theory, “safe” number if there are n nodes [Fel71]. Both C++ and Java version of X-Diff are available at http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~yuanwang/xdiff.html. 9 http://www-rocq.inria.fr/~cobena/XyDiffWeb/. 10 http://www.cs.wisc.edu/niagara/data.html. n is a 9 3 1000.000 Execution Time (s) 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 10 XyDiff Ratios of the diff result vs. the optimal resul X-Dif f X-Dif f + XyDiff 100 X-Diff+ 2 1 0 0 1000 10 Size of input documents (KB) Figure 5.2 Execution time on 1% change Figure 5.4 Quality of diff result (1) 6 1,000.0 XyDiff Ratios of the diff result vs. the optimal resul X-Diff X-Diff+ XyDiff 100.0 Execution Time (s) 20 Change ratio (%) 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 10 100 5 X-Diff+ 4 3 2 1 0 0 1,000 10 Size of input documents (KB) Figure 5.5 Quality of diff result (2) Figure 5.3 Execution time on 5% change nodes increases from 1% to 5% (Figure 5.3 vs. Figure 5.2). This is consistent with our complexity analysis which demonstrated that the execution time of the algorithm depends primarily on the total number of nodes and not the number of changed nodes. Mike Johnson movie1 movie2 movie3 Mike Goodman movie1 movie2 movie3 Document #1 20 Change ratio (%) 5.2. Result Quality In the next set of tests the result quality of each algorithm is compared. Since the original X-Diff algorithm was shown to always find the optimal difference in Section 3 (and it does!), Only the improved X-Diff algorithm and XyDiff algorithm are compared. Mike Johnson movie4 movie2 movie3 Bill Goodman movie1 movie2 movie3 Document #2 Figure 5.6 Two sample documents 10 1 Tree T1 Actors 2 15 Actor Actor 3 8 Name 4 FirstName LastName 5 Title 7 Mike Johnson 13 Title 21 Name 11 9 6 16 Movies 17 FirstName Title 10 12 14 movie1 movie2 movie3 LastName 18 Title 20 Goodman Mike 26 24 22 19 Movies Title Title 23 25 27 movie1 movie2 movie3 1 Tree T2 Actors 2 15 Actor Actor 3 8 Name 4 9 6 FirstName 5 LastName 7 Mike Johnson Title 16 13 11 Title 21 Name Movies Title 10 12 14 movie4 movie2 movie3 17 22 19 FirstName 18 LastName 20 Bill Goodman Title Movies 26 24 Title Title 23 25 27 movie1 movie2 movie3 Figure 5.7 Tree representation for both documents in Figure5.6 First one hundred 50KB documents are constructed in E′(T1→T2) = Move(16, 2, 1)11, Move(3, 15, 1), which elements are randomly selected from the base data Update(18, Bill), Update(10, movie4), Move(2, 1, 2). set used in the previous experiments. Then a series of new This is because XyDiff matches the element versions for each document was generated by varying the of Mike Johnson to the Bill Goodman’s when it finds both change ratio. X-Diff+ and XyDiff were run to compare the subtrees are identical, although it is not a good match original version of the document with each of the new from the higher-level’s point of view. In this type of versions to obtain a series of differences for each situation, no matter if the match is propagated to the upper algorithm. The results of each diff operation were then level or not, it will generate a much longer difference than compared to the results obtained using the original X-Diff the optimal result. algorithm and the ratio plotted in Figure 5.4. The In fact, the above example illustrates that when there improved X-Diff algorithm almost always finds out the are many small identical elements in both documents, optimal difference until the change ratio reaches 18% XyDiff is likely to generate a significantly larger diff where its result is very close to the optimal difference. On result than the optimal result. On the other hand, although the other hand, the result generated by XyDiff is generally X-Diff+ also uses a heuristic matching method, threshold about 50% worse than the optimal result. matching, its top-down fashion avoids aggressive One of the reasons that XyDiff generates non-optimal matching on small elements. Notice that the example is results is that it has a tendency to mismatch nodes when not that unusual. Considering the motivating example guided by its greedy matching rules. For example, two shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2, different books may have simple documents are illustrated in Figure 5.6, and the the same author, or the same publisher, or even the same tree representation of both documents is shown in Figure price, etc. 5.7. The difference between the two documents is The next experiment is to demonstrate this difference displayed in bold font. The editing list computed by both between X-Diff/X-Diff+ and XyDiff. Similar to the X-Diff and X-Diff+ is, 11 E(T1→T2) = Update(10, movie4), Update(18, Bill). This operation means “move the subtree rooted at node 16 to However, the diff result generated by XyDiff is, be a child of node 2 at position 1”. 11 [CD+99] J. Clark, S. DeRose, et al., “XML Path Language (Xpath) Version 1.0”, November 1999, http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116. [CE99] Curbera, D. A. Epstein, “Fast Difference and Update of XML Documents”, XTech’99, San Jose, March 1999. [CGM97] S. Chawathe, H. 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A series of new versions for each document are also randomly generated and fed to both XDiff+ and XyDiff. Figure 5.5 shows the ratios of the diff results of both algorithms compared to the optimal result. X-Diff+ generates significantly shorter diff results than XyDiff. 6. Conclusions X-Diff is motivated by the problem of efficiently detecting changes to XML documents on the web. Previous work in change detection on XML or other hierarchically structured data [CRGMW96, CE99] used the ordered-tree model. In this paper, we argue that using the unordered-tree model is more suitable for most database and web applications, although it is substantially harder than using the ordered-tree model. The paper studies the XML domain characteristics and introduces several key notions, such as node signature, and XHash. Using these techniques in combination with standard treeto-tree correction techniques [Zha93], this paper proposes X-Diff, an efficient algorithm for computing the optimal difference between two versions of an XML document. We present and analyze the algorithm, and also propose an improved X-Diff algorithm that runs much faster than the original algorithm while still generating at least nearoptimal results. A preliminary performance evaluation of our algorithms is presented, compared with XyDiff [CAM02]. The experiments show that the improved XDiff algorithm generally generates more accurate results than XyDiff does, although it runs slower than XyDiff. It is suitable for the situations that users want to get more accurate results. 7. Acknowledgement We would thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. We also appreciate all X-Diff users for comments and bug reports. Yuan Wang and David J. DeWitt are supported by the NSF under grant number ITR 0086002. Jin-Yi Cai is supported by NSF CCR-9820806 and Guggenheim Fellowship. 8. References [Berk] E. Berk, “HtmlDiff: A Differencing Tool for HTML Student Project, Princeton University, Documents”, http://www.htmldiff.com. [CAM02] G. Cobéna, S. Abiteboul, A. Marian, “Detecting Changes in XML Documents”, The 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, February, 2002. 12