LibreOffice: Hermenutical keys to a complex code-base Michael Meeks mmeeks,#libreoffice-dev, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls...” - Jeremiah 6:16 1 Overview / Agenda … Chunk #1 Codebase overview Internal core modules, internal leaf, (ignore externals) Build + package: gnumake + scp2 Code organisation / git bits Bear in mind: this is a 20 year old code-base The code-base is no worse than can be expected, and things are improving significantly over time. 2 Overview / Agenda … Chunk #2 System abstractions, basic types sal / tools strings, translations Rendering / GUI pieces Vcl Widget layout / old-style dialogs Main-loop & thread / locking Images basebmp, basegfx, canvas, cppcanvas, drawinglayer 3 Overview / Agenda … Chunk #3 UNO design / concepts / ongoing work components as scattered shlibs / .component service constructors / activation old+new configmgr – configuration New style config accessors, and old-style bulk settings wrappers Framework / sfx2 SIDs, uiconfig, load/save, SfxItemSets etc. 4 Chunk #1 – the lowest levels Module overview – lowest level Internal non-leaf modules: UNO modules Top-level directory names. make dump-deps-png # needs graphviz Each module has a README file: eg. sal/README sal: - at the bottom The system abstraction layer 'tools' is an obsolete internal ~duplication of this module salhelper: - wrapper code around sal – also part of URE 7 What is the Uno Runtime Environment (URE) We'll come onto UNO later in detail but … for now: “Uno Runtime Environment” cf. JRE → Java Runtime Env. Belongs to the pipe-dream of a world where UNO was re-used by other applications. Provides an ABI / API stable abstraction layer for the suite So you can write C++ plugins For desktop platforms: Installed in a different place: ure/ vs. program/ URE 8 UNO module dissection store: obsolete & irrelevant. registry: used to keep interface descriptions unoidl: used to create / compile interface descriptions: an IDL compiler. cppu: C++ UNO Implements basic UNO types, and infrastructure for C++ xmlreader: very simple XML pull parser cppuhelper: luggage to bootstrap UNO, create UNO components etc. 9 More associated modules ucbhelper – Universal Content Broker (ucb) C++ wrapper / helper classes ucb - Provides an unusual Virtual Filing System abstraction i18nlangtag: – complicated way of handling BCP47: a powerful way to represent subtle language / locales jvmfwk: Java / UNO integration comphelper: lots of good C++ stuff for using UNO – not stable enough to go into the URE 10 Module overview – middle level More associated modules basegfx – algorithms / graphic types etc. for basic graphics. tools: – more basic types: SvStream – internal stream type vs. UCB vs. sal/ file pieces. Color COL_RED etc. INetURLObject – canonical URL handling SolarMutex Resources, translation Polygon / PolyPolygon Date / Time classes A total grab-bag of things 12 Unit testing pieces: cppunit: - ~all our tests are ultimately cppunit tests though this is an external module. unotest: low level testing of simpler / UNO infrastructural pieces. Bootstrap UNO enough to be able to test filters, components etc. All of that requires types / services, configuration etc. test: helpers for testing standard interfaces, more advanced tests: brings UCB bootstrap (for streams), VCL initialization, graphic filter pieces etc. 13 Other non-graphical bits ... i18nutil: - 'honest C++ code' wrapping UNO l10n madness eg. 'bool isUpper (sal_Unicode c);' unotools: - C++ helpers for using UCB eg. SvStream *CreateStream( OUString &rPath); Misc. font & config handling sot: - handles OLE2 / compound file storage for binary documents svl: - non-graphical (no VCL dependency) pieces originally from svtools/ or sfx/ eg. SfxItemSet – the key C++ property-bag class Undo/Redo, and more ... 'tools' but higher up ... 14 Graphical / toolkit pieces ... basebmp: - the vcl rendering model implemented as pixelbashing (using vigra + basegfx) vcl: - Visual Class Libraries – the LibreOffice graphical toolkit, on this – more later. toolkit: - a particularly thin & horrible UNO API wrapper with Model/View flavour on top of vcl. canvas: - alpha transparent, antialiased UNO rendering API – more modern rendering than VCL, primarily used by slideshow DirectX, Cairo & VCL impls. cppcanvas: - C++ wrappers to make using the canvas less bad. 15 Non-Graphical grab-bag ... basic: - the StarBasic parser / interpreter & run-time. xmlscript: XML serialisation of (orrible) basic dialogs which wrap the toolkit pieces for in-document scripting / macro dialogs. connectivity: - UNO implemented database drivers for all manner of backends: Postgresql, MySQL, Mozilla addressbook, Evolution, JDBC, ODBC etc. etc. sax: - wrapper of libxml2 – providing an UNO sax API for parsing XML files, and an XFastParser for tokenising them. 16 Graphical grab-bag svtools: - lots of pieces tree / list controls table control dialog helpers accessibility helpers options wrappers print dialogs filedialog helpers imagemaps wizard helpers etc. 17 Module overview – upper level Document / Chrome pieces ... framework: - manages docking, toolbars, menus, status bar, sidebars, task-panes 'new' (over-engineered) code with heavy UNO logic sfx2: - works closely with framework, core of the app. load / save logic: SfxMedium manage views on top of framework 'Help' pieces, quick-starter, Dialog helpers: tab dialogs Document meta-data dialogs Template management Shared style pieces. 19 Miscellaneous pieces formula: - nominally shared code extracted from calc (sc) for use in reportdesign avmedia: - Audio / Video media – multimedia abstraction over DirectX, quicktime, gstreamer linguistic: - implements UNO services for spell / hyphenator & thesaurus. xmlsecurity: - XML document encryption and signing used for ODF. vbahelper: - helper code for implementing VBA / macro interoperability with MS Office 20 Load / save / filter logic ... package: - ZIP file compress / decompress, also handles manifest files in the .zip with UNO stream / storage interfaces xmloff: - ODF file filters and helpers to load / save our model to/from ODF. Often working in conjunction with eg. sw/source/filter/xml/ filter: - meta-data to manage, register and auto-detect filters Also flat-ODF, XSLT filters, graphic filters, flash + svg export & more. oox: - shared MS Office Open XML (import) filter pieces. 21 Applications ... desktop: - legacy name, StarOffice 5 had a 'desktop' complete with 'Start' menu etc. here lives the real 'main' desktop/source/app/app.cxx sd: - Star Draw ( Impress ) Drawings + Presentations sw: - 'Star Writer' Word processor sc: - Star Calc Spreadsheet 22 Caveats: this is a simplified picture That was just the non-leaf nodes. This is a linking dependency graph UNO component use is hard to graph / grok. fundamentally a dependency breaking technology. other important bits: cui: - a big bag of dialogs – split to avoid loading ucb: - Universal Content Broker chart2: - embedded chart rendering and model slideshow:- the piece that renders your slideshow. solenv:- where the build infrastructure lives. 23 Build + Package Build: configure etc. autoconf / configure reasonably sane – a wrapper around autotools builds & runs configure script etc. keep your parameters in autogen.input Builds: from This contains all the variables we need. config_host/*.h – from templates containing the build configuration. 25 Build: gnumake ... gnumake used in some odd ways code is in solenv/gbuild/ Each module has it's own Makefile You can build each independently after a full-build. All rules are built by $(call Function,...) magic, we don't use generic / built-in rules. => if something is compiled – we have an explicit rule for it (somewhere) 26 Build: output ... We build into several places solver//lib/ The legacy location – 'solver' was a big bundle of stuff distributed via NFS inside StarDivision in the olden-days workdir//LinkTarget gnumake builds here and copies to solver instdir// We're migrating to this: a tree constructed to look like our install ie. build an install image at compile. 27 Build/Install: packaging that instsetoo_native/ [ install-set-oo-native ] or make dev-install Both use: solenv/bin/ This operates on the output of: scp2 scp2 – is C pre-processed install rules is a giant perl-script builds MSI files on Windows, installs on Unix. Android/iOS have a different flow. 28 Finally – key modules in build... postprocess packimages/ Using solenv/bin/ – build icon theme .zip and sort it by access pattern Build configuration files from officecfg/ Build services.rdb file from .components officecfg/ Home of all defaults / office configuration / settings 29 Internal module organisation ... include/ All global includes live in include// sfx2/inc - includes local to module source/* - source code for module source/inc/ - other includes local to module uiconfig/ - new-style XML UI descriptions sdi/ - descriptions of slots / actions qa/ - unit tests, test file data etc. Lots of things moved over time: git log -u --follow -- include/sfx2/new.hxx 30 Questions / conclusions Are you still alive ? That was very dense and high-level Hopefully it's useful. We have a lot of modules You can safely not know about the vast majority of them. 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