Events Schema v4 April 9, 2009 1 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 Schema ........................................................................................................................... 4 events.internal_export_table ..................................................... 4 events.export_csv_view ............................................................ 5 events.export_xml_view ........................................................... 6 events.export (for backward compatibility only) ...................... 6 CSV Format..................................................................................................................... 7 XML Format for Hosts ..................................................................................................... 7 XML Format for Ports ...................................................................................................... 8 XML Format for Notifications........................................................................................... 8 XML Format for Attributes ............................................................................................... 8 Additional Notes on the XML Format .............................................................................. 8 Using entry_id to poll for events ...................................................................................... 9 2 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 Introduction This document describes the format of events exported by Riverbed Cascade Profiler. This version of the schema applies to Profiler versions 7.5.1 and later. When an event is first generated by the Profiler, a new entry called the “start” row is inserted into the events.internal_export_table table. This has a start_time field with a UNIX epoch timestamp corresponding to when the event activity began on the network. The event is written to the table shortly after. So the start_time does not correspond exactly to the time at which the first entry is written to the table. The end_time is set to null in this entry. When the event expires, another entry called the “end” row with the same event identifier (eid) is entered into the export table. This row has the end_time set. The end_time represents the end of the event activity in the network and does not correspond exactly to when the event is written to the export table. This is because event expiry is determined based on the lack of event activity for a timeout period. Each entry has a unique entry_id field. Note that entry_id is unavailable in prior versions (v3, Profiler versions 7.4, 7.5). The entry_id provides a way to query for expired and ongoing events periodically, without skipping any events. This method is described in the section titled “Using entry_id to poll for events”. The end row’s contents may differ from the start row since it records the state of the event on expiration. Each field records the most recent value or an updated list. There are three views into the internal export table. 1. events.export_csv_view provides data in CSV format 2. events.export_xml_view provides data in XML format 3. events.export is backward (Profiler version 7.4, 7.5) compatible schema The schema version is stored in events.export_version. mazu=# select * from events.export_version; major | minor -------+------4 | 0 (1 row) 3 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 The events.export_types table lists the integer type and name of each exported event. Profiler versions prior to 8.2 export the following event types. mazu=# select * from events.export_types; type | name ------+----------------------0 | DOS/Bandwidth Surge 1 | Worm 2 | Host Scan 3 | Port Scan 4 | Suspicious Connection 5 | New Host 9 | New Server Port 11 | Rule Based Event (8 rows) Profiler versions 8.2 and above export the following event types. mazu=# select * from events.export_types; type | name ------+-------------------------0 | DOS/Bandwidth Surge 1 | Worm 2 | Host Scan 3 | Port Scan 4 | Suspicious Connection 5 | New Host 9 | New Server Port 11 | Rule Based Event 17 | Application Availability 18 | Link Congestion 19 | Link Outage 20 | Application Performance (12 rows) Events are periodically deleted from core database tables when the total number of events in the system reaches a limit (currently 10000). Whenever an event is removed from the core tables, it is also removed from the export tables. Schema events.internal_export_table Use this table if you need a combination of CSV and XML fields For events that are specified by rules, the event_description provides the name of the rule along with the event type name as TYPE_NAME, "RULE_NAME" in CSV; for others it is simply TYPE_NAME. 4 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 The recorded_count fields give the size of the corresponding CSV list. CREATE TABLE events.internal_export_table ( entry_id INT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('events.export_entry_seq'), eid INT, event_description TEXT, type INT CHECK (type >= 0), severity INT CHECK (severity >= 0 AND severity < 101), alert_level INT CHECK (alert_level >= 0 AND alert_level < 4), src_actual_count INT, src_recorded_count INT, src_ip_csv TEXT, src_mac_csv TEXT, -- count same as ip dst_actual_count INT, dst_recorded_count INT, dst_ip_csv TEXT, dst_mac_csv TEXT, -- count same as ip srcs_xml TEXT, dsts_xml TEXT, hosts_xml TEXT, src_port_actual_count INT, src_port_recorded_count INT, src_port_csv TEXT, dst_port_actual_count INT, dst_port_recorded_count INT, dst_port_csv TEXT, srcports_xml TEXT, dstports_xml TEXT, ports_xml TEXT, attributes_xml TEXT, start_time INT NOT NULL, end_time INT, email_sent BOOLEAN, trap_sent BOOLEAN, notifications_xml TEXT ); events.export_csv_view mazu=# \d events.export_csv_view View "events.export_csv_view" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------------------+---------+----------entry_id | integer | eid | integer | event_description | text | type | integer | severity | integer | alert_level | integer | src_actual_count | integer | src_recorded_count | integer | src_ip_csv | text | dst_actual_count | integer | dst_recorded_count | integer | dst_ip_csv | text | src_mac_csv | text | dst_mac_csv | text | 5 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 src_port_actual_count src_port_recorded_count src_port_csv dst_port_actual_count dst_port_recorded_count dst_port_csv start_time end_time email_sent trap_sent | | | | | | | | | | integer integer text integer integer text integer integer boolean boolean | | | | | | | | | | events.export_xml_view mazu=# \d events.export_xml_view View "events.export_xml_view" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------------+---------+----------entry_id | integer | eid | integer | event_description | text | type | integer | severity | integer | alert_level | integer | srcs_xml | text | dsts_xml | text | hosts_xml | text | srcports_xml | text | dstports_xml | text | ports_xml | text | attributes_xml | text | start_time | integer | end_time | integer | notifications_xml | text | events.export (for backward compatibility only) mazu=# \d events.export View "events.export" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------------+---------+----------eid | integer | type | integer | hosts | text | ports | text | attributes | text | start_time | integer | end_time | integer | severity | integer | notifications | text | alert_level | integer | 6 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 CSV Format The format is consistent with RFC 4180 ( Examples: event_description: Rule Based Event,"any traffic" IP addresses:,, Ports: tcp/25(smtp),tcp/444(snpp),tcp/443(https),tcp/1290 Mac: 00:00:01:06:00:05,00:00:01:06:00:04,00:00:01:01:00:01 Comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ports may or may not include a name within parenthesis. A comma may be immediately followed by another when an entry is null Use the recorded_count fields to determine the number of entries in a CSV list The default maximum in the CSV list is 32. XML Format for Hosts Example: The recorded count is the number of hosts recorded in the export table, while actual_count is the total number of hosts that are involved in an event. The default maximum for recorded_count is 32. The first host listed is either the ATTACKER or VICTIM depending on the type of the event. In a Worm event, all the listed hosts are infected. The first host is the first infected among the listed hosts. DOS/Bandwidth Surge Worm Host Scan Port Scan Suspicious Connection New Host New Server Port Rule Based Event VICTIM ATTACKER ATTACKER ATTACKER ATTACKER - 7 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 XML Format for Ports Example: XML Format for Notifications Example: Currently, there are only two notification types that are recorded in the database: Email and SNMP traps. XML Format for Attributes Attributes are used to show event-specific details. Currently, only Rule Based Event and New Server Port event types provide the corresponding Rule identifier associated with them, as their attribute. Additional Notes on the XML Format 1. You may want to prefix to every XML field in your SELECT query to provide valid input to an XML parser. 2. XML stored in hosts, ports, notifications or attributes does not have spaces or tabs between each element. For example: mazu=# select eid, hosts from events.export where eid = 1 limit 1; eid | hosts -----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 | 8 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009 Using entry_id to poll for events 1. The entry_id is incremented for each row in the export table and differs between the 'start' and 'end' row of the same event. 2. The connector records the max. entry_id E in the previous run, and periodically issues a query to retrieve all expired and ongoing events as follows: select eid, start_time, end_time from events.export_csv_view where end_time is not null and entry_id > E UNION select eid, start_time, end_time from events.export_csv_view where entry_id > E and eid NOT IN (select eid from events.export_csv_view where end_time is not null and entry_id > E); 3. The query lists event ids for events that have either (a) expired since the last entry_id E or, (b) begun since the last entry_id E and not yet expired. The two parts of the UNION in the query are (a) and (b) respectively. The results include all events that have newly begun since E and are either ongoing or have expired. It also includes events that were known to have begun in a prior poll, and have now expired. 4. This means, the connector may receive 2 records for a single event if the event started in one poll period and expired in a subsequent period. If an event starts and expires within the same poll period, it will receive only the expiry record. 5. entry_id is available only in schema version v4. A connector using entry_id cannot be used with export schema version v3 (Profiler versions 7.4, 7.5). 9 Riverbed Technology, Copyright 2009