HTML CHEAT SHEET HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) has come a long way since Tim Berners-Lee invented it back in 1991. Today HTML5 is the standard version and it's supported by all modern web browsers. Our HTML cheat sheet gives you a full list of all the HTML elements, including descriptions, code examples and live previews. Simply scroll down to browse all HTML tags alphabetically or browse tags by their category. a element abbr element address element area element article element aside element audio element b element base element bdi element bdo element blockquote element body element br element button element canvas element caption element cite element code element col element colgroup element data element datalist element dd element del element details element del element label element script element dfn element element element details element dialog element div element dl element dt element em element embed element တeldset element တgcaption element တgure element footer element form element h1 to h6 element head element header element hgroup element hr element html element i element iframe element img element input element ins element kbd element label element legend legend li element link element main element map element mark element menu element meta element meter element nav element noscript element object element ol element optgroup element option element output element p element param element pre element progress element q element rp element rt element ruby element s element samp element script element section section select element small element source element span element strong element style element sub element summary element sup element table element tbody element td element textarea element tfoot element th element thead element time element title element tr element track element ul element var element video element wbr element LIST OF HTML ELEMENTS BҮ CATEGORҮ An HTML element (or tag) is an individual component of an HTML document. Here below is a full list of HTML elements listed by category. Basic HTML Elements Metadata HTML Elements Content Sectioning HTML Elements Content Elements Content Table HTML Images & HTML Form HTML HTML Grouping Elements Text Level Semantic HTML Elements Table HTML Elements Elements Content Embedding HTML Elements Multimedia Elements Global HTML Attributes New Tags in HTML5 Images & HTML TAG Speciတes an html document. The HTML element (or HTML root element) represents the root of an HTML document. All other elements must be descendants of this element. Since the element is the တrst in a document other than comments, it is called the root element. Although this tag can be implied, or not required, with HTML, it is required to be opened and closed in XHTML. Attributes (modiတers) xmlns + global attributes Code example ... ...  Back to categories BASE TAG Speciတes URL which non-absolute URLs are relative to. The HTML element speciတes the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document. There can be only one element in a document. Attributes (modiတers) href | target (_self | _blank | _parent | _top) + global attributes Code example HEAD TAG First element of the HTML document. Collection of metadata for the Document. The HTML element provides general information (metadata) about the document, including its title and links to its scripts and style sheets. Attributes (modiတers) Global attributes Code example Document title LINK TAG Other resources related to the document. The HTML element speciတes relationships between the current document and an external resource. Possible uses for this element include deတning a relational framework for navigation. This Element is most used to link to style sheets. Attributes (modiတers) Attributes (modiတers) href | rel | media | hre†ang | type | sizes | crossorigin | integrity + global attributes Code example META TAG Document metadata that can't be expressed with other elements. The HTML element represents any metadata information that cannot be represented by one of the other HTML meta-related elements (, ,  Back to categories GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES Here below is a list of attributes supported by all HTML5 tags Attribute accesskey Description Speciတes a keyboard shortcut to access an element Values character Speciတes a classname for an class element (used to specify a class classname in a style sheet) contenteditable Speciတes if the user is allowed to edit the content or not true | false contextmenu dir draggable Speciတes the context menu for an element Speciတes the text direction for the content in an element ltr | rtl Speciတes whether or not a user true | false | is allowed to drag an element auto Speciတes what happens when dropzone menu_id dragged items/data is dropped in the element copy | move | link Speciတes that the element is hidden not relevant. Hidden elements hidden are not displayed id lang Speciတes a unique id for an element Speciတes a language code for the content in an element. id language_code Speciတes if the element must spellcheck have its spelling and grammar true | false checked style tabindex title Speciတes an inline style for an element Speciတes the tab order of an element Speciတes extra information about an element style_deတnition number text  Back to categories NEW TAGS IN HTML5 Here below is a list of the new elements introduced in HTML5. Tag Description
Speciတes an article