Functional Derivation of a Virtual Machine for Delimited Continuations Kenichi Asai Arisa Kitani Ochanomizu University {asai,kitani.arisa} Abstract Background and related work As delimited continuations become used in many places, various direct implementations of delimited continuations are proposed that copy a part of a data stack. Gasbichler and Sperber [13] implemented delimited continuations via stack copying on Scheme 48 bytecode. Masuko and Asai [20] implemented delimited continuations at the PowerPC assembly level in the MinCaml compiler framework [25]. Kiselyov [17] describes a general implementation method to introduce delimited continuations into a system equipped with stack overflow and exceptions. However, the correctness of these approaches relies on informal arguments backed up with practical experience. As such, it is difficult to discuss correctness of low-level implementations such as the one in an assembly language. Although Dybvig, Peyton Jones, and Sabry [12] showed operational and CPS semantics for delimited continuations and prove their equivalence, their formalization is still abstract and does not model, for example, return addresses, that are typically stored in a data stack and copied when continuations are captured. Recently, Rompf, Maier, and Odersky [24] integrated delimited continuations into Scala. While remarkable, their implementation is not suitable for discussing low-level aspects such as stack copying, because delimited continuations are emulated as functions via type-directed, selective CPS transformation. This paper connects the definitional interpreter for the λ-calculus extended with delimited continuation constructs, shift and reset, with a compiler and a low-level virtual machine that copies a part of a data stack to implement delimited continuations. Following the functional derivation approach proposed and popularized by Danvy, we interrelate the two implementations via a series of meaning-preserving program transformations whose validity is independently known. As a result, this work formally establishes the correctness of a compiler and a low-level stack-copying implementation of delimited continuations. In particular, the resulting virtual machine properly models when to store return addresses into a data stack and which part of a data stack to copy. To our knowledge, this work is the first to prove correctness of such low-level features of delimited continuations. It also shows that the functional derivation approach is equally applicable to establish correctness of low-level implementations. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.1 [Programming Techniques]: Applicative (Functional) Programming; D.3.3 [Programming Languages]: Language Constructs and Features—Control structures; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors—Compilers, Interpreters; F.3.3 [Logics and Meanings of Programs]: Studies of Program Constructs—Control primitives; F.4.1 [Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages]: Mathematical Logic— Lambda calculus and related systems; I.2.2 [Artificial Intelligence]: Automatic Programming—Program transformation Our approach To establish correctness of a low-level implementation of delimited continuations, we employ the functional derivation approach proposed and popularized by Danvy [2, 8]. Starting from the definitional interpreter for a language with delimited continuation constructs, we apply a series of meaning-preserving program transformations whose validity is already known. Following Danvy, we use defunctionalization [23], refunctionalization [10], and CPS transformation [22]. In addition, we introduce several other program transformations. The advantage of this approach is that the correctness of derived implementation follows directly from the correctness of program transformations. This is in contrast to the conventional approach where one had to prove, either by hand or using a proof assistant, that the original implementation and the derived implementation behave the same. Furthermore, since there are already various useful transformations, we can explore the design space of implementations simply by trying one transformation after another. Thus, it is not only used by Danvy’s group to derive various virtual machines [1], but also used to derive a compiler and a virtual machine for a multi-stage language that supports backquote and unquote [14]. Biernacka, Biernacki, and Danvy [6] use a functional correspondence to derive an abstract machine for λ-calculus with multilevel delimited continuations. Danvy and Millikin [11] start from Landin’s SECD machine with the J operator [18] and derive a family of evaluation functions. However, both of the work deal with a high-level abstract machine that is based on a state transition sys- General Terms Languages, Theory Keywords Functional Derivation, Delimited Continuation, Virtual Machine, Defunctionalization, CPS Transformation 1. Introduction First-class continuations play an important role in controlling flow of execution in a flexible manner without converting a program into continuation-passing style (CPS). In particular, delimited continuations [9] find many applications due to its clear semantics through CPS transformation, such as non-deterministic programming [9], typed printf [4], dynamic code generation [16], and let-insertion in partial evaluation [3, 19, 26]. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. PPDP’10 July 26–28, 2010, Hagenberg, Austria. Copyright c 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0132-9/10/07. . . $10.00 Reprinted from PPDP’10, Proceedings of the 2010 Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, July 26–28, 2010, Hagenberg, Austria., pp. 87– 97. 87 type t = Var of string (* term *) | Lam of string * t | App of t * t | Shift of string * t | Reset of t tem rather than a low-level virtual machine that operates on instructions. Contribution The contribution of this paper is to connect the definitional interpreter for the λ-calculus extended with delimited continuation constructs, shift and reset, with a compiler and a low-level virtual machine that copies a part of a data stack to implement delimited continuations. As a result, this work formally establishes the correctness of a compiler and a low-level stackcopying implementation of delimited continuations. In the previous work [20], Masuko and the first author presented an invariant on a data stack when continuations are captured and invoked to implement delimited continuations. The virtual machine presented in this paper properly models it, in addition to when to store return addresses into a data stack and which part of a data stack to copy. To our knowledge, this work is the first to prove correctness of such low-level features of delimited continuations. It also shows that the functional derivation approach is equally applicable to establish correctness of low-level implementations. type xs = string list (* argument list *) (* offset : string -> xs -> int *) let offset x xs = let rec loop xs n = match xs with [] -> raise UnboundVariable | a::rest -> if x = a then n else loop rest (n + 1) in loop xs 0 Figure 0. Syntax of λ-calculus with shift and reset and an auxiliary function offset reset (fun () -> shift (fun k -> fun x -> k x) ^ "world") "Hello " Prerequisites We assume basic familiarity with CPS transformation [22] and defunctionalization [23]. When functions are transformed into CPS, all the calls become tail calls. Such functions can be regarded as an abstract machine where a state of the machine consists of the arguments of the functions. We will use this fact to derive a virtual machine for delimited continuations. The type of the body of reset appears to be a string, because the result is a concatenation of something with "world". However, the shift operator captures the current continuation, [] ^ "world", binds it to k, and returns a function. Thus, the above program is reduced to: Organization This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce delimited continuation constructs, shift and reset, and show the definitional interpreter for them. In Section 3, we introduce a data stack into the definitional interpreter. It is decomposed into a compiler and a virtual machine in Section 4. The virtual machine is further transformed so that it manipulates a segmented stack in Section 5. The property of the obtained virtual machine is discussed in Section 6. The paper concludes in Section 7. reset (fun () -> fun x -> x ^ "world") "Hello " and then to: (fun x -> x ^ "world") "Hello " In this section, we introduce delimited continuation constructs, shift and reset, and show the definitional interpreter for them. to produce finally "Hello world". With this observation, one can implement typed printf using delimited continuations. Interested readers are invited to read the first author’s article [4] which comes with introduction to delimited continuations. 2.1 2.2 2. Definitional Interpreter Shift and Reset Danvy and Filinski [9] introduced two operators, shift and reset, for capturing the current continuation. As a concrete syntax, Syntax Figure 0 shows the syntax of the input language we use in this paper. It is a standard λ-calculus extended with shift and reset. The figure also shows an offset function that returns the position of a variable x in a variable list xs. The definition of offset is the same throughout this paper. shift (fun k -> M) captures the current continuation up to the enclosing reset and binds it to k to be used in M. The captured continuation is removed from the current continuation: if it is not used in M, it is discarded. The context is delimited by reset: 2.3 Definitional Interpreter Figure 1 shows the definitional interpreter for the λ-calculus with shift and reset [9]. It is a standard CPS interpreter extended with shift and reset. Shift captures the current continuation c, binds it to x, and resets the current continuation to empty (i.e., an identity function). Reset delimits the continuation captured by shift by resetting the current continuation to empty and applies the continuation c of reset in direct style. An environment is represented as two lists, a list of names xs and a list of values vs, instead of more usual association list of pairs of names and values. Thus, a value bound to a variable is obtained by two functions, offset and List.nth. The latter function returns the n’th element of a given list, starting at index zero. The use of two lists makes it easy to decompose an interpreter into a compiler and a virtual machine. It is called a binding-time improvement [15, Chapter 12], a standard technique in the partial evaluation community. Starting from this interpreter, we derive its low-level implementation via a series of program transformations. reset (fun () -> M) The shift operation executed in M captures the continuation only up to this reset expression. The exact semantics of shift and reset is defined in Section 2.3. For example, consider the following program: 1 + reset (fun () -> 2 + (shift (fun k -> 3 * k (k 4)))) The continuation captured by shift is up to the enclosing reset, namely 2 + [], which is bound to k. Since the captured continuation is removed from the current continuation, the above program is reduced to: 1 + reset (fun () -> 3 * (2 + (2 + 4))) and the result becomes 25. Capturing delimited continuations enables us to have control over the type of the context. Consider the following program: 88 type v = VFun of (v -> c -> v) | VCont of c and c = v -> v (* value *) type v = | and c = | | (* continuation *) (* f1 : t -> xs -> v list -> c -> v *) let rec f1 t xs vs c = match t with Var(x) -> c (List.nth vs (offset x xs)) | Lam(x,t) -> c (VFun(fun v c’ -> f1 t (x::xs) (v::vs) c’)) | App(t0,t1) -> f1 t0 xs vs (fun v0 -> f1 t1 xs vs (fun v1 -> match v0 with VFun(f) -> f v1 c | VCont(c’) -> c (c’ v1))) | Shift(x,t) -> f1 t (x::xs) (VCont(c)::vs) (fun v -> v) | Reset(t) -> c (f1 t xs vs (fun v -> v)) VFun of (v -> c -> v) (* value *) VCont of c C0 (* continuation *) CApp0 of t * xs * v list * c CApp1 of v * c (* run_c2 : c -> v -> v *) let rec run_c2 c v = match c with C0 -> v | CApp0(t1,xs,vs,c) -> f2 t1 xs vs (CApp1(v,c)) | CApp1(v0,c) -> (match v0 with VFun(f) -> f v c | VCont(c’) -> run_c2 c (run_c2 c’ v)) Figure 1. Definitional interpreter for λ-calculus with shift and reset (eval1) (* f2 : t -> xs -> v list -> c -> v *) and f2 t xs vs c = match t with Var(x) -> run_c2 c (List.nth vs (offset x xs)) | Lam(x,t) -> run_c2 c (VFun(fun v c’ -> f2 t (x::xs) (v::vs) c’)) | App(t0,t1) -> f2 t0 xs vs (CApp0(t1,xs,vs,c)) | Shift(x,t) -> f2 t (x::xs) (VCont(c)::vs) C0 | Reset(t) -> run_c2 c (f2 t xs vs C0) 3. (* eval2 : t -> v *) let eval2 t = f2 t [] [] C0 (* eval1 : t -> v *) let eval1 t = f1 t [] [] (fun v -> v) Stack Introduction In this section, we aim at introducing a data stack into the definitional interpreter. Instead of returning a value, the resulting interpreter passes around a data stack and results of evaluation are pushed onto the data stack. We show that a data stack is systematically introduced by splitting dynamic data hidden in a continuation chain. To be more concrete, we will modify the representation of a continuation c in the following way: defunctionalization (Section 3.1), linearization (Section 3.2), stack extraction (Section 3.3), delinearization (Section 3.4), and refunctionalization (Section 3.5). After defunctionalization and linearization, a data stack will be extracted naturally from the type of continuations. Converting the representation of continuations back to the original higher-order functions, we will obtain a stack-based interpreter. 3.1 Figure 2. Defunctionalized interpreter (eval2) type v = | and f = | and c = (* run_c3 : c -> v -> v *) let rec run_c3 c v = match c with [] -> v | CApp0(t1,xs,vs)::c -> f3 t1 xs vs (CApp1(v)::c) | CApp1(v0)::c -> (match v0 with VFun(f) -> f v c | VCont(c’) -> run_c3 c (run_c3 c’ v)) Defunctionalization Figure 2 shows the result of defunctionalizing continuations. To defunctionalize continuations, we first assign a constructor for each continuation in a program. In Figure 1, there are three kinds of continuations: the identity function and two continuations in the App case. We assign them the constructors C0, CApp0, and CApp1, respectively, with the arguments being free variables of the corresponding continuations. See the definition of type c in Figure 2. We then replace application of a continuation with a call to a dispatch function (run_c2), which describes what to do when the continuation object is called. The equivalence of eval1 and eval2 follows from the correctness of defunctionalization [5, 21]. 3.2 VFun of (v -> c -> v) (* value *) VCont of c CApp0 of t * xs * v list (* frame *) CApp1 of v f list (* continuation *) (* f3 : t -> xs -> v list -> c -> v *) and f3 t xs vs c = match t with Var(x) -> run_c3 c (List.nth vs (offset x xs)) | Lam(x,t) -> run_c3 c (VFun(fun v c’ -> f3 t (x::xs) (v::vs) c’)) | App(t0,t1) -> f3 t0 xs vs (CApp0(t1,xs,vs)::c) | Shift(x,t) -> f3 t (x::xs) (VCont(c)::vs) [] | Reset(t) -> run_c3 c (f3 t xs vs []) Linearization Figure 3 shows the result of linearizing continuations. The definition of type c in Figure 2 shows that a continuation consists of a sequence of CApp0 or CApp1 with C0 at the end. Since it is isomorphic to the structure of a list, a continuation can be equivalently represented as a list of frames, where a frame is either CApp0 or CApp1 without the c component. See the definition of types f and c in Figure 3. The functions run_c3, f3, and eval3 are accordingly modified. (* eval3 : t -> v *) let eval3 t = f3 t [] [] [] Figure 3. Linearized interpreter (eval3) 89 type v = | | and f = | and c = and s = VFun of (v -> s -> c -> v) (* value VCont of c * s VEnv of v list CApp0 of t * xs (* frame CApp1 f list (* continuation v list (* data stack *) type v = | | and c = | | and s = *) *) *) VFun of (v -> s -> c -> v) (* value *) VCont of c * s VEnv of v list C0 (* continuation *) CApp0 of t * xs * c CApp1 of c v list (* data stack *) (* run_c4 : c -> v -> s -> v *) let rec run_c4 c v s = match (c, s) with ([], []) -> v | (CApp0(t1,xs)::c, VEnv(vs)::s) -> f4 t1 xs vs (v::s) (CApp1::c) | (CApp1::c, v0::s) -> (match v0 with VFun(f) -> f v s c | VCont(c’,s’) -> run_c4 c (run_c4 c’ v s’) s) (* run_c5 : c -> v -> s -> v *) let rec run_c5 c v s = match (c, s) with (C0, []) -> v | (CApp0(t1,xs,c), VEnv(vs)::s) -> f5 t1 xs vs (v::s) (CApp1(c)) | (CApp1(c), v0::s) -> (match v0 with VFun(f) -> f v s c | VCont(c’,s’) -> run_c5 c (run_c5 c’ v s’) s) (* f4 : t -> xs -> v list -> s -> c -> v *) and f4 t xs vs s c = match t with Var(x) -> run_c4 c (List.nth vs (offset x xs)) s | Lam(x,t) -> run_c4 c (VFun(fun v s’ c’ -> f4 t (x::xs) (v::vs) s’ c’)) s | App(t0,t1) -> f4 t0 xs vs (VEnv(vs)::s) (CApp0(t1,xs)::c) | Shift(x,t) -> f4 t (x::xs) (VCont(c,s)::vs) [] [] | Reset(t) -> run_c4 c (f4 t xs vs [] []) s (* f5 : t -> xs -> v list -> s -> c -> v *) and f5 t xs vs s c = match t with Var(x) -> run_c5 c (List.nth vs (offset x xs)) s | Lam(x,t) -> run_c5 c (VFun(fun v s’ c’ -> f5 t (x::xs) (v::vs) s’ c’)) s | App(t0,t1) -> f5 t0 xs vs (VEnv(vs)::s) (CApp0(t1,xs,c)) | Shift(x,t) -> f5 t (x::xs) (VCont(c,s)::vs) [] C0 | Reset(t) -> run_c5 c (f5 t xs vs [] C0) s (* eval4 : t -> v *) let eval4 t = f4 t [] [] [] [] (* eval5 : t -> v *) let eval5 t = f5 t [] [] [] C0 Figure 4. Stack-based interpreter (eval4) Figure 5. Delinearized interpreter (eval5) This local transformation is obviously correct. Thus, eval2 and eval3 are equivalent. VCont receives s in addition to c. The same for VFun: it receives s in addition to c. The changes in types suggest how to rewrite the interpreter: a continuation and a data stack are always passed around together; whenever a frame is pushed onto a continuation, the corresponding value is pushed onto a data stack; and whenever a frame is popped from a continuation, the corresponding value is popped from a data stack. Because of this exact correspondence, the length of the continuation and the data stack are always the same. Since this transformation simply changes the representation of continuations locally, we immediately see that the transformation is correct, i.e., eval3 and eval4 are equivalent. This transformation is the essence of stack introduction: a data stack is a dynamic counterpart of a continuation. We can actually observe that the intermediate results and live variables are stored in a data stack. However, we will defer this discussion until Section 3.5, where the interpreter is transformed back to more readable higher-order one. 3.3 Stack Extraction Examining the types f and c in Figure 3, we notice that the constructors CApp0 and CApp1 contain both static (compile-time) data and dynamic (runtime) data. The term t and the variable list xs are compile-time data: they are fixed once the input program is given. On the other hand, the value list v list and the value v are runtime data: they are available only at runtime. Since our goal is to turn an interpreter into a compiler and a virtual machine, we separate a continuation into two parts. The static part of a continuation will eventually become a list of instructions. (See Section 5.3.) The dynamic part of a continuation becomes a data stack. This separation is also a binding-time improvement. Typewise, the separation is done as follows. The type c in Figure 3 is defined as f list. We split the definition of f into a pair of new f and v, where the new f contains only the static part of the old f and the dynamic part is compensated by the accompanying v. Because the dynamic part of CApp0 has type v list rather than v, we introduce a new constructor VEnv in v to hold a list of values. Now, a continuation is represented as a value of type (f * v) list. We further split it into two separate lists: f list * v list. The former is a (new) continuation (or a control stack) and the latter a data stack. See Figure 4. Because of this modification, 3.4 Delinearization The purpose of defunctionalization (Section 3.1) and linearization (Section 3.2) of continuations was to introduce a data stack. Now that we have successfully introduced a data stack, we apply the reverse transformation to the representation of continuations. This will result in a readable stack-based interpreter. Here, we change 90 type v = | | and c = and s = VFun of (v -> s -> c -> v) (* value *) VCont of c * s VEnv of v list v -> s -> v (* continuation *) v list (* data stack *) type v = | | and c = and s = (* f6 : t -> xs -> v list -> s -> c -> v *) let rec f6 t xs vs s c = match t with Var(x) -> c (List.nth vs (offset x xs)) s | Lam(x,t) -> c (VFun(fun v s’ c’ -> f6 t (x::xs) (v::vs) s’ c’)) s | App(t0,t1) -> f6 t0 xs vs (VEnv(vs)::s) (fun v0 (VEnv(vs)::s) -> f6 t1 xs vs (v0::s) (fun v1 (v0::s) -> match v0 with VFun(f) -> f v1 s c | VCont(c’,s’) -> c (c’ v1 s’) s)) | Shift(x,t) -> f6 t (x::xs) (VCont(c,s)::vs) [] (fun v [] -> v) | Reset(t) -> c (f6 t xs vs [] (fun v [] -> v)) s VFun of (s -> c -> v) VCont of c * s VEnv of v list s -> v v list (* value *) (* continuation *) (* data stack *) (* f7 : t -> xs -> s -> c -> v *) let rec f7 t xs (VEnv(vs)::s) c = match t with Var(x) -> c ((List.nth vs (offset x xs))::s) | Lam(x,t) -> c (VFun(fun (v::s’) c’ -> f7 t (x::xs) (VEnv(v::vs)::s’) c’) ::s) | App(t0,t1) -> f7 t0 xs (VEnv(vs)::VEnv(vs)::s) (fun (v0::VEnv(vs)::s) -> f7 t1 xs (VEnv(vs)::v0::s) (fun (v1::v0::s) -> match v0 with VFun(f) -> f (v1::s) c | VCont(c’,s’) -> c ((c’ (v1::s’))::s))) | Shift(x,t) -> f7 t (x::xs) [VEnv(VCont(c,s)::vs)] (fun [v] -> v) | Reset(t) -> c ((f7 t xs [VEnv(vs)] (fun [v] -> v))::s) (* eval6 : t -> v *) let eval6 t = f6 t [] [] [] (fun v [] -> v) (* eval7 : t -> v *) let eval7 t = f7 t [] [VEnv([])] (fun [v] -> v) Figure 6. Refunctionalized interpreter (eval6) Figure 7. Interpreter with combined arguments (eval7) the representation of continuations from a list back to a defunctionalized form. Figure 5 shows the result. Notice that we delinearize only continuations, not a data stack. As in Section 3.2, the equivalence of eval4 and eval5 follows from the isomorphism between a list of frames and c in Figure 5. 3.5 It is restored back from the data stack after the evaluation of t0, when the evaluation of t1 requires it. The use of program transformations to derive a stack-based interpreter is particularly effective when an interpreter deals with unfamiliar constructs, such as shift and reset, and it is not obvious how to write a stack-based interpreter for them. To capture a continuation via shift, we see in Figure 6 that a captured continuation needs to hold not only a continuation but also a data stack (as in VCont (c,s)) and clear the current data stack. This behavior is consistent with a commonly-used implementation technique. Using the functional derivation approach, we can certify that such an implementation method is correct. Refunctionalization Finally, Figure 6 shows the result of refunctionalizing continuations. Refunctionalization [10] is the left inverse of defunctionalization. Constructors in a defunctionalized form are transformed into higher-order functions. If refunctionalization succeeds, its correctness follows from the correctness of defunctionalization. Thus, we conclude that eval5 and eval6 are equivalent. What have we obtained? Compared to the definitional interpreter in Figure 1, the interpreter in Figure 6 receives and returns a data stack as an additional argument. In particular, a continuation c receives a result value v and a data stack s. We can regard it as pushing v on s and passing v::s as a whole to c. (We will actually do so in the next section.) Thus, the function f6 implements a standard stack-based interpreter: the value of a variable and a function is pushed onto a data stack; the value of an application is computed by evaluating the function part t0, pushing the result v0 on a data stack, evaluating the argument part t1, pushing the result v1 on a data stack, and then calling v0 with the argument v1 pushed on a data stack. The called function extracts the argument from the data stack and continues. In other words, we have successfully interrelated the stack-based interpreter and the standard interpreter via a series of program transformations. In addition, f6 models saving and restoring of live variables vs. Before the function part t0 is evaluated, vs is saved in a data stack. 4. Extracting Virtual Machine In this section, we decompose the stack-based interpreter into a compiler and a virtual machine. The key transformation is factorization of combinators that control the dynamic behavior of programs as virtual machine instructions. To do so, we first need to move inherited arguments to a data stack. 4.1 Combining Arguments In the definitional interpreter (Figure 1), the argument vs is distributed (or inherited) to all the recursive calls. In particular, it becomes a free variable of the second continuation of App case. This prevented us from storing vs into a data stack and forced us to pass vs as a separate argument: even if we store vs in a data stack, there was no guarantee that it could be safely extracted when evaluation of t1 needed it. After defunctionalization and stack extraction, however, we discover that vs can actually be stored in a data stack. Since vs is not a free variable of any recursive calls any more (except for the one 91 in Lam case1 ), we can move vs to the stack top. The result is shown in Figure 7. In the figure, we also moved the first argument of continuations and functions in VFun into a data stack as mentioned in Section 3.5. This local transformation simply combines two arguments into one, and thus we can immediately conclude that eval6 and eval7 are equivalent. type v = | | | and c = and s = VFun of (s -> c -> v) VCont of c * s VEnv of v list VK of c s -> v v list type i = s -> c -> v 4.2 (* value *) (* continuation *) (* data stack *) (* instruction *) Factoring Combinators as Instructions (* (>>) : i -> i -> i *) let (>>) i1 i2 = fun s c -> i1 s (fun s’ -> i2 s’ c) We now want to decompose the interpreter in Figure 7 into a compiler and a virtual machine. A compiler accepts a static program text (i.e., t and xs) and produces a list of instructions. A virtual machine receives a list of instructions and executes it. Such decomposition can be done by first moving dynamic arguments to all branches and then factoring dynamic parts out as instructions. To be more concrete, the data stack and continuation arguments of the interpreter f7 in Figure 7 are moved to each branch of the case dispatch on t as follows: (* access : int -> i *) let access n = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c ((List.nth vs n)::s) (* push_closure : i -> i *) let push_closure code = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c (VFun(fun (v::s’) c’ -> code (VEnv(v::vs)::s’) c’) ::s) let rec f7 t xs = match t with Var(x) -> fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> ... | Lam(x,t) -> fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> ... | App(t0,t1) -> fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> ... | Shift(x,t) -> fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> ... | Reset(x,t) -> fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> ... (* return : i *) let return = fun (v::VK(c’)::s) _ -> c’ (v::s) Because we have eliminated an inherited argument, each fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> ... does not have any free variables, i.e., it is a combinator. If this combinator is close enough to a machine instruction, we can think of f7 t xs as compiling a term into an instruction. This is immediately true for Var case. Let us define an instruction access as follows: (* push_env : i *) let push_env = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c (VEnv(vs)::VEnv(vs)::s) (* pop_env : i *) let pop_env = fun (v0::VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c (VEnv(vs)::v0::s) let access n = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c ((List.nth vs n)::s) (* call : i *) let call = fun (v1::v0::s) c -> match v0 with (* dummy *) VFun(f) -> f (v1::VK(c)::s) (fun [v] -> v) | VCont(c’,s’) -> c ((c’ (v1::s’))::s) This combinator is basic enough to treat as an instruction: it takes the n’th element of a vector vs, starting at index zero. Thus, the Var case of f7 can be written as follows: Var(x) -> access (offset x xs) Note that we perform offset x xs at compile time. Because we know the position of x in xs at compile time, we embed the resulting number as an argument to access instruction. For other cases, it is not so straightforward, but once we realize that we can define an infix function composition operator (>>) in CPS, we can use it to encode a more complex expression in an instruction-like manner. For the App case, for example, we see that VEnv(vs) is pushed onto the data stack at the first recursive call (f7 t0 xs). Thus, we can introduce a push_env instruction to accommodate this change of the data stack. The other cases are similar. The result is shown in Figure 8. The function f8 in Figure 8 looks like a compiler: given t and xs, f8 recurs over the structure of t and returns instructions. In fact, if we defunctionalize instructions (we will do so in Section 5.2), f8 actually becomes a compiler and the dispatch function becomes a virtual machine. Before doing it, however, let us make some observations. First, some instructions receive arbitrarily long instructions as an argument. For example, push_closure receives the result of evaluating f8 t (x::xs) (which can be very long) followed by return. Although it is not practical to provide long instructions as an argument to another instruction, this is not a problem, because (* shift : i -> i *) let shift code = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> code [VEnv(VCont(c,s)::vs)] (fun [v] -> v) (* reset : i -> i *) let reset code = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c ((code [VEnv(vs)] (fun [v] -> v))::s) (* f8 : t -> xs -> i *) let rec f8 t xs = match t with Var(x) -> access (offset x xs) | Lam(x,t) -> push_closure (f8 t (x::xs) >> return) | App(t0,t1) -> push_env >> f8 t0 xs >> pop_env >> f8 t1 xs >> call | Shift(x,t) -> shift (f8 t (x::xs)) | Reset(t) -> reset (f8 t xs) (* eval8 : t -> v *) let eval8 t = f8 t [] [VEnv([])] (fun [v] -> v) Figure 8. Interpreter using combinators factored as instructions (eval8) 1 For a function value, we need to copy vs to create a closure. See Section 5.4. 92 type v = | | | and c = and d = and s = VFun of (s -> c -> d -> v) (* value VCont of c * s VEnv of v list VK of c s -> d -> v (* continuation v -> v (* dump (metacontinuation) v list (* data stack type i = s -> c -> d -> v *) (* (>>) : i -> i -> i *) let (>>) i1 i2 = fun s c -> i1 s (fun s’ -> i2 s’ c) *) *) *) (* access : int -> i *) let access n = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c ((List.nth vs n)::s) (* instruction *) (* push_closure : i -> i *) let push_closure code = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c (VFun(fun (v::s’) c’ -> code (VEnv(v::vs)::s’) c’) ::s) Figure 9. 2CPS interpreter (eval9), type part we can store the result of compilation f8 t (x::xs) >> return somewhere in the memory, and give a pointer to the first instruction as an argument to push_closure. Secondly, the output of the compilation is not a list of instructions but a tree of instructions. This is again not a problem, because the operator (>>) is associative. We can always safely expand a tree of instructions into a list of instructions. Thirdly, Figure 8 is written in such a way that a return address (c) is stored in a data stack when a closure is called, rather than passing it as a continuation argument (see call instruction). For this purpose, a new constructor VK is introduced in type v. Because c is stored in a data stack, the continuation argument fun [v] -> v of f in call is a dummy continuation which will never be used. In return instruction, we see that the continuation argument is discarded and the continuation stored in a data stack is used. As this modification shows, there is no predefined instruction set that we have to use. We can define and introduce a new instruction as we need it, so that the outcome best fits our intention. The functional derivation approach does not imply a mechanical process. Rather, it helps us to explore the design space of various implementation methods. Readers may doubt whether such modification is correct. The equivalence between eval7 and eval8 is established by first inlining (>>) and all the instructions. The resulting interpreter is identical to eval7 except for two places. The Lam case: (* return : i *) let return = fun (v::VK(c’)::s) _ -> c’ (v::s) (* push_env : i *) let push_env = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c (VEnv(vs)::VEnv(vs)::s) (* pop_env : i *) let pop_env = fun (v0::VEnv(vs)::s) c -> c (VEnv(vs)::v0::s) (* instructions same as Figure 8 up to here *) (* call : i *) let call = fun (v1::v0::s) c d -> match v0 with VFun(f) -> (* dummy *) f (v1::VK(c)::s) (fun [v] d -> d v) d | VCont(c’,s’) -> c’ (v1::s’) (fun v -> c (v::s) d) (* shift : i -> i *) let shift code = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c -> code [VEnv(VCont(c,s)::vs)] (fun [v] d -> d v) c (VFun(fun (v::VK(c’)::s’) _ -> f7 t (x::xs) (VEnv(v::vs)::s’) c’) ::s) (* reset : i -> i *) let reset code = fun (VEnv(vs)::s) c d -> code [VEnv(vs)] (fun [v] d -> d v) (fun v -> c (v::s) d) and the last part of App case: match v0 with (* dummy *) VFun(f) -> f (v1::VK(c)::s) (fun [v] -> v) | VCont(c’,s’) -> c ((c’ (v1::s’))::s) (* f9 : t -> xs -> i *) let rec f9 t xs = match t with Var(x) -> access (offset x xs) | Lam(x,t) -> push_closure (f9 t (x::xs) >> return) | App(t0,t1) -> push_env >> f9 t0 xs >> pop_env >> f9 t1 xs >> call | Shift(x,t) -> shift (f9 t (x::xs)) | Reset(t) -> reset (f9 t xs) Now, it is easy to see they are equivalent to eval7: the continuation argument is simply moved to the data stack. With this simple modification, a standard calling convention of storing return addresses in a data stack is derivable. Finally, the reset instruction is rather unusual. It installs a new data stack [VEnv(vs)] and executes code with it. However, we usually use only one data stack. Rather than using multiple data stacks, we want to reuse a single data stack in a consistent way. This is the topic of the next section. (* eval9 : t -> v *) let eval9 t = f9 t [] [VEnv([])] (fun [v] d -> d v) (fun v -> v) 5. Representing Dumps The obtained combinators in Figure 8 can be almost regarded as virtual machine instructions, because most of them simply pass on a data stack, modifying a top few frames if necessary. If we use the real machine stack instead of passing a data stack as an argument, the instructions do correspond to instructions in a stack machine. However, there are still a few exceptions. When a captured continuation VCont(c’,s’) is applied in call: Figure 9. 2CPS interpreter (eval9), continued 93 type i = | | | | IAccess of int (* instruction *) IPush_closure of i | IReturn IPush_env | IPop_env | ICall IShift of i | IReset of i ISeq of i * i type v = | | | and c = and d = and s = VFun of (s -> c -> d -> v) (* value VCont of c * s VEnv of v list VK of c i list (* continuation (c * s) list (* dump v list (* data stack Figure 10. Interpreter (eval10), type part with defunctionalized (* run_d10 : d -> v -> v *) let rec run_d10 d v = match d with [] -> v | (c,s)::d’ -> run_c10 c (v::s) d’ *) (* run_c10 : c -> s -> d -> v *) and run_c10 c s d = match c with [] -> (match s with [v] -> run_d10 d v) | g::c -> run_i10 g s c d *) *) *) (* run_i10 : i -> s -> c -> d -> v *) and run_i10 i s c d = match i with IAccess(n) -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c10 c ((List.nth vs n)::s) d) | IPush_closure(code) -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c10 c (VFun(fun (v::s’) c’ d’ -> run_i10 code (VEnv(v::vs)::s’) c’ d’) ::s) d) | IReturn -> (match s with (v::VK(c’)::s) -> run_c10 c’ (v::s) d) | IPush_env -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c10 c (VEnv(vs)::VEnv(vs)::s) d) | IPop_env -> (match s with (v0::VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c10 c (VEnv(vs)::v0::s) d) | ICall -> (match s with (v1::v0::s) -> match v0 with (* dummy *) VFun(f) -> f (v1::VK(c)::s) [] d | VCont(c’,s’) -> run_c10 c’ (v1::s’) ((c,s)::d)) | IShift(code) -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_i10 code [VEnv(VCont(c,s)::vs)] [] d) | IReset(code) -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_i10 code [VEnv(vs)] [] ((c,s)::d)) | ISeq(f,g) -> run_i10 f s (g::c) d instructions | VCont(c’,s’) -> c ((c’ (v1::s’))::s) c’ is applied to a saved data stack s’, which is different from the current data stack s. In reset, c ((code [VEnv(vs)] (fun [v] -> v))::s) code is executed on a newly created data stack [VEnv(vs)] which is again different from the current data stack s. Put differently, the interpreter in Figure 8 is not wholly written in CPS, because it contains non-tail calls to continuations. The goal of this section is to represent this direct-style information as a data structure. It turns out that the resulting data structure corresponds to a list of delimited data stacks. 5.1 CPS Transformation To represent a direct-style application of continuations as a data structure, we transform this almost CPS interpreter into CPS one more time. The newly introduced continuations, or metacontinuations, correspond to dumps in the SECD machine [7, 18]. Figure 9 shows the result of CPS-transforming Figure 8. Because eval8 was already written mostly in CPS, the second CPS transformation does not change functions very much except for their types. Although new functions receive a dump, it is usually η-reduced and does not appear in the function definition. A dump appears only in those instructions that explicitly modify it, namely, call, shift, and reset. The equivalence between eval8 and eval9 follows from the correctness of CPS transformation. (* (>>) : i -> i -> i *) let (>>) f g = ISeq(f,g) (* f10 : t -> xs -> i *) let rec f10 t xs = match t with Var(x) -> IAccess(offset x xs) | Lam(x,t) -> IPush_closure(f10 t (x::xs) >> IReturn) | App(t0,t1) -> IPush_env >> f10 t0 xs >> IPop_env >> f10 t1 xs >> ICall | Shift(x,t) -> IShift(f10 t (x::xs)) | Reset(t) -> IReset(f10 t xs) 5.2 Defunctionalization and Linearization To represent a dump as a data structure, we defunctionalize and linearize a dump and a continuation. At this moment, we defunctionalize instructions, too. Both the processes are mechanical. The result is shown in Figure 10. Through defunctionalization and linearization of a dump, the identity dump fun v -> v becomes an empty list. The dump fun v -> c (v::s) d in call and reset has three free variables c, s, and a dump d itself. After linearization, it becomes (c * s) list. Likewise, through defunctionalization and linearization of a continuation, the identity continuation fun [v] d -> d v becomes an empty list. The continuation fun s’ -> i2 s’ c in (>>) has two free variables i2 and a continuation c itself. After linearization, it becomes a list of instructions. The dispatch function (run_i10) for instructions is a virtual machine: given an instruction, it operates on a data stack and a dump. The defunctionalization of (>>) yields a sequence instruction ISeq that connects two instructions into one. (* eval10 : t -> v *) let eval10 t = run_i10 (f10 t []) [VEnv([])] [] [] Figure 10. Interpreter (eval10), continued 94 with defunctionalized instructions The equivalence between eval9 and eval10 follows from the correctness of defunctionalization and the correctness argument for linearization we made in Section 3.2. In the obtained interpreter, all the instructions operate only on a data stack and a dump. They also receive a continuation as an argument, but looking at the dispatch function (run_c10), we notice that the only role of the continuation argument is to designate the next instruction. If we inline run_i10 into run_c10 (as we will do in the next section), the continuation argument disappears. We can now regard s placed on top of d as a single system stack. This interpretation actually models the copy of a part of a data stack when a continuation is captured. We will discuss it in detail in Section 6. 5.3 type v = | | | and c = and d = and s = VFun of (s -> c -> d -> v) (* value VCont of c * s VEnv of v list VK of c i list (* continuation (c * s) list (* dump v list (* data stack *) *) *) *) (* run_c11 : i list -> s -> d -> v *) and run_c11 c s d = match c with [] -> (match s with [v] -> run_d11 d v) | IAccess(n)::c -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c11 c ((List.nth vs n)::s) d) | IPush_closure(code)::c -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c11 c (VFun(fun (v::s’) c’ d’ -> run_c11 (code@c’) (VEnv(v::vs)::s’) d’) ::s) d) | IReturn::c -> (match s with (v::VK(c’)::s) -> run_c11 c’ (v::s) d) | IPush_env::c -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c11 c (VEnv(vs)::VEnv(vs)::s) d) | IPop_env::c -> (match s with (v0::VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c11 c (VEnv(vs)::v0::s) d) | ICall::c -> (match s with (v1::v0::s) -> match v0 with (* dummy *) VFun(f) -> f (v1::VK(c)::s) [] d | VCont(c’,s’) -> run_c11 c’ (v1::s’) ((c,s)::d)) | IShift(code)::c -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c11 code [VEnv(VCont(c,s)::vs)] d) | IReset(code)::c -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c11 code [VEnv(vs)] ((c,s)::d)) run_c10 (i::c) s d run_i10 i s c d Thus, we can replace all the recursive calls in run_i10 (as well as the initial call to run_i10 in eval10) with calls to run_c10. With this replacement, we can inline run_i10 into run_c10 so that run_c10 dispatches over the first instruction of c. We then remove ISeq and replace it with an append operation @ on instructions, using a singleton list as a unit of instructions. The result is shown in Figure 11. The function f11 now returns a list of instructions rather than a single instruction. In IPush_closure case of run_c11, code and c’ is appended, but because c’ is always a dummy continuation [], we do not actually have to manipulate code at runtime. In the next section, the dummy continuation disappears as the result of defunctionalization. The equivalence between eval10 and eval11 follows from the correctness of inlining and associativity of (>>). Wand [27, 28] used similar program transformation based on associativity of combinators. Defunctionalizing Function Finally, defunctionalization of functions in VFun yields a closure representation of functions. The type of VFun is changed to type v = VFun of c * v list | ... IAccess of int (* instruction *) IPush_closure of i list | IReturn IPush_env | IPop_env | ICall IShift of i list | IReset of i list (* run_d11 : d -> v -> v *) let rec run_d11 d v = match d with [] -> v | (c,s)::d’ -> run_c11 c (v::s) d’ Code Flattening The instructions obtained so far are structured as a tree: the instruction ISeq appends two trees of instructions. In this section, we transform it into a list of instructions. First, we observe (by unfolding run_c10) that the following two expressions are equivalent for any i, c, s, and d: 5.4 type i = | | | (* value *) Namely, a closure holds a code pointer and a list of values for its free variables. The only call site of this closure is in the ICall case. Corresponding modification to the virtual machine (run_c11) is simple: (* f11 : t -> xs -> i list *) let rec f11 t xs = match t with Var(x) -> [IAccess (offset x xs)] | Lam(x,t) -> [IPush_closure((f11 t (x::xs))@[IReturn])] | App(t0,t1) -> [IPush_env]@(f11 t0 xs)@[IPop_env] @(f11 t1 xs)@[ICall] | Shift(x,t) -> [IShift(f11 t (x::xs))] | Reset(t) -> [IReset(f11 t xs)] | IPush_closure(code)::c -> (match s with (VEnv(vs)::s) -> run_c11 c (VFun(code,vs)::s) d) | ICall::c -> (match s with (v1::v0::s) -> match v0 with VFun(code,vs) -> run_c11 code (VEnv(v1::vs)::VK(c)::s) d | VCont(c’,s’) -> run_c11 c’ (v1::s’) ((c,s)::d)) (* eval11 : t -> v *) let eval11 t = run_c11 (f11 t []) [VEnv([])] [] The defunctionalized VFun constructed in the IPush_closure case is destructed in the ICall case. Rather than defining an apply function for VFun, it is inlined into the body of the ICall case. At that time, the dummy continuation [] is also inlined and reduced away. Figure 11. Interpreter with linear instructions (eval11) 95 c hIAccess(n) :: c, VEnv(vs) :: s, di hIPush_closure(c0 ) :: c, VEnv(vs) :: s, di hIReturn :: , v :: VK(c) :: s, di hIPush_env :: c, VEnv(vs) :: s, di hIPop_env :: c, v :: VEnv(vs) :: s, di hICall :: c, v1 :: VFun(c0 , vs) :: s, di hICall :: c, v1 :: VCont(c0 , s0 ) :: s, di hIShift(c0 ) :: c, VEnv(vs) :: s, di hIReset(c0 ) :: c, VEnv(vs) :: s, di h[], [v], []i h[], [v], (c, s) :: di ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ hc, [VEnv([])], []i hc, (List.nth vs n) :: s, di hc, VFun(c0 , vs) :: s, di hc, v :: s, di hc, VEnv(vs) :: VEnv(vs) :: s, di hc, VEnv(vs) :: v :: s, di hc0 , VEnv(v1 :: vs) :: VK(c) :: s, di hc0 , v1 :: s0 , (c, s) :: di hc0 , [VEnv(VCont(c, s) :: vs)], di hc0 , [VEnv(vs)], (c, s) :: di v hc, v :: s, di Figure 12. The obtained virtual machine This transformation is an instance of defunctionalization and is correct. 6. straightforward: we sometimes have to imagine the result of program transformation and what it means. However, the functional derivation approach surely provides us with the guidance as to which ways we can go and explore. Furthermore, connection via simple program transformation appears to suggest the meaning of various implementation techniques in a succinct way. Discussion Because all the calls in run_d11 and run_c11 are tail calls, they can be directly converted to a virtual machine. Figure 12 shows the final virtual machine we obtained in this paper, after inlining run_d11 into run_c11. In addition to the standard calling convention (i.e., saving and restoring return addresses and values of live variables), it precisely specifies the behavior of stack copying at continuation capture and invocation. When a context is delimited (see the behavior of IReset in Figure 12), the next instruction c (= the current continuation) and the current data stack s are pushed on a dump and the current data stack is cleared. When a continuation is captured (via IShift), the next instruction c and the current data stack s are copied to the heap, the current data stack is cleared, and the body c0 of shift is executed. When the captured continuation is invoked, the next instruction c and the current data stack s are pushed on a dump and the saved continuation and the data stack are restored. Figure 12 shows more than that. Remember that a dump d is a list of (c, s), and c is a code pointer (the return address for the evaluation of the current context). Thus, the top of a dump holds a return address. This validates the invariant we presented in the previous work [20] to implement delimited continuations: a return address and a reset pointer always reside immediately under the current data stack. Readers may think that copying a data stack s for every reset and continuation invocation is not realistic. This can be easily avoided, if we regard a data stack s and a dump d as a single stack. Assume that d has the form [(c1 , s1 ); . . . ; (cn , sn )]. If we know the length of each data stack si , we can simply expand a data stack s and a dump d as a single stack: Acknowledgments We received valuable comments and suggestions from Olivier Danvy as well as anonymous reviewers; they improved the paper in various ways. References [1] Ager, M. S., D. Biernacki, O. Danvy, and J. Midtgaard “From Interpreter to Compiler and Virtual Machine: A Functional Derivation,” BRICS Research Report RS-03-14, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, 36 pages (March 2003). [2] Ager, M. S., D. Biernacki, O. Danvy, and J. Midtgaard “A functional correspondence between evaluators and abstract machines,” Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP’03), pp. 8–19 (September 2003). 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