Streaming BDD Manipulation for Large-Scale Combinatorial Problems Shin-ichi Minato and Shinya Ishihara NTT Network Innovation Laboratories 1-1, Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, 239-0847 Japan. fminato, Abstract We propose a new BDD manipulation method that never causes memory over ow or swap out. In our method, BDD data are accessed through the I/O stream ports. We can read unlimited length of BDD data streams using a limited size of the memory, and the result of BDD data streams are concurrently produced. Our streaming method features that (1) it gives a continuous trade-o between the memory usage and the streaming data length, (2) a valid partial result can be obtained before completing process, and (3) easily accelerated by pipelined multiprocessing. Experimental result shows that our new method is especially useful for the cases where conventional BDD packages are ine ective. For example, we succeeded in nding a number of solutions to a SAT problem using a commodity PC with a 64 MB memory, where the conventional method will require a 100 GB memory to compute it. BDD manipulation has been considered as an intensively memory-consuming procedure, but now we can also utilize the hard disk and network resources as well. Our method will lead a new style of BDD applications. 1 Introduction Boolean function manipulation is one of the most important techniques in digital system design and testing. Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs)[4] are now commonly used for handling Boolean functions because of eciency in terms of time and space. A number of BDD packages (e.g. [3, 10, 14]) have been implemented and successfully applied to many real-life problems. In conventional BDD packages, BDD data are constructed in the main memory. As repeating logic operations, the number of BDD nodes grows and grows, and sometimes abortion (or terrible performance down) occurs due to memory over ow. In general, we cannot know the peak BDD size beforehand, so we always have to be afraid of memory over ow. This is a common draw back of BDD-based applications. The cause of memory over ow is that the BDD manipulation is based on the hash table technique to keep the uniqueness of each BDD node. The hash table works under the bene t of the random access memory, and thus, the performance falls down impractically when the memory capacity is insucient. In this paper, we propose a new BDD manipulation method for processing unlimited BDD nodes with a limited size of hash table. It never causes memory over ow or swap out. BDD data are accessed through the I/O stream ports. We use the main memory only for temporary working space, while conventional method constructs the whole BDD data in the memory. Some of existing BDD packages (e.g.[14]) also have a function to save internal BDD data to a sequential le on the hard disk, however, they cannot load the BDD le beyond the main memory capacity. In our new method, we can read unlimited length of BDD data streams without memory over ow, and the result of BDD data streams are concurrently produced. Our streaming method features that (1) gives a continuous trade-o between the memory usage and the streaming data length, (2) a valid partial result can be obtained before completing process, and (3) easily accelerated by pipelined multi-processing. This paper is organized as follows: First we review the conventional BDD manipulation method in Section 2. We then describe our new BDD manipulation method in Section 3. We present implementation issues and experimental results in Section 4. Finally we describe related works and concluding remarks in Section 5 and 6. 2 Conventional BDD Manipulation In general, BDDs are constructed by a sequence of logic operations, starting from trivial, single-node BDDs. The binary operation algorithm[4] to generate a BDD h for the operation (f  g ) is based on the following expansion: f g = v 1 (f(v=0)  g(v =0)) + v 1 (f(v=1)  g(v=1) ); where v is the highest ordered variable in f and g . This formula represents a new node with the variable v and two sub-graphs generated by sub-operations (f(v=0)  g(v =0) ) and (f(v =1)  g(v =1) ). Repeating this expansion recursively for all the input variables, eventually trivial operations appear (e.g. f 1 0 = 0, f 8 f = 0, etc.), and the results are obtained. In this recursive procedure, a number of equivalent sub-operations may appear. To avoid those redundant operations, the following two techniques are used.   Unique table: a hash table to identify all existing nodes, so as not to create duplicated nodes. Operation cache: a hash-based cache to store recent sub-operations and the results. If this cache hits, further recursive calls are pruned. Using these techniques, the logic operation can be carried out in a time almost linear to the number of BDD nodes. A typical BDD package is implemented as a set of library calls in C or C++. BDD nodes are basically dened as an array of pointers in the program. The package is linked with application programs in the compilation process, and the memory block for the BDD nodes is allocated at the run time. As repeating logic operations, the BDDs grow in the memory, and sometimes fail to compute (or terrible performance down) due to memory over ow. BDD manipulation is very ecient if the memory size is sucient, but otherwise not so. A number of e orts have been devoted to handle large-scale BDDs beyond the memory limitation. Breadthrst algorithm[11] is one of the solutions to this problem. This algorithm slices the BDD nodes for each input variables, and manipulate them slice-by-slice. It reduces random accesses to the hard disk. In addition, there is a hybrid method[16] of breadth- rst and the depth- rst manners to improve performance. However, the breadthrst algorithm has a limitation that at least one slice of the BDDs must be stored in the same hash table to keep the uniqueness. If the \width of BDD" is too large, the memory over ow problem still remains. There are some other works to distribute the BDD data to the networked parallel machines[6, 15, 8]. In these methods, we can handle the large-scale BDDs beyond the memory limitation of a single machine; however, they still need the total memory capacity to store all the BDD nodes. Consequently, the existing BDD packages commonly have a limit of BDD nodes according to the memory capacity, and they cannot avoid abortion due to memory over ow. 3 Streaming BDD Manipulation In this section, we present a new algorithm of BDD manipulation based on the streaming data model. 3.1 Streaming Data Model First, suppose the bit-stream data of the truth tables for Boolean functions, as shown in Fig. 1. In this model, we can compute a logic operation bit by bit serially using no internal memory. However, the truth table representation always requires an exponential data length for an n-input function. We then consider the streaming BDD data model, as shown in Fig. 2. The serial operation of a truth table means a scanning of Boolean space in a xed order. This scanning corresponds to a depth- rst traversal of a BDD. If we serialize the BDD data into a stream le with a depth- rst traversal, we can compute a logic operation using no internal memory, as well as the truth table computation. Figure 3 illustrates the way of serialization. If we traverse a shared sub graph every times repeatedly, the data length also become exponential as well as the truth table. However, such a duplicated traversal can be avoided in the following way: if we nd a node Nk already have visited, the following traversal can be canceled just by Figure 1: Streaming truth-table computation. Figure 2: Streaming BDD computation. Figure 3: Serialization of a BDD. saying \Refer to Nk " in the streaming data. To implement this idea, we need a hash table to identify all visiting nodes. In addition, if the same node appears successively twice in the traversal, we can suppress the second appearance. This is the similar idea to delete a BDD node with the same destination of 0- and 1-edge. If the hash table size is sucient (i.e. all the nodes can be identi ed), the BDD data streams are just a serialization of BDDs. The important di erence is seen in the case of memory shortage. If a part of BDD nodes are missing from the hash table because of the memory limitation, we sometimes fail to know the repeated visit of a node, and a duplicated node may appear in the streaming data. This means a drop of data compression rate. More memory shortage will cause more falling down of the compression rate. Notice that, even if we have no memory for the hash table, the BDD data streams can be computed robustly as well as the truth tables. This is a great di erence from the conventional BDD packages. 3.2 Data Format Here we describe the streaming data format in our implementation. First, we specify the hash table size at the top. A BDD data stream must start with an integer MaxID to specify the table size, and the BDD manipulator knows the table size to see it. Each BDD node is identi ed by an integer ID from 1 to MaxID. The special ID 0 represents the 0-terminal nodes. As we use comple- Stream ::= MaxID Inv Node Inv ::= '~' | /* empty */ Node ::= SavedNode | TempNode SavedNode ::= '0' | ID | '(' SavedNode ')' | '(' SavedNode Inv SavedNode '):' ID TempNode ::= '(' Node Inv Node ')' MaxID ::= [1-9][0-9]* ID ::= [1-9][0-9]* Figure 4: Syntax of BDD data format. 0 1 a b c ab + c a8b8c ab + ac ab + bc + ac 0 ~0 (0~0):1 ((0~0):1) ~(((0~0):1)) ~(((0~0):1)(1 0):2):3 (((0~0):1~1):2~2):3. (((0~0):1)(0~0):2):3. ((0(0~0):1):2(1~0):3):4. 30 (((((((0(0(0~0):1):2):3(2(1~0):4):5):6(5(4~0):7) :8):9(8(7~0):10):11):12(11(10~(0 3):13):14):15) :16(15(14~(13 6):17):18):19):20(19(18~(17 9):21) :22):23):24. 20 (((((((0(0(0~0):1):2):3(2(1~0):4):5):6(5(4~0):7) :8):9(8(7~0):10):11):12(11(10~(0 3):13):14):15) :16(15(14~(13 6):17):18):19):20(19(18~(17 9):20) :16):12). 10 (((((((0(0(0~0):1):2):3(2(1~0):4):5):6(5(4~0):7) :8):9(8(7~0):10):9)(9(10~(0 3):6):9))(((8 10):9 (10~6):9)(9~(6(3 5):8):9)))(((((5 7):10(7~0):9) :6(9~(0 3):8):6)(6~(8(3 5):10):6))(((9~8):6~(8 10):6)~(6(10(5 7):9):6)))). Figure 6: Streaming data for \9sym". Figure 5: Simple examples of BDD data streams. ment edges[10], the 1-terminal is expressed as ~0. Figure 4 shows the syntax of the data format in a BNF-like description1 . In this format, we describe a node by a pair of parentheses enclosing the two child nodes (0-child 1-child). The nested parentheses represent the structure of the graph. `' is the inverter to the following node. `:' de nes an ID to the latest node and registers it to the node table. SavedNode expresses a node already stored in the table, and TempNode is a temporary node to be lost immediately. A SavedNode cannot have a TempNode in its child. An ID must be referred after its registration. If a pair of parentheses encloses only one node, it indicates that the two children are equivalent. In our format, we do not need an explicit notation of the input variable for each node because the context of parentheses indicates the corresponding variable2 . Figure 5 shows some simple examples of BDD data streams. If the original BDD nodes are no more than MaxID, the streaming BDD data uniquely represent Boolean functions under a xed variable ordering. If the table size is insucient, the streaming data may become di erent representations for the same BDD. For example, Fig. 6 show the streaming BDD data for the same function in di erent MaxIDs: 30, 20, and 10. The original BDD requires 24 nodes, so the table over ow occurs when MaxID = 20 or 10. In such cases, our format allows the recycle use of a \orphan" node ID, which is not referred from other nodes. For example, when MaxID = 10, the node `1' to the `10' are stored in the table normally, but there is no space to save the 11th node. We then erase the orphan node `9' and recycle the ID for the latest node. Consequently, the node `6' newly becomes orphaned, so it can be recycled on the next time. If there are multiple 1 Here we show a plain text format for easy debugging. A binary format will be more compact. 2 Our implementation employs run-length compaction for suc- cessive parentheses: e.g. `((((((' into `(*6'. Figure 7: Internal structure of the program. candidates to be recycled, we choose one waiting for the longest time. In this way, we can use the limited memory space eciently. 3.3 Logic Operation Figure 7 shows the internal structure of our implementation for binary logic operation. It has two BDD tables for the input parts and one BDD table for the output part. The table size of each input part is automatically decided to see the top of the data stream (i.e. MaxID). The table size of the output part can be set up by hand (speci ed in the command option). The output part has a hash-based unique table and a recycle queue to control memory usage. The input part does not have such devices and simply reconstruct BDD data sent from the upper-stream operation. At rst, we start parsing of the input data and store the BDD structure into the internal table. When a stored node ID reappears in the input data, we suspend parsing and switch the traversal to the internal table. After traversal of the sub graph in the table, we resume parsing of the input data. The main part applies the logic operation for each pair of corresponding BDD nodes of the two input parts, and sends the result to the output part. As well as the conventional BDD manipulation, we skip the redundant sub-operations by using an operation cache. This enables us to compute a logic operation in a time almost linear to the I/O data length. In the output part, we must consider the following case: when creating a new node, the data may be inconsistent since a child node might have been recycled. To detect such a case, we attach a time-stamp to each node to check the recycled use. If we detect inconsistency of a child node, we produce a TempNode instead of SavedNode. When the BDD table size is much more insucient, the node recycling occurs more frequently, more TempNodes are produced, and the output data grows longer. This method gives a continuous trade-o curve between the memory usage and the streaming data compression rate. Here we have discussed on the binary logic operations, but it is easily extended to the ternary (3-input) operations by adding one more input part. The use of a ternary operation will reduce computation time comparing to twice of binary operations, although we need an additional memory space for the extra input part. The 4-input (and more) operations are also possible in the same way. Figure 8: Trade-o between memory vs. data length. 4.2 Trade-o : Memory vs. Data Length  Memory requirement: 12 Byte/node for each input BDD table. 31 Byte/node for the output BDD table. (about a million BDD nodes in a 64MB memory.) As discussed in Section 3, the output BDD data grows longer when the hash table size is insucient. To show the trade-o curve of the data length for the table size shortage, we conducted the following experiment. First we provide a sucient size of the hash table and count the number of BDD nodes written in the output data. We then gradually decrease the hash table size to observe how the output data grows. The results are shown in Fig. 8. \adder10" and \mult10" are the 10 bit adder and multiplier. \8queens" is the solution function of 8-Queens problem. The others are chosen from MCNC'91 benchmark set. Since our program only handles single-output functions, we picked up the most (likely) complicated primary output in the circuit. In the memory suciency notation, 100% ratio means just enough to save the original BDD size. In this experiment, we can see di erent trade-o curves depending on the functions. For example, \mult10", \8queens", and \cm150a" are not so sensitive to the memory shortage up to only 10% or less. This means that we can eciently handle more than ten times larger BDDs beyond the memory capacity. On the other hand, \parity", \c432", and \too large" are very sensitive. In general, more shared BDDs are more sensitive to the memory shortage. Here we emphasize that the conventional BDD manipulation is anyway faced with memory over ow problem even if the suciency ratio was 99%. Although our method has some overhead in terms of data length or computation time, it enables us to avoid the unpredictable memory over ow.  Streaming data length: 4.3 Solving SAT Problems 4 Experimental Results We implemented a logic operation program to manipulate BDD data streams on the UNIX environment. The program, named BDDstrm, is written in 2,000 lines of C code. At rst we write some trivial BDD stream les, and we then repeatedly execute BDDstrm to construct the objective BDD streams. In the UNIX environment, we can conveniently use the pipe connection of the two or more processes in a command line. BDDstrm has an option to limit the output data length. The program automatically aborts at the speci ed limit to prevent hard disk over ow. In this case, or whenever we quit the process halfway, the incomplete output data represents a valid result for partial Boolean space. We can continue to apply the next operation to the incomplete output data stream. This is another feature of our streaming manipulation method. In addition, we implemented a program to save or load our BDD data streams from/to a conventional BDD manipulator. This enables us to link our new method to the existing BDD-based programs. 4.1 Basic Performances Here we summarize the basic performances of BDDstrm.  5 to 15 Byte/node. (about a million BDD nodes in a 10MB le) Computation performance (I/O throughput): 0.3 to 0.5 MB/sec . (about a million BDD nodes in 30 sec.) on a Celeron 300A, 64MB, FreeBSD 2.6. Many problems in LSI CAD and other elds of Computer Science can be formulated as a combinatorial problem to satisfy a set of Boolean constraints. For instance, graph coloring, the minimum ow, unate and binate covering, and 0-1 linear programming are the popular examples. SAT-based design veri cation/validation is also a new topic[13, 2] in recent years. Table 1: Experimental results for solving N-Queens Problem. N #Var 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Table 2: Pipelined multi-processing. Prev. Our method(No File Limit) (Lim:10MB) (Lim:1MB) CPU(s) Peak Node Final Node #Sol. CPU(s) #Sol. CPU #Sol. CPU 64 14.3 4,928 2,450 92 33.1 92 33.1 92 33.1 81 22.6 15,389 9,556 352 50.6 352 50.6 352 50.6 100 37.2 76,882 25,944 724 85.7 724 85.7 724 85.7 121 97.2 331,331 94,821 2,680 278.9 2,680 278.9 (513) 161.3 144 395.1 1,503,336 435,169 14,200 1,214.8 (9,085) 971.6 (349) 218.3 169 MemOut 9,225,382 2,213,507 73,712 7,857.7 (4,892) 1,511.3 (210) 282.8 196 MemOut 51,638,490 12,884,133 365,596 59,479.7 (2,354) 1,968.8 (126) 365.9 225 MemOut - TimeOut (2,189) 2,551.1 (91) 449.3 256 MemOut - TimeOut (1,307) 3,038.2 (46) 517.5 289 MemOut - TimeOut (996) 3,598.1 (25) 651.2 (Ultra SPARC 30, 128MB Mem, 2.5GB free HD, SunOS 5.6) Figure 9: Solving a SAT problem. There are several works (e.g. [9, 12]) to solve SAT problems using BDD manipulation. In the method, we rst generate BDDs for the respective Boolean constraints, and then try to compute conjunction (AND operation) of all the BDDs. The nal BDD represents the set of solutions to satisfy all the constraints. Unfortunately, we are sometimes faced with memory over ow for large-scale problems. We implemented a SAT-problem solver based on the streaming BDD manipulation. As shown in Fig.9, we prepare a BDD stream le for each constraint, and compute the conjunction by a cascade of streaming BDD processors. In this system, an intermediate BDD stream represents the \candidates" of solutions satisfying the constraints have processed in the upper stream. In other words, each processor lters the candidates by a constraint, and nally the solutions are extracted. In this system, some of processors may produce duplicated nodes when the memories are not sucient, however, those redundant nodes can be eliminated in the lower stream if the nal result of BDD is not very complicated. For example, if the problem is not satis able, the simple result \0" is produced from the nal processor after the whole data have been processed. In other words, when the rst BDD node appears at the nal output, immediately we know the satis ability. For a complicated problem, the intermediate streams may grow unlimitedly long, and we cannot know when it will be completed. If we quit the process halfway, the incomplete output data contains a partial set of solutions. This is a great difference from the conventional BDD manipulation, which gives no solutions in the case of over ow. To evaluate the e ect of our streaming manipulation, we conducted experiments of solving N-Queens prob- Solving 14-Queens PCs Elapse(s) Ratio 1 72,991 1.00 5 14,716 4.96 10 9,652 7.56 25 5,414 13.48 50 3,996 18.27 100 2,547 28.66 (Each PC: Celeron 300A 64MB Mem, 1GB free HD, FreeBSD 2.6, 100BaseT LAN) lems, as shown in Table 1. An N-Queens problem has 2 2 N places on the chessboard, so we prepared N Boolean 2 variables and N constraints to specify the problem. We then compute the conjunction of all the Boolean constraints. The column \Prev." shows the CPU time to solve the same problems using conventional BDD manipulation. They are a few times faster than our streaming method for small N 's, but for N > 12, they cannot nd any solution due to memory over ow. On the other hand, our streaming method succeeded in generating all the solutions up to 14-Queens beyond the memory limitation. In addition, with the limited length of BDD stream les, we could generate a partial set of solutions for larger N 's in a feasible computation time. This is another great bene t of our method. If we use a single processor, we have to save a BDD streaming le into the hard disk on each logic operation. Using multiple PCs, we can deploy the logic operations to the PCs and directly connect their I/O ports. In this way, the computation can greatly be accelerated according to the number of PCs. Table 2 shows the results of pipelined multi-processing on a networked PCs. In this pipelining approach, we do not need shared memories or special devices for parallel computing. In our experiment, we only used \rsh" and \mk fo", which are commonly supported in UNIX systems. 5 Related Works Our method is deeply related to the universal data compression theory. Most of le compression programs (e.g. \compress", \zip", etc.) are based on Ziv-Lempel compression[17], presented in twenty years ago. This algorithm stores the recent data into the internal table, and if the same sub-string appears more than once, puts out only the address of the sub-string stored in the table, instead of printing the sub-string. There are a lot of variations[1] of this method on the partitioning of substrings and the implementation of the dictionary. There are many intensive theoretical works in this eld. Our streaming BDD manipulation can also be regarded as a kind of the data compression method based on the BDD reduction rules. A big di erence is that our BDD data streams can be processed without decompression, while usual compressed data les have to be decompressed before applying meaningful operations. It will be interesting to discuss the BDD techniques on the aspect of data compression theory. 6 Concluding Remarks BDD manipulation has been considered as an intensively memory-consuming procedure; however, it will be hard to get a 10GB or 100GB monolithic memory block in the near future. The streaming manipulation enables us to utilize disk storage and networked resources as well. Our method will lead a new style of BDD applications. Currently, our streaming method has the following limitations.   Variable order cannot be changed dynamically. Quanti cation operation (e.g. AND-EXIST) cannot be executed in a simple pipelined processing. On the rst point, dynamic variable ordering is sometimes very powerful to reduce the BDD size. Unfortunately, our streaming method cannot change the parsing order of Boolean space during the process. It will be a good way to apply variable reordering for a sample BDD on the memory, and then retry the streaming operations for the whole function from the beginning. On the second point, the quanti cation operation requires folding of a BDD stream. This is hard for streaming computation without unlimited random access memories. In other word, it is so far dicult to directly apply our streaming method to the symbolic model checking. However, SAT-based design veri cation/validation method is also a new topic in recent years[13, 2], and there are many other LSI CAD applications in the NP or co-NP class. Our streaming method is useful for those applications. Lastly, it will be another interesting future work to consider streaming manipulation for some extended BDDs, such as MTBDDs[5] or EVBDDs[7]. References [1] T. Bell, I. H. Witten, and J. G. Cleary. Modeling for text compression. 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